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A Niche in Time

Yeah, it sounds like youve been having a rough time. Maybe wrap yourself in some bubble wrap. 😂I was actually thinking about you the other day. Havent seen you post one of your updates for awhile. I was hoping you were ok.

Im doing ok. Ive got some afflictions of my own and now relegated to working part time which sucks. I miss being able to work. All those years i wake up wishing i could sleep in, now that i can i dont want to😂.

Glad you popped back up.
Sorry to hear you're having a tough time. That's always the way really. People want what they can't have. Then when they do have it, they don't want it anymore. I guess it's the whole the grass is always greener on the other side bit.

I have this idea about a rp. Where I work at they post all these pictures of missing teens. What if a girl actually saw her face, or at least a drawing of what she would look like at her current age?? It was a spot on match for how she looks now, and it says she's been missing she was very young. I say very young because I don't know if BMR would allow a certain age to be mentioned in a post, even if that age wouldn't be played. For example, I don't know if it would be okay to say that she had been missing since she was two. That would be the extent of it. There wouldn't be any scene played out when she was two. Maybe later on the story would be told about how her kidnapper took her, a retelling of the events, but that would be it. Anyhow, she's now afraid and unsure. It's the what ifs that start racing through her mind as she's standing there. Finally a hand on her shoulder, and she turns to face him. He tells her they need to talk but not there. She could protest and they talk there, or he could convince her to go home, that this is not the place for this conversation, whatever really. The point is he tells her that he did take her. He was going to raise her, and when she became of a certain age, he was going to train her. She's curious. Wants to know what for. He lets her in on the true nature of his employment. Selling sex slaves. I'm not sure where to go with it from there though. Does he admit he's changed his mind and wants to keep her, or does he have to force an unwilling girl into training, or does she go quietly into training?? I'm also not too sure how much this gets close to the rules BMR has set up, or does this go right over the lines BMR has set up?? I'm not sure. It's an idea that came to me as I took notice of the pictures posted at work. How would a person feel if they saw their face on one of those pictures?? Have a good day BMR.
Wow, that is a really good idea. I wouldnt mind discussing and fleshing that out with you. We are currently working on one, if youre still interested. Maybe when we finish we can do it. If you feel like wrapping the other one up we can as well. There was really no time table for it. It actually morphed away from the original premise we talked about. Sometimes those things happen. I have an ideal ending already worked out in my head i was saving as a surprise. I do like the idea tho. Sometimes the best ideas are those that come to us while doing regular everyday activities. Let me know if youd be interested. Dm me or answering here is fine.
Alright then. We can flesh it out and work on it later if you're still up for finishing the one we're doing.
Im still with this one if you are.😬. Its been a long road. The longest ive ever spent on 1. Ive enjoyed it too. Depends on how much further youll let me go with it. We can also discuss the other 1, or if youre bold we can attempt 2 at once.
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