
Nov 30, 2010
James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes had been many things in his near century worth of life. Bucky Barnes, the boy soldier., James, The Winter Soldier., James Barnes, Captain America. But most recently, James Buchanan Barnes, had been a soldier who’d lost everything for a mistake made in a past he could only remember in fragments.

After Hydra had been exposed to the world as still existing, as Red Skull had nearly killed the true Captain America, Steve Rogers, his world had imploded on itself as the blond refused to take the mantle of Cap back, leaving a soldier seeking redemption holding the shield, as Steve took over as Commander of SHIELD in place of Nick Fury, who had disappeared in the wake of hyda’s exposure. Tony Stark’s subsequent fall from grace as director of shield, had left the world with only person willing to pick up the pieces, Steve rogers. While the big plays crossed the board, viewed on the big screen and in daylight, someone moved behind the scenes, protecting and saving the world before it even knew it was in trouble.

When the public demanded that James Barnes be put on trial for war crimes committed as his time as the winter soldier, the man had calmly accepted that he would have to. Even if it meant prison. Willingness to accept the burden of his actions, got him a sentence of ‘time served’....yet it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough. Sent back to Russia to stand trial, the man fought and nearly died in his fight for freedom. And despite having come to the idea that he was not worthy of bearing the shield, he accepted that he needed to. As redemption.

Yet, battle for the Soldier was something he never shied away, and somehow he’d always known he’d die in it. And one came to pass. His death at the hands of the Viking-god Skald, seemed to spell the end of the super soldier. And yet....even as the americans mourned the loss of their captain, he was once again reborn as the Winter Soldier. Given a new freedom, to return in secret, in silence he sought to carve out a corner of the world for himself. And he had, with his equally scarred partner, Natasha, until a past mistake saw a former student of his kidnap his lover, brainwashing and torturing her, until the only thing that existed for her was Natalia....eventually the fight was won, but at a great cost. Her memories of James Barnes. And he considered it a good price, to simply know that she still survived, to thrive. Even if it meant watching her go happily back to her relationship with Clint Barton and Phil Coulson. It was so painful, that the man known as the winter soldier had retreated, taking on the mantle of a dying Nick Fury, as Guardian of the Wall. The Watcher.

And it was his new duty as the Guardian, that brought him here. To this moment. Shifting to lay out on the rooftop as he watched the girl through the scoop of his rifle, he frowned ever so slightly as he watched the Inhuman as she interacted with the rest of her small team, and the avengers. Because despite his brief time dead, Phil Coulson had returned to the avengers as their handler, friend and mostly...babysitter. Since it was his first time back on earth since he’d left, James was still familiarizing himself with everyone again, figuring out how to approach the woman without tripping every alarm any of them had. Sighing quietly as he ran a hand through his newly cut hair, for the first time since waking, he looked like the Bucky Barnes Steve had known as a child, younger and less world weary as he packed up the rifle and headed for the coffee shop the girl was in with the rest of the team, realizing he needed a up close spying if he really was going to find out anything, despite seeing things better from afar, he needed to be close.....and the reason he refused to look at was because of the redhead Skye and Phil were having lunch with.

Natasha. His Natalia.
Natalia had not had a very good life, anyone who knew what she had been through, even a part of what she'd been through, would have said she'd walked through hell twice. she had been trained in the Red Room since birth and had been forced to kill and murder the very girls she had thought of as sisters. it had taught her from a very young age that emotions where for children, love was a weakness, affection was a disability. bonds where to be formed one way and then exploited. it was a lesson that had stuck even now, though she would be the first to admit she did love the people she now lived with hung out with, protected. she allowed the weakness. especially in the case of Clint, Fury and Skye. she had become so attached to Skye, that she was actually teaching the young woman advanced Red Room techniques. Natasha wouldn't let the girl she'd practically adopted be helpless, ever. granted, she was much nicer to Skye than her own teachers had ever been and she certainly didn't expect Skye to kill anyone. Natasha had a hellish lfe and she was not about to submit that kind of hell onto Skye.

Natalia's life had only gotten slightly better after being brought in to Shield by Clint. her mission had been a suicide. they all had known it, even her, but she had gone because at least she'd have peace in death. abandoned on the streets after her job was done, extracting the Winter Soldier from enemy territory and covering him while he escaped, Clint had decided to make a different Call and took her with him. she spent the next years 'coming down' as it where. retraining, learning how to be social, how to trust, how to ask first and then shoot. it had been hard and no one but Phil and Clint and Fur had trusted her. she had made it though, until that day when someone had kidnapped her. even after so much time had passed, she couldn't remember what happened. not really. she remembered the pain. she remembered screaming, she remembered the Torture. but certain things she couldn't recall at all. like the man she had supposedly been in love with, or the murders she had done while under the other's control. she knew that she had done unspeakable things, and that she was still too hard, too cold, too emotionless. it was like having to relearn being human all over again. it was only Phil, Clint, Melinda May and Skye that had managed to call Natasha back from being a mindless weapon. it was thanks to her that Phil's team and the Avengers got along so well, Skye. she was so bright and chirpy.

"i'm serious!" Natasha admitted, looking very amused when James got close enough to hear them. "he took one look at this absolutely adorable kitten and started screaming like the thing was a massive spider!" she admitted with a laugh. "it turns out the hallucinogenic gas he was working with had escaped and he was hallucinating! he reported later that he'd seen one of the beasts from the Cthulu book he'd just been reading." she laughed and Phil shook his head. "i knew it was a mistake letting Bruce, Tony, Fitz and Simmons to meet." Phil admitted, sipping his coffee. "you have to admit though,t he stuff they've been pumping out has been brilliant." Natasha admitted. "just because we have to rebuild the lab every couple of weeks doesn't mean much."
James sighed softly as he carefully, slowly walked into the coffee shop, careful to keep his face turned away from Phil as he sipped his coffee, just in case the other man had been told what the Winter Soldier had looked like. Moving to the booth by the window he swallowed the pain that tightened his chest at the sound of natasha’s laughter. Maybe he wouldn’t be able to do this. He hadn’t considered just how painful it would be to be able to see her, interact with her, kill her protege, without even her knowing him enough to be royally pissed he’d been gone so long.

Skye laughed, snickering. “Tony freaked when he heard the screaming. It was amazing, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man suit up as fast as he did.”The younger woman said sipping her coffee, calm and steady even if she watching the coffee shop, had learned to case the place without appearing to be looking for anything. “Not to mention it’s not like it’s a financial hardship to rebuild the lab since Tony’s paying for anything they break. Even if he’s not giving the best toys to shield.”Skye snickered, because it had been a long standing fight with fury and tony, but tony, who’d had started life as a weapons dealer, wouldn’t supply anything that he considered dangerous to shield. Only the avengers and phil got the best things.
Phil took note of the man entering and pretended to ignore him. was that tilt of the head on purpose to keep them from seeing the mans face? was he hiding anything? why did he seam to familiar? "Tony freaks about everything." Phil said, voice dry but amused. "i'm more worried about the financial hardship of trying to piece back together Fit and Simmons after they get blown up." Phil admitted. "besides, with Steve as the director of Shield now, no one bothers Tony about weapons anymore. Steve's going a different route. non-lethal. nets that can catch escaping criminals more Icers, tazers, better armor, shields, stuff like that. Steve even got Tony in to completely remodel the entire interior of Shield headquarters with an expansive and impressive surveillance and security system." he admitted with a smile. "as much as i hate to admit it, Tony really is an amazing man. he was a wonderful director, for the short time he was at the post. it's a shame what happened." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "come on, we need to head back." Phil decided. "Skye still has training today and Rena was spotted again. she doesn't seem to be causing any problems but i'd like to make sure she's not suffering." he admitted. "she might have been our enemy but she's gone through a very traumatizing change and i don't want her to be alone while she adjusts to this new development." not to mention Rena would at least have some idea of what the hell was going on with Skye. honestly Phil wished he could find that mad bastard who thought he was Skye's father, but he'd all but dropped off the radar.
“He does. It’s amusing. Did I tell you about the freak out he had over finding going through his HQ hiding spot of all his Captain America crap?”Clint said as he walked in, his dark hair spiky and sticking up as he pushed his sungleasses to the top of his head, smirking a little. “It is a shame really, but he’s happier like this. Not to mention, Stark gets to harass the current director of shield, it’s like a dream come true.”Skye snickered a little. “Do we have to do the training?”Skye grumbled even as she got her coffee to go, getting up to leave as the archer started to tell them about the stupid babysitting mission he’d just gotten back from.
Natasha chuckled a little as she smiled at Clint and pulled him down by his tie to give him a kiss. "i suppose you always forget to mention that you where the one hiding them?" Phil laughed and shook his head. "and you didn't give them to me? i should punish you for that. twenty spankings for you Hawk." he teased. "He really is much happier. he was a great Director but he was completely miserable." Phil agreed. "besides, if Steve didn't want to be harassed, he wouldn't let Tony keep coming onto base." he pointed out. "yes we have to do training." Natasha stated. "i am not letting my little sister be helpless. march Duckling." Natasha ordered with a smirk, settling in behind her even as Phil settled in front of her. protecting her so naturally they didn't even realize they where doing it. "does anyone else get the feeling of being watched?" Natasha asked softly. lips barely moving. it was very nearly ventriloquism, a skill she had found very, very useful. couldn't read lips if the lips didn't move. "yes, we've been watched for a while now." Phil admitted, his lips also barely twitching. "someone's been following us for the last few hours, possibly the last few days, i can't be sure."
“Well, Steve finding Tony’s obsession-collection, isn’t nearly as funny if tony knows it’s me that showed steve. I do value my life some, tony’ll forgive steve, he’d just kill me.”Clint snickered as he kissed Natasha back, before whining. “Just twenty?”he smirked. “He was indeed miserable.”Skye agreed sighing a little before making a face as they left. “Fine.”she grumbled as she watched them protect her, rolling her eyes as Clint settled in walking next to her, before nodding slightly. “I didn’t feel it until I joined you guys, so whoever it is, is looking for you.”Clint muttered even as he discreetly surveyed the crowd, and while he walked, and while he could see the taller James behind them, it didn’t spark the reconigization, after all, the man didn’t look like himself, and like hundreds of other new yorkers and tourists who flocked to the city, they were heading for the Avengers Tower.
Phil's lip twitched. "actually Steve was very flattered." he admitted. "it baffles him how much of an idl he was to people after he fell. he never really got to see how much people adored him once he was on the front lines. soldiers. mothers, children, they all idolized him and he never noticed because he was always fighting." he admitted. "he signed my cards you know." Phil admitted, beaming happily before sulking. "i had to dig them out of my own grave." he admitted with a huff and a shake of his head. "we'll go in, in order. Natasha first, then Kate, then me, then Clint." it was in order of most likely to be dead. Natasha was first because she was the most likely target. Russia, some Shield Agents, most of the government and all of Hydra wanted her dead. Skye was second because of who she was, personally to everyone as well as her new found... powers, who only a few knew about, not that it had stopped a leak. Phil was next, being the second in command of Shield he was a prime target. Clint was least likely because, despite the man's complete brilliance and tactical abilities, such as being able to keep track of six individuals on a battlefield and thousands of invaders, while still being able to effectively launch defenses, assaults, call out patterns, warn people of stragglers, clusters or runners. Clint was well and truly amazing, but almost no one realized it. out of every single person within Shield or a part of the Avengers, Clint was often the most overlooked. which probably suited the Archer just fine. "we might have to call a lock-down on the tower." Phil warned softly. "i can't tell which of the crowd here is our stalker."
“I know he was. It was quite amusing, though it made tony stutter and refuse to talk to either of us for awhile. It was a very quiet day for once.”Clint snickered a little before nodding. “I know. You were so happy that day, despite having to dig them out.”Skye said smiling slightly before nodding. “okay.”She said as she let the other’s get things settled between them. Clint nodded, and indeed, being overlooked made the archer quite happy, even if it made him nervous to not be able to find the person in the crowd.”Me to....I’m going to up the ante, see if we can flush them out.”Dialing his cell, he put in a call to the two men who were probably ready for a break in their spar session. The director of shield, and the former director of shield having a daily standing spar that no one interrupted on pain of death most days. “Tony?Yea, I know, sorry, but we need your help. Can you do a fly by at the tower, and send the good captain down to meet us?”He muttered not thinking of a super soldier’s hearing, not realizing that even as he said it James melted away a few blocks, before taking the long way around, after all he knew where they were going. And by the time they got to the tower, james had settled in watching them from the bookstore across the street from the tower.
Phil snickered. "it was an awesome day." he admitted. "i still have pictures of Tony looking horrified when Steve picked up that captain America Teddy bear with Tony's name sewn into it." he admitted. "ti warms the cold cockles of my heart." he admitted before flashing Clint a smile. "go for it." Phil agreed, watching Clint as he pulled in the call. "i'll be there Clint." Steve promised. it wasn't surprising that no one thought of Super hearing, since it was a very rare 'talent'. "what's going on?" Steve asked, meeting them outside. his hair was shorter but he was just as muscle bound as ever. "come inside before Tony blows something up by overreacting." he knew full well that Tony could hear him. "we're being stalked. unsure who the target is or who the stalker is, no known objective." Phil reported calmly. "a stalker?" Steve asked, looking worried. most people would have accused Phil of being 'paranoid' but Steve knew better. ever since he'd been... infected, by the alien DNA his senses had been sharper and he'd had an almost... instinct. it was like he could see a few seconds into the future and reacted before the other guy began. he always knew when someone was watching him and if it was a bad stare or a neutral stare. he was... more, like Skye was more, only not as impressive as Skye.
“It was. And he was truly horrified.”Clint snickered as he remembered that bear, having not giving tony a hard time about the bear when he’d realized it was the only thing tony had that his mother had gotten him. “Thanks.”Clint muttered as he hung up, glancing up as steve was they stepped into the tower. “Hey, hey no reason to be mean, Director.”Tony whined in the ear piece as the iron man landed, walking inside, having every intention of walking in....while he was giving jarvis a chance to look around outside, frowning slightly behind the mask.”Stalker?” “yea. It started a few days ago, but someone in the coffee shop followed us out...just can’t tell who in the crowd....”Skye muttered frowning a little.
Phil nodded. "yes. it really was adorable. i don't think Tony realizes it was hand stitched. there's no other like it in the world. i would have offered to buy it, but i know how much it means to Tony." Phil admitted. "i'll pester him over that lunchbox instead." he admitted with a grin. "i'm always mean Tony." Steve stated simply, his eyes scanning the streets. he couldn't see anything. "do you still feel it?" "yes. someone's staring at us. it keeps flickering from malevolent to Neutral." he admitted. "whoever it is intends to do one of us harm but is hesitant to actually carry out the act. or it's two people." Phil admitted. "there's too many unknowns. i can't be sure." "that's fine. Jarvis? would you set up a full surveillance and mark and record anyone acting strangely in the vicinity?" Steve asked hopefully. "while it could just be another crazy fan trying to kidnap us for a harem-" which had actually happened twice. "-i don't want to take any chance that it's not a Hydra insurgent trying to kill us." Steve admitted. "well get inside. no one can get into Avengers Tower without our permission." Phil admitted. "we'll just have to be very careful about who comes in."
“Yes. It’s...weird. Like I know I should be able to see whoever it is, but I can’t.”clint said watching the crowd. “Of course, Commander. Anything else?”Jarvis answered. “No, that’s good J. But keep a eye on the crowd, and run background checks on anyone who lingers for longer then a few minutes.”Tony said before nodding, laughing slightly. “If we get kidnapped for a harem again, I’ll die laughing about it.”Tony shook his head a little before nodding as they headed upstairs. “And we’ll check everyone who does come in.”
Phil nodded. "whoever this is, they're good. they don't always trigger on my senses." he admitted. "whether it's because they're too far away or because they can hide themselves from me i don't know." he admitted. "hell it could be a full rotation of people who stare at us, i just don't know." he admitted. he hated not knowing things. "we better not get kidnapped for a harem again, Natasha was very unhappy that she had to rescue me and Clint from 'slags.'.. her words." "i was unhappy." Natalia admitted, crossing her arms and huffing. "we're closing the tour down right?" Phil asked. the bottom level was a small 'Avengers Museum' where people could go and see a bunch of the Avengers crap they didn't use anymore. proceeds usually went to footing the food bill and whatever was left over was donated to various charities. each Avenger got to choose one and the donations went on a rotation. "come on. i'm hungry." Steve ordered. out of everyone in the tower, Steve ate the most food, and the most often. he had to otherwise he'd starve to death in a matter of three days. made getting kidnapped very unpleasant. especially when they didn't have proper food and didn't realize how much he needed to eat. after all the only reason a person kidnapped Steve Rogers was because they needed him alive.
“Mine either. Its either because they’re not always there, or they’re good at playing hide and seek.”Clint sighed quietly, he really did hate this before snorting a little. “Natasha was indeed very unhappy we got kidnapped.” “that’s cause you’re part of her harem, yo udon’t get to be part of anyone else’s.”Skye teased. “Yea, we are.”Tony sighed quietly, because he hated to do it, but they needed to. “I’ll meet you up there.”Tony said as he stepped back outside and headed for the upper levels, simply showing off being iron man.

Later when Steve walked into his office, James raised a eyebrow at the blond as he rocked his office chair side from side a little, “You need a new chair. This thing is hard on the back.”The former captain america and always winter soldier said as he looked up at his best friend. While it had been months since natasha’d been kidnapped and james dropping off the face of the earth, this wasn’t a uncommon thing. For the man to show up on his own schedule without announcement, and show just how poor shield’s defenses still were. At least to him.
Phil wrinkled his nose. "psychic hide and seek. how... fun." he muttered, clearly he didn't think this was fun at all. he had to protect Skye. his own team would turn on her right now if they found out, the Avengers, who knew what they would do, and now some person was stalking them and he had a good idea they were after Skye too. why couldn't his life be easy for a little while?

Steve froze, his breath catching in his throat. it took him several moments of just staring at Bucky to remember that he needed to breathe if he wanted to continue living. shock over he scowled. "get out of my chair you jerk." he ordered. "and cut your hair." he ordered as he shoved James out of the chair. "i like this chair." he admitted, sitting down. "i thought you where dead you know, fucking asshole." he complained, pulling out his paperwork for the day. "i'm going to go out on a limb and assume your the stalker Phil was complaining about, yeah?" Steve wasn't a fan of coincidences.
James smirked as he looked at the other man,raising a eyebrow."breath, commander. Not even super soldier's can go without breathing."he teased smirking a little yelping a little as he was shoved out of the chair, "hey! I was enjoying complaining about your chair."james sulked as he settled into the guest chair, sprawling out over it with that loose limbed demand for as much space as he could get to take up. Rubbing a hand over his close cropped hair he nodded."I needed a change."he shrugged before wincing."I know...I needed time to decide if I really was going to be dead or not..."he shrugged as close to admitting he'd considered suicide as he'd ever get. After losing natasha, he'd needed time to find himself again. After a moment james gave steve that look of wide eyed innocence, that hadn't worked when he was five,much less nearly 95."would I ever stalk your team, commander?no I think not."
Steve snorted. "shut up asshole. i was breathing. i just wasn't doing it very deep because you stink. take a shower you slob." he complained, rolling his eyes when he slumped into the other chair. "you have no class, whatsoever. how did you ever manage to pretend to be me for so long?" he wondered before smiling at him. "it suits you" he admitted. "you look like yourself." he admitted before freezing, he stayed very still for a full five seconds. it was a maneuver Bucky was very familiar with. when Steve was too shocked, his body locked up, a secondary impulse control that Sarah had worked very, very hard to create when Steve was little. since his first impulse was to hit first and then think. it had caused a lot of problems when Steve was a kid. His sudden lack of motion meant that Steve's first impulse had been to punch Bucky's face in. "and you've decided Life is worth it then?" he asked before snorting. "your either after Skye to kill her. or maybe recruit er. your stalking Phil, probably to gain information on something you want or need, or your stalking Natasha because your a pervert." he mused. "so, which is it?"
“I do not. And I’ve showered recently.”James protested rolling his eyes a little before smirking. “I can act like you. It’s not so hard to act like I have a stick shoved up my ass, but since you’re back, I don’t have to.”It truly was amazing these two had managed to not kill each other really, even if they were best friends. “It does.It’s weird really.”James muttered before swallowing hard as steve went still, swallowing thickly. “Well....after a fashion. Fury gave me a job, and a speech that amounted to ‘If you keep with the superhero shit, sometime you’re going to find something more dangerous then you to kill you if you really want to die.’ It was inspiring.”James rolled his eyes, because even steve, he couldn’t tell about his new job. And he hadn’t anticipated just how lonely his new life was going to be. Smirking a little he raised a eyebrow. “I still you left your billionaire and the bird off the list.”He pointed out neatly avoiding answering.
Steve snorted. "honestly i'm surprised, what did you do roll in a cow field?" he asked before rolling his eyes. "are you sure that stick didn't poke the Peanut you call a brain out of your skull?" he asked. "your acting dumber than usual." he admitted before staring at him. "'ve seen Fury?" he asked, surprised. "yes... he was always... uh... inspiring." Steve agreed, wondering if James really was insane. "Fury gave you a new job then?" he asked before pausing, frowning. "wait. i thought he was dead.... again... okay i answered my own question there. one eyed bastard always faking his death." Steve grumbled. "you wouldn't bother with Tony because he gives you a headache and you wouldn't bother with Clint because Natasha and Phil would castrate you if you did." Steve pointed out. "now. why the hell are you bothering me?" he demanded, not noticing just yet tat he'd been neatly side stepped. "i'm not giving you information and i sure as hell aint cooking you dinner."
“Hm, no. Fighting aliens who smelled like cow shit. Really. They bled the shit, and I got covered.”James frowned making a face before making a face. “I am not!And I’m not dumb, you punk.”James scowled a little before laughing. “I have. And he was, in that I’m going to kill him when he stops talking kind of way.”James snickered before nodding. “of sorts. Pretty much what I’d always been doing, just now I get to replace the unkillable spy....he died. For real. I held his hand as he died, Steve.”James muttered looking away before snickering. “he does give me a headache.”he muttered before smiling. “And I was in the city, figured it was either harass you, or go bother Stark, and I figured there was a better chance of you feeding a hungry super soldier then Tony feeding me.”
he snorted. "yuo beat up Aliens?" he asked, looking amused. "now i know you've been rolling in bullshit." he said before snorting. "please. out of the two of us, you have all the stupid." he admitted. he knew most of the Avengers, his friends, teammates Etc. where always shocked with the way he and Bucky interacted. they bickered, almost constantly. even the howling commandos had been surprised. Dum Dum had once commented that they where both very pleasant people unless they where in the same room as each other. for a long while, people had thought he and Steve were in some sort of blood feud, or hated each other. Tony even remarked once that maybe it was pent up sexual tension. when the two never stopped, ever, people started realizing that's just the way they where. "...oh..." Steve murmured. "i guess. i ad been hoping... we didn't find him until after he was dead. so i had been hoping maybe he'd faked his death again." he admitted, shaking his head. "he was always sneaky like that, ou know?" he asked before snorting. "your a terrible liar." no he wasn't, Steve just knew Bucky too well. "if you didn't need something from me you wouldn't even be here. i'd be sitting here still thinking you where dead and still thinking it was all my fault." he stated, prodding a button. "Stacy? i'm hungry, order me an extra large deep dish pepperoni with Green Olives and the biggest box of cheese bread and hot wings they have please." "of course Mister Rogers." "tell them they'll get an extra fifty if they have it here in the next ten minutes." "of course Mr. Rogers." considering she didn't question it, this must have been a regular occurrence.
“I do, on a regularly alarming basis.”James snickered a little before rolling his eyes. “I think you’re mistaking me for you again, Stevie. I know it’s hard wanting to be me all the time, but you got to get over it. We’re both to old to want to be different.”James snickered easily falling back into old habits, quite content to realize that no matter how much he changed, or how bad his life got, this relationship would never change. “I know....I had thought he was playing around to. much as I hate admitting it...he’s gone.”James said wincing, sounding serious before nodding. “he always was.”he agreed before making a face. “I was one of the Soviet’s best spies, I don’t think I’m capable of being a bad liar.”James huffed a little, before wincing. “....I need a place to stay that’s not the tower...”He muttered, because while tony had left a open invite to the tower, steve knew that the other couldn’t, not when the resident threesome were so very open about their relationship. “....I see you don’t even care for my opinion on food. No respect, not even asking what I want.”James whined a ltitle though he didn’t protest what food they were getting, so it was okay.
Steve snorted. "Aliens aren't all that common you know." he scoffed. "we've had. what, three alien incidents in the last five years?" he asked. "and it started with Thor and ended with him." he admitted. "oh wait. four, Sif showed up once didn't she?" he asked, frowning a little before shrugging it off. "no, i think your hallucinating again Buckeye because everyone knows you tried so hard to be me you DID become me." he teased, smirking. hard to dispute that one! "well, maybe i just know you too well." Steve said, deciding to end the discussion about Fury. it would only make him sad again. he blinked at James and then sighed. "i knew it. you where being a perv you perv. fine you can stay at my place." he agreed, shaking his head. he had a totally kickass place. it was under the Brooklyn bridge and looked like it was part of the bridge. there was a hologram in front of it, hiding the place from view. "Bucky. don't lie. you know i only order that nasty shit on it for you." that was a lie. Steve ALWAYS got Pepperoni and Green Olive. Bucky also always ate it even if e bitched. then again, he always bitched.
“Something like that. And yes, I had heard Sif visited some.”James snickered a little, simply letting it go, not about to bring attention to what he’d been doing off world himself. “..Me?Stark asked me to be you, that wasn’t me wanting to be you.”James protested rolling his eyes, because in the aftermath of waking up as the winter soldier, it had been easier to be steve, then it had been to be james barnes. “...How is it being a perv, NOT wanting to see her?”James whined at that, before grinning. “You’re place is very kickass. A definite upgrade since the last time I was around.”James said, proving that he had indeed been spying, at least for a little while before announcing his presence. “True. You love me enough to get everything.”James said rolling his eyes a little before settling back in his chair with a sigh, staring at the floor, before asking what he’d managed to put off as long as he could.”....How is she?”
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