The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

The captain was thrown from his cabin and on to the deck, Motochika stepping out with a hard expression, "Alright, ye sons of bitches," He sneered, "This is how it's going to work from now on; I am the captain, you'll do as I say and if you have any objections thwn you best save me the trouble and jump into the sea right now."
If it weren't for the raging sea, most of the men probably would have jumped ship out of fear alone, and a few actually did, but most stayed. Ren ran over to Motochika, eyes nearly sparkling. "You defeated the captain?! Aniki that's awesome!"
Nana frowned softly as Motochika's story ended, looking down at her cup of rum. "I'm sorry, I didn't know, I shouldn't have struck you." She apologized.
Nana smiled softly and took a sip of her drink. "I'm glad to see you though, I really am... It was quiet."
((Hmm weren't we going to have Ko introduce Jin to Masa as a "new addition" to the gang?))
Jin accompanied Kojurou to his gangs base, walking close behind him as they entered, clearly uncomfortable by the gangs presence, tense and on edge.
Jin let out a soft breath as she entered, glancing around the den full of rugged looking gentlemen. "This is the Dokuganryuu's gang, huh?" She asked him softly.
"Hai. Though, they are nicer than they appear." He said, but that statement was thrown out the window along with a member who had been punched in the face for cheating at a game.
"They... Seem like it..." She said slowly, eyes falling on an odd looking fellow sitting in a throne like chair with a beautiful looking woman sitting at his feet, both sipping wine.
Jin bowed her head to Masamune, looking Masamune over carefully before looking at Megohime, who seemed disinterested with her surroundings and more interested in her wine.
"She owns a small shop a few blocks away that is constantly under attack. In exchange for our protection, she has offered to be a sort of fence for us." Kojurou said. Masamune rubbed his chin, slitted eye calculating
Jin stood at her spot beside Kojurou, eyes meeting Masamune's and her figure relaxed, but not unguarded, a soft frown on her face as she waited for his decision.
"You sure she's not just a whore? She looks homely." Masamune said. Kojurou's expression didn't change, "That's a little rude to say, Masamune-sama. She's not a whore."
Jin's demeanor darkened and she slowly brought her arm up, as if to point at Masamune, but instead made a motion like she was smacking someone. Masamune's wine cup jerked, like an unseen force had moved it, spilling his wine into his lap. "I'm not a whore, like Katakura-dono said, I own a small supply shop that I'm having trouble protecting. Do we have a deal or not?"
Megohime snored, then laughed loudly, face flushed red. "I like this woman." She said as Masamune walked passed her. Jin scowled faintly and turned her head away, bringing her arm back to her side.
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