Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
In the middle of a missive forest, stood a place that most people didn't know existed. It was a massive Gothic style castle that was so large you couldn't see all of it. The tall towers rose from thick fog and candlelight shone from all the windows. Most of the beings that lived there, preferred the softer light of candles to the harsh glare of electricity. Not to say there wasn't electricity. The compound was home to some of the best technology in the world, a safe haven for the tech geeks that also lived there. Technically the school didn't exist. The dozens of miles spread out in all directions didn't exist. The creatures that called the place home, did not exist. That was why it was so safe, that and the fact that the people who lived there where some of the most dangerous creatures in existence. The school currently held claim to a half breed Archangel for example, who was currently eighteen and was the Captain of the Archery Club. There was a woman who was a class ten Necromancer. She could call up souls that had been dead for centuries, or recall a dead man who looked so real he breathed and blushed. There where sorcerers, witches, werewolves, vampires, siren, anything you could imagine. For some it was a haven where they could learn to control their new powers. For others, it was the only place they had left to go.

That was the case for the two young teenagers who had just appeared Via a car, driven by the Ex-Hunter Phil Coulson. Phil Coulson was the favorite teacher for almost all of the students. He was the one who taught young beings how to better control their powers, and helped others learn what they where. Not everyone was born being what they where after all. Some only became, or exhibited signs long after their childhood. Phil was the best. He had retired from being an Active Hunter, a huge army of people who kept the average human from finding out the supernatural existed. Recently, a large group of humans had located a werewolf pack who was not obeying the rules. The Blackmoon Pack had been kidnapping young children, and turning them into werewolves to be used in an bloodthirsty army. Few of the kidnapped children survived. The werewolves had been busted only a month ago, after breaking into a hospital and stealing over thirty children, just as they had last time. Unlike last time, none of the babies had been infected. Of the last crew kidnapped, only two had survived, Bucky Buchanan Barnes and Steven Joseph Rogers. The only two survivors of a forty count kidnap. They where also the only survivors of the Blackmoon Pack. The Hunters had decided not to kill them because they hadn't fought back, and because they where still kids. Both only sixteen. It had taken a month to clear them of the parasites that living as a wild pack had inflicted on them. Roundworm, Mange, flees, ticks, ear mites and even heart worm. Living as a wild animal had long lasting effects. While Bucky looked strong, firm, healthy and tough, Steven Rogers was small, pale, thin, sickly and barely looked like he could pick up a can of soup, let alone be a threat. People would soon learn it was Steve who was the dangerous one.

They where dressed in school issue clothing, indicating that they where there on scholarship. Most of the kids going to the school where rich, came from rich parents and where 'pure blooded' of sorts. Most students going there where born knowing what and who the where and where going to make connections or because their parents didn't have the time, the patience or the skill to teach their children themselves. Many of the students could trace their inhuman genetics back through dozens of ancestors. Many of them where arrogant and thought beasts like Rogers and Barnes shouldn't exist. Never mind that Barnes and Rogers where two of the strongest werewolves in existence, true born or not. “this is it boys. Your new home.” Phil Coulson said, sliding out of the car. “This is Blackthorn Academy.” He moved around to the back of the car and got the boys suitcases. They each had very few things to call their own, but thy did have some, which was all in the two suitcases. “you'll be rooming together, just like you requested.” Phil promised them. “this way please.” he ordered, leading the way inside. Bucky took both suitcases, since Steve was often too tired or weak to do any real heavy lifting. The heart worm had done a lot of damage to Steve's body.

None of them noticed the tall man watching from one of the windows in one of the towers. “Sir.” the man turned to look at the young man on the bed. “the two new students are werewolves. Not true born, but they have been werewolves since infancy. They could probably assist you.” he admitted, turning to make some coffee for the young man. “they will probably be placed in the empty room down the hall.” he admitted. “would you like me to make them a welcoming treat? Cookies perhaps?” he asked, watching Tony. “You should really get up. Classes will begin in an hour, if your late, Headmistress Hill will punish you again. You don't want to scrub floors again do you?” he asked,
“....”Tony Stark stared at the wall from where he was curled up into a tiny ball on the bed, as tiny as he could make himself, much like a dog who was hiding from the world. Appropriate analogy, even if the 17 year old would probably have had a heart attack if you used those words to describe him. “....If you would like, Sebastian.”tony said after a long moment, his voice holding that soft edge of a growl, not from annoyance or anger, but simply from not being able to stop it. “...I don’t want to go to class!”He growled angry at being forced out of bed, he wanted to go home. Home where everything was normal, and he didn’t change and everything made sense. He wanted to be what he was, back in the school that had made sense. He’d always come to the academy, but his status as one of the best children, the popular, beautiful heir of stark industries, had changed in a instant. His parents died...and his world had come crashing down for the young technomage.
Sebastian sighed as he watched his young master. "oh Tony." he moved over to the other. "i do wish you would stop trying to hide from yourself." he admitted, pulling the blankets off the other and making him sit up. "come now, young master. there is hope. there are werewolves in the school now. they will most likely be able to help you." he admitted. Werewolves where very reclusive creatures. it was very rare that one came to the academy. even then, they where almost always older, after being bitten by what they had thought was a rabid dog. for two who knew how to handle being werewolves to arrive, it was a very deep blessing. "you must. you have your advanced Quantum Mechanics test today." he admitted. "i believe you expressed a desire to, how did you say it? put Justine Hammer, Reed Richards and Norman Osborn in their places?" he asked with a smile. "Professor Von Doom is not going to let you get out of taking a test simply because you are smarter than he is you know." he admitted, helping the other to get dressed, buttoning Tony's shirt with patience. "come now. drink your coffee and have some breakfast." he ordered, handing the other a strong Coffee and a plate full of breakfast. eggs and bacon and fluffy pancakes. "what would you like for lunch today Sir?" he asked. most students ate in the mess hall, but all students had more of an apartment than a dorm room, with a full bath and shower and a small kitchen, living room and bedroom. they could make their own food if they wanted to, or had a butler like Tony did. "ah... there is Phil." Sebastian said, hearing Phil's voice filter through the hallway.

"This wil be your room. go ahead and get settled. your fridge will be fully stocked so feel free to make yourselves something to eat. do you have any questions before i leave you?" "yeah. what about hunting?" "the forest is free for your use. just please don't harm any of the domestic animals. we need those to feed the rest of the students. there are very few pets, and they are contained within the castle. so any rabbets, deer or other prey you find in the forest feel free to hunt." "awesome." Bucky stated. "you can go away now." Bucky stated, waving him off. Phil sighed a little and shook his head. "i'll be back in an hour or two to give you the tour and all the information you'll need. maps included." "great. sure, whatever." Phil sighed again and left and Bucky waited until Phil's footsteps where out of hearing before he turned to Steve. "are you okay?" "i'm fine." Steve said, coughing into his hand. "it's just a lot of stairs. i'll lay down for a while. it'll be fine." "come on then. let's get you something to drink too...." he paused and sniffed at the air. "i smell another wolf..." "don't get into any territory fights Bucky, i don't feel like being killed, who knows what the hunters will do if we cause problems here..." "fine. fine.."
“I’m not hiding!I just want to be left alone!”Tony growled, yelpign as the other man made him sit up, squirming a little trying to get away sulking a little. Because he didn’t want to be a wolf. He wanted to go back to how things had been, with simply having tech. Tech he understood, this new found ability to smell everything under the sun, and the need to do what bruce had called the three F’s, ‘food, fight, and fuck’ was going to drive him insane. He didn’t like people enough to do any of this. “....Yes. I would enjoy it immensely to put them in their place, but I still don’t want to go to class.”he said even though he let the other get him ready. “I am smarter. I shouldn’t have to take the test.”He huffed as he took the plate of food, starting to eat, “...Something meaty. Steak or something.”Tony shrugged tilting his head at the sound of phil talking before abandoning his food, his need to get a look at the other wolves driving him to the door. Cracking it just enough to look out and see what they looked like.
Sebastian smiled. "i know Tony." he admitted. "i am sorry." he had no idea that giving the other a magical gift could have unlocked strong True born genetics. he had assumed Tony had been a full born human, he hadn't meant to unlock werewolf genetics. though, Tony would always have become a wolf in the end. eventually the magic holding his genetics in check would have broken and he would have turned later in life. trying to explain that to Tony though had little effect. "Bruce has expressed a desire to do an experiment in the Microbiology lab during your advanced microbiology class." Sebastian admitted. "so make sure to attend that class as well." he warned before smiling a little. "how will you prove your superiority if not by attending?" he asked. "at least while you are here, your intelligence is actually challenged, not like at that school you where going to before. i don't think that Calculus has been a challenge for you since you where ten." he admitted with a smile. "Steak." he agreed. "with sauteed mushrooms. i won't bother with a salad, i know you won't eat it anyway." he huffed, smiling when Tony moved over to the door, glad to see the other was curious. he didn't like how unsocial and reclusive Tony had become.

the two werewolves where as different as different could be. Steve, the smaller, was so thin he looked emaciated. scratch that, he was emaciated. he was a good head shorter than Tony was even, he looked super tiny next to Bucky, who was a good foot taller than Tony. Steve was blond, well groomed and had clear bright blue eyes. he looked harmless but there was a glitter in his eyes that Tony would recognize as a thirst for blood and violence and pain. Bucky was massive, three hundred pounds of pure muscle with dark hair that hung around his face in scraggles and a slight fuzz on his neck and cheeks and chin as if he was trying to grow a bears but didn't have the time or patience to do the trimming. he had a more familiar glimmer in his eyes, a protective, possessive one that said he'd only hurt someone if they tried to hurt Steve. they where like night and Day, complete different, yet somehow, the same as well. "wow... nice place i guess." Steve admitted. "sucks we actually have to live here." "we could probably go live in the woods if we really needed to. so long as we don't attack no one." "nah... maybe we could actually make friends. and it would be nice to learn something other than the best way to kill people. maybe we might even learn to read?" Steve mused. "like, books?" Bucky asked, now curious. "i've always wanted to learn how to read." he agreed.
“I know, Seb. It’s just frustrating.”Tony grumbled, taking a few deep breaths, going calm. Because if he didn’t, he’d spend the day locked in wolf form, and it would be even worse. He had no handle on the changes, but he’d figured out he changed less often if he was calm and in control. It was when he lost control and couldn’t handle things , that he spent the day, or days, as a wolf pup. “...Really?I wonder what.”Tony hummed perking up a little at the idea of a experiment, curious now. Which had probably been sebastian’s intent, to make him want to go to class. “..nothing’s been challenging since I was ten.”tony pointed out before nodding. “Salad’s taste weird these days.”The wolf said making a face at the other.

Looking at the other two, he tilted his head as he studied them. While he wasn’t nearly as big or muscled as the dark haired one, he was still bigger then the smaller one. And even without knowing them, he felt protective. Opening the door a little more before he’d really thought about it, the brunette werewolf stepped out of his rooms, edging closer to the other two, but not quite walking towards them yet. “...Do...are you guys starting classes today?”Tony asked studying the two.
Sebastian smiled a little at him. "i know it is Tony, but you're getting so much better at it already." he admitted with a smile. "i am unsure." he admitted. "he sent ou a text saying it was either going to get him kicked out or get him an award so i would say it's something impressive." he admitted, carefully tying the others shoes. "well, that's very true, but at least they are trying to give you a challenge here." he admitted. "i will eat your salad for you then." because Sebastian never ate meat, ever. or dairy for that matter. it was all purely vegan. he watched Tony study the two werewolves and watched the other edge closer. James noticed first and growled, not a sound a human could make, the sound coming from deep in his chest instead of from his vocal cords. "James. be nice." Steve ordered, the growling stopping in an instant. Sebastian raised an eyebrow. the little guy was the Alpha? interesting.

"no. we don't start classes yet." Steve admitted before wincing and coughing again, clutching his chest as he hacked up a lung, James whining and setting a hand on Steve's shoulders to keep him from falling over. "sorry... heart worm..." Steve explained. "one of the risks of living wild, or so we're told." he admitted. "i'm a bit dizzy... come on in?" he offered Tony while James carefully scooped Steve into his arms and headed into the living room, gently setting Steve on the couch and fussing over him. "don't hover." Steve ordered Tony. "come in. we don't mind." he promised the other. "Sir." Sebastian appeared, making James growl again. "James. that is enough." Steve ordered, a slight snarl to his voice, making James wince and tip his head back and to the side, submitting to Steve, baring his throat. "I will inform your teachers that you are helping the new Wolves feel more comfortable." Sebastian decided. "would you care for anything upon my return young sirs?" "...any chance for a willow-bark tea?" James asked. "it help's with the cough..." "of course. i will bring you a supply and a fresh hot pot." he promised, sweeping away.
“....Am not.I’m a wolf about every other class.”Tony grumbled before grinning, “Ohhh. I can totally go for a kicking out.”Tony grinned manically, indeed, he had that mad genius thing going on. “That’s true. I am thankful it is at least somewhat challenging.”He mused before nodding. “You do that.”he grinned wincing as he was growled at, shoulders slumping as he took a step back.

“...Really?I thought only dogs got heart worm...”Tony said looking confused at the idea, before nodding. Giving a soft confused whine at the order he followed the others inside, sitting down on the chair furtherest away from steve, even if he’d never been around other wolves, he didn’t want to get to close, cause he thought the big one would freak out. “Thanks. Tell bruce I’ll catch up with him later to.And I want cookies to.”Tony requested with a smile watching him go, now that he was with the other two, he was fidgety and nervous, not quite sure how to act. “I’m Anthony Stark. Tony.”
Sebastian snorted, looking amused now. "i'm sure you could." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "it is a nice challenge for you." he agreed.

"any species can get heart worm. it's most common in Canines and Felines but humans can get them too. especially if they turn into a wolf as they please." he admitted. "i'm on medicine for it." he promised. "and i can't really infect you unless you handle my blood." he admitted. "and even then it's chancy now that i've been on the medicine for a good while." he admitted. "you don't have to be so nervous. James is just overprotective because i'm sick." he promised Tony. "not to mention we're in a new place. it's kind of.... frightening. before this all we had was the Pack and the training." he admitted. "the Hunters came through and killed everyone and James is terrified they're going to kill me too. the Pack was threatening to kill me, you know, because i was sick so he's a bit overly protective right now." he admitted. "James. sit." Steve ordered, James grumbling but doing as he was told. "i'm Steven rogers, Steve if you like, and this is James Barnes, but i usually call him Bucky unless he's annoying me. it's nice to meet you. have you been trapped here long?" Steve asked curiously. "did your pack die too?"
“Oh.I didn’t know that.”Tony said looking thoughtful, shrugging a little. “I wasn’t worried. Just curious.”He said tilting his head a little before glancing at james nodding a little, relaxing some, and resisting the urge to rub a hand over his nose. It was bad enough when he smelled just normal humans, the scent of the two wolves were messing with him. “It’s not a bad place, they’ll mostly leave you alone. The others I mean.”he shrugged a little eyes widening slightly, swallowing hard. Not about to admit he’d been raised by a hunter then. Otherwise he’d never get a chance to be with his own kind. “I’m sorry about your pack.”he said softly, submissive even if steve told him not to be nervous, he was still feeling fidgety. “Trapped?Oh.No. I started school here just a few weeks ago.”he said before frowning, shaking his head a little, slouching. “Don’t have a pack. Never have.”
Steve nodded. "it doesn't help that i was always a bit weak. when your bitten as young as we where, a lot of problems happen." he admitted. "out of the forty children chosen for the honor, only me and Bucky survived and i barely even managed survival." he admitted. "my health is greatly compromised because of it." he admitted. "but because we where bitten so young, we have massive strength, adaptability, and experience advantages." he admitted. "even true born werewolves don't mess with us." he admitted before blinking at Tony. "only a few weeks?" he asked curiously. "oh. where you bitten?" he asked, looking worried. "i'm sorry. it must have been traumatic for you. how long have you been a werewolf?" he asked, James leaning forward and sniffed at Tony. "...hmm... he still smells like a puppy." James admitted. "i wouldn't say too long." he admitted. looking much more relaxed now that he had realized Tony wasn't really that much of a threat.

"...oh..." Steve blinked at him. "you don't have control over your form yet." he deduced. "that's why you came over here, to see if we could help you." "...Can we help him?" James asked, looking curious. "we didn't exactly get lessons on it." "no. we didn't... but we know a few tricks, i'm sure they could be useful, and being around other wolves should help too, we are pack animals after all." "well. i don't mind if he hangs out with us. he doesn't stink or nothing." James decided, looking up when Sebastian knocked on the door, growling at him. "i've brought the tea." Sebastian admitted. "and Tony? your cleared for lessons for the next three days to help the new students settle in. approved by Professor Coulson. Headmistress Hill and Headmaster Fury." he informed them, pouring out a cup of Willow bark Tea for Steve, setting down a cold cup of soda for James and offering Tony a cup of coffee. "thank you mister...?" "Sebastian Michealis. you may call me Sebastian if you would rather." he assured Steve. "thank you for the tea Sebastian." Steve said, sipping on his bitter tea, glad to feel it working properly. it helped with the pain, and with the cough.
“I would think so. Even simple human children have a mortality rate when you add magic into it. Turning into a wolf has to be even more traumatic.”Tony said thoughtfully, having done his research once he’d realized what he was. “...No. I uh...I’m a true born wolf. Half anyways. My mother was. My father bound me...when I started developing a talent for tech-magic, it undid what was keeping me human....I’ve...only a few weeks.”Tony said flushing a little, swallowing hard growling softly when james sniffed him, not liking the other getting so close. Knowing he was still weak, so he didn’t like having threats close to him.

“...I...I was hoping. Yes.”Tony said tilting his head a little, watching the two of them, those dark brown eyes looking so lost and needy. He just wanted a place to belong in a world that had gone insane on him. “Thanks Sebastian.”Tony said smiling a little as he took his coffee, nodding. “Thanks. We’ll get them settled by them.”He said looking amused as he relaxed.
"human children have a rather high mortality rate just from human diseases, let alone adding other things onto it." James admitted. "honestly it's a miracle Steve survived at all. they didn't even mean to take him, being a premature birth and all." he admitted. "when i was the only survivor, they bit Steve too, to see if they couldn't make all the effort worth it. when he survived, they where amazed. when he proved to be stronger than most of them, they got scared." "i was entirely too useful for them to kill of course. and i followed orders very well." Steve admitted. "they where much less threatened by me then they should have been." he admitted, eyes burning before he blinked at Tony, surprised. "he bound your wolf?" he asked, stunned. "why on earth would he do that? that was a dumb thing to do, it makes gaining control so much harder." Steve admitted with a frown. "Tech magic?" he asked, looking amazed. "i've never heard of a wolf being capable of magic before." he admitted. "then again, my only experience is with the Blackmoon pack. we stayed pretty solitary from other packs, they didn't agree with the way the Blackmoon thought, i guess." he admitted. "do you know what pack, if any, your mother was from? most werewolves who mate with humans do so because they don't have a pack of their own." he admitted. "either because they where human, or Hunter raised, or because their pack was too small or kicked them out." he admitted.

he smiled at Tony's stutter and he nodded. "well, we'll try our best." he decided. "i can't promise you instant success, gaining control takes a lot of time, and a lot of practice." he admitted, hesitating before reaching out and taking Ton's hand. "you won't be alone now. you can be a part of our pack." he promised. "Steve, we barely know him..." James protested, whining when Steve snarled furiously at James, who whimpered and dropped to all fours, hunching submissively. "are you questioning me!?" "N..No, Alpha. im sorry." James whimpered, Stave narrowing his eyes at the other before nodding. "get off the floor." he ordered James relaxing now that he knew Steve wasn't actually pissed. "sorry Stevie..." James said again as he got up, though he settled on the floor next to Steve's legs, resting his head on Steve's knee. the blond running his fingers through James hair, soothing his partner. "interesting..." Sebastian murmured. "i've never seen such a tiny Alpha before." "...." neither boy said anything, James just smirked, like he knew something they didn't, Steve completely ignored the question and took another sip of tea.
“Yes...they did.”Tony swallowed hard, biting his lip a little. “...I don’t know. My parents weren’t...overly normal.didn’t like magic mostly....”He shrugged a little, sighing softly. “I have no control....I don’t...there’s nothing. I’m changing all the time...”he whined a little before smiling. “Yea. I’m having problems getting control of tech sometimes to...the more upset I am...less I can do magic....”He sighed quietly shrugging. “I doubt it’s normal...I mean...most wolves probably don’t...but because I was bound, I could learn without my wolf getting in the way...only now...”He looked so helpless, cause he so hated not being in control.

“Good.Thank you.Anything would be better then what I’ve been doing.”Tony said tensing a little as he was touched, swallowing hard, as he held onto steve’s hand, tensing at james whining, already pulling away, whimpering, whining quietly as steve snarled, shoulders hunching, even if the snarl wasn’t aimed at him, it still upset him. “...I’m sorry...I don’t have guys don’t have to help me...H”e said not wanting to cause problems.
Steve and James blinked a little and then glanced at each other, communicating almost silently about that before turning their attention back to Tony. "most new pups don't have control." Steve admitted. "it's a challenging task for an older person to learn. you see, people who are born, or are bitten young have an advantage. after all, children have an extraordinary capacity to learn. a child has to learn how to walk, talk, control their bowels. some children can even learn a multitude of languages simply by b eing properly exposed to it. me and James learned control as we grew. what worked for us won't work for you. we do have a fw tricks we might be able to share with you." he admitted. "the first step is, ultimately, teaching you that you don't need to be afraid of the transformation." he admitted. "after i've had time to rest and recover a bit, we'll go into the woods and run, and show you how exciting being a free wolf can be." he promised. "we'll hunt, and play, and sleep under the moon. connecting to your inner wolf is a key step that most newly bitten fail to achieve in their elder years, so they never gin full mastery over themselves or their wolf." he admitted. "control comes with acceptance and understanding." he admitted, setting down his empty teacup and smiling when Sebastian refilled it. "thank you." "of course." Sebastian even tensed when Steve snarled. something so tiny should not have such a big presence. there was something... different about Steve Rogers.

"it's alright Tony." Steve promised the other with a smile. "i'm just a little tense." he admitted. "i'm grumpy because i'm in pain and in a strange place. being that he's a Beta, James likes to push my temper sometimes." he admitted, running his fingers through James hair again. "he's upset too. this place smells weird, and there aren't any other wolves here. the place stinks of human and Vampires and other creatures we don't know about. there's danger everywhere...." Steve shook his head and held his hand out to Ton. "come here. i won't hurt you. your ours to protect now. your part of our pack, you need one, and we need you." he admitted. "everything in my blood calls to protect you, your just a puppy. i would never hurt a puppy." he promised, smiling at Tony. "come sit here. let me sooth you." he urged, James sighing, so relaxed he was almost asleep, sitting at Steve's feet. the power of the Alpha, that was why he was the Alpha. he exerted control over his pack, that was true, but he also took care of them. his power could whip them into a feeding frenzy, or calm them when they where upset. Steve was a very good Alpha, taking care of his pack like that, most wouldn't bother. Steve had power, that much Sebastian could see. what kind of power though?
“well, I still don’t like it. Being in control...I’ve never really not been in control.”Tony sighed a little making a face before nodding. “That makes sense. Kearning as kids.”He sighed wishing his parents had left it, let him be himself, and hating them for it. “...I’ve....never thought it was a good thing...”Tony said for the first time maybe wondering, if it was okay with being a wolf. That it was going to be okay. “...sounds like fun. Doing that.”He said sounding interested before smiling as he sipped his coffee.

Relaxing at the other’s words he nodded. “Sebastian tells me I’m grumpy alot. Cause this place is still new, so I get where you’re coming from.”Tony said with a small smile watching the others, before nodding. “They’re dangerous...but for the most part, the other kids are nice.”he said shrugging a little before looking startled at the other, before letting out a needy little whine, a desire to move closer as he got up and moved to sit next to steve’s feet, resting his head against his knee. For once, not bothering to be upset by the not so human action, simply letting steve sooth him.
he nodded. "it's understandable to be upset. to not like it. to suddenly find yourself transforming against your ill, becoming something new that you don't understand. most people who become werewolves later in life completely reject the Wolf, and in the end, it kills them." Steve admitted. "your actually right at the age where the transformation, and acceptance, are easiest. because you can understand what's happening and adapt to it, without having to worry about the virus killing you because your too young or too old." he admitted. "of course it can be a good thing." Steve admitted with a smile. "think of it this way, no matter where you go, you will have a way to survive, a way to fight back, a way to run away or hide. you have within you a power that makes survival so much easier. makes fighting for your life a peace of cake, and makes finding acceptance easy once you find a pack you can belong to." he admitted. "within you, is who you where always meant to be." he admitted. "all humans have an animal side, you can simply make that side a reality without loosing your humanity in the process." he admitted. "after all, humanity is not a species, it is simply a state of mind." he admitted.

"Sebastian is your butler?" "I am whatever Tony needs me to be." Sebastian admitted simply from where he was mostly unnoticed off to the side, watching over Tony. "children, are never nice." Steve grumbled under his breath, shaking his head before smiling at Tony, running his fingers through his hair as well, simply exuding calm until James was snoring softly against his knee and Sebastian had left to make enough lunch for all three of them. "how are you feeling?" Steve asked Tony after Sebastian had been gone for a while. "any better?" he asked, smiling down at him. "it must be strange for you, feeling so comfortable at my feet." he admitted. "i know some people get frightened by it, but i promise, you will never be asked to do something that you don't want to do, okay?" he asked Tony. "i want you to promise me that if anyone, ever asks you to do anything that you don't want to do, you will tell them no. if anyone has a problem with that, they can bring it up with me." "you still have to attend classes Sir." Sebastian stated as he came in, James grunting, waking up at the smell of food. "...meat?" James asked, rubbing his eyes, Steve chuckling. "yes James. meat. cooked meat even." "i like cooked meat." "it takes him a while to wake up after a nap." Steve admitted, James nodding in agreement, too tired still to make sense of what was going on.
“Yes. That’s a wolf...I start thinking more...linearly. Things that matter to me as a human, doesn’t matter so much to the’s...upsetting and confusing.”Tony muttered before sighing a little, relaxing. “That’s true.Between tech and wolf, I wont ever have to worry about being helpless.”Tony said sounding pleased with the idea,”...yes. I was always supposed to be a wolf.”he said smiling at the idea.

“Yes. Or anything I need.”Tony smiled a little before smiling. “these ones are. They’re a little nicer then most. Less likely to make fun, since we’re all different.”Tony said shrugging a little, sighing quietly. Relaxing as steve petted him, closing his eyes, sleepy. “...sleepy...”he muttered turning his head, looking up at him, blinking sleepily, before nodding. “It’s...weird.”he said sighing quietly, turning his head to look up at him, “okay...”he muttered, agreeing because he was to quiet and agreemable, quite content. “But I don’t want to go to class.”He whined at sebastian, stirring, as he nodded. “I always have steak or something for lunch.”He said snickering quietly, finding james amusing like this.
Steve nodded. "most wolves are focused on only a few things when they are first turned. it's the instincts, the Wolf fighting for control over the human mind. fighting for territory and positions in the pack, fighting to eat the food available. sleeping is important too, some newly bitten wolves will sleep upwards of sixteen hours a day sometimes when they first change, simply because it just feels nice to sleep. fucking, of course, is always a priority, strengthening the pack numbers. these tree things are usually at the top of a newly turned werewolf's mind." he admitted. "however, as you start to calm down, and accept the wolf, it's mind will become much more like your own, until you are able to think both as a wolf, and as a human, gaining control over yourself and our transformations in the process. it's not unlike having access to two separate minds." he admitted. "all werewolves have this, and it can give us an advantage." he admitted with a smile. "what bothers most people, is the instincts that come with it." he admitted. "especially when they become a Beta, or an Omega wolf." he admitted, stroking Tony's hair as he talked.

"i guess that's true. still, most of the students here are likely to be stuck up snobs." Steve admitted. "my Pack Master used to come here to make sure werewolves weren't here." he admitted. "this isn't really a good environment for freshly turned wolves. there's too many chances to upset one, and a fully grown freshly bitten werewolf not in control of itself or it's instincts can be very, very dangerous." he admitted. "the last thing we need is for Hunters to start culling off wolves." he muttered with a frown before smiling at him. "yes, i expect you are." he admitted with a smile. "Wolves tend to get sleepy when they feel safe and content." he chuckled when Tony whined and Sebastian smiled a little and shook his head. "as a Wolf, our primary meals should be meat. it will keep the wolf from getting hungry." Steve admitted. "you'll find vegetables and fruits a lot less appetizing, though you can eat them it wont be as satisfying or as filling. eating meat every meal and chewing on jerky between meals can do a lot to help settle your wolf down. if it has a constant source of meat, it will want to fight a lot less."
“...Exactly!Even as a’s...overwhelming sometimes to feel the when I’m eating, I get really protective of food...or seeing one of the girls I like...or...I do sleep alot. Sebastian!See. I’m allowed sleeping alot.”Tony huffed making a face at his butler, sighing a little as he relaxed. “Good.That’s good.”he said looking pleased that eventually, he’ll figure out how to do this, and he’d have more control.

“Probably.A little...I family’s rich, and I’ve always been I probably don’t notice.”Tony said shrugging a little before flinching at the mention of the hunters, pressing his cheek harder into steve’s thigh, as if hiding his face, as he went really still, responding to the thought of his parents without really thinking about it. “I’m feeling very safe...”He muttered with a wide yawn, looking up pleased, “Good...was sorta worried. I mean, I never really liked meat before and now...I eat it all the time.”he shrugged a llittle, “That’s good to know. I’ll have to get some jerky...”
he chuckled a little. "Food possession is a common source of anxiety for a new wolf." he agreed. "James gets that way a lot, because the Pack we where in was very physical. if you wanted to eat, you had to fight the others off for a share." he admitted. "James did most of the real fighting and we'd go off in a corner and eat." he admitted. "he'll probably still do that, if only because your a wolf he doesn't know. not to mention Sebastian." he admitted. "it's easier for him to eat in seclusion then try t hold back on well honed instincts." he admitted, smiling. "actually, it's better if you force yourself into a normal sleep pattern. giving in to the wolf, is not the same as getting along with the wolf." he admitted with a smile, examining Tony. "that's true. your money, and your status as a Technomage as well as Trueborn wolf have probably sheltered you a lot. most creatures thing that beasts, half breeds like myself and James shouldn't exist, and would happily kill us simply for existing." he admitted. "add in that we're poor, lived in the wild and hunted our own food, and are mostly illiterate, well. we're not expecting an easy go of things here. i didn't want to come at all, but the Hunters insisted." he huffed. "i don't see why they should get to tell us what to do." he grumbled before blinking at the other, stroking Tony's back to try and sooth him. it wasn't normal, going so still like that. "i'm sorry. the Hunters probably saved you, or even raised you, i shouldn't speak badly of them."

"good. i'm glad you feel safe." he admitted with a smile. "it's only natural. humans are mostly omnivores. Wolves are mostly carnivores. your tastes and desires would change to suit that." he admitted with a smile, watching James scurry off with his own plate, chewing on his steak without bothering with the utensils.=, he just gnawed the bone clean with sharp teeth and scarfed down the garlic potatoes using his fingers. Steve did the same, though at a slower more polite rate. Sebastian enjoyed a huge bowl of salad, smiling a little as he tossed James another steak to keep him from snatching Tony's, since James was eying it with a glint in his eyes. "i will have some Jerky prepared for you Sir." Sebastian promised with a smile, watching Steve daintily lick his fingers clean of meat juices. "cooked meat, it's been a long time since we where able to enjoy it." "yeah." James admitted, licking his plate, fingers and lips clean. "maybe this place won't be so bad after all." James decided, making Steve roll his eyes. "anyway." he smiled at Tony. "if you get lonely at all, our door is always open for you. even at three in the morning, okay?" he asked with a smile. "you wanna stay and help us unpack?"
“Oh/ good. It’s not weird then. I snapped at my best friend a few days ago, and he wasn’t even trying to get my food, simply sitting down next to me.”Tony said relaxing, realizing that the anxiety, the fear, was utterly normal. Hating that he was having so much trouble adjusting. “...fine. Normal sleeping.But it feels so nice sleepign that long.”Tony huffed making a face before nodding. “It’s been a little better, since I started a new school after I became a wolf....old school wasn’t overly nice despite being rich and a technomage after I started losing control in class.”tony made a face, because the more the kids had teased him about being a wolf, and a puppy, the more he’d lost control. “Well, I’ll help you how I can. It wont be easy, but it’ll be okay.”tony sighed quietly, whining softly as his back was stroked, relaxing slowly, swallowing thickly. “My parents had been hunters.”he sighed, “....Why I was bound.”he shrugged.

Tony nodded a little looking thoughtful as he ate, and while he didn’t bother with his fork, he was careful and slowly eating, refusing to rush himself as the wolf demanded.Whimpering softly when james eyed his food, he swallowed thickly waiting to see what would happen. “Thanks Sebastian.”Tony smiled a little relaxing as sebastian gave james another steak. “...Okay.”Tony said relaxing at the idea of knowing that he could come over here if he needed to, thinking it over. Wanting to take the question as a order, and really really wanting to help steve. Feeling the need to please him. “Yea, I can do that.”
he nodded. "yes that happens." Steve admitted. "your wolf is volatile right now because your probably not eating enough. once you turn, you need a lot more food to keep both you and the wolf going. eat three large meat based meals a day, it can be ay kind of meat, and eat as many snacks as you want as well. protein shakes do amazing things too." he admitted, James perking up. "dude! those things are amazing! Phil gave us them when we where first handed over to them, i dunno what a mango is but it's delicious!" James admitted with a nod. "yes, normal sleeping. except on weekends when yu have nothing to do." Sebastian compromised with a smile. "i can imagine. human's can be disgusting creatures." Steve admitted. "they are cruel to anything that is not exactly the same as them... then again that could be said of any species really." he muttered before smiling at Tony. "i suppose the more they picked on you, the worse your control got. that's only to be expected. in high stress situations your wolf will come out to defend itself." he admitted. "oh, we can take care of ourselves, can't we James?" Steve asked with a soft little smile, James grinning, his mouth full of sharp fangs, his eyes taking on an odd glow. "oh yes. and we have permission to hit people, so long as we don't turn them, maim them or kill them." he growled. "we might get in trouble of we put them in the hospital, whatever that is, but i'm sure we can handle it." he admitted before blinking at Tony. his parents where hunters? "did they... move on?" Steve asked softly. "yes. Sir's parents have gone on. Tony was there when it happened, he doesn't like to speak of it." Sebastian intervened, Steve nodding. he was there when his pack was slaughtered too, he didn't much like to think about it either. "don't mind James. i wouldn't have let him take your food. old habits die hard and he's still in survival mode." Steve admitted, munching on a potato. "this was a very excellent meal, thank you Sebastian." Steve said, the man bowing to him. "i have to go and fetch the cookies." Sebastian admitted, checking his pocket watch.

"great. James? get the suitcases would you?" "sure!... what do i do with this?" "set it in the sink. Phil taught me how to wash them." "okay." James chirped, bouncing around and gathering up the plates and dropping them in the sink with a resounding CRASH. "oh... uh, apparently these are fragile." Steve just smiled, amused by James. "there are two bedrooms..." Steve mused. "pick one James." "this one." James decided. "it has a window." "excellent." they moved into the room and examined the bed before Steve shook his head. "get rid of it." he ordered. James immediately set about dismantling it. "the other one too. and then bring the mattress in here. might as well enjoy those." Steve decided. "bring all the blankets too." he ordered James, who nodded and bounced off to dismantle the other bed. "here, Tony. i'm not allowed to do any heavy lifting. would you bring that small round Table over here?" he asked hopefully while cracking open one of the suitcases. inside was a array of... odd things. the first thing that Steve took out was handled with such great care, it was clearly of great importance. it was a hand carved statue, made from some sort of soft white stone. it was of a young woman who held a bow in her hand, string pulled back to her ear. a crescent moon rose beside her, while a wolf howled at her side. her long hair flowed back as if in a wind. this was settled on the table gently, while another statuette was removed. this one carved from a white wood. this one had three women, one was a young child, about ten or eleven, smiling at a wolf pup she held in her arms. the middle woman was pregnant, belly full with child, she had a ring of flowers on her head and a doe sat behind her. the third was an old woman, a dagger in one hand, a raven sitting on her other fist with a full grown wolf laying in front of all three of them. this too was set on the table very gently. Steve paused to make sure they where settled exactly right before closing his eyes and bowing his head, hands pressed flat to each other as if in prayer before he started laying out other things onto the table. a sprig of juniper berries. a pressed leaf of a Oak tree. a long stick or rowan wood. tiny shiny rocks that glittered in the light. a set of antlers from a small deer, a rabbit paw, and other various wild, natural things.
“oh.That makes sense...I’ll have to make sure to eat more.”Tony said perking up at the idea of snacks all the time. Laughing a little, “I’ve had the shakes. Phil’s been giving me alot, I agree, they’re amazing.”He teen said smiling a little. “ did. The more upset I got over the kids giving me a hard time, the less I could control things.”Tony sighed softly looking up at the other two, shivering a little at james’ grin, swallowing hard. “It’s a...medical place.”Tony said before nodding a little staring at the floor. “...they were.”he sighed quietly, not thinking about his parents before smiling. Glad that the others appreciated sebastian as much as he did.

Tony winced as the plates crashed, “Careful. Otherwise you’ll actually break them and cut yourself.”Tony said frowning a little, making sure the other hadn’t hurt himself or actually broken anything. Watching the others move things he smiled a little, before moving the table.”Yea I can.”he smiled as he moved it, stepping back as he watched the other set the things out, tilting his head a little. Wanting to ask, but not sure if it was okay. “...what...who are they?”He said gesturing towards the statues, curious.
Steve chuckled a little. "yes. you don't want to get any thinner than you already are." "like you have any right to talk." James teased Steve with a chuckle. "shut up. it's because of the parasites." "i know. i know." James said, waving a hand. "but if anyone here needs to eat more, it's you Stevie." he pointed out. "children can be cruel." Steve admitted. "that can be said of any species." he admitted. "ah, for healing. we had witch doctors." he admitted. "they where, less effective than your doctors." he admitted. "it was mostly smoke and mirrors really." he admitted, gently settling his hand on Tony's shoulder and rubbing again, offering what comfort he could for the other boys lost parents. "too late." James admitted. indeed the plates where completely shattered. Sebastian just sighed. "i will handle it." he promised, glad to see that James hadn't been cut, or if he had, it was already healed.

Steve looked up at Tony from where he was kneeling before he smiled. "they go by many names." he admitted. "Some call her simply The Mother, others, the Moon Goddess. some call her Mother Wolf, others The Morrigan. Sometimes it is The Lady, others the Lady of Mists, sometimes sh is simply the Triple Goddess." he admitted. "she is the life giver of our kind, it was through her love, and through her rage that werewolves where born." he admitted. "she has three faces that show her in all her glory. faces that encompass all that she is, and all that we are. the Maiden, young, carefree and forgiving. the sign of new birth, fresh growth and change. the Mother, loving, protective, possessive. she protects all that are young and pregnant and favors those who protect the young. the Blackmoon pack will not be in her favor." he admitted. "finally, the Crone, most commonly known as the Morrigan. she is the strongest of the three aspects. she is death, revenge, bloodlust and chaos. she is mercy in the eternal sleep, and was the ones to originally curse the Werewolves when we turned our backs to her grace." he admitted. "many people worship only one of her forms, pray to only one of her faces. but James and i know that one cannot pick and choose, one must worship all, because all is Life. you cannot pick and choose what happens after all. o matter how you wish it, Death happens, spring turns to summer, and apples fall off the trees. you cannot have life without death, or light without darkness. there is a balance, just as with the Mother is balanced by her three halves." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "there are many werewolves, Vampires and other creatures of the night, and of the moon who worship her. just as many are Christians though, so you don't have to worry about needing to convert." he promised. "like all Faith, you have to believe, or it's just another silly religion." he admitted with a smile. "i have the mattress, and the bedding." James declared as he walked in placing both before moving over to the table and kneeling, bowing his head to the statuettes as well before getting p and beginning to arrange the mattresses properly.
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