The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"...I suppose," Ike murmured faintly, squeezing his hand in return. "We've been together so far, what don't you understand?" He had no idea how to even present this idea as a good thing to her, or even a positive.
"Well..." She trailed off as her cheeks reddened just a fraction. She wasn't really good at talking or expressing her thoughts..especially when she ignored them sometimes to keep herself turned off. "I don't know how relationships are suppose to work here. I know when two people love each other they're suppose to be together. But does that mean they are exclusive to one another? While we have been together you have slept with two other women...but that didn't make me love you any less. Am I suppose to feel differently?"
"Uh, well," Ike sighed. "That's a personal thing, Samus. If you're...comfortable with that, then that doesn't matter. It hasn't exactly been my intention to do these things." he assured. "But...I guess I need to work on that."
"..Would it bother you if I slept with someone else?" Honestly she wasn't really sure how she felt about it. She wasn't the type to get jealous. It never bothered her that he had a bond with Palutena and even slept with her. She never counted Medusa one ever said no to Medusa ever. So maybe she was comfortable. But she wanted to see how he felt about it too.
"I don't know," Ike admitted honestly. "But I do know that I trust you, and what we have together is something that isn't so easily broken," he murmured. "So even if you did, I don't think I would mind."
"Well...I honestly don't know who I'd do it with, but I feel the same way about you and other women. So I suppose that means we're doing this right if we agree." She gave him a smile. What they had was something no one else would what was the point of caring about something like this?
"Of course," Ike said with a faint smile, closing his eyes against her shoulder with a heavy sigh of relief. That put his mind at ease in more ways than he could say, but that certainly didn't make his situation any less complicated. How in the world did he get involved with this? He always figured Link was the one who'd get all the attention, being the Hero of Time.
Samus ran her fingers through his hair for a moment while lost in thought. Having another person involved in their relationship would be..complicated. But she had faith that they could work something out. Hopefully. It would probably help if Samus talked to Lethe a little...she wasn't really sure how she felt about anything. About sharing her mate...
"I'm sorry to put you through everything," Ike said. "If there was a way to change it, I a heartbeat." he said. "But the only thing I can do is prove to you that your trust is not misplaced, Samus."
Samus took some time to gather her thoughts before she finally decided to respond to his words. "I know you would. But who knows what would have happened to her if you hadn't done what you did. She'd probably end up like her sister...a slave to Ganondorf doomed to serve him through the very bond you share with her now. I trust you to keep loving matter how close you get to her. I don't know what she feels for you...I don't know if your bond has anything to do with the way you two feel. I just know that...we love each other and that's all that matters."
"It is," Ike promised with a faint smile. "Besides, I'd be a little afraid if I did break your took to Impa's training well." Almost a little too well.
"What does that have to do with anything?" Ike said almost petulantly. Well, yes, Samus was kind of intimidating anyway. How was that his fault?

"Because that girl is six foot of hard muscle?" Magnus said dryly, in-between ripping into his portion of dinner. "I'd be scared too, Blue."

"Oh come now," Gaol waved off with a grin. "Size isn't everything, isn't that right, Soren?"
It seemed like Soren hadn't even been paying attention, but as soon as his name was said those red eyes of his lifted up from his book. "No. Strategic wise, generally larger targets are easier to hit. It has it's advantages and disadvantages."

"Somehow I don't think she was talking about strategy." Samus commented, not that she had to. Soren was very good at playing dumb.
"Ooh, I see," Gaol smirked. "You don't have to worry about size, do you? That explains why you're so confident."

"Soren's always been like that," Ike said. "He's indispensable, I've never known a wiser strategist."
"Yes." He agreed, as cooly as possible with passive interest. Who he was agreeing with, he didn't specify since his eyes were back on his books. He needed to get stronger. During the battle with Ashera, he had been one of the only ones who could withstand the magic of a Goddess...he would make sure that he could do the same for Medusa.

"He's modest too." Samus said with a smirk. Soren was a good way.
"Very," Ike chuckled. "I don't know anyone more modest than Soren, actually. Perhaps it's for the best, we have quite a few...upfront personalities."

"Hmm..." Gaol said curiously, regarding Soren with a new eye. "Is that so? He's really so dependable?"
"Depends on who your are, my lady." Soren told her as he flipped a page of his book. "I have been allied with Ike and the Greil Mercenaries for a long time. There is little I wouldn't do for them." And he'd do anything for Ike...the person that saved him from dying miserable and alone...and hungry.
"Well," Gaol smiled. "I think Magnus could learn a thing or two from you, then!" In fact, this entire trip would be quite the experience. Magnus didn't do very well with others, but he had seemingly liked Sona. Like usual, he never gave much indication of that, but spending enough time with him gave her a solid idea of it.

"Hey! I'm reliable!" Magnus grumbled. He was very reliable! That's why he was here in the first place, to be reliable!

"Of course you are," Gaol grinned. "But you could learn to be more polite like Soren." Ah, and quiet...sometimes she wished he had a little more tact, too.

"Pah," he snorted. "I got more important things to do than read, like sleep." What did books get you, anyway? A headache, that's what.
"You must sleep a lot. I have plenty of time to do both." Soren passively replied as he glanced up at Magnus. "Though I feel that you have other useful talents. I read because it makes me wiser. Someone like you probably wouldn't benefit from knowledge." It wasn't the first time he had been made fun of for always reading...but he wasn't bothered by it at all.
"See? He gets it," Magnus smirked easily. "What's readin' gotten me anyway? Nothing but a lot of crap I could just experience myself."

"Yes, yes," Gaol sighed faintly. "How silly of me to forget that, Magnus." Honestly, would it really kill the fool man to do something more than hit things and eat food? Ah well, she wouldn't change Magnus for anything, but sometimes she wanted to beat him over the head. Being so strong meant he was just about as stubborn.
"What are you reading about, Soren?" Samus asked inquisitively as she looked over to him. From the short amount of time she had known him, he was constantly reading old tomes and books. She had gotten a look at his bag and he had multi colored ones with odd symbols on them and illegible writing. She couldn't really ready any language this world had, but she knew those multi-colored tomes were different than normal books.

"Right now I'm currently reading theories about the different planes of reality." He answered, not that expected her to understand it.

"I see...different planes? Like maybe different worlds?" She asked with a slight tilt of her head.

"Something like that." He said as he closed his book. He wasn't used to getting this much attention and he couldn't read now. "Is it socializing time?"
"If you want it to be," Ike chuckled. "It doesn't hurt to talk to people, Soren."

"Says you," Magnus said. "I enjoyed my quiet, thank you very much."

"Until Sona ruined that," Gaol remarked in amusement. "You liked her."

"Yeah, I did," Magnus admitted, rubbing his head. "Girl had spunk, some real spunk. Shame she ain't here to enjoy this."
Soren sighed a bit before moving some of his long hair away from his face. "Sometimes I really wonder about Sona being that she wasn't really human. Alive, yes...but that's a very subjective term in the world of magic. It's too bad we couldn't recover would have been the only chance we would have had to really finding out what happened to her after her physical body was slain." He said thoughtfully as he placed his book at his side.

"Do you think she's still out there?" Samus asked him as she glanced his way. She never really thought about that, but then again she never really understood exactly what Sona was.

"It's possible...but I can't say for sure. The day she became mortal could have meant that she really did turn human. If that's the case, she's in the afterlife. In the plane of the undead where only Gods can roam. I'd say that none of us are ever really gone. I don't dwell on this theory too much but Sona had me thinking about it lately." Soren answered as she leaned back a little to rest. "It's bad to dwell on things though...and hope for things that may never be."
"I don't know," Ike said after a moment. "Sona is...was the spirit of Ragnell, as long as Ragnell persists, so should least, that's what I think," Ike murmured. "For all we know, Sona is still alive out there. But I'm not going to worry about it unless I see it with my own eyes. We have a task to do, one that I know Sona wouldn't want us to stop doing." All of this was his fault, and if he never got the time to apologize, he didn't know what he'd do. For now, he would follow Sona's dream.
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