♫ HM:MM - LUCKY ~ ♪ | Misanthropiclove


May 25, 2009
Here in Your Arms...Stabbing you with Glee
"The Exciting Ranch Plan! We're looking for ranchers! Would you like to work in Flower Bud Village? Buy property that you choose and live a warm and rewarding ranch lifestyle! The Mayor of Flower Bud Village."

A small smile stretched across lips at the advertisement, making his heart jump a bit. This was the place he was looking for! With an excited leap into the air, Ian began to dash forward towards this village in the distant, only stopping when another male appeared in front of him. The person was rather short, having similar brown hair as him, but had brown eyes instead of his crystal blue. With a small 'howdy' and some pleasant greetings, he was informed that this was the mayor of the village, Theodore. In return, he offered his name and the reason he was here, which lit up the older man's eyes as if it was Christmas.

Theordore quickly began to ask a series of questions as he wrote down a few things in a small booklet. Ian figured it was a registry and fingered a few bills in his pocket before handing them to the mayor as payment for land. When he was younger, his grandfather had owned a ranch that his family visited often, where he learned a few farming tricks. However, the farm was sold off when his grandfather died, but ever sense then, he dreamt that one day, he'd start up a farm as well. Today's the day. I'm going to have my own farm and it's going to be great, grandpa.

"Oh, yes. It's Ian, right? First, choose a lot and a house from the following:

Village Center: Not a lot of space, but convenient.
Ocean Side: The land is spacious but not fertile
River Side: convenient for fishing, but...

You're free to do what you want on your property. It's best to find out how to work on the farm by talking to the villagers. I don't want to start off by saying too much, but please don't forget this: there are fences around everyone's property. Yours are blue, other people's property is yellow, and common property is green. Please be careful not to throw things away on property other than your own."

The brunette nodded, knowing that it was rude to throw garbage in general. When the mayor handed him the book and pointed out a small line for him to write down the ranch's name, he wrote a small "Ruin Ranch" in its place, before handing it back. Theordore chuckled at the name and patted his back as he led them towards the village center.

The house there was a small wooden house, with just the hint of green painting along the roof that was fading away. It was obviously a used house, but he was informed that it was well equipped. Behind the house was a lumber shed, along with a shipping box and a vast amount of land. Most of it wasn't his, but it was enough to start farming on until he could buy the land that extended all the way towards another lot. Despite being in the village center, there was a lot of land all around him in every direction, which made him wonder why the village was so under-populated when there was so much space.

Shaking it off, he decided that it didn't matter why there wasn't so many people here; he'd just have to make this place even more wonderful so that others would come. "Time to turn in, I guess." Ivan sighed, glancing at the small spec that was the mayor in the distance as the other man left. The house was rather old inside, but he ignored that factor and ended up leaving the furniture as it was; opting to curl up on the seemingly new bed to rest.

That night, he had the strangest dream of some woman turning to stone and three little men speaking to him about reviving her. "Just keep living a happy life and you'll find the notes to bring her back to life!" one of the men stated, jumping up and down next to him. "Oh, yes, you'll need help, won't you? Perhaps you’ll meet the harvester! He can aid you. Keep an eye out for him, because he's a mischievous one!" the three 'Harvest Spirits' laughed.

"No, I don-." the brunette muttered, suddenly wincing at the bright light that appeared out of nowhere. When his senses came to again, Ian opened his eyes to see that he was in his house and the spring morning shine had woken him up. "What a strange dream..." he yawned, stretching his limbs as he climbed out of bed. Now what should I start off with today? he pondered.

Ian had to wonder where the bout of energy and excitement had gone for a moment. The pervious day, he had been all but skipping to this farm. Now that he was there, laying on some used bed and hay bits all over the place, he found that the excitement had died off more than a bit, and it was time to get his head on straight and get to work. But where to start was the question, and as he moved over to the window to get a good look outwards, he had to mentally outline how much space he had. The land had each markings, and he was told that the ones with a green outline meant that he could plant on them, since they were common property. However, that meant that he couldn’t build anything yet…

“What to do, what to do…” he muttered, before gazing up at the sky and taking a breath. The first thing was to get ready, so after throwing himself in the shower and then popping out all clean and fresh, he made his way towards the kitchen and…stared at nothing. Great…not food. he ignored the growling stomach in favor of just getting to work. Grabbing for a hoe, he left the house and circled the small area of land he had, looking for a good place to start sowing the two small bags of seeds he had. Next to the watering hole looked lovely. Later, he would probably go visit the neighbors or something. Yes, that sounded like a good plan, so as he began to plow the earth, he hummed to himself and began his first day as a farmer.
The village was rather pleased by selling the land. Inside there was also a new stranger who had come in and had much to trade. Many of them had had odd dreams the night before, but little was spoken of it thanks to this new man. He was tall, he was charming, he was handsome, and he seemed to flirt with anyone who gave him any time at all. He never went beyond that, just enough to sell his wares. And his wares were very nice!

He had come on a trip to the nearest city, at least that is what he said. His wares consisted of newer electronic gadgets, blueprints for new buildings and more efficient ways to make them, some various sweet treats, and even chicken feed! Not everyone needed things he was selling, but he was going to stay in town for a few days anyway and most of the girls wanted to male him feel very, very welcome. Perhaps he'd extend his stay. Or better yet, take them with him.

That was when he noticed someone new.

"Excuse me, who's that?"

"Huh, oh, him. He's new. He moved in yesterday. I think he said something about his grandfather moving in. Now, can you tell me about the city more?"

The traveler smiled and picked up his backpack before nodding, "Sorry madame, I must be off for the night."

He walked straight over to this new fellow and smiled when he caught his eye. This stranger was a good height, just over six feet and strapping as if he had been a wanderer all his life, yet didn't have enough muscle to have been a farmer. Yet his skin was a dusky brown, as if he had tanned just under too much sun for a white man or not enough for someone of a different race. His eyes were shocking though, the same delightful blue of Ian's. His hair was a night sky black and drifted just low enough to need to be brushed out of the way of his eyes. He smelled of the road and a hint of some masculine cologne that was marketed to make women notice you but tended to draw more attention from men, "Hello, my name is Samuel, I've just arrived here and heard you are new too? It's nice to meet you. What is your name?"

The brief silence was interrupted by a loud gurgling of someone's stomach and Samuel gave a gentle laugh, "Never mind, tell me as we walk. I need to buy you some dinner. You sound like you haven't eaten all day. Huh? No, no, I sold so much stuff today that I have more than enough money. Honest. Come on."

He took Ian to the cafe, or really, more the other way around. Still, he sat with this farmer boy and grinned at him, trading small talk and idle chat about the city. It was more of a "glad to be away" than "isn't it grand?" spiel, Samuel very happy to find someone who not only knew about the city but had apparently CHOSEN to leave it.

The waitress was a bit jealous that Samuel didn't spare her a second glance, his eyes glued to this man who he had just met. It wasn't until he noticed the windows weren't letting in as much light that he realized how long he had kept his new acquaintance. "I'm sorry. You must be needing to get home." He bought Ian a small meal for breakfast the next day and led him out, smiling, "Oh, by the way, call me Sam. All my friends do."

There was an odd sound and a small sprite came out of no where, handing Ian a small orb with a music note in it, and said "Lucky!"

Samuel gave Ian an odd look, but not a very unimpressed one, "Say...does that happen often?"
Ian had finished his work a bit early in the day so he decided to throw the rather small tools into the bag and threw it into the house. It wasn’t like he was afraid to damage anything in the old and worn down shack, so he ignored the clank that it made hitting the wooden floor. After a few moments of just leaning against the side of the house, he sighed and figured that with the few dollars he had in his pocket, it would be best to go out and get something to eat or drink. No point in starving himself the first day, after all.

However, just as he was about to move towards the nearest tavern or café, he paused at the sight of a stranger coming towards him. Alright, so they were all strangers to the new farmer, but this one had midnight black hair, with vibrant blue eyes. He was… tall. Six feet if Ian could measure height well, as Ian wasn’t as tall. For a moment, the farmer almost had a superiority or masculinity complex, but that was brief and passed quickly. The brunette was at least five feet ten inches, so he wasn’t that much shorter. Much taller than most people in the town, but not the tallest it appeared.

“Uh…hey, I’m-.” but he was interrupted by a stomach’s growl, making him chuckle and rub at his stomach. Of course he hadn’t ate all day, as he had worked, but this guy was nice enough to invite him to lunch. Should he take it? Ian didn’t know, but he decided to go for it and shrugged. What was the harm in having lunch with someone, especially in such a nice town with such nice people?

The brunette led the other male to the nearest café, realizing that this wasn’t a townsfolk, but a stranger to the town, since he didn’t know where anything was. “My name’s Ian, by the way. I just moved here myself.” He began, speaking to ‘Sam’ as if they were good friends. They had both apparently been part of the city life, but after a good while, the streets and busy life dulled them. For Ian, it had been the boring lifestyle of office work, while he had the lingering want to fulfill what his grandfather had told him to set out to do.

As they spoke though, he noted that Sam was very popular with the ladies; something that he wasn’t so great at. He smiled at the waitress briefly, and while she was nice to him, she was almost attached to the dark haired male before him. That didn’t hinder their conversations though, as they continued to speak about what went on in daily life and why they had left the city. The meal was rather pleasant to eat with someone there as well, so he finished his in light of the situation and gratefully accepted the to-go box of breakfast.

“Where will you be staying? I’m sure the inns here are expensive, so-.” but before he was able to finish branching out his offer of slumming in his deadbeat house, a strange popping sound sprinkled together a … little person before him. A Harvest Sprite of his dreams had appeared, crying out “Lucky!” and giving him the small orb with a music note in it. Just holding the orb seemed to feel like this was surreal, as he gazed down at it and the sprite went back to wherever it came from.

“Um…not really.” he said in response, peering down at the small orb and reading on ‘bottom’ that this was the friendship note. Raising an eyebrow, he glanced over at Sam and smiled weakly. “I’m totally not some crazy person…” he said weakly, still holding his offer to the other male.
Samuel gave a small laugh and touched the orb slightly, "I see. Then you must just be special then eh? I think it's rather cute actually." Samuel bowed slightly and looked up at the stars, "Well, I have already paid for my room tonight, so I believe it is best that I turn in. Perhaps I will see you tomorrow then, Ian? I'd like to talk more to you." He'd love to also do a bit more, but it was far, far too early for that. At least he knew who he was looking for now. That little sprite visitation had shown him that.

Samuel gave Ian one final wave before heading to the inn and going to his room. He was glad it was Ian who was going to end up collecting those orbs, as it made his job a lot easier. He had feared that perhaps it was some rather ungainly fellow, or even one of these ladies that seemed to moisten just at his very appearance. Perhaps it was just because he was new, as Samuel didn't think he was all THAT attractive. Sure, he was pretty, but what he had faced had been more than he was used to.

Yet, the sprite had obviously chosen Ian. Samuel opened his notebook and wrote down which note Ian had gotten, the touch of the orb all he had needed to know about what it was for. He'd be keeping an eye on Ian from now on. He just had to figure out some way to insinuate himself into Ian's life. Perhaps his pants as well, but many of those games Ian could play with someone else. Still...

The next morning the village ladies seemed a bit concerned. Samuel had said he would be back by lunch time and it was definitely nearing that time. He had told them he was headed out into the forest to find a nice place to fish. The women had hoped he would come back early, as did a certain farmer wanting to buy a bit more chicken feed.

Samuel was indeed in the woods, but he had never gotten to the lake. He lay on the ground with a sprained ankle and a rather pained expression on his face. He gave a light cry and had stopped calling for help an hour or so ago. He was just tired and wanted to get back to the village and rest.

He also hoped that Ian would come by. In fact, this could be a perfect situation to get another note. Yet, he wasn't sure Ian was totally dedicated to the idea of getting those notes, nor did he know how to get them.
Seeing that the other male had already found a place to stay, he nodded and bided him a good night, before heading back to his house. Nice fella… strange day… he thought to himself, as he moved to a drawer that was empty and filled with dust. Cleaning it out, he placed the small orb in there, watching as the pretty color almost shined as it rolled around. “I’ll deal with you later. Shit, he probably thinks that’s freaky or something…so much for making new friends.” he muttered, as he closed the drawer and moved the bathroom.

Getting ready for bed, he undressed and got into a pair of boxers. It was spring, so he wasn’t too concerned about getting sick. Slipping into the bed, he made a note to save up and get a better bed, as this one was old and the springs made a squeaking sound as he laid on it. Sighing softly, he rested his head back and decided not to think too much, as he needed rest for the next day. Nothing much to do but to water some plants and find some small job to do to get money, but it was still something.

So when the next morning came rolling around, the bright sunlight of the morning shone through his window and nearly blinded him. “Shit…” he groaned, rolling onto his stomach for a moment, before realizing that he needed to move his bed before the next night. Sighing softly, he got up and rubbed at his face, trying to wake up fully. It wasn’t until he was able to wash his face, did he wake and wonder just how the heck he even made it to the bathroom.

“Great…hm…” Ian seemed to just think for a moment, tilting his head back and forth, side to side. He picked up the watering can and went outside to water the plants. Just seeds for now, covered with tilted soil, but sooner or later, they would grow into wonderful crops. After the soil was a nice dark color because of the water, he placed the can down and stared at them at a knelt level, thinking about Samuel.

The dark haired male was his only friend in this town at the moment, so it wouldn’t be so strange if he went to visit him, right? At least, that was his excuse, so he stood up, brushed off the dirt from his pants, before trekking towards the café and hoping that Samuel was going to be there for breakfast. Having someone to talk to was nice, especially since he was some new guy in town and needed company.

“Hi! What’ll it be today for lunch?” the bubbly owner asked, rubbing the back of his neck. He was dressed like a server rather than a waiter, but as the owner of the Moonlight Café, Carl seemed both lively and competent.

“Morning…I mean, afternoon…may I get some juice and toast? Um…I’m Ian…have you see a dark haired male name Samuel around?” the brunette asked, feeling strange talking to someone so bright and energetic in the first thing in his day. He had spent a bit too much time watering the plants that it went from morning to afternoon already.

“Sure have. He stayed at the nearby inn yesterday…strange guy. Pretty well of it appears.” Carl noted, seemingly thinking for a moment. “He said he was going up to the lake, so you could catch him up there if you went now, I suppose.” the café owner placed down the sweet toast and a cup of juice for him, before going about and serving others. Ian debated a bit, before eating his food and paying with some tip. Standing, he moved towards the edge of town and began to head towards the lake area, seeing that the easiest route would be through the woods. Of course, no sane person would go through this area, as it was full of twigs and junk that one could trip over, but it was still bright out. Who could hurt themselves?

Proven wrong, as he saw someone just kind of…sitting there. “…Sam…?” he called out hesitantly, wondering what the other male was doing. From this distance, it looked like the dark haired male at least.
Samuel looked up and smiled, "IAN! I am so glad to see you! Oh man...I-I uh...well, I hurt my ankle. Can you help me get to that tree stump over there?" Samuel placed his arm around Ian and helped heft himself up before walking over to the stump and sitting down.

Samuel was completely dirty and from the trail of destruction behind him he had been dragging himself for quite a while now. He had just given up hope for a little bit to sit and rest. Luckily, keeping the hope alive had helped him out after all. He smiled at Ian and sighed, brushing off the dirt with a fruitless effort. "I'm sorry about this. I thought that getting some fishing in before I left would be relaxing. I was watching a bunny and didn't notice a rock in my path and tripped. I sprained my ankle then."

He looked down and seemed rather sad, "I just feel bad. I don't have enough money for another night in the hotel and now I definitely can't go onto the next town. I guess...I guess I'll just need to see if someone could let me stay over. I can offer to cook and clean some while they work, at least while my ankle heals."

He blushed and looked at Ian, surprised about the small first aid kit the man had. He gave a little hiss as the bandage was applied to his ankle, but the stabilizing feeling of the wrapping did make him feel a lot better. He carefully stood up and tested it with just a bit of weight before he tossed himself onto Ian once more. Samuel smelled of a gentle rain and fresh turned soil, and his body felt warm and not as callused as a farmer would. He was definitely attractive, at least in a sociological stance.

He looked exceptionally vulnerable at the moment, despite being a good three or four inches taller than Ian and a tad bigger. "I'm so sorry...I'll just sit back down for now." A chime sounded and a little sprite flew in, holding out an orb, "LUCKY!"

Samuel didn't seem to bat an eye to the sprite, and gave it an ever so small nod before it flew off. The note orb said "First Aid" on the bottom and contained a red shimmering note. Samuel gave a small grin and smiled, "Two times with me around. That must be very special. YOU must be very special, Ian."
After dragging Samuel to the tree stump, he pulled out the first aid kit from his rather endless backpack. The other male spoke about something like seeing a rabbit and then tripping on a rock… really, how clumsy could a person be? However, his offer from the pervious night came back to his mind, as the dark haired male spoke about needing to find a place to stay, as he didn’t have enough money for the inn stays that his ankle would take to heal.

Sighing, he listened to Samuel ramble a bit, as he focused on wrapping the ankle up, before packing everything away again. He stood up and tried to hold out his arms incase the other male needed it, and indeed, Samuel soon fell into his arms—quite literally. The soft scents of rain and soil made him want to sneeze, but it was almost soothing at the same time. Ian thought that perhaps he had gotten used to the scent of the farm that he liked it, as he remembered hating these scents back in the city. “Are you-.” but before he could fully ask his question, a small sound that chimed through the air popped in a small sprite.

Just as it called out ‘lucky’, he wanted to crush it, as this was the second time something as strange happened. “What the fuck…?” he muttered out, not noting his language whatsoever, despite being in front of the other male. A little red orb rolled around on the grass, of which he tried hard to balance Samuel and pick it up to stuff in his pocket as well. These guys were not going to stop bothering him, so he might as well keep them stored. All because of that stupid dream…

“I’m sorry, what? No, I’m just… a farmer.” the brunette sighed and wrapped his arms around the injured male’s waist. “Come on, we can get back to my place so you can rest. My offer still stands but…well, if you can handle those weird guys popping in whenever, then you can stay at my place until you heal. At least I get a free housewife for a bit, eh?” he joked, hobbling them back to the main area of the village, before passing the town center and then to his house.

There, he dragged Samuel to the bathroom, where he set him down on the toilet and moved to grab for a towel. “Here’s something to dry off with and I can bring you some spare clothes. Er…” he paused, staring around as if he wasn’t sure what to do now that he’s given Samuel a place to stay and hopefully wash himself. Speaking of which, all that dirt had rubbed off onto his clothes, so he’d need to clean up later as well. Sighing, he turned to the door and paused before leaving.

“You’ll be alright…right?” Ian would have to admit that he didn’t know Samuel that well that he would be comfortable with helping the taller male bathe. It was awkward enough having the slightly larger male lean on him for help, but bathing? He wasn’t sure how comfortable either of them would be, and he was sure that he could ask later about how Samuel could remain so calm about strange sprites popping up all over the place. Sure, he had a rather acid-trip dream about them and he’s probably still dreaming or high, but what was Samuel’s excuse?
Samuel grinned at the fact that Ian was assuring him he wasn't mad, "I see them too. I have heard tales of them in my travels but have never seen them in person before. I find it really intriguing. And you really are too kind to offer your place, and I would be ever so rude if I didn't accept."

After he had been dragged to the farm house Samuel noted how run down it was. This would never do, especially for the one who would be running around and collecting those orbs! This was just, well, a work in progress. The trip to the bathroom confused Samuel but he finally saw the wisdom of the decision. "I think I will be okay Ian. I do have a favor to ask though: My cart and other items are back at the inn. Would you mind going to collect them while I bathe? I would be very grateful." He gave a sweet look, one that showed how sorry he was to ask this. "I would understand if you said no."

The response made Samuel smile and he waved Ian off. After that he stood up...or tried to. His ankle immediately hurt and he sat back down. He grumbled slightly and slipped off his shirt, throwing it down as he started to try to undo his pants. A few minutes of fighting later he had gotten them down enough to just release his boxers from their bondage and was still sitting down and getting no where.

He stayed this way until he heard the door open and waited a few seconds, "Ian?" His voice carried a hint of embarrassment and shyness, but he stood his ground when Ian came in to the bathroom, "Ian, I am so sorry, but I do not believe I can undress myself. I...I would like you to help me? I really do apologize, we just met and you are already doing so much for me. If we bathe together I could wash your back, how about that?"

With Ian's help Samuel stood up and allowed Ian to pull off his pants and boxers. Samuel's bark-toned color covered his entire body, with just a hint of lightening over his groin area in the shape of his boxers. His penis was nothing to write home about and had the same midnight color as his hair in a patch right above it. Perhaps he was a grower, otherwise he might have had to have been very shy.

Samuel gently laid himself into the bath and watched Ian as subtly as he could, taking in the view of his knight in denim armor. Samuel held back a low whistle as Ian stripped down and politely turned his head when he thought Ian would notice him checking him out. He really, REALLY owed those sprites now.

Samuel gave a low, almost sexual moan as the warm water washed over him, looking at Ian with gratitude. "Thank you so much. There has to be a way I can pay you back somewhat today, isn't there?"
Hearing that there were things back at the inn, he glanced outside at the time and nodded, before leaving Samuel to doing what he needed to. He trusted that the other male couldn’t and wouldn’t steal anything; mainly because he had nothing valuable to steal. Hopping over to the inn, he asked for Samuel’s items, and while it would have been a bit strange to just hand over a person’s possessions, he was given the cart without question and told to take care of the other male. Raising an eyebrow, he just packed up the items and trotted home.

‘These people are weirder and weirder…way too friendly…but I guess they’re villagers for a reason.’ he thought to himself, noting that he’d have to work on being that friendly back. Being from the city had its disadvantages in village life, such as the strange trust issues that they seemed to not have, when he was still thinking that there was a possibility that someone would misuse that.

Once home, he kicked the door shut and placed the items down to the side, before hearing a voice. “Hm…?” he hummed back in question, following the sound to the bathroom as he knew it was Samuel. He didn’t open the door for a moment, before he realized that the other male was waiting for him. Stepping in, he raised an eyebrow as he saw that the other male hadn’t done anything. “What’s up?”

When told that the traveler couldn’t undress himself, he blinked and realized that he shouldn’t have expected someone injured to take care of himself easily. “Man, I’m sorry. Here, let me…” Ian knelt before Samuel and unzipped his pants, before standing up and wrapping his arms around Samuel’s waist. Gently, he helped slip off the pants and boxers, seeing that the dark colored skin was tanned all around.

“Sexy, Sam.” he jested with the other male, as he tried to gently slip the traveler into the water. He began to strip himself as well, since he’d need to bath with him, and it’d be easiest. Firm muscles over a much paler shade of skin though, as he hadn’t been out in the sun as long as Samuel probably had been. He had been facing away from the dark haired man, so he didn’t even see the other staring at his form.

Just after Samuel asked him if there was something to repay him back with, he slipped off his boxers and a ringing pop came back. ‘Shit…please no-’

“Lucky!” the sprite called out, floating in the midst of the bathroom, before dropping the small note-orb onto the pile of clothes that Ian had piled up. The little note rolled to a stop and had ‘Moon Viewing’ on it, making him blush.

“D…don’t mention it.” Ignoring it for now, he turned around and moved to get into the tub with Samuel. He wasn’t something that was extra large himself, with a toned figure and an average sized member. Not that they were comparing, but being average length was at least something he didn’t have to be embarrassed about.

Reaching out, he grabbed for the washcloths and handed Samuel one, after pouring a good amount of liquid soap onto it. “Here, you can wash yourself, right?” the brunette joked, as if he’d have to rub his fingers all over the other male’s body. One bad sprain on his ankle wasn’t going to completely handicapped him though, and later, they’d need to change the wet bandages. For now, he took his own washcloth and rubbed the soap over him, scrubbing away the dirty and sweat of the day.

It was a bit strange to bathe with another person, let alone a guy, but he tried not to focus on it too much, least he made it awkward. As for the note, he didn’t mention about it. “So, what do you want to do later? Play some cards or get some rest?” perhaps it was best not to talk in the bath together, as he felt awkward right after his question.
Samuel chuckled at the orb and managed to memorize that one for the book. "Don't worry, I don't mind them." He stayed silent and washed himself as he watched the man bathe, taking in his pale skin before making his move.

Samuel adjusted himself and touched Ian softly, turning him so that Ian was facing away from him, "Here, let me get your back for you. You can't reach it yourself and you have been so nice to me." With the bathwater and soap Samuel smelled much better. He rubbed Ian's back and listened to his ideas, shrugging, "I am not sure what I'd like to do. I suppose since we are staying together I could read you some stories. I sell literature...among other things I didn't pander at the village."

His hands slipped under the water as the cloth brushed against Ian's back, his hands gingerly touching the skin around the cloth in various positions as he 'slipped' up. "But playing cards sounds rather fun. I could also give you some extra seeds for your farm."

He had finally reached the small of Ian's back and ran the cloth just over his butt, his hands slipping and the cloth falling, his hands left groping Ian. He left it there for just a second too long before pulling back, "I am sorry. I lost my grip on it. But you look clean now. Oh, I'm also good at back rubs. Perhaps I could give you one later."

He moved and turned his back on Ian, not bothering to look him in the face for right now. He did feel moderately embarrassed, if only from being caught. Ian was very attractive. Plus he just felt...good. He'd grow even better the more he farmed and Samuel looked forward to it so much. Sure, they weren't the same race, and perhaps not even the same species, but Samuel didn't much see that as a problem. They did have other similarities.

"Ian...did you ever have a dream about a woman in stone asking you for help? I-oh, never mind. That's a bit silly."
Ian hadn’t minded much when he was turned, as he thought that perhaps it was best they didn’t face one another. However, when he felt the warm hands on his back, smoothing a washcloth over his flesh, the brunette shivered. He hadn’t had another person wash him since he was young, and the famer was used to doing things on his own, so it was an experience to feel someone was his back. In fact, it felt rather nice, so he didn’t protest and allowed Samuel to clean him.

He had almost leaned back against the touches, before he came too and felt the hands slip down lower. It wasn’t until Samuel groped his left buttocks, did he gave out a small intake of air and tensed a bit. The hand was warm, but to be ass-groped so easily made him both irked and embarrassed.

“Hm…?” he made himself vocal again, ignoring the touches so that he didn’t have to face another awkward moment. Turning back around, he noted that Samuel turned away from him now. “A back rub actually sounds tempting, Sam.”

Reaching out, he grasped for the washcloth and began to wash the other male’s back, not even asking, as he hadn’t really been asked. Just a small offer that acted like a warning, so he muttered that he’d return the favor. The question had thrown him off, and he was silent for awhile, not knowing what to say to that, as he worked on Samuel. Firm hands soothed over the other male’s muscles, massaging and rubbing the cloth of soap against the other’s back. Ian remembered learning that when one fell, their muscles were tensed up for a bit afterwards, so he continued to massage as he washed, not even caring that this might be considered strange.

Once finished, he slipped back and rinsed himself, before waiting for Samuel to do so and then stood up. The two towels he grabbed for were basic sheets of cloth to dry one’s body, but were just a tad bit soft not to scrape off skin layers while rubbing it over the flesh. Handing one to Samuel, he stood out of the tub and dried, before reaching over to help the dark haired male out of the tub to dry himself.

“Well,” he finally started up. “I don’t remember fully, but I do remember a woman turned to stone…” and sure, he was being asked for help by little elf/spirit men that popped up randomly with useless orbs. But he wasn’t crazy… at least, he desperately hoped not. Moving out to the countryside was supposed to relax him, not make him think he was having a mental breakdown.

“What, you had a similar dream?” Ian joked, grinning as he wrapped an arm around Samuel’s waist and helped an arm over his shoulders. There, they hobbled into the main room and towards the bed, so that the other male could sit and relax while he’d tried to scrape up something for dinner.
Samuel had enjoyed the rubbing. His muscles were completely relaxed and he felt so much better. He also felt it was pretty bad to have done all this to Ian. Really, it had been worse to get caught. Still, he had done it and nothing terrible had come of it. Perhaps this just meant he could do more. He stood up and took the proffered help, wrapping the towel around his waist as he walked with Ian helping him.

He fought the urge to drag Ian down with him and gingerly sat on the bed. He nodded at the question and looked up at the ceiling, "Before I came to this village a woman asked me to help the person who would collect the notes of freedom to play her symphony of awakening. Or...something. It has gotten a bit fuzzy. But when I saw the note orb...well...I figured maybe I hadn't been dreaming just a normal dream, you know?"

He reached into his pack and pulled out a small book, making two markings as he closed it and placed it back. It was the technical truth, he was just omitting certain things. "I guess...well...maybe this is kismet in a way, eh? I guess I should have stayed here instead of the inn before." He flashed a bright smile and sighed, laying back on the bed and propped up his leg. His towel opened up some and showed off his crotch again. He had little shame, perhaps because they were both men.

"I don't want to take up too much of your time. Really, I will be fine. Why do you not go do something for the farm work? Perhaps water your crops. OH!" He reached into his bag and handed Ian a bag of corn seeds and a bag of eggplant seeds, "Here you go! I figure this can pay for how long I stay here and everything I eat. Does that seem okay?"

He fell back again and looked at his wet bandage. He knew it'd need to be changed sometime today. "Ian, I don't mean to impose too badly, but where are you going to sleep? I think the bed is big enough for both of us, if you don't mind. I would hate to put you out like this."

He moved to lay on his side, cocking his head, "Come on and lie down to see if you'd mind. I'll give you that back rub I offered you."
Ian wandered around the room as he grabbed a few things and shoved the orbs into the same drawer. It was strange to think of what this meant and what was happening, but he had to reflect back on what Samuel had told him. Knowing that he wasn’t the only one who had the dream made him feel better about his ‘hallucinations’, and he sighed softly with a bit of relief. Moving back over to the other male, he stood next to Samuel when he was given two bags. “Oh, um…yeah, this is alright.” he shifted from foot to foot, as he played with the bags for a moment.

“I’m fine with you staying here, since it’s kind of lonely without company. Just don’t break anything.” the brunette joked, placing the bags in his tool chest, before shifting himself back to the bed. There was a moment’s pause, as he wondered if he should press himself down onto the bed or not. Was it going to be awkward? Perhaps, but he didn’t think too much on it. Biting down on his bottom lip, he tilted his head and gingerly sat down.

It wasn’t too bad at first, as he realized that there was no other away around this. Sharing a bed was the only way that neither of them had to suffer the cold and hard floor. Ian had one blanket, one pillow, and one bed. There was no way he was going to give up his bed, but he’d feel bad about shoving a guest down to the floor. So sharing it was.

Sharing was caring, right?

“A massage sounds cool, but are you sure? Don’t you want to rest or something?” because twisting your ankle had to be ‘fun’ and he’d assume one needed rest to heal. There was a hospital just a bit away from his home, so he’d have to take Samuel there in the morning. Waking up early, perhaps six in the morning, would give him enough time to water the crops and then bring Samuel next door.

As he lay down on the bed on his stomach, crossing his arms to cushion his head, Ian thought about the seeds. Corn was a summer crop, and eggplants were autumn. That meant that he couldn’t plant them yet, since it was just spring, but he could wait for them. Thinking of them as investments, he smiled a bit, despite not expecting anything of the like in return from Samuel but a massage. Hopefully being in only a towel was not going to bother his friend from giving him one.
Samuel moved and then straddled Ian, his groin and all attached to it pressed against the towel and Ian's buttocks, "Okay, now, lie still." He moved his hands down and started rubbing with a gentle caressing motion that felt like he was grabbing Ian's muscles and rearranging them in a way. His hands worked the shoulders and down the back, feeling the warm flesh of Ian as he continued to work on him. The hands soon reached the small of his back and began to travel back up the spine of his host.

The next set of moves consisted of him pressing his thumbs down rather hard, pushing nerve clusters in ways that would hurt at first but would release endorphins into Ian's body and relaxing his muscles more. The thumbs began to go back up and work the spine, placing disks back in proper alignment and making sure the nerves were bundled correctly and the best pleasure centers were worked to give the best relaxing feeling.

When he got to the shoulders once again Samuel started beating the back lightly, 'karate chop' hands running up and down as he layered out his techniques, reaching back up to the shoulders to press the hands in the same shape deeply into the shoulders and rub them up and down, mixing up pressure to help out his new friend.

The techniques and rubbing continued for a good half hour before Samuel fell off of Ian and sighed, "Well, my hands are tired, but that hopefully means you are relaxed. Do you feel good, Ian?" Samuel smiled as he looked next to the man sitting next to him. "I'm not that great with massages but I do hope you feel better."

He looked down at his leg and sighed, "Could we change the bandage? It's still wet but it's rather cold now and getting uncomfortable." He looked so adorable as he asked, and seemed so sad he had to ask. "If you want to, that is."
Even with the towels being their only covers for now, he felt like they were too much and too little at the same time. When the fact that he actually thought it was too much crossed his mind, Ian mentally slapped himself. He could feel the heat that radiated between the other male’s legs. It made him feel strange, as it was warm like a heater, but enough to send a cold chill over his form.

As soon as the massaging started though, his body melted like snow, almost arching against the magical hands if he could find the energy to move. While Samuel wasn’t gifted with the best skills at massaging, it was just enough that his muscles were coaxed into relaxing and gave into being meld to whatever the darker haired male desired. Each squeeze was both wonderful and a bit painful, as there were some that were too hard in some areas, while not enough force for others. Still, beyond that, it felt like the pain wasn’t long, and the throbbing for more to relax the muscles ached.

“Mm…hm? Oh, it’s wonderful. You really know what to do to help this little farmer unwind, huh?” he joked, back arching a bit and hips lifting up the other male fractionally because of his movements. Eyelids fluttering shut, Ian hummed as he was given the massage, the rubs and ‘pounding’ of his flesh causing the muscles to unknot and lax as if he was sleeping.

Samuel was asking about the bandages, but it took him a good minute to comprehend what the other was saying. His peachy skinned body was sprawled out on the bed, completely relaxed and in a desperate need to rest. Farming wasn’t too hard of a task in the few things that he was doing, but as a beginner, he was bound to be unused to and inefficient about the simple jobs.

After another minute with his eyes half opened, he jolted awake and jerked up into a sitting position. “Ah! The bandages, right!” the brunette scrambled a bit, almost falling out of the bed in his haste. He had completely forgotten about them, which should have been handled right after getting out of the bath. In his movements, his towel was tangled in the sheets and was pulled off of his hips, but that didn’t seem to faze him. Grabbing for the medical kit, he hobbled back and knelt before Samuel, pulling out the bandages and disinfectants.

“Tell me if I hurt you…” Ian murmured, head slightly bowed as he gently touched the ankle and began to unwrap the cold and wet bandages. Unraveling them and wiping them down with the disinfecting wipes, the brunette was still somewhat unaware that he was nude—not with the amount of attention he was giving the ankle.
Samuel watched with interest as Ian got up and his towel dropped. It, like the bath, was not a bad look on the man. Quite the opposite. If it wasn't for all the brambles and nasty bugs Samuel might want to farm that way and perhaps get a nice tan all over his body. Then the question registered, "Oh, okay Ian. I will. Don't worry, I'm actually pretty tough."

The bandaging went well and Samuel did enjoy the view from where he was. He watched the bandage come off and gave a grin as he watched Ian sway in the wind. Yes, this was a perfect housing condition indeed, "So, assuming we both aren't hallucinating and that our actions are going to draw these sprites in with their orbs, perhaps we might want to see what they want exactly. This may speed about their recovery, if we can do what they want."

He didn't let on to his own part in this. He was surprised as Ian that he had been able to summon on of those beings with that farcical "moon gazing." Perhaps it was only because Ian was the subject. "Ian, be a dear and fetch my pack for me, would you? Thank you so much." He pulled out his little note book that had a list of orbs with numbers next to them. In no particular order he added the new ones in, showing they had three of the orbs needed.

He thought about what one he might want to do next and looked over at Ian. There could be something... He pulled out a slab of bread and offered it to Ian, a small light going off in his head, "I don't have much on me at the moment, but perhaps if you have any food left we could make sandwiches? That could at least tie us over."

He waited for a small second and then grabbed Ian's rear when he was close enough to get the bread, "Also, your towel fell off. Not that I mind much. Your skin tone is rather different than mine and is different all around. I really do like it."

OOC: I apologize so much for this! The holidays were crazy and I forgot all about Blue Moon and just saw a Harvest Moon strategy guide today and had my memory jogged! I am so sorry! *bow*
“I hope we’re not hallucinating… or maybe I should hope we are…” the brunette chuckled, finishing up his work, before grabbing the other male’s pack. It seemed like Samuel had to keep track of something, almost like a diary. However, as curious as he was, he didn’t dare peek over the other male’s hand, since he knew that would be rude. Shaking that off, he moved to stand and get something from the fridge, thinking that they had something to make to eat.

When the hand came and groped his bottom though, he squeaked and bit down on his tongue. If anyone ever asked, he would rather be tortured than admit he had done something so feminine. “Wha…OH!” quickly, he rushed to the fallen towel and quickly covered his modesty. The red flush along his body indicated that he was embarrassed for not even noticing that, but he supposed he was too used to living alone that he rarely noted being nude in his home.

That should change, else he made Samuel uncomfortable.

“Sorry…um, thanks, I guess.” Ian mutter, shifting his foot, before moving towards the small kitchen. He tried to act as if nothing had occurred, even though his skin was throbbing at the area that the other male had touched. It was a strange feeling, something he hadn’t experience for quite some time with a woman, and never with a man. Was it a buddy to buddy gesture? Perhaps, but he wasn’t used to this type of male bonding either.

Oh well…maybe he hadn’t seen many other guys…and wanted to know if they were as rough as he was? the farmer wondered in his mind. Trying harder to shake it off, he turned and began to make the sandwiches, thanking whatever crazy deity that he had enough food for them. The towel hung limply along his hips, smooth skin almost taunting Samuel to touch, but there wasn’t permission to do said action. “Is there something you don’t like in your sandwich?” he asked over his shoulder, cutting the cucumber.

[ooc; No worries~ I apologize for my delay as well. The random things in life are just fun, no? ^^’ Hope your holidays are going well though <3]
Samuel thought about the sandwich question for a while and shrugged, "I don't much like eggs on them, or ribs, but otherwise I think I can be pretty okay. Unless it is an egg sandwich between toast, then I can stand egg on it." He smirked and looked at what Ian was working with, "What you have should be fine in any combination, don't worry."

He stood up, gently testing his foot and finding it still wasn't perfectly adequate. He kept little weight on the limb and grabbed a chair to balance himself on. He used it as a makeshift walker and moved over to Ian, looking over his shoulder, "Thanks for this, once again. Everything, I mean. You could have just forced me to stay at the hotel and I'd just be out of luck. You are really kind. Do tell me if there is anything I can ever do for you, okay?" He spoke in gentle terms and let just an undertone of sultriness intrude on his intonation of 'anything,' letting Ian know that he was up for some things other men wouldn't be if asked the right way.

He waited and took his sandwich when it was made, moving his chair and himself back to the bed. As he slumped down the chair caught his towel and held onto it, revealing Samuel's nudity in all it's glory. He was surprisingly well tanned, his groin area being the only place that was somewhat lighter and Ian had a complete view of how true that was. Samuel, unlike his host, had no fear of being naked and lounged on the bed in such a way to elevate his foot and as best as he could also draw attention to his ample maleness.

"This sandwich is really good Ian. You do well with limited resources. I can't wait to see what you can do when you are fully stocked up on all the proper items." Samuel gave Ian a pleased look and there was a light twinkle in his eyes that could mean he was taking a sinister delight in the exhibitionism he was indulging in. He didn't seem ashamed at all of his nakedness unlike Ian had been and almost reveled in it. At least as much as he could without sending Ian running from the house screaming he had taken in a foul pervert. "So, what crops were you planting recently? I might be able to send for some seeds of those from a warehouse far away. It is the least I can do for all your kindness."
Taking note that Samuel wasn’t an egg fan, he nodded and finished up making the sandwich as fast as he could. It was getting late, so a small dinner was going to have to suffice. After all, he didn’t want to bloat them before they went to bed, thus causing them to sleep in later, or perhaps wake up much earlier than they desired. Just as he was about to turn around, he felt the dark haired male’s presence behind him, making him gasp softly in shock.

“Um… no worries. I mean, gosh, it’s not like I was going to leave you injured in the middle of nowhere. This village is small enough as it is.” he joked, his heartbeat picking up another rhythm at Samuel’s tone of voice. Once finished with the sandwich, he didn’t protest when the other male grabbed for one and moved to sit down to eat. Slightly embarrassed to see the other male’s nudity, he kept his gaze firmly above chest level as he moved to sit next to Samuel and began eating his own.

Taking a bite of his sandwich and licking a glob of mayonnaise from the corner of his lips, he tilted his head in thought. “I planted some turnips and cabbage today. I’m not apt in farming, to tell the truth, so I’ll have to research on what I can plant in spring.” shrugging his shoulders, he took another bite, leaving yet another trail of mayonnaise along his lips. Making a note to put less in next time, he shifted so that his towel was covering as much of his nude skin as possible. “What do you usually like to do? I mean, you’re slightly home-bound for some time until you heal, and I wouldn’t want you to be moving around to help along the farm.”

Of course, he remembered the housing work that they had agreed on, but there wasn’t much to do around a bare house to begin with. “I’ve been planning to have a barn built… chickens would probably be easiest to start off with. Maybe cows and a horse later… oh, do you know how to sow? Maybe I could get sheep and the wool could be used to make clothes and sheets. And—uh… not that… um…” he trailed off, realizing that he had been rambling, as well as make the assumption that Samuel was going to stick around that long. Finishing his sandwich off as fast as he could, he went to clean off his plate, before digging through his drawers to find boxers and some clothes.

“Do you need spare sleeping clothes?” he asked, top half almost pushed into the large drawer as he raked through the hung clothes.
"Oh yes, I can sew. I can also knit. And I can cook when pressed and am told I am a delightful dancer. Not that the latter will come into effect any time soon though." He grinned, catching onto the fact that Ian did not seem in any hurry to get rid of him. He pulled his towel over and wiped Ian's mouth the final time, grinning cutely. "Not that you are trying to guilt me into staying. I understand. Honestly I think I will be here a while longer, and I will have to make myself useful so I do not just leech off your generous hospitality. Tomorrow we should go into town and I will purchase a cane. That should give me enough leeway to move about on my own and enough freedom to clean up around here and pull my weight."

He did a quick scan of the dusty, empty house, "It won't take much I believe. But just getting this place into shape should keep me occupied for a very long time. Long enough to pay my debt back I hope. And, if not, I can always loosen you up with back rubs after your long days working in the farm." Samuel laid back on the bed, somehow having escaped the fate of Ian's mouth with the mayonnaise the entire time he had been eating.

"Clothes? I...well...to be honest I sleep in the nude. Wearing clothes in bed makes it so I cannot sleep comfortably and predisposes me to bad dreams. I will wear this towel if you would like, or I could take the floor and a sheet. I do not mind either way." He gave a look of honest embarrassment as if some sort of deep dark secret had been dredged up from his past. He had almost been hoping to sleep body to body with Ian, holding the warm man close as they both dreamt. Of course it was an idle fancy driven more by boyish lust and excitement than any real sense of reality. The chance of anyone but a pure saint or dastardly pervert letting him sleep naked in the bed with him was slim and the two most logical people to do it were challenging in their own ways.

Samuel acted on a sudden feeling of exposure and shame, his left hand going down to cover up his length as he felt the warmth of blood rushing down his body. He knew he must be red at least from his face to his chest, if not a bit lower. "I'm sorry, I'm not used to...this. I mean...well...you're nice and sweet and...if you were a bit kinkier I'd swear we were characters in some sort of erotic novella. Or perhaps I was the one sent to seduce the naive young farmer, if said farmer hadn't just come from the city. Never mind. I will gladly take the floor, if only to silence my own babble."
Fingers brushing against a spare boxer, Ian paused midway as he was pulling it out of the drawer. It seemed that he hadn’t thought about ever sleeping in the buff, or the possibility of it. The idea played in his mind, wondering how it would feel if he were to do that one day. The bedding would definitely have to be soft, or his junk would rub painfully on the sheets; he was a stomach sleeper after all.

After a few moments, he finally shrugged his shoulders and had to take another moment to answer. “Well, I suppose I don’t mind. We’re both guys after all.” he noted, standing up and waving the boxers in his hands as he pulled out another pair. “Then again, we could have had matching boxers for our sleepover. Oh, darns.” the brunette joked, turning his body with a smirk plastered on his lips to show that he was playing around. As he turned, the boxers slipped out of his hands, with one landing in the opened drawer and the other on the ground, as he took in Samuel’s sight.

Ian would like to think he wasn’t of the dumb sort. He was a smart male that graduated with A’s and a few specks of B’s. Sure, social interaction escaped him every so often, so he’d learn that there was always an explanation for anything that escaped one’s grasp. Like now, with Samuel bright red, covering his crotch.

His nude crotch.

Taking a small breath, he let a slightly weak smile drift over his lips to replace the smirk. Because really, nothing looked more lecherous than a smirking guy with an injured guy essentially trapped in his… farm house. Truly, this was like some bad gay porno. “Wow… uh…” no joking on the erotic novella, huh?, would have been a bad way to end that sentence.

The brunette came up with no explanation for that though, and while he knew he should have diverted his eyes from the man’s crotch, it was easier said than done. “So… uh, we’re both guys. No need to get shy on me.” the silent question ran in his mind, asking if Samuel was a virgin. Certainly Ian wasn’t going to tell the other male he was one as well, but he didn’t get hard just talking about any sexual thing.
Samuel gave a little laugh at the matching boxers comment but seemed to still be rather embarrassed. "I am sorry about this it's just...well, you are so nice to me. I didn't expect that. I almost feel as if I am taking advantage of you. But you are right, I shouldn't be ashamed. I wasn't before and just because you are a nice man does not take back the fact that you have already seen me unclothed before." He moved his hand and exposed his penis once more.

He moved over so Ian could get in the bed as well. As Ian laid down Samuel wrapped his arms around him in a hugging motion and pulled him close, allowing their bodies to press into one another. "Thank you, again. You will not be disappointed. I'll have this place looking like a real house in no time. Perhaps we can even get some furniture for you in here. And a better table. A trash can as well. SOMETHING besides these bare walls."

He gave a light smile before letting Ian go and slipping off into his dreams. He had no dreams of a woman asking to be rescued, but he had rather generic ones of flight and embarrassing moments of his past. He would wake up with an erection that most men had in the morning and turn over, waiting for it to go down and so that Ian wouldn't see the covers risen up around his shaft in case he awoke. His gaze would also trail down Ian, just in case he could get a view of the pale man even if he was covered up.

It suddenly struck Samuel as odd that Ian hadn't gotten up as farm life did start so early. "Ian, Ian, get up. It is nearly dawn!" Samuel had been getting up this early for most of his life thanks to his traveling profession. he figured it would be good for Ian to practice getting up so early as in the city life was much more calm and laid back. Well, at least time wise.

"Ian, it is time to check on your crops. It is best to get to them early. I think you should also clear out the weeds." He didn't want to sound like too much of a nag but he was unsure as to how much Ian knew about farming. "I can make breakfast if you want and if you need some time to get up."
Ian shrugged to shake off the strangeness of the situation, but he didn’t object to having the house remodeled. After all, bare walls with nothing but the basics didn’t make a home, and this was going to be his home for an undetermined amount of time. “Well… night…” he drawled out, slipping under the covers with a bit of hesitancy in his movements. Once the covers were over his form, he faced away from Samuel and lay on his side.

The night drifted into darkness, where dreams took over and left him playing with fluffy sheep and fat cows. It was then that he felt his body shaken, causing him to snap his eyes open in alarm. “Wha-!?” but the question melted away, as he realized the sun was very much up, and the voice next to him was of his companion telling him to go water the crops.

From what he had learned, the crops needed plenty of water, and not watering it as early as he could in the day would cause a bit of an unhealthy starvation for the plant. Falling out of bed, he dragged part of the covers with him. In his haste to pull out a pair of trousers from the drawer and find a suitable shirt somewhere in a bag of clothes that he had yet to unpack, Ian didn’t even notice the state that Samuel woke up in. Nor did he take note to cover up his own state of morning wood.

The clothes were practically yanked on, before he slipped on his shoes. “I’ll be back in an hour! Breakfast would be wonderful, but don’t strain yourself! I’ll make it if you’ll wait~” and even before he was finished with his morning greeting, he was already out of the door; voice drifting further and further way. With his watering can in his hand, he dripped it into the well and began to sprinkle a generous amount of water upon the tilled soil. The drying patches seemed to just flourish with health again, as the water made miniscule creators within the dirt. Even though he thought it would only take an hour, it was another two before he would be able to drag himself back to the house.
Samuel waited a little while after Ian left, figuring that he could be patient for the man to return. It was after the first hour that he realized that the man was not going to be back as he had said. Samuel gave a little sigh but smiled as he pulled himself out of the bed and rested his leg upon a chair. With a little effort he got his underwear and pants on, a small glimmer of remembrance on his eyes as the image of a naked Ian ran through his mind. He slid the chair over to the small kitchen area and checked out what was available to them both for food. He settled on eggs and some of the bread they had had the night before.

He cracked the eggs into a pan that he greased with a light amount of butter, letting them slide about as he shredded up some cheese. With a little flurry he started scrambling the eggs and the cheese together to finish the product up and evenly distribute the flavors. The bread slices were toasted and placed beside the two plates he had found and dusted off for them to eat on. When he was done he noticed that Ian still did not seem to be coming in. The poor boy must have completely underestimated how little work he had to do. Ah, but that was common with people just starting out in new jobs.

Samuel grabbed the ratty looking broom that had been left and began to sweep, maneuvering the chair around to get most of the house. It was hard work more because the broom was in rather bad repair instead of the fact that Samuel only had one good leg. Yet he still was able to gather up enough of the dust on the floor and swept it outside and thus leaving the house looking moderately better than it had started out as.

He was scooting back to the table when he heard the door open and saw Ian, "Ian! Welcome back. I made eggs and toast for us. I can probably help out buying new products for us to eat when we head to town today. And with a cane or other prop I can more easily move about to cook." He motioned for the tired looking farmer man to sit down and enjoy himself. "I think I got a good start on the floor, which will be better once I get more time. I am just going on though, how was the farm work today?"
By the time he had made it back to the house, it had reached just a little over the third hour of being away. He sighed a little guiltily, as he had left Samuel to fend for himself in his injured state. Opening the door, he hoped to find that the other male wasn’t hurt further or something, only to hear a welcome to his arrival. Relieved, he smiled brightly and nodded. “Thank you. It seems that you’re able to move around and cook just fine.” Ian refrained from jesting about how much of a housewife the other male reminded him of.

“Perhaps I should… buy farm animals?” he asked, as he edged himself towards the seat and settled himself for some eggs and toast. “Nothing big I suppose, but if I could get enough wood in the next few days, I could probably have a small barn built.” Ian was sure that it was going to cost a pretty penny, but if that meant for the better in the long run, it wasn’t a bad investment. Plus, it would give them ingredients that they would need for stable foods.

“And I’ll make a cane for you after breakfa—er, lunch, if that’s alright?” he asked, picking up a fork and taking a small bite out of the food. It had been cooked just as he liked it, and the toast was a nice addition. Seemingly just eating replenished his strength, and he felt much better than he had when he had first came into the house. Gazing over at the other male, he smiled took a long up and down look at the figure before him. “You look like you’re doing well. I hope you slept well? I do apologize for running out on you so early in the morning.”

Because with their situation, didn’t that look and sound odd? The brunette immediately cut his train of thought off as soon as he could, as he didn’t think it was a good idea to do such a thing at… any hour of the day. Lustful thoughts, while might be accepted between men, was not a good idea for someone who was your ‘house-mate’ for the next few weeks or so. Even though he knew that, his mind wandered, and he remembered Samuel’s rather adorable look when he was asleep—yes, he’d admit that he had turned over in the middle of the night and in a half-dazed sleep, he stared for a little bit. Just a little though!

Clearing his throat and mind, he finished off the meal and peeked over to the dark haired male. “You know, this might sound stupid but… after doing the crops, what else do I do?” was this it? Farming didn’t seem to take forever, if so…
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