Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America was in the Gym. He was almost always in the Gym, so long as there weren't other people in there anyway. The last thing he wanted was to interact with some childlike newbie with a bright eyed view of the world and hero worship in his eyes. It didn't help that Steve had once been that guy. And then the truth had set in. He scowled, punching harder, hitting faster. Remembering thought he didn't want to. The sound of guns cracking, bombs exploding, the high pitched screams of death and the pathetic frightened whimpers. The sounds of flesh hitting flesh as Soldiers fought for their lives with fists when their ammo ran out. The smell of blood, like warm copper. The scent of smoke, of burning flesh, of gun oil and body sweat. Watching the blood and dirt mix into a red mud that stained everything it touched even after you washed it off the mix never really washed off no matter that no one else could see it. He remembered the feeling of flesh under his knuckles, the crack of bones, the way a person looked, surprised almost, after they where shot just before they died.

He snarled and threw another punch, blinking when he hit nothing but air. He had broken another bag, sending at across the floor. He wasn't even winded yet, wasn't tired. He was never tired. He didn't sleep, couldn't sleep because every-time he closed his eyes he remembered. He sighed, leaving the broken bag where it laid and headed over to get a new one. He didn't bother cleaning up after himself anymore, what was the point? He lifted the bag with one hand and hooked it onto the chain and steadied the swinging back with his hand before glancing at the clock. He wasn't hungry yet, but he rarely was these days. He typically existed on energy drinks and energy bars and coffee. He knew someone would be down soon. His last 'babysitter' hadn't come back after Steve threw him into a wall. He'd gone through eight of them now. It was better this way, don't get attached. Then no one can be hurt when you where gone, then he couldn't be hurt when they died or left. It was better this way.

He started punching the bag again, not even looking up an hour later when the door swung open, the familiar clicking shoes of Maria Hill sounding in the cement floor of the Gym. “You got a new sitter for me?” Steve demanded, wrinkling his nose. His 'assistants' where supposed to keep him centered, stable, out of depression and keep him from going into culture shock. None of them where doing a very good job. Everything Steve looked at reminded him that he wasn't in his own time anymore. Every sound reminded him of everything he had lost, or worse, made him remember the blood and fighting and loss that, for him, was only a month ago at the most. So many people seamed to think he should just be over it. I had been seventy ears after all. Seventy years of nothing but the occasional dream of screaming, of blood. He sighed and turned to face his new sitter and blinked. Well that was new. They where learning after all. They had given him a woman, who he wouldn't hit, throw through walls or 'accidentally' punch the bag into. “No.” Steve decided, as he always did, turning his back on them and resuming his pummeling of the back, Mariah sighing. “i'm sorry. He's always like this.” Maria informed the woman. “if you'll follow me, i'll give you the full mission briefing.” “what, she doesn't even know she's my new babysitter?” Steve asked. “she knows she's going to be assisting you.” “babysitter.” “Steve.” Maria said, voice sharp as the crack of a whip. Steve didn't flinch and didn't turn around. She had nothing on Sarah Rogers.
Eliza Peterova frowned as she followed Maria into the gym, annoyed at the other woman's shoes. Not because they were ugly, but simply because they weren't practical and announced that someone was coming. The soft soled boots she was wearing where more practical and the soft scuff was the only announcement of her presence. Dressed in typical tact gear....had she been malet anyways. Having refused to wear the body suit that Natasha and Maria preferred, the woman and settled into the tailored cargo jeans, and the fork fitting vest that showed curves despite not being that tight, which meant that there was a voluptuous body under all that gear. Long blond hair was tied back out of her face, her eyes a dark blue, that blue edging into black that was rarely found out of the eastern European states. Tall, somewhere between her SO's 6'2" height and steve's 6'6".

"I am not a sitter."Eliza frowned looking annoyed at the captains words before looking between the other two before shaking her head."no thanks. I'll let him debrief me on what he needs, and I'll find you if I have questions."Eliza said her eyes on steve instead of maria, before sighing."maria?will you also do me a favor and let Ward know where I am If he's looking for me?"
Maria was unaware of their annoyances. even if she was she wouldn't have cared in the least. she wore them specifically for that reason. sneaking up on jumpy Shield Agents where never a good idea. Steve just ignored them while they talked about him, he was well used to Agents rudeness. as if because he wasn't facing them he couldn't hear them. he'd turned around just long enough to assess the woman who would be babysitting him until he could run her off. part of him realized that this was going to be a lot harder than the others. "....are you sure?" Maria asked, looking cautious. Steve had stilled from where he was punching the fire out of his bag and he'd turned to study her. that, was a new response. interesting. "i will. i'll tell him right now that you have a new mission. i'll inform your SO, John Garret as well." she promised, casting them an anxious look before offering Eliza the folder with all of Steve's information in it. it was astonishingly thick, especially included in the eight separate 'field reports' from the previous 'assistants'. all of them said the same thing. moody, withdrawn, depressed, reluctant to engage in modern activities, reluctant to move into the twenty first century, PTSD, vivid nightmares, waking nightmares, insomnia, a reluctance to interact, a reluctance to be touched, extreme aversion to chill, extreme avoidance of loud noises and so on and so forth. he had gone back to punching on his punching bags. ignoring the woman completely.
"I am."Eliza said watching steve as much as he was watching her before nodding a little."thanks. Also pass along that I still expect him in the gym in the morning. If he thinks me watching a moody super soldier gets grant out of getting his ass kicked around the gym, he's wrong."Eliza said not even looking at her as she took the folder, more focused on staring at the said super soldier's ass instead of the folder. Much like natasha,there was few things that the woman wouldn't make blatant, and much like a guy,Eliza wasn't that shy when she found someone attractive. And he might be moody, but steve rogers was that moving around to the other side of the bag she tilted her head."woulsnt it be better to spar with someone rather then killing the poor punching bags?"she questioned as she watched him beat on the bag.
Maria snorted a little at that. "i'll make sure to pass it on." she promised, rolling her eyes and clicking her way out of the gym. "can't spar with anyone." Steve stated simply. "i hit too hard even when i pull my punches. sent too many people in with broken bones. not allowed to Spar with anyone unless it's Natasha." he grunted when the bag split open and started spilling sand all over, making Steve sigh. "and even if i did spar it wouldn't tire me out anymore than this does." he admitted, pulling that bag off, tossing it next to his dead brother, and headed over to grab a third bag, glancing at her. "so. never caught your name." he admitted. curious about her despite himself. "i have to wonder. is there anything special about you? aside from you being a woman i mean. they seam to think that i'm so stuck in the forties that i wouldn't hit a girl." he admitted, hooking the bag back into place. "but Natasha, and Maria at the very least know better. so, what makes Maria think you can have any luck when no one else has?"
"Ahhh so you're the sparring partner she's been complaining about. Said you're to moody for your own good."Eliza frowned because Natasha had been indeed worried enough about the idea of steve in a fight to actually voice the thoughts. "Eliza petrohova."she said simply watching him as he hooked the bag into place. Before reaching out shoving the bag towards him even as she hooked a foot behind his calf and pulled smirking as he stumbled a little before regaining his footing."because I'm one of the few people who wins fights as much as I lose with natasha,and if I don't put up with barton or wards bullshit, I'm not putting up with yours."oh yea she was blunt to the point of rudeness.
Steve blinked at her. "you know Natasha?" he asked, wrinkling his nose a little. he'd never really forgiven the woman for trying to trick him when he'd first woken up. "and i'm not mood, i just hate everyone. you have to have more than one mood to be moody." he pointed out. "she can bite me." he stated, well aware she'd been complaining about his unwillingness to do anything but punch on a bag or run on a treadmill until they broke. he grunted a bit, more in surprise than anything else when she shoved the bag into his chest and hissed when he stumbled, puffing up with annoyance when she smirked at him. "well your just a Dame asking for an ass kicking aren't you?" he demanded, baring his teeth at her. "i don't take shit from no one, man or woman so you'd best be sure this is what you want before i step into that ring." he warned. he couldn't beat Natasha, but he'd broken her arm a time or three and he wasn't about to hold back on this little girl just because she was more cocky than was healthy.
"I do."Eliza said not bothering to explain the history of blood and pain that existed between the two women. that was no one's business except them,and maybe cling and grant's since they had to work with them."I think that was indeed is more challenging then killing your punching bags."Eliza said shaking her head a little as she reached back braiding her hair and tying it back. "Come on then."we'll this was new. His babysitters had for the most part tried to not spar with the super soldier.
he nodded. "explains a lot." he admitted. "your just as annoying as she is." he huffed before narrowing his eyes at her. that was unusual. no one, not even Natasha wanted to get into the ring with him anymore. it wasn't like he wanted to hurt them, he just couldn't control his strength t the level where he'd leave bruises instead of broken bones. he'd already tried. a lot, before he was frozen. he could control his strength well enough in short little spats, but after about ten minutes, he couldn't pull his punches anymore. no one could pull their punches like that. not even him. well, if she wanted a broken arm, he certainly wasn't going to stop the stupid bint. he sighed, taped his hands, wouldn't want to break a knuckle punching her in the face. he was astonished when, ten minutes later, he hadn't landed a single hit on her. "i thought you said you where equal with Natasha." he demanded, eyes watching her, sharp, focused, serious now. maybe he was just getting slow? he wasn't having fun, he wasn't even the slightest bit winded, but he was being challenged and that hadn't happened in a long, long time.
"I have a feeling you find most people annoying so I won't take offense at that."Eliza said sighing a little As she taped up her own hands. Smiling slightly as she realized she was actually challenging him, and while she was breathing harder and working harder then him to keep him from actually connecting, she was having fun to."I am. She wipes the floor with me on occasion."Eliza panted slightly as she Fought before grabbing his wrist and doing that one move like natasha had done to happy so long ago, grinning pleased as he hit the mats, staring down at him with that causalarrogance that she knew would puss him off but also knowing she needed to find a way to work with him since maria was at her wits end on what to do with him."slowing down old man? It can be forgiven I guess."she teased a lite.
he shrugged. "people in this day and age are arrogant piss ants. of course i find them annoying." he admitted simply. people, he had discovered, of the twenty first century where rude, blind, lacking in anything resembling to common sense. they where opinionated about everything, even the things they didn't know abut, so damn focused on their technology they forgot about actually interacting with other people, jealous, greedy, selfish. he had grown up in the great depression, i the place that would eventually become hells kitchen. he had to work for food and there was no such thing as social security benefits for people who where too poor to eat. he hated pretty much everything about this time and was half tempted to leap into the Russian ocean just to see if he could survive another seventy years and hope the world was back to normal once they found him again. he grunted when he hit the floor, blinking, more surprised than anything else before he snorted, grabbed her ankles and yanked them up, forcing her to hit her back as well. "you shouldn't get so cocky." Steve stated simply, sounding more bored than anything else as he hopped back to his feet. "get cocky, and you'll end up dead. but then, all Shield agents are cocky." he admitted. "thats why so many of them die doing stupid shit." he admitted, exiting the ring, bored now. he just left, heading for his rooms to take a shower and entertain himself. half of him was wondering what would happen if he slipped out of base and found his way to the Brooklyn bridge. it could be a lot of fun, watching everyone try to talk him down, not realizing he was Captain America.
Eliza breath whoosh ed out of her lungs panting slightly as she laI'd there before laughing quietly."No I shouldnt. But it was vaguely amusing to see you on your back. You make a very pretty floor rug."Eliza said smiling slightly as she turned her head to watch steve leave. Wondering if she should follow or not, wondering if her babysitting detail had to be that close. Huffing to herself as she pulled the tape off her hands, and scooped up the folder, and headed for grant's rooms. Maybe getting a guys input would help her understand why she had a feeling she messed up. Usually blunt to the edge of rudeness, she usually relied on grant...who while not the most social of people was better then the former black widow. Smirking to herself as she walked in without knocking she tilted her head at the sound of the shower before letting herself in,assuming the man would either hear her come in, or get a nasty surprise when he got out. Settling on the bathroom counter she settled in to read.
he snorted a little. "i make a pretty everything." he stated simply. Grant did indeed know she was there, he always knew when someone was in his space, he'd known as soon as she'd opened the door. the Folder showed her a lot more than people expected. the first babysitter, Natasha, wrote that while very unnerved, Steve was excited about this new world. as time went on, and Steve learned more, and the memories set in he got worse and worse. sitter after sitter came and went, chased off by things he either couldn't help, or later, because he didn't want them there. it was no wonder he was so fucked up. they had all but ruined any chance they might have had, by being angry at Steve for things he couldn't help. like being struck when they woke him after a screaming nightmare. they thought he was stupid because he didn't understand a phone as soon as it was put in his hand. they thought him unwilling because certain things frightened him. talking phones where only one of them. they thought him belligerent when he refused to study history, even though the idea of gas chambers made him sick, the torture of the Jews he hadn't been able to save made him feel soul crushing guilt even though he hadn't even known about the concentration camps. the didn't understand because they where sheltered, they didn't understand because they had never watched their best friend die, or fight for honest to god freedom for an oppressed people. they had never had to kill, they had never had to see people lined up in a kill line. they had been giving Steve rogers the very worst sort of sitters. so really, it was their own fault he was so bitter and angry at the world.
Eliza frowned as she read shaking her head a little as she did. Was she the only one that could see how badly this hand gone and why?wondering why Natasha had given up on him she winced as she realized she'd been pulled off babysitting duty to go shadow Stark. So of course they'd gotten the incompetent people to replace a woman who had known what she as doing.""so how do I get a man who has every right to hate his sitters, realize that I want to help?"she asked as the water turned off, looking up, enjoying one of her favorite sights in the world. A naked grant ward.
Grant smiled a little at her. "you let him set the rules." he said simply. "this about Steve Rogers?" he asked, glancing at the folder. "Natasha bitched for weeks about being pulled off the Captains detail." he admitted. "but Fury was adamant." he shook his head. "not the smartest move but i suppose Stark dying from Palladium poisoning was a bit more serious than a Captain who was showing signs of excitement." he admitted, rubbing his hair dry, completely uncaring that he was bare ass naked. "seriously though, if you really want to help him, he has to come to you." he admitted. "men are a lot like animals. when a dogs been beaten, it'll turn on people, it takes a gentle hand and patience to let it start to trust again. Steve's the same way." he admitted. "help him when he asks for it, don't yell at him, do what you can to trick him into eating, even if it's just leaving energy bars all over the place." he mused, leaning against Kate. he would know, that was exactly what Garret, and later Kate, had done for him after he was 'rescued' from Juvenile Detention. "a lot of the same tricks that Garret used on us, will help Steve." he admitted.
"I dislike anyone setting rulws. But fine I can do that. And yes it is."she sighed a little."it wasn't the smartest move. If anyone would have gotten through to him Natasha would,and now he has to deal with me."Eliza sighed worried about how she was going to do this before setting the folderaside as he dried of shifting to let her legs hand off the edge framing his hips in her legs,simply enjoying having him close he always made her feel safe,which was a rarity really."...I kicked his ass and then got dumped on the floor...does th a t count as not pushing him?"she said closing her legs a lIttle resting them against his sides as she ran her hands through his hair."hm I'll keep him in mind...just trying eat him like he's you. It works."
he snorted a little. "i'm not talking about rules as in 'you can't go out after eight o clock' i'm talking... you know, don't touch him unless he initiates contact. don't go in his room while he's sleeping even if he's having a nightmare. don't make him breakfast he won't eat. things like that." he pointed out. "things that will make him a bit more calm." he admitted, grinning at her as he pressed his hips forward, letting the heat of her groin pool into his. "well that depends, did you drag him into the rig kicking and screaming or did you just manipulate him into it? is he angry at you right now for making him fight or is he sitting there, pleased with himself for teaching you a lesson in fucking with him?" he asked, grinning. "your a Spy, act like it. make him think eating was his idea, make him wonder if your up to anything other than ignoring him. be sneaky, be stealthy, be sly. he'll warm up to you, and then you can start helping him more openly." he admitted. "well. you certainly shouldn't do this to him." he teased, smirking. "he won't appreciate being seduced." he teased, chuckling as he ducked his head and kissed her, enjoying her body as he always did.
"Ah those rules. those I can understand. This is why I keep you around you know. You can figure things out for me."she said and despite being intelligent she knew grant was smarter then her,so she let him decide things for the most part. Actually she treated him more like a handler then she did garret.shuddering as he pressed against her she wrapped her legs around him."manipulate. Give me some credit grant."she whined rocking her hips into his."...somehow it seems wrong to be using red room taught skills on 5he good captain,but I'll do it."Eliza snickered. We'll at least she had a game palan,and her staying ri gh t here with grant...well it'd just make steve wonder what she was up to."I'll keep that in mind. Besides you're good at sex,no need to go looking for others."she teased a little as she gave in.

After she paused as she washed up and finished dressing, looking him over as he laid in bed. "You don't have a mission right?you're grounded for the mkment?"be he asked because she didn't like having a unstable super soldier around without knowing she had a backup in her corner that wouldn't hesitate if she got in over her head to help.
he chuckled. "and yet i still can't work out what makes a woman tick." he admitted. "i piss ou off more often than i do anything else." he admitted with a chuckle. "i do give you credit." he admitted. "i was just reminding you." he admitted with a grin, shaking his head a little, rolling his hips in return to her bucking. "the red room was a cruel and violent place, but you learned a lot of things that you can use to your advantage now." he assured her. "i am good at sex." he agreed, grinning at him.

"....nope, no missions." he admitted, laying out on his bed, still naked and smoking a cigarette. "they don't want to send me out without backup so as long as your babysitting the super soldier i'm here." he admitted. "first time i've had free time in years. it's a bit unnerving." he admitted. "going to go check on him?" he asked curiously.
"Very true,but angry sex is worth dealing with your failings."Eliza teased a litrle."hm you're good atreminding me of things."She muttered whimpering quietly as he pressed against her."very good indeed."she muttered Losing herself in him.

"good."she said staring down at him for a moment totally distracted at the sight of hIm utterly naked and smoking. Having gotten used to the smell, having come to associate the smell of smoke with grant."it is sort of unnerving even though I do have a project to do."she said before nodding."I am. I am. Want to come with? And freak him out at wondering what I've been doing since I left him?"ahhh so let the mental warfare begin.
he snorted a little. "well, i'm glad i'm so amazing that you forgive me just because i can do nifty tricks with my dick." he admitted with a grin before seeking to make her forget everything but pleasure. she needed the stress release.

he grinned impishly, well aware that he was distracting her. "you have a pretty darn big one too." he admitted, sitting up and grinning at her. "sure. let me get dressed." he agreed, heading over to his dresser to get dressed. he hummed as he walked next to her, ignoring how people scowled at him for smoking in the halls. he was at a high enough level that no one could bitch at him for it. especially since his handler, Garret, didn't say anything about it. Steve was sitting in his living room, reading a book, he didn't even look up when they walked in. it was a tactic a lot of the previous sitters had reported. he pretended you didn't exist. they had gotten very, very frustrated. Grant had used to do the same thing. Garret had gotten around it by ignoring Grant right back. so, Grant did that here. "so this is where the good Captain Lives?" he asked, looking around. it was horrifically modern. and very.... sanitary. everything was white. the walls, the floor, the ceiling. everything else was stainless steal or common wood. "....god. no wonder he hates it here..." he muttered under his breath.
"I'm not the one with a big thing in here,you know."she pointed out still staring before whkning, sulking a little at the idea of him getting dressed even if she knew he had to. "You know,someday we should just have you walk out naked andsmoking as see which one offends people more."Elizabeth hummed a little thoughtfully twitching a little as she got to the apartment. Staring around d her and proceeding to ignore steve to before heading for the kitchen."it does. It's really horrible really. I think I'd scratch my eyes out if I had to stare at thesewalls all the time."
he smirked at her. "you love my big thing." he teased. " know. that could be fun." he admitted with a snicker. "totally fun." he agreed. "i'll do it tomorrow." he didn't care about nudity anyway. wouldn't bother him one wit if he walked about in the nude. "we need to do something about this." Grant growled, annoyed. "how can his last handlers have missed this? it's no wonder he feels like a stranger here. this place is completely impersonal..." he muttered. "and it's full of stuff he'll never use..." he admitted, scowling at the coffee machine that had eight different settings and the Steam shower. no wonder Steve didn't want to bathe, Grant didn't like using these things either. "the Stove can stay but the fridge needs to go." Grant decided, already writing everything down. "so does the shower. we'll install a regular shower and put in a bathtub too." he decided. "white walls need to be painted. blue maybe?" he mused. "something other than white... the stainless steal needs to come out to...." he paused and glanced at Steve who was watching them, looking confused as if wondering why they weren't acting they way they where supposed to act. it was working already. "you know what? take Captain sassy pants back to your apartment for a day and i'll gut this thing and make it a bit more comfortable. how are his clothes?" he didn't have any. he had plenty of Shield issue clothes, which was suits and tactical gear, but otherwise he had a ratty pair of jeans, a less ratty pair and a good pair aside from what he was wearing, and five T-shirts because no one thought he needed anything other than Shield issue.
"I do is quite a nice...thing."Eliza smiled a little before nodding."good. Thatll be interesting to see. But make sure coulson's in the building and me and steve are somewhere to watch. It'll totally freak them both out for different reasons.she snickered."it really is. Even my rooms are better then this and I live here even less then Natasha does."she twitched a little because indeed most of the time her and grant were out in the field."hmmm...we could do it red white and blue. That'd get a violent reaction."Eliza snickered glancing slyly at steve before looking through the rest of the was good to see that they were inter es ting the man."captain sassy pants? I thought you were the only guy you trusted in my bedroom."she teased as she disappeared into the bedroom. Looking disgusted."okay. You gut this place I'm taking the good captain shopping."
he snickered a little. "i'll make sure to do that." he promised. "maybe we'll actually manage to phase phil." he said, looking rather gleeful. "yes but your rooms are yours." he pointed out. "i don't think anyone realized Steve didn't have anywhere else to go." he admitted, shaking his head. "Natasha, you, me, we have dozens of safe-houses, this is all Steve has. why are people so stupid? is it just a Shield thing or is it a people in general thing?" he wondered. "a violent reaction indeed. no i don't think i'll do that." he admitted. "your the only person i trust in your bedroom." he admitted. "i'm not allowed to leave." Steve stated dryly, having turned his attention back to his book. "that's bullshit. of course your allowed to leave." he scoffed. "what are they going to do? tell you that you can't? your not a prisoner here Steve. and you obviously need something." he glanced around and grimaced. "everything." now that he had noticed it, every single thing Steve owned, was shield issued. "i'll talk to Phil. this is some fucked up shit." he growled, storming out of the room to demand answers as to why Steve thought he wasn't allowed to leave and why he had nothing of his own except a suit and a shield. what he found out ended up with eight people being demoted. Natasha had been set up to take him shopping, and the other eight simply hadn't cared to notice that he didn't have anything and in fact the first him to believe that he wasn't allowed to leave so they could maintain constant supervision over him and the ones that followed had thought it was an actual order. all i all they where all in trouble and Steve was going to step outside for the first time since he'd woken up.
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