Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

Nov 30, 2010
Tony Stark sighed quietly as he ran a hand through his dark hair, looking over his paperwork as he discreetly studied the red head across from him. Laci Collins was definitely not what he thought of someone who worked behind the scenes of the fashion world. More like she looked like the models who should be on the stage. And she had been at one time, but her love for designing had seen her picking up a artbook instead of walking down the runway. “So. How’s it feel to be free?”He asked after a moment as he signed the check, studying her openly now.

She was so much more then the 25 year old he’d met the last time he’d gone to college. And while the intervening 5 years had seen them both rocked out of their comfort zone, and their world’s turned upside down, it was both for the better. He got out of the lab, and had a family that was as insane as he was in the form of the avengers. Her getting out of the world that had been killing her, and disappearing into her art studio to design. Definitely so much better now. Even with the problems that plagued them as the world balanced after the fall of shield, and the problems that followed, they were better.

“Good.It’s....good.”Laci smiled brushing her hair back, the small phoenix engulfed in flames that rode at the the curve of her neck, at the curve where her collar bone melted into a slender neck both left him curious and interested, even as it had darkened slowly, so slowly over the last five years, making him wonder just who she saw so very rarely.

“Now. Is there anything else you need?”Tony said studying the woman, having realized she was hesitant to ask, and wanting to goad her into asking. “Models.I-I have friends who can be the girls, but the guys...t-they don’t want to work with me.” Mostly cause she had a rep for being a frigid bitch, which tony had no idea why since most of the time she was really nice, but if you couldn’t sleep with them, he knew guys had a tendancy to talk about girls. “Okay. Well. We have some of the best looking people living in the tower.”Tony smirked, even as he stood, waving her to follow. “Jarvis, have everyone meet us in the living room will you?”he asked, well aware that not only the avengers were in the tower, but they had some of the fantastic four, and coulson was wandering around to. It’d be interesting to see who offered.
Johnny Storm was a happy camper indeed. because Reed had blown up the Fantastic Four's 'base of operations' fiddling with Time and Space, they where all now living with Tony and the other Avengers. because Reed had done something Stupid, Susan was focusing all of her ire onto him, instead of onto her brother as it usually went down. Reed wasn't having a very good time of it with Sue, but he was adoring Tony's labs and lab time with Tony, Bruce, and the newly acquired Peter Parker who had graduated the toughest High School in the entire tri-state area with not only honors, but made records in most of his classes. he had been snapped up by Tony so fast Peter had barely managed to walk in the door. Peter Parker, smart boy that he was, had wanted to apply for a job at Stark Tower so he could get into the best collage, it had worked. no one had realized, as of yet, that Parker had a bit of a secrete identity between going to work and going to collage. well, no one but Jarvis anyway, but he wasn't telling apparently.

Johnny looked up from where he had been reading in bed, a book Titled 'Differential Equations and Linear Algebra' by four different authors. to think he was reading that for fun. he paused, looking down at himself, he was wearing clothes... well, he'd put on a pair of pants just so Sue wouldn't bitch at him. he yanked on a pair of jeans over his black ad tan boxers and headed for the living room, uncaring that his chest, and the darkening, very slowly darkening, Tattoo on his Bicep was showing. "...Johnny, don't you ever wear a shirt?" Peter Parker asked as he walked in, lifting an eyebrow at Johnny who shrugged. "and Deny everyone the glorious sight of my body?" he asked with a grin, setting his book down and picking up his phone to check and see if he'd gotten any messages, uncaring that Peter had picked it up and was now leafing through it to find where He'd last left off. he and peter where always, er, 'borrowing' each others books. Johnny because they where awesome and Peter because he was bored with his courses. problem with collage was that he couldn't be skipped ahead or placed in an advanced class. he had to work his way up, even if he had learned all of that during his freshman year of high school. Johnny had much better books.
“It’s not that glorious, no matter what anyone tells you.”Laci said as she stepped off the elevator with tony, her dark hair tied out of her face, shaking her head. She should have known. She’d known the Baxter building was currently under construction, but she hadn’t considered who they’d be staying with. Sliding a glance towards Tony she saw the flash of a amused smile, and knew the man had set her up. She’d have to push him off the tower or something later. “Cap’s better. And you’re in third place for best abs, with Barnes now living with Cap and being included in on the whole superhero thing.”Tony pointed out, because even if steve and james stayed in the tower as much as they stayed at Steve’s apartment, so teasing the former assassin had become second nature to the brunette, even if everyone thought he had a death wish for it.

“Tony, what’s going on?”Natasha said as she glided into the room, sweating slightly, having been downstairs in the gym with Clint. “Well. Laci has a favor to ask.”Tony said smirking, knowing the girl was probably digging her heels in about asking. She hated asking for things, always had. “Yes?”Natasha raised a eyebrow as she looked at the girl. “My fashion line is set to come out in a few months, I wanted models. Super hero models. I mean. It’s casual clothes but...comfortable. Easy. Movable. And who knows more about needing awesome dress clothes that can be moved in, then superheros.”Laci said looking ready to give up and tell them to forget it, and she probably would have at the sight of johnny, if Tony hadn’t been standing between her and the door.
Johnny lifted an eyebrow when he realized Laci was there. he resisted the urge to flirt with her, she wouldn't appreciate it and he wanted to keep his balls for people who would actually appreciate them, instead of try to hack them off. "no way! now, granted, i can say without a doubt that James is better than me, but i refuse to believe that i'm not better than Rogers!" he protested, Steve snorting as he walked in, shaking his head as James snorted, both of them soaking with sweat as well, though they had at least come in full dressed. "you wish you where half as good as Steve." James scoffed, gulping down on some multivitamin protein goop thing that he loved so much. no one else would touch the nasty stuff but it cut back on how much he needed to eat so no one complained about him drinking it. especially since he had only just come back about two weeks ago. he'd scared the shit out of all of them too. they had all just come back from a mission that had gone shockingly well because of a sniper taking out any enemy that attacked their backs, they'd searched for the unknown aid but hadn't found him until they walked into the dark as hell tower and found him sitting at the bar drinking, milk, of all things. Sam had laughed himself silly because Tony had squealed like a girl.

"A Favor?" Steve asked, looking at the woman, curious before blinking a little at the request. well, it was kind of a request. "...so... you want us to strut around in front of a crowd?" James asked, looking a little nervous about the idea. he wasn't very good with crowds yet. he had enough trouble with the people he knew in the tower. "sorry, i'm technically not old enough yet." Peter admitted. "i won't be eighteen for another six months." "i'm not sure i'm allowed..." Steve admitted, even if he looked curious about the project. "Sorry Steve, Shield Agents, which you are even if only by contract, are not allowed to appear on public forums like that. it could place people in danger if a villain decided to attack because you where 'showing off'. unfortunately i'm not allowed either, nor is Clint or Natasha... unless it's a mission but i don't think Ms. Collins is a slave trader or a drug cartel." Phil admitted. "i like strutting on stage. yeah i'll go for it." Johnny agreed with a sly grin. "Parker i want my book back." "get your own." "...that IS mine." "....not anymore." "sticky fingered little shit!" Johnny complained, even if he looked amused and reached into the little book shelf that was in the living room and checked the selection. he finally pulled out a book titled Algorithms and Complexity, another mathematics book and settled in to continue reading. "....your kind of a freak. huh" James finally asked Johnny who snickered in response. Reed finally piped up. "i could donate my time to this." he finally agreed, Ben just grunting. "i don't think the stage will hold me up." he admitted. Johnny had to bite his lip to keep from snickering. he didn't want Sue to jump all over him, again.
“No one is better then Cap. You could do laundry on his abs.” “Do you even know how to do laundry?”Natasha said looking thoughtful at the idea as she considered Steve then looked at tony. “No, but I know the theory of having ‘washboard abs’.”Tony said looking proud of himself for having thought of it.

“Yes, a favor. And if you want. I mean. I need models, but I also need people to just try them on, tell me if they’re comfortable to.”Laci said tilting her head, not wanting to make anyone feel bad for not wanting to parade around in front of the crowd. She knew not everyone liked to be in front of people, and really, she needed opinions to. “I want to design dress wear for cops, and soldiers, and....every day work wear. I figured if I could make it comfortable enough for you guys, normal service people would like it.”Laci twitched a little knowing she was overexplaining, talking alot. But she normally did when she was nervous and having them all watch her, made her nervous. “No, I don’t think she is. Though she did have a thing for handcuffs. Does that count as slave trade?”Tony said smirking, tilting his head, wincing himself a little as laci glared a hole in the side of his head. He’d thought asking them had been a good idea, seems he was just going to make things worse really. And he was well aware Laci wanted to say no, stop Johnny from helping, but knowing she also wanted the publicity that would come with having johnny storm of all people doing it to. “Thanks Reed, Johnny.”She smiled a little patting Ben on the arm. “It’s okay. But if you want new clothes, I could make something anyways.”She offered. “I can do it to. It’ll be fun.”Sue said smiling slightly
James perked up at the promise of just trying on clothes. he was always eager to help and just trying on clothes? that was easy! "sure. i could do that." he agreed after a moment of contemplation, Steve nodding. "yeah, i'm always on the lookout for new clothes." Steve agreed, Phil nodding. trying on clothes would be just fine. "that's a fine goal." Steve agreed, Peter nodding. "yeah, they're always having to rush out of the house for emergencies. if they have clothes that can move well and protect them, then it could save lives." he admitted. "if you need any help with any designs i'd be happy to help. i don't know anything about fashion, but i've designed synthetic fabrics before." he admitted. "yeah, i'd be glad to help with that too if you need the assistance." Reed agreed, nodding happily. "i know Sue is getting frustrated with her lack of options when it comes to turning invisible." he admitted. "having your input would be very helpful when i finally manage to replicate the fabric of our current suits would be extremely appreciated."

"Handcuffs?" Johnny asked, perking up at Tony, looking quite curious now. "i don't remember there being any handcuffs." he admitted before shrugging. "anyway, just tell me what to do." he informed Laci. "just... don't send me out there half dressed, okay?" while Johnny was fine with nudity around people he knew, he didn't like being without clothes in front of a crowd. interestingly enough. "oh! actually, if you still need some male models, the X-men might be willing." Johnny admitted. "Scott's a handsome devil and Wolverine, surly and old as he is would make a decent model if we could convince him to smile. Gambit would make a fairly handsome stud too in the right clothes." he admitted. "it's a shame that Daredevil and Spider-man are still doing the whole secret identity thing, though, i could probably convince Blade." "who?" "oh, he's more of a street runner." Johnny admitted. Street runner was slang for people who basically protected the streets. they stopped muggers, rapists, drug lords and other such things. common criminals that the police couldn't always get to. Spider-man for example, was mostly a street runner, as was Daredevil and many of the younger mutants. it was odd how helpful Johnny was being all of a sudden.
“Awesome, I’ll let you guys know when I have some done.”She smiled pleased and nodding. “And they don’t always have time to change. Better to have clothes that move well and protect ready to go,....and I’ll remember that. Thanks. New fabrics are hard to come by.”Laci smiled before snickering. “Yea, turning invisible is sucky if your clothes don’t go.”Sue grinned. “It’d be fun. We’ll get you some good clothes sue, when he gets it figured out.”She smiled.

Laci stared at Johnny for a long moment, and Tony knew that what was true in college
(well, his and second time through college, but still it was college), was still true. Johnny Storm was one of the few that got under the ice queen’s skin and made her melt. If only he could tell johnny what else he found out, because no matter how much they both denied it, the other still mattered to each other. “You were so drunk, I’m surprised you remember at all.”Laci said simply refusing to get into it with Johnny again. After five years, surely she could have a conversation with him. “I will. And no half dressed. Promise.”She said tilting her head a little. “I already talked to Scott, he’s agreed to help to.”Laci said smiling slightly, which made Tony want to jump up and down and tell johnny what he’d found out, and that scott was in on it, but he couldn’t because he knew Laci would kick his ass. “Stay for dinner.”Tony smiled settling back on the couch next to johnny with a smirk. “O-okay.”Laci said looking oddly bemused, not sure why the man was being so helpful, but willing to go with it.
they all smiled at her. finding clothes that fit properly was a challenge for many of them, finding clothes that where also comfortable was nearly impossible sometimes. "it's a good idea." Reed admitted. "with as dangerous as New York can be sometimes, the off duty cops that get called in on emergency's are usually under protected and get hurt." Johnny nodded his agreement. he had lots of cop and firefighter friends. in fact, Johnny, more often then not, was called in when the building was up too fast or too much and there where people still inside. since the fire couldn't hurt him, Johnny would risk smoke inhalation and being crushed to save people who where still trapped inside burning buildings.

Johnny hadn't said anything to anyone, but he was actually taking a collage course himself. so far only Tony knew that Johnny was going over the PHD and trying to gain a Terminal Degree. the highest level of mastery one could gain in a subject. which was why he was currently reading every math book he could get his hands on. not that it was any different from what he usually did. he liked reading math books, the weirdo. usually he read lower level ones though, just to keep up with his skills and such. "...huh... i don't remember being drunk." Johnny admitted, frowning a little. that was another strange thing that, probably only Tony had noticed. Johnny had slept with as many people as Tony had and very rarely remembered anything about the faceless, nameless people he slept with. yet he well remembered Lacy, even after five years. "oh awesome." Johnny said, perking up. "he might talk to some of the other mutant X- Kiddies." he admitted. "i know you can't use anyone under the age of eighteen right?" he asked her. "but there's about three dozen adults running around he could talk into it." he admitted before frowning at one of the math problems in his book and muttered under his breath for a moment before nodding, looking quite pleased with himself. Peter looked stunned. "did you just... do that in your head?" "...yeah, why?" "....n-nothing." it was always a shock when someone realized how smart Johnny really was. "what is for Dinner anyway?" "whatever i feel like ordering." as it was Steve's turn to decide on Dinner, it was probably going to be hamburgers or Pizza. since Steve wasn't allowed to try cooking anymore after he'd nearly set the tower on fire and had accidentally blown up an oven. "what do you want for Dinner Laci?" Steve asked her. "keep in mind that no one can cook so we'll have to order in."
Tony tiled his head studying Johnny and Laci, interested. He hadn’t realized Johnny remembered more. He was used to Johnny not remembering people, even if they saw each other all the time. “....”Laci frowned staring at the man for a long moment before nodding. “Yea. They have to be over 18, but yea he was heading back to the school after the race yesterday, so I should know who I have to model soon enough.”She smiled pleased, so casually brushing over what her and scott had been doing that Tony had to snicker silently to himself. “He always was smarter then he looks. You can tell him that, I do all the time. He wont be overly insulted at it.”Laci snickered a little as she realized what Peter was sputtering over before snorting. Amused that no one could cook. “I think I have the stove fixed. We could cook.” “Tony, you put a repulsor in as a stove burner, you don’t get to use the stove.”Natasha said rolling her eyes. “But I want to.”Tony whined a little. “Pizza sounds amazing.”Laci said snickering a little as she settled into a chair. Tony smirked a little, shoving at Johnny’s shoulder. “In that case, we’re going to go experiment in the lab. Since they wont let me explode anything in here, I’ll go do it in the lab.”Tony whined already heading for the door, knowing they’d all put it up to his eccentric nature, rather then he wanted to talk to Johnny. Waiting until they got to the lab he smirked at the other. “Did you know Laci still goes to your motorcross races?”he said perching on his stool, looking amused. Because it had been a common enough thing when they’d first met, Laci had always made sure to go and watch Johnny race, even if the bikes had scared her half to death, she still went. “And before you say something stupid like maybe she’s dating another rider, you know if she was you would have already heard about it. And Scott’s the one who accidentlly let me in on the secret after she ignored my phone call.”
"race?" he asked, looking confused. "Nascar?" he guessed before shrugging. "well cool. i hope Gambit shows up." he admitted, he liked Gambit. the Cajun was one of the few people, like Tony, who didn't see a slut or a playboy or someone looking for attention. even if he was all of those. the Cajun was one of the few people who knew Johnny was much, much more than he pretended to be for the world. "hmm. i won't be insulted at all." Johnny admitted, peter sulking a little. he wasn't sure he'd ever be smart enough to do that kind of math in his head. "i think we should just order in." Peter admitted, looking a little panicked. he'd been there at the last attempt of Tony's cooking and it hadn't gone well and he'd been terrified of the idea of Tony, or any of them, cooking ever since. "Experiment?" Johnny asked, looking delighted, following Tony, leaving the book behind as uninteresting now that Ton had something much more fun. "...she does?" Johnny asked, looking confused. "why does she do that?" he wondered. "i thought she hated Motocross." he admitted, settling into his usual Stool and picking up the tablet there to see what Tony needed help with. normally, Jarvis did all of Tony's calculations, but Johnny liked to stay in practice so he sometimes did the calculations instead of Jarvis. "what do i care if she dates?"" he asked, looking at Tony in utter bemusement. as far as Johnny was concerned. he had no interest in Laci anymore. he was wrong, but denial got him everywhere. "why do we care?" he asked Tony, looking very suspicious all of a sudden. "your not trying to play matchmaker again are you? because you already know my chance came and went. and i don't want a second one." he admitted with a shudder.
“Something like that.”Laci said before snorting. “Hopefully. Gambit’s amusing.”She agreed before rolling her eyes. Amused at the other’s panic at the idea of tony cooking. “That’s just mean, peter. I can cook. I totally cooked Pepper a omelet once.” “Which was runny and undercooked. No cooking, Tony.”Natasha ordered rolling her eyes a little. “Yea. I’m working on a new engine.”Tony grinned amused as he settled in to working on teh new repulsor engine for the car he was making before nodding. “She does, and I have no idea. Maybe it was something Scott wanted to do. He answered her phone when I kept calling, and I only know they were at the races cause I could hear the announcer talking about you.”Tony shrugged before snorting as he buried his nose in the engine, glancing up at the other. “You don’t. I know you don’t, and no, I’m not playing matchmaker. But it’s been five years, it’s about time you two got over this, and if she’s attending your motorcross races, she needs to get you out of her system. Besides, admit it, it sorta bothers you she doesn’t like you.”
Johnny grinned a little at Peter's panic. they all thought it was hilarious the way Peter freaked out about the weirdest things. Tony trying to do laundry, so what if the man had destroyed entire loads by using bleach instead of detergent or stuffed it too full or somehow managed to turn everything inside into tatters? peter also freaked out every time Tony got anywhere near any cooking implements. so what if Tony... most of the tower... had blown up the oven on six different occasions in the two months Peter had started working for them? Peter also got very panicky anytime he found out that Tony hadn't slept for more than twenty four hours. probably because Tony went insane and asked for the stupidest, and weirdest shit ever, like an eggplant to make his Iron Man suit work better. that had actually happened yet. Poor Peter had been there long enough to know about some of the weird quirks about the tower, but hadn't been there long enough to be used to them. he was learning though, and he was learning very quickly too. even if he did come across as paranoid and twitchy at the moment.

"oh! the repulsor engine!?" Johnny asked, looking eager. the pure, clean energy engine would revolutionize the auto industry. not to mention power facilities and such. "i don't remember Scott being into Motocross either." he admitted, sounding vaguely curious. "maybe they where doing an undercover mission or something?" he mused, his eyes fixed on the screen of the tablet while his pen skittered across the pad of paper he had on the other side running through major calculations without even looking before pausing, wondering if Tony was insane or something? "i'm not the one with the issues Tony." he pointed out, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. "it does kind of bother me a little." he admitted. "i just don't understand what i did wrong." he admitted with a shrug and a shake of his head.
“Yea. I’m still working on getting the size and energy release just right.”Tony grinned before shrugging. “Me either, but I thought you’d find it interesting.”Tony said focusing on working, before snorting. “Maybe.”He said not about to mention why he thought laci had gone, knowing johnny would think he was insane. “I know. But she does. And she doesn’t date anymore. Ever. Which I find interesting really, I mean, I hadn’t known she only does one night stands till recently.Which is a issue that I think has to do with whatever happened, but she doesn’t talk to me. And you’ve always had a talent for getting under her skin.” And only because he’d walked in on her and scott, which granted, might not be considered a one night stand since they were regular dates for sex, but for all intents and purposes, they were. “Well, it’s high time you found out then.”Tony said smiling slightly, before looking up when jarvis said that the food was there.

Setting aside his tools, heading for the door, snorting a little at the sight of everyone settling into the dining room to eat, feeling something tight in his chest relaxing. Because this was family, for him this was something still new to him. Amused at the sight of Laci eating with one hand and eyes solely focused on the drawing pad she was working on, he smacked her lightly in the back of his head as he headed for his seat. “No working at the table. If I don’t get to work, you don’t.” “B-but-” “No. Drawing can wait.”Glancing at what she was working on, he grinned. Amused. “I’m sure James doesn’t need new gloves right this minute. It’ll hold.”
he nodded. "that's the hard part." Johnny agreed. if the power output and input was even slightly off, the entire thing would either explode, or melt. at least, Johnny thought so, he wasn't entirely sure how it worked. he was a mathematician not a technogeek like Tony was. "hmm. maybe she's settling down?" he mused. "what's wrong with one night stands?" Johnny asked, looking puzzled. he did those all the time. "oh. you think somethings wrong, like she's upset about something." he mused. "yeah, i can get under her skin for you, she has to break sometime." he agreed with a grin before grimacing. "i'm not sure i want to know... what if it's something really bad? we both know my... social skills are... erm... bad." he admitted. "maybe i did something really bad?" he wondered, already hanging up the tablet and his calculations. he knew better than to try and work at the table by now. he wasn't sure who started it, but it was a unanimous agreement that mealtimes where team times now.

"Meal Times are team times." Johnny explained. "i'm not sure who decided that but it's a thing now. we're not allowed to work while we're eating anymore." he admitted, sitting down and accepted a slice of his favorite pizza. meat lovers with banana peppers. yum! "huh?" James asked, looking up at them at the sound of his name before scowling when he realized they weren't trying to talk to him and resumed stuffing his face, three large pizza's sitting in front of him and Steve. both super soldiers occasionally stole a slide from the other. Phil was eating his triple cheese Pizza while murmuring softly to Clint about some show they watched together that no one else could stand and no one was about to touch Bruce's Pizza. considering it had Jalapenos and Chilies on it. that man was insane.
“Yea. Last one blew up on me. Don’t want to do it again, Cap yelled for days about it when it happened.”he huffed a little before shrugging. “Nothing really, but she’s a girl. Most of the time, they like relationships to go with their sex. And Pepper said it was weird. I asked. And Pepper thinks she’s upset about something, I guess agree with her.”He shrugged before sighing. “If it’s bad, we’ll let her talk to Natasha, or Steve. They’re both better at social shit. WE’ll find out what’s wrong, and go from there.”Tony shrugged, because while he was better then he’d been, he was still aware he was socially retarded. “If it was really bad, as angry as she was with you, Laci would have killed you in your sleep, rather then tell everyone you should come with a warning label that says Warning:Choking Hazard.”Tony smirked a little because while it had taken him a few minutes to figure it out, he’d remembered that while at first it sounded like a compliment, but it was a backhanded slap to the face, since they only put choking hazard warnings on things with small parts.

“....Sounds like Steve.”Laci said with a small smile as she started to eat, book set aside. “It was. He got very annoyed when we all tried to keep working instead of taking a break.”Natasha said with a snicker. “Nothing. Just making new clothes for you.”Laci said looking up at James when he spoke, blushing ever so slightly as she ate her simple cheese pizza, contentedly listening to the other’s talk. Feeling awkawrd a bit, because she almost never spent time with others anymore, that she felt at a loss on how to talk to anyone. “Laci, what are you doing this week?”tony said tilting his head a little, not used to this quiet woman who simply watched them all. it wasn't normal. “Drawing. Sewing. Working on the line.” “Sounds like you need a break.” “Not really.” “All work and no play, is no fun.”
he snorted a little, looking very amused. "i think Cap yells at you anytime you blow up anything. doesn't he know that's half the fun?" he asked, sulking a little before grinning at Tony. "she is a girl. a very pretty girl." he admitted with a grin before frowning a little. "we had a relationship." he pointed out. "at least, i thought we did... maybe she wanted something else?" he wondered. he'd never met a woman unsatisfied with what he had with them. then again, Laci wasn't like the other girls he usually fucked. "yeah, we'll do that! let her talk to Nat." he paused. "Nat scares me, make her talk to Steve. Steve won't suggest having my balls cut off or worse." he admitted with a shake of his head before h looked mortified. "she didn't! that's so mean!" he whined, catching the insult instantly, if only because he was looking for it. "i'm not small! how dare she!" he grumbled, pulling his pans out just enough to check himself before looking at Tony. "you don't think i'm small right? i'm at least as big as Steve is right?"

"It's probably Steve." Johnny agreed with a chuckle, Steve just looking puzzled. "i don't recall insisting on this." he admitted. "i'm not allowed to do anything either you know. i used to read a book or sketch when we ate." he admitted before smiling at James who blinked at her, wondering how to respond to that? "thank you." there, that sounded right. she was doing something nice for him, so he was supposed to thank her... that was right, he was sure of it. "that's not how that phrase goes Tony." Steve chastised, looking amused. "who cares? Tony's right. we all need a vacation." Phil admitted. "i'm exhausted trying to corral all you superhero assholes." he admitted. "oi! that's Superhero SEXY assholes!" Johnny corrected. "Shut up average looking middle aged male." Phil ordered making Johnny wince. "....ouch."
“he does. It’s quite annoying.”Tony sulked a little before grinning. “It is more then half the fun. But watching him get so fussy over it, is amusing.”Tony snorted before tilting his head, looking thoughtful before shrugging. “Maybe.Though you’d have to ask Laci abut that. Some girls have different opinions about things. Pepper tried to explain once, and I sorta tuned out.”Tony shrugged before snickering. “Nat scares everyone....and Steve’d probably suggest talking to james and letting him scare the living shit out of you, which could be just as terrifying as Nat getting near your dick.”Tony snickered before nodding. “yea, she does.”Tony snickered laughing as the other pulled his pants out, before rolling his eyes. “You are definitely not small, and as big as steve. Maybe bigger.”Tony promised with a smile.

“You didn’t. You just sorta gave us that puppy dog look when we tried to do other stuff.”Nat teased looking amused. “Welcome.”Laci smiled at james, looking amused before rolling her eyes at tony. “I don’t need a vacation. I need to finish this.” “And it is how that phrase goes. She needs sexy fun times, and sexy science, and breaks from staring at fabrics.”Tony decided ignoring the look that said he was moments away from getting his head beat in. Tony himself was one of the other people who’d always gotten under laci’s skin, even if it wasn’t with as much result as Johnny did. Tony annoyed her sometimes, Johnny usually provoked outright violence. “He is approaching middle age isn’t he?”Laci snickered.”Besides, I need to work.” “Work on the beach. Your models are going with you, it’s not like you can’t work while laying on the sand.”Tony said smirking pleased with himself for the idea.
"well. it's probably because he thinks your going to hurt yourself. so at least he cares right?" he asked with a smile at Tony. "it is cute watching him get all huffy and fussy over you." he agreed with a smirk. "if he wasn't crushing so bad over Natasha i'd swear he had a thing for you." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head before frowning a little. "wait. you mean they all want different things?" he asked, looking even more baffled. "...that's not what i've experienced...." he admitted, scratching his head. "maybe i'll talk to Pepper. she knows i'm stunted and she's good at explaining things." he admitted before paling. "...maybe we'll send her to... uhm..." he paused and then. "we need to hang around girls who aren't violent." he informed Tony. "someone sweet and innocent." considering the only women they really knew was Sue, Maria Hill, Natasha, Pepper, Melinda May, Skye, Jane Foster, Darcy, Betty Ross and Jemma Simmons, they where screwed because every last one of those women would skin you alive, hack you to pieces or cut off your balls in an instant if they thought they could get away with it.

"So this is MY Fault?!" Steve demanded, looking horrified. "no. it's mine." Phil admitted. "Meal times seam to be the only time the entire Tower actually sits together, so i have insisted on you actually interacting with one another." "oh... well that's okay then." Steve decided with a grin. no one was going to stop listening to Phil. "Laci. everyone needs a break now and again." Steve chastised with a roll of his eyes. "and no, Tony, not all vacations are about sex." "they're not?" Johnny asked, looking amused. "no one ever told me that." he admitted before snickering at the look he was now getting from both Sue and Laci. clearly, the women where not amused. "i am not!" Johnny protested. "i'm at my peek! my Prime! i'm a Virile stallion!" he howled before grinning. "beach!? sweet! good surd right Tony?"
“Probably. And it’s amusing, and good to know he cares....and me to. Those two are quite adorable really. In a scary sort of way, since Natasha likes him to.”He snickered a little before laughing. “Yea, sometimes. And that’s cause you like girls who tend to want your cock. Things sorta look the same after awhile....and yes. Pepper is good. She explains things to me. Talk to pepper.”Tony agreed before laughing. “We do. We’ll find new girls to hang out with.”He agreed.

Laci snickered amused that Phil really was the dad of the group, not about to point it out because she knew they’d all protest if she pointed it out. “...Fine. A break. We’ll do something.” “Vacations are always about sex.”Tony said looking equally amused smirking at Laci and Sue who were glaring at them. “...You’re going bald. Definitely a sign middle age is approaching.”Laci said rolling her eyes. “Surfing definitely.”Tony grinned looking pleased. “Hm, it’s been fun. But I better get going. If you guys are dragging me on vacation, I better get some work done.”Laci grinned as she finished her food, giving everyone hugs goodbye, even johnny, though that brief touch could barely count as a hug as she headed for the door. She had other thoughts on her mind besides work, not that she had any intention of telling any of them about that.
"it's hilarious how they seam to like each other but are too shy to actually do anything about it." he admitted, shaking his head. "either that or their punking us. with them, it's hard to be sure." he admitted, shaking his head a little before smiling a little. "that's true. maybe i should start talking to different girls?" he mused. "i'll start with Pepper though, she won't try to get into my pants. i have no self control you know." he admitted with a chuckle, smirking when he saw Laci grinning. he knew exactly what she was thinking because they all thought the same thing. Phil was the dad of the group. Bruce was the mother hen. even if everyone denied it, especially Phil and Bruce, they all knew it was so.

"well. no, Vacations are also about surfing. and skiing. and snowboarding, and jet-skiing. and mountain climbing, and hang-gliding, and...." "we get it Johnny." Phil said, looking amused and exasperated, rolling his eyes. "I'M WHAT!?" Johnny shrieked in horror, up and out of his seat in an instant and over to a reflective window to check his head quite frantically. Reed had to press his hand to his mouth to keep from laughing, because Sue would smack him if he actually laughed. Johnny barely noticed he'd given her a hug, he was too focused on trying to find the bald spot Laci had mentioned. he finally gave up, deciding that she was a filthy liar and informed them all that he was 'heading to the club'. they all knew that meant he was going to either the Black Rose, Erotica, or Red Desires. his three favorite BDSM Clubs. even Sue had given up trying to get him to stop. not that most of the tower actually wanted him to. while he did sleep around a lot, he was actually very calm and quiet about it. he was never the one who spilled the beans after all, it was always the woman. the people he picked up at the clubs never said a word about it, and it let him relax and get the urges out without having to go to a bar to pick up someone who would later blab. "i'll see you all later!" Johnny called, scooping up his 'outfit' which he kept in a little overnight bag with toothbrush, toothpaste, wet wipes, hand sanitizer, a few toys still in the packaging and a change of clothes. he would change int he back room of the club and then take the overnight with him to the hotel or home where he was planning on getting laid. then once done he'd either settle in and sleep and leave in the morning, or leave right after depending on the wishes of the person he was sleeping with.
When he arrived at the black rose, it was a normal day...or night in the club really. The smell of sex, sweet and cloying hung in the air, the quiet whimpers and moans of those on the dais were entertaining those watching. All in all, normal. Except for the sight that greeted him when he got to really looking at the main stage. The girl hanging from the spinning wheel, much like the wheel from wheel of fortune except propped upright to leave her spinning upside down with a flick of the wrist. Blindfolded and gagged, silent tears streaming down her face, the crowd taking it as a sub breaking and stripped down to the bare minimum of feeling, forced to cry when there was no other emotions left.

Only johnny would know that it was more. Because as the girl was righted on the wheel, bound and blindfolded in such a way, that she could hear nor see any thing around her, and as her red hair fell away from her face as she whimpered under the lash of a flogger, showed that it was laci
Johnny smiled a little as he walked through the crowd. he was wearing leather pants that stuck tight to his perfect frame and a blood red silk shirt that was just as tight. a simple, hand made 'Zorro' style eye mask was the only think that hid his identity, though most people knew who he really was they also knew to call him 'Spitfire' while he was in the clubs. his identity, when hidden, was to remain a secret just as it was for everyone else who wanted to keep their faces covered. he frowned when he caught sight of the young girl on the spinning wheel. he could tell, instantly that she did not want to be there, that she was frightened and upset. he didn't blame the others for not noticing, they weren't as... skilled, as he was. since he was so common there, no one raised a fuss when he stepped up onto the raised platform. however, when he reached out and caught the Crop that was coming down onto the girl the entire club went dead silent.

"That. is more than enough." Johnny said, his voice dark, Dominant and nearby most of the submissive shivered and the crowd backed away from the Dias. Spitfire was one of the only people allowed to interfere in another Dom's play because he was the only one who had been coming to the club for so long that he could be trusted to know when someone was overstepping their rights. "and before you start bitching, Sir, about me interfering in your play with 'your' sub, i call bullshit." Johnny informed the man, his eyes flashing. "because this woman happens to be a good friend of mine and i know for a fact that you can't have known her for more than..." he paused and checked his watch. "two hours. so back off or i'll have you arrested right here and right now for abuse." he warned. "leave this club immediately." he demanded the man before turning his back on him and carefully started to untie Laci, frowning in concern as he gently eased her off of the wheel and carefully undid the blindfold. "Abusive bastard. i want that man listed in the black books!" Johnny snapped at one of the managers. "Laci's a beginner, if that! i'll bet this is probably the first time she's ever even been in one of these clubs, let alone played." he informed the man, carefully helping Laci sit down on the stage, snapping at someone to bring him some juice and a cookie. the sugar would help her stabilize a little bit. another sub had already brought him a damp cloth so he could gently wipe down the welts, and some cooling cream to stop the sting.
The dom glared trying to pull his hand back to go at laci again, before swallowing thickly. Nodding tightly, annoyed but not protesting when he realized that it would only go badly. Not even bothering to look worried at the woman hanging on the wheel as he made his way outside. Not even noticing Laci was simply hanging in her bonds, not even turning towards them as they talked. Flinching as she felt the bonds starting to loosen, frowning slightly as she finally turned her head towards him. “Johnny?”She said after a long moment, not sure, but fairly reasonable to guess who was touching her, since he was one of the few people who ran hotter then normal, making his touch nearly instantly recognizable. Blinking up at him, with wide teary eyes as she watched him intently, and it would only be johnny who realized why she was watching him. Not because she was that fascinated with her savior, but because she was watching him talk. Figuring out what was happening around her because she was watching how he was shaping the words. To out of it to go looking for her hearing aids just yet, simply leaning into Johnny some as she was sat down, shifting, whimpering softly as he made her sit up on her own to wipe her down. Yelping softly, whimpering as he wiped her down, shivering. Already shifting, trying to stay close to him, wanting the warmth, needing him even if she wasn’t aware enough to ask for it. Nibbling a little on the food as the other gave it to her, sipping the juice with the quiet -un-coordination leaving her sipping it on herself some to. Wincing as the cool liquid splahsed over her thighs, shivering, trying to cover up,feeling so naked in just the tiny pair of underwear she was still wearing.
Johnny tightened his grip when the other pulled back. he wasn't as impressive as Steve was, but he was more than a match for most 'normal humans'. he didn't need his fire to kick someone's ass, it was just an added bonus. "Shh. Laci. it's okay." he whispered to her before smiling. "yeah. it's me. your alright." he promised, frowning again when he realized she wasn't wearing her hearing aids. "that fucking bastard!" he snarled, he knew she would never, ever go without her hearing aids. just like Clint never, ever went without his hearing aids. they where too important. being without them was like being helpless according to Clint and he had a feeling Lacy felt the exact same way. "someone find her stuff!" he snapped at the waiting collection. the rest of the club had gone back to what they where doing but the manager, two bouncers and two checkboys where waiting on orders. one of the checkboys raced off to find out which locker had Laci's things in it. "and get a blanket!" he ordered, realizing she couldn't be comfortable, sitting naked like that. a blanket was handed over and he carefully wrapped her up in it before gently wiping the juice off her chest and helping her stabilize her drink a little when she went for another sip. doing everything he could to make her a little more comfortable. it was hard to tell if she was in shock or in a bad head-space really. the Checkboy came back with all of her things and he carefully found her hearing aid container and gently set them in her hands, letting her know they where there if she wanted them in.
Johnny sighed quietly leaning into him as he spoke, trusting his promise that she was fine, wincing a little at his words. “You’re starting to flame.”She muttered as she felt the skin under her hands starting to warm as she held onto him. Relaxing as she realized that Johnny was getting her stuff, shivering a little as he settled the blanket around her, huddling in it. “T-thanks.”She stuttered a little sighing softly offering a quiet smile as the checkboy gave her her stuff. “Thank you.”Laci said as she took the container and gently put the small, nearly invisible hearing aids, relaxing utterly at the sudden onslaught of noise, relaxing a little. While it was overwhelming it was good to hear again. Mostly she was simply in a soured headspace, having been enjoying herself until the bastard had taken her hearing aids out and blind folding her, leaving her completely helpless as the world spun. “Home. Help me up...I’m going home.”she said getting up slowly, carefully, even if she was feeling horrble and lost, she wasn’t about to embarass herself more then she already had in front of johnny. There was only so much embarassment she could take tonight.
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