Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}


Jun 3, 2013
Ningyo, anciently the creature was described to be a sea beast with the mouth of a monkey, having small teeth like a fish’s, shining golden scales like golden coins, and a soft, melodic voice like a skylark or a flute. They are said to retain a wondrous taste, and anyone who dare eat a Ningyo, will attain remarkable longevity in return. However, catching a Ningyo was an unspoken forbidden law, the create if caught was believed to bring storms and misfortune, so fishermen who caught these creatures were often quick to throw them back into the sea. If a Ningyo washed onto the beach, it was considered to be an omen of war or calamity. But on this day, there was no fear or terror as the ogre men hauled up a fruitful catch in their net, plenty of fish and squid inside, but that wasn't what got them to cheering. Amongst the mass of writhing sea creatures, a large golden tail thrashed wildly, scales reflecting brightly in the sun. The loud chattering was loud enough to carry across the sea, for any and all to hear.

Sanada Genjiro Yukimura, the next in line in the Takeda's ranks, a boy plagued with a curse all rulers of the Takeda received the day they were chosen as the next predecessor; his curse was to change every new moon into a beast, and until dawn, he would remain as such. Such new moon was almost upon them, and the young boy trained hair, both mind and body to prepare himself for his second changing.

((We can bring Mego and Masa in a little later~))
((*claps excitedly*))

Heavy footfalls could be heard making their way across the deck of the ship to where the catch was being tugged on board. A Big Oni seemed to walk carefully along the deck of his ship, even though it was built specifically to support his massive weight. His skin was an indigo tint, almost blending in with his violet armor. Large curved tusks protruded from under his lower lip, his elongated fangs fitting perfectly between them. His hair was long and untamed, its color matching the snow that capped the mountains. His yellow-green eyes scanned over his crew, the smaller ogres almost trembling under his gaze. "What's all this uproar you idiots are making?" His voice was like the rumble of thunder, making them cower more. "W-We caught a Ningyo, Cap'n!" One voiced. The Big Oni's eyes landed on the net before grabbing it and hauling it on board easily, dumping its contents onto the deck.

Word spread through Kai of a famous circus from the West of Japan was making its way through the area. Many of the people started scrounging their wadges, hoping to have enough to attend this once-a-year event. It was a spectacle; rumors from every square inch of the country was raving about this show. There were animals from across the sea like lions and elephants; they even had local fauna such as raccoon dogs, seals and Ussuri brown bears. They had performances like men dressed as oni and acrobats and fire dancers. If one could afford the admission price, it was truly worth it.
The catch hit the deck and the fish and squid tried desperately to get overboard. The large creature made a coughing noise, long black matted fur tangled with seaweed down its back; but upon closer inspection, the fur was more coarse and hairlike, the beast dragging itself away from the men that gathered around it, backing up against the inside of the ship, unable to get overboard. When the Ningyo turned to look at its captors, a few of the ogres took a step back, expecting to see the grotesque face of a monkey, but instead they were met with a beautiful faced woman. Scales ran up her arms, sides, and the sides of her face, eyes as dark as the deepest points in the ocean. Seaweed and hair was plastered to her face and draped over her shoulders and tail, wild eyes falling on the largest ogre in the group. She bore her teeth, exposing rows of sharp, pointed teeth, letting out a loud hiss.

Yukimura stayed close to the sacred pool, the body of water that after as a gateway for his transformation, a soft frown on his face. Being a man who changed into a terrible beast every new moon was a lonely existence, only those who served the Takeda for generations knowing about their curse, such clan being the Sarutobi, who kept them safe from those who wished to harm them, or expose the truth to the people of Kai. He had gotten word of the circus that had come to Kai, but it weighed his heart, knowing the consequences of prolonging the change. He would simply have to miss it, there was no other choice.
The Big Oni pulled back his lips in a wide cruel grin, tusks and fangs pointed and jagged like a knife. "What a beauty," He commented, "Not a normal sight you see when finding a Ningyo. You must be a youngling, then, to be so pretty." His voice was teasing as it rumbled in his throat. He outstretched his arms in greeting, "Welcome to the Fugaku, little Ningyo. If you haven't guessed who I am yet, I'll be happy to inform you. I am Chosokabe Motochika, Ogre of the Western Seas. And, less fortunate for you than us, you will be staying here on my ship."

"Are you ready, dana?" The voice of his Watcher, Sarutobi Sasuke, called gently from the tree nearest to the sacred pool, "As I've sworn, I will keep you from harm. Your frets and worries are needless."
The gills on the ningyo's side flared, her eyes widening and her dagger like nails digging into the wood of the ship. "You men are all alike, you're all greedy, entitled beasts. But even beasts know what a Ningyo can do." She hissed, her long, pointy ears flattening in her anger, but she was more terrified than angry. With a strong lash of her tail, she sent fish flying at the men, a squid getting caught in Motochika's mane. Of course, she couldn't cause any real storms yet, she was still only a fledgling, a babe. She may have been around two decades old, but that was still a babe for a Ningyo

Yukimura frowned softly down at the water, nodding before beginning to disrobe. "I only ask that you make sure no one makes an attempt on my lorde life while I am unable to be of any help." He said, stepping into the water after he had removed his clothing, the cool water reaching his waist when he stood in the middle, taking a deep breath before submerging himself completely, closing his eyes and waiting for his transformation to begin.
Motochika chuckled amusedly as he pulled the squid free of his hair, swallowing it with a loud 'slurp'. "Oh, we know very well what a Ningyo can do. But a tiny little welp like you could barely cause a whirlpool." He stated. "Prepare our guest's new home, you scum-sucking little shits." He snarled at the ogres, who panicked and scurried around to get a large tank ready to house their master's new pet.

Sasuke watched in wait, frowning softly. Yukimura's nervousness was radiating off him, which wouldn't help him in his transformation.
The young sea woman lowered her head and ears, lip rising slightly in a snarl. She was actually quite the sight, her tail reaching an incredible length, that was nearly as long as Motochika was tall. Flesh as milky as a sea shell, and with no need of clothes, the gills that ran down her rib cage could be seen flaring every-so often, tinged a dark orange. "I see you're the type of beast who actually waits until feeding time before feasting, that's so kind of you." She tried to pull on a tone of malice, but her voice shook, showing her true feelings. She had always been careful to avoid ships because they often harbored the very men who desired nothing more than her flesh in order to live longer, but this ship had caught her off gaurd with how fast it was, and she ended up tangled in its fishing net.

Yukimura waited for almost a minute before he resurfaced, gasping for air, and still human. He let out a shakey breath and wiped the water off his face. His nerves had been quite raw as of late, causing his thoughts to scatter and slow the transformation, which would have no dire consequences other than feeling the full pain of the curse; something that would be upon him any moment now.
"Oh, I don't plan to eat you. I cannot be killed by mortality, so I have no need for your flesh. No, I plan to keep you and show you off~ I will be even more feared. Chosokabe Motochika, the Big Oni who tamed a Ningyo." His laugh was loud and sinister, enough to make the wood of his ship tremble.

"Just relax, dana." Sasuke soothed, "The Kitsune and I will guard lord Takeda in your absence."
Nana trembled pulling her tail in closer, her tail coiling like a snake about to spring before launching herself at the Oni, lashing out at him with her sharp nails. Fear and hatred in her eyes. "I'm not some wild animal to be tamed!" She could feel salty tears burn her eyes, a snarl contorting her face.

Yukimura let out a breath, nodding and taking a moment to clear his mind before submerging himself once more. This time Yukimura was down for two minutes and when he did emerge, his form had changed to that of a tigers. The large cat let out a low noise that was close to a groan, padding out of the pond, shaking the water from his fur, giving Sasuke a glance before trotting out of the estate.
Motochika's huge hand wrapped around her torso and ripped her away, scowling heavily, "Listen here. I'm not afraid to swallow you whole like a grilled sardine, nor am I bound to the pathetic code of do no harm to a woman. I will snap you like a fucking twig if you don't do as I say. Understand?" He snarled

Sasuke watched him leave before a fox mask appeared over his face, disappearing in a wisp of flame
Her tail whipped back and forth angrily, trying desperately to pry herself from his grasp, hissing in protest. Her tail coiled around his leg and she dug her nails into his hand, glaring death up at him when she found her struggles fruitless. Cocking her head back she spit in his face, gills flaring and her skin and scales starting to become dry. "Aniki! The tank is nearly finished!" One of the ogres called. "Where do you want the sea-demon to be kept?"

((I'll post Yuki in a little bit!))
((Okie doke!))

Motochika kept his grip firm as he walked her down below deck. Opening a door, he threw her into the wooden tub they used to bathe, "Stay there until I come back for you." He ordered before closing the door and barring it.
Nana squirmed in the tub before sitting upright, looking around the dark room before grabbing the waterbucket and filling it, dumping the water over herself. She grimaced at the feel of freshwater, tossing the bucket away and crawling out of the tub, trying to push the door open. She ground her teeth and slammed her fists against the door, trying to break it open.

Yukimura had been running for miles, keeping to the thicker parts of the forest so he wouldn't be seen, his breath coming out in hot puffs, slowing to a trot, tail twitching at the animalistic instincts that constantly bombarded him. Keeping off the path, he wandered further into the brush, letting out a lard yowl when the ground suddenly collapsed beneath his feet, sending him dropping into a pit with a heavy thud. He lay completely still for a few moments before slowly stirring and getting back up, shaking the twigs and dirty from his fur.

((Shit I didn't really pick who would be the trappers!))
((They can be some no names!))

"She sounds right awful mad..." "Ask me ifI give a fuck." Motochika sneered at the ogre, "Finish making my damned tank." "H-Hai, Aniki!"

"What an odd lookin' tiger..." A voice said as two men peeked into the hole Yukimura had fallen in, "Ya think the Ringmaster will like him?"
Nana panted and hit the door one last time before slumping against the wall, beginning to feel oddly dry. She was in the bathing room for ten more minutes before word got to Motochika that the tank was finished and ready to hold the Ningyo. "She's all ready Aniki, the tank is in your bedchambers and full of water from the sea."

The tiger was much larger than any tiger should've been, and it had more of a reddish cost than orange, golden-brown eyes gleaming as it stared up at the two men, ears flattening at their words. "Ringmaster?" He thought to himself, feeling a shred of panic.
Motochika oved to the bathroom and unbarred the door, moving in quickly and snatching her by her tail, dragging her out and grabbing her hair, "Come on, little pretty~" He cooed darkly as he tugged her to her new tank

The two threw spring shackles that closed around Yukimura's ankles tight and hoisted him out of the hole, "He's a biggin'!"
Nana tried to bite his face, hissing in pain as he yanked her up by her hair. "You disgusting pig..!" She clawed at his hand, writhing madly as she was dragged into his bed chambers and toward the large tank with a heavy lock on the top.

Yukimura thrashed and snarled, baring his teeth, hissing and spitting like mad. When he was hoisted out of the hole, he was ready to jump to his feet and attack, but a splitting pain flared in the back of his head, black spots dancing in his eyes before losing consciousness. The third man who was waiting on the other side of the hole held a heavy wooden club, grinning at the big cat that laid at their feet.
Motochika unhooked the lock and dropped her into the tank before locking it again, "Welcome to your new home~"

Tying Yukimura to a thick wooden pole, they hoisted him onto their shoulders and carted him to where the circus was being set up. They took him to the cages and dropped in one by his lonesome, locking the huge lock, "Hey, Aki!" One shouted. A girl with black cherry colored hair looked over, auburn eyes holding slight fear before moving over. "H-Hai? Ah!" The first man grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer, "We picked up a new toy for you to play with~" "S-Stop...they aren't toys, they're living creatures!" "Whatever. Just make sure this one doesn't die like the last one." "Our last tiger was sick and I couldn't get the medicine for it! Let me go!" She ripped her hand away and glared, "P-Please leave!" She ordered. With a huff, the men walked off and Aki looked to the new tiger in awe. "Sugoi..."
Nana dropped into the water and instantly shot up, hitting the lid with a hard thud and glaring at Motochika. The tank wasn't exactly big enough to swim around, in fact she had to let her tail rest on the bottom, curved into a U shape along the bottom. "Now what? Am I just your caged bird? Well sorry, but I don't feel like singing..!" She hit the thick glass hard, pushing herself back against the far wall of the tank as far from him as possible, black hair floating around her head and shoulders like ink.

((She's gonna be Mego pissed right now cuz she finds it degrading that she's in the tank like a little goldfish~ But she'll simmer down and be normal Nana angry, just being quiet and short with him~))

The Tigers flank rose and fell steadily, a small split in its ear that oozed blood from the man hitting him so hard. His tail tip twitched and a soft growl rumbled in his throat, eyes opening slowly.

"You will soon enough." He told her, "I don't expect you to warm up to me instantly."

Aki perked slightly and moved away a bit, "Tora-san...! Ohayo...! I'm sorry about all this, name is Akihime but everyone just calls me Aki...I promise to take really good care of you..."
Nana turned her back on him a soft hiss sending bubbles through the water.

Yukimura blinked a few times before quickly sitting up on his haunches, his breath coming out in agitated short puffs, eyes panicked. He looked around the tent before spotting an opening on the far side. How long had he been out? A soft snarl rumbled in his chest when he saw the purple and pink colors of dawn slowly coming into view, getting back up onto all fours and pacing before pressing his head against the cage door, letting out a nervous bellow. Before looking at Akihime, then pressing his huge paws against the door, letting out another rumble. "This can't be! Master Takeda needs me, I cannot be trapped here!"

((Time for the dragoon~?))

Megohime stood atop a large stone plateau, the stone scorched black by the dragon that had terrorized the lands since she was a young girl. She glanced back at the few selected townsfolk to witness her sacrifice to the dragon, having been the unfortunate soul who was seen in the omen. She looked back over the cliff, nervously smoothing the white cotton gown she wore, keeping eye and ear open for the wicked creature. For years the villages had been trying to appease the dragon, and neither food offerings with the finest wines, or barrels full of gold, silver, and jewels had appeased him, the only thing known to keep him away was women offered up to the creature in hopes he would leave them in peace. So started the tradition that all the girls and women in the villages were to be groomed into beautiful women who would be chosen by the priest yearly and offered as a token of peace. What happened to those women no one was certain, but word was never heard from them again, so the worst had to be assumed.
Motochika chuckled and left the room so she could think and be alone.

Aki frowned softly and slowly reached out to him, "I-It's ok, Tora-san...I-I know how you feel..." She said gently.

In the distance, a familiar roar sounded. It was time. Lightning flashed in the sky and the townsfolk tried to stay brave. A flash of blue zoomed through the dark clouds and they knew that the dragon was close.
Yukimura kept his eyes glued to the skyline as the night turned to day, his heart sinking in his chest, not even registering when Akihime's hand pressed against his neck, huffing and putting his front paws back on the ground, a low sound of sorrow coming out in a low bellow.

Megohime felt her legs tense and fear ran through her, wanting nothing more than to run, but it was too late, he more than likely had her scent, and he knew she was there. She was no longer a free person, but a dragons prize, and now all that needed to be done, was for the prize to be claimed.
His fur was soft against her fingertips, making her exhale softly. "Ne, Tora-san...are you hungry? Do you hurt? I could get you some medicine I made for the other helps with pain from entertaining the audience..."

In a flash, a massive ocean blue dragon appeared before her, staring Megohime down with slitted blue eyes. A small low rumble sounded from it, long noodle like whiskers wiggling around her to catch her scent.
Megohime stood shell shocked, staring up at the large reptile with wide eyes. "By the gods.." She whispered to herself, flinching when one of the long whiskers brushed her cheek, but she remained in place still, making sure not to make any sudden movements.

Yukimura picked up his head to look directly at Akihime, finding it rather uncomfortable in the cold cage, where it would have allowed a normal sized tiger to sit comfortably, but he was much bigger, so he had to hunch over. He opened his mouth to speak, but only a soft rumble came from his chest, making him flinch. "Shimatta, I can't stay in this form for a while month, I need to get out of here!" He watched Akihime for a moment before slowly moving his head to rub his ear along her hand, leaving a smudge of blood on her palm, hoping it was enough to get her to open the cage and apply medicine.
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