Teen Wolf (Naomi David and Reydan)

She opened the door, smiling when she saw him, glad he had completed his task. She spoke,"Come in!" Her Mother had gloves on at the table, she was sharpening cold iron throwing knives, cold iron was toxic to the Fair Folk, but they had an odd smell about them, like they were seeped in wolfsbane and a few other toxic ingredients to supernatural creatures.
He stepped through the door and froze. The table was covered with weapons and, the twitching of his sensitive nose told him, all of them were coated in wolfsbane. Her mother was preparing them, eyes focused on the tasks, and he refused to take another step into the room.

"What is this?" he growled, his voice low and dangerous in his throat. The wolf in him was tensed, ready to fight or flee if need be.
"There is a threat in the forest. My folk don't like it. I don't know if it's a rival wolf pack or not, or if the Unseelie Court is visting, but I like being prepared. The Fair Folk have not sensed a threat like this in hundreds of years." her Mother coldly replied. She spoke,"It's not just wolfsbane. It's made of cold iron, toxic to my kind. Wolfsbane, toxic to your kind. Wolf Lichen, toxic to Kitsunes, and a few other ingredients. Either way, I'm merely preparing for a war that might or might not come."
"What sort of threat?" he asked, still wary and lingering in the doorway. He didn't like this at all. This little town had always been quiet, always sleepy and silent. That was why he'd let the pack settle here. It would have been suicide somewhere more busy, but this little corner of the USA was as dull and normal as could be. Until now it seemed. "What do you know of all this?" he asked, this time directing his eyes to her mother.
"The Fair Folk know not yet. We don't know if its the Unseelie Court paying a visit. We don't know if it's a rival werewolf pack, though I werewolf kind dictates that pack Alphas have to let each other know if one is visiting to avoid pack wars. We don't know what it is, and we don't like it. Dark magic is afoot. We've been finding dead bodies of our young. Only dark magic allows the slaying of the young, for the most potent of magics has the blood of children spilt. I highly suggest you keep your pack members that are under the age of 18 on a highly tight leash." she spoke, continuing to make weapons.
Mark groaned as Céleste's mother informed him of the hell that was waiting in the dark for them. He had experienced nothing like this in his few years as an Alpha. This was a quiet part of the country. He groaned again, leaning on the door frame, and spoke in a soft voice. "I'm sorry for the loss of your young. I had no idea that there was even a fey community in this part of the country".

He glanced over at Céleste, her eyes on the work bench, and a smile played at the corners of his lips. She was gorgeous, even at a time like this, and he felt a pall lift from him as he glanced at her. "I've got business with your daughter actually" he added, still not wanting to venture into a room filled with so much wolfsbane, and grinned at Céleste from the doorway. "Got somewhere private we can go?"
"We're all over the world, close to places in particular with lots of nature, like forests, such as the one close by. We don't often interact with humans, but when we do its more often than not to bring fresh blood into the faerie bloodlines." she replied, going back to her work, continuing,"We appreciate the sentiment, but I must repeat the warning. Keep those under 18 safe. The threat could be any one, anywhere." Céleste replied,"We could go out into the gardens."
He followed her out into the garden, musing over her words about the young ones. With the pack's new cub on the way this was bad news indeed.

He sat on the bench outside, where he had first sat to watch her transform only a few days ago, and sighed.

Mark ran a hand through his dark hair. "I'd expected to come over here and flirt shamelessly with you" he grinned ruefully, "but its clear that this has just been an awful couple of days." He leaned back in the chair, suddenly tired, and added "Do you think you should stay with your own people for now? With the Fae? Your parents could keep you safer than the pack could." He didn't want her to go, of course, but more than anything wanted her to be safe.
She walked out to the garden with him, and she spoke,"I don't even know the other Faeries, if I don't know them, I don't trust them. And my Mother says the lot of them are tricky bastards. The 'tricky bastard' rule doesn't apply to her since she was brought up amongst mundanes. Long story. But I wish to stay with the pack." Her Mother had told her a great deal about the Fey, such as... Don't expect a direct answer to a question. Expect a indirect answer to a question. Don't eat Faerie food.
"Good" he grunted, looking out at the garden, for some reason overwhelmingly glad that she had chosen the pack over anything else.

They sat there, in silence, for a little while. Mark didn't know what to say, what to do, now that the news had derailed him so. It took him a few moments, listening to the crickets around them, to make up his mind.

Suddenly, gently but insistently, he leaned over and placed his hand on to of Celeste's. He smiled, glad to have the upper had for once, at her surprise, and then leaned in to kiss her soft lips tenderly as the moonlight played across the garden around them.
Céleste smiled lightly when he placed his hand on top of hers. They felt rough, the sign of a hard worker. What the surprising thing was he kissed her. It felt so damn right... But she kissed back, not protesting, no nothing. She WANTED to kiss him. He had really grown up.
He kissed her a bit more eagerly, sensing her acceptance of his affection, and shifted on the bench closer to her. She tasted strangely sweet, as if she had been sucking on sweets, and as Mark moved closer he felt her lips open and allow his tongue to press against hers.

They sat there, kissing, for a minute or two before he broke the kiss and cupped her face. "Hi" he whispered quietly, feeling her cool skin beneath his palm. "Hi".
Hot damn, he was a good kisser like all the girls said he was, she was rather enjoying it, and she opened her mouth just enough for some tongue action... After a few minutes they broke the kiss, and she spoke,"Damn, that was incredible..."
He grinned. "At last, my misspent youth works out for me!"

He reached over and, before she could protest, lifted her onto his lap so that she was astride him.

"Hi there hot stuff" he grinned, his teeth flashing wolfishly in the moonlight, and he ran his hands up her sides before leaning in to kiss her more passionately this time.
She laughed and rolled her eyes. Before she could say anything, he had her on his lap.... Damn, were his thighs really that muscular?... Very pleasing. At moments like this, her ears seemed more pointed than ever, and she spoke,"Damn, it feels pretty good to be so up close and personal with you."
He said nothing, a low growl emanating from his throat instead, and he pulled her closer. His senses were sharpened, heightened by the pleasure to come, and he enjoyed the feel of her breasts pressed against his chest. The sound of her laughter in her throat. The sight of her ears prick up in the corners. He wanted her so badly. He was hard, his hardness pressing against her through their jeans, and he moved his kisses from her lips down the line of her throat to the patch of skin exposed at the top of her blouse. "I want you so bad" he growled.
Damn, that growl from his throat sounded so manly! His chest was so hard, so corded with muscle... So hot! She could feel his hardness pressed against her through their pants... Mmmm, the next turn on was him kissing down from her lips to the area above her blouse... She purred,"We should find a better avenue for this!"
"Lead on" he grinned, more of the wolf about him as his strong hands kneaded her ass cheeks through her jeans. He was so hard for her, and the knowledge that she was hot for him was even more delicious. He kissed her again. "You know the terrain" he teased "where is nice and...soundproof?"
"Mmmm, lemme just grab a set of keys.... My family has a cabin in the woods." she replied, hungrily kissing him as he merrily groped her ass...
Mark waited as she left to grab the keys. His blood pumped in his veins, a little of the wolf about him now, and he waited for her impatiently.

He wasn't sure, in his rational mind, if this was a good idea. Céleste was fae. Strange and powerful. And more than a match for him. He knew, too, that she increasingly had him wrapped around her little finger. He was meant to be the dominant one, the leader of the pack, but look how easily she had got him to talk to all the girls he had hurt. How quickly he had jumped at her command.

He growled deep in his throat. He really wanted her. Would not be denied. And once she got him to that cabin he would show her exactly why he was an Alpha.
Céleste happily went back into the house, grabbed keys, backpack, some clothes, female items, and came back out, and she showed Mark her hand, ready to lead him to the house. It would feel awesome, to transform into a wolf, but she wasn't going to ruin another pair of shoes. Of course, there was nothing wrong with transforming into the humanoid version.
They were at the little cabin in no time and, once through the door, Mark wasted no time in pressing Céleste to the log wall and pushing her lips apart with his hot tongue. He pressed his body to hers, enjoying the feeling of her arching back against him, and tangled his hands in her gorgeous hair.

"I want you so fucking badly" he grinned into her face, teeth glinting, "but I guess you can already tell that!"
It was less than a minute, it seemed, that they were at the log cabin, and in the door. SHe barely had time to shut and lock the door before Mark began to hungrily kiss her, pressing their bodies tofether. She hungrily replied once they came up for air,"We want each other, 'nuff said." She was hungry, she needed him, and she happily began to work off his shirt.
He let her tug his shirt over his head before he practically ripped hers off her slender frame. He knelt, tugging her jeans down to her ankles and caught her buttocks in his hands, teasing the flesh in his fingers. He lifted her up, out of her trousers, and let her legs drape over his shoulders as he leaned in and began to kiss and tease her labia. She tasted sweat and loving and Mark was hooked.
Céleste was glad she brought extra clothes, she knew there would be this sort of thing going on, and besides, it wouldn't do to run through the forest naked. She giggled at the sound of her ripping shirt, and she let herself admire Mark's half naked body. He was delicious looking, she could understand why so many girls wanted to sleep with him... She let him get off her panties and jeans, practically moaning as he began to work her labia. This was perfect. But he definitely better be perfect. He had practice with all those other girls.
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