The lifelong adventure of mystery Wiki-Donvoltonus

Lucario jumped and backflipped back as he slid across the ground a bit making dust. He was panting and simply looked at her though knowing why he should have pushed her away with the first move she did last night. He would not want to see his trainer taken like that though he knew that his heart would hurt and he would have ran, so whether he lost or not it was still the same for him. He sighed and turned, " let's us go then..."
"I knew you would be just fine, my big strong Lucario." She moved up to him. "You know, I bet deep down, you'd get off on him claiming me." She whisped, holding a firm, stroking grasp on his sheath.
He simply rolled his eyes, backing up away from her just so she could stop touching him there, " master...if your not serious then let's just go back then..." He sighed and crossed his arms, "I train to be stronger with reward or none...if your just thinking about that thing then there's no point to be here..." He looked at her serious and sighed with crossed arms.
"Look Lucario...I can't fight like you, I can't battle amd get stronger...Sex is my battling, it's something I can do and get better at..." She sniffed. "I can't fight like you..."
He looked over, " don't throw yourself at anything like that, there's things that are dangerous if you you do that sometimes...." Lucario ran over and picked her up running out of the forest and to the town. " I want you to stay focused when you need to, I need you to help me get stronger, I do this to protect my must lead me, and be serious when you have to..." Lucario kissed her forehead and put her down, " master, we should go and eat then..." He suggested with a nod. " you have to control me when I can't..."
She blushed. "Okay Lacario." She giggled, walking them to the pokecenter which had a small restaurant. "I'll focus on training, if you relax more during downtime. Deal?"
He sighed as he looked around the crowded place filled with Pokemon and people around them as usual, "fine....if this works then I'll trust you then..." Lucario stayed closed to her and followed into the restaurant wondering what they would be doing now after they would be done eating.
After getting their fill, she led them out into an isolated clearing. "Okay, now hear me out on this. I can hear you speak because we mated, right?"
"What?! No, why would you think that. Hmm though maybe it's just that my psychic powers in my mind are with my own human emotions. You can hear me because my powers are always active, it's just a better way to see my feelings than stupid movement."
"Well what do you want from it anyway?" He asked still crossing his arms, "it's a waste of time, and we could go for more training then or something in the city..." Lucario looked around and wondered exactly what he wanted to do for now.
He just sighed not knowing how it got here, he started to walk out with her looking around. " let's go then...if there's nothing..." Lucario turned to head down the road where they would start to come back home now. As the sun would slowly go down now to dusk.
"How about this? I will focus on our training during the day, and in return...nighttime is my turn to 'train' in my own way?"
He looked over at her with a blush, putting his head down for a moment and staring thinking about it, " I don't understand why your very smart like that..." He said admitting that would be a good plan and something smart against his personality of trying to take training seriously even if his trainer was a perv. He would of course see other humans like that but not her. He really did see that he got him for that one.
She walked to him, pulling him into a hug. "I hope you understand how much that means to big strong protector." She teased, head buried in his shoulder.
He just stood there still staring, then looking over at her with another sigh. " you are the only human I've known so much personally..." He simply told her leaning into her a bit. His heart pounded with the feeling of a stranger bond so suddenly than before.
"I guess I'm a freak Lucario. I find pokemon so much more attractive than human." She stepped back, stripping off her clothes.
He blushed a bit, " master are you crazy!?!?" He said as she slowly started to take off her shirt and take off her belt, " hey at least when we get back!" Lucario shook his head and picked her up, turning to run fast back to the small house they lived in in town. " don't do that! Please not just like that."
(I misread an earlier post of your's, thought they already went home. Oh well!)

She chuckled. "I know, but would you have run me home in your arms like a new bride if I'd just asked?" She smirked, kissing his cheek.
"Well I do have specific skills of agility rather than power and strength, if you observed close with the battles..." Finally they arrived home as he set her down and opened the door. Lucario sighed and say on the bed a bit tired but ok, putting a hand on his cheek with the kiss for a moment before he looked around the room wondering what to do now besides get ready to end the day soon.
"Lucario, could you protect me while I introduce myself?" She smiled, holding up a pokeball. "I mean, I'm sure he'll want to mate, I'm just worried he might be too rough, and he'll understand you."
Lucario sighed, then thought of something and face palmed hard. " and this is why I prefer training alone with another reason..." He thought to himself. " I train alone..." He told her sitting down againdt the wall and looking down at his fist, " it will take a lot to have to train with others..." Now a sudden realization would be with him about a harem of Pokemon that she would be using. It reall disgusted him, both because it had to be just him and it was someone he knew a lot about. He really felt a little hurt and embarrassed at the same time. He just looked down at his fists again idly.
"Is something wrong Lucario? She tilted her head, walking to him. "Does me mating or training other pokemon bug you?"

(I don't think many pokemon have monogamy.)
(Lucario is much more human personality than animal like compared to other Pokemon though..)

"Well...I don't mind having a partner to fight beside...just remember what I told you before we went to the center..." He gave her a shallow stare. " just because we start to build a pack doesn't mean that it doesn't take serious effort other than finding out whether their too rough or not OUTSIDE of battle...I would like to have other friends as well to fight with to protect you. But don't be so blinded by your desires that our allies aren't strong enough to face a type they are strong against because we didn't train often enough..." Lucario sighed and sat down.
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