August 23 at 1:23am
It is not enough for me to simply tell you that I love you. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but... really it's a piss-poor way to show my appreciation for you, for everything you've done for me, for all the time you've given me, and the steadfast love and affection you've devoted to me.
I want you to know -exactly- why I love you. I want you to see yourself the way I see you, because you are beautiful, in so many wonderful ways.
It isn't enough to speak of your eyes, though they sparkle like all the stars in the night sky. Nor your lips, though your smile could move me to tears. I could go on about your hair, soft strands that shimmer in the sun like gold. All the poetic phrases in the world may as well be a stumbling, rambling soliloquy.
Yes, those are beautiful things about you, and I wish I were an artist so I could capture your beauty. But even if I were, it would not have the same depth...
When we first met, I was a wreck. You knew me at my worst, at my darkest. You knew me, and you stood by me. When I treated you poorly, you never held it against me. When I failed, you never held it above me. When I left, you didn't. To say I am grateful for that is a tragic, pathetic understatement.
Your loyalty is something that is singularly unique to you. You are the only person I've ever met who not only meets my own standards of loyalty (Which I built years too late to spare you the pain I caused), but also easily surpasses them. I am thankful for it, and admire it as well.
Lately I haven't had a lot to say, I've tried to send a little love through the weeks, but it's hard to find the right words, the right time, and I don't really want to just give you idle, inane banter.
I remember the time we used to spend together, and I want that again. So much that it hurts me. I don't know whether or not you're interested, and I'm not going to start placing demands on your time. I know you don't get a lot of relaxation, and I want you to be able to go have fun, so I don't want to become a burden to you.
But I still remember the witty, sometimes dark, sometimes light, always charming girl who caught my eye and won my heart. The way you think, the way you write, and the way you choose your words and phrases has always turned me on in a very deep and significant way.
I don't even know for sure how long ago it was we met. I know it was a number of years now. I feel guilty for not having an exact date to celebrate with you, we'll have to make one, sooner or later, just so we have an excuse to do something special on that day.
I don't know that, but I do know this... Next year, the year after, the year after that... and for as many days and hours as I am given, I want you there with me. I want you by my side.
I want to romance you again, to get to know every little thing about you, and to share all the neat little things I've picked up along the way... I want to introduce you to the people in my life, I want to show them why I think so highly of you. I want to wake up in the morning and feel like my odd little family is truly complete. I want to cook breakfast for you, and to go to sleep at night listening to your breathing.
I want more than I have any right to ask of this life. I know how selfish I'm being...
I just... hope you want it too.
I love you. I always have, and I always will. No matter what happens tomorrow, no matter where the road takes us, together or separately. You have always made me so proud... I'll always be cheering you on.
And I will always have a place in my heart that belongs to you alone.
This was in my inbox on Facebook this morning.
The person who sent me this was once an old Master of mine.
I don't know what is worse, the fact I'm not sure if I completely believe him, the fact I sincerely needed to hear this.
Or the fact my boyfriend would never say this.