The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Link and Impa glanced over to Ike too, curiosity clear on their faces. Ragnell must be getting a little impatient, but still...Ike's face was passive.

"...What was that?" Impa finally asked.

"A sneeze," Ike replied, as if it was the clearest answer in the world. Link's brows furrowed a moment in confusion.

"...From who?" he murmured curiously.

"Me," he replied, rubbing his nose. "Sorry, I get like that sometimes...this weather isn't agreeing with me." Ike's voice was deep, the sneeze was...the exact opposite of that. "If you'll excuse me, I should see about contacting a Goddess."

"...Of course," Link said, watching him head into the castle in confusion.
The foreigner probably got stranger and stranger to those two. They weren't born yesterday, they would know something was off with that sneeze that Ike supposedly let out. But they couldn't really call him out on anything considering there was nothing they could really accuse him for. Zelda paused for a minute and excused herself. As much as she had missed those two she felt the need to follow Ike. She hurried and caught up to him. "What are you going to try to do, Ike? Will you pray like I suggested?" She asked him.
"...Not exactly," Ike admitted. "The last time I met Palutena, I was asleep...perhaps I can meditate." he murmured. "I suppose anything is worth a shot at this point..." he said, glancing at her a moment. What did he want to say...and how was he supposed to word it.

"...I'd like to apologize, Zelda," he murmured. "...That was...inconsiderate of me." To put it mildly. "What I did, I mean."
Zelda took a deep breath and folded her arms. She didn't expect him to bring it up..maybe it was bothering him? So he at least had a conscious, huh? "Well...the first thing wasn't that inconsiderate." She smirked at him, but didn't go further into the matter. That sentence should have told him she was okay with them fucking, but not technically okay with him going to another woman so soon after. Though since Ragnell was probably listening, she didn't want to upset her. "Good luck with your meditation. I'm going to lay down."
"Yeah," Ike murmured, watching her leave before he headed to his room. He made sure it was all clear before he unsheathed Ragnell and pointed it toward the window. She had been mostly quiet, and he was grateful for that...he wasn't really sure how he could answer any questions they had about it, anyway.

"Alright, you can come out," he said idly. "I need your help, Ragnell."
Ragnell obeyed his command, not that she needed much convincing. She stretched out and them looked at Ike. "Hey, you are trying to reach that green haired lady that gave me this body, right? Well I was trying to tell you, I can help. She can speak through me, and I can talk to her. So, do you want me to call her, Master?" She hadn't really thought it was important until now. But since everyone was so desperate to talk to someone she know...well she'd be happy to help.
"...You can? Really?" Ike said, brow raised in surprise as he settled his hand on her head to pet it affectionately. "Yes, Ragnell...I would like that, thank you. Get in touch with her as soon as you can." Naturally, why didn't he think of that sooner?
Ragnell smiled at him and then closed her eyes. For a moment she was completely silent. However, the moment she opened them again, those eyes did not belong to her. They would be familiar to Ike however. "Ike. Wonderful to see you again." Palutena smiled through Ragnell, looking deep into his eyes. Though the smile faded and a more serious expression came over her face. "Something troubles you.."
Ike blinked a little, perhaps the gears in his head took a moment to finally turn before he recognized the eye color. Regardless, he rubbed his forehead with a minor sigh and guided...Palutena over to the nearby window.

"What do you make of that, my lady?" he asked, motioning to the dark, ominous cloud over Death Mountain. More so than usual, at any rate.
Ragnell's eyebrows furrowed as she gazed at the dark, ominous clouds. For a moment, she was quiet, but finally she spoke. "...That is Medusa's evil magic." She told him as she looked up to him. "Stay away from there...she is using the poisonous volcano ashes as somewhat of a barrier."
"Can you sense anything else?" Ike murmured. "Ganondorf? Anything at all?" He had to stop Zelda from rushing headlong into danger, at all costs. Aside from the fact that he didn't want to see a Queen die young, he really...he couldn't really get paid if his employer died on him. It sounded heartless, but that was a mercenary for you in the thick of things, really.
Ragnell closed her eyes and tried to focus. "...There is another evil magic over there. One that is more than likely Ganondorf." She said as she opened them again. She then opened her eyes again, and she sensed a very trace amount of darkness within Ike. She touched his torn shirt, and she grimaced. "Did you run into one of their evil minions...? This energy feels like Medusa but at the same time it isn't." Her hand began to glow, and the tiny bit of dark magic that the fairy hadn't erased came out of the pours of his skin. If it was left there, it would start bothering him later on.
Ike grunted a little in surprise, rubbing his chest a little as if he had suddenly felt a rash. Guess you should never doubt the power of a goddess...

"Yes..." he mumbled. "A boy, really...with dark skin and black wings."
"Wings...?" She seemed a bit confused. There were very few people on the surface that had wings. "Hold on a moment...Ragnell should have memories of this boy." For a moment, she was quiet as she stared off into space. She then bit her lower lip. "That...Medusa. She...made a clone of one of my strongest disciples..How dare she after injuring him so badly." The situation was much graver than she thought.
"Explains why he seemed so good," Ike mumbled, sitting down on the bed. "So they're working together then...that scouting party is making it's way to a death wish..." he sighed, rubbing his head. "Lady Palutena...the people here seem to know absolutely nothing about you, how am I supposed to tell them this?"
She sighed a bit and then looked down at herself. Ragnell was not wearing any clothes, so it would be a bit strange if she walked out like this. "I..still cannot leave Skyeworld, but I can talk through Ragnell long enough to attempt to convince them. Though if I go out like this, it may not be the best impression. Still, I can only advise them on what I think their best course of action should be. If they choose not to listen, I cannot force them to obey. Hyrulians are...courageous. Especially Link..No matter how outnumbered he is, he never backs down. If he believes he needs to save those who reside in that mountains...he might just volunteer to scout himself."
"Yeah, I know..." Ike sighed, rubbing his head. " much for an easy job," he mumbled. The harder part? Convincing Zelda to stay behind, far, far too risky for her to get involved. "Thank you, Lady Palutena...but I think their minds might be made up anyway." he said, glancing back out the window to the courtyard. "...and I suppose I better do what you asked of me, as well."
Palutena looked at Ike and then nodded. "Ike...if certain circumstances should happen, we'll be seeing each other in person soon. I might need you to provide a proper defense against Medusa's plans. When the time comes, trust me. Okay?" She walked over to him and then caressed his cheek, looking into his eyes once more. "You are smart. You have experienced many battles and I have faith in you. Farewell."
Ike blinked curiously at that, and was just about to ask what she meant...but a blink, and Ragnell's eyes returned. The only thing he could really do was:

"...That was weird," Ike mumbled faintly. "...I miss normal." Things had taken a bizarre turn ever since he went into Hyrule...maybe he was just tired, constantly. Or the traveling life had finally taken it's toll on him. He didn't know, but it was starting to wear at him just a little.
Ragnell looked at her surroundings and laughed a bit. "That was weird. When she talks like that through me, it feels strange. Well, anyway...Now that we're alone can that thing we did last night? Please?" Oh, she really loved that feeling, and she wanted to make her master feel good again as well as feel the pleasures herself.
Ike blinked a little at that, this time...she certainly seemed to know what her body wanted. "Not right now, Ragnell...but soon," Ike said, hand on her head. "...We've got something important to do first, alright?" She was loyal, and now...eager. Ugh, he didn't know how much of a good thing that was...
"...Oh." She seemed pretty disappointed, but she dropped it. "What do we have to do now then?" Maybe they could only do it when they were in bed and at night time. Ragnell didn't get how it worked, she just wanted to feel good.
"Make sure that we get paid," Ike mumbled, patting her cheek. "We're still mercenaries, you know...but, the sooner we get the job done...the sooner we can..." Ugh, was he really okay with this? It wasn't that she was ugly, or that it felt wrong. But felt wrong that it didn't feel wrong! "Do what we did the other night, alright?"
"Oh, okay! Shouldn't we find Zelda and get out of here then? We already escorted her and back. She should have paid us before she went to take a nap or whatever she was doing. Where will we go after this, Master?" She asked him as she snaked her arms around his. She only felt comfortable when they were touching.
"Hard to say," Ike murmured, arms slowly worming around her waist. "But our job here isn't done yet, Ragnell...come on." he murmured. "Back in the sheath, partner." She was getting better, slowly...adjusting to actually being more sentient.
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