My day was shit until about oh an hour ago?
Well other than the fact as soon as I walk in the door my new Fish was like "O3O *swims around bowl happy*" xD
Well he -did- pick me. >> All the other fish were like GTFOHUMAN D:< He was like "o3o hannnd."
Shu can attest to this xD She helped me get all my stuff together *nodnod*
Anyway. My car apparently (Because it was too dark to check last night) was not only out of Clutch fluid, but also brake fluid. And thus had turn into a raging bitch to shift gears (let alone err brake?) Kyle was good enough to buy me brake fluid though and help me add it. (the clutch fluid shit is a pain in the ass to get to >>

And hopefully the whole..uh "I'm not gonna shift. Nope. Uh-uh." -.-; will go away. Otherwise this care will slowly, and surely go away. >>
BUT back to what my good news is.
A.) I have internet starting Saturday
B.) I may be getting a new car sometime this month!
C.) Said car may be free >.>
D.) I'm feeling myself again
Let me explain the Car thing. As much as Shu says my car would be Bad ass to fix up (To be sure she's right) It's going to be a fortune
to fix up. To the point of. I could buy a new car with that much >.>; WELL I was on my way home from work after having a REALLY Shyte day. And this man gets my attention and says "I think I can get you a good deal on a car." Me =... "Eh?" Him: "Pull over D:"
*does so. >> Sits in car with door locked. <<* Yes...?
Hi my name is **** and I go this church in **** where we have a Car Ministry that fixes up cars (in much better condition than mine of course) and gives them to people who really need one. Like you.
Me: o.o...really?
Him: Yes! Here take my number and information, and this is the church. *writes it all down* can I have your number too.
Me: Sure!
Him: I will call you as soon as I hear something. You have a blessed day now. *Goes back to his car*
Me: ...Well I'll be. More free cars xD;
The FUNNY thing is Kyle had a dream last night I sold the Honda for $300 Cause I got a new car xDDDDD LULZ. AND it's finally getting to the point where I don't need to turn to leave my ac on all the time. thank gawd.
Vega's Chili Recipe
Formally Stepdad's but I doctor it up =P
2 15 oz Cans of Tomato Sauce* For every can of Sauce you add 1/2 a can of water.
1 can of tomato paste (the tiny can)
1 15 oz can of Kidney Beans (You can get Dark red or red for color)
1 Package of Ground Meat* (I personally use turkey 80/20 but this will go well with beef as well Just be careful on the fat content)
Chili Powder
Garlic Powder
Onion Salt
*I normally cook the meat separate from the sauce to save time >.>; as in two different pans.
Cook meat with Garlic powder, salt, pepper, and A dash of onion salt until brown. In another sauce pan on Med heat mix Sauce, Water, and Paste until is dissolved. Drain kidney beans and add to sauce. Add Spices to taste* (I have no exact recipe for how much. However I would say I use at
least two tablespoons of chili powder and a tablespoon of Oregano). Incorporate meat in slowly - add more spice as necessary. Simmer for about 4-5 minutes.
Viola :3
On occasion I add mushrooms to it xD just to give it a different texture. You can also use this as a good base for Spaghetti sauce, just take out the Chili powder and Kidney beans

Mind you I did say *base* when ever I actually do make homemade spaghetti sauce I add a lot more stuff to mine xD; BUT unfortunately I get too lazy >.>;