Fairy Tail's next generation (Sirix and Winx)


Aug 24, 2013
Helric Ghos walks into the town of Magnolia, looking around with a smile on his face. He was finally here. Finally it was his time to apply to the Fairy Tail guild. The young man makes his way through town, seeing the sights as much as trying to get to the Hall. Eventually he makes his way to the "destined street" as he had been calling it lately, the street that lead straight to the Guild Hall, the fairy insignia displayed proudly on the main steeple of the building. "This is it" Helric says to himself as he pushes open the door, not expecting the pandemonium happening inside.

A lot of unfamiliar faces dot the room, some in groups, other in pairs, and still others alone. Helric looks around for the guild master, wanting to get started with what would hopefully be the start of his life as a mage. "Keep calm," He tells himself, seeing an old but spry woman at the bar, her blue hair fading into glistening silver, and assuming she was the Master. He takes a few steps forward, but bumps into a strange girl.
RE: Fairy Tail's next generation

Rebecca walked down the streets after getting off the train. She had been back to her home town to visit her fathers grave and check up on the old family home, with a large binder in her hands the pages filled with facts for her next book on Zodiac history, she walked into the guild hall. She had only been apart of the guild for a week but she knew it's full history.

"Hello". Rebecca said spotting a face she hasn't seen yet. "I don't think we have met yet. My name is Rebecca Celestial and I joined the guild a week ago". She said holding out her hand. She thought this guy was pretty cute.
RE: Fairy Tail's next generation

Helric takes the extended hand, shaking her hand lightly. "Hello Rebecca, my name is Halric. I'm here to join up if you all will have me." Helric explains, looking around. "I'm not really sure who to talk to though. I would love some help." He says, looking over the girl before him. She was cute, and the book in her hands also signified she was also smart, hopefully. Again his eyes glide over to the older woman with blue and silver hair. "Is she the guild master?" He asks, curious and excited at the same time.
"Sort of. Not preeminent, the other guild master died couple of months ago so they are having a contest with those who want the job." Rebecca said. "I don't think a group can have too many numbers as long we they can get alone on some level you can work together". She added with a smile on her face. "Then there is always an exception to the rule for everything". She added giggling a little. She walked up to the quest board and pulled one off. "Why don't you come with me for this one. It will help you get to know the town. The local baker asks for help delivering his goods when there are a lot of orders around the town. Low pay but you will see the town and meet the people". She said as one of the other members walked up to Halric with the stamp emblem in his hands. "You sure you want to join thus place can become crazy at any moment?" He asked the small middle aged man with blond hair looked at him.
"Aaahhh, well then, good luck to those participating." Halric says, as he follows Rebecca to the board and looks over the wall. Lots of big numbers for the bigger, scarier jobs, and the one she held in her hands had a small star in the corner. Some kind of 'beginner' level indicator may be. "Sounds good to me. Never hurts to get a good grasp of where you live." He replies, chuckling a little to himself. He looks at the small man, excitement entering his voice seeing the stamp in his hand. "Any day of the week, Sir." Halric says, taking off his jacket then raising his shirt to reveal his shoulders. "If I can choose, can I get it right on the spine?" He asks.
"We have to let everyone know how unpredictable things get around here. Too many have joined because of the name then couldn't hack it". The man said placing the stamp where Halric wanted it. "Welcome to the guild and good luck with the rowdy ones". He added befoure walking off.

Rebecca went to the counter and placed the request in. "Ready when you are". She said. "There is one good thing about doing request in the town. They are normally one day ones so can get them done then go onto another request".
"Oh." Halric says as the man walks off, not entirely sure what he had gotten himself into now. He fixes his clothes quickly and follows Rebecca to the counter. "I'm ready. Lets get this started, hopefully we can move on to something else. We do have to cut the reward in half after all." Halric says, looking at the already small amount of pay. As Halric follows Rebecca to the bakers, he strikes up conversation, wanting to get to know the girl better. "So, where is your mark at?" He asks, looking the girl up and down, not seeing anything on the exposed skin.
"Left of my belly". Rebecca said. "Let's see there is 4 to the guild hall, 13 to the café, 2 to the train station and 1 to the grave yard, looks like the teachers ankle isn't healed. Her husband died 2 years ago a month befoure his birthday so she puts a small cake on his grave so he knows he isn't forgotten". She said putting them in piles. "The ones for the guild might has well come back for them as we are going back there any way. The grave yard is in the opposite direction to the other places so can deliver these and come back for them or do it first either way we are walking past the bakery to get to the café".
"The grave yard. We should get her done first." Halric says, picking up the solitary cake and standing up, ready to follow Rebecca to the grave yard. As she leads the way, he continues the conversation he started earlier, taking in the sights and learning the roadways as they go. "What kind of magic do you use? If we are going to work together, we should know more about each other."
"Old magic. Maker or creator as it was originally known as Sealer magic. What about you?". Rebecca said looking around the graves trying to find the right one. "It's over here near the bottom. Be carful these steps are slippy". She warned as she slipped onto her bottom. "So goes for my warning". She laughed getting up with her now dirty skirt.
"That is some seriously old magic. Who taught you that?" Halric says, surprised she was able to say it so casually. He helps her up chuckling and almost dusts off her skirt, catching himself before doing so. "I'm nothing special, I use support Spirit magic." He says as they reach a well kept grave marker. A small bowl rests on the base. "Is this where the cake goes then?" He asks, motioning towards the bowl.
"My name is Celestial for a reason. The wizards are named after my family, the truth is my mothers family was one of 3 what created the keys in the first place, ours was the first with the king but that key can't be used to summon. It was a one way gate key if that makes any sense to you". Thinking about his magic. "I think your magic is as old as mine. After all we both need to make some kind of contact with them, guessing that the cake goes there. I thought it would go on the grave it's self but it looks much neater in the bowl". Clutching her bag in her hands. "Do you use objects to use your power or can you use it on your own?"
"My magic is old yes, and thinking about it I have never ran across anyone that wasn't in my family that used it. I guess having grown up with all my family members using makes it seem run of the mill. " Halric says, thinking about it more thoughtfully for a moment. He seems to side step something as they start to walk of the grave yard. "I have never actually tried an object before. And I can augment myself, but its not as strong as say me enhancing your strength or speed." He says, looking at the streets again, attempting to memorize.
"Well I will be no use to you. My power isn't used for fighting but for saving spirits. She went into her bag and pulled out the lock and key when she thought no one was looking.

"That's how I use my magic but I can't talk about it in the open". She said heading to get the other cakes for the next delivery's. "Resturt, train station then back to the cake shop for the money and guild cakes".
"Sounds like a plan." Halric says, dropping the subject of her magic. He continues to follow, learning streets and now shops as they pass by them. He had came by train, so he knew where the station was. Quickly the streets and shops there on where taking place in his memory. As they walk about, he continues their conversation. "Where do we live at while not on requests. Are their places in the guild to stay or do I need to find an apartment, like, yesterday?" He asks, curious as to how his life would be now.
Some have there own property others stay in the guilds apartments. I own my place around here, but there is places where you can rent." Rebecca said The large order was only the next street from the bakery so it didn't take long to get there the furthest they had to go was the train station. "So your power is it living things or dead spirits?" She asked
(Want any trouble or save it for another time?)
(save it for later. No need for a fight yet.)

"Kind of a mix, I use the dead spirits to make living beings stronger. I mostly deal with the spirits animals, but there are a few intelligent beings that lurk about." Again he seems to side step something not there. As they walk back to the bakery, the young man explains further. "The way my magic works is I call out for a spirit, a bear for example, and if they are willing and in my call range, they come and infuse with the body that needs augmented and stay for a short time until dismissed by me, the host is defeated, or I run out of magic power. That is the jist of it at least."
"What happens if the spirit isn't willing?" Rebecca asked getting the money off the baker and passing it to Halric, she then picked up the cakes and walked out of the bakery heading in the direction of the guild. "Still early but all the good requests are propyl gone off the board by now. Up to you if you want to take on another one today or wait to see if any more has been added tomorrow".
"That's not actually happened to me before. I guess nothing would happen. According to mom, the only spirits strong willed enough to be unwilling to help are dragons and other legendary beasts. For them, you usually have some kind of agreement in place for their services, not much unlike a Celestial wizard does with their spirits." Halric explains, walking with the girl pocketing his money. "Anything else you want to know?" He asks, not sure what else was needed, or wanted.
"I think the swan key was made by a forced spirit. It's the only key what does the opposite to what the celestial wizard want's him to do". Rebecca said opening the door to the guild and placing there orders on the bar. "Next time get your own you lazy lot. The poor man has enough to deal with, and since your all able to get out of the house there is no excuse". She said to them all. "So Halric do you want to do another job or rest up?" She said in a nicer tone to what she has just used to the others.
"I still good for another job. No need to stop now." Halric says, watching a few of the guys in the room sulk over and grab their pastries half-heartedly. Halric leads the way to the board, looking for another simple job. "This guy needs some pests removed from his farm. Sounds easy enough, and the pay isn't too bad." Halric points one out, as he looks over the rest of the board. "Anything else grabbing your attention?"
"You can only take one job at a time". Rebecca said looking up at him while Halric was looking at the board. "You take what ever job on the board to the bar so that the client can be informed that's it's been take while your on the way to dealing with the request at hand". She said letting Halric take charge of this part as it's something guild members of every guild needs to learn. "oh and never take a job lightly you can be challenged by another wizard or creature at any given moment, especially since it doesn't have the full details like that request in your hands. It may say pests but it doesn't say what kind". Looking at the location of the request. "I need to get some things from home, up to you if we meet up or you come with me to my house".
"Well I was more-ly over asking if you say a job you liked more. I didn't intend to take on two or more." Halric explains, taking the paper down from the board and walking over to the bar. He hands it to the woman behind the bar then turns back to Rebecca. "I can help you carry things. Ill join you in going to your place." Halric says as they both turn to head out of the guild hall.
"I travel light just need to get a spare lot of cloths and shoes in case we get wet". Rebecca said walking away from the apartments and to where the houses were. She pulled out her house keys and walked in. "There is some bottled water in the fridge if you don't have a drink to take with you". She said walking into her bedroom and placing some underwear in the bottom of her bag. She then grabbed a t-shirt and pants, changed her socks what she pulled off the radiator, pairing up 2 more pairs and dumping them into her bag along with her writing things and money. "I will find Leo as soon as I can I promise" she said befoure walking out of the room. "Do you have a wash kit on you?"
"On me? No." Halric says, stashing the spare bottle into his travel pouch on his side. "I got a note while I was on the train telling me that they had to put all my stuff on the cargo train leaving later that day and my stuff would arrive with everything going to the guild hall. All I have at the moment is what is on my body." Halric admits, not really having thought it essential for any of the first day activities he thought he would be going to do. "Not as prepared as I should be." He chuckles nervously.
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