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Shining Life(Marvel) Lady/Fox

"...what's a Madonna? a book?" Steve asked, looking a bit curious before he shrugged. "i was never very good with languages. barely learned English." that was a lie. not many knew it, but English was actually not his first language. Steve was actually Italian. his mother, Italian. he had spoken Italian until he and his mother had moved to America with his American Soldier father to escape the Nazi's. he'd had a hll of a time learning English but by the time he met James had been proficient enough. though not enough to avoid being bullied relentlessly for being an 'immigrant scum'. language had not come easy for Steve, so he wasn't too eager to learn a third one.

James Barnes. The Winter Soldier spun to face Tony, gun aimed right for the middle of Tony's head. his ice-blue eyes filled with hard emotions. while he was focused on Tony, he was also focused on the flickering computers. "Чего ты хочешь? почему ты здесь?" James demanded. he didn't look about ready to shoot Tony, but he wasn't about to drop the gun either. "Ты Тони Старк. Капитан Роджерс Фрейнд ." James muttered, slowly lowering the gun, watching Tony, ready to shoot should Tony make any move he didn't want the other to make.

What do you want? why are you here?
You're Tony Stark. Captain Rogers friend.
“Urgh. She’s a singer. We’re watching movies when we get home.”Definitely sulking there. “Liar. I know you know more, rogers.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little. “I’m here to help unfreeze the ice goddess. And I’m here because Cap’s been looking for you, and we have a friend of yours who’s very distressed that his patron goddess is being used like this.”Tony said even as the faceplate eased back, but made no other move, simply watching the other. “Grant Ward. He led us here, to help. And we thought, you might apperciate the backup, since the scum upstairs would be down here keeping you company if they weren’t busy shooting at Spangles.”
Steve shook his head and admitted nothing. learning English had been a hell of a hard thing and being tormented as a child for not being raised in America had been hell. he had been born on American soil he was properly an American, but he was also Italian and had been until he was eight when he'd returned to America. he didn't like to admit he was Italian because it just meant more verbal, even physical abuse when people found out.

"...why?" James asked, confused. why would Captain Rogers be looking for him? he tensed at the name Grant Ward before realizing Tony had used 'those words' which meant Grant remembered enough to remember they had been planning escape so he was pretty sure he was safe. "they are shooting at Captain Rogers?" he demanded, feeling a sudden, strange urge to race upstairs and save him.
"Because you're his you still not remember?"tony stared, looking startled and eyes wide as he considered that. He hadn't considered that james didn't remember who he was."your name is james barnes."tony said slowly, watching him."they are. Don't worry, to much. Him and Natasha are good, they can handle people shooting at them. Now, what can we do to wake the girl up?we'll get her out then go get the captain and get outta here."
James blinked at him. "no." he admitted before he tilted his head. "sometimes. yes. sometimes i remember, but i don't now." he admitted. "James Barnes?" James asked, blinking at Tony before nodding. "Natalia. yes." he agreed, relaxing. she would stop Captain Rogers from getting into too much trouble. "...i can't remember." James admitted, turning to stare at the computer which was flashing with various bits of information, mostly vitals and other information on how she was doing. she seamed to be stable and James looked very uncertain about touching what he wasn't sure how to work it. "your a genius right?" James asked, indicating the computer with his gun in his metal hand. "you fix it." he ordered. "and no funny business or i'll slaughter you."
‘ah, I see. And yes, you’re name is James barnes.”Tony smiled before smiling slightly. “Definitely will keep him from getting himself into trouble. They’ll be okay.”Tony said before watching him, nodding. “I am. I promise, no funny business.”He said easing closer, watching the other for a long moment before starting to work, after a bit straightening, looking at james. “She wont be awake, but we can disconnect her from the machine now. Moving her wont kill her, she’s starting to wake up.’
James stared at him for a moment before nodding. Natalia was 'in the know' though he wasn't sure if she would remember. he, Grant Ward, Natalia Romana and the woman laying, trapped in ice who he knew only as Alexis had all planned, when they could, to escape. they had been caught, tortured in punishment, wiped, and separated. he was delighted that Natalia and Grant where already out. the only one left was Alexis. "not awake." he mumbled, very carefully releasing the air pressure seals around the little tube she was in, the hiss of escaping air letting Tony know why blood oxygen was constantly being monitored. he gently eased the cover off, keeping a sharp eye on the monitor as he did so before very carefully removing the breathing Tube that was down her throat. something he'd often had to do on his own. she couldn't breath, while encased in ice, so they pumped oxygen directly into her lungs, negating the need for the lungs to be able to pump. as the body did, once the breathing tube was out, she started breathing on her own so he moved on to the many IV's, some which prevented her blood from freezing too much and exploding in her veins. some to provide nutrition, some to keep her from starving to death, others to make sure she never woke up. such drugs didn't always work, and all four had sometimes woken up, unable to move, encased in ice, incapable of breathing, unable to move, or swallow, or blink or scream. he made sure to remove that IV last so she wouldn't wake up while still de-thawing. "Alexis..." he murmured, setting a hand on her cheek, checking her temperature. still too low. she wouldn't wake until her internal temperature reached a proper temp and allowed her higher brain functions to restart. he scooped her into his arms and turned to look at Tony. "take me to Grant Ward." he demanded. he had to start trusting someone, and a friend of Grant's and Captain Rogers, well, where better to start? Steve looked up when they appeared, stunned at the beautiful woman laying draped in Bucky's arms and he felt his heart clench in a most painful way that he was pretty damn sure wasn't jealousy. nope, not at all. "all the scientists who want out, are out by the Jet waiting for the Bus that's being sent to pick them all up. Jarvis says you'll want to do extensive background checks on them but if they pass would make great additions to S.I." Steve admitted. "the rest of this place has been... dealt with." Steve admitted, his face going very stern and serious and a person would realize just then how war hardened Steve really was. either they stood down, or they where dead and Steve didn't give a damn what you thought about it.
Tony paused watching James take care of things, even as he was monitoring the computer and watching the input, he had a feeling that the man in front of him, understood what was going on even better then he did. Understood it on a soul deep level of horror and pain. “Still cold, we’ll set the quinjet to warm slowly, we don’t want to damage her by warming her up to quickly.”Tony frowned thinking about it before nodding. “Come on then.”He said looking at Steve as they emerged, to focused on getting out without james deciding he was a enemy, that he hadn’t really paid attention to the goddess draped over James arms. Having simply seen that if he hadn’t known she lived, he’d worry about how pale she was. How utterly devoid of life the beautiful woman seemed, and wondering if the pale icy color of her skin was natural, and he was betting it was, simply because her hair was white, a true white. Not what humans called white-blond, but a white that looked like fresh fallen snow. “Awesome. Yes, I’m always looking for more scientists.”Tony said thoughtfully, watching Steve for a long moment. “Huh. Sometimes I manage to forget you’ve already fought in a world war.”he said thoughtfully as they made their way out to the jet. “Grant?”Natasha said as they opened the rear of the plane, watching james carefully, even as they stepped inside. Not quite sure what to say, or do. feeling at a loss with everything, a little adrift really.
James nodded. "thank you." he mumbled. honestly until then he hadn't been sure what to do. he'd nowhere to go, nowhere to take her. he was grateful that Grant had come for her too, now she could be safe and heal in comfort instead of on the run like him. he studied Captain Rogers who hesitated, watching James before stepping forward and carefully checked her for a pulse. "she's always pale like that." James informed Steve. "anything we can get for her?" "blankets and water. she'll be thirsty. room temperature, not cold." he instructed, Steve nodding as he bustled into the Jet to fetch both. "Natalia?" James asked her, his head tilted before looking at Grant as he slipped into the room, he'd taken a tactically advantaged location where he could escape easily and still see without being exposed. "James!" Grant said before rushing over to Alexis, who he was currently calling Atlantia. "is she okay?" "she will be." James said. he hoped so anyway. Grant was quick to grab the blankets away from Steve and fuss her into them so she'd warm up a little but, but not too much, remembering his own experiences and carefully settled her into one of the med beds where she would be comfortable when she woke. "so. is rust bucket safe?" Natasha asked, jerking her thumb at James who blinked at her, flexing his metal fingers, which did indeed creek a little. rusted and poorly maintained. reacting out of habit more than anything else.
“well, that’s good to know.”Tony muttered looking a little relieved to know that it wasn’t a reaction to what was going on. “Yes.”Natasha smiled at the man, “Though it’s Natasha these days.”She said smiling at her teacher, smiling a little as grant fussed, watching the other get Alexis settled and comfortable. At Natasha’s question, Tony’s head snapped up from where he’d been getting the plane ready to leave, eyes going to the arm, even if you could see him viciously clamping down on the urgent demand to fix it, and fix it now.
"Natasha." James agreed, the girl smiling at him before making sure the plane was ready for takeoff. she would be waiting with the scientists until The Bus came and picked them all up. just in case one of them was a traitor or worse, more Hydra assholes showed up. James recoiled away from Tony, setting his flesh hand on his metal arm as if trying to keep Tony away from it, Steve setting a hand on Tony's shoulder, assuring him that when James trusted them a little more, he could try again. "okay, let's get her strapped in...." "what!?" Grant demanded, tensing. "we're not Strapping her down!" "in! Grant, In! it's dangerous for her to lay on the bed like that without having something to hold her in. she'll fall off in a second if we hit turbulence or are attacked and she'll get hurt. don't worry. she'll be able to undue the straps on her own if she wakes up before we land. she'll be fine. we're not trapping her." Steve promised, aware that James had gone very tense as well. "it's just like the seat-belts the rest of us have to wear that will keep her on the bed. see? this part goes over her chest and this part around her waist. just like the chairs, and when we lifted the head of the bed just a little... she'll be more comfortable too." instead of laying flat on her back now, she was more reclined, like in a sitting chair or a comfortable lounge chair. much more comfortable. "...okay." Grant finally agree, but insisted he be the one to strap her in, just to make sure, then he fussed over James, who looked both amused and baffled and allowed Grant to strap him in too. right next to Alexis on one side while Grant settled himself at her other side she she would have someone right there the instant she woke up. Steve had to chuckle. while he was pretty sure she wasn't a goddess, it was easy to see that Grant was completely smitten.
Natasha smiled, saying her goodbyes before leaving to wait for the bus to arrive. “I wont touch it. See this this is me resisting doing anything!Stop. Talking, I’m having a hard enough time resisting fixing it now, just stop talking about it....”Tony growled before heading up to settle into the pilot’s seat, knowing that they all hated to let him fly, but with natasha saying, they’d have to suck it up. “We just want to make sure she’s safe, and doesn’t hurt herself.”Tony promised as he buckled himself in, smiling slightly as the others got settled, smiling as they headed for the city.

And it was just as they were nearing the tower that Alexis stirred slightly, eyes blinking slowly, revealing eyes that were the color of the sea, shifting and moving if you looked at them right, like the sea waters themselves. Struggling weakly against the bonds that held her even as tony set the jet down on the rooftop, already telling bruce they were on their way in with the goddess, knowing bruce was the best one of them to at least look her over.
"Steve had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing at Tony while James blinked at him. he was pretty sure Tony was completely insane. yep. "Alexis." James said, unstrapping himself and ignoring Steve's complaints that they hadn't landed yet. "it's okay." he promised. "your safe. just relax." he urged her, Grant already gently unstrapping her since they where already landing and figured it would be safe enough, he wasn't too sure about Bruce touching her or looking her over but he didn't say anything because he didn't want James attacking anyone. "hows Loki and Phil?" Steve asked once they where inside. Loki was still stuffing himself silly but Phil had deteriorated by a lot and was now too scared to leave his room. he had tried to make a run for it a few short hours ago and was now being held, trapped, in his own room until Loki finished with the Challa crystals that Thor had brought down. Loki would start that night because Phil was out of time and so where they. Loki had built up what he could and Thor had also spent the last several hours pumping out what magic he could to support Loki during the procedure so both of them where now stuffing themselves silly and pumping magical power into crystals and after a quick test to see if Grant's magic was compatible he planned on joining them once he was sure Alexis would be safe and cared for and wouldn't be scared. whatever they could to save Phil.
Alexis frowned, turning her head a little at the sound of his voice, blinking slowly, struggling to focus. Because the eyesight was so reliant on the fluid in the eye to work, so as the coldness closed around them, the eyes were usually the first effected, though they usually didn’t last long term damaged as they came back. “G...”She paused frowning slightly as she turned her head a little towards him, relaxing as she realized that the two were with her, that she was okay. “....No good.”Clint said looking as worn and hollowed out as he had in those days after the invasion. Quickly explaining he swallowed thickly. “I think I’ll wait to look her over....she looks fine, and as long as jarvis can keep a eye on her to make sure she’s not dying, I don’t think there’s anything else I could do for her.”Bruce said frowning slightly having mostly not been listening to the other conversation, having been focused on the woman.
"Yeah, it's me. your okay." Grant promised her with a small smile. "James and me are here. Natalia is too. but she goes by Natasha now." Grant admitted. "not good...." Steve repeated, feeling a spark of worry and fear rising up before he crushed it down. "Phil will be okay." Steve promised, smiling at Clint. "i don't like Loki all that much, but we know him well enough to know he'll do everything within his power and beyond to set Phil to rights." he promised him before looking at Bruce.. "that's good. can you look James over?" "no." James stated firmly. "James. your hurt, we can all see it." "no. i'll take care of myself." "James. it's okay." Grant promised. "Nat trusts them. you know how picky she is." "she doesn't remember us." "no. but that doesn't mean she doesn't remember how much people suck." "no." "please, James? your hurt, bad. i can smell the infection." Grant admitted, setting his hand in James. "trust me, okay?"James hesitated, examining Grant before he nodded. he'd let Bruce look him over, he supposed. h could always snap the mans neck if he did anything that he didn't like. he allowed Steve to lead him to the med lab and stripped off his shirt, trusting that Grant would protect Alexis. Steve nearly gagged as he realized where the infection was. James had, with his flesh hand, torn huge gouges into the seam around his metal arm and flesh. he had clawed at it until it was torn to shreds and still the Arm was attached, indicating that it could not be removed, or that James couldn't remove it. it was heavily swollen and infected, though a single round of antibiotics was likely to take care of it, provided they where able to get the arm off.
“...Kay....”Alexis muttered clsing her eyes again, resting. While she was waking, it would take time for her to truly be awake and aware more. “No it’s not.”Clint muttered swallowing hard, so worn out from not sleeping since they’d left, or resting that he wasn’t doing a great job of hiding the mountain worth of fear. “Yea, I can.”bruce answered before looking at James, not wanting to force it, but knowing he had to look at it. “I just want to fix it, not make it worse.”Bruce said watching them. Flinching, the only response to the stripped t-shirt, swallowing thickly as he realized what it was. Dammit. “....I know you don’t want him to, but....Jarvis, can you get tony down here?”Bruce said, he knew it was cruel to a man who usually hated dealing with living body things, but Tony better then most, knew what wrong fitting tech in the body could do to a person. “hey?”Tony said before wincing as he saw what the problem was. “Okay, okay. I can get it off. Give me a sec.”Tony said before rushing out to gather his tools before moving back in, giving James a slow look. “Are you going to kill me for this? Cause no matter how gentle I am, this is going to hurt.”Tony said even as he started working to get it off.
Grant smiled and stroked her hair, promising her that he was right there. he would be sharing his magic only so long as he could stay right next to his Goddess to make sure she was safe and comfortable and felt safe.

"...." James tensed at the order to get Tony down there. James didn't like Tony, he didn't want him there. the man made him think of faces he couldn't quite remember. and of pain and experiments and things he didn't want. " can get it off?" James asked suddenly, focusing on Tony intently. could he really? James had tried, dozens of times, to take it off, and when that failed tried to tear it off. that had failed too so in fits of fury he clawed at it like an animal when the pain got too much or he lost his head a little bit. " get it off." James ordered. "no needles. no drugs. no tests just get it off." James ordered, sitting down on a stool and waited for Tony to set to work. he never made any sign that he was in pain, though a normal person probobly would have been catatonic with pain by the time Tony removed the blood caked arm. leaving behind a bad infection, a gaping hole in his arm where the arm had rubbed him raw and deep, and a look of deep relief and a series of small bolt holes around where the arm was attached. that was why all the pain, and why he couldn't remove it on his own. they had installed metal implants into his bones, which the arm attached to. the metal implants where fine, stable and wouldn't cause any problems. they had been 'installed' correctly. the arm itself was now too small for James slightly bugger body and had cut into the flesh it had been anchored to. the claw marks had only made the whole thing worse of course, but having the arm off must have been a great relief from the pain, no more constant pressure on the arching stump, which was all that was left of his arm. James was examining his infected, rubbed raw, aching arm with curiosity. he'd likely never seen the stump before.
“I can. It’s gonna hurt, and probably one or both of us are going to throw up, but I can get it off.”Tony promised nodding at the orders as he set to work. And indeed, Tony himself threw up twice as he worked, though he kept at it. Setting the arm to the side he shook his head. “No wonder you’re hurting. Damned things to small for you now.”Tony grumbled sounding annoyed, James soon forgotten as he picked up the arm, not even responding when Bruce talked to him as they headed towards the lab. His total attention focused on the tech in his hands and how he was going to fix it. “....Okay. Let’s get you cleaned up then.”Bruce said looking a little sick himself even as he worked on cleaning up the stump and shoulder, before holding out the antibiotics. “I know you said no drugs, but you’re taking these. Even with a super serum, you’re body is going to need help getting rid of that infection. Take them.”
James looked quite confused the two times Tony had to leave to go throw up. he didn't understand how terrible it really was, had no concept of it really. "too small?" he asked, he hadn't realized the size of the arm mattered at all. he watched Tony leave and then turned to Bruce, letting him work silently. he blinked at the pill bottle an took it, his head tilted. "this is candy?" he asked Bruce, confused. "these are drugs?" he asked, looking baffled. the drugs he knew came in needles and made him very sluggish and heavy and helpless. they drugged him hen they where going to do things that he didn't like. would these make him sleepy and heavy and helpless? he didn't have the brain function to ask that sort of thing, to express it. how would drugs help him with his injuries anyway? this man was clearly not the same kind of scientist that he was used to. it was kind of nice to be able to sit and not be strapped down while he was poked and prodded.
“Yes, to small. It’s cutting into the skin instead of resting against it.”Tony grumbled sounding upset, even if he did respond to the question without really registering they were talking to him. “No, not candy. Drugs. Medicine to help with the infection.”Bruce said frowning a little at the baffled look he was getting, before smiling a little. “Take them, you’ll feel better after a few days of taking them.”Bruce said smiling a little as he started to bandage the stump. “And it’ll give time for your arm to heal before tony comes back with a new arm. A better one.”
James blinked at the pill bottle, examining them before shrugging and read the instructions on the bottle to see what he was supposed to do with them, though he wasn't sure why he read them. holdover probobly, memories he didn't actually remember. "yeah. alright." he agreed, letting Bruce bandage his stump before focusing on him again. "Captain Rogers knew me. from, Before. right?" he asked. "he knew who i was?" he asked. "he called me something. on the bridge. i can't remember what it was." he mumbled. "but he knew me. right?"
Bruce looked up at him, nodding. “He did. You two grew up together. Bucky, you’re middle name is Buchanan, and he always called you Bucky.”Bruce smiled a little looking at the other, moving to get up. “Come on. Let’s go see the others, and see if Alexis is awake again.”He said knowing the other was probably worried about her.
he frowned a little at that and shook his head. "no. there was more." he mumbled before nodding and headed back up to Aexis, watching Grant curiously as he looked like he was sleeping while sitting up, a big blue rock on his hands. how strange. but then, Grant had always been a bit strange. "how is he?" Steve asked Bruce once James was distracted with checking on Grant and Alexis. "Tony said it was bad but... Tony's always either over or under exaggerating so..." so Steve didn't know if he was able to sigh in relief or get really worried.
Alexis stirred as she heard them coming in, blinking slowly, more aware, but not quite awake yet either. Bruce snorted a little at Steve’s words. “Tony is never the one you want to get reports from.”He snickered a little before sighing. “The infections’ bad, but not to horrible yet, easily taken care of between the serum and medicine. Tony thinks it’s horrible and bad because the tech used is a horrible mess, and ‘a abuse of tech that is close to a abuse of power’ and...well, I sorta lost it after his description because he’d walked away, but you get the idea. He was upset about the bad arm, rather then the infection.”
James smiled at her, sitting down and gently stroking her hair out of her face, letting her wake up when she was ready to. forcing her to wake up would only make her panic and think she was still with Hydra and disorient her. "no he's not." Steve admitted with a grimace before sighing, very relieved that James was okay. "so, Tony's working on a new arm i take it and James will be fine. thank god." he mumbled. now all he had to worry about was Phil, who would be undergoing his procedure in just a few short hours. Loki was still building up magic, as was Thor and Grant, and would continue to do so until they had Phil 'prepped'. Loki suggested making sure Phil fasted for about twelve hours and voiding himself so he would not crap, pee, or vomit upon himself.they had the soft table set up. it was a padded table that they would strap Phil onto so he could not harm himself or Loki. this was in a room with only one door, no vents and no windows so if Phil did manage to get free he could not escape, and so that no on accidentally interrupted the procedure, which could lead to both Phil and Loki's untimely deaths. once the procedure was done, Phil would, should, be fine even if he came out of it a little bit mutilated. some of the Kree genetics could remain active, including superior strength, healing, senses or even vague magical abilities he would no longer be controlled in any way or form by the Hive Mind.Jarvis had further instructions for once they where complete which included get Phil as much gentle food and water as he could hold and tucking him into bed and doing the same to Loki only Loki was to remain in the room while Phil was to be removed to his own bedroom. there Loki would fall into Torpor which would encase the entire room in Ice and no one would be able to get in, or out of they remained too long. they would be instructed to leave as soon as he started to emit frost ad wouldn't be able to go back in until everything was thawed. then they could ply him with food and water once more, carry him to bed and let him rest until he was coherent enough to finish explaining why he looked like death itself had run him over.
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