Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

Nov 30, 2010
Iron man huffed a little as he pushed the doombot off the top of the roof after making sure that no one was standing under it, and blasted it with a burst from the repulsors, feeling utterly satisfied as the bot exploded into itty bitty pieces. Smirking behind the mask, Tony Stark dove off the edge of the building and hovered, holding a hand out towards the Captain. “Ready to go?I hear it’s moving day for you.”Iron man said.

When they arrived back to the helicarrier-minus Iron Man, as the man didn’t live in the city and had other commitments according to the man- Tony stark smirked as he crossed the catwalk to greet the avengers, looking like he’d just stepped out of a photoshoot. “Good fight?Doombots as boring as normal? Jarvis was keeping me informed while I was working.”Tony smiled a little because it was a well known fact, that despite not being on the team, Tony Stark was in the team, as he’d created Iron man’s suit and kept tapped in to the suit to listen and make sure they didn’t need backup.

Working as SHIELD’s security expert, the man spent alot of time going between the helicarrier and the Tower, running Stark Industries, and yet, for all of them, had made time to get to know the people that meant alot to Iron Man, as it was common knowledge- at least in the higher circles- that the two were good friends, to the point that some wondered it tony knew who he was or not, even if neither man ever confirmed or denied the fact. “If you guys want to wait to shower and clean up, your rooms at the tower are done, or you cna clean up here, figured I’d wait and just take the jet with you instead of running two jets down to the tower.”Tony smiled a little, a touch nervous. While he’d never admit it, he was extremely nervous about letting them move in, and steve was the only one who really knew why, as Iron man had shared the secret of the father-son relationship between Starks, having wanted steve to be aware tony would definitely find sharing his space weird despite having wanted them to come to the tower, Tony Stark wasn’t well known for sharing well.
Steve grunted as he shook his head. "i hate it when you fly me." he groaned, taking the offered metal hand. "don't do the spinning thing this time. if i puke on you, it's your own fault." he warned. his interactions with Iron Man where... weird, at best but he did like the superhero, even if he didn't know the other very well, or even who he was. Iron Man had saved his ass far too often to be annoyed that the man didn't trust them with his identity. Fury had made some comments about a family and such. as far as Steve knew Iron Man was the only hero with a family, so he could understand keeping his identity a secrete. "we are moving. apparently Stark has gone way overboard and assigned us each our own floor... i don't even know what to do with the space i have in my one room flat." he admitted, sounding baffled as they flew through the air.

"Morning Tony." Steve chirped, nodding. "Doombots went as normal. Iron Man made short work of them. i don't even know why we get assembled anymore. Iron Man is more than a match for the darn things and i think he gets a kick out of Doom's temper tantrums." he admitted, stretching as he walked. "we'll wait until we hit the Tower." Clint Barton, A.K.A Hawkeye decided. "i'm wiped." he admitted, shaking his head. "why? Doombots are easy." "yes. unless you stayed up all night playing Skyrim." Clint admitted, looking amused. "that sounds good. i'd rather clean up with my own stuff and get changed into clean clothes right away." Steve agreed. "by the way." he pointed at Tony. "paying the moving people to call me Capsicle is not okay." he complained. "nor is it okay that three of them tried to steal my underwear." he pouted when Clint started to laugh. "it's not funny!" "it so is!" Clint laughed. "i'm going to punt kick you off this jet Barton." "no you won't. you like me too much." "fine. i'll hide all your Nerf." "you wouldn't dare!" "i would." "Stark! you have to take my side on this one. tell Steve he can't have my Nerf." he ordered Tony, Steve rolling his eyes. "of course Stark is going to take your side." he complained. "he has his own stash of Nerf, as you well know." he snorted a little. "how Pepper handles you two i will never know." "....threats mostly." Clint admitted. "Pepper is one scary lady." Clint admitted. "how come i only know Scary women anyway?" he wondered. "Natasha is scary, Maria is Scary, Jane is Scary... Darcy just freaks me the hell out. she TAZED me you know!" "she's taxed everyone." Steve admitted, amused as he strapped himself in once he sat down in the Jet. "Tony... your not driving right?" Steve ordered, eying up the empty drivers seat." "no. Nat is." Clint admitted. "we voted Tony wasn't allowed to drive after he made you puke all over the interior of the last Jet."
“I know, why do you think I do it?”Iron man snickered as he settled the other man against his chest, holding him close as he flew. “So I’ve heard. He’s been going on about it for weeks. Really, I’m hoping he’ll shut up now that you;re moving in.”Iron man snickered before smiling behind the mask. “He’s set yours up well, don’t worry. He took into account your oddities.”He said before landing, letting the other man go. “I’ll see you later.”

“Because it’s never as amusing destroying things on your own. And he does.”Tony snickered a little before watching the other as they headed for the jet. “Skyrim?really? You need better games.”Tony said shaking his head in mock sadness. “What did I tell you, sleep is good clint.”Natasha rolled her eyes a little. “...I didn’t do that!I would never.” “Tony, you’re the only one who ever calls him capsicle.”Natasha pointed out. “Okay, I got them calling you Capsicle, but I didn’t put them up to stealing your underwear, that wasn’t my fault.”Tony grumbled looking amused thought. “I have things better then Nerf guns at the tower, let him take them.”Tony said with a serene smile at the captain. “Threats and violence, it’s the only thing that works.”Natasha said as she walked onto the jet. “Noooo, I’m not. It’s not fair.” “Tony, you made me sick to my stomach, and I’ve done some truly gut wrenching flying. You are never allowed flying again.”Natasha said as she settled into the pilot’s seat and flying towards the tower.
he snorted. "because your an asshole of epic proportions?" he asked with a grin before laughing. "he's just excited. you said yourself he's never really had any friends before." he pointed out. "i bet he and Bruce will be chattering our ears off before long. those two are so smart it's scary." Steve admitted before grimacing. "i am not Odd! nor am i Old!" he protested. "have a good flight! try not to run into any power-lines, Geese, or airlines!"

"that's true. it is pretty awesome when he and Clint get into a 'see who can kill more' contests. though i still don't get why Iron Man keeps calling him Legolas." Steve admitted, Clint grimacing. "it's a movie, dude. one we are watching, immediately." "uh.. that's the thing with the TV right? like the old Cartoons i used to watch?" "....yeah, sure." Clint agreed, looking mortified. Steve had made great inroads into Popular Culture... but then he said stuff like that and you realized people where slacking. "i like Skyrim!" Clint complained. "would you rather me play Sims like Captain Old Fashioned?" "i will hurt you." Steve complained. "besides, i like the Sims!" " least play Mario Cart!" "Mario who?" "...oh dear god..." Clint groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "well... make sure they know that the only reason why i didn't break them was because Doom showed up." Steve complained, sulking. "well. bribing him with certain items works too." Steve admitted with a grin, Clint perking up a little. "really?" he asked. "what kinds of things?" "secrete kinds of things." Steve admitted, nodding. "it's easy to see why he and Iron Man are friends sometimes" Steve admitted, grinning at Tony. "you know, there's an entire website devoted entirely to fanart of you and Iron Man making out and fucking." Clint commented. "Darcy Lewis runs it." Steve was flushing brightly at the thought and Clint just looked pleased with himself. "Hey, Phil is at the Tower already right?" Clint asked suddenly. "i want to make sure he's still okay." "no, you want to 'fuck him' sideways." Steve corrected, rolling his eyes. "just because i grew up in the twenties and thirties doesn't make me homophobic." "...ah. yes. well... it's supposed to be a secrete..." Clint admitted, Steve looking surprised. "....really? because it's a badly kept one." "...dammit."
“well, there is that. Though Tony’s a bigger asshole.”Iron man laughed before nodding. “he is excited, and he’s not had any really. Though pepper and happy are good for him.And most likely. He’s excited his ‘science bro’ is moving in so they can do science-y things together. I’d be worried about random explosions and such really....and you are a old oddity, just stop denying it....Once!I did that once!Forget about it!”Iron man whined he was going to kill rhodey for telling the team about him hitting the jet.

“It is. I’ve watched some of the videos, very amusing....You need a movie. That’s it. We’re going to marathon it and watch all of them.”Tony grimaced before shaking his head looking mortified that someone had failed to help steve so much. “...The captain...plays sims....I might be sick...”Tony whined as he sat down in his chair, before nodding. “I will.” “Bribing?What do you bribe him with? I had to get him the numbers for the playboy models last time I needed something.”Natasha said looking interested. “Hm, me and iron man are good at being assholes. Though I don’t think he can be bribed.”Tony said smirking a little before staring at clint. “...Are you serious?”he said looking a little sick at the idea. And it wasn’t that steve wasn’t a good looking man, it was just he had some issues with the idea of being attracted to him, and the idea of seeing the fan art was just...odd. “Yea, he is.”Tony said starting to laugh at steve’s words. “We better say our goodbyes now, Clint wont be coming up for air for days once he gets there.”Natasha teased shaking her head. “It really is a badly kept one. We usually just don’t tell you, so you don’t feel bad.”
he snorted. "i doubt that's possible." he admitted before he smiled. "it'll be nice to have companions again." he admitted. "Pepper is a sweetheart." Steve admitted. "you know, she's actually the only reason hwy i can use my microwave?" he asked. "i'm not too worried about explosions. i'm sure that Tony has reinforced the labs properly." he mused. "and if he hasn't, then i'm sure he will after the next explosion." "i'm going to hurt you someday, i really am." he complained to Iron Man before smirking. "what, you mean that's actually happened? sweet. blackmail." so Rhodey hadn't told anyone and if Iron Man had shut his trap Steve would never have known.

"there are videos?" Clint asked, looking delighted. "yes! Further proof that Iron Man is a total cheater and i won every contest!" Clint declared smugly. "all of them? how many Legolas movies are there?" "Lord of the Rings. and if your counting the Hobbit series, there are six. what are you doing?" "writing that down so i remember to watch them." Steve admitted, writing down Lord of the Rings and Hobbit down in his book of 'must do's.' "what else is in there?" "oh. hmm. Harry Potter. Books and movies. Star Wars, or Trek. i' not sure, ay attempts i've made for clarification on if the are the same thing or not results me getting screamed at for a while and no real answer." he admitted. "Ellen, but i've seen her already, amazing woman." Steve admitted. "something called 'The Beetles', Led Zepplin and ACDC, Iron Man recommended those." he admitted. "i'm not sure how must i trust those recommendations." he admitted before smirking at Natasha. "like i said. secrete." Steve teased, not about to admit he bribed Tony Stark with authentic Captain America trading cards and that he dd the same thing with Phil Coulson. "yep. it's all the rage Tony stark and Iron Man smut." Clint admitted with a grin. "Iron Man and Captain America is a close second." he admitted, making Steve flush bright red. "it is not a badly kept Secrete!" Clint complained, sulking. "whatever! just take me to Phil. he has a habit of doing dumb stuff."
“Pepper is a vicious woman who scares me to death. But yes, she is a sweetheart.”Iron man snorted before shaking his head. “You need better teachers, Cap. Just don’t let tony know you still have no idea how to work your tablet, or you might give him a heart attack or something.”Iron man said before laughing. “You’ve had plenty of time to hurt you. You wont. And No!no it didn’t!”

“....Yesssss....Sadly anything Iron man can see, it’s recorded onto StarkTech, you can watch it if you ask Jarvis.”Tony said rolling his eyes before smiling a little. “6, but it’s like....nearly 14 hours worth of movies, so yea.”Tony snickered a little before raising a eyebrow. “I’d heard about your notebook, didn’t actually believe him when he said you were dong it though.”Tony mused before making a face. “Beatles, Led Zepplin, and ACDC are perfectly good music.”He grumbled. “Not fair. You should share.”Natasha teased snickering at the look on Tony’s face at the idea of iron man tony stark smut, and tony stark and steve rogers smut. Amused as natasha landed onto the roof of the tower. “Not as much dumb shit as you do, Barton.”Tony pointed out as he waltzed off the jet, already playing on his phone as he walked inside, heading straight for the bar. Pouring himself a drink before looking at the others. "So, who wants the tour first?"
he shrugged. "yes. well. considering all the people they tried to make teach me ended up trying to molest me at some point, i think i'd rather let Pepper Teach me when she has the chance." he admitted. "and besides, i don't have to work my Tablet. Jarvis does it for me." he admitted. "i'm sure it did." Steve laughed.

"Sweet, i want Copies and they will be posted on You-Tube." he decided happily. "Six movies?" he asked, writing that down as well. "so in other words, it's best to be marathon-ed on a weekend where we have nothing to do." Steve agreed. "i have a Doctor Who, Mythbusters, and Pretty Little Liars on here as well." he admitted. "Darcy suggested those so, again... not sure how much i trust it." he admitted with a shrug. "i don't do dumb shit." Clint huffed as he walked out of the Jet. "Cap? make sure you put Fallout, Call of Duty, Skyrim, and Halo on that list, as well as Mario Cart. Facebook games are terrible and i refuse to let you play them anymore." Clint admitted simply. "are those like Dance Dance revolutions?" Steve asked, writing all those down on his lists. "i just want Phil." Clint admitted. "and a shower." "i'll take the tour." Steve admitted. "i'd like to find the way out so i can take my morning Run without having to bother anyone."
“...Yea. Stick with pepper, she wont molest you. She’ll leave that to the fanboy you’re moving in with.”Iron man snickered amused that the other man got jarvis to work his tablet.

“No, you’re forbidden from youtube.I’ll find videos of myself doing stuff if you are on youtube.” “Your bare ass is on youtbue as it is, I don’t think it can get worse.”Natasha said smirking a little. “Those aren’t bad, though I haven’t seen pretty little liars. Pepper likes it though.”Tony mused. “Yes you do, Clint. Lots of dumb shit, that usually involves Iron man and Cap somehow.”Natasha rolled his eyes. “Oh no. They’re fighting games for the most part. They’re okay.”Tony shrugged amused that clint was giving steve so many things as he sipped his whiskey. “Phil’s a level down, you two get the highest floor after mine, cause I know you like high places.”Tony said smiling a little as he directed the other to teh elevator before rolling his eyes at Steve. “You could just ask Jarvis, but come on, I’ll show you around.”he said topping off his tumbler, which in reality could have doubled as a small bucket, sipping the whiskey as he headed for the door, “Come on you two. Time to see your rooms.”Tony said smiling as tehy headed downstairs to Natasha’s rooms. “Wow tony.”Natasha said looking wide eyed and a little shocked at the flawless mesh of american and russian design, a room suited perfectly for her. “You’re welcome. Now cap, ready to see yours?”Tony said bouncing a little on his toes, nervous about showing the other man the rooms he’d made.
Steve chuckled. "is it? i'll have to look." he teased with a grin and a shake of his head. "of course, first i need to figure out what a You-tube is." he admitted. "i've seen a few episodes of Mythbusters. it's pretty cool." he admitted. "hey. the time he turned up dressed in nothing but Purple Spandex was NOT my fault!" Steve protested, though the glitter in his eyes told everyone he was lying. "fighting games? with a lot of blood and gore and cursing and stuff? like that game all the Shield recruits play?" "yup." "awesome." Steve stated with an impish grin. "sweet! thanks Tony, i'll see you lot later, i have a man to comfort." "just be aware that sucking his cock can, and will break his stitches... what?" Steve asked when he realized they where all staring at him. "i can't make sex jokes? i HAVE been living in Shield Headquarters for the last several months you know. i'm not THAT much of a virgin eared old man." he complained, rolling his eyes. "thanks, i'd appreciate it." he admitted to Tony with a smile, following the other out. "wow." he muttered, surprised by Natasha's amazing rooms, feeling a lot less worried about his own now. "yeah." he admitted to Tony, sounding a touch excited himself now. "hey i was wondering. Iron Man... is he gay?" h asked, sounding mostly Curious. not at al the way you'd expect a man from the forties to sound. intolerance had been a big thing back then. "i only ask because i think he was checking me out... of course i could be wrong, it's hard to tell since he never takes off his mask." he admitted. "but i'm pretty sure he groped me a bit when he flew me back to the Quinjet." he admitted.
“Hey, if you want to see me naked, you just have to ask. And you-tube is a website you put videos up on.”Tony said smiling a little before staring at the other.”Purple spandex?No, the red white and blue is bad enough, you don’t get to model purple.”Tony snickered. “Wow steve.”Natasha snickered a little at the other’s teasing, and sex jokes, shaking her head. “....So you are a virgin then?”Tony said looking interested at steve’s protest. Smiling as tehy headed for steve’s rooms he paused thinking on how to answer before snickering. “He’s Bi. And who wouldn’t check you out, captain? I mean, human perfection here.”Tony teased a little waving a hand at him, before stepping into the apartment he’d made for him. While it was indeed a whole floor, the living area wasn’t much bigger then his apartment had been. Really, the biggest room was the private gym and workout area he’d put in for steve, letting it take up nearly half of the floor and the living space the other half, having known steve wouldn’t like having all the free space. not only that, it was mostly free of tech, at least the complicated hard stuff the rest of the tower had, it had the basics “Well?”
Steve snorted. "no thanks. i would be obligated to be naked with you and you would be woefully ashamed of your physical being after being in my mighty, nude presence." Steve stated simply, making Clint laugh. "hey, at least HE didn't have to wear it, i was the one stuck in it!" Clint complained, shaking his head. "no i am not a virgin." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "and no, Natasha do not need you setting me up on any more dates, the last one was bad enough." he complained. "Bi? that's where he likes guys and girls right?" he asked, just to make sure. "explains it." he admitted before he chuckled. "i am human perfection aren't i?... you come a close second though. Thor doesn't count, being that he's a god and all." he admitted before looking into the room, eyes wide.

"...." he was gaping at it, practically speechless for a long moment before he grinned. "oh my god..." he muttered, moving into the room. "Tony this is amazing! it's perfect!" Steve declared, running his hands over the granite counters before peeking into the fridge, grinning when he saw all his groceries where already in there. Steve harbored a very strong paranoia over the chemicals in food, and went out of his way to buy completely organics. no pesticides, no growth hormones, nothing. he actually went to the Amish and bought literally thousands of dollars worth of flour and fruit every month so he could cook his own non-chemical laden food. he would eat food others prepared, and he would eat out at restaurants, but he preferred to make his own meals. "a TV i might actually be able to operate..." he muttered, grinning at the microwave and the two stoves.

"this is amazing." he admitted, moving into the bedroom before coming out, looking annoyed. "i think the movers stole my sketchbooks." he growled. "and my underwear." he muttered starting to look in drawers. very few people knew this, but Steve was so possessive of his sketchbooks that he would literally beat the shit out of anyone who touched it. Shield rookies learned the hard way not to touch any journal, whether Steve was working on it or not. once, just to see what would happen, someone had stolen and hidden all of Steve's journals. the results had been highly unpleasant and Tony had to fi an entire half of the Shield Base because Steve had torn it apart. so someone stealing his notebooks and journals was going to end in Steve going on a rampage if Tony didn't reassure him before he got to the exploding point. not much got Steve's temper up, but once it snapped he was worse than the Hulk.
“Hm, but I think I could stand it after seeing you naked.”Tony snickered a little before smirking as natasha pouted.”But steve, doing that is fun.”Natasha smiled a little. “Yea, he likes guys and girls. And he likes sex, a lot.Really, I think he has aaddiction, I’ve told him to seek help, but he doesn’t listen.”Tony snickered, because he’d gotten really good at talking about Iron man completely separate from himself. Even if there was littering of truth in most everything he said. “Thanks. I do work hard to look this good.”tony snickered.

Tony relaxed, settling as he watched the other move around the apartment. “And I made most of the appliances, and counters myself, so while they’re not complex, they will hold up to a super soldier who might forget how strong he is. Iron man said you had problems with your appliances breaking on you.”Tony smiled watching him, “TV you can use the remote control, but I set it up so all you have to do is ask Jarvis what you want to watch, and he can turn it on, set up the DVD’s, or find the TV station.”

“Don’t know about the underwear Cap, but I journals are in here. I did stand guard over them when they brought them in. Come on.”Tony smiled a little as he gestured the man to the small staircase. “I know I said you guys were just getting one floor, but I lied. I made two floors for each. Clint got a shooting range, natasha got a girly spa weapons thing, which is really weird and creepy to go into, but whatever. And you, get this.” Tony bounced a little, looking upset and nervous. “I mean, I can’t change the completely glass walls,”indeed they were completely open so he could see the city from any direction. Alon the middle was a low bookshelf that could double as a art desk obviously built as to not block the view but also to hold as many of steves art books as he wanted.”But if you don’t like any of this, or I got the wrong art stuff and desk or whatever....I asked pepper to get it, and she came back with this. I had no idea what you needed, so yea...if it’s wrong, I can get new stuff.”Tony said, yea, iron man was definitely right, it’d been so long since he had friends, he had no idea how to act, so he was overcompensating for not knowing, by buying things.
Steve snorted. "anyone could stand to see me naked. many people have tried." he admitted. "i took a page out of Darcy's book." Clint winced at the idea. clearly they where to keep Steve away from Darcy at all times since she was a supremely bad influence. "Natasha. i love you you're the best sister ever. but if you don't stop with the blind dates? i'm going to go into your room, find that little pink journal and have Jarvis post every word online for me." Steve warned, Clint laughing. mostly because he didn't realize the little pink journal was real. "well. there are worse things to be addicted to." Steve admitted. "Heroine for example. or hair. or Villains!" Steve pointed out with a grin.

"wow. really?" Steve asked, looking startled before cautiously starting to tap the counters. he had a habit of slapping them too hard and shattering, cracking or snapping them. "wow! this is great!" Steve admitted, turning to jab the microwave, pleased when it held up too. "think you could make me a phone like this? Fury's pissed because i keep accidentally on purpose crushing mine." he admitted before blinking at the TV. "uh.. DVD... that's those round disks that plays already made TV right?" he asked, just to make sure he had that right. "Jarvis? play Benny Goodman please." Steve asked, grinning in delight when his favorite Jazz Combo band started to play. "Benny Goodman was one of the first people to have a racially mixed band." he informed Tony. "he's my favorite, though i have to admit, Imagine Dragons and Shinedown are pretty damn good too. i like how their music is kind of Dark." he admitted.

"....good! they better not have touched my journals!" it was funny how Steve was more freaked out about some drawings than he was about his underwear being missing. he was weird how truly possessive he really could be. granted, Clint was that way over Twinkies so maybe that was just normal human behavior. "two floors?" he asked, looking a bit unnerved before he laughed at Natasha's explanation. "you do realize Clint is going to be burrowing himself into your ventilation system right?" he asked with a small grin. "wow." he whispered, amazed as he looked around at the room. it was exactly the way he liked it. the way he had seen on the TV and in shops. he moved over to the window and looked out at the city, his fingers twitching with the desire to draw the amazing view. "it's perfect." Steve breathed, already reaching out to pick up the blank journal on the desk and started running a rough sketch. a behavior Tony often did when he'd thought of something for his science. he'd sketch it out, or point blank run off and make it. it was behavior that showed just how much he loved the space if he had started sketching before even reorganizing or unpacking. comfortable there.
“...I have no idea what you’re talking about.”Natasha said raising a eyebrow though she did look amused as she watched the other two. “...Urgh. Don’t tell him that. I’ll walk in on him having sex or something, it’ll be scarring and horrible.”

“Yea really. I think Pepper’s ready to kill you at this point as I refused to leave the lab until I finished them.”Tony snickered a little looking relieved as they did indeed hold up to the other’s touch, before nodding. “Yea, I probably can. I’ll work on it.”Tony smiled a little before nodding. “yep those things.”He said before grinning widely as he watched steve get a simple delight of having music. “So it’s you I have to blame for Iron Man listening to it. He changes my lab music all the time.”He whined a little looking amused. “Also, even if you can’t dial a actual number, if you want to talk to him, Jarvis can route a phone call to Iron Man. He might not answer, but if you want to talk, you have the option.”

“They didn’t, I unpacked them myself Steve.”Tony said smiling a little as they headed upstairs. “Yea, two floors, I got sorta....over excited over building everything.”Tony smiled before nodding. “I know. When I had to redo them cause Loki destroyed them, I made them a little easier to crawl around in. Figured if he’s going to be in them, I might as well make them comfortable.”Tony shrugged a little before smiling, pleased at the knowledge that steve liked it. “And the windows tint, so even if it’s in the middle of the day, you can have a evening setting or whatever.”Tony shrugged still nervous despite watching him sketch, relaxing as he realized that steve was happy. “Well, I better be going. I’ve been putting off work for long enough.”
Steve just smirked at her. "sure you don't." he teased before laughing at Tony. "i've walked in on YOU having sex, can't be much worse than that." he pointed out. Clint raising an eyebrow. "oh yeah. Tony Stark has this cute little heart shaped birthmark on his ass." Steve lied, making Clint laugh again.

he laughed and shook his head. "don't lie. she's delighted you finally have company." Steve ordered with a chuckle. "awesome, thanks that would be great. one with bigger buttons if you could. and no touch screen i hate those things." he admitted. "they never work right, no matter how much i touch or stroke the damn thing." he admitted with a shake of his head before snickering. "actually no, it's Jarvis's fault. he likes the same music i do." he admitted with a grin. "really?!" he asked, looking delighted at the idea of talking to Iron Man before his face fell. "i don't think he'd like it if i just called him. he doesn't seam to want to talk to us much. i mean, i can understand, being that he has a family he has to protect. i imagine it must get kind of lonely for him though, not being able to tell anyone about himself." he admitted, shrugging. "i should probably just leave him alone."

"Yeah Iron Man did say you where getting a bit overzealous." he teased with a chuckle. "but i know the others will love their own personal day Spa and archery room so what's it matter?" he asked with a grin. "you gave Bruce three floors didn't you? for his labs and stuff? he'd said something to that effect and how much he loved it." he admitted. Bruce had moved in before the rest of them had. "you know. your really a good guy Tony." he admitted with a smile. "i don't know what Tint is, but i'm sure it's amazing." Steve admitted with a chuckle before focusing on his sketching. "yeah, okay." he paused in his sketching and smiled at Tony. "thank you. oh, and before i forget, make sure your here tomorrow at noon." he ordered. "Fury has insisted i teach you how to defend yourself. apparently being thrown out of the window by a Norse god and having to be saved by Iron Man, and receiving death threats makes him twitchy." he admitted. "honestly it makes me twitchy too so no matter how much you complain, you are going to be here, at noon, so i can teach you how to kick ass."
“I do not!Do not listen to the blind old timer!I have no such mark.”Tony huffed.

“Well, yes. For some reason she thinks I’m less liable to kill myself in the lab, or starve to death with you guys here.”Tony rolled his eyes before smiling. “Bigger buttons and no touch screens. I think I can do that.”Tony smiled a little, before snorting. “I’ll have to deal with jarvis then. I want to listen to ACDC, makes working interesting.”Tony grumbled before sighing, rubbing a hand over his face as he looked at the other. “....He doesn’t talk to you, cause none of you have asked. I mean, you call him if you need something, but he wont go out of his way to insert his presence if he thinks you don’t want to see him.”Tony sighed, because this was a conversation that was just odd for him, before looking out the window. “If you call, he might not answer if he’s doing something, but he’d probably enjoy hearing from you guys when you don’t need him to go beat up a doombot or something.”

“Yea, well he sometimes knows what he’s talking about.”Tony rolled his eyes before smiling, relaxing. “true. As long as they like them.And I did. His labs look nearly as well stocked as mine do. Also, if you want to go for a drive or something, I have a billion cars and bikes downstairs, so take what you want, keys are down there.”Tony smiled before flushing a little at the praise, brushing it off before smiling, “Jarvis tint the windows.”Tony smiled as the room darkened a little, “Just tell him what time of day you want it, and he’ll get the lighting right.”Tony smiled before pausing on the stairs, whining a little. “Fine, fine, I’ll be here. Getting thrown aroudn the room by a super soldier will definitely deflate my ego like Pepper says it needs done.”He grumbled as he left.

And indeed the next day Tony dragged himself into the super soldier’s apartment, and it was obvious he probably hadn’t been slept longer then a hour or so, his dark hair sticking up every which way, wearing the sweat pants and wife beater he’d had in the lab, looking wide awake despite being awake nearly 48 hours. “So, lets get this over with.”he grumbled as he ran his hands through his hair with a smile, looking around, glad to see that the other was settling into his space easily.
he snorted. "you are a lot less liable. considering i'll probably go down and check on you if i haven't heard from you for a day." he admitted, looking amused. "not to mention Jarvis will get me if anything goes wrong. right Jay?" he asked, looking for the camera because he hated not looking at a person when he was talking to them. "ACDC?" Steve asked, pulling out his journal and writing that down as well before blinking. "...oh." he muttered, looking a bit upset as he realized it was his fault Iron Man didn't like to talk to them. "i'll have to call him later." he decided, looking pleased at the idea of being able to just chatter at Iron Man. or rather, flirt with Iron Man. he would never admit it aloud, but he'd had a lot of time now to come to terms with the fact that he was crushing on Iron Man, big time. he wasn't as cool with being gay as he wanted to be, but he figured he'd keep working on it. now if only he could figure out of Iron Man was married or in a relationship. but how to do that without painting a great big 'i'm crushing on Iron Man!' sign on his head?

"Iron Man Knows All, Sees All, and Fixes All." Steve stated in a faked Awe filled voice. "i will not allow you to speak such Blasphemy!" he teased, chuckling. "uhm... see... i, er, never learned how to drive a car..." he admitted sheepishly. "apparently you need a license for those things now... and they don't work the way they used to... so...." he shrugged. "i use the motorbikes instead because i can actually work those and Fury got me a license for them." he admitted. "he made me take road safety tests and everything." he admitted. "...okay, that is really cool." Steve admitted, eyes brightening. "especially when i have migraines." he admitted with a nod. "it won't be that bad." steeve huffed, rolling his eyes.

when Tony walked in it was to the smell of food. real food. there was a huge pot of some sort of soup on the stove and a few loaves of fresh baked bread and something in the oven. he had stuff scattered through the space from his own apartment and what hadn't been unpacked yet was still sitting in boxes. "did you sleep at all?" Steve asked, looking at Tony, a bit baffled. "well. come on then." he agreed with a chuckle. "we'll start you out on the bag." he promised. "your not ready enough to take a hit from me unfortunately." he admitted. "Clint's agreed to come in and let you practice with him once you get to that stage." he said with a grin. "we're going to wrap your wrists, so you won't hurt yourself if you hit wrong." he was already taping up Tony's right hand. "never hit where there's a lot of bone. heads especially you'll just break your own hand. if you have to hit someone in the head, aim for the temple or the bridge of the nose. it'll still hurt like shit, but they'll hurt worse." he admitted. "and no, headbutting doesn't work." he admitted simply. "the only think you'll do is give yourself a concussion. when fighting, remember the golden rule. put sharp bones, in soft places. your heal, your knee and your elbow work the best. and it is not considered a 'low blow' to jab someone in the balls when your fighting for your life." and with that, he started showing Tony the proper way to throw a punch without hurting himself.
“Exactly. Pepper’s glad for that.” “of course, Captain.”Jarvis said sounding amused. “Yea. Heavy metal band, you’ll have to listen to it sometime.”Tony said before shrugging, wincing as he realized he’d upset Steve. “It isn’t just you, you know. None of you called him, so he didn’t try talking. Just call.”Tony rolled his eyes a little not realizing what the other man was thinking about, definitely as oblivious as pepper accused him of being.

“....Oh. My. God. You better not let him hear you say that, otherwise he’ll get off on the praise and knowing you’re in awe of him.”Tony teased back smiling a little. “...You can’t drive?I...I’m taking you out sometime. We’ll get you driving. But enjoy the bikes, there’s a few down there. Hell, I think there’s one of yours down there really.”Tony said smiling a little before snickering. “It is going to be that bad.”he whined as he left.

Tony paused, taking a deep breath and nearly groaning out loud at the smell. “Oh god, it smells amazing in here.”he shuddered moving into the kitchen to look at the food, his stomach growling a little before frowning. “uh...yea. A little bit.”Tony said not about to admit to sleeping for about a half hour in the last 36 hours, before sighing. “Fine. Bag it is.”he said not looking sure about it even as he let steve tape up his hands. And he knew this was going to be different then normal. Usually, he didn’t need to worry about injuring himself throwing a punch, so simply being tony stark in a fight was a little daunting. And while he was managing to throw the game a little, and not show how good he was actually at fighting, he did slip up some, real talent for fighting showing through even if he was struggling to keep up and workout, after all, the suit usually did this for him, at least helped anyways. But he managed to last longer then you’d think for a business man, after all, he had spent the last two years as Iron Man, even if no one knew it.
Steve grinned a little. "there you see? no problems. consider me your official babysitter. Clint says i'm a mother hen anyway, might as well put that to use." he admitted with a grin before frowning. "...Heavy Metal? never mind i'll have Jarvis help me Google it later." he decided. "i'll call him then." he decided. "later. i'm sure he's busy with his family after a mission." he admitted.

Steve laughed. "as if! i'd never! he has enough of an Ego as it is!" he admitted with a laugh. "though, between you and me, i kinda don't mind it." he admitted with a grin. "he's really amusing when he's up on a high horse, inflating his own Ego." he admitted with a smile. "it's nice to see a man whose so comfortable with himself." he admitted. "i do like motorbikes." he agreed. "the new cars scare me a bit. they go so fast!" he admitted, shaking his head. "and you can't just lean to the left like you can with a motorbike." he admitted. "one of mine? but i only have the one." Steve muttered, looking confused.

" didn't sleep enough." Steve informed him. "and yes, you can have some of the food." he promised with a chuckle. "you shouldn't work out on a full stomach though, so after." he promised. "yep. bag it is." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "your holding back. don't." Steve ordered. "you show a lot of natural talent, but you can't be afraid of your own punches." he warned. "don't be afraid of how people might think of you, you're doing excellent." he promised. "just picture the bad and do your best." he instructed, grinning when he finally let Tony stop. "very well done!" he praised. "your a lot better at this than i anticipated. a lot of people have too many bad habits to break, but you picked it all up perfectly." he admitted. "here, sit down and take a breather." he ordered, handing the other a glass of water before checking on what was in the oven. "Pasta e Fagioli, Bread and Zeppoli." he informed Tony with a smile, pulling the baked desert out of the Oven. "My mother was Italian." he explained with a smile as he started dishing out a rich soup, tomato based with hamburger and noodles inside. very filling, very savory and coupled with fresh baked bread, was all but heaven. "here. eat." Steve ordered. "but do it slowly or your stomach will cramp from the workout." he warned, grinning as he sat down with his own soup and bread. "you do boxing with Harrison and James right? er.. sorry Happy and Rhodey?"
“And such a good looking babysitter. I should get to screw my babysitter, I mean, it was one of the things I missed out as a teenager. Having a babysitter.”Tony said with that hyper amused smile that said he was mostly giving the other a hard time. “Good. He’d apperciate it. And he does have a ego doesn’t he?”He snickered a little. “He is fairly amusing really. Even if we can never tell him that.”Tony said before snickering. “they do go fairly fast. And now you do. I have a few from the war that were the howling commandos. Howard brought them home.”

“I sleep fine.”Tony grumbled before grinning, “After it is.”He said eager with the idea of food before looking at the other man, tilting his head at the praise. “Well, my board of directors will probably be afraid of me if I showed the ability to beat them up, you know.”He said though he shifted and simply worked out like he normally would. “Thanks.”he said smiling a little at the other, relaxing. It had taken alot to break habits that he started early on, but he’d gotten better as he worked out with james and harrison. “Thanks.”He said sipping the water as he leaned back into the chair, his stomach growling at the sight of the dessert. Thanks.”he said starting to eat slowly before nodding. “It’s okay. They don’t care what name. And I do, when Rhodey’s here, or happy’s not busy with helping out at the company.”
Steve went bright red at the idea of fucking Tony. "uh. no i'm pretty sure there are lws against that." Steve stated quickly, making Clint snicker. most of them assumed that while Steve didn't mind if someone was gay, he was pretty uncomfortable about it, so they usually tried to avoid such topics around him. "well, his Ego is no bugger than yours." he teased back. "and no, we can never let him know." he agreed with a chuckle. "oh... uh. you can keep them." he promised Tony. "i'd rather not..." have things around that made him remember the war. he had enough problems with PTSD as it was. he barely survived the winter months after being unfrozen. the cold air and biting snow had driven him to hiding inside most of the time. he only stepped foot outside if he had to when it was cold, and Fury tried his darnedest not to make Steve go out into it or take water missions. sometimes it just couldn't be helped.

"you don't sleep at all." Steve corrected. "well, your board of Directors could use a good beating or two i'm sure." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "you did very well. even for a person whose been at this for a while has trouble with the posture, but you have is down pretty damn good." he admitted. "i think we can skip the basics, you seam to have a very good grasp on them. we'll work on more actual fighting tomorrow." he promised. "and yes. i did say tomorrow. here at noon." he ordered with a grin. "es, well. people never know who i'm talking about when i use their real names." he admitted, looking amused. "even Pepper give me funny looks." he admitted, already wolfing down his second bowl. he had long ago given up caring what people thought of his needing three times as much food every meal to keep up with his metabolism.
“Probably.”Tony snickered a little at steve’s blushing. “Hm, I’m pretty sure he has a bigger ego then mine.”Tony said before nodding. “That’s fine. I just thought I’d tell you they were there.”Tony shrugged looking vaguely worried about the other.

“I do to. And they could, but that’s why I have Pepper around, she beats on everyone.”Tony snickered blushing a little, looking pleased for the praise. “Thanks. And even if I’m alone, I end up practicing just to relax.”Tony shrugged a little before groaning as he ate. “Nooooo. I have things to do. And you said I did fine!I don’t need to practice.”He whined before snickering. “that’s true. Though I call them alot of things, so it’s not any surprise no one knows who you’re talking about.”Tony shrugged a ltitle, relaxing and starting to look a little sleepy now that he wasn’t working out, or simply manic with work.
Steve nodded. "she is one scary lady." Steve agreed. "it's good to practice." he agreed. "could save your life someday." he admitted with a grin. "i said yu where better than average. i didn't say you'd be able to fight for your life." Steve corrected, looking amused. "and you don't have things to do because Pepper completely cleared your schedule for the next week. the only thing you have to do is learn how to defend yourself." he stated calmly. "i know you don't have much respect for your own Life Tony, but this is important, okay?" he asked, staring at the other. "a lot of people are going to be very upset if your killed because you wouldn't take these death threats seriously. and i'm one of them. your my friend, i want to make sure your alright, okay?" he asked before he smiled. "you look exhausted. here, go lay down in my bed for a few hours okay?" he asked with a smile. "i'm going to catch up on the Harry Potter stuff. Clint was nice enough to loan me the first book." he admitted.
“I can to. I have more gadgets and weapons on me then you’d think. I’m fine.”Tony grumbled, not wanting to spar. Before wincing, whining quietly at the news pepper had cleared his schedule. Which meant that he really didn’t have a option beyond doing it, as she’d made his life a living hell if he didn;t. “I have the perfect amount of respect for my own life. I do like myself, you know.”Tony said rolling his eyes even if he wasn’t looking at the other as he ate, before huffing. “Fine. Whatever. I’ll do the stupid lessons.”He grumbled before nodding. “Kay.”He muttered for once not fighting sleep as he let the other man guide him towards the bedroom, stripping down to his boxers and collapsing across the bed with a smile. Snuggling in, finding the bed extremely comfortable as he gave into what he needed, sleep.
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