A (fake) marrige made in hawkeye heaven (Krystal x KGT Witty)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Krystal had never really worked for SHIELD much, but she always made an exception when it had somethingbto do with HYDRA. She still mourned the loss of her closed friend and fiancee at the hands of them. She had begun to movenon though, crushing on the handsome and agile Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye. The two had become very close friends, but she secretly wanted more. Krystal, being a fae queen had seen many things in her 2000 years, but she had had never known anyone quite like Clint. There was just something about the archer she just couldn't resist.

Krystal pulled her long blue hair up into a ponytail and headed off to headquarters. She was about to get a mission, and she had been told it would be a longs one. She hoped that it would be with steve, but she doubted that. He was to well known to go undercover, despite having fae glamour abilities she'd given him. she popped away to headquarters, and ton Fury's office for the debreifing. She smiled at clint. "Hey, you in on a debriefing too?" She asked, not knowing just what this undercover operation would entail, nor who her partner would be. Could it be Clint? She didn't know, bzut she was about yo find out.
Clint smiled back glad to see her "yea widow is out doing something in russia so I'm suppose to work with someone, just waiting for them to get here." He said hearing the door close behind him it was fury and his face was as enjoyable to see as ever. "Actually Barton she is already here now why don't you use your brain and think. This one is a nasty case and if it wasn't for how well known the cap is he'd be doing it not you". Fury said walking to his desk and leaning forward. "Well that's a pleasent hello" Clint said sitting up straight looking into fury's good eye.

Fury turned to Krystal and bowed thanking her for being here. "He may be an ass but he respects royalty" Clint said looking to kyrstal. Clint got a hard look from fury as he began to talk "anyway, There is an electronics company in New york that has been sending up some red flags. Large loads of technology and I know that seems normal but it's an extremely large order and it isn't normal for a company to e ordering chemicals under the table." Fury stood up straight and look to Clint "you will be posing as a worker and trying to get your way up in the ranks till the CEO trusts you" he then looked to Krystal nodding "you are his wife and will be in charge of getting him around the building when he has to sneak in"
Krystal smiled at him. "Looks liket you and I will be a teambthis time arrow." she said, chuckling as fury snapped at clint. He may seem callous, but the man was really a softy. She was excited for this mission, wanting to strip HYDRA of any power they had. She still held a grudge for both her own and son's sake. JJ is hetr prode and joy, and she often heard him crying in his room for his father. She had wished that things were different so badly, whichbis why she desired to see HYDRA fall so.

Krystal smiled at fury, looking at the file on the table, then back at him. "I can do that nick." She said, on first name basis with the director having known him so long. She had met him shortly after WWII, and was one of the founding memebers of SHIELD. She picked her file up, examining the onfomation they had and her new identity for the next few months. "Celeste Barnes, nick? Really?" she said with a raised eyebrow,bgavinv told her old friend once of her dream of having a girl with her deceased fiancee. She had wanted her to be named Celeste. She wcould deal with that. She could glamour her necklace so it didn't show. She would never take his tagsboff, no matter what. Doing so would make his death feel to real. She couldn't bear thatm
Fury shrugged knowing she wouldn't like the name but he had a slightly twisted sense of humor. He looked to her and gave her straight face giving her an absolutely ridiculous reply. "Well I'm sorry, you look like a celeste to me" he said laughing in his head but seeming as professional as normal on the outside. He looked to clint giving him another file "the idea is to be undercover so don't go running around with your bow" he said watching as clint opened it "jeremy? I look like a jeremy?" Clint said staring at fury. Fury gave him an irritated look immediately and flatly answering "no, now go all the info is in your files" he said sitting in his chair and then turning like the ceo of a company would.
Krystal raised an eybrow. "Whatever you say, Nick." Just about to use the nickname she had goven him long ago, but figuring it better to not use around hawkeye. She knew how he worked, and he would tease the director about it. She knew he would catch hell for that. She shyly took clint's hand. "Come on Arrow. We'll go back to my place. Got some presents for you anyway. Shebsaid, smirking. She liked spoiling clint in general, but she had some thing that would perfect for this mission. A retractablr bow that looke and worked as a capped pen.
Fury heard her words and chuckled slightly behind the chair she sure was enthusiastic but god help us all" he said closing his eye and slowing his laugh. Clint's made a confused look listening to her words being pulled by her, what presents could she have for me? he thought to himself running just to keep his arm from popping out of his socket."Wait, why are we going to your place" he asked trying to get an answer as he followed
Krystal chuckled. "What can I say, Nick. I like presents." She said, dropping a smallish box on his desk. She had designed a new gun for him. Krystal enjoyed all manner of weapons, and was quite the smith. She grinned at clint, guessing at his thoughts. "You'll see, and because thats where the presents are, and to plan the mission more. Also, JJ wanted to see you about something." she explained, popping to her penthouse apartment. JJ grinned. "okay mommy, go get the presents. Lemme talk to clint." He said, smirking as she went away to their hiding place in the fae dimension.

JJ motioned him to a seat on the couch, sitting across from him. "So, try not to fall in love with my mom, okay? Steve has his eyes on her, and we all know a broken hearted cap is useless." He said, making a slight joke, but his eyes showed the truth.
Fury heard her place the box down not taking a look at it though he would eventually. He continued to stair out the window hearing her leave with clint before turning around to see a well wrapped light blue present. "Just like her to use light blue I suppose" he chuckled picking it up before leaving the office. He felt all eyes staring on him as he walked to the elevater with a bright blue box in his hand hardly something you see him carry daily.

Clint watched as she walked away immediately getting ambushed by JJ with that comment. He didn't know how to respond and it was a little odd hearing it right away. His eye brow raised in confusion slowly answering him "I... wasn't.. planning on it..." he said though it sounded like a question mixed with confusion. Sure she was beautiful and all but it was for a mission so he didn't expect there would be any full feelings on the matter
JJ chuckled. "Trust me Clint. Men have a hard time not falling for her. You're gonna be pretending to be married. That's got to drum up some feelings, especially since you two are so close already." He admitted, wondering if his mother liked clint like that. He wouldn't blame her if she did, considering he's gorgeous, but still, feelings like that could get her hurt. He would hate to see her crying again. Clint seemed to give her a reason to smile again.

Krystal came back, arms full of presents. She handed him a thin and small box, wrapped in purple paper. "Made this cause i thought it might be handy for missions." She said, and when he would open it, he would find something that looked a ball point pen, but was really a retractable magic bow with arrows included.
Clint listened not sure what to think but he answered straightly "Don't worry JJ I know how to keep my relationships professional" he said sounding rude though he was joking completely "We've all seen how you look at Tony" he said chuckling slightly not meaning to be rude in the slightest. He was professional about everything but he was an absolute smart ass about everthing. He looked over at Krystal whe she walked in.

He looked at the small box interested in it "Purple? That's unusual for you" he said chuckling as he picked it up. He kept the paper together not ripping it so he didn't look like a over excited child, the paper was placed to the side opening the box and seeing the pen. He chuckled slightly knowing there had to be more to it she was fae after all "a pen..." he said joking but a little interested to see what she thougnt of "This is a pen" he said joking as he clicked the button watching as it turned into a bow. "Thought so" he said laughing expecting this from her
JJ nodded "yes well, the best laid plans of mice and men." He said before he blushed. He was madly in love with his best friend tony, but didn't think the man could see him as anything more than his best friend. JJ may be able to read people, but he had no idea that tony looked at him the same way. He thought tony was in love with Pepper.

Krystal chuckled when Clint announcedbit was a pen. She was glad that it had worked hiw she planned. She grinned when it popped open. "It is actually a working pen as well. That's why there are two buttons. One for pen and the other for bow. Only you can see the bow button though. Its charmed that way." She said with a smile, handing him another few small boxes. Inside was a locket with her picture in it, an arrow bracelet with a sapphire and amesytht in it, and a watch all made of rare silver colored moon metal. "These i made yoday. Thats why I took longer. They're for our undercover mission. Just small things thag you can say came frombyour wife." She said with a wink, pecking him on the lips With a smirk. He would have to get used to that too, along with sleeping in the same bed.
He looked looked confused when she pecked his lips, he looked JJ and then to the file from earlier "oh, right husband and wife" he said looking to the little trinkets she had made. He laughed slightly standing with his back bent forward before swinging it back stretching it. "You made rings aswell didn't you" he said chuckling at the thought. He picked up the locket opening it and looking at the photos in it "alright, what else do we need do we need to start doing?" He asked not realizing that this mission was gonna be difficult to stay just friends on.
Krystal chuckled, handing him a smalk box. "Actually I did." She said, opening it to show one intricately designed female ring that sort of looked like a crown inlayed with two amethysts and a sapphire, and a sleeker, masculine ring which also carried a sapphire and amesytht. She hoped he liked them. They would have to be believable, after all. She handed him what looked like a shirt box, but inside held professionally photoshopped photos of their wedding, various trips and such. "Figured we could hang these in the house to make it more belivable. Did them myself." she explained, handing him still another two boxes, one containing a magical stealth unifirm, and the other a new bow in what looked and feeled like an empty suitcase. She looked at him curiously. "Well, you should certainly get used to kissing me, and also sleeping in the same bed. You can spend a few nights here if you like? We don't leave till monday, according to the file." she said, still smiling. JJ just sighed, leaving the room. He prayed this had a happy ending for his mother. He hated seeing her cry.
Clint watched as JJ left the room knowing he didn't approve of it, Krystal hit him with the rings the photos and the suggestion so quick he didn't get to answer any of them. He looked from the doorway JJ left through back to krystal speachless. He thought about it shaking his head to wake himself up from his daze and actually answer her. He let out a big sigh realizing how far she was willing to go to get this right. "The rings are absolutely amazing, the picture...I can't believe how well these turned out and the last one better to start now rather then later" he said a little scared to be sleeping in the same bed as his long time friend. "As a good man once said." He continued "Get busy living or get busy dying" he said giving the best Morgan Freeman impression he could
Krystal grinned. She was glad he liked it all. She had worked hard. She knew exactly how cunning HYDRA agents could be, so they couldn't afford to make a mistake. She nodded. "Some of JJ's pajamas will probably fit you, or you can go back to your place and pack a bag. Whichever" she said with a light smile, chuckling at his impression. It was one of the of the many reasons she and he were so close. Krystal cleared her throat. "Cuddling is probably something we should practice too. I promise, i'm not usually this meticulous, but with HYDRA, you have to be super careful. They could have spies or cameras anywhere." She admitted her reasoning. She wanted this mission to go off without a hitch, and she secretly hoped it would make the famous Hawkeye feel the same about her as she did him.
Clint looked at her as if she said something he couldn't believe, He stared at her before finally reacting to her with a laugh. "I didn't think you were" He said smiling lightly about her comment on practicing cuddling. "We really don't have to, it'd come naturally probably but I guess we should" he said blushing at the thought of it. He shook his head again trying to stop his thoughts.
Krystal relaxed a bit, Glad that he didn't think she was going off the edge. She had seennone ofnher best friends almost killed from wrong move, so she vowed she would never let that happen again. She smiled at him, sitting next to him and giving him a kiss. She scooted closer, wrapping an arm around him. "It has to look believable. If it doesn't, HYDRA maybcatch onto us. I won't risking anymore friends." She explained, and he would be able to guess who she spoke of. Her deceased fiancee, Bucky. There was alot of feelings of guilt still there for him, because she blamed herself for not being able to catch him. She had no idea what was about to come.

For the next few days, things went smoothlh, Clint basically living at her penthouse apartment. She woke up with a stretch, kissing Clint awake. "Clint. Tome to get up. We'll miss the plane if not." She said, happy that Tony had bought them a lovely refurbished victorian mansion. She, Tony and Clint had picked it out themselves, and she added lots of her own touches once the house was theirs. She had to admit, even if this was a risky mission, she was excited about it. She would make Clint love her even if it killed her.
He woke up to her lovely face these past few days had been odd but he understood her reasons. He sat up givivng her a quick kiss, it still being awkward but not as bad as it was originally."Krydtal you've been teleporting to new york everyday to refurbish the new house, why do we have to fly again?" He asked honestly unsure. He wasn't afraid of flying but it was true they had been going there every day and coming back at night. He stood up wearing a tight t-shirt and sweats, that would not work during the mission but he wasn't ready to sleep in less with her.
Krystal chuckled, kissing him back. "Its because Celeste and Jeremy don't have powers. If we were to just appear, it could raise questions we can't answer." She explained, making sure everything was packed, including clint's penbow and usual one as well. She gave him another kiss, putting on her clothes. She had had to practice putting on her clothes mannually, since she was sonused to doing it by magic. She was getting better. "Remember, once we get in the taxi, you are to call me Celeste or just Cele." She repeated, still very paranoid something bad would happen. She would never forgive herself if something happened to him.
He chuckled lightly "You mean celeste doesn't have powers Jeremy has no powers anyway, he's just really accurate" he said changing from his clothes to black dress pants, and a white dress shirt. They weren't suppose to run into anyone today but if the CEO wanted to see his new board member there might be a problem if he was dressed casually. He looked to her seeing her having a slight problem getting dressed but she got it eventually got it. "Krystal... It'll be fine" he said sitting on the bed lacing up his shoes. He looked to her and smiled lightly "This isn't my first rodeo and I know it isn't yours" he looked back to his shoes tying the laces and standing up. He gave her smile as he stood shirt tucked into his pants properly, "It'll all go smoothly" he said walking to her giving her a kiss and smiling.
Krystal chuckled. "You're right." She said smiling a little, trying to relax. It was tough getting used to the idea of not being perfect. While she was used to undercover missions, she had never had to pretend not to have powers. Every other mission she had done she was able to use her powers, but this time, if she did use them, it would be discreet. Krystal smiled a little and kissed him back, relaxing into his touch. She already loved him so much. "Thanks for the reassurance. I'm sorry i'm being so manic, but one of my best friends almost got killed once doing an undercover mission like this." she explained, looked sad and worried.
"yes, yes I know" he said holding her tighter "I've been told about many times about Bucky, But that wasn't an undercover mission. So don't worry it'll be fine." He wanted to say more but he feared he'd hurt her if he said anything else. "What matters now is that you and I pull this off so stop worrying I'm pretty sure JJ is still working on that case." he said knowing even after Shield closed the search for him all that long ago JJ continued to look for him when he joined. "And I'm pretty sure Cap is following all leads he finds from Hydra." He knew the story behind his disappearance he had heard about the train assault many times about how he tried to block an explosion with Steve's shield. "Now we should get going" He said with a light smile
Krystal shook her head. "No, i wasn't talking about my ex. i was talking about Peggy." she admitted, sighing a bit. It had been a long time since Peggy had been an agent, having refused Krystal's gift of eternal life and youth. She hadn't really understood Krystal's reasoning, believing it to be simply a selfish desire to keep her around. While she could admit that was part of the reason, it wasn't all of it. She had promised Steve that she would keep Peggy safe in his absence, and this was how she saw to do it best. Krystal always knew that Steve would come back, and she figured if Peggy was still young, she could fulfill her dream of marrying him. Peggy hadn't understood that though. Krystal relaxed into Clint's arms, giving him a light kiss. She wished he could stay like this longer, close to him. "Yes, the taxi should be here, Jeremy" she said, small unsure smile on her face. she was teasing him slightly.
When she told him that she was talking about peggy his smile turned into a frown knowing he jumped the gun on that one. He looked at her when she spoke again seeing it didn't bother her that much "right, sorry about that, we shoukd get to the taxi" he said picking up the brief case his pem bow was in as well as his suitcase in which had all his clothes and other gadgets in. He knew that Stark had fixed up the house so that he would have all his gadgets in a panel but these ones were for just in case ssomething happened. He walked outside with krystal following close behind and opened the taxi trunk for all the bags. "I'll take those honey" he said trying to get used to it.
Krystal smiled, giving him a light kiss. "its alright. It ws a long time ago. I just wish Peggy had listened to my reasoning to keeping her young. She refused the gift I offered." she said, making a bit of an annoyed face and he could tell that it annoyed her. Krystal picked up her luggage that carried her special swords and some other odds and ends for the mission, along with her collection of boxed sailor moon manga. She had never gone on any undercover missions like this without it. It was something she treasured. Krystal smiled and walked out of the hotel, handing him her bags to be put into the trunk as well, kissing his cheek. "Thank you quite kindly, Jem dear." she said with a smile, sliding into the taxi and waiting for him. She was nervous about this going well, but with Clint at her side, somehow she felt safe.
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