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My naughty petshop (Edited)

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Vice let a smile roll over his frown as she encircled him with her arms. She rested her head against him, barley Inches away from his face as she looked up and grinned nervously. He only nodded to comfort her, and raised a hand to brush a strand of hair from her face. But he lowered his hand once more, and he held her abit tighter. His other hand had never left her cheek, his thumb caressing It gently. “Its not like I have a choice.” He said playfully, but finally lowered his hand from her cheek, and wrapped it around her waist as well. “But If I did…I’d probably help you anyway.” He smiled a little, hoping his words managed to bring her some sort of comfort.

He titled his head lightly and placed a gentle kiss at her neck, soon a few small ones followed, but his goal was to talk In a low tone, his words only for her to hear. “You get me out of here…and I promise, whatever a Vampire’s promise Is worth, that I’ll protect you…preventing the death of someone so beautiful and gentle Is enough reason for me alone..” He squeezed her Into him gently, letting a small laugh escape him “Your heart..It beats such a saddened melody…It doesn’t fit you.” His tone was complimentary, only meaning she should smile more.
Vice only seemed determined to hold her tighter, and steal more touches. Kaura's people weren't nearly so physical, and her expression grew more and more confused as he touched her, and caressed her cheek. She didn't see anything wrong with it, besides how unused to the experience she was. She did stiffen when he drew her in closer, and began kissing along her neck but relaxed again as he spoke, promising her that he would her protect her on their journey. "I thank you." She whispered, a slight smile on her lips. "And I promise when this is over you will be free. I will give you enough gold that you may have a life on your own, free of the bonds of slavery."

She tilted her head to the side slightly, letting him continue his trail of kisses. She didn't move or pull away when he mentioned her heartbeat, but she did consider myths she had heard on his kind. What had the Elders said about vampires? Thousands of years ago the pure bloods had kept some of her race as slaves, if she recalled right. Since Elves could not easily be turned, and many considered their blood a rare delicacy very different from humans. "Do you want to bite me?" She asked at last, not even a trace of fear in her voice. "I do not mind, I'm not afraid of pain."
Vice’s lips trailed further down her neck as she gently tilted It from him, his initial thought being to comfort her with his touch. His hold around her didn’t loosen as she spoke, yet he parted his lips from her neck a moment to laugh at one of her comments. “I have no use for gold…that’s something to bribe humans with, all you’d need to do In the end, is set me free…and you’d never see me again.” He returned his lips to her neck after his last words, only to freeze one again the moment she made her offer. His eye color shifted In an instant from the calm blue to the blood red once again. His hands tightened around her as a moment of silence filled the room, before finally breaking it with his whispers. “You really…are insane…elf.”

His tongue slipped from his lips to lick at her neck a little gently, his fangs only now appearing just abit from the corners of his lips. His breaths turned into pants, as if trying to suppress his urge for blood. “I…cannot say its not tempting…your skin is pure white…your scent is drugging…but…” He turned his head away in an instant, biting harshly on his bottom lip, causing a small stream of blood to flow from the corner. “I don’t trust myself to stop in time…I’ve never tasted an elf’s blood…yet from what I saw, its almost impossible to stop when you start..”
Her expression became more and more clouded with confusion as Vice spoke again, and she sighed softly. "If you never wished to see me again, then that is fine." She told him softly. "I would not ask you to see me, but understand my releasing you is not because I wish to use you, and than abandon you altogether. I simply find slavery in it's entirety repulsive. I have no choice, but that excuses very little."

His grip on her only continued to tighten, and it became utterly silent in the room, a strange tension building between the Elf and Vampire. Finally, Vice spoke, licking her neck lightly before he turned away and bit his lip. "I wont let you drink me dry." Kaura said, a note of surprise in her voice. "I am physically weaker than you, but I have my magic. The reason why your ancestors could drink of mine was because they were put in collars that restricted it. Do not worry, I know it is difficult for your kind to control your urges, which is why I offer my blood, and not others. We will travel together quite a distance, and the simplest way to sustain you is through me. I do not wish to have vampire Childe's left to fend for themselves... Nor a trail of corpses. Don't you agree then that feeding off me is wise?"
Vice’s heartbeat raced, and his breathing quickened abit more as his restraint faded away by the second. He licked her constantly as she spoke, attempting to satisfy his urge with only these simple actions. He finally however raised his head abit, and pressed his lips against her neck, stopping himself from biting her once more In order to speak a few last words. “Its…just because you’re the first to actually want a vampire around. I instinctively expected that leaving me after it all over would be what you wanted..” His lips began pressing abit harder against her neck, and his hands lowered to her waist. He leaned her against him as close as she could, their full bodies against each other as his fangs just about pierced her. His grip on her tightened abit as a warning for her to brace herself

“It…is efficient…but…hard to bite someone so beautiful and gentle…I don’t..deserve it.” Yet despite his words, his restraint was diminished, and In an instant his fangs pierced the hardest spot on her neck, avoiding any areas that would hurt her. The rushing feeling of ecstasy spread over his body at the taste of Kaura’s blood, never before had he bitten an elf…let alone someone like her.
Had she had the opportunity, Kaura would have told Vice that race mattered very little to her. She was abnormal for her species, too young, too unpredictable, prone to acting on emotion rather than thought. Before she could utter a word, she found herself drawn in closer, Vice's body pressed to hers as he pressed his lips against her neck, and whispered to her again. His last words left her in a state of confusion. He didn't want to bite her because she was gentle... And beautiful? She could understand not wanting to hurt someone who didn't harm others, but what did beauty have to do with it? Were the beauties of the world excluded from pain? Suffering? Those gifted with a fine face are, in turn, graced with finer treatment than those of plain appeal?

All the same, he bit her. She winced as fangs ripped and tore through her skin, burying deep inside her as he began to feed. She kept her breathing slow and steady, counting the beats of her heart to ensure she was healthy. If she thought he was pushing too far, she would stop him. For now, it was almost comfortable. The pain of the bite had faded, replaced with only a gentle suckling on her fresh would. 'Like sucking a finger after a cut...' Kaura told herself... A remarkably un-ladylike thing to do, but it feels better all the same.
Vice couldn’t hold himself long enough to explain his words, in fact he didn’t even know if he knew the right words to do so. For the moment his thoughts vanished, only being replaced by ecstasy and pleasure from the taste of her blood. His lips sucked on her neck a little harder as his fangs drew the blood from her neck. Surprisingly she wasn’t struggling, she seemed to accept It instead. It eliminated some of his hesitation, and his tongue began licking the stray drops of blood that strayed from the bite wounds.

He slowly pulled her back to the chair, and sat. he took her on his lap, tilting his head as he continued to feed from her neck. He wrapped her around his body tighter, her blood was Incredibly satisfying for him. After all, its been days since he drew blood last…and when he got the chance, It was addicting…she was addicting. His fangs pierced her abit harder Instinctively, his lust for her blood grew further as he leaned forward and arched her back, giving him more access to his neck as she held on to him. His golden hair fell down past her back and hung In the air, the temptation of not releasing her growing slightly stronger. He didn’t need words to explain his actions now, his lips and grip told It all.
With every second, Vice's hunger seemed to grow more and more. He sucked harder, almost bringing back the pain, but gentle laps from his tongue calmed her nerves again. He pulled her up gently, and moved to the chair, cradling her like a child, his lips never once leaving her neck, or even shifting enough to rip and cause pain. He pulled her into his lap, and she gave no protest, letting his maneuver her how he would. He arched her back, reaching her neck more completely. Her fingers tightened slightly, grasping on to his shirt for support as he drank.

All the while she counted, watching the clock as she tried to determine just how much he was drinking. So far she seemed fine, and closed her eyes as he sucked, almost enjoying the sensations.
Her blood seemed to never quench his thrist, It was one of the cases where she was literarly too good to let go. And yet he slowly started restraining himself. His hands snuk down past her waist, and held her ass tightly. His lips still sucked at her blood, and his tongue still licked every little drop his lips missed, and yet he drank slower, testing If she could feel the ecstasy and pleasure she was giving him. He leaned her back once again, his restrainment managed to have him slow down abit, and pleasure her as she did him.

His hands wrapped her legs around his waist, and his hips pushed gently against her own. His breathing calmed abit as his lips trailed her neck and he positioned her perfectly on his lap. His head now tilted as all his focus returned to her neck, his lips parted for a moment just to whisper a few silent words. "I..I cant...Its so good.." was all he got out, before once again leaning In to gently suck more of her blood. He enjoyed her taste more than he had any other normal human...perhaps this is why the nobles valued elf slaves so dearly.
If he had paid more attention, Lucien would have witness the sudden instability that had momentarily crossed the features of the white witch. Instead, his head was faced toward the towering structure of the castle that glittered under the dimming sky. There was a slight glaze in his eyes as he was slightly dazzled by the sparkles before him. True to ancient mythology, the love for shiny objects has always been a natural lure amongst the citizens in his history. Their keen eyes for the rarest cuts of stones are what made up the main resources of the land.

He felt a slight kick on the neck by the silver dragon that had wiggled out of his grasp and snapped out of his trance. Realizing that he had paused longer than necessary, he quickly regained his senses and turned to acknowledge the new bought slave and slowed down to accommodate to her speed. Her reply caused the corners of his mouth to twitch in amusement but he said nothing as they passed through the large gates of the castle. As the doors to the main halls drew out to greet its young master, a small figure in pink darted out quickly towards their direction.

Bending over, Lucien reached out both arms and scooped the ball of energy before it could collide against the petite witch beside him. It struggled for a bit to reveal a mat of blonde hair underneath the small hood. Hidden under the mass of golden tresses is a face of a young girl with dark blue eyes and cheeks of rosy red. Then, it smiled. Lounging forward, the child wrapped her smalls arms around the prince’s neck before exclaiming in an excited voice, “Bienvenue, je suis content de vous revoir, Monsieur Lucien!”

“Merci Sophia.” He replied calmly as he set the precocious child back on the ground. Turning towards Teyha, he gestured towards his first greeter with a large grin, “This is Sophia, currently our youngest staff member and she is in charge of all the trouble.”

“Bienvenue, Madame Teyha.” The child gave a small curtsy and beamed delightfully, “You would discover that trouble finds Master Lucien first.” Her reply was followed, none too shortly, by the sounds of an older male. From a distance, a young man with features that are comparable to the prince’s, exited via the same route and made his way towards the group in haste. “Sophia!” He called out exasperatedly.

Pointing running figure whose blonde hair and blue eyes that rivaled her own, the small girl turned to introduce without haste. “My brother Madame, his name is Silvanus.”
After being disappointed by the first two cabinets of formal tableware, the succubus has come to find that even a funny image on the kitchen walls is not enough to curb her hunger. As if in tune to her emotions, the places of the foggy picture of Dhiren and the roasted chicken switched. This time, headless poultry leading chase with a sharp utensils. Needless to say, the house earned the laughter and respect of its devious new member, but before Alses could reach for the handles of another cupboard, the sounds of heaving footsteps was heard followed by a heavier call of her name.

Summons, though not unusual to her ears, was never this confusing. Poking out of the kitchen and into the hallways, the random splash of colors that had followed her towards the kitchen has disappeared. There are two unfortunate things that can be pointed within this scenario, one being lost, and the other more notably, her master disliking cyan polka dots in a lavender background. “Well, this sucks.” She sighed as she stared at the newly painted walls. “Pretty walls but utterly useless- wait…”

Staring at the empty hallway, she frowned at the inanimate structures of the house and thought deeply. Soon, the corners of her mouth curled, and like a child, she pointed at the walls and spoke sternly. “You got me in trouble so get me out of it. Where is my master?”

If Dhiren had any complaints from before with cyan spots, Alses hoped that he would be a tad bit more generous with a different pattern: Arrows. Lifting herself with her wings, the succubus quickly made her way towards the indicated direction. With a turn around the corner, she found herself face to face with the towering figure of the man and in his arms, a curious-looking woman in tattered gowns that are dragged along the marble floors. Stepping back, she tilted her head and glanced at alertly at the man with her scarlet eyes, “Yes my lord?”
Kaura squirmed uncomfortably as Vice repositioned her again on his lap. She pulled slightly when he had her straddle him, pushing his hips out to grind against hers. He leaned her back further, his hand trailing down her body to come to rest on her bottom, squeezing it firmly as he drank. Kaura pulled again, a confused look passing over her face at his wandering hands and actions. "Vice?" She whispered, gently placing her hands on his shoulders to push at him. He didn't budge, but did pull his lips from her long enough to let out a shuddered warning. He'd lost control.

"That's enough." Kaura whispered, and focused her magic, letting the power gather in the palms of her hands. She slid them down his arms, and pushed firmly, knowing her might would cause him a degree of discomfort, even if she held back to keep from causing actual harm. "Let go now." She whispered. "I know you have the power to stop all of your own."
Vice squinted his eyes abit tightly as he yet again tried to restrain himself at her words. He heard her ask for him to stop, he knew he was already going overboard. So much for his warning, he thought. She struggled once again to push him back, and he struggled to let himself go. Yet finally she cast her magic on her hands and held his own. A chill ran up his spine as the light touched his arms, and he shivered against her a moment. He let out abit of a grunt, and pulled himself together to lift her arched back up again. His body was frozen still for a few moment, his breath getting heavier as he panted, but finally he stopped sucking at her blood. His fangs were still buried in her neck, exhaustion overwhelming him from the stress of stopping alone, despite her magic. It took all of what he had to remove his fangs from her, and Immediately his head leaned back and rested against the wall, his face looking upwards. His eyes were closed, and his breath was quick and heavy. Vice’s hands dropped to his side as she was completely free, his hair fell slightly over his face, covering the bloodshot eyes. “I’ve never…” a few words escaped him before he paused a moment, then began once again. “Had such…pure blood before…forgive me, I got carried away.” A hand raised and placed itself over his forehead, his breath now slowing, and his expression becoming easy.
It clearly took a great deal of effort from the vampire to end his feeding. His body quivered against hers as he eased her back up, sitting her straight again as he panted. Eventually his sucking stopped and he panted, his fangs still buried deep in her neck. She let him rest for a moment, unsure if he was going to continue the feeding, but slowly he drew back, and she shivered as he left her. His hands dropped free, and he leaned his head back, covering his face with a hand as he apologised. Kaura smiled slightly. "But you stopped." She reminded him gently. "Much easier than I expected you to."

She moved to stand, pulling herself free of his lap, and she staggered back her head dizzy. Being lightheaded was an entirely new experience for Kaura, and for the first time in her life she stumbled, her knees almost giving out under her as she moved to the bed that she had dragged Vice to when they entered. A hand out slowed her descent, and she eased herself down, laying to face the vampire with a reassuring smile on her face. "You will grow used to the taste of my blood." She assured him. "Each time you feed stopping will be easier, and I will learn better when to stop you. For now, I believe we both let it carry on too long, and I am weary."
Vice’s sighs and pants finally came to an end as he let his hand go free from his face. He tilted his head abit as it still rested against the wall, and immediately a devious, playful smirk spread itself over his lips as he watched her stumble, and clearly lose her balance. She laid on the bed and smiled at him, and he rose to his feet as she told him they let it drag on abit too long this time. He walked just abit next to the chair they sat on, and turned to face the sink popping out from the wall. He turned the handle slowly, Ice cold water pumped form the end as he leaned down and placed his head under the pouring cold. His hair fell immediately into the sink, as he cooled down himself and bypassed his remaining urges. And so it lasted a few moments, before he finally turned off the running water, and brushed his wet, golden hair back. Slowly he walked over to Kaura and tilted his head playfully at her, leaning down once again he picked her up In his arms. Vice slipped one hand under her knees, and the other behind her head. He lifted her up gently and carried her in his arms, a few strands of wet hair falling over his face once again from the movement, much to his annoyance. “Sorry.” He said once again “I don’t blame you for not being able to walk, a human would have been half dead by now…your stronger than you look.” He smirked playfully, tilting his head further “But as your new pet, I suppose its one of my obligations to carry you if your unable to walk, no? … Especially with a fat-ass, perverted human handler on his way here.” He turned and took a few steps towards the cell door, resting his own back against the wall.
Kaura watched quietly as finally gained control of himself, his breathing returning to normal as he smirked at he. Slowly he pushed himself to his feet, and turned towards the washroom. Kaura didn't try to turn to watch him, but she heard the water turn on, and the sound of some splashing. It shut off, and the vampire returned moments later, his head dripping wet. Despite her best efforts, Kaura's lips twitched up into a smile as he fought with his soaked hair to keep it out of his face. No doubt he used the water to help gain that last bit of edge with his control.

He moved to her, and slowly bent over. His arms slipped under her, and Kaura found herself scooped up into his arms, cradled next to his body. He smirked at her again, a few strands of hair falling to obstruct his eyes again. She reached up, and brushed back the locks almost tenderly, a slight smile on her lips. "I am stronger than many think I am." She whispered, and rested her cheek against his chest.

Despite her appearance and mission, Kaura was still a very young Elf, little more than a child in the eyes of her people. Physically, she was adult, mentally she was strong and capable... But in many ways she was still very immature. Her eyes drifted closed, lulled by Vice's gentle rocking, and she fought against the urge to sleep. Her fingers tangled lightly in his shirt as her expression smoothed, her lips turned up in an innocent smile. Slowly, she shook her head to clear it, and tilted her chin up to meet Vice's eyes, her own opening, clouded with confusion. "Perverted?" She asked quietly. "Is that bad?"
Vice smiles a little affectionately at her as she leaned her head against his chest and almost buried herself in his arms. He saw her look up at him adorably, and with a completely straight face ask him what perverted meant. He couldn’t help but let a small laugh escape his lips despite the angry grunts and yells that roamed around outside the cell they were captivated in. He tilted his head abit and lifted her a little more gently, leaning down to speak closer to her ears. His skin barley touched hers, but his cold chill was overtaken by her warm touch. His lips trailed the side of her neck until it rose to whisper its words in her ear. “Well…as Innocent as you are, perhaps right now is not the perfect time…or place for you to find out. But all I can tell you is…they will do things that you wont necessarily want done…by them, anyway.” He lifted his head up and smiled at her gently. “They wouldn’t be…as gentle as I am with you, they wouldn’t be…careful not to hurt you too much as I was…they’d just have their way with you, take that meaning as you see suitable.” He leaned his head down abit more, and gently stole a kiss from her lips. He lingered against them for a few moments, smiling affectionately at her as his ears perked to the footsteps of the approaching handler. “But Ill make sure no other man, elf, or vampire touches you…only me”
He laughed softly at her question, holding her closer and he lifted her higher. She raised an eyebrow as he leaned in close to her ear, his breath tickling the sensitive flesh. She shivered slightly, tilting her head slightly as he spoke to her softly, not answering her question. He leaned in, and pressed his lips to her own, kissing her for a few long moments. he pulled away slowly, smiling at her as the footsteps of the handler grew closer. "He wouldn't be gentle?" She asked, watching Vice with a confused expression. "In biting me, or kissing me?"

She didn't get a chance to hear his answer before the door swung open, and a hefty handler pushed in, his ruddy hair cropped short. He took one look at the scene of the vampire holding her, and his face darkened. "What do you think you are doing?" He demanded, reaching for a dagger hanging at his hip.

"Do not bear iron before me." Kaura said sharply, assuming the role of a proper Elven woman again. She didn't move from Vice's arms, but her eyes were hard on the slaver. "I wish to buy this man. What is his cost?"
Vice only smiled gently as she briefly asked her question, yet he didn’t get a chance to answer. Finally their kiss broke, and his sight shifted from the war, beautiful elf to the rugged, infectious handler. His eyes turned back into the ferocious red Immediately, striking the handler with enough fear for him to stumble back a few steps, and be warned by Kaura’s words. He shifted his head down lightly to look at the dagger he was about to pull out, and his hold around Kaura tightened further. He held her closer to his chest, but turned abit for her to face the man respectfully, and maintain her presence despite being in her pet’s arms. After a few moments, Vice’s eyes widened briefly, before his head tilted up at the guard and he bore his fangs, embedding a cynical glare into the handler’s memory. “And would you care to tell me what you think your doing with MY dagger?” he tilted his head to the side gently to lean his head against kaura’s. an angry huff escaped him as he tried to restrain himself, and let her talk their way out of here without resorting to violence. Yet his nature and personality forced him to show signs of anger and irritation, his words now spoke in a lower tone, more to Kaura than the guard. “The markings at the side of this dagger were carved by the purest of vampire nobles…a filthy human holding them is a shitty disgrace.”
Kaura didn't even shift in Vice's arms, leaning almost casually against his chest as she watched the handler with a slightly bored expression. "How much is this man?" She asked again. She did not possess the same almost casual dignity that those years older than she, earned through experience, but she could imitate it quite well. At a glance no one would guess that she currently lacked the ability to stand on her own, even should they catch the two crimson marks marring the ivory skin on her neck.

And the handler did. He huffed softly, thinking to himself that the insane woman before him must have a craving for the darker fetishes. Likely, that was a common occurrence for vampire slaves. Those naive enough to think they could control the dark creatures and turn them into simple slaves for their own amusement, only to find their bite was quite potent indeed. "Seven million." He responded gruffly.

Kaura nodded, and without shifting from her place in Vice's arms, she unhooked a pouch of gold. "This contains fifty." She told him, draping an arm around the vampire's shoulder, and she quirked a brow. "Also, there is a number inside to contact for the rest to be delivered." With that she turned her head to peer up at Vice. "And all his belongings are mine now as well. Return the dagger and jacket immediately."

The handler gave a brief bow, and used his thumb to unhook the dagger from his belt. He placed the weapon on the table and turned to leave. "As soon as the rest of the gold arrives you may leave with your purchase, madam." He called over his shoulder. "We will return the rest of your things then."
Vice kept his head down and away from the handler as he and kaura spoke, his reason being anger suppression once again. He seemed to always wear his emotions on his sleeve, weather he was angry, playful, or seduced. In his world there was nothing more important than restraint, and he seemed to fail at it. It might have been the sole reason he got locked up in here in the first place. Kaura lifted her arm and draped it around his shoulder, only causing vice to hold her yet tighter against him. She seemed so dignified and pure, her tone and posture even in his arms were commanding, for an elf anyway.

He tilted his head in his own confusion for a moment, why he held on so tight to an elf he’d only known a few minutes. He couldn’t seem to find an answer, not to that nor to why he kissed her. One way or another, any way you looked at it really it wasn’t necessary for his explanation earlier and yet, he still did it. But he finally raised his head as his price was mentioned, and she gave him fifty million, more than double the amount. He looked at her suddenly after the guard nodded to her demands, and turned to leave. “Fifty?!” he blinked a little bit, holding her just as tightly as he spoke. “I know I’m good…In fact, I’m really good, but…im not worth fifty…I could have just stolen the dagger back, you know.” His expression wasn’t really sad or annoyed, he only gave her the softest of glances, hinting his small confusion.
Kaura settled back into Vice's arms as the handler left, sighing to herself softly. "Fifty gold peices." She said quietly, leaning her head back as she closed her eyes. "The Master only deals in gold, fifty is a down payment, the rest will be brought when they call the number." She told the vampire softly. She even ruffled his hair absently, as if she thought his outburst a little childish. She had explained the entire situation to the stout handler after all, and it was thing that tended to aggravate her some, having to explain the same thing time and again. She let it slide off, staring at the wall as she let her mind wander. She already spent half her allowed slave budget freeing the human from before... And the other half was spent on Vice now. In all, it was what she was expecting, and she should still have enough allowance to reach the abyss is some kind of comfort.

She stretched for a moment, and looked up at Vice again. He certainly seemed a far better purchase than anyone else she had seen so far, and was protective of her already. She gave a brief nod, as if confirming something to herself, and smiled brightly. "Could I lay down again, Vice?" She asked softly. "It will be an hour or two before the gold arrives, and I am drowsy."
Vice blinked lightly as she told him it was only fifty gold pieces, not fifty million. Almost immediately his eyes rolled, if his hands were free he would have face palmed. “Ah my mistake, I’ve just been more accustomed to people spending ridiculous amounts where I was raised.” He shrugged it off a little bit and smiled, leaning in to burry his face down into her neck for a moment, and nodding at her words. She asked him if she could lie down, and to that he gave her a kiss, not a nod. Gently he carried her back to the bed, and gently laid her down on the sheets. At that moment he paused, not knowing weather to lie down next to her or not. Yet he decided to do the simple thing, and ended up sitting next to her. He placed her head in his lap instead of a pillow, easing himself into the bed quietly and taking her over him. He seemed to be almost protecting her from the furniture itself, and he knew it. He didn’t know why his interest in the elf was so vast, or where this feeling of ownership came from, yet it was there regardless of his wishes. His hair fell down around her face just abit as he leaned his face down to look at her upside down, only Inches away from each other as he spoke quietly. He was close enough for her to feel his slightly cold breath over her lips.

“I guess that just means more time to spend alone with you, before we willingly cast ourselves to hell..” His tone didn’t really phrase that in an intimidating manner, it was only to try and make her smile. He lifted a hand, and caressed her cheek gently with a finger, his smile growing a little wider on his face. “And…I don’t think I’ve thanked you yet for getting me out of here…is there, anything at all you need from me? Aside from protection of Corse.”.
Kaura chuckled softly, and gave the vampire a slight smile. "I cannot be so easy with my coin, I am afraid." She told him with a smile. "We have enough to reach Hell, with one detour, but not much to spare besides." She told him, with a slight shrug of her shoulders. He kissed her again, earning him another odd look from her. She didn't understand why he was so very affectionate with her, but shrugged it off again, letting him carry her to the bed. She laid her head in his lap, actually enjoying the added warmth as they waited for the handler to return with the transaction papers. He leaned over her awkwardly, bent at the waist until his face was mere inches from hers. "You don't have to lean in so close." She told him softly. "I can't be comfortable to bend yourself over so far."

She smiled at him again, "We will spend months together, I assume. The trip to the Abyss is a long one, and there is still some I wish to learn. Before we run straight to the pits of hell itself, I must consult with a second library, far more ancient than even the Elven. There is a dragon empire that will not take terribly long to reach, as I recall they are on friendly terms with my kind." She mused for a moment. He stroked her cheek with a single finger, a gentle caress as he smiled down at her. She tilted her head again, staring up at him curiously. "I believe saving my people and extending my existence is a large enough task in its own right." She told him. "I wont force more onto you."
It seemed that even as Teyha came out of her bit of lightheadedness, her master had fallen into his own daze. He stared openly at the impressive structure before them, as if seeing it for the first time. It brought a smile to the little white's lips, and she took a second look at the massive castle, drinking in the glorious detail. It truly was a home fit for royalty. Her dizzy spell over, she still had trouble matching speed with the prince, half jogging in her attempt to match his stride. It was as if the man didn't even realize that his much longer legs carried him much farther in a single lazy step then her own did.

Once again, it was the nanny who proved useful in keeping the little witch comfortable. She delivered another brief kick to Lucien's neck, hard enough to make Teyha wince for witnessing it, and the boy promptly returned to his senses, and a more normal pace. Teyha sighed, able to slow to her own sluggish speed, and strolled lazily forward, adjusting the bag on her shoulder.

Briefly Teyha wondered what awaited them in the mansion, and images of kneeling servants came to mind, lined up neatly to greet their prince upon return. Something straight from a faerie tale, 'You have been bought by a dragon prince, rode back in a flying carriage pulled by dragonesque creatures, to a shining castle in the mountains... And kneeling servants seem preposterous?' She questioned herself dryly, chuckling briefly as the doors of the castle opened.

Often enough her more sarcastic side was wrong, as it was now. Instead of walking peacefully into a castle of bowing servants, they were bombarded by a blur of pink. Teyha blinked in surprise as the child ran straight towards them, to be scooped into the arms of the prince. The child wiggled for a few seconds, and looked up, grinning at Lucien. Teyha couldn't help but to smile widely, watching the young child greet her young master.

She was the picture of adorable, messy blond hair, cheeks flushed red from excitement and joy, and bright blue eyes that sparkled in delight. She hugged Lucien tightly around his throat for a moment, exclaiming her foreign greeting in a pitched and excited tone before Lucien turned to introduce the girl to her. 'French?' She questioned briefly, tilting her head curiously for a moment.

"Bon Jour? Sophia." Teyha greeted awkwardly, hoping that she guessed the language she was speaking correctly. Foreign tongue was never a strong suit of hers, it seemed no matter how much she wanted to learn another language, she could never motivate herself to do so. She knelt down once Sophia was on the ground, and shot her a mischievous smile, leaning forward as if she had a wonderful secret to share with her. "Well, if the Prince is trying to steal your work, you'll just have to create more trouble, right?" She told Sophia softly.

She straightened again when the older sibling approached, and she took a step behind Lucien without thinking about it, half hiding from the man. "Hello, Mister Silvanus." She murmured, shifting from foot to foot some.
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