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Shining Life(Marvel) Lady/Fox

“Me either.”Tony snickered rolling his eyes before laughing out loud. “Well, maybe that’s why he’s nice to the rest of you. I’m awesome and amazing and he thinks I’m great.”Tony snickered a little before nodding at grant.”You did. And it looks amazing, you should leave it there for awhile.”

“Hm, true.”Clint said looking amused before tilting his head, thinking about it. “....That makes sense. I had sex with nat....but it still felt....wrong.”Clint said frowning a litte at the ‘betrayal’ even if phil had been dead. Swallowing hard as he nearly shot loki, not dropping the gun yet, to twitchy and upset at the moment to drop it. His feelings over the godling so conflicted that he couldn’t make himself lower the weapon yet. “That’s.....disturbing.”Clint said watching loki, thinking it over. “How can we tell you’re not making it up. I mean, to make us the enemy of the kree.”Clint said thining, glancing over at skye as he lowered the gun slowly, though still ready to shoot him. “ if it was someone who was weaker, it would have broken them?”Clint said frowning thinking of it. “oh. That’s why he didn’t come for us to for help....they made him afraid.”Tony grorlwed, sounding angry at the idea of anyone making phil afraid before smiling. “I never doubted phil was strong.”HE said sounding pleased that loki was praising his mate, even if they weren’t back together yet.
Phil looked amused. "you had sex with Nat? i thought you where gay." he admitted, not at all jealous. he knew how those two where. "you still have your balls right? she didn't cut them off?" he asked, examining Clint's crotch before getting altogether distracted by Loki. "...i do not have to make you the enemies of the Kree. you are already enemies to the Kree." he said softly. "your free will is abhorrent to those of the Hive Mind." he admitted softly. "if you come across a Kree, there will be no reasoning with it. either you join the Hive Mind, you are already part of the hive mind or you will be culled as an Abomination..." Loki admitted. swallowing convulsively. "then there are some who are forced to become one with the Hive Mind." Loki admitted.

"whether Phil is strong or not, the human mind, any mind can only take so much before their free will dies and they become one with the Hive Mind. to them, freedom, is a worlds greatest lie." Phil's head snapped up, staring at Loki who nodded grimly. "i had thought you where a Kree, come to force my compliance once more. Clint has tasted the Hive Mind. the.. peace, of never having to decide. the safety of the hum of others making the decisions in the back of your head while allowing you control of your body to do what you want so long as it is in the best interest of the Hive Mind." Loki closed his eyes. "are you saying. that the entire invasion...." "....yes." Loki's voice was soft and upset and Phil scowled. "why didn't you say anything?" "would you have believed me? what i did was what i did and i did it willingly no matter outside forces where coaching my decisions. i deserved to be punished for what i had done and i accepted my punishment willingly." "why not say something after?" Natasha demanded. "because that would have made the sacrifice of so many, into nothing. it would have made them worthless. not martyrs to a madman but victims to a victim. i couldn't do that."
“I did. And I am, but nat’s nat, and I’m lonely.”Clint muttered before snickering. “I do, she didn’t promise.”He said rolling his eyes at the inspection. “...Hive mind?Is that...”clint stopped shuddering at the remembered feeling, even if he hadn’t considered that was what it was. Looking upset as he looked at the other. “...your....speech....”he stopped staring, not sure what to think, shuddering at the memories as he stepped away from Loki, moving over to the bar and starting to disarm himself, for being in the tower, he had a obnoxious amount of weapons hidden under jeans and a t-shirt, and even had to strip out of his t-shirt to take off the braces of knives curved around his ribcage, and had to smile slightly when Skye simply stared at the pile of weapons now decorating tony’s bar. “It gave it meaning, even if he was the only one who knew the true reasons. Well. Thor probably knows.”Tony said frowning as he stepped inside, glancing at clint. “Why’s birdbrain disaarming?” “Feeling shaky. Don’t feel like putting a bullet in Reindeer’s head by accident. If I shoot him, I want it to be on purpose and not because I’m having a bad memory.” Tony nodded absently looking at phil and loki. "The kree. what can we do about them?"
"yes." Loki admitted to Clint, shuddering violently. "we both know how sweet it was while it was happening, and how... violated one feels once we're free..." he admitted, sounding vaguely traumatized. it was no wonder why Loki would vanish for weeks on end. it must have been so hard, seeing the people whose lives he had made hell, to know he should be punished, but even to want to be punished and knowing they wouldn't even without knowing the truth. he watched Clint disarming himself but said nothing. "He's always armed like that." Phil told Skye. "so is Natasha so try to avoid annoying them." he admitted with a smile. "Thor doesn't know." Loki admitted simply. "how on earth could i tell him that the reason the Kree where able to take over my mind was because i had fallen for so long? was because i knew i was a monster? was because i knew i had never, ad would never be loved by any of the people i had thought was my family?"he wondered. "how can i tell Thor this, when i know the only one he will blame is himself?" Loki wondered. "no. Thor doesn't know." he admitted before shrugging. "the Kree are not like other creatures. there is no 'Queen'. there is no one being we can destroy. the Hive Mind works by assimilating all knowledge and adapting it to the Hive Mind. they reach into a person's brain, find the chinks, the cracks of the mind and slip inside and take it over. some, like Tony, have a mind to tormented already, the Kree cannot touch it without agony. that is why my Hive Mind Scepter did not work on him. to stop the Kree, you have to kill them all. yes, some of them might be saved, released from the Hive Mind, but the true born Kree cannot be saved from what they inherently are. to stop them, you must exterminate them. completely." he admitted. "at least, of what i know. there may be other options but i don't know of any."
“Yes....violated is a good word for it.”Clint muttered shivering a little. “Yes...I’m thinking not annoying them is a good idea.”Skye said. “Dont worry, I annoy him all the time and haven’t gotten stabbed.”Tony reassured her before wincing as he looked at loki, moving over to cuddle against the godling, so openly bisexual and comfortable with himself, that it was a rare day that he went without cuddling any of them. So him cuddling loki wasn’t that odd. “’re right. He’d punish himself rather then the others.”Tony sighed softly, knowing his friend. The big blond would be horrible in his idea that he failed. “....That’s...disturbing. Truly.”Tony said, shuddering as he considered the kree, swallowing thickly. “...We’ll leave them alone...till they come here....and maybe...I don’t know. We’ll work on this....”Tony muttered already a little spaced out as he considered the problem of how to deal with the kree.
Loki nodded but remained silent now, not wanting to upset Clint anymore than he already had. "that's because they like you." Phil pointed out with a smile. "Skye insulted Jarvis however, so they aren't too keen on her at the moment." he admitted, watching Tony cuddle Loki and realized that Tony was so much more perceptive than any of them had ever imagined. how else would Tony have known that Loki wasn't the evil man they had all thought he was? why else would Tony have given him a chance? "Thor doesn't deserve any of this, better he hate me, than hate himself." he admitted with a soft smile before nodding. "i don't know if they plan to come here anytime soon. your victory over their Chitauri was... painful." he admitted. "if the green beast had not knocked me free, i have no doubt they would have killed me for my failure." Loki admitted. "they might very well wait until they have bigger armies and that could take several hundred millennia." he admitted. "or they might strike tomorrow hoping to catch us off guard. it's impossible to tell to be honest. one can never guess where the Hive Mind will set it's sights." he sighed and looked at Phil. "there is a process that can be used to remove foreign genetics from a host body. we've had to use it before on asgard. some species are parasitic in nature. their genetics take over another persons if enough is introduced. the Kree, the Jotun and the Chitauri are all such species of 'bully' genetics." he admitted. "the process is going to be very long, and very painful. the Kree blood, the genetics will fight me. i'll have to strap you down because while your human mind is writhing in pain, the Kree in your blood will take control of your body and try to kill me before i can succeed. i probobly won't get all of it, but you'll stop having to worry about killing the people you love and carving on wooden surfaces. it will likely be the most painful thing you've ever experienced, and you might very well become permanently marred in some manner." he admitted. "but it can be done." "then we'll do it. i don't want those bastards having an control over me." Phil admitted, his face pale but determined. "i will need to prepare." Loki admitted with a sigh. he didn't bother mentioning he'd be in almost as much pain as Phil would be, nor that he'd probobly be in a week long torpor after. he'd tell Jarvis and have him instruct Tony on what to do once the process was done.
“True. And no one gets away with insulting J.” “ that why I had a cold shower and my stove wouldn’t turn on?” “No comment.”Which had been tony’s idea and not jarvis’, the billionaire had found the woman highly annoying most of the time, especially when she hd insulted jarvis. Smiling as he leaned into lki he rolled his eyes, smirking at phil. “Don’t give me that look. I’m not that good. I just like good looking people. Risking life and limb for sex is worth it. Besies. I can be female, though change me back now.”Tony ordered poking loki a little before huffing. “You’re delusional. He doesn’t hate you, you know.”he muttered. “Good. That nearly killed tony, it should be painful for them.”Clint said sounding pleased with the idea before huffing. “well then, we’ll just go on like business as usual.”Clint said smiling a little. Before going pale as he considered how phil was going to be taken care of, this was going to be hard. “ there a chance it’ll kill him?”he asked looking at the godling, swallowing thickly.
"i told you not to insult Jarvis." Phil admitted with a chuckle. "Jarvis literally runs the entire house." he admitted. "literally. all the doors, the windows, the heating and cooling units. the identification systems and even the stoves and water heaters are all controlled, run, and managed by Jarvis." Phil admitted with a sly grin. "there's a reason why Fitz has a new best friend you know." and indeed when they'd left downstairs Fitz had been eagerly arguing with Jarvis about some TV show they both enjoyed. apparently they're favorite characters hated each other so Fitz and Jarvis where arguing about whether or not the other was misunderstood or just plain evil and if maybe they'd have hot gay affections for each other later. "yes master." Loki scoffed, rolling his eyes and wiggled his fingers at Tony and spoke gibberish and poof, Tony was a man again and Phil looked rather impressed. "it was very painful. while the mind is shared, physical sensation is as well. so when all the Chitauri began to die, the rest of the Hive Mind felt the agony of hundreds of deaths all at once." he admitted. "...considering my skill the chances of death are very minimal. however, the chance of marring, scarring or mutilating him is a bit higher. as my magic fights the Kree blood it has a rather high chance of doing real damage to him. some of which might not be reparable." "examples?" "...mild brain damage, a stutter, a permanent limp or kidney or liver damage. possibly further heart damage, it depends on what the Kree blood attacks first." he admitted. "and it depends on where my Magic might pool. i'll be pumping a lot of it into you to battle the Kree genetics, and it will pool in various areas. if your natural human body thinks it is a danger it will deploy white blood cells to attack the magic, which will b infused in your body so your white blood cells will effectively be attacking yourself." he admitted. "it's dangerous, but it's better than becoming a slave to the Kree."
“So I’ve figured out. Now.”Skye said sighing a little, disturbed at the idea really, that tony stark had indeed managed to create a true AI. “Hm, Fitz is awesome, he’s gonna be the bestest new friend.” “You like people, in general tony.” “Yea, but fitz is the best. After Bruce. Or steve. Maybe.”Tony said thoughtfully grinning as he was changed back. “Thanks, Slave.”He said amused. “....that’s....oh...fucking hell.”Clint said shuddering hard at the idea of that being real, of being that connected to it, before glancing at Phil, hating that they were going to have to do this, but knowing there was no other choice. Glancing at loki he nodded slowly. “How long will it take, and what do yo uneed?Anything?”
Phil shrugged. "i tried to warn you." he admitted with a smile. "Fitz is the best." Phil agreed, delighted that Tony liked Fitz already. "i will make you pain." Loki warned Tony, even if he looked amused before nodding. "i'll need a day or two to get ready. i have to build up my magical reserves to their limit." he admitted. "the more power i can pump into him the faster i will be able to remove the Kree DNA and the sooner that happens the less buildup of magic will accrue in him." he admitted. "meaning that he will be in less pain for less time and there's less chance of permanent disfigurement." he admitted. "how much magic i can build up is limited however so by tomorrow afternoon i should be ready but i'l wait for another day just to make sure i have as much power as i can get." he admitted. "if you can find any crystals that would be great, i can't begin to tell you what kind..." he admitted. "i don't know any earth based geology." he admitted. "using certain crystals i can stash magical power into them, not unlike one of your batteries that i can draw on." he admitted. "how long it will take... well that depends. anywhere from an hour, to two days." he admitted. "there are too many variables to know for sure." he admitted.
“Okay. Two days, then.”clint said getting his thoughts together, settling as he considered what they’d need to do. “We can get crystals. I’ll get a few of everything I can find, and we’ll see what works best.”Tony promised tilting his head a little. “you want something to eat?”Tony said looking thoughtful and hungry as he headed for the kitchen, worry made him hungry. And he was worried about what phil was going through, and what they were going to have to deal with when james broke the barrier. He knew that if he kept up the pace, the man would be within twelve hours soon enough, a few hours at the most. And while, he wanted to take care of phil and deal with it, he knew if they lost james, it would break part of capp.
"two days." Loki agreed. "longer if i can gather up a lot of crystals. the more power i can build u the better, but we don't want to wait too long because the Kree will be exerting as much control over Phil as they can. i want to be sure we have this started within three days." he admitted. "or it might be too late." he admitted before nodding. "i'll need to eat as much as you can get for me, the ore i eat the faster my magic will build up. carbohydrates would be best, as well as sugar." "i have a massive pot of spaghetti will that work?" Steve asked with a grin. "and yes i have plenty. there's enough to feed a five hundred man army. or one Tower of superheros." he admitted with a chuckle. "i was going to have the video before we ate, but i think this was a bit more important." he admitted. "come eat and then you can all go looking for crystals." he admitted. "i'll text Thor and tell him to bring some as well. he'll know what to bring you, right?" "he better." Loki admitted. "i've only sent him to get them a hundred million times." he admitted with a smile. "good. and we'll make sure to stuff you with as much food as we can." he promised. "would energy bars help?" "i don't know what those are." Loki admitted accepting what looked like a candy-bar from Steve ad bit into it. "...yes. i need... hundreds of these." he decided. "these are really disgusting though, what is this made out of?" "protein powder and peanut butter mostly." "it's gross." But Loki was eating it anyway, building up his magic as fast as possible was important and he'd eaten worse. a lot worse.
“We’ll get you as many crystas as we can find.”Tony promised already having jarvis put in the orders to the nearby occult stores and jewelry stores, the city not even considering it odd, because well, odd purchases courtesy of Stark towers was a common thing these days. “We’ll let steve cook. He knows what’s best to make. Considering he nearly outeats thor sometimes.”Clint snickerd a little calming a little now that they had a plan of action and knew what was happening. “Hmm, he’ll bring them. Cause he wants to get laid, and pleasing you with crystals is sure to do it.”Tony teased a little because teasing was how he dealt with fera and worry. “They are disgusting. Eat them all, so steve’ll stop trying to make me eat them.”tony decided smirking a little.
Loki nodded. this was going to be very difficult and he was going to have to tell Jarvis the truth. while Phil would be mostly fine, sore all over and possibly injured, Loki would be laid up for weeks, even months. he would sleep for anywhere from three days to a week, locked in ice while his body struggled to fix broken bones, charred nerves and split cells. then he would be incredibly weak and completely helpless for upwards of two to six months. like, wheelchair bound, cold constantly, unable to even walk on his own without help. he would be in pain for weeks too, everything would hurt. breathing, moving, eating, twitching his fingers would cause agonizing pain. he knew if he told them the truth, one or more of them, Tony especially, would try to tell him not to do it, that they could find another way. there was no other way and Loki deserved the pain. he'd tell Jarvis not to tell anyone until he would need the help and then deal with the fussing after. "mmm. yes, these are good. lots of energy. yes." Loki mumbled, already very distracted as he worked on increasing his magical output. he wasn't even tasting anything, he just packed away whatever they set in front of him until he realized if he ate anymore he was going to make himself sick. "....good god, and i thought Thor ate a lot...." Phil commented, staring at Loki who had eaten about an entire pot of spaghetti and about fifty energy bars on his own.
“Thor does eat alot. But watching these two go at a eating contest with Steve is amusing.”Tony snickered a little.
Hours later Tony stirred, frowning from where he was curled up against steve napping, having curled up with him to watch the movie since his usual snuggle partner was currently trying to eat him out of house and home. “Sir? Mr. Barnes has just crossed into Sweden.” “Hmmm....sleeping...”Tony grumbled not truly awake yet, even if he was getting there, despite the what they were going to have to do for loki and phil, there was another project they needed to do. Looking concerned as he considered what they’d do. Wondering if he could order Clint to stay behind instead of going with.
"your just jealous because i can eat more than you." Loki huffed, looking amused before heading off to nap while his magical power built. by that afternoon several had brought crystals and Loki had delighted in the purity and power. as long as they where clear, in clusters and weren't cracked anywhere they where viable. he informed them that they couldn't hold anywhere near as much as Asgardian Churra, a beautiful blue crystal that could hold almost as much power as Loki could build up, as plentiful as the earth crystals where he could store just as much with the Churra. he'd just need more crystals. so, there was a massive order for as many crystals as they'd been able to find. many of the occult stores handed them over for free ot be borrowed, hoping they might be able to detect asgardian magic once the crystals where returned. Thor had texted back as well, saying he was delighted that the Son of Coul was alive, and horrified that he had been infected with Kree Blood and that Odin had authorized the removal of six Challa Crystals from Asgard to Midgard for no more than eight earth rotations. something that had surprised Loki, Challa was well guarded, he'd never known it to be removed from Asgards realm before. he wouldn't complain though, not when it would make saving Phil a much easier task.

"Thanks Jarvis!" Steve said, looking decidedly torn now, chewing on his lip when Phil suddenly spoke up. "Fitzsimmons, May and Skye will stay here and continue feeding Loki everything he can eat. i'll be staying as well. James Barnes is important and so is the woman they're going after. take Grant with you, hell be able to help with the woman..." "she's not a woman, she's a Goddess." Grant growled, not liking the slight to his Deity. Phil, all of them really, had been treating Grant much nicer after he'd broken down in the middle of the living room, begging Fitz not to die, begging Fitz to forgive him, cradling an invisible body while snarling at a trapped Simmons and May that if they moved a muscle he was going to gut them. if Fitz died he was going to gut them. thinking they where Hydra, thinking they where Garret. "Clint?" Natasha muttered, setting a hand on his shoulder. "you should stay with Phil. if we take too long, he's going to need you. Loki won't be ready for another two days but this is really starting to get to Phil." the Kree in him was making him more and more terrified and had gone so far as to lock himself into a bathroom, trying to calm himself down. Loki said that was normal, the Kree wanted to keep control of Phil and wouldn't want Loki managing the procedure and would do everything they could to get Phil out of the tower. they where getting more and more frustrated that Phil was so strong willed and bull headed. there was talk of locking Phil in so he couldn't escape if it got too bad, but for now it wasn't needed.
“you are very welcome captain. I shall prepare the jet so you can leave as soon as you can.”Jarvis said. “Hm?”Tony looked startled, turning to look at Phil as the other spoke, eyes widening a little. Because well, that was a good call, relaxing as he realized that no matter what else had changed, that Agent was still Agent, and that they’d be okay. “Yes, we can do that.”Skye agreed already working on more food. “Even goddesses are women, and probably get tired of the constant reminder of being called a Deity, Grant.”Clint pointed out with a small smile, before looking startled, torn. Nodding slowly. “Yes...that would be best.”He said slowly, not liking letting his team go, but knowing he’d be a danger to them more if he did go. “Don’t worry. We’ll be back soon.”Tony grinned as he got up, squeezing Clint’s shoulder. “You just take care of Reindeer and Agent, okay? We’re more then enough to take care of one lost brooklynn kid. We just have to remind him NYC is on the other side of the world then where he is.”Tony grinned teasing clint a little, smiling as he headed out to suit up.
"Thanks Jay!" Steve called before smiling at Phil. "god i'm glad to have you back." he admitted, Phil smiling. "i'm glad to be back." he admitted, looking up when Loki, pale and sweating from the exertion swept into the room, stuffed himself silly and swept back out again, Phil snorting. "thank god he only does that three times a day." Loki had a massive collection of energy bars, drinks and candy in his rooms that tided him over until meal times. Steve went out and got them every morning to make sure Loki wouldn't run out. "....okay, that's a good point. i just don't like her being called 'woman' it's insulting. she's more than her gender you know. call her Atlantia. like Tony does. i think she'll like that." he admitted. "we'll b fine Clint. and i and Grant will know how to help James too." she admitted with a smile. "we've both been through what he's going through." she admitted, watching the others scatter to get ready and sighed. "you really should forgive him you know." she admitted to Clint with a sad smile. "it's not his fault the Kree manipulated him into being too scared to come back. he's a strong man Clint but he can't stop everything." she admitted smiling at him and kissing his cheek. "have sex or something for gods sakes, your both jumpy as hell." she admitted before heading to the jet. she was always ready after all and she could get dressed on the plane.
“Sounds good. Atlantia it is then.”Clint said smiling slightly as he tilted his head, before taking a shuddering breath, watching Natasha, nodding tightly. “Okay. I know, you guys will be okay helping him.”He said smiling slightly before glancing at phil, “....I know. And what?I can’t-not now!”Clint said looking a little scandalized at the idea of having sex right now. Watching her go with a smile.

When they arrived, tony paused as the plane sat down, sulking though that he hadn’t been allowed to fly, none of his team allowed him to fly anymore. “So. How do you want to do this?Jarvis says he’s inside.”Tony said as he looked over the floorplans of the bunker like base in front of them, trying not to twitch to hard, feeling utterly exposed and vulnerable in the red and gold suit in the wintery white and green of pine trees that surrounded the base.
Phil nodded his agreement. Atlantia was a good name he supposed. "of course you can! it might even be good for him! remind him of what he has to hold on to!" she pointed out with an impish grin.

"we go in. ready to fight." he admitted. "there's only one entrance and one exit and i don't want Grant in there having to fight and risking capture so he's going to stay out here." Steve informed them. "he can then immediately leave if someone attacks, find a safe place and use Jarvis around his wrist to warn us that someone is leaving or that James came out." grant liked that plan. he liked that plan a lot. no fighting for Grant. he even had the perfect way to get away unseen! yes, he would be a good lookout. "lay it out for me Tony?" Steve asked, indicating the projection that he couldn't make heads or tales of. he was used to 2d drawings not 3d renderings.
Clint rolled his eyes a little. “Go away, you terror. Worry about your own sex life.”Clint ordered though he looked amused.

“Sounds like a plan. We would need someone out here anyways, might as well be the one who blends in the most.”Tony said looking thoughtful, amused at how pleased grant looked with the idea, before gesturing to the rendering. “Jarvis?The path please.”He said pausing at the red lines lit up. “I can’t follow james’ path in, there’s no real cameras, to cold for it to work, but as far as I can tell, this is the most used path, jarvis can tell most of the lights are on this trail, and there’s something here”He gestured at the bottom. “Drawing a hell of a lot of power. I assume that’s the freezer. I, personally, like the sorched earth idea. Just knock the whole thing over,burn it to the ground and find him after. If we start causing chaos upstairs, James’ll either come see what we’re doing, or be able to complete his own ‘mission’ faster.”
Steve nodded. "plus if anything happens he can just vanish and reappear somewhere else." "takes too much magical energy that i don't have yet." he admitted. "i have a better way of escaping if it comes to it." he admitted. "...right, as long as you won't be a sitting duck." "i'm not." he promised before smiling at them. "be careful with them okay? they'll be scared." he admitted before settling in to wait while Steve examined the area. "we have to be careful about explosions. if we cut power to the freezer who knows what will happen?" "she'll die!" Grant said, sounding frantic. "with the Freezer system shut down life support will stop and she'll suffocate to death! or freeze to death, not sure which would happen first at that temperature." "...right. no explosions until after James has extracted her. or Tony. someone. Jarvis? can you hack the systems here? find out how to wake her up with minimal damages to her body or mind?" he asked the being that was controlling the holograms. "Tony? you follow James. he'll recognize Iron Man and you'll be the best one to help wake her up. this is high level science here and most of us won't have a clue."

"when you come across James, tell him 'Это время, чтобы проснуться. Время к лицу новый рассвет.' it's a code we set up when we where all hanging out together. he'll know you where sent here by someone he can trust." "great, can you repeat that Tony?" Steve asked. he knew Natasha could but he wasn't sure Tony could. hell he wasn't sure he could. "while Tony is heading down, Natasha and i will be beating the shit out of everyone else we find. we'll set off an alarm and see if we can't pull them all up to the upper levels here. it shouldn't take us too long to deal with everyone. it appears to be a science base, not too many soldiers." he admitted. "so. are we ready?" he asked, checking his gun. "Jarvis?" "Yes Sir. approximately one third of the scientists working here are unwilling. approximately ten of those one third have been brainwashed as test subjects and are the approximation of mindless zombies. i have contacted them and they will sit down as soon as you enter a room and make sure those with severe brain damage sit as well so as to not get in the way. i am downloading the schematics to the hibernation unit to Sir's suit now."Jarvis informed them.

Translation: It's time to wake up. Time to face a new dawn.
“As careful as a virgin on her wedding night, promise.”Tony said grinning behind his facemask before wincing. “Okay, no cutting the freezer.” “I am already working on it Captain, but there is alot of things to go through. They are disturbing things to read. But I am searching.”Jarvis promised as he worrked. “Fine by me, Captain.”Tony smiled a little before smirking as said the words, before “Я выступаю от имени четырех различных языков, Баулдер”Tony teased smirking a little. “My father thought it was interesting that I learned other languages as easy as I learned everything else.” He said before refocusing, nodding. “Okay then. Let’s go.”tony said even as he started for the door, easing in and going to search for the winter soldier, slowly making his way down to the hibernation suite.

translation:"I speak russian, Jackass."
Grant blinked, looking confused. "as careful as huh?" he asked, frowning a little. he wasn't entirely sure what that meant but decided that he could trust Tony. "i don't know what you said Tony, i don't speak Russian." Steve said, vaguely recognizing the language as Russian. he decided not to make a smart-ass comment about Tony's mouth like he wanted to, they'd just end up in a fight and he didn't have time for that. within minutes there was an alarm blaring and everyone was rushing upstairs to stop Steve from pummeling his way to the... well they weren't sure but they couldn't let him get there! it left Tony, and James, completely unmolested, or mostly so.
“Urgh, qouting Madonna is not fun with you people, if you’re not going to understand what I’m saying.”Tony sulked pouting a little before snickering. “Remind me, I’ll teach you later.”Tony smiled as they headed for the freezer. Pausing in the door, careful to not turn the repulsors towards the assassin he could see starting to operate the hibernation tube. “James?Это время, чтобы проснуться. Время к лицу новый рассвет”Tony said slowly, careuflly as he flipped the face plate up, swallowing thickly, nervous. “Do you need help?”
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