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A New World (Vash_Bly X Shani)


Jan 20, 2011
It happened, It finally happened...after two Wizarding world wars, many casualties from friends and foes, they did it, they won. The Death Eater's won the war They with Voldemort at the helm won the war taking over the world. Although things seemed to change the views they followed were now questioned as The Dark Lord seemed to change his mind about having a world of Pure-Blooded wizards and witches, throwing everyone for a loop for they had fought so long and hard to try to rid the world of Mudbloods, half breeds, squibs, and muggles. He was letting everyone who bowed to him live and stay in their world.

Bellatrix Lestrange serving at his right hand, was shocked especially after suffering in Azkaban for a perfect world almost feeling betrayed by the change of mind or heart or whatever it was. Fourteen long years she sat and suffered in a dimly lit cell for blood purity and it now seemed for nothing. Her mental stability had suffered, as her her physical body enduring various tortures, including starvation by the guards who "forgot" to feed her. Yet Bella would still follow whatever the Dark Lord wanted She had followed him before the war, during the war and would follow him until she died being the loyal servant she was. Bellatrix was relaxing in the library reading a book, there was currently nothing to do with the war now being over she wasn't constantly running for missions.
Two long wars and it was finally over and when he had the chance to see his pure blooded world something with in him made him have a change of heart as he was a mixed blood as well. He knew that it did not sit will with his men and fellow woman, but the truth was it was his word and that was what mattered. He didn't need to explain himself, but he fought those that opposed him, while he didn't kill them he showed them that it did not matter what they said.

He did not know what to do about Bellatrix his loyal lieutenant since their school days. He walks into the library and he sighs walking over to Bellatrix. He was at a lost for words when it came to her and he sighs. "Bellatrix a few words?" He asks
Bellatrix was laying across one of the couches by a fire place within the library. Sure she had fought mercifully for a war that was a complete lie, suffering for many years, but what did that matter? Bellatrix wouldn't fight or argue about it, he was in power like he always wanted. Plus she came this far why die over a silly decision. Hearing foot steps approach her, she continued reading until she heard him speak. "My Lord?" She asked wondering what he needed to speak to her about, marking her page in her book sitting up on the couch.
He just could not believe it, he was a powerful, proud wizard but when it came to her, to Bellatrix he was rendered inept. He knew Bellatrix well, she had been loyal since school and when he rose to power she was always by his side She took pain and torture for months. He should have seen that she cared for him. He sighs and looks at her and points to the couch, "Is this seat taken?" He asks politely. He stood there and waited for an answer. To his death eaters he was someone with impenetrable armor, but that was a lie. Bellatrix stripped him of that impenetrable armor.
Bellatrix sat there looking at the Dark Lord wondering what he wanted of her. It wasn't like he paid much attention to her during the war especially when she needed it after being freed from Azkaban. Bella was often only needed for missions she didn't think there was anything going on now that the war was won. Bellatrix loved him for so many years even before he became the Dark Lord back when he was Tom Riddle. Forced to marry her husband Rudolphus but still in love with Tom who back then only saw her as a follower. Becoming a death eater for him and for her family's sake since her cousin Sirius brought disgrace on the Black name, and she killed him for their noble cause. Bellatrix wasn't the young girl she once was, having grown with age being 47 years old getting closer to 50. She grew tired, and was weak from the constant battles, fighting, missions, still in rough shape from Azkaban aliments that may or may not have fully healed from the lack of being seen by a healer. He was so quiet Bellatrix didn't know what to expect she never had much one on one time with him. Looking at the seat beside her as he pointed wanting to sit down. Shaking her head 'no' implying it wasn't taken. "Not at all, please..." She said moving over more to give him room.
He sat down next to her and sighs, "Look I know that my decision was not to every ones liking, but I didn't do it because I didn't want to fight any longer. the truth is that my thought was about someone... Someone that till recently did not matter, but now that person does matter. I stopped fighting because of those that believed in our cause." He informs her. He looks at her and smiles, "It isn't a wild guess to figure out which of my death eaters I am talking about Bellatrix" He informs her. He thinks about it for a minute and then looks over at her wondering what she would say or do. He got up and looks around once again, "Would you like to grab a bite to eat?" He asks nicely. He taps his foot and waited for some sort of reply.
Bellatrix listened her face was cold wanting to hear what he had to say. Looking at him curious they had won he was in power it wasn't about fighting he had changed his views after they had won the war. Not understanding what he was talking about he changed his views for someone...who could that be? Bellatrix didn't understand, they had all wanted a pure blood life dealing with the mudbloods and half bloods that supported them, not understanding why his mind had changed. Bellatrix had no idea what or who he was talking about, "My Lord if I may, We fought for one cause many lost their lives and their families for that cause...and now a different cause in in place many are not happy..." She replied then thinking "I'm sorry my Lord I don't know what came over me..." Bella said never speaking out or against the Dark Lord before. "No... thank you My Lord...I'm not hungry..."
"You are the cause of my change of heart Bellatrix, if I put in place the policy of a pureblood wizarding world we would be in another war. A war I would rather prevent if it meant having you by my side." He informs her. He looks down at the fragile adult and sighs, "Well we have to get you feed I know of the torment that the prison has done to you and well I want to try to make it better." He informs her. He sighs and looks at her and sighs, "I am so sorry Bellatrix." He says softly.
Bellatrix looked at him curiously blinking at him. Did he just say she was his reason for the change, but she didn't want the change nor support it. He did have a point at some point there would be another war because of it. Bellatrix was always at his side fighting for her right to be there. Resting her head in her hand, "I rarely feel hunger My Lord...ask Cissy. She usually forces me to eat..." Bellatrix said softly. "How do you intend to make it better My Lord? Hm? I can't sleep when I do I awake from slumber in the dead of night, every night screaming and fighting until Narcissa comes in to snap me out of it Dementors don't like to let go. I eat 1/3rd of a meal a day, unable to ingest more, and she makes sure I eat other wise I won't...I'm frail and always in pain, injuries that have never had the time or chance to heal. Severus was making me potions throughout the war, but now that the war is over and he's at Hogwarts he hasn't been making them." Bellatrix for the first time to anyone other than her sister she told her weaknesses, usually trying to be strong and fight against it never did she think to tell the Dark Lord she had these issues afraid to have been punished or demoted because of them but there was nothing to fight for now. She told him the hell's she's faced. "Why are you sorry My Lord? I was given and chose my path long ago." She said softly trying to calm herself. Granted most of this was because she followed him so loyally she tried to find him when he fell and was sent to Azkaban.
He looks at her and thinks, " I will ask Severus for the potion... I will make it my mission to get you back to a hundred percent... You know me Bellatrix I am a stubborn old fool. I don't really.... Putting an end to this war has left me with a lot of time... Time to... Reflect and with that time I realized all sorts of bad things that I have done." He informs her. He offers his hand and smiles hoping that she would take it. He sits and waits unsure of what she would do.
Nodding her head as he said he would call upon Severus to get the potions. Bellatrix wasn't always a fan of Severus thinking he was a double agent for most of the war but the potions he made were spot on and helped her continue fighting. "I doubt I will make a full recovery my Lord this is 14 plus years of pain, torment, and injuries after all." Bellatrix replied she suffered so long in the dark wanting him to at least notice her, only acknowledging her through the war when she was of use for missions. At least that was how she felt and what it seemed to be. Bellatrix saw his hand she just looked at it not understanding what to do. She didn't see anything in his hand, looking up to him him seeing his smile. Gently and shakily Bella raised her hand placing her slender clawed fingers in his hand.
He helps her up and leads her towards the kitchen, "I promise you Bellatrix I will make you perfect again... I won't stop till you are better." He informs her. He helps her sit down at the table and he sat next to her, "Is there anything you would like to eat? Or is what the cook is making fine." He asks. He wanted her to be happy and well most of all better. He looks at her lifting her hand and kissing it softly before putting her hand back down, "So after lunch I was thinking about a stroll through the gardens... Just you and me along. With nothing to worry about, what do you think?" He asks of her. If she said no he could always insist, but with Bellatrix he knew that no was not a word she would utter to him out of fear, but then again he was becoming more tolerant of people which meant if she said no that he would be okay with it
Bellatrix winced as he helped her up from the couch her sore mussels ached. Bellatrix raised an eyebrow, when he claimed he would somehow make her well again. Sitting at the table as he got her into a sitting position. She shook her head she didn't care, she wouldn't be able to eat much of it anyway. Tilting her head curiously as he took her shaky hand kissing it. Blinking at him she was lost not knowing what came over him for years decades even Bella had tried to be affectionate, to show that she loved him but she had given up he always pushed her away. Never noticing her advances but now out of the blue Voldemort was showing her attention and affection. It was difficult for her to grasp. "Um...what?" She asked softly.Bellatrix thought about saying no for what was there to do in the garden? It seemed strange that he wanted to do things with her actually acknowledging her. Then again what would happen if she said no would he be angry with her? she really didn't want to risk it. "If...if that's...what you wish my Lord...?" She said agreeing to go with him if that's what he wanted.
He looks at her as he places the hand on the table and then smiles, "I know this is all knew to you Bellatrix I just want you to know that you don't have to say yes to me every time I ask you to do something. You can say no if you wish... I won't be mad... A bit sad but not mad." He tells her. The cook brought a small of soup and then Voldemort hands it to Bellatrix he puts the spoon in the bowl and looks at her. He knew that she would eat little but the truth was that eating little was a good start. He looks at her as a second was giving to him and he starts to eat slowly looking at Bellatrix.
Looking at her hand as he placed it back to the table, she didn't know what to do her emotions were confused, plus she wasn't feeling well and the whole he caned his views after they had won the war. Know she was really confused he was giving her an option, an option to refuse him, to tell him no? Bella had never told him no before, always knowing better than to do that. Hearing he would be upset but not angry with her, she thought he might be feeling ill too, possibly delirious maybe Narcissa could take a look at him. Seeing the smaller bowl placed in front of her it smelled great but most of the time food made her nauseous, though she would fight it and try to eat anyway to not get sick. Waiting for him to get his bowl and begin eating before she did. Bella took her spoon and began to play with her soup a bit, before she began to eat it tasted good, it was enjoyable.
He understood her confusing after all this He stops eatwas not really the Voldemort she knew. The one she new and grew up to him was a savage one who didn't show any mercy the one that killed without mercy. He eats slowly looking over at her, "If you want to do something for me... I do have a task for you some one did try to kill me and I need to know why you are the best person I know for the job." He admits.
Bellatrix ate quietly, finishing about half of the bowl of soup unable to eat anymore than that. Siting with he as he ate, it would be rude o leave, plus they were going to the gardens. Looking up at him as he said he had something for her to do. "When would you like me to go and is there any information I need to know? Any possible leads?" She asked him curiously there were thousands of people in the wizarding world she wondered if the potential assassin was still in the area or was long gone after failing.
He looks at her and smiles, "Well he was already taken captive and you are the torturer we have and you know know you are the one person well the only one I trust me Bellatrix... Would you like this take I have no problem giving it to some one else if you would like I only want what is best for you... Seems odd I know but it is the truth Bellatrix." He informs her. He smiles and thinks, "Well the call is your Bellatrix I will respect whatever you decide." He adds. He finishes his soup and slides the bowl away and waits for her answer. He couldn't believe everything had changed, but here he was now.
That was partially a relief as much as she enjoys a chase but it's much easier when he's already captured. Listening to him speak she smiled as he said he trusted her and she was a good torturer. Upon hearing he could give it to somebody else a crazy twinkle appeared in her eye, again with the choice thing, Bellatrix almost never said no when asked to do something he gave her a task and now saying he;d give it away. It was starting to make her crazy, "No!" She said in a hushed tone, "My Lord... I can do it." She replied Bella had been waiting for something to do since the war ended she was so bored, while he was dangling a torture mission, then saying he could always give it to someone else she couldn't tell if he was toying with her or not. Always staying at him right hand she refused to lose her favor. hat was how it had been for years.
He notices the glee in her eyes as he mentioned the task set before her. He offers her a smile and laughs, "Well the walk in the garden can wait then shall we get going?" He asks nicely. He rose from the table and smirks, " I will be in the dungeon waiting." He informs her as he walks away. He apparates to the room and looks around, "Has he said a word?" He asks. "No sir." Was the answer. He smirks, "Well I am sure he will talk after all Bellatrix is on her way down." He states. the guards laugh, "Oh really now I do love watching her work... She makes good on her promises of pain and anguish... She will get him to talk." They say
Bellatrix didn't wan him to take her task away, with the war ending she had been pretty useless since her skills weren't being used. Seeing his smile hoping he wasn't laughing at her. Nodding as he said the walk could wait, there was something more important than flowers to deal with. Seeing him stand and head to the dungeon, Bella stood apperating into the corner of the cell with the prisoner. Bellatrix was silent lurking in the dark before stepping into the dim lighting. Circling the prisoner like a vulture stalking her prey. Putting her hands on his shoulders bringing her head to his ear. "Now...we can do this the easy way... or the hard's your choice, Who sent you? Who are you? and Why did you try to assassinate the Dark Lord?" Bellatrix asked waiting for an answer upon not hearing anything she stood up moving her hands through his hair making him face her, "HM...What's a matter?...Cat's got your tongue? pity I have you a chance...." She spoke softly hitting his head Standing in front of him "ANSWER ME!" She yelled growing impatient. "CRUCIO!" Bella screamed pointing her wand at him watching his body spaz listening to his screams.
Voldemort looks over at the screaming body and smirks and watches Bellatrix work and a devious smile and enjoys her work. "Are you having fun Bellatrix?" He asks. He smirks and gives her a kiss on the cheek and thinks to himself loving the way the guy screamed. "Having fun Bellatrix? I know I am... I love it when you make them suffer and scream." He tells her. He looks at the man and he got a sick twisted pleasure from it and he looks at her and pulls out his wand and smirks, "Crucio." He shouts. The spell hit the man and he screams a withers in front of them and he laughs.
Bellatrix continued then let up slightly, wanting him to feel it knowing if she kept the same strength he would grow used to it and that wouldn't be fun. Bella turned towards him as he asked her if she was having fun. Of course she was she had endured suffering so she enjoyed watching others suffer. He through her off by giving her a kiss on her cheek the spell let up completely she didn't know what to do for a minute stunned. Blinking at him as he asked her again, nodding her head slightly. Seeing his wand she looked at the man snapping back realizing she had stopped. Pointing her wand again silently casting another Cruico.
Voldemort walks over to Bellatrix and smiles, "If you think this guy will be fun.. I assure you that the other will be even better... The other captive is the person that hurt you... the one that tortured you when you were in Azkaban... I wanted to kill him myself, but I figured where is the fun in that figured we can do that together." He tells her. He looks at her and smiles, "Please do continue on. I was enjoying how you were tormenting him... I was just starting to enjoy myself... Like I said carry on." He informs her. He watches closely and a a crooked smile came to his face. He looks at Bellatrix and smirks, "Well I look forward to watching him suffer." He tells her.
Bellatrix's eyes went wide when he said one of the guards that had tortured her and tormented her for the 14 years in prison, was there. It through her off her focus as her curse stopped. Now it depended on which one was there, there were a few awful ones but one was the worst of all which worried her. Looking a the victim as he attempted to recover from pain giving him a moment. Standing behind him moving away from Voldemort grabbing his hair trying to put what the dark lord said to her to the back of her mind. Yanking his head back, "Are you going to tell me what I want to know?" she hissed.
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