Stranger: Hi
You: Hello.
Stranger: How are you?
You: Good. Yourself?
Stranger: Great!
You: Oh? Why so great?
Stranger: Why not?
You: I'm curious. I mean you are talking a stranger.
You: to a*
Stranger: There's a lot to be happy about!
You: Such as?
Stranger: Everything, the stars, the trees, nature, people interacting
You: Oh! I get what you mean.
Stranger: It's good to appreciate life
You: Yeah, I love stars exploding in space and trees burning to the ground to be used as fuel. And the fact that nature is just a dumpster and that people kill and maim each other daily.
You: I love life too.
Stranger: Can I share a quote with you?
You: Go right ahead.
Stranger: Okay, give me one second
Stranger: "Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics.
You are all stardust.
You couldn't be here if stars hadn't exploded. Because the elements, the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution weren't created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars. And the only way they could get into your body is if the stars were kind enough to explode.
Stranger: The stars died so you could be here today"
You: Wow. That's fucking depressing.
You: You ruined my mood.
Stranger: Only a depressed mind would find that depressing
You: Oh yeah? When the sun explodes, everyone will die. Think about that.
Stranger: Not necessarily true
You: It is true.
You: The earth will be incinerated.
Stranger: Not if we travel away from the Sun
You: And the solar system will be fucked up.
Stranger: or the species that are alive at the time
You: Now who's thinking way too far into the future?
Stranger: We can live without the Sun
You: You aren't even thinking about the animals.
You: Just the humans.
Stranger: Not true!
You: And humans can't live without sunlight.
You: You moron.
Stranger: I think that humans will have been replaced,
You: You fail at life.
Stranger: and there will be certain animals which will survive
You: And you want humans to die?
You: You sick fuck.
You: You are a human.
Stranger: There are others suns,
You: You disgust me.
Stranger: and humans can CREATE suns
You: No they can't.
You: They aren't gods.
Stranger: humans have created miniature stars
You: Humans are no better than all the other animals. Humans are the most flawed creatures ever alive.
Stranger: Do you keep up with science?
You: I do, actually.
Stranger: Why are humans flawed?
You: Why not? They have the power to think beyond themselves, which makes them insanely flawed. Just like you.
You: And me of course.
Stranger: That is mostly a good thing, thoguh
You: Humans have no purpose.
Stranger: it is only a flaw when it is misused
You: Being dumb is a flaw and constantly misused.
Stranger: It sounds to me like YOU are flawed, YOU have no purpose, YOU are depressed
You: Hahahha.
You: I'm actually quite happy with my life.
You: Because i don't fake happiness.
You: And pretend that everything happens for a reason.
You: And that everything is good and dandy.
You: When it isn't.
Stranger: I didn't say that there isn't bad stuff happening
Stranger: but that it is good to appreciate the good
You: Of course it is.
Stranger: you have a very negative mind
You: That's why I like goats so much.
You: I do not. Lol.
You: I'm being realistic.
You: It isn't all about kitties and puppies and sunshine.
Stranger: At least in this conversation
Stranger: Its' a bout goats?
You: Maybe because your opinion doesn't matter? Oo;
You: Oh yeah. I like touching and petting goats.
You: Sexually.
Stranger: Well that's kind of odd
You: Yeah. I guess it is.
You: But I hate the human race so much that I've turned to goats.
Stranger: lol
You: When they bleat and such, it is so hot.
Stranger: You think I'm pretending to be happy, I think you're pretending to be disturbed
You: Not really.
You: You are pretending to be happy.
You: I like fucking goats.
You: There's a difference.
Stranger: Well, I am pretending to be happy
You: Then cut it out.
You: At least I'm being honest.
Stranger: About goat fucking?
You: Yes.
You: I wasn't kidding. Why would I lie?
Stranger: Because its Omegle
You: And...?
You: I live on a farm for a reason.
Stranger: Because you want to rape your goats?
You: Well, I wouldn't call it rape cause I want and enjoy it. But I guess you could put it that way.
Stranger: Whether you want it or enjoy it doesn't matter, if there is not consent it is rape
You: Well, they bleat a lot so I take that as consent. And they never run.
You: So...
You: What's your favorite animal?
Stranger: But you are taking advantage of a lower lifeform
You: They aren't lower life forms.
You: I find humans to be lower life forms.
Stranger: Would you do the same with a nine year old human?
You: No. I dislike humans.
You: I already told you this.
You: Sheesh.
Stranger: Well, if someone did, even if the human was aroused,it would still be rape
You: Not if they are unconscious.
You: They can't say no then!
Stranger: Wrong. THere is still no consent
You: Jeez. You're dense. Whoever said I was asking for consent? They are goats after all.
Stranger: I know you're not asking for consent
Stranger: but that makes it RAPE
Stranger: you rape goats
You: And I love every minute of it. Goats = om nom nom.
Stranger: What do you do on here? try to find other goat fuckers?
You: Yes. So we can swap stories.
Stranger: I don't know whats worse. A person that actually rapes goats, or a person who wishes they raped goats and pretends on Omegle. lol
You: Who says I'm pretending?
Stranger: Me.
You: You'll never know.
You: I mean, you were pretending to be happy.
You: I caught that.
You: But I honestly fuck goats. How come you can't comprehend my lifestyle?
You: I'm up front and forward with it, but you can't accept it?
You: You're so narrow-minded.
Stranger: You are sick, either way
Stranger: you sound like a sociopath
You: Well, the human race needs population control and I'm not adding to it.
Stranger: are you 12?
You: Would a twelve-year-old have this great of grammar?
You: Honestly, woman. Or man as you might be.
You: Either way, your gender means nothing.
You: Because goats are the way to go.
Stranger: How old are you then?
You: 27.
Stranger: okay.
Stranger: well you sound pretty immature
You: You also sound like a prissy little brat who is narrow-minded.
You: At least I tell the truth.
Stranger: Maybe you shouldn't
Stranger: you sound dangerous
You: Run along, little person. Run along and live in your fantasy world.
Stranger: you sicken me
You: Good.
You: Run along.
Stranger: so thats it?
Stranger: you just anonymously tell people about your goat thing?
Stranger: why not go public?
You: Why would it be more? You want more? You're the sick person.
Stranger: why hide on Omegle?
You: Who says I just hide on omegle?
You: I have friends who know.
You: They say it's okay since I am taking therapy classes.
Stranger: lol
Stranger: lololololololololololol
You: Why are you laughing? I find that hurtful.
Stranger: Well good
Stranger: it should hurt
Stranger: you are pathetic
Stranger: you should be ashamed of your entire existence
You: Yeah? At least I don't pretend to be happy. That is really sad and pathetic.
Stranger: you think pretending to be happy is worth than taking therapy for raping farm animals?
Stranger: you are seriously twisted
Stranger: *worse
You: Hey, at least I don't lie.
You: And I'm getting help. What about you?
Stranger: Go public then
You: You liar and depressed person, you.
Stranger: help for what? I'm not a sociopath like you
You: You are a liar. I think that requires therapy.
Stranger: I didn't really lie, I just exageratted a bit
Stranger: i feel good, and i said great
You: Pretending to be happy is a huge exageration.
Stranger: no it isn't, not at all.
Stranger: in fact, most happy people pretend first to get there
You: Yes it is. You are lying to people with every word you speak.
Stranger: it is a powerful method to become happy
You: Well. You still fail. You are a fake just like most people.
You: And this is why I fuck goats. Because they can't lie.
Stranger: wrong
Stranger: animals can lie
You: Fake, fake, fake.
You: No they can't.
You: They never lie.
Stranger: yes they can
You: Which is why humans are flawed.
Stranger: you are wrong, sir. animals can and do lie
You: Oh yeah? Your dog or cat every tell you that they didn't pee on the carpet?
You: ever*
You: I don't think so.
Stranger: dogs and cats don't talk
You: You stupid bitch.
Stranger: i didn't say ALL animals lie
You: You fail.
You: You did, too.
Stranger: no YOU fail
You: You dumb broad.
Stranger: there are animals, which are not humans, that lie
You: Go fade into the abyss.
Stranger: that is the fact
You: Humans are the only animals that can lie.
You: You failure.
Stranger: wrong
You: animals don't talk. You just told me so yourself.
You: Humans are only able to lie.
You: You dumb, dumb bitch.
Stranger: Some animals can communicate with humans
Stranger: such as great apes which have been taught sign language
You: Yeah, but they won't lie.
Stranger: YES they do!
Stranger: it has been documented
You: Nah, they aren't flawed like humans.
Stranger: they discovered this over 30 years ago
You: I don't believe everything I read.
You: But you do.
You: You failed little human. I will pray for your soul.
Stranger: it's science, you idiot
You: science is never always fact.
You: That's the beauty of science.
Stranger: you want the link?
You: Go on, now.
Stranger: you can decide for yourself
You: Nah. I'm really tired of talking to a narrow-minded idiot.
Stranger: maybe you;; learn something
You: Good night.
You: The only thing I can learn is better grammar.
Stranger: you are narrow minded for not accepting the link
You: Why should I?
You: I took science as a major.
Stranger: you would learn something
You: Not really.
You: I learned all there is to know.
You: Good night. Have fun pretending to not be flawed and unhappy.
Stranger: you fail
Stranger: disconnect and you FAIL
You: Lawlz.
You: if I disconnect, it means I will never think of you again. But you'll always think of me.
You: Bahahhahahahahaha.
You have disconnected.
This is reallly long, but seriously this bitch would NOT go away.