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School Rumble (Broom and I)

Mei looked away from Jana as she grew bright red. She saw that. She saw them kissing. That was her fault...she was the one who kissed him. Then again, better Jana than her mother or father.

"I......I'm not d-dirty." She responded as she twiddled with her thumbs. "And I wasn't trying to sneak a kiss just happened because Adam said something nice."
"I think it's a good thing," Jana smiled easily. "It's nice not being afraid of a relationship, Mei. You should get used to it." Oh, she was probably dirty...crazy dirty. Adam had a wildcat, she knew it.
Mei decided it was time to change the subject. She didn't want to keep looking guilty and run the risk of one of her parents coming back here and asking what was wrong. "Well anyways, Adam...we had dinner. Was there anything else you needed to do? Jana and I were going to stay the night here...I think. If she still wants to."
"If you want to," Jana said easily, smiling. "I don't mind at all."

"Sleep over, huh?" Adam mused. "...Really, you two?" Mei didn't seem like the...sleepover type.

"Oh yes," Jana sighed. "Talk about our feelings, practice kissing, compare breasts, the normal things girls do together."
Mei grimaced and then shook her head, choosing to ignore Jana's comment. "It's nothing really. It's just been a while since we've gotten to talk now that we aren't living in the same dorm room together." She told him, dusting off the sleeve of her black sweater. "So I asked her to stay with me over here for the night."

"Oooh, that sounds like a good idea~!" Megumi called out, causing Mei to grimace. Shortly afterwards the smell of cookies invaded the room as Megumi came in with a tray. She sat it on the coffee table and smiled at the three, though she moved over by Adam and placed her hands on his shoulders, similarly to how she did earlier. Only she was much closer to him than before.

"You can stay in the guest house! Oh, and Adam should stay over too. You three would have lots of fun!" She said with a hint of mischievousness in her smile.
"Uh..." Adam started. "I don't really think-" Wow, she was stunning up close. He didn't really know how to handle this particular situation...

"Oh, it'll be fine," Jana grinned, taking a cookie. "I shouldn't hoard Mei all to myself, should I? You guys have a pool, don't you?"
"Oh we do. You'll pass it along the way." She told Jana but then leaned over and whispered into poor Adam's ear, getting even closer. "Adam, don't be shy. You can do this and that with my daughter, I don't mind. Just don't tell my husband." A foxy expression came over her face as Mei just stared blankly at them.

"What did you just tell him?" Mei asked her mother. What was she up to? That expression was never good...and Adam's expression was...
"N...Nothing," Adam said, glancing at Megumi incredulously. Did...did she honestly just...suggest that!? Jana tilted her a little in amusement, grinning. Oh boy...Megumi was like that, was she? She had read her all wrong, it seemed...she was impressed. She didn't think the housewife had it in her, maybe her spirit wasn't all gone.

"Well, wonderful then, swimming is a nice way to reduce stress," Jana sighed. "Been a while since I went..."
"In the guest house, there's a bunch of male and female swimwear in different sizes." Megumi ignored Mei's question, though Mei was starting to get irritated. She looked away, knowing that it was no use even bothering. "Mei knows where it is...she'll lead you there. Mr. Wolfe is already retiring for the night, so we'll see you three in the morning." She moved hear arms down and gave Adam a hug from behind, her large breasts pressing against his back. "Take care of my Pumpkin!" She told him and kissed him on the cheek before releasing him and leaving the three alone.

"That woman..." Mei growled, reaching over and grabbing a cookie. She ate it hole...a terrifying sight. Who knew Mei was a stress eater?
Adam blinked a little, barely aware of what just happened considering the blood rushing to two places. Poor guy. Jana chuckled a little, taking another. "Mei, calm down, okay? She's just happy for you...that's not a bad thing, right?"

"...I don't think it is..." Adam mused, once he regained some measure of personal control. Great, he had enough problems controlling his urges, this wasn't going to help? Swimming implied...swimsuits, swimming and...ugh.

"Whatever. You wanted to go swimming, right?" Mei asked as she suddenly got up and then went over to the patio area not too far off from the room they were in. She opened the sliding door and waited for them to follow. Once they were out, she shut the door and led them down a completely lit up trail, surrounded by beautiful shrubbery and flowers. The lawn was freshly cut as well. There was a koi fish pond surrounded by more eastern looking decor, and another fountain. Eventually they would go passed the pool...crystal clear and sparkling. Also well lit. But they would only get a glance as Mei continued on, leading them to the guest house...that was probably as big as a normal house. Maybe even a little bigger. The door was open, though that wasn't surprising considering the neighborhood. Mei led Jana and Adam inside, and the place was completely eastern decor. It was clear her mother had taken liberty with this place.

"Shoes off." Mei said as she knelt down and untied her boots, slipping out of them. She then led them passed the large kitchen, and luxurious looking eastern style bathroom. Then slid open a closet that had many clothes on each shelf for men and women, though there were also drawers at the bottom. "Top drawer is female swim suits, bottom is male."
Jana had never been to anywhere like this, and Adam seemed quiet the entire time as they made their way down to the massive pool. This...this was the guest room? It was practically a house in of itself! Mei seemed like she was on a mission, so she left her curious questions alone before they slipped their shoes off and headed inside.

"...Why do you have so many swim suits?" Jana asked curiously, brow raised. "Just how weird are your parents?"

Oh man, swimsuits...swimsuits meant skin. Skin meant...mean SKIN. He couldn't do this, maybe he could just...just leave, take a nap near the pool or something...ugh. He was so not ready for this...
"They invite a lot of family and friends over. They like to be extra accomodating. Especially when their guests don't expect to stay the night." Mei gestured to all the clothes in the closet. "This is for people who need to stay over but don't have anything to wear the next day. The kitchen is stocked with food all the time...this place gets used about four times a month if I remember right."

Mei looked over at Adam and saw that he didn't seem too happy. "Adam, are you okay? You don't have to swim if you don't want to. It's been a while since I've been in a pool, but I'll probably just let my legs soak or something."

Maybe she would have been more incline to swim if she wasn't so scared of showing skin to either one of them. The only person who had seen her in less than what she usual wore...were the people present after she had got done defeating that animal Komoku. Which were a lot of people now that she thought about it..
"Oh no you're not," Jana said, scooting her towards the closet. "You're swimming, and you're wearing a bathing suit." This passive aggressive thing they had going on was going to stop, the tension was so thick...about like the bulge in Adam's pants that he was actually doing an excellent job of hiding.

"No, really, its-"

"Hush, privacy." Jana said, waving Adam off. "Go on, unless you're the kind of perv that wants to watch two girls strip?" she smirked. Ooh, that was a tricky question, wasn't it? All Adam could do was look at her like the deer caught in the headlights and sigh, rubbing his neck. "Okay...okay..." he mumbled, turning around to leave.
"I...I don't want to..." Mei knew that this was pointless, Jana was going to make her swim and that's all there was to it. Though the worst part was, she didn't have a a bathing suit of her own..and being how her mother was...anything her size would be a bikini. She looked at Adam, her expression a cry for help...but Adam was just as helpless as she was.

"I..I can't. None of these bathing suits are my style, Jana.."
"Naked then? Bold," Jana smirked, but was already leaning against Mei to undo her blouse with an almost gleeful look in her eye. "Either you pick one out...or I do..." she purred. It was a threat, or as much of a threat as it could be. Who knew what sort of choice Jana of all people would pick?
She could only imagine the horrors her mother picked out for these swim suits. Mei immediately rummaged around in the drawer and she realized she was right. Nothing modest or conservative was in her size. She grimaced and then picked out checkered pink bikini that tied up at the sides. She wasn't going to just change out here in front of Jana so she went into the bathroom and shut the door. And when she took off her clothes and put on the bathing suit, she could feel hear heart racing. Adam would..see everything. Her legs, her cleavage, her bare stomach. If she went out there now, she'd die. She was sure of it...
Jana wasn't so shy, but she picked a nice red one that complimented her heavier bust and shapely rear end as she headed over to the bathroom, knocking. She spared Adam the impromptu erection as she tossed him a pair of swimtrunks. He was already staring at her, and he quickly scurried away to dress.

"Mei," Jana said idly. "Do I have to come in there? Because I will."
Mei..wasn't going to put up a fight. She slowly opened the door and looked down at her feet. It was probably really strange that she would be so self conscious of herself, when she had such a nice body. She was tight in all the right places, but there were hints here and there of her mothers curves. She would definitely grow up to look like her mother. She had taken the bow out of her hair, so it was a little different than usual. Her face was bright red. "..Let's just get this over with."
"Mei, come on," Jana smiled, holding her hands. "Deep breath, repeat after me: I am gorgeous, and I have nothing to be embarrassed about. Come on, your turn." Wow, gorgeous didn't even begin to cut what if Jana had the curves now? Mei would have them later and people would be drooling. More to the point, Adam was probably waiting like an excited little puppy to see what exactly she was hiding.
"...I'm gorgeous. I have nothing to be embarrassed about?" Lies. She had everything to be embarrassed about. But at least..she wasn't in public. At least it was just Jana and....Adam. She took a deep breath and then walked out to the pool, her face still bright red. She would never be able to look at Adam when she had no clothes all.
Adam had changed himself, wearing a pair of black swim trunks that left little to the imagination of everything else. Unfortunately for him...they didn't hide his problem, no...especially when his eyes set on Mei, he had a thick bulge pressed right against the seams as she came out. Every inch of her was gorgeous. Jana coming out barely-...okay, that was a bit romantic, but wow!-

Adam, however...he looked great. Delicious, if Jana had a better word for it. Muscle. Toned muscle, he worked out...and it showed. Every inch of him, she just wanted to lick. Ooh, Mei was so damned lucky. Hmph.

"Hello chocolate dream," Jana grinned, hands on Jana's shoulders. "Here's your vanilla swirl."
Mei glared at Jana and then looked at Adam. She had seen guys with their shirts off before but..for some reason this was different. She felt...strange looking at him like this. Her heart was racing and she just felt heat all over and...she needed to take a swim. She turned her back towards Adam, taking her long locks of hair and braiding them up so they wouldn't get too tangled while she swam. Her swim suit bottoms didn't exactly cover the bottom of her cheeks well, but she didn't seem too aware of that.
Adam watched her go a moment, staring at her in complete surprise. Jana rolled her eyes, smacking him on the back of the head...which seemed to tell him exactly what she was going to say. Swimming...Swimming sounded like a great idea right now. Jana chuckled faintly, deciding to take advantage of the sunlight and get a good tan working. And she thought that she was a horny teenager...
Once Mei was finished pinning up her hair, she walked passed Adam and gave him a faint glance. He really did...look amazing. Though she tried not to stare. Mei found herself on the diving board, mainly because she actually felt like swimming instead of lazing about in the pool. She did a perfect dive into the water and started swimming to the other end of the pool. She definitely had professional lessons from her form, and she moved fast. When she got to shallow enough water, she stopped herself and then swum back over to the deep end. Jana was right, this was relaxing.
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