The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

There was a twinge of something at the base of his spine as Ike blinked, and Ezka retaliated with a downward swing that Ike barely blocked, sinking to his knee with a heavy grunt. The magic was suffocating, his hands tightening around the handle. He had to go help Samus, something...something felt wrong. Something felt too familiar.

"Pathetic," Ezka purred, dark magic roaring across the blade. "You've lost all of your rage, Ike. Where is that fury? Where is the violence!? Have you castrated yourself!?"

"No," Ike grunted, eyes flashing stubbornly. No, he had something harder to fight for...he couldn't sink into that again, he couldn't lose himself to the rush of power again as he forced his legs to rise. Ezka let go, and that gave the Dark Hylian time to slam his fist against Ike's stomach as he grunted heavily in pain, tendrils of dark magic slithering across his body as he slammed against a tree. He had gotten stronger...much stronger.

"You wither and die in the light, while I go stronger." Ezka growled, stalking closer. "You are alone, Ike."
It really didn't take long for Soren to realize that something had gone wrong, and he was lucky that he was able to get to Ike in the time that he did. Magic was his forte, something he'd be able to handle better than anyone could. A chill would be the only thing Ezka could feel before a rapid tornado picked up at his feet, painful blades of wind slicing into his flesh to get him to back away from Ike.

"He's not alone, actually." Soren stated with venom in his voice as he made his way to Ike. "But you are."

"I will not surrender, Ganessa." Samus growled as she looked her in the eye, which wasn't hard considering they were the same height. "And I will never tell you where the others are." She had to come up with a would be hard to retreat with someone on her back.

"I don't care about the others." Ganessa said with an annoyed tone. "I just care about Seig. You and me both know that I have the upper hand here. I'll burn this entire forest to the ground if you don't give me what I want. Now I'll ask you again. Where is Seig?!"
Ezka snarled in fury as he backpedaled, his own magic could only do so much as the winds cut into his skin, leaving dents in his armor. And that was because he had his magic already up, who was this fool!?

"Go," Ike ordered to Gaol and Magnus. "Soren and I can handle this guy, go find Samus!"

"Right," Magnus grunted as Gaol summoned into her massive armor, and the two of them took off into the woods.

Ezka narrowed his eyes, his ears flicking in irritation as he stared at the boy. "Who are you?" he muttered. "What filth did you crawl out of?"
Soren narrowed his eyes slightly before he glanced over to Ike, completely ignoring Ezka. It had been a while, but they had worked together to take down an opponent before. "Ike. If you're ready, I've got a spell prepared to back you up." He said as he held his spell book firmly in his hands. Rexcaliber was his personal favorite. It did a substantial amount of damage, especially to unsuspecting opponents.

When Samus didn't answer Ganessa, she glared at her before glancing down to Lethe. So that's why she wasn't moving? Wait...that woman was familiar...she looked like Lyre. But she was sure she had seen her before...

Samus took advantage of that minor distraction by putting all her strength against Ganessa's sword with her own, causing the woman to curse and jump back. "Fine, have it your way." She began as she extended her arm, black fire immediately blazing to life in the palm of her hand. "Goodbye." Samus sucked her teeth and then quickly grabbed Lethe to try and move out of the way. However, she was too slow. Ganessa grinned as she prepared to send the blast their way, however just before she could blast them she felt someone grab her arm and force it upwards.

Her black flames launched into the sky, a perfect signal for anyone in the area to know something was wrong. Ganessa grumbled curses under her breath before pushing away the one who dared interfere with her. Lyre grunted in pain when she landed on the ground. She didn't mean to upset Lady Ganessa but that was her sister!

" dare you interfere, you little hair ball!" Ganessa hissed.
Ezka flexed his hand in annoyance, sword loose in the other as he glared at the both of them. Ike nodded as he rose up, taking another breath. Like he hadn't even struck him, it seemed the General still had plenty of fight left in him. But the boy was a new threat, one he was unfamiliar with...but he was a powerful mage. Ike rushed forward with a swing of his blade, Ezka blocked and parried, sparks skirting up his arm as he and Ike traded swings and blocks. He didn't like how Soren was simply waiting, what was he waiting for!?

Ike brought his blade down in a harsh swing that Ezka had no choice but to avoid, the impact split the ground in half as Ike pivoted around and slammed his boot into Ezka's gut. He grunted heavily in pain, eyes alight with fury. He was wide open for Soren, and he only noticed when he was trying to summon his own magic.

Like a dark powered rocket, Gaol in her heavily armored form arrived, her massive blade pointed outward in a huge thrust to Ganessa as Magnus thundered behind her, his massive blade shouldered and protecting Lyre. Ugh, what a pain. Gaol always got the first hit in, didn't she?
Soren uttered an ancient language that only a mage would be able to recognize. The last word was spoken loud and would be familiar to Ike...and would signal him to move because Soren's spell would take up a considerable area. Another torrent of wind surrounded Ezka, only to have an ice element added to it. A flurry of snow and ice surrounded him and it would cut even deeper than the last spell.

Ganessa blocked Gaol's thrust which had a lot more power than she was expecting. She slid back with a frustrated growl as she looked at her new opponents. And one of them was protecting Lyre?! What a fool. " there's more little cockroaches." Ganessa grumbled. "Don't suppose either of you will tell me where to find Seig? If not, I'm really going to torch this place."

"Wait, Ganessa!" Lyre muttered as she scrambled to her feet, backing away from Magnus somewhat. They were the enemy but...all she wanted to do was to get her sister! "That one on that blonde woman's back, that's my sister! Don't kill her. She'll know where Seig is!"

Samus secured Lethe onto her back, grateful for Lyre's interference. However, she didn't want to confuse it for anything more than what it was. She was protecting her elder sister and that was all.
Ezka couldn't have protected himself, even if he tried. Ike weaved out of the way as Ezka was encased in ice, his magic couldn't protect him from the frigid cold...nor could he save himself from the horribly biting winds of the furious tornado that tore into the surrounding area as Ezka let out a howl of pain and hit the ground with a heavy grunt. Ike exhaled in relief after a moment, giving Soren a grin of thanks. They had always made an excellent team.

"Seig?" Magnus grunted, rubbing his chin in thought. "That's Ike's kid, right?"

"Yes," Gaol said, her normally feminine voice distorted by her armor as she lowered her blade. She didn't quite understand what was going on, but she did know that this was Ganondorf and Medusa's daughter.
"Let's go find the others..this one looks done." Soren said. It was almost as if there was a hint of pride in his voice. He couldn't say he wasn't happy fighting at Ike's side again.

"You're sister, huh?" Ganessa glanced in Samus' direction before she huffed in frustration. "Well go get her for me. I'm kind of busy with these two." She began as she pulled her second sword from her back with a grin. Ah yes, this was the perfect time to use this.

In one sudden swing, a large blast of energy ripped through the cloth on the sword and launched itself at Gaol. Samus recognized it immediately and her face went pale. couldn't have been...
Gaol moved out of the way just in time for it to shear through the front of her armor, cutting a hole across the side as it sizzled horribly. The dark magic simply evaporated and took some time to reconstruct as Magnus blinked in surprise. Ike, however...had felt it like a familiar trail up his spine and he took off towards the feeling like a desperate child.


"That's bad," Magnus grunted heavily, pointing his sword at her. "Enough games from you, girl...that sword don't belong to you."
Soren wasn't sure what had gotten into Ike, but he followed nonetheless. He didn't even bother to check the condition of that dark Hylian they had defeated, but he was certain that he wouldn't be able to do anything after being hit directly with his spell.

"Sure does. Mother fixed it up and everything and gave it to me as a gift. Whoever had it before didn't take care of it very well." Ganessa told him as she shifted into her two weapon fighting stance. "Besides, these two swords work perfectly together when facing the right opponent..."

Lyre glanced over to Samus and then decide to walk closer to her since she seemed a little distracted. But before she could even take two steps, Samus already spotted her and was moving to place Lethe down so she could properly protect her. "I don't want to hurt you, Lyre. Just leave and take Ganessa with you." Samus stated in a threatening tone.
He could feel it, but he didn't know how. He could feel the familiar comfort, twisted and knotted in his stomach. The blade in Ganessa's hands strike a chord he didn't even know he had. After everything that had happened, all the main and misery he had caused her, she was a prisoner. He was not running, he was flying through the air as Gurgurant ignited in dark, purple flames, intent to split Ganessa's head in two.

What had they done to Ragnell!?
She almost didn't see him...but she was aware that he was lurking around. So when he came barreling in, she was ready. Her unnamed sword came into contact with Gurgurant first, and the purple flames almost immediately were sucked in by the sword. Ganessa had to channel it, but it was proving to be slightly difficult and almost painful. But since she was immune to dark magic, it was just uncomfortable.

"You're not the blue haired idiot I wanted to see. What are you so angry about?" Ganessa taunted with a grin as she pushed that wicked energy right into Ragnell. " must be that I have your old sword. Finders keepers!" With that, she finished redirecting Gurgurant's purple flames back through Ragnell in an explosion of dark energy right against Gurgurant.
Ike's eyes widened as the magic recoiled, and he hit the ground with a painful grunt. What...? What just...he rolled onto his arms with a heavy pant, glancing at Ganessa.

"That doesn't belong to you!" he growled, rising up to his feet. "How did you get it!?"
"Mother gave it to me." Ganessa repeated, pleased with the results. "And it does belong to me. Go ahead and tell them you belong to me, Ragnell. I need some help anyway, there's like five of them." Ganessa casually tossed the sword at Ike's feet, and for a moment there was silence.

It was only when the blade started glowing and twisting in a strange, ominous light that Samus realized exactly what was going on. Maybe she shouldn't have been so surprised to see Sona on her hands and knees in front of Ike, barely clothed in the rags that had still been dangling around the sword.

Sona picked herself off the ground carefully as she held out her hand, Ragnell appearing in her palm as she gripped it. "Lady Ganessa is my owner and master...and if you continue to try to hurt her I have no choice but to kill you." She said as she looked Ike directly in his eyes with a blank expression.
Ike blinked in surprise, swallowing forcefully. It hurt, more than anything that he had ever done. It hurt to see Sona like this. What was he supposed to do? He didn't know if he could fight her, but the intent in her souless eyes meant enough. Ganessa had a new puppet, and he had wished it was anyone but her.

"Sona," Ike insisted. "Don't you remember me?"
Sona looked at him for a moment before she finally answered. "You remind me of my old master, Gawain. You have his features and you feel like him. There is also a twinge of pain when I look at you. But I do not know who you are."

"Hey," Ganessa began as she placed a hand on her hip. "Swords aren't suppose to talk, they're suppose to hurt things. Stop talking to that traitor and fight!"
"I'm his son, Ike," Ike said firmly. "Don't you remember!? We fought Ashnard together!" If it meant that she remembered all of the horrible things he had done to her, then it was worth it. If she never spoke to him again, that was fine. As long as it was her choice, he would be okay with that. But he would never be okay with...this.
She was quiet for a moment before she glanced back to Ganessa. She didn't want to attack him when he wasn't even putting up a fight.

"Ugh, you're brain dead." Ganessa said in an annoyed manner. "Maybe if I wrap you extra tight next time you'll learn to just listen to what I say. I'll do it myself!" Ganessa shot another uncontrolled blast of fire towards Ike, almost hitting Sona in the process. However, Soren was right there in front of him, casting an arch of fire that met Ganessa's blast and cancelled it out. Ganessa blinked for a moment before frowning. Who was this small fry?

"I suggest you leave. Three against five is not good odds for you. Especially when two of them don't actually want to fight." Soren told her with a stern gaze.
"We're not here for you, Ganessa...we just want Lethe," Ike murmured as Magnus and Gaol moved closer. "Take Lyre and go, I'm sure we'll meet again." Dammit, he couldn't do anything. His father would have been ashamed of him, stuck with a cursed blade, his true sword with an evil witch. What was he capable of doing?
Ganessa was grinding her teeth and fuming in absolute anger. Ezka was no where to be found and Lyre was going to get herself hurt and since she was her daddy's favorite toy at the moment he'd be disappointed in her for letting that happen. But still, backing down from a bunch of wretches didn't sit right with her.

"Lady Ganessa...we have a mission to carry out and we're close to doing it. Lady Medusa would want us to focus on that." Sona tried when she realized how the situation was turning. There was still another out there too...she could sense how close she was.

"Don't tell me what mother wants. I know what she wants. Turn back into a sword you chatty brat. Get over here and forget about your sister, flea bag. We've got more important things to take care of than these fools." Ganessa grumbled as Sona loyally moved over to her. Ganessa grabbed her by the hair and she winced before she turned back into Ragnell.

Lyre didn't want to..but she had no choice. She reluctantly regrouped with Ganessa and frowned. Maybe she'd have to beg Master Ganondof to help her get Lethe back...
Ike's eyes narrowed coldly, his sword felt useless to him. For the first time since he had taken it. If it was no good against their enemies, then what good was it? It was just a tool of a murderer, one that he didn't see the value of, but he had no other weapon. Alondite would refuse, and he would be left with nothing that could withstand the brutality of the people they were facing.

"Next time will be different," he promised. "Much different."
Soren watched Ganessa and Lyre disappear before glancing up at Ike. "She remembers you. Because she answered to Sona." He told him as Samus moved over to Lethe to see if she could get her to wake up. Althea always made some potent potions...but it would wear off soon.

Sona was alive...even if she was on the wrong side, that was good.
"I know," Ike said, his shoulders relaxing a moment as he stabbed his sword into the dirt in frustration. Ezka was probably gone, he knew his fair share of dark magic. He didn't want to worry about it. He couldn't do anything against her, not even make her flinch! "Let's just get back to camp, Samus. Thanks for your help, guys." he said, turning to the others as Magnus scratched his head, while Gaol shifted back to her normal form with a polite smile.
"Are you leaving that here?" Samus asked as she glanced over to look at him. She had seen the whole thing...Ganessa was strong enough to withstand anything that was her own element now. Which said a lot about what would happen if he used it against Medusa. The immunity came from her, not Ganondorf even if he had a good amount of resistance to it. He had been injured by Gurgurant before.
"It's useless," Ike muttered, picking it up. "But I won't leave it so others can suffer from it, how am I supposed to fight an opponent that my sword can't cut?"

"Get a better sword," Magnus stated obviously. "One that's fit for your special hands, Blue."

"...Wait," Gaol murmured. "Sona mentioned that she and Ganessa were here for a reason." she frowned. "What reason would that be?"
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