The faces of Mr. Smith (Anzekoni x VioletRose)


Jan 11, 2015
The morning had just begun and Dwight was already pissed off. His employee who usually handled interviewing and hiring interns just so happen to call out sick that morning. He had enough stuff to do without worrying about some college student trying to get a minimum wage job just to make cash on the side while mommy and daddy paid for her schooling. It would be nothing more then another girl who half asses her job and slowly becomes useless, and then he'd fire her and the cycle would start anew. He quickly search for the folder labeled Abigail Trentand skimmed through it. She had red hair and green eyes "That's something you don't see often." He thought to himself. He read her file and then set it aside, her appointment was at 8:30 and it was 8:35 now. He rushed to the room and burst through the door. " Hello Ms. Trent, sorry I'm late. The usual guy called out sick five minutes ago. Let's get this over with."
Abigail Trent stood in a large room, a table the length of it with chairs surrounding it. Her eyes scanned the streets below through the floor to ceiling windows, everything looked like tiny ants from this height.She had applied to the finacial department of a big company to complete her internship for the last two credits she needed before she could graduate and move forward with her Masters degree in buisness administration. Verifying the date and interview time only a few days prior, she sat waiting for it to begin. They were already five minutes late.

HEaring the door swing open and the voice of a very demandng male. Turning from the window, she made her way to where her coat was hanging on the back of a chair. "I can always reschedual Mr..." she did not know this nans name. It was obviously not Charles, the man she was told she would be meeting with. Instead this man was demanding and rude, something she was not used to dealing with. Sitting down, she crossed her legs, adjusting her mid-thigh skit waiting for the mnan to begin with what ever questions he may have.
Dwight sat gracefully at his hiring managers desk. "Ms. Trent, allow me to begin by asking a few basic questions. First off I'll need you to consent to this interview being recorded , and i need you to acknowledge that you're aware of it being recorded. This is merely for references later and just so we have your official interview on file." As he spoke he allowed his eyes to look her over. She stood with her chin held high, and even when she sat she looked directly at him. She was one of the few people who could actually manage to look him in the eye. As much as it impressed him, it also brought a feeling that was no stranger to him. She was a beautiful woman, long red hair and eyes the shades of emerald. That coupled with the stare she returned him brought a familiar feeling of control to him.
Abigail sat in her chair, perfect posture even with her legs crossed. As he spoke her eyes never wavered from his distinct stare. "That was never mentioned but I guess I agree and yes I am aware of it being recorded." Abigail continued to look at the man sitting before her, she was not about to run and hide just because this man thought he was holding some sort of power. "I am sorry, I did not catch your name." She stated, there was something about this mans eyes that drew her attetion. Could it be the blend of blue and green...It did not matter to her, she was not going to be walked over.
"You may call me Mr.Smith Ms.Trent. Now, as I said I have some questions for you."He spoke in a cool voice. "First, just for confirmation, would you state you name and age." Then we can begin the actual interview so I can get on with my day.

Even as he spoke he could feel a compulsion to discipline her. Her gaze holding, and that mouth of hers. The things he would teach her mouth. It's first lesson would be respect, then he'd teach it how to speak to him. He pushed the thoughts out of his head without even a physical hint to alert her of them.
"Well, Mr.Smith, my name is Abigail Trent and I just turned twenty one last week." she replied. This guy was pushy and demanding. Perhaps he had not had his morning coffee and such. Wanting to reply back with a cocky question, she held her tongue. This was her last choice for an internship, since she had sealed her fate with the last three interviews. Abigail was not always shy and quiet, and only certain things drew her out, such as this mans attitude. Abigail felt like she treading on thin ice with this man and the interview had hardly just began.
"Good at least you qualify, so you won't be completely eating my time" he spoke with a hint of money in his voice. He wanted to see her speak up. If she couldn't he doubted his interest in her would last. He noticed the sun shining through the Windows and looked at his watch. It read 8:45 , "has it really been ten minutes?" He thought to himself.

"Now, Abigail, what piqued your interest in this company? And as a follow up, what makes you think you are appropriate for this job?" He called her by her first name to judge get reaction. He couldn't help but feel a pull toward those eyes of hers. Never leaving his face for a second. He was becoming more and more intrigued with every word she spoke.
Abigail sucked in a deep breath through her nose, was he trying to get a reaction out of her? Calmly smiling she let her gaze shift momentarily. "This company has an outstanfing record with the University in more than just one way. " "The amount of jobs students have received just because of this company alone out numbers any other." Her eyes returned to his. "I honestly think that is a trick question Mr. Smith, because no intern is appropriate for any job until they have recieved their certificate and diploma..." Smiling on the inside she was happy, she was able to answer at least one of his questions as if she was a smartass, but at the same time telling the truth.

"To humor your follow up question..." she thought a moment. "Because for one, I am very prompt, I arrived fifteen minutes early, I am a hard worker, if its something I enjoy I learn quickly." "I am a team player, I would put in what ever hours are needed outside of my classes..." she shifted in her seat. "Does that answer your question?"
As she spoke her eyes shifted, and for a brief second he felt a quick jolt of sadness that left as soon as it came. Her eyes were dragging him in. He smiled at her when she said he tried to trick her. "There was no trick question Ms. Trent, I was genuinely curious why you thought you deserved this job." He smirked at her as he watched her attempt to get one up on him.

"Well Abigail, it appears you have the qualifications needed to actually work here. Tell you what, I'll have the boss look over my notes and listen to your interview and have him get back to you tomorrow, sound fair?"
As he smiled, she knew then and there that he attempt to side his over powering figure had failed miserablely. Surprised that he believed she had the qualifications made her smile. "That seems fair Mr. Smith" she reached behind her and grabbed her jacket. "Ill look forward to the call then." she stood and reached for her purse, which proved to be more that a hassel.

The zipper had not been closed, her phone, keys and pocket book fell out. "Damn." she mumbled. Eyes widening she realized he was stll there. 'There goes that job' she thought to her self. "Im so sorry, normally I am not this clumsy." she knelt down and began picking her things up.
He slowly got up and managed to hide a chuckle under his breath. As he walked over he said "I hope not, I don't need to be watching you non stop just to make sure this company doesn't get sued." He reached down and plucked her phone from the ground and handed it to her.He then held her jacket so that she could get into it without any more hiccups." Good luck Ms.Trent."

As he watched her walk out he noticed she looked just as pleasant from the back as she did the front. This thought raised more than a thought in his mind. Realizing that he'd been staring he shook his head and clear his mind. He had the rest of his work to do.
Abigaill was surprised when she looked up, taking her phone and dropping in back into her purse. Slipping into jacket as he held it she turned. "Thank you." she walked towards the door, slipping out and making her way to the elevator as if she was rushing. She had just embaressed her self infront of the man that helped determine wether or not she received the internship. "What was I thinking? Swearing infront of the man?" she questioned herself as she stood waiting for the elevator to open.

Making her way outside she sighed, she headed towards her car. Getting in she sat there for a moment, going over the whole interview. "I messed that up, thats for sure..." she sighed and started her car. Pulling out she head home to change before her classes for the day.
The next morning he sat at his desk waiting to call her. Finally he decided now was better than never. It was 9 AM and he hoped she was up. The phone rang twice and the he heard her voice. "Hello, Ms.Trent?"He heard her groggy voice respond"Yes the is Mr.Smith from your interview yesterday. Would you be able to start today? My assistant just had to leave sure to a family emergency." "Yes that's fine 10 o'clock is perfect.......thank you Ms.Trent."

The clock seemed to go even slower everyone he looked at it. It was 9:45 as he heard a knock on his door. "Come in." He replied.
Abigail had stayed out late with a few friends. Not ecpecting to recieve the call concerning her internship so early in the moring, she answered her phone ready to cuss out her friends for calling so early. That was until she heard his voice, she sat up quickly in bed grasping her head as she did so. "Ten am, Ill be there." she hung the phone up and laid back for a moment. "This is going to be fun." she groaned as she climed out of bed and scurried to the shower. After she had showered and dressed she headed out the door.

Walking into the massive building it was nine thirty in the morning. Waiting for the elevator she quickly texted her friend, *Got the internship, celebration tonight at The Tavern* putting her phone back into her purse she went into the elevator. Stepping out she headed towards his office. Knocking on the door she waited for the answer. Adjusting the sleeves on her long sleeve shirt and checking her pants quickly for any signs of lint she stepped in. Today, her hair was slightly wavy and damp.
As she walked he noticed almost immediately her scent. Was she wearing a perfume different that that of yesterday's? No, it angered more like a chorus shampoo, but whatever it was, it was intoxicating. "Hello Ms.Trent,I never actually introduced myself. My name is Dwight Smith and I am the CEO and found of Konigin enterprises." He watched her eyes widen with realizationof who he was.

"Today I'm going to give you the basics, is that clear?. Your job is simple and not very difficult, although at times it may get over whelming. Your main job is to keep things organized for me and you'll be handling items until I can find the time to take them off your hands." He smirked and thought he would try to make that fire show again. "Am I going too fast for you Abigail?"
Abigail was shocked, more like dumbfounded. She had attempted to out smart the CEO of the company. The color drained from her face once it sank in. The reminder of yesterdays incident with her purse flashed back. Her thoughts were interupted as he began speaking again. As he spoke quickly, she kept a mental note of what he was saying.

"No you are not Mr.Smith, I canm keep up just fine." she stood there looking confident with her head held high even though her heart was racing still trying to get over the fact that he was the CEO and the founder of the company in which she had made a fool of herself infront of him yesterday.
"Good, then let's continue. Everyday you start by printing out my to do list which is linked to my calendar which you have access to. I want it on my desk at 7:45 sharp is that clear?" He spoke quicker on purpose, trying to make her ask him to repeat himself.

"After that, in every meeting I have you will be there to assist me and take down the memo. Your job is to return accurate and full recollection on the meetings for future reference." "Is that within your skill range Ms.Trent?" he half mocked.
Noticing his quickened pace, she just smirked. He was trying to retrace the fiesty version of herself that had shown yesterday. Which was not really her, but his rudeness had pushed her after a rough morning. "Seven forty five sharp to do list on your desk." She smirked "Got it."

Crossing her arms trying to control her impulse to walk out she nodded. "Complete notes on all your meeting, I am fully capable of such." She replied taking a mental note to reinstal the voice recorder on her iPad, and to bring her iPad every day. "Is there anything else?" She questioned ignoring his mocking tone.
"Yes, if you need anything, be sure to ask. I take my employees needs seriously." "Other than that I believe it's everything.Now your desk is right out side my office. Make yourself at home." He escorted her to her desk and then left her there to settle. As he walked back into his office he breath shortened. Something about her defiance just got to him. He didn't know why, but he enjoyed it at the same time resenting it.

Later that evening and he was closing up he stopped by her desk. "You can go home now, and here's my number in case you have any questions about the job." He once again helped her into her jacket and walked.her out . "Goodnight Trent"
Nodding she followed him out to her desk. Sitting down in the chair she looked around. The office was a busy place, people buzzed back and forth infront of her. Smiling to herself she felt good about being here minus her throbbing headache and the feeling of nauseousness. Abigail also felt good about hołding herself up infront of him, there was just something about that man. He seemed almost bittersweet.

After a long day she finally heard the words she wanted to hear. Taking his number she slipped it into her purse to enter into her phone later. Slipping into her jacket she buttoned it up. It was an akward silence elevator ride, stepping out her phone began to ring. Fumbling with her purse she managed to get in out. "Yes I am on my way now, see you soon." She quickly stated as she hung up. Once they reached the parking lot and began parting ways she smiled. "You as well Mr.Smith."

She quickly got to her car and headed for The Tavern. A little bar towards the niddle of the city. Planning on having only a few drinks, she parked and headed inside where her friends were waiting with a drink and congratulations.
Mr.Smith decide to stay in tonight, he wasn't feeling liter going out. So when he got home he had his maid make his dinner. He had a basic salad and some other items that Jennifer had made. Afterwards he sat down to watch some tv. Ever so slowly Abigail entered his mind, That smile, those eyes, and even more than all that her rambunctious way of talking. Her had to push her back out of his mind as he wondered what he was gonna do about her.
Abigail only stayed out for a few hours. Making sure she was able to drive homew and get her things ready for the nexct day. Getting her ipad charged, and her clothes ready, she jumped into the shower. Waking up at five am she dressed in a pair of black dress pants and heels, a red semi-low cut blous. Straightening her hair, she put her make up on.

Grabbing her ipad off the passenger side seat she headed inside. It was nearly seven fifteen when she got to her desk. Placing her purse in one of the drawers and her tablet under the monitor of her desk computer she got onto the computer and printed out his 'to-do list'. Retreiving it from her printer she walked in and set it on his desk at seven thirty five. Having a few minutes she grabbed her purse and headed down stairs to the cafe and grabbed a cup of coffee. Returning to her desk she put her purse away, glancing over the extra schedual she had printed for refernece she made a mental note of the meetings he had for that day.
Dwight walked into the office building at 7:30 and began making his way to his office. He walked past her nodding good morning and sat behind his desk. Today he had a meeting with the leader of a rival company.

He poked his head outside his door and spoke to her. "You have thirty minutes to prepare yourself. The meeting is 8:15. I want the minutes typed in standard format is that clear?" He watched her nod and begin getting ready. He went back to his office to think about how he should handle this situation.

As they walked to the room where the meeting was taking place, he couldn't help but notice her attire. He loved the blouse. "Now, Ms.Trent I must stress that you remain silent here. This is business and I don't need it to be messed up." As they reached the door he gave her one final look. "Here we go."
Abigail nodded back, sipping her coffee. Getting her ipad ready, she made sure the recording app was working properly. Hearing his voice she turned in her chair and listened "Standard time, no problem." she replied. Glancing at the clock, she set her ipad down and made a quick trip the restroom. Returning with only a few minutes to spare. As he walked out of his office heading towards the meeting room. Quickly getting up, she followed him ipad in hand.

Seeing as this was the first meeting she was actually going into "Where do you want me to sit Mr. Smith?" she questioned just before he had told her to remain quiet. Did he honestly think she would speak out of turn, or was it a test? She was uncertain but nodded that she understood.
"you will be seated next to me Ms.Trent." He spoke in a low voice. "Always next to me." As the meeting went on Dwight carefully picked his words when dealing with his rival. All the while his eyes never left Ms.Trent. Every time she looked up shed find his gaze locked on her as she typed up the meetings events. His rival wanted a share of Dwight's company in return for a share of his, but Dwight barely paid any attention. There was something about Ms.Trent that just kept bringing him back. It was then that he realized he'd have to do something about it. But it would require her to be open, and it would mean his biggest secret would become know.

"Mr.Smith?" He heard his manned called from across the room. "Yes John?" He replied in a cool voice. "What do you think of my proposition for the exchanging of company shares?" He asked with a tone of smugness."Well John, I'm leaving half and half on a decision, I believe Ms.Trent might have an opinion to offer as a tie breaker ." "You can't be serious Mr.Smith, you are going to let some minimum wage intern make your decisions for you? That's ridiculous"

Dwight already didn't like like him. But now he had pissed him off. "You will not speak of my employees that way, this company belongs to me and if I truly gave a rat's ass about your company I'd buy it. I've seen your net worth John and I'm afraid it's very little. Now you can either allow Ms.Trent her opinion or I can buy you and give her your company, you pick." He said on a voice that shook most people. John was visibly shaken and Dwight loved it. "Now, Ms.Trent. What do you have to say about all this?
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