
Nov 30, 2010
It had been year since anyone had heard from Bruce Banner, and while no one knew for sure, in those moments sending Loki back to his punishment, that Tony had suspected that the sudden cooperation between Bruce and his alter ego, had freaked out the mild mannered man. But it had been a shock for the man that it had been nearly a year later, and the crashing of the world as they knew it, that had brought Bruce to the tower. While he doubted that Bruce was even aware of the clusterfuck that Shield, and the rest of the avengers, had gotten involved in, it had pleased Tony to finally hear from the man. To know that he hadn’t run afoul of a equally deadly force that they’d been forced to deal with while the man had been missing.

And no matter what bruce said, Tony figured they were well equipped to handle it. After all, it couldn’t be worse then dealing with a former hydra assassin who didn’t talk to anyone but steve, and even then it was usually one word sentences. Surely, dealing with a brilliant man who he wanted to do science-y things with, would be easier then that.

Belladonna Alexander tilted her head a little as she watched the man pacing the room. She’d known him for years, and could count on one hand, the times she’d seen him show this much nerves. Even the traditional bluster and talk was gone. Though she couldn’t tell if that was because of the man arriving, or the two men waiting for him down in the lab. And it was truly weird, Belladonna had never seen Tony Stark willingly pass up lab time. “Jarvis?Can you tell Cap that Bruce just arrived?”Belladonna said, having been watching the video feed as well as watching Tony move around the living room like a caged tiger.

“Already done, Ms. Alexander.”The AI promised, even as he spoke as the elevator opened. “Welcome, Doctor Banner, to Avengers tower.”
Bruce was more than a little nervous about coming back to civilization. he had taken to, for the last month, living in the furthest reaches possible. in the woods, forests, even the Jungle. anywhere he could go where there would be no people. that had done nothing. he'd woken in Rio in party central wearing some yellow glittery thing with two women and a man fucked senseless in the bed next to him. he knew then that it was time to get some more help. he had no idea what had happened through Shield or anything else, he had been completely locked down as much as possible. Hulk had made that impossible now. he was pretty much terrified of what was going to happen once Tony or the others found out Hulk was taking control. he'd be locked up, or he'd be tied down, or something. would they hate him? would they leave him? wouldn't it be better to stay away so they couldn't hurt him? he should never have come back, this was going to go to hell. it was going to be a mess, he just knew it. he finally stopped in front of the Tower and handed the Cabbie his last bit of cash. he had hitchhiked the entire way there, walked where he couldn't hitchhike but he was there. where he'd gotten the money originally he wasn't entirely sure but it had been enough to get him there. he supposed that was all that mattered.

he slinked into the tower slowly, as if anticipating that he would be attacked as soon as he walked into the doors. he was twitchy and paranoid, even worse than when he'd been with the Avengers. back then he'd flinched at loud noises and yelling, now he was flinching simply because he had walked into a house, never mind that he mostly trusted the person living there. "Bruce!" Steve called, walking over to him with a smile before he frowned. "wow Bruce, you look like hell." "yeah it's... i've been..." he shook his head a little. "it's been bad.." "come on up." Steve agreed. "we'll get you into a hot shower and some clean clothes and you'll feel so much better." he promised, wrapping his arm around Bruce's shoulders and leading him upstairs. the comforting gesture was a relief and Bruce started to calm down pretty quickly. he hadn't actually told Tony why he was coming back, only that he was and that he needed a hard hitting psychologist. it wasn't hard to guess though.
“Bruce!”Tony grinned as Steve and bruce walked in, the man’s usually styled hair sticking up every which way, looking slicked with oil or grease, definitely had simply emerged from the lab. And while he’d been avoiding Steve and James a bit, it wasn’t just that he was weirded out by the silent assassin, it was that he was weirdly, oddly, twistedly attracted to the silent broken man, and well, he was so not handling that well. Cause it’d been nearly a year since he’d actually had sex, much less a relationship that actually worked for him. Glancing up as James emerged from the other rooms, he’d assumed that with steve’s appearance, the other would be around soon enough. “Welcome. You’re rooms are already set up, so come on.”Tony said grinning as he headed for the rooms to show bruce.

Belladonna rolled her eyes a little watching him, knowing this manic excitement, was simply tony’s way of dealing with the anxious worry that was making him bounce off the walls. “Tony, calm down.”She ordered gently, putting just enough command into the tone that the man stilled, turning to look at her. “Oh!Sorry. Bruce, this is Belladonna. Bell, Bruce, my science bro, who you don’t get to talk to until we do science-y things with. Otherwise you’ll have him crashed out on a couch or drugged or something, and that’s just not cool. I want to do science-y things, I need his help.” “....Bruce, I feel the need to apologize for him. I haven’t convicned him to take his medicine yet.”Bell said with a slight smile, tilting her head at the man, slightly nervous about meeting him. "I'm not on medicine!Stop telling people that. someone'll take you seriously."
Bruce smiled at Tony, amused at the man's normal appearance. even on the helicarrier Tony had usually looked like this. "Hey Tony. nice to see you again." he admitted. "you need a bath almost as bad as i do." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "thanks for letting me stay here. i... i don't know what else to do." he admitted, voice soft. James stood off to the side, just watching them all, mask on. he didn't like having it removed for too long. he took it off to bathe, eat and sleep and liked to keep it on at all times other than that. he never spoke unless it was to respond to an order. "who is that?" Bruce asked Tony. "James Barnes." Steve explained. "it's a hell of a long story, we'll tell you once you've had a bath, clean clothes, a decent meal and some sleep." he promised. "yeah, okay." he agreed, not about to protest when he wanted all of those things so very desperately. it had been so very long. "i... uhm. i need access to the lab later too i... uhm... i need to run, er, a fw... you know... tests." Bruce said, blushing hard. he wanted to make sure he didn't have any STD's.

Bruce turned to blink at the woman. she could even make James obey her, not that Bruce knew that or what that meant even. "it's okay. i've worked with Tony at his worst before. this isn't even close." Bruce promised her with a small smile. "it's, uh. nice to see, i mean, meet you Belladonna." the stutter was new too. "yeah, we can do Science, it's been almost a year since i've done any science." he admitted before smiling a little. "Tony. i think you could use some medicine. you get, uh. worked up about stuff you know." he admitted with a smile. "i'd like to have some medicine of my own, i just, uh, don't know what would help or not, you know?" he asked, following Tony because Tony seamed to be the man who knew where he was going. "let Bruce calm down a bit before you drag him off to the lab, okay Tony?" Steve asked with a smile. "the Super Twins and Phil will be around tomorrow i think." "...Phil? but he was dead! is dead?" Bruce asked, looking stunned. "oh, i forgot you didn't know. something about Loki's magic, it put Phil into a type of long term stasis. when Phil woke up a month after being stabbed he didn't even have a scar." Steve explained.
“I do not.” “Tony, you have grease in your hair.”Bell informed him, sighing softly as he looked surprised at that. “And it’s fine. I’ve been trying to get you back for a year. These idiots just stare at me blankly when I start talking.” “That’s cause last week you asked me what would happen if you tried to cross breed a eagle with a lion so you could have a pet griffin, because dogs were to boring.”Bell said shaking her head a little. “A really, really long story. One that I need sleep before we explain.”Tony said rubbing a hand over his face looking amused. “And you have your own lab, do whatever you want to it. You can’t have mine. Mine’s mine.” “Tony, what did I tell you about sharing?” “That I had to do it everywhere, but it’s my lab.”

Bell smiled a little “No, it really isn’t.”She said, tilting her head, because tony would never admit to just how long he’d been going to therapy. Nodding a little. “It’s nice to meet you to.”She smiled watching the two men. “No!You stop right there, Banner. You do not get to gang up on me with her, no matter what. I’ll lock you out of the lab or something.”Tony huffed, even if they all knew he’d never do something like that. “Okay, Cap. Science later.”Tony decided showing him to the apartment rooms before wincing, looking at bruce. “Let we said, this year you’ve been gone, has been a really interesting one.”
Bruce chuckled a little and shook his head. "for one thing, Tony, that's not how genetic manipulation uhm works. you cannot uh breed a feline and a uh Avian, the genetics are too different. uhm you would have to specifically build that kind of creature which is currently impossible by even uh your technologically advanced capabilities." Bruce admitted. "maybe in another er twenty years creating genetically engineered hybrids would be an option but uhm even then it's more of a 3D puzzle, or er a computer generated building plan than it is breeding. at least in the first animals." Bruce admitted with a smile and a chuckle. he knew the best way to derail Tony from an idea was to out science him. he was very good at it. "that's okay, uhm, i don't think i can stay awake for a, uh, long story." Bruce admitted. "your lab scares me Tony, you can, uhm, keep it." Bruce promised with a smile before chuckling at Tony. "i'm not ganging up on you Tony, i'm, uhm, trying to keep you from, uhm, going insane like i have." he admitted, clapping Tony on the shoulder gently before nodding. "yeah, uhm. i'll look forward to the stories." he agreed with a smile before heading into his room to get clean, get some clothes and sleep for a good twelve or more hours.

"...Bruce is in really bad shape." Steve said, once they where uot of his amazing hearing. "he looks like he hasn't had a proper sleep in months. i don't think he's eaten anything either. and he has... was it a stutter or a nervous tick?" he asked, frowning a little. "he was nearly twitching out of his skin when he came into the building." Steve admitted. "he's... he's in really bad shape." Steve admitted, looking quite worried about Bruce. "do youb think you can really help him?" he asked Belladonna.
“....Oh. Damn. Well, see, you needed to be here sooner. It would have been awesome to know that then.”Tony sulked a little, sighing softly. Pouting about not having a chance to make the animal, but indeed he was derailed from the topic before nodding. “Good. Now if I can convince everyone else to stay out of my lab, it’d be good.”Tony grumbled, though you knew it was just the grouchy sleepy genius talking, since he regularly invited steve and james, even belladonna and the assassin twins down to visit with him. “Get some sleep.”Tony smiled a little watching him go.

Belladonna nodded a little, “Probably not. Which would probably make his relationship with the hulk worse..”Belladonna frowned because she found the man fascinating, and the condition interesting, but didn’t want to show to much interest, because she had no idea how bruce would take it. “I think I’ll try my damnedest. If I can’t, well, we’ll try something else.”Belladonna said nervous about even trying, because she usually was. She was so nervous and worried about taking on new patients, and considering that she was able to get both tony and sometimes james to actually listen to her some, she was probably the best person to try to help.
Bruce chuckled a little and shook his head. "sorry, i was, uhm, having a mental breakdown when you needed me to, uhm, tell you it was impossible." he pointed out. "You, uhm, love it when people visit you." Bruce reminded the other. "you're, uhm, just being possessive because your, uh, tired." he pointed out with a smile. "you too Tony. you need it more than i do, i think." Bruce admitted, heading into his bedroom and sighing in relief. nothing bad had happened, he was okay, it was okay...

"he never had a good relationship with the Hulk." Steve admitted. "Bruce seams to think he's a mindless monster that needs to be killed." Steve admitted with a sigh. "it's a horrible thing to think about someone or something that exists within you. i'm not too sure how Hulk works really but i know it can't be good for Bruce to hate him so much." he admitted. "you're the best in the business Belladonna. you'll do fine." he promised her with a smile. "we should all get some sleep." he admitted.

Bruce did indeed sleep for the next dozen or so hours and when he finally crawled out of bed he was acting, differently. he was not wearing a shirt for one thing and Bruce always wore shirts, long sleeved to hide the shame of his childhood. scars littered his torso, back and arms, none of them where self inflicted. evidence of the torture inflicted upon him through his childhood and into adulthood. many people incorrectly assumed that the Hulk couldn't be hurt, and that if Bruce was hurt then Hulk would make it go away. that wasn't true. Hulk just healed so fast it looked as if nothing had happened. Bruce's body still scarred with every injury though, and the newer scars on Bruce's body was evident of that. he was also wearing a pair of jeans, something else Bruce never did, because he didn't like feeling constricted and felt horrible when he broke the more expensive pants. then, of course he did something else very weird. Bruce was not one for sweets, so when he reached into the fridge and pulled out the cheesecake Steve had made earlier and ate the whole thing, savoring ever single bite, well... it was easy to see that something was... wrong.
"I do not.people need to stop visiting." "Tony. Listen to bruce.get some sleep."belladonna ordered sighing as the other left glancing up at steve and nodding."'s definitely not healthy...but we'll see if I can help him."she said nervous even if she felt better with the thought that captain America thought she could help

Tony paused in the middle of eating his own piece of cheesecake, tilting his head slightly. This was so weird. Eyes drifting over the others body, not like he did to Steve and james, simply admiring human perfection of super somdiers, but cataloging injuries."huh. You know. You said you could be hurt, I just never realized the injuries would scar. I're so big when you get injured how does it translate into small you?"tony six with such blatant curiosity it nearly made belladonna hang her head and groan. If there was any time you could count on tony to say something, it was when no one knew what else to say."I think that's his way of saying good morning. Morning bruce."
Bruce didn't seam to be aware of anyone else in the room until Tony spoke and he looked up at the other, spoon in his mouth, sucking all the cheesecake off of it the way he had been doing for the last ten minutes. sucking the cheesecake as if desperate for every single taste. he sat there, sucking on his cheesecake and stared at Tony. another thing he never did, he barely managed to make eye contact with people, he never stared, and he sure as hell never stared someone eye to eye the way he was doing now. he didn't say a word, didn't make a noise, didn't respond at all. it was as if he didn't fully understand what Tony had asked and was unsure what to do so he just watched for cues and savored his cheesecake. when Belladonna spoke he turned and stared at her as well. he never once stopped eating his cheesecake, though he did narrow his eyes slightly at her and pulled his slice of cheesecake closer to himself. "okay this is creepy, Bruce what the hell?" Steve demanded, examining the man who turned to stare at Steve instead.
Tony frowned looking confused."bruce?"he said looking even more concerned now. "hush."belladonna said slowly leaning back, obviously not engaging but not exactly submissive either. "...hulk?"she said slowly eyes wide despite her calm, as if she couldn't quite believe she was asking but it was almost the only explanation she could think of unless he'd started developing even more personalities.
Bruce turned to stare at him again and then his eyes flicked to Belladonna, sucking on his cheesecake, rather un-bothered until she said his name. Hulk. his eyes widened and panic flashed through his eyes before they closed and opened his eyes. he blinked a few times, looking quite confused and baffled, looking around the room. "uhm...." he looked down at himself, flushed hard and looked up at them with wide eyes before bolting. he was back ten minutes later in one of Steve's massive hoodie sweaters and a pair of Tony's sweatpants, still blushing hard, staring at his toes. "so i guess, uhm, i have some, uhm... explaining..." h muttered, swallowing thickly. "did i, uhm, did 'he'... uhm, do anything?" well, it was a nervous tick then, the more worked up he got, the more he uhm-ed and uh-ed. "He didn't, uhm, hurt anyone? or, uhm, try to, uhm, you know, uh...." he flushed harder and sank deeper into the hoodie, like he was a turtle trying to hide from the world.
"You're okay. You're safe. Friends. Avengers remember?"belladonna said softly calmly seeing the panic in his eyes. Knowing that it wouldn't help but starting to try to get through to him. "...I don't think my clothes fit you brucie bear."tony said tilting his head a little, trying to calm the other. "But no. Atell my cheesecake, confused us, nothing major."tony said. "He just wanted sweets."belladonna promised looking worried about the man, calm and collected not wanting bruce to freak out any more then he already was.
Hulk didn't seam to understand what she was saying anyway and before they could blink Bruce was back. "i like the way they, uhm fit." Bruce admitted, looking quite comfortable indeed. "...he, ate cheesecake?" Bruce asked, looking too confused to stutter for the moment. "that's it? that's, uhm, not what he.... er, normally does." Bruce admitted, flushing hard again and tucking himself back in the oversized sweater. he did sit down again. "i wake up and there are... people. uhm, naked, in a bed i don't remember, uh getting into." Bruce admitted softly. "i'm, uhm, almost always covered in.... sticky things, uhm, not all of it from bodies. honey, or sugar, chocolate or, uhm, just food. it's gotten, uhm, so bad i can't even look at, uhm, sweets without wanting to gag." Bruce admitted. "being near, uh, other people just makes me, uhm, nervous because i don't, uhm, know what's going to happen, when, uh, he's going to come back out, uhm, what he might DO! he, uh, hurts people, he, uhm, does things with MY BODY..." Bruce was suddenly quite angry before he slumped back down as if it had all been sucked out of him. "i can't, uhm, make it stop!" he admitted, breaking down and beginning to weep because he just couldn't take it any more.
"Well as long as your comfortable then."tony snorted looking amused."he did."belladonna said."he didn't seem to understand when we tried talking to him, but he just wanted cheesecake."she said."really?"tony blinked looking startled at the man's words before getting up and easing away from the table. Gesturing for steve to leave with him. "Hey, that's why you came back right?to get help? We'll help."belladonna said moving around the table, sitting next to him glad that the others had given them some privacy to simply talk. Not wanting to upset Bruce more then he already was. Looking worried for a moment before reaching out to touch his hair, brushing his hair back."we'll help you bruce."
"i am." Bruce mumbled before watching them, wondering how they didn't hate him. wondering why they didn't mind that Hulk was taking control of his body. didn't mind that he was a monster. "I Don't know that, uhm, he could ever understand, uhm, English." he admitted. "or any, uhm, language really." Bruce admitted before breaking down. he was aware Tony and Steve had left but didn't really care. he flinched away from her touch, looking just as skittish as a rape victim. then again, the way he spoke about it, he kind of was. having sex, not remembering it, not wanting it, but knowing it had happened. Bruce was all kinds of fucked up and he needed help bad. at least he hadn't tried to kill himself again, then again he had said he'd tried everything so maybe he had. it took him a good while to calm down but once he had he already looked a little bit better. "sorry, i've, uhm... it's been a really hard year." Bruce admitted, wiping his eyes again and looking at her. "can you really kill him? can you really make him go away? forever?" yeah, Bruce needed help.
"He understands 'smash'"tony reminded him, because for those few minutes of battle, they'd gotten the hulk to understand then.belladonna winced a little not touching as soon as he flinched simply watching him."I figured. Tony said he tried looking but once he realized you didn't want to be found he should probably talk to him when you think about it. He's worried."belladonna said watching him.not forceful or demanding, but worried about tony to."I what?"she stopped looking startled eyes wide."...i...I don't know. I mean...ive...tony said you asked for help. I dont...I can't kill him..."she said looking lost and out of depth for a moment.
Bruce snorted a little. "apparently he understands 'wanna fuck?' just fine too." he grumbled, shaking his head a little. "i can't stand it, having him inside of me. having him controlling my body too... it's gotten so bad that even staying awake won't stop him." he admitted, looking up at her. "i want him gone. i want him out of me, or dead! one or the other!" he admitted, closing his eyes. "i want him gone...." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "i didn't mean to worry Tony. i was just, so scared. Hulk was... doing things, he's a monster, he hurts people, i couldn't bare the thought of Hulk hurting someone i loved." he admitted, looking at her. "isn't there anything you can do to stop, or maybe suppress him? something?"
"Well that goes with hand gestures no matter what country your in."bell said looking worried as she watched him, feeling so out of her depth despite years ofworking with tony, and weeks with james. Not to mention other cases. Swallowing thickly she sighed a little."I know...but I don't know if it's possible...but I'll help."she sighed quietly before wincing."I know you didnt. And he knows you didnt. But like you don't want to hurt people, tony like a mother duck who wants all her ducklings close. He fuses and worries more when your not in the building with him, much less the country."she said sighing quietly.well. I might. I mean...maybe. I'll bruce. I promise I'll try to help."
he nodded. "yeah, i guess so." he admitted, staring at his toes again. "anything that can help, is better than nothing at all." he admitted softly, looking up at her. "i know that i'm, uhm fucked up." he admitted. "i tried to, uhm, see someone about three months ago and they, uhm, just tried to pump me full of, uhm, drugs which made it worse." he admitted. "i don't think they where real psychologists actually." he admitted before smiling. "Tony is, uhm, the closest thing to family i ever had." Bruce admitted. "a mother duck. that's a good, uh, description for him." he admitted with a smile. "thanks for trying to help. i'm not, uh, sure if i can be helped, but i appreciate the, uh, attempt even if it doesn't work." he admitted, smiling at her. "i'm going to go to the lab... i need to screen myself for some STD's." he admitted. "i shudder to think what i might have, uhm, contracted while 'he' was in control of, uhm, me." he admitted, heading out of the room and down to the lab Tony had made for him. he was very relieved to find that he was clean. whether that was because Hulk did safe sex or because he was immune he didn't know.
"Well then we'll see what we can do then."be said smiling slightly.frowning as she looked at him."I don't thin drugs will help. Well. Maybe a mood stabilizer but it might not."bell said her eyes glazed a little as she ran over the thoughts."idiots. Well I promise, I am. I can show you my degree and everything."she teased a little."you, the avengers as a whole, are the only family tony has. So he wants to help, any way he can.and he is a mother duck. I dare you to call him that to."she teased a little, teasing and offering to pull him into the group of damaged people that called the tower home."good luck."she said watching him go.

Bell paused in the door watching him work, knocking on the glass lightly."can I come in?"
Bruce nodded. "no, the Drugs didn't help." he admitted. "uhm, i'd get too calm and Hulk would come out and uhm, he doesn't drug well..." he admitted. "so he'd, uhm, get upset and violent and i'd, uhm, wake up strapped to a table or in a, uhm, straight jacket." he admitted before smiling. "a degree doesn't, uhm, make a doctor." he admitted. "some of the best, uhm, doctors i know never even finished their high school." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "i know. i was being a bit, uhm selfish." he admitted. "i will call him that." Bruce decided, offering her a shy smile. "what do i, uhm, get when i do it?" he wondered.

"hmm? yeah come on in." Bruce said, too distracted by his work to be wary, nervous or frightened, so he had no stutter. for now. "apparently, i am completely immune to every known STD in current existence... if my blood wasn't so toxic, i could have bio engineered a cure to some of this stuff." he admitted. "unfortunately, i can't make my blood safe enough to use for anything." he admitted before looking up at her from his microscope. "did you need something?" he wondered, his head tilted. "i can stop now, it's not at a delicate stage."
“That’s horrible. Making a bad thing, worse.”Bell frowned as she considered it, wondering just what she could do to work. Before laughing a little, “Me to. Sometimes the degrees just make you a idiot.”she said looking amused before shrugging.”He knew why you were, it just didn’t make him happy to not know what was going on.”Bell said before snickering. “Do. And I’ll think of some awesome present for you doing so.”

Bell smiled as she moved into the lab, looking around before snickering. “James and teve are immune to. It seems the serum protects it’s host, even if none of the serums are exactly the might see if they....well. Steve anyway, might be willing to work with you. I mean, he’ll freak out about anyone else doing it, but he might be willing since you’re another avenger.”Bell shrugged before shaking her head. “No, I came down because the mama duck is working himself into a anxious fit, but refused to come down and interrupt himself to see if you needed anything, so to spare myself-and james- the emotional upset for the day, I decided to come down and see how you were doing.”She aid, making it tony’s fault-which it mostly was-instead of making it seem he wa jut making sure he hadn’t freaked out and left yet. She’d come down cause tony needed some stability to.
he nodded. "i probably won't uhm bother. i have no real interest in the uh Super Serum." he admitted. "that's why General Ross had to uh lie to me to get me to work on it. i never figured the general populaces, uhm government included, had any right so such a powerful weapon. it's like uh offering a two year old a trigger to a uhm nuclear bomb. you just don't do it." he admitted. "if they want me, uhm or need me to i'll certainly uh, work on it. i doubt i'll do it uhm, on my own though." he admitted before blinking at her. "he's, uh, that worried? i'v only been down, uhm, for-" he paused to look at his watch and blinked. "...oh. i'm, uhm oops." Bruce muttered, getting to his feet and carefully gathering up all his bloody tools. anything that had his blood on it was tossed into a small portable incinerator. Tony had made it special for him. since his blood was so dangerous, he had to take such extreme steps. "So, uhm. who is James? he's uh, kind of creepy. makes me, uh, nervous." he admitted, heading upstairs, smiling at the sight of Steve trying to get Tony to eat. "Sorry, uh, got all distracted by my, uhm, research." he admitted. "is there any, uhm, food left?" he asked hopefully, fidgeting a little. he hated going hungry and he didn't think they would deny him food, but he was used to being told he had to go get his own food, so habit was kicking in more than anything else.
“Ah, well. That works. Just figured I’d tell you if you were interested, they might consider it.”Bell said tilting her head a little shrugging slightly before shaking her head. “No, they don’t need it. No one really needs another super soldier around.”She promised before nodding. “He is.”She said snickering at his response. “Don’t worry about it. Tony totally understands losing track of time in the lab, he’s just fidgety and he’s upsetting James.”Bell said before going quiet for a moment biting her lip. “James is....James Buchanan Barnes Yes, Bucky. It’s part of that long complicated story that you missed out on, but we’ll explain. After food.”She promised sighing softly as they headed upsetairs. “I’m not hungry. Stop.”Tony whined even if he was nibbled on some of the food, even if he was spending equally as much time trying to feed james to, as teve tried to feed him. “Yea, get whatever you want. We feed armies here.”Tony said waving a hand at the enormous amounts of food. “Well, not armies. Though it might as well be. Between steve, james and thor, we make a ridiculous amount of food. Even if thor doesn’t visit alot.”Bell snickered a little.
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