Love can bite deeper than any beast or blade... ((Me x Dragonsfoot))

Sep 18, 2011
Hell ((2nd Circle))
Thomas Alexander Teach Edwards sat beneath a tree. Casually eating an apple and reading The Dresden Files: Grave Peril. His bright neon orange camp halfblood shirt clinging to his form. Thomas knew most people were shocked to see someone from the Aphrodite cabin reading. He knew most of the girls from Athena's cabin didn't think the sons and daughters of Aphrodite COULD read. He was different from most however. Not only was he older then most demigods got to be ((Apparently having mythical monsters hunting you, tended to end in a high fatality rate. Who knew?)) but even among the sons and daughters of Aphrodite he was different.

Most sons and daughters of Aphrodite looked like, well Victoria Secret models, crossed with porn stars, with a bit of models mixed in. They all had deep "California Beach" tans, and "Bimbo Blonde" hair. Thomas however was a bit thin, almost lanky although he was tall at 7' 8", and muscular. His skin was white, not the pale off pink that most associated as "White", but actually very pale white. While he couldn't vanish in snow, he was definitely paler then the average demigod. He did had blonde hair, but rather then the "Bimbo blonde" it was a few shades off of white. His eyes were a dark sapphire blue. However, whereas most demigods were loud and tended to draw attention, Thomas's eyes showed his feelings. He could be loud, but more often he'd get his point across with a few words and action.

That was Thomas's Special ability, Thomas was fast. Most demigods were faster then the average non-demigod, better reaction times etc. But Thomas was a blur even to their eyes. He wasn't some sort of speedster, he couldn't run on water, or blur across a room. compared to calling down a lightning bolt, or causing a tsunami it might not seem like much. Until a knife that had been in Thomas's hand was suddenly sticking out of your chest. All sons and daughters of Aphrodite were beautiful, and Thomas was no exception, but where most were beautiful like a center fold, or a film star, Thomas's beauty was like that of a polished sword. Like watching two skilled martial artists clash. When that was combined with the weapon his uncle had given him, Thomas was as lethal as any other demigod who'd survived over a decade, and their was a reason their weren't many.

That weapon was just visible if one was looking for it. A “Colt single action army”, “chambered in for a .45 round”, although if it was drawn from the warn leather holster, one might see it was an odd color, an off bronze. It was also a break open revolver, although the black iron cylinder couldn't be removed. The weapon wasn't truly designed by any mortal hand, but a weapon forged by Hephaestus for one of his wife's favored back when such things were common. The bullets made of celestial bronze, and Stygian Iron were made magically, or well honestly Thomas wasn't sure where they came from. All he new was to get more you had to “break open” the revolver and poor the spent casing out. They'd vanish and reappear back in the cylinder ready to be fired again. Also slightly odd, the cylinder held eight shots, rather then the typical six. The bracelet of hell hound teeth, necklace of lion teeth and snake fangs showed exactly how good Thomas was with it. Of course he also had a celestial bronze bowie knife kept in a sheath on his left hip, it was a foot long, and had been the end to many a monster. He also tended to keep carefully balanced celestial bronze throwing knives tucked away in his coat. The last thing that made Thomas stand out, it was an ankle length “leather” coat. In truth it wasn't leather, but the skin of the Nemean lion. The legendary beast had been Thomas's first quest so many years ago. It's completion had earned him the coat, and it's reward had been the revolver.

The twenty year old heard the lunch gong. Standing up, he dusted off his cowboy boots, the “Trophy” from a nasty Chimera he'd had to kill on a quest, they looked to be some sort of serpent skin. He'd found they were decent as far as armor went, and like his coat never felt overly heavy or hot. His pants were simple cargo pants in a “Snow camo” pattern. It was hard to find anything that matched his camp shirt. He checked his Rolex, putting his well read book back into a pocket. Smirking he tossed his apple core in a low arc behind his head, turning he slid his right hand into one of the sheathed in his coat. His hand a blur he let the knife fly. Smirking as it pinned the core formerly of an apple to the tree. Taking the knife, he left the core as an offer to the nymph who inhabited the tree. Or the first Satyr who happened by. Licking the apple juice from the blades edge he smirked to himself. Walking in a long slow gait to the tables. He had a feeling in his bones, he'd be called upon soon.
It was rare to see a daughter of Ares that didn't look like a Butch lesbian Wannabe (No offense to them). In fact she was the complete opposite. She was tall, athletic and one gorgeous Irish lass, Brown locks of hair that spilled over her shoulders and smoldering Amber eyes. Despite spending most of her time outside she maintained her Ivory colored complexion. Alyissa had never been a true quest Scythe because she hadn't been back in Camp half-blood since she was Fifteen. She dated a son of Poseidon until they eventually got married even at the much disapproval of their Godly Parents. Tray had given Alyissa everything she could have ever wanted. He was the leader of one of the Biggest biker gangs in the state even more Infamous then the Hell's Angels. The love struck couple scored a top class mansion in Florida with loads of money to spare. they were practically inseparable until tragedy struck and Tray was killed protecting Alyissa from a Quetzalcoatl serpent. The venom that seeped into his bloodstream tore her world apart at the seams, She moved back to the Camp wanting nothing to ever do with Gang life again. Her best weapon was a Apache gun that she often hid from sight, it doubled as a Bronze scythe when the revolver was turned counter clockwise.

Hearing the call for lunch while Sparring with her friend Jessie who was a red headed blue eyed daughter of Athena. Jessie took the opportunity of Alyissa's distraction to sweep her feet from Under her. Alyissa fell onto her rear in the dirt, they both laughed while she got to her feet.

"I'll get you next time smartass just you watch" Alyissa laughed shoving her friend Playfully

"Doubt it, if your gonna zone out like that" she drawled smirking while she walked next to her to their usual spots to eat.
Thomas smiled as he moved towards the table he chose to sit at. While tradition dictated each cabin had it's own table, the middle table was different. Sort of a "veterans" table. The table where demigods who'd lasted over ten summers sat. Their were ten who "Qualified", and of those ten five were all together sane and whole. Most of them had either taken major wounds that had either been too massive to fix, or caused some long term issue. One had lose an eye to a hell hound, another had lost his leg from the knee down to the Minotaur. Thomas had mixed feelings about Alyissa, he didn't dislike the woman, but at the same time he had mixed feelings about her earning a seat at the "Table of heroes".

Thomas had just sat down, when with a twinkel of lights, a woman who looked like Eliza Dushku appeared. Thomas blinked, "Mother, that an interesting form."

The woman spoke in a voice dripping with sex appeal, "Hey Baby, I need a favor."

Thomas sighed, "What now?"

The woman sat on his lap, "Well Tommy-Wommy, Mommy's got a bit of an issue. That bitch Medusa and her skank sisters are hunting demi-gods. Can you stop her for me? Pweety please?"

Thomas blinked, "You want me to hunt down three, major monsters? On my own. Wow, I knew we had issues, but I didn't think you wanted to kill me."

Aphrodite chuckled, "Silly Tommy, you won't be alone. Athena owes me one, so "The daughter with hair of fire, and wits as sharp as her blade", will be joining you. Also Aries is annoyed one of his daughters has been lazing about, so "The daughter whose already felt the bite of a snake monster, and has the most painful scars caused by it's fangs" will also be joining you."

Thomas sighed lightly, looking at Alyissa and Jessie he said, "I guess I could do worse. Do I get something cool?"

The woman laughed it sounded like sex appeal, "Hm, you got your coat, and your revolver, you don't need any knives from me. What do you want?"

Thomas scratched his chin, "How about some sort of armor?"

The woman nodded, before snapping her fingers. A pair of almost silk looking gloves appeared in front of all three quest goers, in their favorite color, Aphrodite spoke, "I figured you'd say that. Gloves woven from the hair of a goddess. Capable of turning even the most fearsome weapon, also as long as you have bravery in your hearts no weapon shall ever slip from your hands while wearing them. Also like the over rewards climate and comfort guaranteed. Now, I want those uber-bitches heads. Oh, put them on a platter, it's been awhile since I've been offered heads on a platter."

Thomas blinked and said, "Any specific platter?"

The goddess shook her head, "Nah, but here, you'll need this."

The goddess withdrew a large black bag from somewhere, it seemed to be made of the same fabric as the gloves, "Put the heads in this to travel, all thee of the legendary gorgon's heads in the same container might turn the container to stone. This won't have to worry about that."

Thomas nodded folding up the bag. He nodded, "It will be done mother. Where should we start looking."

Aphrodite told him the last attack had been at a as station a few miles from a small town in Texas. Thomas nodded, blinking when Aphrodite pulled him into a kiss only to vanish. Thomas pulled his gloves on as Chiron announced the quest. His were fingerless after the second knuckle and went to the middle of his arm. They were surprisingly light and skin tight, no visible seam on them. He looked at the two women who were questing with him, "This should be fun. Do you two know about the Three Gorgon Sisters?"

He reached for a rib eating it as he waited to see if they'd studied the old stories.
Alyissa's eyes flickered over Thomas when he approached them. He reminded her of a younger version of Matthew Mcconaughey from Magic mike. She had to admit he was good looking but that could be the Aphrodite charm talking, Some of the males from his cabin could be complete dicks. Some of them picked on Jessie because of her red hair they didn't get away without Alyissa beating the shit out of them. Jessie grimaced seeing his Mother kissing him like she had a thing for her own son.

"Remind me why your dad fucks around with her again?" Jessie joked whispering to Alyissa. But cleared her Throat when Thomas looked at her

"Beats me" she shrugged not really caring for Ares affections but she often got really moody when another child was claimed by him. Honestly some of the gods could be real Sluts. "Mama's boy huh?" she smirked at him disregarding his question whether they knew about the Gorgon sister. "Honestly I don't give a Rat's ass about Gorgons enough" she shrugged

Jessie gulped nervously "Alyissa those things turn stuff to stone" she whimpered shaking her friends shoulder

"Relax Cherrypie, Nothin' is gonna hurt you while I'm around" she shushed turning back to face Thomas "Any way what's the plan to kill these bitches?' she asked chewing on a stick of celery.
Thomas rolled his eyes, "Alyissa, maybe if you gave a "Rat's ass" about the myths your husband wouldn't be dead."

Harsh, he knew, the dead silence after the remark meant everyone expected a reaction. Thomas hand rested on his knife. He looked at the two, "Sorry if that seems harsh. But while you were off doing your "Muggle gang" thing, some of us were out saving the world. Your back here because those things killed someone close to you, so saying you don't care makes you look retarded, and suicidal."

Thomas continued eating his purloined rib as he said, "As for me being a Mama's boy, it is a bit weird. The thing is, my mother is a goddess of love and sex. That means every time I have any lustful thoughts, or well anyone does, she's aware of it, and gains power from it. In laymens terms, every time you masturbate, my mother is watching you. It does have all sorts of nifty bonuses though, bigger size and more stamina. No son of Aphrodite has ever been under ten inches in length, supposedly anyway."

He shook his head, "Anyway, the three sisters aren't just gorgons, they are the first three gorgons. Medusa was a priestess of Athena, she was raped by Poseidon, Aphrodite was annoyed that some hussy was screwing her current boyfriend. So Aphrodite turned Medusa's hair into snakes, to turn off Poseidon and punish Medusa. Poseidon didn't really care, after he was finished and went back to the sea, Athena punished Medusa for no longer being a virgin despite her vows, and for getting raped on an alter to her turning her into a half snake woman. Because Medusa's sisters were terrified of Poseidon and didn't help their sister because they were jealous of her looks, and also because Athena can be sort of a cunt, she turned them into Gorgons as well."

Thomas finished his rib, "Medusa is the famous one, venomous snakes for hair, her eyes can turn anyone to stone, her tail can also break bones, and her nails and teeth are venomous. Her sisters are Sthenno and Euryale, Euryale was most effected by Poseidon, she breathes boiling water, she also has a form that's living water, and can control water to a limited degree. Their are records of her turning demigods into flesh puppets if a full moon is in the sky. Euryale is also the strongest sort of, her tail has been shown to be strong enough to crush and I beam. Euryale is also a regenerator, meaning she will be a major bitch to fight. Oh and like her sister has the stone vision. Sthenno is considered the mother of every poisonous snake, her blood instantly becomes snakes, diamond backs and black mambas are her favorite. She tends to wear them, including in her long hair. She's the biggest, and the strongest, able to crush stone with her bare hands. She also has poison breathe, and of course has poison sweat and teeth."

Thomas nodded, "Jessie is right to be a bit worried. This one will be tough. Any one of the three sisters is a nightmare to fight. Add them all together with centuries of working together? It's suicide. Luckily they all hate eachother, Medusa especially hates the other two. Medusa tends to be a loner. Hopefully by the time we've caught up to them, they'll have split off from eachother. I owe Medusa, she's killed, well all of the sisters have killed dozens if not hundreds of demigods, but Medusa killed a friend of mine a few years back. I killed the bitch with a dagger of celestial bronze through the roof of her mouth."

Thomas showed them the wicked scar long the inside of his left wrist, "Necter saved my life. I feel I should warn you, most armor is relatively useless against their fangs, but it will protect you from their claws. What do you two say meeting here in an hour? I've got my gear packed, and have had it so for a week. But no reason not to finish lunch. Also, can either of you drive a car?"
Alyissa nearly choked on a piece of Celery and winced as he added salt to her still open emotional wound, "What makes you think your so fucking great huh?" she growled standing up and balling her fists tightly "Those muggles were more of a family then this shithole ever was to me. If you ever Talk about Tray again, You'll be fucking your next slut with a wooden cock" she said meaning every word. Giving a apologetic look at her friend she stormed off holding back bitter tears as she walked away.

Jessie widened her eyes never hearing Alyissa so angry. Watching her get up and leave without saying one word more, She sat silently feeling the whole camp staring at them she looked down awkwardly before looking up at Thomas "... That was really mean to say..." she said shyly but still too embarrassed to follow her. "I can drive" she added before finally gaining the courage to face him "I suppose we'll meet you by Thalia's Tree tonight when your ready"
Thomas stood up and followed Alyissa, he was angry, grabbing her wrist he spun her around, "You want to know why I'm so ucking great?"

He gestured around him, "Look around. Really look instead of talking tough. You see many familiar faces? No, because they are dead."

He took a few deep breathes trying to calm down. Looking at Alyissa he said, "These kids, you see them? The 10, 11, 12 year olds? The youngest one currently at camp is 8. I don't know if you remember when you first came to camp, but if memory serves you were 12 right? You got to run off, got to pretend to be a muggle. Well since then, their have been two wars, and countless quests. See, nobody cares about demigods. Our parents like to give us impossible assignments and bet on the outcome, and the monsters, well they want to eat us."

He grabbed her wrist and dragged the woman to a small cave. He gestured with his hand, "This is where we all end up, most of us don't even get a body under the stone."

The walls were lined with bronze name plates, names and dates. Hundreds if not thousands of them. Thomas was calming down as he said, "I'm sorry what I said about Tray. But it just frustrated me that your treating this like a joke. But I've been on quests where someone made funny jokes. If you'd like I can point his plaque out to you. He was ripped apart by hell hounds screaming. I think he was 13 at the time, I was 12. I know I crossed a line, and I am sorry, but at the same time this quest we've been assigned is practically suicide. You're the weakest link here, and you need to take this seriously. Jessie's been on more quests then you, and while she's a bit mousy when the shit hits the fan she's as capable as any daughter of Athena."

Thomas sighed a bit, "I am sorry, what I said was dickish. But I'm worried, wondering if this is the time I end up as a brone plaque."

Thomas turned to leave saying, "If you want to, you know, talk to him before we leave, Tray is on the 14th row from the opening of the cave, sixth up from the ground. I made sure Chiron left the space next to it clear figured you'd want it, when whatever punches your ticket gets lucky. Hopefully not this quest."

He walked out, knowing if the woman grieved or not wasn't his buisness. He headed back to the table. Nodding at Jessie he said, "Thalia's tree in two hours. My car is parked in the barn."

Thomas headed towards the Aphrodite cabin, and his private room in it. Most of the campers shared space, but Thomas because he lived at the camp year round, and because he was a "Survivor" had his own small "Room".
Alyissa ripped her hand out of his grasp when they reached the Cave where the mass grave was placed "Let go of me" she growled resisting to pound him into the ground if he pushed her too far "You don't think this is a joke? this whole camp is a joke! Just like you said our parents bet on us like we are mutts in a dog fight. I'm here because Jessie needs me not because Tray died, I'm not weak I doubt any camper here went through living hell like I did. Tray sacrificed himself because I was pregnant but like everyone in my life I lost that too. So excuse me if I cut myself off from here to save myself any more Heartache and If I die on this quest then it won't make a difference anyway. Luke might have gone crazy all those years ago trying to bring back Cronos but he wasn't wrong about our lives just being Chess pieces for the Gods to squat on Mount Olympus" she said pointing towards the tall mountain in view. Alyissa had just poured all of her hurt in Thomas's lap, Three years of pain was released from her and it was all for nothing when he left her to break down by her husband's empty gravestone.

Jessie was sure the whole camp heard the two demigods arguing. She didn't think her friend could be so selfish with her feelings, they had all lost someone or even their whole families. Her dad father for instance had died fighting for his Country in Iraq. Maybe Alyissa didn't realize how lucky she was being able to live outside Camp Half-blood and be truly happy unlike her fellow Campers. She thought it was best to leave Alyissa alone until she was ready to rejoin them so they could Depart. She caught up with Thomas to discuss their plan to slay the Gorgon sisters even though their chances of returning unscathed were next to none.
Thomas had just pulled out a case. Hearing Jessie's slight knock he said, "Come in."

Thomas gestured for her to join him. Inside the case was a rifle, it looked old, but with a modern sight. Thomas looked at her, "This is a Henry Rifle, chambered in .50 caliber rounds. It was used to hunt down the buffalo. I "borrowed" when I was tasked with stealing a Cerberus pup from Aries. When I got back to camp, I showed some of the Hephaestus cabin guys the rounds, we got to talking, I came up with a large "Fuck off" for Monsters."

Thomas showed her twenty bronze rounds. They were hot to the touch, Thomas smirked, "Greek Fire, rounds, celestial bronze with the two major ingredients to greek fire, separated by a thin glass membrane. Dangerous as fuck, but it they work properly, which is an admittedly 1 in 3 chance, even those gorgon skanks will be seriously wounded. I've got 20 rounds, that's one full load of the gun, and one reload. This is pretty much my plan."
Jessie blinked listening to his tale quietly "Alyissa knows everything there is to know about guns and such" she told him not sure how to respond "I'm more experienced in the Strategy side, If your brute strength is the only plan you have, we won't get very far." she explained crossing her arms "I was looking up some tactics in my Art of war book. Snakes have a natural ability to sense heat signatures but they can be tricked if we lower our body temperatures enough so they can't see the signatures. We're practically invisible, I can lure the beast on a false scent trail. If Alyissa can shoot the creature in the eye we can momentarily blind her enough you can behead her" she said drawing her plan out on a loose leaf of paper. "It won't be easy but I know we can do It or die trying"

Alyissa had came back her eyes still red and puffy from crying but approved of Jessie's plan. Leaning on the doorframe of Thomas's room she decided to add her own two cents "I say we weed them out with Fire" she added with a cough coming up behind Her friend.
Thomas nodded, "I'd agree with you. But you're forgetting a major thing. First of all, and arguably most important, we won't be choosing the battle ground. The Sisters are hunting demigods. Going after kids, doing random quests. We'll have to hit them as quick as we can. Also odds are we'll be in a crowded city, not the middle of no where. Theirs also a very good chance, given our age and "power" they'll see us before we can see them."

Thomas seemed to think, "Also, while they do sort of have their natural version's weakness, it's weird. For example, when I fought the Nemean lion, I tried to deafen it. I used an air horn, and it worked, but the Lion's hearing was back to normal while my ears were still ringing. All monster heal fast, but re-generators heal so fast your weapon can get stuck in them."

Looking at them he said, "The second and most major issue, the sister's aren't stupid. Remember, we aren't hunting big snakes. We're hunting three women, who have a kill number that would make serial killers say "Damn". Most monsters are a bit "Disconnected", but they aren't dumb. I've found it's best to assume a monster is twice as smart as you are. If your wrong great, but no one ever got their throat ripped out because they thought a monster was too strong."

He blinked, "Well that's not true, one of my sisters one time dropped her sword and shield and tried to run away from a naga, she made it 6 steps before she was ripped in half. But you get my point."

Thomas pulled his coat off, and tossed it into the bed, his a simple polo shirt joining it. The sight of his chest was horrendous. Oh it was muscular and firm in all the ways women enjoyed. But their wasn't two square inches that didn't have a scar Some were horrendous and looked like burns, in other places the flesh looked like melted candle wax. Still in other their were sharp almost scalpel like marks. He had teeth marks that were too big for any dog on his right upper arm, and large dog sized ones along his left arm. Jessie wasn't a favored of Athena, so she had been given a minimum of quests, and most were relatively safe and simple. Alyissa had been off being "Muggle". Thomas's body was the body of a "Favored son", one who went on the sort of quests that got you fame, or added you to a corpse pile. He also had six tattoos, on his back were grecian characters, ones that if one read would reveal a "Whose who" of monsters. Presumably the name of every "Names" monster Thomas had killed. Some with marks beside them. The Nemian lion had three marks next to it, the minotaur four, the tat ran from his shoulder blades to his waist. Over his heart was the symbol for Aphrodite. On the other side in ornate scrawl was "Love's Bitch". On the inside of his right arm were a half a dozen names, human names some with check marks, two without. On his right upper arm, the ghost busters symbol. And on the back of his right hand a striking cobra.

Thomas chuckled, "I figure I'm going to die, might as well make sure whatever gets me, know what tried before."

He gestured towards his inner arm tattoo, "The friends, lovers, whatever I've lost over the years. If their name has a check mark next to it, I paid the fucker back. After this little hunt, I'll have added another check mark, and two names to my back, or be dead." Thomas lid on a skin tight black shirt, then a shirt that glittered in the light Thomas spoke, "A gorgon skin, it's supposed to turn any fang from it, and neutralize any venom. Since we're going after the mothers of all gorgons I don't know if it will work, but no reason not to hope right?"

Then he pulled on a chain mail shirt, and finally a cotton long sleeved shirt. Then a pendant that had Aphrodite's symbol on it. Next his new gloves and then his coat. He looked at them, "You two might want to go get ready. We have a two day drive to get to Teas, maybe a few hours if we cheat, but we can talk then. Oh, and you might want to tell the sons and daughters of Hermes not to sell your stuff for so long. I typically tell them four months, if I'm not back by then I won't need any of it."
Jessie blushed and looked away when he changed his shirt. "I've never fought a Gorgon just a Nasty Harpy and a very angry Owlbear. Serpents are going to be added to my kill list" she stuttered keep her gaze anywhere but him.

Alyissa had seen her fair share of shirtless Men, hell she was second in Command in The Vagos . So it didn't bother her as much as it did Jessie. Pulling her hair back in a messy bun she exposed the badly burned right side of her face from she went toe to toe with a Hellhound. Scars were strewn in all over her body. Most of them came from taking on Larger Monsters then herself, She had always came back with a new scar for Tray to kiss on her body in their Foreplay. "Quetzalcoatl serpents are just as Dangerous. Their fangs are like meat hooks that can deliver a gallons worth of venom. Concealed wings that can break bone if you get too close." she said shrugging "But Thomas is right we should head out as soon as possible, We'll see you in a sec" she said grabbing Jessie by the wrist to drag her along "Come on Cherrypie" she sighed
Thomas had soon finished packing. He was waiting for them by Thalia's tree. Soon they were headed for the nearby barn. As they reached the barn, Thomas smiled, as he said, "Ladies, welcome to the pimp mobile."

Thomas threw open the doors revealing a long 70's style pannel van. It was colored red metal flake, with bright gold trim, and neon red stripes. The thing threw off the 70's vibe so hard walking near it seemed likely to turn your pant into bell bottoms. Thomas moved forward, "My baby, Daddy's sorry he's left you here."

He opened the side door, inside was basically a loft apartment, a small one considering their were three of them, but still impressive in fact the room looked like it was twice the size of the outside. It had a single bed, big enough for four, a large jaccuzzi tub, the most "Appealing" part was the chandelier with dozens of pairs of panties randomly dangling from it. Thomas smirked, "I know it's a bit much, BUT, it was Mom's, and she gave it to me on my 16th birthday. It's built like a tank. Plus the engine is a Hephaestus special, meaning it could probably beat a Ferrari on the race track. Oh, and don't touch the panty chandelier. I don't know if it was something of Mom's, or a prank, but it has a guard snake. Don't ask, but seriously don't mess with it, it's "venom" is a super potent aphrodisiac. Adding panties makes the van get more luxurious though."

Now, like all good rides, this one needs Cash, Grass or Gash to start. Luckily I borrowed some green from Mr. D."

Thomas took out a brick, wrapped in aluminum foil. Putting it into the glove bo. The car roared to life. "Highway to hell" began playing as the car began to pull out. Thomas smiled as he said, "You go baby."

A gogo dancer appeared and bowed, "Anything for you Tommy."

Thomas smirked as she faded, looking at the girls he said, "That's Baby, she's well all around us. An interface, If we get pulled over one of us has to say they were driving. But for now since it's mostly back roads let's talk about possible plans. How good of a shot are you Aly?"

Thomas moved to the mini fridge taking out a liter of Mountain Dew, it was in a glass bottle. The logo was old style. He opened it and relaxed in a way he never did at camp.
As the door swung open revealing what other men would call a Pussy wagon. The girls exchanged awkward glances and were in slight disgust. Alyissa wasn't exactly a feminist but the panties chandelier was down right offensive. Jessie on the other hand was down right flustered at all the sexual décor, she had never see such a decked out interior such as this.

Alyissa pulled Jessie closer reassuring that it was alright even though she had expected a heart shaped bed that vibrated pop out of the floor next. "I-I suppose I'll take responsibility for driving if we get caught but I'm not sure how I'm going to explain the décor to any one" she laughed nervously before clearing her throat and fidgeting with the Zipper on her bag.

Alyissa smirked when he asked about her skills "I'm the best you'll find" she said smugly while crossing her arms.
Thomas chuckled, "Just tell them we're a polygamist couple, whose into hardcore bondage sex. Could we borrow their hand cuffs, because Aly has been a naughty girl and needs a spanking on her sexy ass."

He smirked as he said, "Or you could tell them we're a traveling religious choir. Remember the mist, the thing that keeps muggles from seeing all signs of gods and monsters? The van is thick with it. They won't see anything weird. They'll ignore us most of the time, but some modern technology makes the mist go wonky."

Smirking he winked at Aly, "All your drinks at the next three rest stops are on me, if you can make Jess blush harder then I did."

He blinked as the bed's shape changed to be shaped like a heart, and vibrated a bit. He looked at Jesse, "It's always the quiet ones."
Jessie flushed and mumbled something incoherent, "I'm just gonna sit up front now" she said awkwardly getting up to move to further avoid any more embarrassment. Plunking herself up front she put in Earplugs and tried to Ignore her surroundings. Alyissa shook her head "Jessie gets easily flustered and if you push her too much she gets really upset" she warned but stopped in mid sentence only hearing the part that assumingly as a crude comment of her rear "You think I have a sexy rear?" she asked in question raising her eyebrow "Does this Van have some like Charm on it because I could swear you were flirting with me?"
Thomas chuckled, "I'm mostly just teasing. She's cute when she goes as red as her hair. I never noticed she was so shy before."

At her question he said, "No, no charm. It's just, well why not? See, if you stick around camp you'll realize something. 85% of the teens forget they are going on quests where death is a major issue. They worry about embarrassing themselves, or other stupid things. But as you get older, you realize it doesn't matter."

Looking at her he said, "I'm sure you get it. Tray was someone you loved, I get it. But at the same time, would he want you to become a Nun? I'm not planning to pressure you into anything, or rush you, but we could die soon. I don't see the point of regrets when we could all be dead in a few hours. To quote a movie line, "I worry about life a quarter mile at a time". I will probably never have legitimate children, and any children I do have will have short violent lives. I will probably not have another wife, the watching the woman I loved get raped and quartered by a dozen saytr drove that point him. But sex is fun, and we both seem good at it."

Thomas shrugged, "Like I said, no pressure, I know your dealing with stuff. But know if you want it I'm willing. I follow an old line from I'm not even sure where, a friend mentioned it alot, "Better to live with no regrets, then wake up in the Elysian field full of them.".

Thomas scratched his chin, "Honestly, the whole "Know "heaven" and "Hell" exist thing is a bit weird. I wonder if that's part of why death is dealt with so casually for Demigods? I mean we both know where we're going when some unlucky monster punches our ticket."

Thomas gently moved over to Jessie gesturing for her to remove her ear plugs. He was interested in the daughter of Athena's point of view on the subject. While he knew the basics he was more of a "Boots on the ground" then deep philosophic debate sort of person. Plus it was a bit of an olive branch for his teasing.
Alyissa's face flushed "I don't do one night stands. Too emotionally damaging when I already have enough shit shoveled onto my plate. My last relationship was with a Vampire Hybred, It didn't last even though I have to admit the biting was really hot sex wise" she said with a slight smirk "I want more then just sex" she whispered to herself. Before falling silent when he moved up front.

Jessie removed her ear plugs and tried to hide her awkward feelings towards Thomas "Are we gonna go now?" she asked almost in a whisper eager to get going.
Thomas shrugged at Aly, "Like I said, no rush, or pressure. Adrenaline tends to cause all sorts of things to happen."

Thomas nodded at Jessie, "We're already on our way."

A day and a half later, they were at the gas station. Thomas asked about the attack, apparently a four year old girl and her parents were crushed alive when a meteorite fell out of the sky. Thomas rolled his eyes but moved to talk to the girls, "All three sisters crushed the car like a compactor. The muggle says a metorite fell out of the-"

Thomas suddenly heard a violent hissing and threw himself away from the storm drain. A massive 45 foot long black and dark green scaled snake shout out of the rain gutter. Thomas swore his gun seeming to teleport into his hand as did a knife. He cut the flesh above his eye drawing a thick drip of blood. His pistol barked, all the rounds hit, but between the scales and its muscle mass the bullets bounced of harmlessly. With the speed only a striking snake can manage a hood like that of a cobra opened, and the creature's four foot long fangs struck out and true. Thomas wanted to swear as he felt blood running down his back. The snake's weight forced him to his knees. Thomas knew he was still alive even as crushing paid filled him. He was also glad he'd blinded on of his eyes as the black eye with a red angry slit locked with his. He felt as if his muscled had been replaced with stone. Blind instinct made him punch said eye as hard as he could. The creature pulled back more out of shock then pain. Thomas however forced everything he had into what could be his death move, his Celestial bronze bowie knife was drawn and with a single savage thrust, shoved into the Basilisk's mouth and out it's brain.

Thomas was rewarded with the creature seeming to explode into golden dust. He fell forward to his knees. Sheer dumb luck making him touch his reward. It was a knife, in a basilisk hide sheath. It almost looked like it was made out of enamel, or ivory, but the edge was wicked, and the dark inky black liquid that dripped from it made him whistle. He dug out a flask of nectar owning a few swallows to counteract the poison, at least until he could get one of the girls to treat his wound. He doubted it had been a minute between the start and end of the battle. He looked for the girls hoping their had only been on of the creatures Basilisks were dangerous. He half stumbled as he said spitting on the formerly basilisk monster dust, "From hell's heart, I stab at thee."

He looked up, "Roll call, sound off if your not dead or being eaten by a snake."
Alyissa wiped the slimy Basilisk blood off of her "Here" she called holding a chunk of scale she managed to stab the creature a good amount to distract the beast from Thomas. "Got a piece of it too" she said waving the gold dust out of the way "You alright?" she asked checking him over for any major wounds

"I'm alright I think" Jessie hollered dusting herself off not noticing one of the lower Fang had been stuck in her shoulder. Alyissa gasped and turned her around so Jessie could see "Not Exactly Jess" she said taking in a sharp inhale.

"Dude when did I get stabbed" she said with a nervous laugh "shit that hurts" she said wincing finally feeling the pain.
Thomas swore, "Fuck fuck, cunt, slag, bitch tits, whore mongering inbred incestuous fucking infidel."

Thomas was stripping, or trying too. He spoke to Aly, "Big snake venom like acid to organs. Magic vest means me organs no melty. Need magic vest on brain girl or she die."

He swore this shouldn't be so hard. Although the snake vest had managed to keep most of the fangs and just as importantly the extremely toxic poison from the Baselisk from killing him. The Baselisk was the king of the serpents, and the hidden vest magic hadn't been strong enough to negate the sheer dark energy of the snake's bite and venom. Instead of taking a dozen fangs Thomas had taken three, and instead of the venom causing tissue necrosis, paralysis, and anticloting it was causing extreme drowsyness as the vest, nectar, and his own demigod healing worked to counter the dead venom. Plus the fact he'd had a foot long object shoved through his chest did not help.

Finally Thomas had removed enough of his outer lairs to get the vest off. Pulling the obviously damaged snake skin vest off, he ripped Jessie's shirt off. Shoving the vest over it almost like it was a bandage rather then armor. With a hard yank he removed the fang. Thomas then dropped as without the vest he was dying. The poison in his system was causing organ failure, while he couldn't feel it he knew it was happening. He looked at Aly, forcing the flask into her hand, "Make her drink until she starts to show the signs of a fever. Then make her stop. The vest and nectar should save her since not a lot of organs in the shoulder. I've got to try something more desperate and painful. If it doesn't work see you on the flip side."

Thomas pulled a hell hound tooth from his bracelet. Pulling out a small emergency kit. He pulled out a small silver bowl, and began crushing the tooth. Next he added a few drops of a white substance. Speaking mostly to himself, "Crushed hell hound fang, and milk from one of Apollo's cows, and a a grape from a bushel grown by Mr. D, the breakfast of champions."

When all three were mixed together, Thomas downed it like a shot. He bit his lips so hard it bled as orange fire seemed to spring from the wound. Slowly the pain lessened, and he rolled onto his back and began to laught "Hell hound tooth to burn the impurities, milk to negate what can't be burned out, an the grape to promote healthy growth for the future. I am so never doubting the girls from Hecate cabin again. Hell I'll be their pleasure slave for a week if they want me to."

Thomas remembered Jesse and Aly, he spoke without looking, "Jess ok?"
"Jess remember to breathe" she advised tilting the younger's head back while she ripped strips of cloth from Alyissa's own shirt to slow the bleeding down while Thomas pulled off his vest. Jessie started to convulse while her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "Fuck, Fuck" she cursed. Holding the back of Jessie's head while her other hand forced her jaw to open, Pouring the liquid down her throat waiting for it to kick in. The red head's throat was starting to close choking her. Alyissa had one last chance she used the blood to mark the Cricothyroid membrane of her neck, Fumbling for her knife she made a small but deep cut. Unscrewing a ball point pen she had in her pocket, emptying the contents she slid the tube two inches into her windpipe so Jessie could breathe "Come on Jess" she whispered pushing on her chest to get air flow.

Jessie suddenly drew in a breathe realizing she could breathe but was still in pain. "Aly? Thomas?" she sputtered regaining conscious while the nectar repaired her organs.
Thomas sighed, "I'm alive, good news is with basilisk venom in our blood we'll probably be immune from most poisons, and germs. Sort of hard for the flu to infect you when your cells contain a poison more powerful then most acids."

Thomas slowly sat up, "Bad news is, well our blood is now toxic, probably our bodily waste too. Probably not too dangerous as long as it avoids open wounds. If we bleed around muggles we have to tell them we've got AIDS or some other blood born disease."

He stood up shakily, "When we get back to camp, we can test how dangerous our blood truly is. Maybe use chickens or rats or something. Mine is probably worse then yours, but no way to tell for sure. Theirs an off chance your sterile now, but maybe not."

He took a deep breathe, "Worst case scenario you can as my mother to fix it as your boon for this quest. I'm a bit worried honestly, some snake venoms aren't just lethal short term, but being exsposed to them damaged your organs causing heart, liver, and renal failure. Sort of like smoking, not to bad at first but a pack a day for sixty years has major issues. I could be dying as we speak."

Thomas shook his head, "Let's go back to the van, we're close to a steak house and we can get some info at it. But we all need to get cleaned up first. Also Aly can wrap us up."
Jessie whimpered in worry at the mention of the possibility all of them could die "I... Don't want to die" she whispered to Alyissa. while Leaning for her friend while they walked back to the Van. "Relax Jess" She soothed trying not to show her own worry of Thomas's words "I'm not going down without a fight. I've survived enough shit this will be no different" she said smugly not sure if she was trying to convince Thomas or herself. "Anyway hopefully it will be a peaceful drive from here on out" she sighed helping Jess into the back of the vehicle.
Thomas chuckled a bit, "Jess, long term means like a few weeks, or months, or even years. Remember we're hunting the mother of the thing that just nearly killed us. I'd be more worried about the sisters then long term organ damage right now. Besides I had a larger dose, so I'll die first."

He chuckled as he began stripping, "Whose bathing first?"
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