Policed (lady/moon)

Nov 30, 2010
Tony stark paused in the middle of doing up his tie again, the dark strands of his hair standing up every which way, and despite only being 29, there were faint lines starting around the edges of his eyes, after a lifetime of squinting at details and reports, the wear of the job was starting to show on the Inspector General’s face. One of the best in New York City at the time, the youngest ever appointed in fact, and despite his care to make it seem effortless, the wear of doing so was starting to show. Finishing his tie he lit the cigarette, ignoring the look he got for his efforts. For all he could care, the FBI agent across from him could kiss his ass.

“What do you mean that you’re assigning two agents to my division? I know you guys over at the FBI have a hard time reading, but even you can read teh door. It says the police department, not FBI. I don’t want to agents.”Tony said glaring at Fury even as his eyes tracked the two agents making their way across the bullpen towards his office. And while most would question his instant knowledge that they were the FBI, there was something...definitely Federal about the blond and bruntte walking towards him, even as he kicked the door shut in their faces childishly. No one had ever claimed Tony stark was a grown up about thigns he didn’t like.
Steve Rogers was your typical FBI Agent. stiff backed and full of himself. he gave orders and expected them to be obeyed without question. he had don a stint in the Army, where he had done some very impressive, and some very horrible things for his country. it had left him a little disconnected and made him look, and feel, rather emotionless. not that he would disagree, emotions where useless, they just got you in trouble and got you hurt. the only person Steve truly still expressed his emotions to was his partner, James Barnes, and that was only because the asshole wouldn't leave him alone about it. he had grown up with James and they had gone to the army together. so really, if anyone was going to draw Steve out of his shell it was going to be James. even James couldn't wipe the very unhappy scowl from Steve's face though. he was being reassigned to watch over some crap police force. sure, they where some of the best, they had no 'jurisdiction' and they took on some of the most difficult cases in the country, still. Steve had been more than happy hunting down federal criminals. he had no idea why Fury was insisting on this crap. his scowl only deepened when the door was slammed in his face. "i hate this assignment already. do you think he'd believe me this time if i quit?" considering Steve quit about once a week, he probobly wouldn't.

"i mean, i've been having complaints and they need a break before they beat someone's face in. everyone wins here so i don't know why your being so difficult." Fury admitted, pretending that he hadn't just watched his on the edge FBI special agent have a door slammed in his face. "your a child and you need someone here to keep an eye on you while those corruption rumors die down." he admitted, watching Tony. "you have to do it Stark or your fired and you know it."
James paused, running a hand through his slightly long hair, the scruff that left him looking just a little less like the baby faced kid the agents all thought he was, instead looking more edgy and more lost. The scars of a war showing on the outside as well as behind the carefully placed mask. He wasn’t bothered with people underestimating him, he usually found out more things that way. Blinking as he stopped, the only sigh he’d been startled with having the door slammed in his face, he tilted his head at his best friend. “No probably not. But if you fuck the police Captain, he might fire you, and deal with the corruption charges by himself.”

“If you just dump them on anyone like you are me, no wonder you’re getting complaints. And putting them here isn’t going to make them less likely to hit someone, more likely really. You’re dumping them in the middle of Little Italy. Violence is more common here then our good mayor would have people believe.”Tony said pausing in the act of pulling his jacket on, “...”He stared at the other, he really, really didn’t want to do it but...he liked his job. And no matter what anyone said, he wasn’t corrupt, he just lived more in a grey world, then most police were comfortable with. “Fine. Get out. I’m late for a lunch date....though. I should probably invite your men, I mean, they are here to investigate me, might as well drag them along.”
Steve shook his head, annoyed and getting more annoyed. "i wouldn't touch that dirty bastard unless it was to haul his ass to jail." he admitted. He had managed to make it out of the war without any scars, at least none that could be seen. being tortured with freezing ice and running water had left him deeply traumatized. not that anyone but James and Fury knew. "everyone knows he's corrupt. i don't understand why we can't just arrest him." he complained, shaking his head. "Hello." a young man said, standing next to them, his head tilted. he was extraordinarily young. "if your waiting to go inside you'll be here for a while. Mr. Stark and Mr. Fury are always fighting. it's better if you come back later." he admitted. "Mr. Fury only comes around when he's going to make us all do something we don't want to do so everyone's going to be in a bad mood for a few days." he admitted. "oh, i'm Leo by the way, Leo Fitz." he admitted happily. "...yeah. hey." Steve said, wondering why there was a kid working in the most prodigious Detective Police force in the state, if not the country. "how long do they usually take?" "depends on how annoying the order is. sometimes tn minutes... they've never broken three hours though." he admitted. "...if i have to wait here for three hours i'm going to be pissed." "there's a really nice lounge if you need to wait."

"look, Tony. don't think i'm stupid." he ordered. "i'm placing them here to help quell some of the rumors that we both know are not all that far off the mark." Fury admitted. "and i need my boys to realize that they can't behave the way they've been behaving and that there's more to life than a line down the middle of right and wrong." he admitted, standing up. "my boys will get themselves settled while your on your lunch date, or take them with. whatever you want." he said, shrugging a little. "they're here to learn lessons." he admitted. "i know they'll learn what they need to learn." he admitted, heading out the door. "Leo." "hello Mr. Fury." "it's just Fury, snot nosed Brat." "yes Mr. Fury." "...." Fury shook his head and left and Fit glanced at Tony. "so? what's he want? we're not being ordered of the DeGrassio case are we? because i found key evidence! there was Japanese Anemone petals under her nails and pollen in her hair. she died in the Conservatory garden, and she struggled too. several plants, i would imagine, would have been crushed in the struggle, thus the petals under her fingernails and the pollen in the head wounds. so her body was moved post-mortem." well, now Steve knew why Fitz was there. looks like the little guy had just solved a three month old 'cold case'. "...wait. you can tell the difference between pollens?" Steve asked the kid, blinking when Fitz rolled his eyes. "this is why i don't talk to civilians Tony." since Tony had said that Fitz needed to 'get out more' and 'socialize properly' because Fitz hated people and typically only spoke, long term, to the people who had worked in the Detective Police Force for at least a month. since they rarely got new people who stayed that long, Fitz spoke only to the people who had been there from the beginning. mostly Bruce Banner and Jemma Simmons.
“Hmm, you could put him in handcuffs. From the rumors, he might enjoy that.”James snickered a little, before sighing. “Because we can’t prove it. He’s never crossed the line anywhere we can prove it. That;s why we’re here.”James said before looking at the kid, raising a eyebrow. Wondering what a kid was doing here? “No, we’re supposed to be in the meeting with them, but he just slammed the door on us.”James said scowling a little. “I’ll be pissed to. We’ll take it out on him if he makes us wait that long.”

“...”Tony sighed shaking his head a little but not arguing with what they both indeed knew was true. Just because he hadn’t crossed that unforgivable line yet, he still bent things to fit him sometimes. “Ahhh, I see. I’m going to make them bend, and you do realize they might break before doing it?”Tony said thoughtfully, before looking thoughtful. “I always do what I want.”He added snickering a little as he followed the two out, looking at Fitz. “Of course not. Keep working. I have another project for you after we get back from lunch.”Tony said smiling at the youngster, because he really did like him. He totally got the socially awkward kid. Looking up at the two FBI agents he smirked a little. “Yes, each plant has a certain code for it. Sorta like DNA. You know, that thing that tells everything how to act inside something.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little. “Fitz, meet your new understudies, Steve Rogers and James Barnes.” “Wait, what? We’re-” “I know what you’re supposed to be doing. You’re goign to be working cases. You’re starting in the lab with him. After lunch. Come on, we’ll talk over lunch.”He said moving around them, heading for the door. “Call me if you need anything Fitz.”
Steve snorted. "he is a sick and depraved soul and i hope he burns in hell." he admitted before staring at Fitz who blinked and then looked at them rather wary. "...oh joy." Fitz mumbled, realizing why they where there. he suddenly wasn't as happy as he had been a moment ago but didn't leave or be outwardly rude to them. he was still friendly enough he just didn't look very pleased. "you can try to take it out on him." Fitz said, looking very amused. "it won't work. it's Tony Stark you know. nothing fazes him and he always gets his revenge in the end." he admitted. "he once turned Bruce green for an entire week because Bruce switched us all to De-caf..." he paused. "that was a terrible week." he admitted. "Tony was pissed because Bruce wouldn't turn the coffee back and Bruce was pissed because he was green and Phil was pissed because he had to come in and make them behave like they where naughty children..." here Fitz's grin turned sharp. "he made them stand in a corner. it was awesome."

"if they break, then they break. something needs to happen or Rogers is going to end up in the nuthouse after a mental breakdown." he admitted. "no one but James, his partner, and me seams to realize just how on the edge Steve Rogers really is." Fury admitted. "something needs to bend and yes, even break or he's going to do something we'll all regret. focusing on you allows us a chance to get in his head a bit more and help before he shatters." he admitted before smirking at Tony. "that brat has been a bad influence on you." he stated. it was one of Tony's friends favorite things to say when someone protested his decisions. Fitz examined Tony curiously before beaming at the promise of another project. "that's kind of neat." Steve admitted. "so how do you know this flower came from the garden?" he wondered, Fitz staring at him as if he was stupid. "...uh, because they don't grow anywhere else in the tri state area?" Fitz asked rather sarcastically, making Steve blink. "...good point." why did he suddenly feel as small as a snail and just as stupid as one? what was with this kid? "...wait. what!? Tony. Tony no! you can't! i've been good haven't i!?" Fitz protested. "please! you can't! i'll never get anything done with people as.... not intelligent as me hanging around!" he protested, looking almost like he was about to have a panic attack. "wait. they're mine, right? i can do whatever i want to them?" he demanded of Tony. "you promise?" he demanded. Tony could see Fitz's mind ticking, this was not a good thing for any of them but Tony would probobly promise if only to calm Fitz down. Steve however felt a flash of war fear. this kid, he was dangerous.
“I’m sure you’ll get your wish soon enough.”James said tilting his head at his best friend before watching fitz. “I’m sure we can find something that’ll faze him. He’s what, 29?He can’t have experienced all that much. I mean, he never leaves the city.”James said already plotting how to punish tony, simply because fitz had said it wouldn’t work. And while he knew what everyone knew about Tony Stark, it was like holding a handful of puzzle pieces, and thinking you saw the whole puzzle without knowing you were missing other stuff. Looking startled as he considered that. “That’s....insane.”He said slowly, wondering just what they were getting into.

“Well then. As long as you’re aware of what could happen, we’ll take care of your boys here.”Tony said with that smirk that said he was already plotting things to do to the FBI agents now making a home in his place. “No one is a bad influence on me. Why does everyone keep telling me that?”Tony whined a little, as old as he was, he definitely didn’t act like it, a problem with growing up a child genius in the middle of a mafia war that had threatened to drown new york in blood, he acted out now that he was safe and old enough to do so, having grown up long before he should have had to. “It is fairly neat. And behave Fitz, be nice to the brainless in suits. It’s not their fault the FBI recruits braindead soldiers.”Tony ordered ignoring the glare he could feel James giving him. “What-” “Hey. You are amazing, Fitz, as always. But I have things to take care of. I don’t need the FBI underfoot.”Ha, let Rogers think he was up to something illegal. Fucking with his head was completely okay, and hell exactly what Fury was hoping he’d do. “Yes, they’re yours. For the next 48 hours, then I’m giving them to Barton and Rommanov, might as well switch them around and figure out where tehy fit best.” “Do we get any choice?” “No.”Tony said simply before smirking at Fitz.”Promise, as long as they’re not dead or permanently maimed, have fun. After lunch. I have someone they need to meet if they’re going to work for me.”Tony said snickering mentally, introducing the FBI to Loki without warning either the agents or loki was going to amuse him greatly.
Fitz shook his head. "you people. thinking you know everything just because you read a newspaper. you know nothing about Tony." he huffed, shaking his head. "you have no idea the hell he's experienced." he admitted, staring softly at the door. no one else but Tony knew just why Fitz was so loyal to Tony. no one else but Tony knew what hell Fitz himself had been through. Fitz's mother had been a genius, which was where he got his smarts. his father on the other hand was a rapist and a abuser. when the man got drunk, who he raped depended on who was closer, the one he didn't rape got a beating. it was a no win situation so the mother and son had traded off until Loki had found out and informed Tony. Loki got the man, and Tony got the son. the mother died in the hospital from her injuries and all of it had been hushed up to spare Fitz. Fitz knew more about Tony than anyone, save maybe Loki, because they'd stayed up late sometimes, talking about their nightmares.

Fitz shrugged. "i don't like them here. i want them to go away." Fitz admitted, looking rather unhappy at the idea of new people being in his space. new people who would tease him for being smarter than they where and new people who would throw off the flow and get in the way and make things take too long. he looked much happier at the promise that he wouldn't have to put up with them for too long though. "okay! i will." he promised happily and wandered off. "he's gonna be mad at you!" Fitz called. he adored Loki almost as much as he adored Tony after all. they where his heroes. Fitz actually lived with Loki, since Fitz was only eighteen. Fitz could have lived on his own, but he didn't know how to take care of himself, so Loki made sure he was well taken care of. "why are we going to lunch with you and why does that kid give me the unsettled feeling of psyco?" "Psychopath." stated Phil Coulson as he walked in. "Fitz is a Psychopath. don't worry, he's monitored very closely and takes medication as well as sees a discreet therapist. while he doesn't understand right from wrong on an emotional level, he has studied the law extensively as well as human rights and common person behavior so he is unlikely to actually hurt you." "...i thought psychopaths where criminals?" Steve asked, looking agitated. "no. of course not. psychopathy is an emotional and mental disorder. it's just that many of them have gotten no help because no one knows they need help." Phil said with a roll of his eyes before turning his attention to Tony. "i'm here for Fitz, i'm sure he's forgotten he has an appointment during lunch." Fitz always forgot days, dates and times. things like the passing of time meant very little to him, especially when he was on a case. there where days when they had to lock him out of the building so he would go home, eat, bathe and sleep. for Fitz, his job was his life and only Tony or Loki could tell him otherwise and even then it only worked when Fitz felt like it.
“Yea me to, but I rather like my job more, and them being here is the price of it.”Tony said looking decidely unhappy about it, which just made James curious to learn more about the man. “He probably will, but shaking him up is good for him somedays. He needs surprises.”And dragging the FBI to lunch with a crime lord was definitely a good surprise. At least when it was tony who got to watch. He had a feeling loki wouldn’t appreciate it. “You’re going to lunch because I had plans before you’re boss dumped you on me. And you find Fitz disturbing because I think you find anything remotely amusing disturbing.” “....Why is he working here then?If he...”James trailed off looking agiated and worried as she considered things. “He understands law, probably more then most. You’re physical safety is better with Fitz then others. And he’s brilliant, never had a better Squint.”Tony shrugged though there was annoyance tightening his features as he watched the two. Wanting to toss them out. If they had this much of a problem with Fitz, he had no desire to be around when they figured just how big of a hole there was blown right through the middle of what should have been Tony’s conscience. “He probably has. He just headed back for the lab.”Tony paused watching the other man, “You need me to cancel?I can go with you guys.”He said, phil and fitz were one of the few people tony would ever be willing to set aside his weekly lunch with loki and thor.
"fine..." Fitz grumbled before snorting. "he's going to put nasty things in your food and hide your coffee and turn your feet pink again." Fitz warned with a grin before brightening. "oh! i'll get to help! awesome!" Fitz always got to help with the prank wars, and he loved it because he himself was never pranked. mostly because they liked him too much and knew that they could easily go too far. with Fitz sometimes the worst things wouldn't bother him, and the most inconsequential would leave him a sobbing distraught mess. "he is working here..." Phil said, sounding very, very annoyed. he adored Fitz, everyone adored Fitz. "because he was Legally rendered into Tony's care. he is working here, because he is one of the most brilliant minds this country has ever seen. he is working here, because we, unlike you, are not bigoted assholes who seam to think a mental disorder defines who you are, what your going to be and what you can do." Phil snapped, making Steve cringe because, well, that was kind of true. they didn't have any right to judge Mr. Fitz just because Psychopath was known more as criminal thing than a mental disorder. clearly the boy was getting a hell of a lot of help for it so who was he to judge?

"no. we're fine." Phil promised with a smirk. "i have bribes ready if he protests." ah yes, bribes. being that he'd had a very deprived childhood, Fitz would, and had, mutilate for a chocolate or a sweet. the more sickly sweet it was the more he wanted it. Phil was a smart man to know to bring sugar. "you have a lunch date don't you? aren't you going to be late?" Phil asked, checking his watch before shrugging and heading off to go corral a rather irate Fitz who didn't want strangers in the bullpen or the labs or in his place or near him. "i don't WANT to go to Therapy!" was the last thing Steve heard as he stepped outside and he had to chuckle. Fitz had the whining temper tantrum of a two year old down even more perfectly than Tony did. "so who are you having a lunch date with that you want us to see so bad then?" Steve demanded, wondering if they where about to be punked. probobly.
“He is, but it’s okay. For this date, it’s worth it.”Tony snickered a little. James winced, swallowing thickly. “I didn’t mean anything...I just....when we normally meet the psychopaths, we’re at the wrong end of a gun for it. I apologize for assuming the worst.”James said bowing his head a little, running a hand through his hair. Hating that he’d assumed the worst thing about the boy, simply because he was working for tony. Watching interested as he watched the two.

“Good. And hm, in that cause I’m leaving. That crap he eats is sickening sweet.”Tony said before wincing. “I am, and I will be. But I’ll tell them it was cause Fury and these two caused it. Hopefully, the boys will blame it on them, and not me.”Tony grinned looking amused as they headed out, glancing at the two. Wondering just how much they knew about him, and if his past had made it out of the realm of simple rumor in the FBI. Though probably not, he’d never been adopted under his actual name, more like simply taken in like a lost pet, indeed if he had to consider how his foster father had treated him, it was more like a beloved pet then child. Though he’d been taken care of, he’d been ignored by the patriarch of the Asgard clan, more that the sons were who took care of the slightly younger tony. Though he was only a year younger then Loki, and three then thor. So it was despite the rumors, a rare thing that people outside of his group of chosen few, realized that he was actually part of the Asgard clan, despite having been born part of the Stark family who had controlled lower manhattan until Howard stark’s death. In the years between, he’d done a rare thing for a mob son. Gotten out of it. “My brothers.”he said snickering quietly to himself as he headed for the townhouse, walking in as he called out a greet. “Hey!Sorry, I got tied up at work. Hope you guys didn’t start eating without me.”
Phil sniffed. tht single sound was enough to make Steve feel about ten centimeters tall. "it is rather sickening." Phil agreed with a chuckle, examining the disgusting sugar frosted creme filled cake thing he'd gotten from the local Deli/Bakery. it was the most disgusting thing he could find so e knew Fitz would love it. "i'm sure they will blame where blame is due." Phil teased.

"Tony!" Thor crowed, delighted, beaming at him. his head of golden hair shining in the sunlight as he stood up and enveloped Tony in a tight hug. Thor wasn't your typical Mob Boss. he was perpetually happy, quick with physical affection and the sight of blood nauseated him. there was no one better to lay down a beat down on someone than Thor though, and Thor had beat the shit out of many a folk who had picked on Tony. Thor and Loki had practically raised Tony. Thor had offered all the physical affection, and emotional Tony could ever have needed. Loki on the other hand, had given Tony everything else. confidence, a chance to show off his intelligence. the support he needed to get onto his own two feet. Loki was smiling softly as he watched, Loki didn't hug. or touch, but you could tell he loved Tony just from the small smile he was giving the slightly younger man. unlike Thor, who was in jeans and a T-shirt, Loki was dressed very properly in black sacks, back shoes, a white silk button up and a black leather jacket draped over his shoulders. he looked, screamed, 'i'm a badass don't fuck with me'. "...is that Loki and Thor Asgard!? the leader and second in command f the biggest crime organization in the country!?" Steve hissed, going very tense and white with rage and fury. the only reason he wasn't screaming at Loki, beating the shit out of him or arresting him was complete and total lack of proof. "...you brought FBI?" Loki asked, lifting an eyebrow, looking vaguely annoyed. which meant he was quite pissed off. Thor immediately looked a bit wary. Loki was small, delicate even, but he hurt. a lot. Loki was a master at causing pain, breaking bones, making you wish you had never been alive. Tony had never felt Loki's punishing hand but Thor had once or twice, he knew if Loki was too pissed off he'd have to distract his brother or Tony was going to have a sore ass. Loki was not above the humiliation of spanking a full grown man like they where a tiny child. it appeared he didn't need to step in because Loki sighed and waved for them all to sit down and signaled the waiter to come take their drink orders.
"Hey thor."tony grinned delighted as he walked in, definitely more open and relaxed here then he was at the precinct though that was his home away from home. Here, he never had to pretend to be anything but what he was. "...it is..."james stared looking startled and pale as he watched tony get hugged. No wonder the man was nearly up on corruption charges if this was how heacted. Patting thor back tony smiled as he eased back, suddenly looking wary as he realized his joke might backfire."I did....I uh...have to work with them now so I can keep my job. Thought I'd do us all a favor and get this awkward meeting out of the way so they can go away if they can't handle it." "We can handle anything you dish out, stark."james said frowning trying to figure out exactly what was going on
Thor grinned at Tony before watching the FBI agents, openly curious and not at all hostile the way you might expect a Mob's second in command would be around such high level police. "...you have to work with them to keep your job? have you been having problems?" Loki asked, looking confused, his head tilted as he ordered Tony's favorite drink, Thor's favorite drink and his own favored drink before looking at the two FBI agents expectantly. Steve hesitated before deciding Loki couldn't have him poisoned in the muddle of public and ordered a normal black coffee and sat down. maybe he'd learn something, or they'd slip and forget he was FBI and say something they shouldn't. "hmm. it's a good thing." Loki agreed, looking amused now. "oh, i highly doubt you can handle Tony." Loki admitted, leaning back in his chair to allow the waitress room to deliver all of their drinks. Loki drinking an espresso and Thor drinking some fruity smoothie. "no one 'handles' Tony." Loki admitted with a chuckle before turning his attention to him. "how was Fitz this morning? he didn't sleep well last night so i was worried." he admitted. that was code for 'Fitz had nightmares about his father and i couldn't calm him down, was he looking okay to you?'. "you know Fitz?" Steve asked, not feeling all that surprised.

"mmm. he lives with me. he hasn't the skills to live on his own just yet. possibly never." Loki admitted. "his mental state means he often forgets he needs to sleep, shower, and even eat. if left on his own he would go days without food. he needs to be monitored very closely or he forgets his medication too. one of the reasons why he works with Tony is that if Fitz is having a 'bad day' or forgets his meds, Tony can somewhat control Fitz and keep him from harming himself as he tends to try to do if he gets too bad." "...he hurts himself?" Steve asked softly, feeling a sharp pang of sympathy for the young boy. "yes. in his delusions he believes he needs to be punished, so he does it to himself. the only thing worse is when he believes us to be, monsters usually. sometimes other things but he becomes very terrified of us and we have to leave the room or he'll harm himself, or us, trying to get away." Loki admitted. Steve swallowed thickly at the idea. "does that happen often?" "it's a rare occurrence but has happened and most likely will happen again." Loki admitted, taking a sip of his espresso. "i only tell you this because anyone working directly with Fitz must be informed, lest they worsen his condition by being cruel or misunderstanding the situation."
“....”Tony stared at the other man, regretting even having brought it up now. “yea, but nothign mroe then Hammer having a hard on to put me on my ass. Don’t worry about it. Dealing with these two is by far better then Hammer.”Tony said making a face, having a feeling loki wouldn’t leave it at that, but deflecting at least how bad things had gotten. Sipping his gin and tonic, tony looked amused as he watched teh two FBI agents starting to sip their coffees. “They can handle me all they want.”Tony said with a leer. James turned looking at the detective startled, he hadn’t ever heard a rumor that he was gay, and wondering if he was simply jerking his chain. “If you want.”He said blandly, looking interested in the conversation as he watched the others. “Oh, you know fitz. About normal, really pissed I’m dumping the Agents on him ,and that he has to interact about stupid people, but he was okay.”

“Yea. Not often, we’ve gotten him mostly out of it, but it happens.”Tony said watching the blond, tiling his head a little before shaking his head. “Not often. And treat him like normal people, he’ll do better with being treated without being treated with the kid gloves, rather then you treating him like he’s made of glass.”Tony said, startling a ltitle as his phone went off, pulling it out, reading it slowly before putting it away, mostly listening to the conversation going around him.
Loki scowled a little and shook his head. "Hammer is a dick." he admitted. "how an idiot like that made it as far as he has without sucking ass or bribing his way up i will never know." Thor admitted, Steve choking on his coffee and staring at Thor. "what? it's true." he stated with a shrug. "if he has, there's no evidence stating that's what he did so it's doubtful." Loki admitted. "more than likely he's just a lickspittle." Loki admitted. "a what?" Thor asked, frowning at his brother who sighed. "a brown noser, Thor... an Ass kisser you brute." "ah!" "...and he wonders why i won't let him help." Loki admitted to Tony with a shake of his head. Thor just smiled, unaware that he'd just been insulted and Steve stared at him, wondering how someone could be so.... oblivious was a nice word he supposed. "Tony. honestly, do you have to flirt with everything?" Loki teased, looking very amused before blinking a little. "you're assigning these men to Fitz?" he asked, looking curious, his head tilted. "i'm glad he's doing well. i thought about having him stay home for today but i figured he would throw a fit." Loki admitted.

"i didn't know people with, what did that other man call it, Psychopathy, had it so rough." Steve admitted, looking upset. "we've arrested a lot of psychopaths..." "a lot of people who have psychopathy do not have a sense of right or wrong and have no one to socially guide them. most of the criminals you arrest are just that, criminals. Fitz is not the same as them. He has Tony and myself as well as Phil to hlp him understand, mentally at least, what he is okay to do and what he is not. he does not fully understand why stealing is wrong for example, but he knows it upsets people so he doesn't do it unless he's having a bad day, and even then it's usually sweets and i'm always there right away with his therapist." Loki admitted. "if we cannot talk him down, then Thor usually just picks him up and carries him home. he sulks if we have to do that though. for days." "so just treat him like an annoying brat ho thinks i'm an idiot then?" Steve asked, looking a bit amused. "yes." Loki agreed. "don't feel bad though Fitz treats everyone like that."
“Hammer is a dick.”Tony agreed before snorting. “He probably has, but no proof, so I can’t go arrest him, sadly.”Tony sulked a little as James nearly died choking on his coffee. “I can’t....steve, tell them to stop insulting Hammer.”James ordered, even if it looked like he was doing it simply because it was reflex to defend his boss, and not because he really felt like it wasn’t true. “Oh come off it, you know it’s true.”Tony snickered amused glad they’d managed to distract loki from wondering just how deep in hot water he was. “Yessss. Pepper’s going out of the city this weekend, and has forbidden me from sleeping with anyone. It’s saddening truly.”Tony sulked a little, because he was such a quiet little sub, despite being in obsessively in charge of the rest of his life, his sex life was went he gave everything up. And pepper told him to behave while she was gone. Before snickering. “I am. Though only for a bit. Then I’m giving them to Clint and Nat, and Bruce and Jemma. And he’s fine, no fits.”Tony promised.

“Most are left to their own devices from a young age, and never learn until it’s to late to not do certain things. We took Fitz in when he was young, Loki taught him how to act, and I taught him the law to make sure he knew not to do certain things because it’s wrong.”Tony smiled a little before nodding. “Yep. And he really does, even me, who has nearly a equal IQ, so don’t feel bad about it.” “...I think we can handle that.”James said looking a little disturbed though, that he was actually enjoying this conversation.
Steve snorted a little and looked at James. "calm down. we know it's true. the man is a jumped up pussy foot who doesn't have a clue what he's doing." Steve couldn't stand Hammer because the asshole wasn't above 'bending' the laws to get his way. Steve couldn't prove it of course but he suspected that, just like Tony, Justine Hammer was a crooked little bastard and was taking bribes as well as giving them. Steve hated him, but since he was Steve's boss Steve never really say anything, he just kept his eyes out for evidence. "we're not at work right now, we don't have to defend him." Steve admitted with a shake of his head before looking curious. who was pepper? a girlfriend? "she's leaving the city? what for?" Loki asked curiously, his head tilted. "business i'm assuming." he admitted. "she doesn't usually call you just when she's going back to L.A." he admitted before looking amused. "so in other words, you want them to quit. well. they'll get a good taste of how the entire place works." he admitted. "might be a good experience for them." he admitted. "i'm glad Fitz is doing okay." Loki admitted, sounding rather relieved.

"unfortunately, most psychopaths are also misdiagnosed and even if they aren't, they are bullied, abused, even tormented for being different." Loki admitted. "this makes them lash out at the world around them. while Fit has plenty of cause to lash out, he rarely does because of his affection, muted as it is, for Tony." Loki admitted with a smile. "he adores Tony." Loki admitted, smiling at the waitress when she came back to take their lunch orders. again Loki ordered, with perfection, Tony's completely picked apart meal, Thor's greasy disgusting hamburger and his own Caesar Salad, dressing on the side please before looking at Steve and James. Steve ordered a turkey sub, glad for some lunch, since he'd skipped breakfast. and hey, might as well enjoy a free lunch since Loki appeared to be paying.
“True.”James said making a face but he knew that this was true. Like tony, they just had to figure out what was going on. “Hm, she has a business conference in London. Apparently, there’s interesting things going on across the pond.”Tony said, hiding his smirk, resisting the urge to laugh in the agents faces because they looked curious at what they were talking about. He was so going to drive the two to distraction. “Yes. I do. Having people thinking I’m working for the other side simply because I’m good and grew up a mobson, rubs me the wrong way. Getting them off my back is worth pissing off the rest of my people for awhile.”

“I can understand that....teenager years are hard enough for anyone, without the added problems.”James frowned as he considered fitz, looking sympathatic, and interested as he glanced at tony, interested in the relationship, but not questioning it as he ordered started to eat his french fries and burger. Absently listening to the others talking, before focusing again. “Reindeer, I’ll be by tonight. Well, for most of the weekend really.”Tony said tilting his head at loki, before looking at the two agents. “And while you two are going to be working, I wont be. I’m only on call for the afternoons this weekend, and while I can be reached, I’d prefer not to be.”
"ah. really? i loved London." Loki admitted with a grin. he had always been a bit strange, he had fit in very well in Britain and even now, had a tea break every day without fail and got very, very grumpy if he had to miss it. "i'm quite pleased with her success." Loki admitted with a smile. "i just wish she'd call once and a while so i know she's still breathing and eating properly." he admitted with a huff. "i know she hasn't been eating properly. she's getting too thin." Loki, biggest mob boss in the history of ever, and he was a mother hen. who could ever have imagined? "working for the other side?" Loki asked, looking very amused. "really? people actually think that?" he asked, shaking his head. "honestly." he huffed, shaking his head before smiling a little at James and Steve, pleased that they where rather sympathetic to Fitz now. good. that was the crack that was needed for them to start adoring Tony the way everyone eventually did.

"...Fitz's entire life was hard. i won't say anything, as it is Fitz's story to tell if he decides to tell it, but he was never a normal child and never had a chance to be." Loki admitted. "just don't get in the way of his work, it's all he really has right now and he'll get very annoyed with you." he admitted with a smile. "yes, i thought you would be. Fitz will be delighted. he got a new stuffie for her." he admitted with a very soft smile, Steve puffing up, ready to deliver a scathing lecture about his job being his job. "Tony takes very few days off, sometimes he works two weeks straight, as he has for the last two weeks. this weekend is his scheduled time off." Loki said sternly, making Steve relax as he realized Tony wasn't 'skiving' just taking properly deserved time off. "i can't see any reason why James and i would need to contact you. i'm sure whoever we're with, probobly Fitz, will be able to instruct us if we need assistance." Steve decided. planning on following Tony. it might be properly scheduled time off, but Steve had no doubt that Tony was up to something nasty.
"Hm, I do to. I really don't get there alot, but what I see of it, is good."BTW on smiled before snickering."she calls every two weeks, she likes being mysterious. And she eats. We both do. Stop fussing."tony said rolling his eyes."you're a mothere hen. That's quite adorable really."james said looking a little dumbstruck before looking at tony in curiousity, wondering how he'd answer."yea. Apparently I give off the air that I'm a world weary gangster. It amuses me."

"Well I think we'll be able to keep out of his way."james smiled alightly."really?when pepper complains she's spoiled, I'm blaming you guys, not me."she said making a face. "Don't give me that look."tony made a face, smiling slightly."I spend more time at work then I get home. They will, but I'm ocd and a control freak, so it's hard to not go into work sometimes."he said shrugging a little."but my teams good, they'll make sure you'be gotten stuff to do." James looked at the man thoughfully, knowing that they were still going to be following tony.
"she was always a bit over dramatic." he admitted. "remember that fit she threw when i told her she couldn't go egg that girls house?" Loki asked, looking very amused. Loki had been all but fourteen at the time, Ton had been thirteen and Pepper had been twelve and had come back home, as she'd been living with Loki, all in a rage because some girl had told her that she was a 'mutt' and that's why no one wanted her. Pepper had planning on stalking the girl and pelting her with eggs and Loki had told her no. she'd thrown an unholy temper, Loki had always through the story was hilarious, even if the other two didn't. "i am not a mother hen. i just know how Tony, Fitz and Pepper are." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "all three of them would live on coffee and nothing else if i allowed them." he admitted. "Coffee and if i'm lucky they'll have a doughnut." he paused. "well, not Fitz. he'd live in a cake if i allowed him." he admitted with a chuckle before snorting at Tony. "you get sick at the sight of blood, how are you supposed to be mob material?" "...i get sick at the sight of blood." Thor protested, Loki snorting because that just made his point even more.

"Fitz made the toy himself. didn't you notice the bandages all over his fingers?" Loki asked, looking amused before scowling at Tony. "i am well aware that you send more time at work than any other place." he huffed. "it's not very good for you." he grumbled, ignoring Steve's slight snickering because Loki Asgard was being a mother hen again. "i'm sure we'll be fine." Steve admitted, finishing off his lunch. "thanks for lunch." he didn't bother tacking on the 'i guess' he was pretty sure Loki could hear the uncertain suspicion in Steve's voice. it wasn't hard to guess that he was suspicious about why Loki had fed him. "it's no bother. i usually buy all of Tony's new workers a meal." Loki admitted, hailing the waitress, handing her two hundred dollars and told her to keep the change, ignoring her stuttering protests that he'd given her way too much and headed for home. "i'll see you in a few hours thn Tony!" Loki called back, Thor beaming and waving at him as they left. "...i don't like him. he's very strange..." Steve finally admitted.
“She has, but it doesn’t mean she’s going to call more, even if I tell her to. If anything, she’ll call and be dramatic and horrible.”Tony snickered a little before snorting. “I would not. I can’t live on coffee. There has to be some doughnuts in there.”Tony huffed, grinning as James snickered. “...I do not!Slander. I do not get sick at blood! Arrest him.”Tony ordered looking at james. “I think not.”James snorted looking thoughtful.

“Ah. No.he so often has bandaids on his fingers, that I’ve stopped asking about them.”Tony said smiling a little before huffing. “It’s best for me. Otherwise I’d worry about what they were getting up to while I was away.”Tony pointed out smiling as he finished his food and got up. “See you.”Tony promised smiling as they headed out, smirking at James. “So are you, but you don’t see me pointing out your strangness.”Tony said heading back to the precinct, running a hand through his hair, “okay. Let’s go get you settled in with Fitz, then I’ll introduce you to phil and clint who’ll be in charge while I’m gone.”Tony said smiling as they walked across the bullpen, nearly swallowing his tongue in the efort not to laugh as James stopped for a moment to watch Natasha cross the room, nearly walking into the glass door of fitz's lab as he did so. a
"..i know." Loki admitted with a sigh before his grin turned sharp "perhaps i should just start randomly visiting her here and there?" he mused gleefully. "that will drive her more than a little nuts and she might get the hint." he admitted before giving Tony the stink eye for just proving his worries where accurate. "he can't arrest me. i haven't done anything wrong." Loki admitted with a smirk. "d i have to help you with your law homework again Tony?" he asked playfully. clearly this was something Loki heard rather a lot and a threat Tony issued more often than once. it was almost like an in family joke.

"that's true enough." Loki admitted. "why does he often have band aids on his fingers?" Steve wondered. that wasn't the typical self harm he was used to." "one of Fitz's more common therapies is to do various arts and crafts." Loki admitted. "he's very good at them but is rather clumsy as well so oft stabs himself with needles, cuts himself on scissors or snaps his fingers with rubber bands." Loki admitted with a smile. "it soothes him sometimes to do various needlework or sewing projects when he's upset or having a bad day." he admitted. "so do make sure not to tease him if you see him working on something while at work." "of course not." Steve agreed. "i do the same thing sometimes, only i sketch. my fingers are too big for needles." he admitted, examining his mighty man hands, Loki snorting. "i'm not nearly as strange as he was. who buys lunch for someone you know wants to see you behind bars? it's bonkers." Steve admitted, shaking his head before watching with just as much amusement as James was distracted by Natasha. "Barton!" Natasha barked. "get your ass in gear! don't make me get Phil on you again!" she snapped, completely ignoring the two unwanted FBI agents. "we're headed out to the Garden's boss." Natasha informed Tony. "poke around a bit. Skye's already backtracking the surveillance systems. it's all automatic so she can hack right in and not have to fuss with tapes." Natasha admitted. "Fitz has calmed down a lot too so your new toys should get out of it without any painful experiences for tonight at least." she admitted, checking her watch. "BARTON!" "well she's a bit of an angel isn't she James?" Steve teased his love-struck best friend.
“You should. Tell her it’s cause you’re missing the tyke, she’d believe that.”Tony snickered, amused because he knew it would be the perfect excuse and pepper wouldn’t be to upset if loki dropped in for that. “You have to!I don’t faint at blood. Stop being annoying.”Tony huffed a little before shaking his head. “Arts and crafts are common around the station, if you’re not careful you’ll be dragged in needlework despite your hands.” “I’d pay money to see that.”James snickered at the idea.

“Who takes someone to lunch simply to watch the fireworks go boom when introducing them to each other? It’s not that weird.”Says the man who everyone could agree was more then a little bonkers. Snickering as he listened to natasha, leaning back a little to glance into the little corner Clint had made his own, not even very surprised to see the vent missing out of the room. The man was odd, reults of a childhood that had left him always seeking the smallest and tightest corner he could squeeze himself in. Not to mention he was former CIA, and nearly as prone as johnny as to sneaking up on people. His perchant for hiding, was just something they all dealt with. “I’m coming, I’m coming.”Clint said as he stumbled out of the bunk room. “Good. Make sure she burns it to discs, even if she looks it over, I want someone else looking at it to. We might find more then just this one thing.”Tony said because he was always paranoid, and usually ended up looking at more then just one section of video that dealt with the case, usually looking at alot to see if they missed anything. “Good. And Barton’s in charge for the weekend-”Which was normal, as weird as he could be, Clint Barton was one of his best detectives, steady and prepared when needed, and able to shake off the darkness that the job could sometimes leave with a almost supernatural gift. All and all, he was really good. “We wont hurt them to badly. I’d hate to ruin your weekend.”Clint smiled a little because he was always trying to figure out what tony was up to, but never more then nosing around, never tried following him or anything. Simply curious, but never invading his privacy more then he allowed. “....A bit.”James muttered blushing ever so slightly, tilting his head. “Ah!Clint, Natasha, these are your pets for the weekend. Don’t forget to feed them, or water them, maybe take them out for walks to see cases if you want. Anyways, this is James Barnes, and Steven Rogers.”
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