Star Wars: The Ties of Destiny (nobody & Naomi David


Jan 1, 2015

The bright, hot morning atmosphere of the prison compound brought an immidiate sense of restriction as it washed away the recylced gas-mixture from the small shuttle parked upon the spaceport's tarmac. Still, the iron aura of this oppressive institution failed to taint Yavin II's naturally circulated air so much that the two Padawans stepping down from the shuttle's ramp would have missed the small, yellow craft's stale gasses.

Kira took a deep breath of the comparitively fresh air and held it until he reached the end of the loading ramp. Stepping onto the pavement and the moon propper, the dark-haired and light-skinned young man resumed his normal respiratory pattern, ending the personal ceremony he tried to perform every time he would 'meet' a new world.

The landing area was adjacent to the sparse, imposing facility entrance. Just outside the front doors, perhaps two-hundred meters away, stood a tall, blue Zabrak in the sort of suit that one wears in order to assert his prominence in Galactic society. "There's the Warden," said Kira, turning back to smile at the brown eyed, short haired young woman at his side "let's not keep him waiting too long, we both know how these military types can be..." He reached his hand out to take hers as he trailed off.
RE: Star Wars: The Ties of Destiny

Isabelle hated going to these places, these prison worlds. it made her feel like a prisoner even though she was not one of them, she was a Jedi, powerful and free. Well, Izzy wasn't a Jedi yet, merely a Padawan, but she and her partner Kira were so close to gaining Knighthood, she was sure they'd Ascend in a month or so, maybe sooner if they were lucky enough to do so, though she doubted it since the Council had to vote and all. She smiled at Kira, she loved looking at him, nice symmetrical face, and she spoke,"Well, if he waited this long for us to come, he can wait a few minutes longer." She liked it when they took each others hands, it was a cute little thing to her.
RE: Star Wars: The Ties of Destiny

Kira's smile grew warmer at Izzy's reply and he pulled her in close as his aura flared up with joy. He locked his fingers with hers and brought his face within inches of that of his beloved. There were no other Jedi here to see them, and the few beings bustling about the area were clearly too busy to pay any attention to the young couple. After taking an extra second to admire the slightly darker-toned girl's high-set cheekbones and thin, straight nose, Kira closed the small gap and felt the girl's soft lips against his own. As he did so, he sensed the full intensity of their passions toward one another. In that breif moment, Kira was awash in an almost perfect state of consciousness; but all too soon he knew that he had to pull away.

Slowly refocusing his emerald eyes upon the dark chestnut orbs set into Isabelle's tender visage, the broad-shoulderd Jedi-to-be squeezed her hand before stating in a low, steady tone akin to that of a medical droid; "Three seconds, what were we thinking?" Suddenly his warm smile is back and his aura returns to it's calm, observant state.
There was just something so beautiful, so endearing, about Kira's smile, well there was just something about him period. It was like he was right in between feminine beautiful and masculine handsome, in other words, he had the most perfect of looks in her opinion. And finally, it happened, she and Kira finally kissed, something she had been waiting for since they turned 13, since they were old enough to understand what desire meant. His lips were soft and warm, molded to hers ever so perfectly.... Then their happy bubble popped, they had to get back to work. She smiled softly at him, and she spoke,"Hopefully when this is done, we can do more of that."
"I hope so, I'd hate to wait another five years," Kira teased. Still holding Isabelle's hand, he started to walk toward the compound's entrance, where the Indigo Iridonian man, Warden Jordon Katz, was pecking away at a datapad held by one of his secretaries. As they walked, workers of various races continued to dutifully load, unload and check the two larger craft, likely supply freighters.
"Hopefully by then..." she spoke, letting the words hang in his mind, letting his imagination do as it wanted with her words... She loved how they were still holding their hands as they made their way to the Zabrak man. She still held on to the dream that she had a long time ago, where she and Kira were raising a family together.
When she started to reply, Kira tilted his head to aim his nearer eye at that of his partner. When she trailed off, he parted his lips, intending to get her to finish. Before he could get a word out, though, he stopped himself, and only kept walking subconsciously. His pulse quickened as he noticed the singular smile she wore and, for a moment only marginally shorter than their kiss, Kira imagined being so much closer to Isabelle, he pictured the two of them alone and climbing to heights of sensual bliss that would put that minute yet powerful moment from mere moments ago to shame.
Kira knew that, as a Jedi, he should feel shame at these thoughts, but he didn't. Instead, he fealt only the desire to see them fulfilled. But not now, perhaps not even soon. That was fine with him. Today he was glad for a kiss.

Coming back to the present, he squeezed the girl's hand again and looked ahead, the steps up to the entrance and their final assignment till Knighthood were only a few meters away. Warden Katz still pretended not to notice them yet.
Isabelle could be brutally honest at times, which made her loved and hated in the Order. But she was also a good secret keeper. Right now, she knew for sure that she and Kira would keep their romance a secret, lest they get expelled from the Order. She smiled when he squeezed her hand once more. If Kira felt along her body, he'd feel more than just her womanly parts, he'd feel weapons, and lots of them. Whenever they went to these worlds, she always held the desire to gear up. And so she was geared up right now.
While climbing the thirty-four solid stone steps, Kira cleared his mind of passions and centered himself in the now. He waited until the twentieth stair to relinquish his hold on Izzy's hand, however, since he knew that it would help her do the same. These days it seemed that their mutual comfort was directly related to their proximity to one another.
Only once both the young Humans stood at the top of the staircase did the Warden brush his assisstant away to size them up.
"Either I'm getting a lot older than I feel or you monks have figured out how not to age. I don't imagine it's something I can learn though, is it?" His voice was cool and disinterested yet everything about the white-horned being exuded power. He reminded Kira of a politician.

"Actually, sir, we are as young as we look," he explained before giving Katz a deep bow. "My name is Kira Tyler and this is my partner Isabelle Fairchild. We are Master Ulrich's Padawans."

"Padawans? That figures.... No matter; as long as my people do their jobs then you two won't need to do much anyway, right?" The Zabrak flicked his eyes between the two young Jedi before letting out a quick, harsh laugh at his own quip.
As they got closer to the top of the steps, Isabelle, like Kira, calmed herself, cleared her mind of anything and everything, and of course, put her concentration here and now, where it belonged. She wished they didn't have to let go of each other's hand, but they had to. At the very least, they were with in mere inches of each other. She sized the Warden up, just as he was sizing them up. She kept her mouth shut, as she had an extremely sharp wit, she didn't want to get them into trouble, since the sharp wit of hers had always gotten her into trouble before. But still, she didn't consider herself witty, just very honest. She bowed as well, though she highly hated the subservient gesture. She was proud by nature, so bowing was not something that pleased her.
"Right, let us hope so," Kira responded with a polite smile. "So-"

"I'm sure you two would like to see the pertinent prisoner now, this way." The tall, wiry Zabrak turned on his heals and set off into the building at a brisk pace. The various security personnel were each waved off by Warden Katz as the trio, minus the attendant who seemed to have better places to take his datapad, made their way deeper and deeper into the heart of the Yavin Maximum Security Complex. After about ten minutes of walking up and down a succession of unidentifiable hallways through uniform doors guarded my uniformed beings of various physiques, and presumably, individual fighting specialties.
"This is an area we call Zero-block," started Katz in a matter-of-fact tone that filled the large, open cavern of a basement level. The inmates are kept in a kind of stasis to stop them from using whatever advantage they possess over the common being. As he gestured, sets of lights illuminated what looked like large Bacta tanks inside of an energy shield. "Zero movement, Zero thought, Zero hope, Zero risk!" At each sentence, a pod was made visible. The first two had a couple of species that Kira did not recognize, the third seemed more plant-like than anything, and the final pod held afloat the scarred and tattooed Human for whom the Jedi had come. Even in a drug-induced coma the Sith warrior seethed with an imposing, blind rage that made the young man want to curl up or run or merely kill the Sith in his sleep, just to stop him hurting anyone.
"As I expect you know, the Jedi escort will be here to take him to one of your facilities in a week or so, you're just here as insurance in case anything goes awry. Like I said though, my employees have everything under control so more than likely you'll just be bored. Your Master told me that you should be graduating soon... Perhaps you two can use all this free time to study or practice or whatever it is you do before you're Knighted. None of the guards will bother you so long as you aren't breaking things or cutting anybody loose with your laser-swords." Here, the Warden winked his yellow eye and flashed his sharp teeth. "Anyway, I need to be on my way; important meeting on Muunilinst this weekend, you understand." Walking up to the blue fluid-filled tank, Jordon patted the reinforced plasteel and called to the unconscious man within, "You be good for Kira and 'Belle, ya'hear?" With a laugh that echoed around the room, the Zabrak walked back to the exit of Zero block and turned to face the Padawans. "You need anything, just talk to somebody wearing gray!" And with that, he took one of the twin turbo lifts back to the surface level to his ship.

Turning to Isabelle, Kira hummed to himself in thought.
"Well, he sure seems relaxed, maybe we should be too. Still," the green eyed boy glanced at the Sith, "I can't shake the feeling that something is about to change for us..."
Isabelle was dying just to respond,"No, we came here for a damned talk." But she knew better than to let her exquisite tendencies get the better of her. She kept her mouth shut as she and Kira make their way deep into the prison. Honestly, it would have saved a lot of bother to kill all of the prisoners and be done with it, in her opinion. No more need for prisons. She whistled when she saw the Sith, that warrior had so many tattoos it put the weirdos in the Coruscant Underworld to shame. She rolled her eyes, the Warden was boring her, they weren't idiots, they didn't need to explain things. She spoke,"Don't relax. This just seems too easy." She didn't relax very often, and right here and now, she most certainly would not relax.
"Hmm, I was afraid you might say something like that," answered Kira. He knew that Izzy would be uncomfortable in a place like this and he did not blame her one bit. This was no place for Jedi. "Oh well, like it or not, we're stuck here for the next-" an indistinctly placed red light started to flash, bathing the ceiling in it's rhythmic glow-flair pattern.
With a quick look toward one of the disconcerted guards, Kira understood that this was some kind of alarm. Less than a second afterward, he could sense turmoil in the upper levels, and the slowly deepening stain of the Dark Side soaking into the air around him. His attention went right to his partner and he could tell by the look on her face that she was on the same page. "Looks like you were right," he said in the cool tone that nearly all Jedi used in the face of imminent conflict, "that would have been too easy."
He took his lightsaber into his hand without activation and readied himself in spite of what one guard, a burly old Twi'lek, said upon seeing the Padawan's weapon, "I wouldn't get so excited, kid. Whoever is up there could be here for anybody, and trust me, they couldn't get down here if they were riding rancors made of beskar."
She rolled her eyes, then the red light started to flash, and she spoke, looking lively,"A breach?" She was impressed, you had to be really stupid or really desperate or both to break into a jail. Usually folks tried to get out of jail. She spoke,"I'd believe that if there were a few hundred more guards and a dozen more weapons placed along the walls. I see some security flaws."
"There are other modes of security than flesh-and-blood warriors, but between you, me and the surveillance staff, I agree." The Twi'lek spoke slowly in order to mask the fear that Kira could sense anyway. After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, there was a powerful, momentary trembling throughout the entire block, and the two young Jedi could feel lives winking and flaring out as they dissipated into the background hum of the Force. From the looks on the handful of guards, they could hear their doomed comrades' final screams over commlink.

"I've got a really bad feeling about this, Izzy," Kira mumbled as he locked eyes with the girl, who somehow managed to look even more beautiful than ever before.
After only another minute, both the turbolifts began to beep slowly, indicating their decent. Not that either of the Padawans needed the tone, for the leftmost column was practically crackling with the chaotic rage of what could only be another Sith.

Kira's heart raced as the whole world melted away, everything but the approaching presences and of course his beloved Isabelle, from whom he could not wrench his eyes. He said her name, though he could hardly hear his own voice over the deafening roar of anxiety filling the wide, tall room. As soon as she turned, he set his left hand on her cheek and moved in so close that their foreheads touched. "No matter what happens just remember, I Love you, Isabelle." He could not tell if it was a whisper or a shout, either way, Kira tilted his head a few degrees and kissed her hard until he heard a long, high tone from the turbolift panel. Again, the boy had to break the kiss before standing back-to-back with his Love and summoning his emerald blade just in time to deflect a blaster bolt from the right-side lift that would have devastated her kneecap. The left doors remained conspicuously shut...
The Force was quiet for mere moments. Then she could 'hear and feel' people screaming and dying... It was loud, chaotic, and painful, and then the Force grew quiet once more. She spoke,"I do as well, Kira." She locked eyes with Kira. God knew what would happen next, she wanted to savor his face... Finally the turbo lifts began to beep, allowing them downwards... She could sense hate, anger, rage, all the bad things in the Force... Sith. She spoke as they drew close to each other,"Never forget I love you, always and forever." God, the hardness of their kiss, it felt like they'd never see each other again... She ignited her twin lightsaber blades, charging out. She sent a 'hum' into the Force to Kira, which indicated she would use Force Scream very soon, that he should cover his ears soon. It was loud, deadly, and very useful. It was a Dark Side power, but it was extremely effective in situations like these.
Kira took a defensive stance as Isabelle's lightsabers flaired to life. He felt her hum through their connection in the Force and, after deflecting a couple more bolts into the ceiling and wall, made momentary eye-contact with the large Twi'lek guard. He pressed one finger into his own ear and hoped that the guard would be able to communicate the message to his teammates in time. Meanwhile, Kira would find cover behind a rather large console attached to one of the Zero pods, which held some Nautolan woman covered with tattoos wherever skin showed. Kira had never been remotely intimidated by anyone who couldn't weild the Force, but something told him that this woman, in a conscious state, might be able to change that. Another blast slammed into the console and he wondered exactly when Izzy would let loose, pointing the nonverbal question at her mind. As he sent the thought through the instintanious line, his eyes fell upon the still-shut lift doors. He could feel the Sith inside waiting for the fight to end, hoping that the armored Imperial troops would fail so that he could let loose his own brand of destruction upon the defenders of Zero block.
She waited till Kira had relayed the message for the people beside them to use ear protection. If their ears weren't protected, they could suffer from temporary deafness for awhile. When she was satisfied, she screamed. It wasn't just a physical scream that was heard, it was also a scream to be heard in the Force as well. If a Force User wasn't expecting it, they would suffer a temporary stunning... The physical consequences were extremely painful. Walls began to shake and rattle.
With his weapon down and a Force Shield up, Kira waited out the sonic storm blasting from his dearest friend's whole being. The very room, or perhaps the entire continent, it was hard to tell, trembled around him while the still unconscious prisoners seemed unperturbed in their trophy-like state. By the time the scream dissapated, all the blasterfire seemed through.

The fair skinned Jedi stood slowly and re-lit his lightsaber, which momentarily took the aural stage as it screeched to life in the suddenly quiet room. The invading troopers lay on the floor. Some were moaning in pain and holding their heads, others simply filled space and stained the duracrete. As much as the pointless dispersal of life hurt him, Kira was glad when the four remaining prison guards began to kill those poor souls who had managed not to perish under the power of Isabelle's cry. These men were not to be pitied.

After the final shot rang out there was a faint hiss. Kira immediately shifted into a low guard aimed at the now-open turbolift door. Smiling out from the lift was a bright red and yellow mask framed by a crimson velvet cloak. The being under the cloak stepped forth slowly, deliberately. The cloak fluttered to the floor, revealing a tallish, thinnish person who then sparked up both ends of his orange saberstaff and whirlled into an aggressive looking drop-stance.

Kira started to circle around to the Sith's other side to give Izzy room. This fight would not be easy, but hopefully it would be over quickly so that, either way, this sense of anxious dread would plague the young warrior no more...
Isabelle was faintly disappointed at the results. Most times her targets always exploded to some degree. Not all of them this time though, some must have had some auditory protection to some degree, but not enough to block her out. Then she looked at the turbolift doors... And saw the Master, the Sith. She went into an aggressive stance, ready to slice and dice, but she'd let the Sith make the first move.
The fact that these young Jedi were not going to attack became clear to the Sith. After only a second of holding stance, he jabbed his blade-tip at Kira, who easily deflected the thrust. He had to parry the other one sooner than expected, though, since the Sith used the momentum from Kira's first parry to get his weapon moving. Three more quick strikes came at the white-and-black clad Padawan only to be blocked, since they were all more or less aimed at his head. Still moving and spinning the saberstaff with it's own momentum, the Dark Sider turned his attention to the female. Since this one held two weapons, the masked being used a different strategy, switching directions after every strike so that he could try the girl's defense from many angles.
Let the enemy attack first, get a feel for how they move and such. That was something her Master had always told her when fighting the enemy. It never had to be just lightsabers, it could be applied to several other forms of combat, of warfare. The first strikes came at Kira, but then, she was the target. Surely, she had the advantage since she had two lightsabers... But he attacked her differently for just that reason. She blocked every last one of them, then came up with an idea... If she could sever the staff... Odds are the one half of the staff or both halves wouldn't work!
As soon as the pressure was taken off of him, Kira began looking for an opening behind the Sith. The trouble he had came from the second blade, which of course would move along with it's conjoined twin and effectively close the usual openings during a strike. After making a few attempts at disrupting the orange blades' arcs though, Kira found himself under attack again. Except this time he was not forced to bear the brunt of the assault. The Sith's perpetual motion allowed him to bounce between the two less experienced deulists and keep up with their manoeuvers.

Meanwhile, the surviving guards of Zero block stood by in apprehensive awe at the vicious dance before their eyes. None of them had access to any weapons remotely resistant to the energy blades, and each of them had seen before what happened when one tried to shoot a Jedi with a blaster. The best they could do was stay out of range and pray to their own respective gods for the Padawans' swift victory.
Damn, this Sith really was an excellent duelist, countering her attacks all perfectly well... At the very least, Kira was backing her up as always. If she could get closer to his hands, sever them...
Kira was beginning to feel the sweat beading up on his eyebrows.


His blade sliced through a small bit of cloth, burning a hole over the Sith's calf, but not into it. <Damn, he's so fast!> The follow through from his attack turned out to be just enough to keep one of the burning, firy blades from removing his own leg at the thigh. With a quick turn, the young Jedi realized that he was still inside his foe's range. The staff-weilding warrior had stepped to avoid one of Izzy's sabers and accidentally stepped too close to Kira. Knowing that there was no time to bring his weapon to bear, Kira dove directly into the Sith, slammed shoulder into sternum and the two men hit the ground.

As soon as he hit, Kira jammed an elbow into his enemy's rib and tried to wrestle the inactive saberstaff away. Suddenly there was a massive explosion of pain in his chest and the boy was sailing. He built up a telekinetic pad midair and softened his landing, but duracrete was never fun for landing. Once he knew that nothing was broken but a couple ribs, the green eyed Padawan kicked up to his feet and ran back toward the fight, holding out a hand and calling his lightsaber to it from wherever it had fallen...
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