The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"One that if we are not properly rested for, we'll be at a disadvantage." Soren reminded. It was getting late...Lethe still hadn't come back though. Who knew where she was...when that woman didn't want to be found she was completely invisible.
"I know," Ike said, rising up and glancing around. "I'll see if I can find Lethe, we can take turns on watch, Soren." He wasn't quite sure where she could be either, but he knew that she was possibly around the camp. Maybe she was hiding again, or maybe she just wanted to be left alone. It had been a physically draining day for all of them, not to mention...emotionally. He still had no idea how he ended up like this.
"Sure." Soren told him as he got to his feet. "I'll take first watch. See if you can find her. Or ask Magnus if he can track far he has proved to have excellent survival skills." He suggested.

"I also have skills when it comes to tracking. If she wants to be found we can find her. Unless you want to go by yourself?" Samus asked Ike, looking into his eyes.
"Hm," Ike said, rubbing his chin. "Maybe it'd be best to go together," he agreed. "We don't know yet if Medusa has caught scent of us, I'd rather be safe than sorry." They had to stick together in times like this, all it took was one wrong mistake for them to be on the bad side of a fight.
"True...she can see everything that's not covered by Ashunera's barrier. That is always a risk when dealing with a Goddess." Soren commented. Samus only nodded in agreement. It was bad enough they let Lethe go off on her own, but...well she was gone before anyone could really say anything.
"Agreed," Ike murmured. "Let's go, Samus. We'll be back soon." he assured, shouldering Gurgurant. He doubted there was problems, but he wanted to make sure that Lethe had just stalked off and was being...Lethe.
Samus nodded and then started in the direction that she had watched Lethe go. She did see her set of foot prints that were fading slightly, but the set was clear. It was a good thing the moon was full tonight...she had enough lighting without a torch to track her. That would have drawn more attention to themselves...
"I guess I shouldn't expect her to okay with everything right off," Ike admitted, kneeling down to examine the fading footprints. "It's going to take time for everything to sink in, isn't it?" About everything. It seemed like every single time Ike tried to take a step, no. He wouldn't think like that anymore. All that got him was more trouble, he had made this bed. He would lay in it and accept it, but he would not give in because he felt hopeless. He would get back up and try until he couldn't try anymore.
"Well, yes..." Samus answered simply before she thought deeper about it. She wanted to back up her agreement so he'd understand better. "It's a change that we all have to get used to. Being someones mate for life is...a big deal for even someone like Lethe I'm sure." She thought it would be fine...they were heading in the direction of the river because that's where the foot prints were leading to.
"I imagine so," Ike said. "...It's just hard," he admitted. "Every time I feel as if I have done something good, it comes back like I haven't done anything at all. That's life, I suppose. You make your choices and you live with the consequences."
"Sometimes what seems to be a consequence isn't actually so." Samus told him as she kept her eyes on the ground as the tracks became...well they were still Lethe's she assumed but now there were paw prints instead of foot prints. "For all you know this could turn out to be a good thing, Ike."
"I know," Ike murmured. "I know that as long as you're here with me, Samus...I can handle it." he said, glancing around. "Lethe," he called quietly. "You shouldn't be out so far, come back to the camp." Did something happen, or was she simply more comfortable like that?
Ike's call was only met with an eerie fact it had been a little too quiet for the night time, Samus had noticed. There didn't appear to be any other tracks around or signs of struggle. But what purpose did she have for changing into her cat form if it wasn't to fight? What was she doing?

"...I don't think she heard you." Samus said after a while before she resumed following the trail. They were getting pretty far, farther than her and Soren went to go find wood.
"I don't think so," Ike murmured. "I don't think we're alone, either, it's too quiet." It could be anything, honestly. A local wildlife, a wayward thief...Medusa's men. Anything. Undeterred, they carried on, following the tracks as best they could.

"Lethe," Ike called again. He was starting to get worried...where was she?
Samus was starting to feel something vaguely familiar. They were definitely being watched...and the snap of a twig had her immediately drawing her short sword from it's sheath as she whirled around to face the direction the sound had came from.

At first she thought it was Lethe...but it wasn't. This one was too...skimpily dressed to be Lethe. It was her sister..the one they had seen at Ganondorf's side. Well...that was probably bad. Samus gave Ike a quick glance before it returned to Lyre who was just staring at them. She was in her human form..did that mean she didn't want to fight?

"You're looking for Lethe, aren't you?" Lyre asked as she folded her arms.
"Lyre?" Ike said in surprise, relaxing somewhat. "What are you doing here? Where is Lethe?" This already gave a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, but he let it go...for the moment. Lyre was as much of a friend as Lethe was, and she didn't deserve an outright attack. At least, not yet she didn't. Did that mean Ganondorf was nearby?
Lyre sighed heavily before turning away. "I knew she wasn't alone..." This was bad..Lyre liked Ike but Medusa wanted him dead..and her Master wanted what Medusa wanted. She wasn't really sure what to do right now...why were they out here, close to one of the strongholds?

"Where is she?" Samus demanded, her voice much more threatening than Ike's. She wasn't going to have another ally die under her watch. She wasn't sure how far Lyre had fallen, but she would never underestimate Ganondorf and Medusa's manipulation tactics.

"She's sleeping...I would never do anything bad to my sister!" Lyre hissed which only made Samus raise her weapon defensively.
"Hey, both of you, knock it off!" Ike said quickly, arm in front of Samus's weapons to stop her. "We're not here for that, and we're not here to pick a fight. But you being here complicates things, Lyre. We want to make sure Lethe is okay, that's all. Then we'll go."
"Yeah that's a good idea. If you know what's good for you, you better leave. Lethe is fine, she'll be safer with me rather than you two. The Goddess wants you cannot keep hiding from her for very long." Lyre said as she took a step back. Samus' eyebrows furrowed with worry before she lowered her sword. She wasn't really sure she could disagree..but she doubted Lethe would actually be safe with Lyre at all.
"Sorry, but I can't believe that," Ike said. "And I won't let you take her from us, Lyre. But I don't want to hurt you, Lethe would never forgive me." he murmured. "So please, leave. I don't care if they know we're here, but you're not taking Lethe, not while I still stand." he said firmly. The last thing Ike wanted was more blood spilled so soon, and from a former ally. He didn't know if he could bring himself to draw his sword again on old friends.
Lyre rolled her eyes. "I'm not gonna fight you, I'm not stupid. But she's my sister and the only way she'll be free is if she surrenders herself to the Goddess. You two should as well...and pray she has mercy on your souls for what you did to her." Lyre didn't give them much of a chance to reply because she took off running, shifting into her cat form to gain an advantage when it came to speed.

"Ike!" Samus urged desperately. She was going to get away!
"Find Lethe," Ike said quickly, breaking off into a sprint to follow after Lyre. It's not that he didn't want to trust her, but he knew that Ganondorf wouldn't leave his concubines alone-Ike's heels dug into the dirt as his blade rolled forward on his shoulders, his eyes darting to the right as the bushes rustled and a solid, ringing impact of steel filled the night sky. Sparks raked across Gurgurant as Ike parried took a step back with a surprised huff.

"Ezka," Ike said, eyes narrowed faintly as the armor clad Dark Hylian advanced forward with a determined expression. Ezka, one of the many children of Ganondorf who rose to prominence in his army. Fanatically loyal to Medusa and Ganondorf, as many Dark Hylians were.

"General," Ezka said coldly. "Or should I say, know better than to touch what isn't yours." There was a fury in his eyes that Ike could see as he relaxed his stance, sword pointed forward. Their betrayal had not been taken well, that much he knew. Ezka had always been an exceptional solider, and a leader. He shuddered to think what the army was doing under him, of all people.
Samus decided to follow the tracks since Ike was following Lyre. She didn't have a good feeling about splitting up, but they had to find Lethe and leave..quickly. It wasn't long before she reached the clearing where the river was...and the tracks ended at the water. She looked around but didn't see anyone...maybe the tracks resumed at the other end. She started wading across the water, making sure she stayed alert just in case they had more company.

She could only hope that she could find Lethe before Lyre got to her...assuming she hadn't already taken her too far. She said she was sleeping...what did that mean?
Ezka brought his sword down in a swung as Ike parried it out of the way in a shower of sparks, Ike moved like a monster in human form. He carried two handed swords so easily, that it was almost the perfect offense. Every time he tried to puncture his defenses, Ike's blade was there to block it. Ezka circled him with a faint growl, his free hand burning with dark magic. He felt almost insulted that Ganondorf would order him to follow his pet, but now he understood...and he never should have doubted him.

He just had to buy time, hopefully. He knew Samus would find her.
It seemed like she had been running for ages but..finally! She saw Lethe unconscious...but unharmed. She dropped to her knees immediately and began shaking her. "Hey..Lethe! Wake up! We need to go!" Samus urged. Still...something was wrong. She smelled something faint in the air...something unnatural. Lethe wasn't waking up...this was the work of that blind witch. She didn't have any more time, she had to regroup with Ike and they needed to leave.

Before she even lifted up Lethe on her shoulder, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end...that was all she needed to feel.

Samus used her short sword immediately to block a familiar looking Blade. Her muscles tightened almost painfully as she stood her ground so Lethe was not hurt. She inched back just a little but that was it. was her. What was she doing here?!

Ganessa looked different...other than the second sword she had behind her back that was bound tightly in cloth. It had only been around two months since the last time she had faced her but she seemed like she had matured even more. It was to be suspected of a Demi God, she supposed.

"Nice to see you again, star woman. Today is your lucky day...surrender now and tell me where Seig is."
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