Teen Wolf (Naomi David and Reydan)

The party broke up soon after that and all went their separate ways.

Throughout the night Mark mulled over her comments. Blowing off steam at school was a pleasure but, just maybe, Céleste was right. Maybe it was time to act more mature. Like he was with the pack.

He woke up determined to do things a little differently from now on. His first port of call was to see Hannah. To break up with her. It wasn't fair, he had decided, to string her along. She slapped him, hard, tears in her eyes for his pains. But, still, he felt it had been the right move. Now she could move on properly. Find someone better.

His second task was to spend time helping Marcos and Ellen do up their house. They were surprised to see him, a little wary at first, thinking he might want something in return. But, after helping them with a few jobs that had fallen behind with the news of the pregnancy, he left them happy and smiling.

Finally, nervous for some reason, he called Céleste. "Hi" he murmured "It's Mark. Would you...would you like to come over tonight? My parents are out." He stopped, aware of how that sounded. "Cecily's here" he said quickly "and Jenny. There are some more things about being a werewolf that we wanted to help you work through..."
Céleste could see cogs churning in Mark's head through out the rest of the party. Maybe, just maybe, she had planted the idea in him for him to change his ways. Not be the annoying prick she liked throwing imaginary darts at when he wasn't looking. She was in a very good mood now. She got home after running back home, non transformed. It would freak people out to see a massive white and gold wolf running about. She was running on the treadmill in the basement of her house when Mark called. SHe had no idea how he got her number, but that wasn't important, and she spoke,"Yeah sure, have to finish working out."
"So...second date?" Cecily asked as he hung up the phone, arching an eyebrow at him. "Not sure having your sister present is that smooth a move Casanova."

Mark ignored her, as he ignored Jenny's giggles and batted eyelashes, and sat on the couch mulling things over.

It was sort of true, he reflected, as the two girls squabbled over what to watch on tv and what to have for dinner. He did want to see Céleste again. More than just pack business necessitated. There was something...about her. When she'd looked at him in the diner and talked about how attractive he could be to her...

He shrugged. Whatever these feelings were they were dangerous. First and foremost his duty was to Céleste as a pack member. Nothing more.

The girls, however, had other plans. Jenny produced a dusty old book from her rucksack and grinned at Cecily. His sister turned to Mark and said "Thought we'd brief Céleste on what being a Lunar One is all about! How she's your mate for life and all that!"

"Don't you dare" growled Mark, growing inexplicably red, and both girls collapsed into more giggles. Before he could say anything else there was a knock at the door.
Céleste rolled her eyes, ended the call, and went back to working out. She finished after an hour, and took a shower. She put clean clothes on, packed a bag full of clothes incase she 'wolfed out', and she got her motorcycle helmet out of the closet. She put her motorcycle gear on, and she went out to the back and got on her motorcycle. She put her helmet on, and rode off to Mark's house. She actually looked quite sexy as a biker, and when she got to the door, she dismounted, and knocke don the door.
Mark's eyes went wide as he opened the door, taking in Céleste in her biker's outfit. She looked stunning, a mixture of tough and sexy rolled into one, and he coughed quickly to try and divert attention from his checking her out. "Didn't know you biked..." he began, opening the door for her, but before she could answer Cecily and Jenny had appeared and, laughing, dragged her into the sitting room. Mark followed, annoyed, knowing what was to come. He'd wanted to talk to her about serious things like... He paused, thinking, watching the girl's settle on the sofa flanking Céleste...What had he wanted to discuss with her? Clan stuff? She'd already met everyone. Transforming? They'd covered that. Hunters? Céleste wasn't stupid. She was more capable than he. So what? Had he just wanted her close to him?

"So Céleste" his sister teased, leaning over and resting her head on the girl's shoulder. Jenny, meanwhile, placed the book in Céleste's lap. "Do you know anything about Lunar Ones?"

Mark, seated in an armchair across the room glowered at them but, with a slight growl, Cecily indicated she didn't want to be messed with for now. What was she playing at?
Céleste could totally tell he was checking her out, it was such a guy thing, but before she could say anything, Cecily and Jenny dragged her into the living room laughing. This couldn't be a good sign. She didn't do girly things. They better not be wasting her time. She wasn't in the mood to mess around. And she REALLY hated it when people were too close to her, and she replied, with gritted teeth,"No, I do not." She looked at the book in her lap, but didn't touch it, and she continued,"In the spirit of being honest, please give me some space. I'm not a people person."
"Yeesh Ok ok" Jenny said, sliding back a little, but Cecily clearly wasn't done. She grinned wolf-like at Céleste, tapping the book, and ignoring the annoyed noises her brother made.

"So, a Lunar One is a new werewolf who joins a pack and, through random chance, is compatible with the pack Alpha. All Alpha's need a mate but, when they don't have one, sometimes the fates decide to send a new wolf along to take that spot. See?" She grinned at the three others. "Jenny's always hoped she's Mark's Lunar One but it doesn't seem like it!"

"Heyyyy" squealed Jenny, brick-red.

"Well du'h" continued Cecily. "Its been, like, five years. You'd have banged him by now if it was meant to be! How about you, Céleste, you feel anything for our leader?"

"Enough you two" Mark said firmly. "Get out of here". Giggling, the two girls grabbed the book and left, shouting something about going to the cinema.

"Sorry" Mark said as he slumped down onto the sofa next to Céleste. "Cecily's got a serious idea behind all this Lunar One nonsense. Without a mate I'm weak as an Alpha. We're weak as a pack. But that's not your problem." He sighed then, suddenly, noticed how close they were sitting. "Sorry," he said again "not too much in your space am I?!"
Céleste's mood was not helped by Cecily not respecting her personal space. She patiently listened, though it was obvious she's strangle one of them if they didn't go away. Thankfully, Mark intervened and got them out. She replied,"You aren't pissing me off right now, so no, you aren't in my space too much." Personally, she thought the whole idea was bull. Love was meant to be built up to, it was not made through magic. She continued,"You musn't depend on another person to make the pack strong. You have to be self sufficient."
Mark sighed. "I agree in principle, but it isn't that easy. I'm not expecting some magic girl to come along and make everything all right, but without a mate my position in the pack is weak. An Alpha's mate is meant to compliment their strengths and shore up their weaknesses. Right now I'm a little vulnerable. You saw that when I was challenged at your first meeting".

He ran his hands through his hair. "Anyway, this isn't something that you need to worry about. Not your problem." He grinned at her. "To be honest I've gotta apologize. I invited you here to talk about pack stuff, werewolf stuff that you might not know about, but to be honest I can't remember what it was I was going to say. Cecily and Jenny annoyed me enough that I forgot!" He shrugged, looking over at her. "You fancy just, I dunno, watching a film or something? I won't be offended if you just want to get home!"
Céleste spoke,"I dunno what strengths and weaknesses that I'll have, I mean, I wasn't exactly born a mundane like you. I was born different. You weren't. But don't be afraid to throw your weight around. Prove you are the Alpha for a reason. Show your dominance to the pack, especially to Zac. I saw the look in his eyes. He wants the Alpha seat very badly." She sighed, stretched, and she replied,"I'm not a film person. I get bored easily. But... I'd much rather continue to talk."
Mark sighed. "Yeah, Zac...I don't know. Truth is I think the guy's got something about him that he doesn't want to share. He just turned up one day, out of nowhere, and asked to join the pack. It seemed like the right thing to do, rather than just leave him weak and alone, but he's dangerous. I mean...have you seen those eyes?" He shuddered a little.

He looked over at her. "I know you want me to be stronger, that you find it weird that I'm completely different with the pack than I am at school, but the two are different to me. Utterly. Pack is serious stuff. Really serious. Not for fucking around with."

He sighed. "I'm sorry. Again, sorry. I don't know why I was such an ass to you at school or why I put you in this position but, I promise, I'll make things better." He grinned. "Just think of me as your go-to guy for anything!"

He looked over at her again, noticing her soft features and fae beauty. He was struck by a sudden earnest desire to get to know this girl. "If not a film person," he asked with a smile "what do you like to do for fun?"
"My Mother says that red eyes are Alpha eyes, like yours. Blue eyes are the signs that a Beta wolf has killed an innocent. Yellow eyes are the normal Beta eyes. She said mine were different. Apparently I woke up just as the Change finished... And said black eyes were my Beta eyes. White eyes were if I killed an innocent... And that purple eyes were if I ever ascended to Alpha status... But Zac... I think he may have killed somebody in his old pack, and got kicked out for it." she spoke, her gold eyes nice and wide. She liked it when he explained things. He was the sort of boy she wanted to date, not the bastard at school she dearly wanted to stuff into the school's furnace. She spoke,"I like reading... It brings me peace. My house doesn't look it, but we actually have a library. A big one, but the actual size of the house is hidden by Faerie illusionary magic. Mother didn't want to attract too much attention with a massive house. I asked a lot of questions after your and Cecily left.... And of course, I'm a very skilled hacker."
"Fair enough" he breathed, smiling. He enjoyed her company, even though he wasn't quite sure why, even thought that they might be well suited despite their differences. "I'm more of a movie guy myself," he smiled at her, "But I think it's sort of the same reasoning. I like the idea of being lost in a story."

"Lets not talk of Zac and the pack and all that" he added, frowning a little. "Maybe we could go for a walk or something? Or grab something to eat? I'd like to blow off some steam with you." He flushed a little, realising what he'd just said. What that might imply. "Not...uh...not like that!" he hastily added. "Just, yknow, hang out." He grinned, embarrassed, and joked "Or, yknow, we could go upstairs and hump like crazy!" He flung his arms up in mock surrender.
"I prefer to walk. But nobody bothers me when I read, then again, I'm hard to get ahold of when I read, I'm in my own little world." she replied.
"Ok," he grinned, "lemme just grab my coat".

It was dark out, already, the cool air of winter chasing the sun away. Dusky. Trees swayed in a slight breeze.

They walked an aimless route, through half-empty streets and passed parked cars, and into the park. It was peaceful here, only a few other evening walkers and their dogs, and Mark realised that he could hardly remember how they got here. Too wrapped up in chatting with the girl beside him.

He stole a glance at her and, as he did, the moon appeared, a thin crescent, from behind the trees. She was caught in its pale light and, in turn, she caught Mark's breath. She was striking. Beautiful. Hair like spun gold and eyes that glittered with amusement as she caught him looking.

He stepped closer, hardly noticing him close the distance between them, and met that gaze. "You look amazing" he said, a little in awe, their faces inches apart.
She smiled at Mark, he was much better behaved now, and honestly, it felt really nice to talk, to have someone to talk to, to have someone to listen to. Time flew as they talked and walked, and then the crescent moon appeared, and she spoke,"I use my beauty like a weapon, like a knife. Love and lust can bring anybody to their knees." She noted how their faces were mere inches apart, but she wouldn't kiss him just yet.
"I guess you do" he murmured, now very aware of how close they were. And how beautiful she was in the moonlight.

"I...." his mouth was dry and his palms sweaty. He'd never been nervous before but now, now he was anxious. He wanted this to go right suddenly.

"You certainly bring me to my knees" he said, looking deep into those eyes. "You really do".
Céleste smiled at Mark, he was really adorable when he was nervous. She spoke,"I love your honestly, it's really, really nice." She spoke,"I know what you want, but you cannot have it just yet."
He sighed, his breath misting in the cold air, as she spoke. Was he really that transparent?

"I'd best get you home then" he said. "No use us freezing ourselves to death out here. Its pretty damn cold." He smiled at her. "We should do this again though," he added, with a grin, "You know, walk about, get cold, have you turn me down! Its been fun!" He chuckled. It actually had.
"I don't feel temperature that acutely. Neither cold nor the heat ever really bothered me." she smiled, and continued,"We should talk again though, but you must do one thing to gain my trust and my respect. Apologize to all the girls that you've slept with and subsequently broken their hearts."
He rolled his eyes. "Really?" he groaned. "All of them?" His jaw, he knew, would be aching from slaps by the end of the day. "Fucking hell." Yet he felt compelled to do it. Something about this girl really pushed his buttons.

"Fine" he murmured. "I'll give you a text after school, if I can still see past the black eyes it'll earn me".

It wasn't that bad the following day. Well, it was awful and cringing and he felt like crap the whole time, but actually most of the girls either simply told him where to shove his apology or just got upset. In some ways he'd have preferred the slaps. Finally, worn out, he flopped down on his bed at home and pulled out his cell.

"It's done" he texted Céleste "But I doubt I've got any street cred left at school anymore!"
Céleste smiled, she knew she was leading Mark down the right path. She was glad when she got the text from him the next day, and she spoke,"It is more important to have respect than a reputation for being a bastard."
Mark waited a little, getting no reply from her, and then his eagerness to see her got the better of him and he texted her again.

"So, do I get any sort of reward for doing this? Besides the obvious warm glow?" he typed, grinning at his phone, "Can I see you?"

He really did want to see her. He was increasingly finding it hard to go without seeing her each day.
"You get my trust and respect. Admitting mistakes and such like that takes great courage. And yes, you can see me. Just watch for the windows, don't touch them." she replied. Mama had said that something felt wrong in the forest, so she had the windows electrified in case something tried to break in.
A few minutes later he was standing at her front door, nervous again, and glancing up at the windows. The casements were clearly dangerous - he could smell an odd tingling at the edge of his senses. He frowned. What had her family sensed? He knocked at the door, still churning over the issue in his mind, as he waited for someone to answer. This was worrying. Their part of the country had always been a quiet place for the supernatural. Until her family had arrived his pack had been the only ones for miles around. This was something he needed to talk to her about.
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