love is blind (moon/lady)

Nov 30, 2010
Fury frowned slightly as he considered the other man across from him. He looked broken, shattered by the life that loki had forced on him. The memories that he was forced to deal with. The knowledge that he'd gotten his best friend, handler and lover killed. Even if they both knew logically, the loki would have found a way to attack no matter what, it was still hard for either man to accept that they weren't to blame for the insane godling's actions.

And he'd decided that it was time for the world's best marksman to rejoin the world. Pushing the folder across the desk he explained what was in it even as clint looked it over.

"Kate daniels. She was on the deck when the turbine blew. Shrapnel blinded her, and she's been having problems coming to terms with it. Along with it, her other senses are developing to a higher degree. Clint, she needs help adjusting. And you need something to do besides following tony around the lab."Fury said well aware that if he wasn't with Natasha, Clint was in new York helping tony rebuild the tower or cause havoc, he was never quite sure what it was really.
Clint was struggling to pay attention. all he really wanted to do was curl up in his nest at Tony's tower, or hide in the vents and pretend the world didn't exist. he didn't sleep, at all because of the nightmares he had anytime he closed his eyes. the only time he could bring himself the luxury of rest was when Natasha or Tony was there, weapon in hand so they could take him down if he woke up and wasn't himself again. he preferred the Tower because Jarvis could watch him too, a high strength Tazer aimed at him from different walls. Tony had them installed after Obediah, and they had been upgraded after Loki and increased after Killian. Pepper called him paranoid, Clint called him a saint. he drug himself back to focus when the folder was slid across to him and he flipped it open, wincing when Fury explained why she was now disabled. he'd blinded her. him. his fault. the question now was would she want anything to do with him if she found out? he had to try though, he had to help her, it was his fault, he had to make it right.

"is she aware of the fact that i'm the reason she's blind?" he demanded of Fury, eyes flicking up to him. "i won't help her unless she knows, i won't keep it a secrete, it would only come back to bite us in the ass." he admitted. "she needs to know before i can actually help her." that was the most he'd said since Phil had died. "she'll need specialized equipment and aids." he admitted. "where is she currently living?"
Fury tilted his he'd a little as he watched the other. It had been a gamble giving clint this job. But having counted on his guilt being enough that he'd help her, and help himself in the process. "She knows. She doesn't know I asked you to help her yet, but she knows why she's blind."Fury said shaking his head a little. worried indeed about how this was going to go. Even if Kate seemed to have accepted things easily enough and not was dealing as best as she could, he didn't know how actually meeting him would go.

"I've already asked Stark to take a look into developing equipment but you might consider talking to him and adding your input."Fury said before sighing. Because he hated what he'd done, but it was the only option as anything else was overwhelming to her."she's currently living in one of the sensory deprivation tanks in the med lab."
Clit nodded a little. "good. good..." he muttered, examining the folder. examining the woman whose life he had ruined. "well i highly doubt she's going to be happy about having me helping her." he pointed out softly. "this cold go very south, very fast Sir." he warned, swallowing thickly before blinking at him. "i take it i and her are to be moving into Stark Tower then?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at the other before groaning. "the deprivation tank!? you freaking idiot that'll make it worse!" he snapped, annoyed that people where so stupid. while it helped her, sort of, now, once she tried to leave she would be even more overwhelmed by the sounds and sensations assaulting her. "go and get one of the insulated rooms set up." he ordered. "the sounds will be a lot more muted." he admitted. "she has to get used to the sensations, get her a set of earplugs, that will also help a bit." he said, uncaring that he was giving Fury of all people, orders. "do not put any heavy scents in the room. not even to clean with, use clean water and unscented soap. she'll still be able to smell the soap but it won't be as annoying." he explained. "keep all loud noises from that wing down, in fact remove them completely if you can. noise canceling headphones wil be needed when we move to the Tower." he muttered before lifting an eyebrow at Fury as if asking 'well why aren't you doing what i'm telling you to go make people do?'
"No, but there's no one better at helping disabled agent and you know it."Fury said before nodding knowing it could indeed go badly,very quickly. But he knew there was a limited amount of people to help. "You are. Between you, and the others, g ou both will do better in the tower then here."Fury said studying the man."doctors ordered it for now when she freaked out last time."Fury said simply when clint started to yet angry over what they'd done before waiting till the end of his rant to speak."there's already a isolated room set up in the tower. We will get a jet ready to go. Just go get her and you two can be on your way."Fury said dismissing him with a look because to him, Clint was the only choice in helping her.
he huffed a little. "have you talked to Tony about this? no never mind i know you haven't." he scoffed. "in any case you can't just move her ow! you people are freaking idiots and your Useless Fury." he spat, storming out of the room to ball bust some doctors. he needed a mild sedative, noise canceling headphones, a set of clean, dry clothes that where pre-packaged before they where bought to cut down on the smells. once he had the doctors scrambling he called Tony. "hey Tony it's Clint, i need a favor. no not a sexual favor. listen there's a blind agent here who really needs some help, and yes i have to be the one to help her because it's my fault she's blind. Fury said you had a sound proof room do you think she could use it?" Clint asked, following the doctors down to the silent basement. "thanks Tony your the best." he stated, snapping his phone shut and chasing the doctors out before gently opening the top of the tank, tapping the sides gently to let her know he was there before gently touching her hand and then carefully helping her out of the tank. she would be pretty weak from floating in there for so long, even a few hours could leave a person feeling jelly legged. "Ms. Daniels?" he asked her, voice very soft. "my name is Clint Barton. Fury asked me to help you with your disability. if you don't want me here, tell me now and i will find someone else to help you." he promised softly. "either way you can't stay here. it's not god for you. i'm going to slip you a mild sedative which will help keep you calm during the trip, i have some new clothes here for you, warm and dry, unscented. it still has a bit of a scent but it won't overpower you. i have a pair of noise canceling headphones too to help you through the trip. it will only take an hour or so. we have a nice muted room set up for you. it will help you adjust a bit easier." he explained. "when your ready to get dressed, tell me and i'll turn around." he promised. she was in a bathing suit right then. "if you need help, let me know okay?" he asked, helping her dry off with a towel.
"Of course you can use it. Just get here, I'll have everything set up by the time you get here."tony said even as clint bung up on him, abandoning the project he'd been working on to go set up the room so it was more of a room instead of his playroom where he blewshit up. It'd work until the could get a better room mads.

Kate jolted when she heard the tap on the tank, blinking slowly as she felt the hand on hers, tense and waiting to see what would happen before lashing out. To weak to strike out so she was waiting,biding her time. Leaning against him a little as her legs started to fold she frowned as she braced herself on both his arm and the tank, a slight frown on her face that said she was having problems hearing him...well. of a sort. The words were mixed in with the sounds of their heart beats leaving her disoriented after so many hours in the tank. "barton?"she frowned not in anger but trying to make sense of why she knew the name."...hawkeye. no...its fine...I need help. Just help me."she begged quietly because at the moment she didn't care who he was, as long as he made the sound stop. Unlike daredevil who'd had the changes happen young Kaye as a adult was having even more trouble adjusting. Shivering as she struggled to listen to him shivering harder at the touch of the towel on his skin,tilting her head down as if she was looking at him,and in a way she was. The sounds allowing her to figure out where he was. "...I'm going to need help."she said after a moment gesturing towards the clothes, still unsteady enough not to trust herself.

The woman was slender, but in the way Natasha was slender. A thin that came with muscle and strength,not starvation. Her blond hair looked darker then it was from the water and at one time her eyes were a deep blue, but now filmed over with scar tissue. And if you looked closely there was fine hair thin scars across her nose and temples that spoke of damage and pain, the plastic surgeons having been able to stop it from scarring to badly, but not able to save her sight.
"yes. Barton." he agreed, talking a little louder so she could hear him over the heartbeats, this wasn't the first super hearing gal he'd helped, she was the most emotionally invested one though. "Are you sure? alright, easy. it's okay." he promised her. "i'll help you, it'll be okay i promise." he murmured, drying her very carefully. he was using the smoothest, gentles towel he'd been able to find, he knew it still felt like he was dragging sandpaper across her skin. "alright. hold on." he murmured, carefully helping her get out of her bathing suit and into clean dry clothes. underwear and bra, which wasn't exactly the right size but it was all they had for now. he knew Fury was already having everything Kate owned moved to the tower where Clint could freshly launder and clean everything with a scentless soap. later, when she was more stable, she could start picking scents that didn't make her feel sick. "there. all dressed...." he informed her gently. "i'm going to give you the Sedative now." he warned. "this is going to pinch a lot, it'll sting for about a minute." he warned, slipping the needle into her forearm and pushing the plunger with a well practiced ease. "i'm going to slide the earmuffs onto your ears now. f you need me to answer a question, ask it out loud, and i'll respond with one tap for no, and two for yes." he promised her. "makes sense?" he asked, wanting to make sure she understood the instructions. "i will not leave you alone at any time and if we need to pause, i will maintain body contact at all times." he promised her before gently settling the earphones over her ears, checking to make sure they where on and working properly before gently slipping her shoes on and gently scooping her into his arms. he didn't set her down even once they where in the air and chuckled when he realized Tony had cleared them to land directly at the tower. "hey Tony. this is Kate Daniels." he explained. "she's hopped up on sedative so she can't really introduce herself... where am i taking her?"
"Yes I'm sure. Just get me out of here."she said feeling overwhelmed and hurting despite having spent hours in the tank to calm down. Clint was right,the moment she came out, she was worse off then before."don't make such don't know..."Kate muttered shivering a little but calming slightly as he helped her into her clothes,letting out a breathless laugh."you know,it's usually the other way around. A guy trying to undress a girl,not get her in more clothes."she snickered nearly hysterical cause despite having started developing the new senses within weeks of losing her sight,it was still new to her."kay...thanks for this. It'll help...even if you don't want to do this.."Kate muttered sensing he really didn't want to be helping,slumping slightly as the sedative started to take hold."yes it makes sense."she promised giving him a quiet relieved smile as the headphones settled into place closing her eyes as she enjoyed it resting her head against his shoulder as he carried her. "Hey birdbrain. So I can see. I'll introduce myself later."tony said with his typical Leer at finding a beautiful woman anywhere near him before wincing a little."down in the lab. I already have pepper and jarvis working on getting a crew in to make one of the guest apartments soundproof, but for the moment the only rooM I have is my room down in the lab."tony said smiling as he showed them downstairs stepping into the small bedroom that had a bathroom and small kitchen attached."usually I stay here if I don't want to stop working,but she can have it till we get everything test upstairs. not to mention that vent there goes straight to your nest so you can keep a eye on her."tony smiled as manic and insane as usual, watching the other man."...are you okay with doing this?"
"i do know. i've helped people in your condition before. and if i can't help you, well, i know a few people who owe me favors." he admitted. "yes, well. as gorgeous as you are, i am a gentlemen and your cold." he admitted with a chuckle. "the last thing we need is for you to get pneumonia." he admitted. "i do want to help you." he promised her. "it's the least that i could do." he admitted. "don't worry. we'll get you working properly again." he promised. "good." he murmured, holding her gently. "don't flirt with her Tony." Clint warned, amused. "she's blind but she can still turn you inside out." he admitted with a chuckle. "she's too sensitive for human contact right now anyway." he admitted. "i'm surprised she's letting me carry her even if she is high on sedatives." he admitted. "the lab will do fine for now but you won't be able to do any large explosions or blast loud music while she's down there. even through the soundproofing she'll hear it." he warned Tony, smiling at him. "thanks for doing this Tony." he murmured. "it's small, that's good. this will help her get used to maneuvering without sight." he admitted, gently, gently laying her down on the very expensive sheets. "these are perfect. the finer they are the better for her." he admitted, relieved to know he could keep an eye on her from his nest. "i'm.... i have to." he whispered, looking up at Tony. "i'm the reason she's blind, i have to help her." he admitted, running a shaking hand through his hair. "i have to Tony..."
"They say you are the best at it....the doctors...when they're not yelling curses about you...they do have nice things to say."Kate muttered before snorting. Her sense of humor still intact, s good thing."not many of those left. Gentlemen I mean."she teased a little looking relieved that he was going to help. That she might get her life back, if not perfectly then functional. Well that just showed how badly things had been going in the med lab. "I'd take my chances with a beautiful woman."tony snickered a little looking slightly amused as he watched Kate squirm a little,protesting the hold despite being drugged."I know. I already talked to bruce I'm going to work in his lab till she's out of here."He promised showing that despite what others thought he could indeed think of other people over his own desires."blankets are fine wool to so that should be okay."tony said smiling slightly as he watched kate'kate's hands immediately start to search the area around her, trying to familiarize herself."...Clint it's not your fault. Do I need to call nat?like she says, gods and magic. you weren't trained for that." "Where are we?"kate asked tapping on clint's arm to get his attention looking confused at how fine the bed was, and the scent of motor oil and welding tools she could scent.
he snorted a little. "the doctors hate me and i refuse to think they would ever have a ice thing to say. especially after i kick their asses for putting you in that damn tank." he admitted. "you haven't met Steve rogers." he teased with a smile. "he's so gentlemanly he actually blushes and stutters apologies for looking at a girls boobs." he admitted with a grin. "you would you pervert." Clint teased. he wouldn't admit it, but there was nothing he loved more about being in Stark Tower was that Tony was very handsy. Tony liked to touch and Clint liked to be touched. three days of seven he'd end up curled in Tony's bed instead of in his nest for sleeping because he just couldn't stand being alone anymore. "thanks Tony. you really are the best." he admitted with a smile. "if you feel up to it, there are a few things i was hoping you could make for her?" he asked, smiling at Tony. "i could buy most of the stuff online, but your stuff is always better." he admitted. "it is my fault. i'm the one that blew the turbine, i'm the one that cased this." he admitted softly, his fingers lightly brushing her arm to let her know he was still there. "no don't call Nat, i don't feel like having more bruises right now." he admitted. Nat's version of making Clint feel better was to make him spar until he was too tired to be depressed. he looked down at her and gently removed her headphones. "we're in Stark Tower. down in Tony's labs. i know it smells a bit but the sound is extremely muffled here. he's having a special room built for you until we can get you stabilized." Clint explained gently. "how are you feeling?" he asked her.
"They'd said it be best...I feel worse now though."she muttered before laughing softly. "I havent. But then again. Heshouldn't count as he grew up in the 30s,so of course he's going to stutter and blush. There was different rules then."she snickered."Hey,if I can get away from stealing s grope on nay when she's in town,your blind woman can't be worse."tony snickered because indeed he was incapable of keeping his hand to himself with the people he considered his own. And Natasha had long gone used to it And actually enjoy the hands man...not that she'd ever admit it. "Of course I'm the beT. I'm amazing like that. And you sound surprised that my stuff is bettwr. I'm always better...we'll start working on stuff as soon as she's settled."tony said with that bright gleam in his eyes that said he was already imagining things the other wanted."fine. No nat,but I don't want to hear any of this about being anyone's fault but lokis. Otherwise I'll tell Cap, and you know how he is."Clint would be subjected to puppy dog eyes for days. Tensing a little as the headphones were removed kate's eyes widened slightly as she realized she couldn't hear nthing was all muffled."oh. Avengers tower you mwan. Shields calling it that." "hmph. As if. It still says stark."tony muttered softly before smiling a little when she junped. "Mr. Stark?" "Urgh no. Tony's fine. And you'll be glad to know that the walls not only keep out sound but also muffle sounds made in the room,so you won't get a echo from talking or doing stuff to badly." ""Kate said looking amazed at the idea before sighing a little turning towards clint."tired...still weak from the tank..."
"you would. it's like being in a dark room and then walking into a bright light." he explained, using a term she'd understand best. "they made it worse those idiots." he grumbled. "hand around long enough and you'll meet him." he assured her with a chuckle. "he comes by every few weeks to make sure me and Tony aren't dead." he admitted. "there where different rules back then." he agreed with a smile. "it's still hilarious watching him blush and stutter." he admitted.

he stared at Tony. "you groped Nat and she didn't kill you?" he asked, highly impressed. "yes and your ever so modest too." Clint teased Tony, rolling his eyes. "great, i'll send you the links to some of the stuff later, just to give you a few ideas." he promised with a smile. "there's a few very impressive things that can really make her life easier." he admitted before wincing at the idea of Cap getting involved. he stayed silent, no need to aggravate Tony after all. didn't mean he couldn't think it. "....uh. yeah, the big ugly construct in the middle of the Skyline that Tony's still fixing." he agreed with a chuckle. "are people really calling it Avengers tower?" he asked, amused before snickering at Tony's grumbles. "yeah Tony's impressive, but don't tell him that or he goes on for hours about his own brilliance." Clint admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "your body is basically an amplifier'll feel a lot weaker for a lot longer, but you'll find, once you start stabilizing, that the minuet vibrations you feel in the air can give you a higher sense of balance, a secondary sense of 'this is coming from here' and you'll even feel a bit stronger as time goes on. being an amplifier can suck, a lot, but the bonus's you get from it are pretty kickass." he admitted with a chuckle. "we'll work on helping yu adjust to being without sight and then work on the other, more fun things." he promised. "you rest. take a nap. i'm going to leave the headphones in our hand, so if you need them you can put them back on. if you need anything, call for Jarvis. he's the A.I. and main butler of the building. if he can't help you, he'll call me." he explained. "i have to go get your things, but i can make Tony do it if you don't want me to leave."
"...yes. exactly like that."tony agreed realizing that the other's metaphor made sense before smiling happily. Ah, so another captain fan."awesome."she smiled."and I'm sure it is."

"I did and she didnt. Apparently killing me is against the agreement she has with pepper to be nice to me. Though I think i'm growing on her."Tony snickered a little."its nearly done,and it's not ugly no matter what the capsicle says."he grumbled "they are. At least on the carrier...and I won't then. No need to make him ramble more then he's already rumored to do."Kate smiled a littls. "I'm not that bad!and I am brilliant." "You know...that's the best explanation I've heard for what's happening to me. And I figured your right,it'll be awesome when I can use it,but for now it's sucks." "Well I'll see what I can do about getting you some awesome toys to help with that."Tony smiled a little. "A nap does sound good."kate said fingers curling around the headphones as clint gave them back shifting to get comfortable before shaking her head."no. I'll be okay. Go."she said smiling bravely at him wanting him to know she'd be okay.
Clint Snorted. "Pepper made her promise to be nice to you? wow that's impressive." Clint admitted with a chuckle. "yes, your growing on her like an itchy fungus she can't get rid of." he agreed with a snicker. "it's only ugly to him because he's not used to modern buildings." Clint said simply. "you should hear him complain about some of the other buildings." he admitted with a grin. "oh, the rambling grows on you." Clint admitted. "after a while it's practically soothing, it's when he goes quiet and starts grinning at odd moments that you have to worry. usually means he's up to something." Clint admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "most people don't understand. they can't begin to know what it's like to loose one of the most major parts of human life." Clint admitted. "they can't tell you what's wrong in terms you'll understand because they can't conceive a world without light, without sound, without scent, without a voice." he admitted. "part of living without your eyes will always suck. but i know a lot of ways to make your life easier." he promised her. "okay you take a nap and i'll get your clothes in the laundry. scentless soaps will help you a lot. you'll still smell the soap but it won't be so strong." he promised. "as soon as you wake up, call for Jarvis so he can come get me. we don't want you walking into walls and stubbing your toes." he warned with a smile. "sleep well." he said, gently rubbing her shoulder before leaving the room, letting out a shakey sigh. "wouldn't be so bad if she was at least angry with me." he mumbled.
"Yes she did. No what's impressive is they got out when Natashas in town and do girly things. I think they've bonded. Apparently being nice to me is being nice to pepper....and I'm not a fungus! I'm cute their a least say I'm a limped if you have to compare me to hugely things."tony whined a lIttle. "I'll keep that in mind."Kate said her speaking most short and prscise, so disoriented over what was happening to her that she couldn't think of how to speak to then normally. "I'm never up to anything but the betterment of human kind. How dare you make it sound like I dont."Tony huffed. Yep definitely needed sleep. "...yes it's like trying to describe color to a bor blind person,you just have no frame of reference to do it."Kaye muttered before nodding."yes that would be good. I always have a headache these days cause the soap is to strong..."she shrugged a little before nodding again."I promise I'll ask him as soon as I'm up."she promised settling into sleep. "I'm sure the anger will come. She's to disoriented and relieved to be out of whatever tank they had her in. She'll be angry eventually."tony said as they shut the door heading upstairs."come on we'll eat first then I'll help you do launddy."
he snorted. "i'm not surprised." he admitted. "i think Mariah Hill joins them too." he admitted. "it's rare to have a girl time when your an agent, and at least they're not bothering us while they're out there." he admitted with a smile. "you are a fungus, one that causes itching and burning." he teased with a grin, sniggering a little. "your no limpet." Clint scoffed. "limpets at least could sometimes be considered cute if your like, a marine biologist or something." he pointed out with a grin. "Tony... you spent three hours making a life model decoy of yourself." he pointed out. "so that you wouldn't have to attend meetings. how is that bettering mankind?" he asked, amused. "that's because people are idiots." he informed Kate. "they don't realize it's not just your hearing, but it's everything." he admitted. "good. you sleep yourself out." he suggested before leaving, shaking his head. "Tony, i think you need sleep even mare than she does. you go take a nap too." he ordered. "i'll do the laundry and make some food." he promised. he wasn't too bad a cook really, so long as it didn't get too complicated. he'd make pancakes, they where some of the only things he could make consistently.
"That's true. If she's with them, neither pep or Maria are making me do paperwork."Tony snickered because it was his normal response to the idea of paperwork,though pepper knew it wasn't a dislike of paperwork but his own extreme dyslexia that kept it from being easy for him."I am not a fungus!" "Well...he is like ghonerrera with how much sex he has. Causes itching and burning."Kate teased realizing g the billionaire, while protesting, wouldn't get angry over the teasing. "I am not! And that decoy was necessary for mankind because otherwise I'd have to attend meetings instead of rescuing people when they needed it. It would be a crime."ToNY decided amused as kate settled in to sleep before making a face."fine. I'll sleep if you promise to make PA cakes."he said heading upstairs with the other smirking a little."also cap's stopping by for a upGrade so wake me up when he gets here."tony called back as he disappeared into his room.
Clint chuckled a little, shaking his head. "you know. they'd complain a lot less if they just digitized it all so that Jarvis could do it for you." he pointed out. he didn't know about Tony's dyslexia of course, he just thought Tony didn't want to waste time staring at boring words when he could be building. "yes! Cling agreed with Kate. gonorrhea, that's perfect. 'm going to tell Pepper that your gonorrhea just to see the look on her face." Clint decided with a snicker. "that Life sized Decoy was an exercise in egotism." he scoffed. "i wouldn't e surprised if you didn't kiss that thing goodnight each night." he teased, chuckling a little. "of course i'll make pancakes you obsessed child." he promised, chuckling a little before grimacing a little at the mention that Cap was coming in to make sure they where all still alive. it was impossible to hide his self hatred from that guy. Steve appeared four hours later, watching Clint fold Kate's underwear. "are you being perverted or are those yours?" "Jesus Christ Cap!" Clint complained, glaring at him. "don't sneak up on the deaf!" he ordered, flicking his high tech hearing aids back on. he didn't like to have them on when he was near a noise like the washing machine because it made his ears ache. "no, these are Kate's. she's a newly blinded agent whose basically been turned into an amplifier. the scent of soap bothers her and she's too sensitive to do it herself so i'm laundering her clothes in a scentless soap so she'll be able to wear them without getting headaches... Jay? would you tell Tony that Steve is here?"
"They would but apparently that's not a acep table form of paperwork to my board. They like regular papa er work."he rolled his eyes twitching a little at the man's agreement with kate."I am not. And she'll punch you if you tell herthat."he said before snickering."I haven't kissed it though I did try to convince pepper to have a thresome with it."tony said with a sassy smirk you just knew he was probably telling the truth."I am not obsesed. You're pancakes are just that good!"

"Already done sir. He'll be here soon." "why is Barton prevented and if he's wearing ladies underwear again it better be iron man colors."Tony said as he waltzed into the room. Even knowing why clint was doing laundry didn't mean he wouldn't harass him about it.
he rolled his eyes. "i'll see what i can come up with." he promised. "we should be going paperless anyway it's more economical." he admitted. "aaaw Tony's twitching. he's adorable when he gets so frustrated that he wants to kill us." Clint admitted with a chuckle before staring at Tony. "....gross. Tony." he complained. "that's like, super creepy." he admitted. "my pancakes are just pancakes!" never mind that his where called Sugar Cookie Pancakes for a reason. with brown sugar and Vanilla in the recipe, it was like biting into a sugar cookie, only fluffy like a pancake. even Steve adored the pancake and Clint refused to share the recipe. it was one of the only things he had of his mother.

"thanks Jay!" he chirped. "he's folding ladies underwear." Steve explained with a grin. "i think i might even have seen him sniff it." Clint snorted and rolled his eyes, resuming his task of folding Kate's freshly cleaned laundry. the rest of the rather impressive load was in the dryer. "so, your helping another disabled Agent?" Steve asked curiously. Grant nodding. "i'm glad to see your getting back into life Clint." "yeah. sure." Steve paused and glanced at him, as if wondering if Clint was really okay before heading for Tony, handing the other his cracked shield.
"It is more economical but does anyoNE listen to me?noo."Tony whined a little before laughing."It's that creepy."tony snickered amused."and no theyre not. they're special!"tony declared

"It's Barton I really woulsnt be surprised if he was sniffing it."Tony snickered before rolling his eyEs."don't worry about him cap. As soon as he's come to terms with his new agent b e ing a attractive woman, he'll be okay."though you could see tony was worried to. "Cap,what did I tell you about allowing inferior people to build your stuff?this is horrible."he scowled as he took the shield and headed for bruce's lab without waiting for him.

"Agent barton?ms. Daniels is awake."jarvis said and when clint got downstairs the woman was taking small steps around the room figuring out what it looked liked despite him yelling her to wait.
Clint rolled his eyes. "i don't sniff panties." he scoffed. "i sniff farts." he said with an impish grin that made Steve groan and roll his eyes. "she's not that attractive." Clint huffed, shaking his head a little. "i'm fine, go away." he ordered when the dryer buzzed. "it's not my fault Vibranium is so rare." he complained. a good chunk of Shield's best and brightest where trying to either synthesis new Vibranium, or find a material that worked just as well. Steve just shook his head and followed Tony, well aware the man wouldn't say anything to him until he'd fixed the shield.

Clint smiled a little hen he walked in, gently tapping on the door so she'd know he was there before opening it. "hey, how are you feeling?" he asked her. "i brought clean clothes, and breakfast food." he admitted to her. making no comment on her foray into self independence. "i made some pancakes, they're sweet enough to eat without syrup so you won't make too bad of a mess learning how to eat." he admitted. "i do have some syrup though if you want it." he admitted. "i'll help you put your laundry away later and when we start teaching you Brail, i'll show you how to make labels for your clothes so you know what color those shirts and stuff are. there's a lot of organizational things we can work on to make you comfortable with your surroundings too." he admitted. until then, i'll give you a small tour so you know how to orient yourself in here unless you want to eat first?"
"...your such a birdbrain. Just go back to your laundry...and she is that beautiful. Indeed I'm giving her prsents as seduction gifts. It'll be fun."Tony grinned as he frowned at the shield fussing over it. Humming to himself as he hid in the lab to work, before frowning as he thought. Trying to figure out just how to make the shield indestructible..

"I'm feeling steadier. Not quite so tired."she smiled a little as she tilted her head towards him knowing where he was,going still as she thought about where everything was." no syrup. I don't want to try just yet."she said looking eager, wondering just what kind of pancakes he had before looking frustrated."I've tried! I'm just to dumb to figure it out. I can't clint."she sounded so upset you knew that someone had been impatient and angry with the woman as she'd struggled through the last few weeks of putting her head together. Swallowing thickly she shuddered."tour first."she requested
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