The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Director Nick Fury was standing with his arms tightly crossed as Phil Coulson explained the situation to their newest operatives. It was a troubling issue, one that needed to be handled fast and permanently. Whether that meant turning the target to the 'light' side of life or killing him, that was up for grabs.

“This.” Phil started, indicating a picture behind him. “is Tony Stark.” he spat the name as if it was poison and Fury had to grin. “a few years ago, he was a good man. Bright, intelligent, womanizer to the extreme but he had stopped making weapons completely after suffering a mild meltdown after being tortured by Afghanistan soldiers known as the Ten Rings.” he sighed and went on to explain how Howard Stark had been an abusive father, neglecting Tony and often locking the young boy in a closet or making him wield heavy machinery to 'assist' Howard. Then he went into how Obadiah stepped in as Tony's father figure only to betray him. He explained how Tony had been dying due to palladium poisoning and how Shield had saved him and helped him compose his new element for the arc reactor in his chest, explaining that it was about the only thing still keeping Tony alive at the moment because of the shrapnel in his heart. Phil explained how Pepper Potts had abandoned Tony after rescuing her while Hammer's stupid robots where exploding.

“that's when he just couldn't take anymore.” Phil explained. “he holed up in his tower for a full year.” he admitted, changing the picture to show Stark Industries. “every single person in that tower is completely loyal to Tony. Anyone we try to send in to either infiltrate or scratch him off get's caught. These Agents are either killed outright, or held hostage for exorbitant fees. Typically very rare Captain America stuff.” Fury explained. “which we usually get from Phil, which is why he's in such a strope.” Fury explained with a grin before he sobered. “Tony Stark came out in a big way. Once he returned to 'common life' he had already taken out any of the criminals that would stand in his way and controlled those that he didn't take out. Think of him as a mob boss, only less violent on the innocent folk.” he admitted. “even worse is that any weapon he builds, he shows off to the world and warns that if they fuck with him, he'll test it on them. Early may of this year, he proved he would follow up on that threat. He was attacked by a Ten Rings member. People we haven't been able to find after years of searching, and Tony Stark blew up all eleven of their bases, even more frightening, he did it in such a way that no kids where hurt.” he admitted.

“Tony Stark never targets children and only targets women when he has to.” Phil explained, showing them the gruesome scenes of what was left of the ten rings. “he doesn't target people unless they target him first, or do certain crimes in his city. And yes, I do mean his city. He controls all of Manhattan with an iron fist. Ever house, every person is constantly monitored. Which, in the case of the dozens of people he's saved in the last twenty four hours, is a good thing. And the complete lack of crime is pretty damn good too, but he's maintaining that power through fear, violence, blackmail and bribery.” he admitted. “he's the King of Manhattan, literally. He literally bought Manhattan and turned it into it's own little country. No one enters and no one leaves without his permission. The problem is, he's spreading. He now owns most new york. He's bought the Bronx and has added it to his little kingdom, as well as the Queens. He controls most of Brooklyn, and is making inroads into Staten Island.” Fury explained, showing them the map of New York's Boroughs. “before long, he'll control all of New York and I don't doubt he'll start spreading outward.” Fury admitted. “and he's getting worse every day. His weapons are getting more gruesome and the agents we send in that die are killed more and more creatively.” “he's dangerous, and that's why we need you two to go in, and handle him. If you can get him to stop, good. Do so. If you can't? Then we have only one option.” finally, the Agent, the most important tool in their arsenal spoke.

“we kill him then? If we can't control him? I don't understand what's so bad. He's killing criminals and helping the people he has in his... kingdom.” “he's controlling them. Not helping them. And it's only a matter of time before he starts attacking innocents. You've seen how power goes to people's heads Captain. Can you not deny that Tony Stark has a hell of a lot of power?” Captain Rogers stayed silent. He did know what Power could do to a person. “according to our last Intel, Tony Stark has two bodyguards. One is a man named Bruce Banner. An Astrophysicist who is a black belt in three different hand to hand combats. He also had an accident with Gamma radiation while trying to recreate the super Serum. His heart rate goes above a certain number, and he turns into the Hulk.” Phil explained, bringing up pictures of both Bruce and the Hulk. “the Second Bodyguard we know nothing about. All we know is he has a metal arm and answers to Soldier.” the screen went blank and they turned tot he two agents. “any questions?”
Farian Frost was quiet as she listened to the run down of their newest target, the mercenary very rarely played well with others, but when she’d gotten a call from Natasha, who so rarely asked for favors, she had come. Because really, what kind of mission would make Natasha Romanov unwilling to take it, and turn it over to a mercenary. Well, at least her being female would at least explain why Natasha had made the request. At least somewhat. Pairing her with the blond at her side, was even more obvious as she realized that Tony Stark was trading people for captain america things. Pairing a utter unknown, with almost no ties to shield, with their shield golden boy, would maybe give them the leg up they needed. Because she had a feeling this assignment was going to be hell on them both.

“Absolute power, corrupts absolutely, Captain. He might be doing okay now, but it wont last. History will repeat itself, and you know what started the world wars. Kings with absolute power.”Farian said sliding her white-true white, not blond but that white of fresh fallen snow- back over her shoulder she nodded slightly. “How are we going in? Even if you try, you’re not going to be able to pull off hiding the Captain. Between Howard Stark’s past involvement with him, and his own obsession with Captain stuff, did you have any ideas on how we’re getting in, or are we making it up as we go?”She said her mind already turning over ideas, thinking it over.

“....Corrupting the good Captain would appeal to him, I think. Making Steve see the ‘right’ way of doing things, of having a chance to corrupt him into changing sides. Go in as agents, he might find it amusing enough to simply let it happen.”Natasha said as she stepped into the room with Clint, the two having come to brief the two, natasha and clint being the most recent agents who’d gone after natasha.
Steve Rogers, A.K.A Captain America scowled a little as he examined the massive folder and had to admit that Fury was right. Tony was getting worse. more and more violent, more and more dangerous with every passing day. a steady incline in violence against people he didn't like. mostly it was criminals trying to poach on his territory. but he was starting to attack petty criminals too. and it bothered him that when Fury had said everyone was monitored, he meant it literally. every house, every room had cameras that let Tony watch them no matter what they where doing. sure, if helped the people who started having heart attacks or strokes, but it was such an intense invasion of privacy that it made Steve shudder. it made him a little freaked out that Tony was holding people captive for Captain America stuff, and he was Captain America. that was going to blow up in his face, he just knew it. still, it needed to be done, there was no doubt about it.

"Your right. he needs to be stopped. this is... bad." Steve admitted, handing the mercenary the folders that showed Tony's every action that they knew of. "he has too much power and it's spreading." Steve muttered. "he's like a totalitarian, like that book i read. 1984, by George Orwell." "he's not quite that bad yet." Fury admitted. "but it's a damn close analogy." Fury admitted. "i'm glad to see your catching up on your reading Captain." Fury admitted, Steve shrugging. he liked to read. he was in the middle of The Picture of Dorian Grey now. "we could just walk in. i doubt Stark would want me dead." Steve admitted before looking up at Natasha, offering her a nod. she had helped him immensely in adjusting to the new world. it was she who offered him book suggestions, history lessons and courses on how to operate the new technology. she and Clint had been a godsend to the lost at sea Captain.

"corrupt me?" Steve asked, looking startled. "he wants to corrupt me?" he asked again, looking rather mortified at the idea. "so what we just walk in and wait for him to come to us?" Steve asked, lifting an eyebrow as Clint shook his head. "he'll send guards to collect you." Clint admitted. "he'll know as soon as you set foot into his territory that you are there." he admitted. "he's kind of weird." Clint admitted. "he seamed to like me and he gave me stuff before i left." he admitted. "but he absolutely hated the guy before me, Killian. killed him right in the streets of Manhattan." he admitted. "he never actually spoke a word to either of us, so what he's basing his decisions on i have no clue unless he's looking at our files or something." "could be that your blonde." "Killian was blond." "... i guess were just winging it then." Steve muttered. "i'll go pack my bags." "already done." Fury admitted. "you will be taken by Limo to the border of Stark's territory. we already have your Hotel rented, you'll stay there until Stark approaches you." "Yes Sir." Steve agreed, glad that there seamed to be at least some planning. "you'll be on your own in there. any attempts to get video or sound into Starks territory has failed, and you won't be able to send messages out to us. if you think you are in any danger, scratch him off and get out of there." he ordered. "i mean it. don't risk your lives needlessly."
Farian nodded as she picked up the file, starting to go through it herself, biting her lip. “He’s not using mercenary forces. Which is odd. It’s a common practice in most countries...but from this, all he has is his company. And his body guards. Whoever’s offering him military support, even if it’s not the military per se, his fighting force is a unknown.” “It’s made up of assassins and mercenaries.”Natasha said watching the other woman. “No...not in the traditional sense. None of these people, have worked outside of New york. It’s odd. They’re going to be...hive like, more devoted to themselves, and Stark, then you’d deal with out of the city.”Farian frowned as she focused on the pictures of the crowds, of the people that worked for Tony.

“He does. You are his father’s best work. He wants to wipe his father from the face of the earth. He might have other goals, but Howard Stark is the shadow that haunts him. Destroying you, whether it’s killing or simply destroying the Captain image, appeals to him.”Natasha said tilting her head. “...So he’s a genius, basing his assumptions on whatever suits him. A narcissist that has his own set of standards...”Farian muttered mostly to herself as she thought before nodding. “We’ll not take chances with our lives. STark will be dealt with.”Farian said, because she was just as ice cold as natasha, willing to kill if needed. Standing she pulled her white blond hair out of her face into a pony tail, wide green eyes taking in everything. She looked like a quiet soft shadow, incapable of killing, but she was hard, all lean muscle and anger, willing to kill. While tony was the far extreme of psychosis, farian was still treading that line, she knew it was wrong, but was willing to set aside the rules in favor of getting things done. “Let’s go captain.”She said looking at least a little pleased that there was some planning to this, though she knew there was going to be utterly no planning for what came next.

Quiet the whole time into the city she glanced at Steve as they got to the hotel, “Do you remember howard stark?”she asked, wanting to get a insight into the son, but asking about the father. And knowing tony was watching from somewhere, knowing even without microphones, that lip reading video was available. Figuring if they talked about him, it would drag tony’s attention from whatever plans he had. Having every intention of forcing the genius into playing attention.
Steve shook his head. "it makes perfect sense. Mercenaries have to be paid and will abandon you at the first hint of better money." he stated. "he takes these people, removes them from bad situations, gives them what they need. food, housing, family. it makes them loyal, it makes them brave." he muttered. "Shmidt, the Red Skull did the same thing to his truly loyal. he got them young. brainwashed them, saved them even." Steve admitted. "Stark is doing the same thing here. he takes druggies, cleans them up, gets them healthy, enrolls them in classes to fight and defend themselves, feeds them, shelters them. everything they need and a lot of what they want. creating a huge force of loyal soldiers. it probably makes him feel better about what he's doing too, convincing himself he's helping people more than he's hurting them." "makes sense." Fury agreed.

"of course he's trying to wipe Howard Stark off the map. look what that bastard did to his son." Steve admitted as he looked over the file. "he ket Tony locked in a closet for three days, no food, no water, no bathroom. just darkness and hunger pains for three days because he was working on something and didn't want Tony to 'bother him'. i mean, i knew Howard Stark was a sick man, but i didn't think it was anything like this..." he admitted, frowning before he shook his head. "he won't kill me. he wouldn't collect Captain America stuff if he hated me, or at least what i represent." he admitted. "i'll not let him hurt anyone. i'll kill him if i have to." because Cap was a soldier, he knew that sometimes there was no option but death. he followed her out and examined his suitcase to make sure he had everything he wanted. he did. including his newest delight, a Kindle. he could hold in one hand, thousands of books. it was glorious. he also had a drawing tablet. he could sketch anywhere he wanted, without having to carry paper and pencil. not to say he hadn't packed his sketch pad and charcoals, but it was nice to have options. he also had his shield and suit packed in a second suitcase, this one indestructible and thumb print triggered so people couldn't just take it.

"...i do." he admitted as he threw his metal suitcase onto the bed and pulled out his Kindle so he could relax a bit before they where dragged off to Stark. "he was an asshole of epic proportions." Steve admitted. "i hated his guts. he was..." he paused, considering and then. "he didn't treat me like i was a person. he had me as a personal lab rat for three months and he used to... coo, at me. like i was some precious Lab rat or one of his creepy moving robots." he admitted. "i was never a person to him, i was a product." he admitted as he relaxed on the bed with a sigh. "he was also extremely homophobic. he told me that since he created me, i had to do what he said, and he tried to set me on a gay couple while we where in France. i laughed in his face and the fucker used this electrical thing on me... drove me right to my knees." he admitted. "he was a sadistic bastard. i can't imagine his son is much better." that certainly had Tony's attention more than anything and both 'agents' knew it. there was nothing Tony Stark would hate more than being likened to his father.
"He probably does feel better about cleaning them up,helping them."farian sighed hating that. If it'd been mercenaries she could talk that language. Loyal soldiers like these, she didnt understand. "I dont think anyone but tony knew how sick he really was. But he'll try to break you steve. Tony stark is a man of contradictions. He probably hates you as much as he likes you."natasha sighed worried for her friend."good luck."she said watching the two leave.

"From what I've seen in the file,I dont think he saw anyone as a real person."she said as she settled on the bed looking a little sick at the thought."tony's probably not any better. He just has better toysto fuss over now."she said knowing sooner or later tony's temper was going to explode at the comparison.

"Sir?there is a feed you need to see."james barnes,the solxier said as he walked into the lab barely sparing a glance around before locating tony, holding out a tablet with the video feed from steve and farian's room playing on it. While he had other jobs, whiletony was safely in the lab you could usually find james watching the security feeds.
Steve nodded. "and as awful as it is, he is helping them. that's why they're so loyal." he pointed out with a shake of his head. "people found out later when Social Services got involved. apparently his mother threw an unholy fit when she realized Tony had been in a closet for three days while she was... it doesn't say what she was doing." he admitted. "Howard used his money and influence to hush it up." he admitted. "i'm not too concerned." he promised Natasha. "he'll want to corrupt me before he wants to kill me. he'll spend the time to try and make me see his side of things."

"i can't be sure of that." Steve admitted, scowling even more. "he certainty liked Peggy." he grumbled before smirking a little. "i have to admit... this new world has a lot of cool toys." he admitted. "color TV, color photos, electronic books... the moving stairs wig me out a little bit though." he admitted. "what is wrong with normal stairs?" he asked, frowning. "in any case, can you imagine what Stark's Tower is like? i bet it's full of creepy things. like toasters that Talk and doors that only open if you speak the right password or something." he looked at her. "speaking of doors. why do people move through circle doors? you know, the one's that spin, what is the point?" he asked, baffled. "and why do you need three thousand channels on a TV when a good third of them are just repeated?"

Tony looked up from where he was working on something very tiny that looked a lot like a computer chip. "Oh?" he asked as he pulled his magnifying goggles off and accepted the Tablet, blinking. "holy fuck. that's Captain America." he breathed, his voice high pitched with excitement, a mad gleam in his eyes as he examined them before scowling as he realized James had set the feed back, letting him listen in. "Go get Bruce." Tony demanded. Bruce liked going on retrieval missions. made him feel useful and he didn't like James doing 'grunt work' anyway. James of course, knew Jarvis would have Bruce there faster than he could go get the man so he stayed put while Bruce headed up, having been down in the public labs, helping one of the scientists with a calculation issue. "You asked for me Tony?" "yeah. go get some men and fetch these two. i want them here, in my office, as soon as you can get them here." Tony ordered. "you got it." Bruce agreed, grinning eagerly. he loved his new job. he got to be violent but he didn't have to kill anyone. it was perfect, plus, his boss was actually smarter than he was! now that was rare! "James! go put your mask on." Tony ordered. "we don't want Rogers getting a good look at you yet."
"Even sociopaths have people they connect to. Just not in a way anyone else would understand."she shrugged a little frowning at the idea totally at a loss on how to understand father and son.snickering at aptain's obvious confusion snickering."the stairs wig me out to. I feel like I'm going to fall off them."she snickered a little before smiling."oh god....if I run into a talking tosater or something equally disturbing I blame you."she teased before smirking."I dont know about the revolving doors.maybe to keep cold air from getting in?"she shrugged amused "and well, I blame indulgence on the channels. If one channel is good,more must be better."

"Yes it is. And hes in thr city. A few blocks over actually."james said before asking jarvis to get the other scientist knowing better then to run down and get him himself."...damn."he cursed silently as he realized the downside of having his best friend back. He was going to be living in the mask again. Bloody hell."come on tony. You better go get cleaned up if you want to meet the captain."he said as much bodyguard as babysitter to the billionaire,willing to bully him into taking care of himself. While itd started out as a simple mission he had started to actually enjoy stark's company
he shrugged a little. "Howard was a Sociopath." he agreed. "i'm not convinced Tony Stark is. yet." he admitted. "and even if he is a sociopath, it's his fathers fault. i'm sure we can come to an understanding." he admitted before smirking at her. "i jump out of airplanes." he admitted. "without parachutes. the sensation of moving without moving isn't something that bugs me too much." he admitted with a chuckle before frowning. "i think it's just plain laziness really." he admitted. "people are entirely too lazy these days." he grumbled, blinking as a knock sounded at the door. "i got it." he promised as he stood up and headed for the door, smiling pleasantly at Bruce and the men he had brought with. "you want us to go with you, right?" Steve asked. "that's right. don't bother with your bags. we got men for that." Bruce admitted, looking quite pleased, and a little disappointed. he loved bringing Hulk out to bust some heads. living with Tony had given Bruce a level of control over the Hulk that he'd never have had if he'd been with Shield.

"close. how much you wanna bet that Fury's behind this? thinking that i'll let them in just because he's Captain America." he smirked. "he's not wrong of course. though, that woman is a nummy biscuit isn't she?" he asked, well aware James didn't care about some white haired woman. "hey. don't worry." Tony promised, patting James arm. he'd spent a very long time getting James 'back to normal'. helping James remember and become his own person had been a very lengthy process. he knew if 'they' ever found out Tony had basically destroyed every single hint of brainwashing and control they ever had on James, they would be completely pissed. not that Tony cared. "it's only for a few days." he promised James. "and you won't have to wear it when Rogers isn't around." he promised. "i just want to keep you a surprise. besides, that mask of yours is terrifying." he teased with a smirk before sulking. "fine..." he grumbled as he skulked off to the showers to get a nice shower and a shave and let Jarvis cut his hair. he was already working on building a full body for Jarvis, but the computer was picky and Tony hadn't worked out the synthetic flesh yet. a pity, since it would be great for Jame's arm.
"Hopefully. I'd rather come to a understanding rather then killing him."farian sighed a little smiling slightly at the idea before making a face laughing."you might be very right. Its pure laziness."she snickered before tensing at the knock getting up,tense before relaxing some,glancing towards their bags before looking back at bruce tilting her head. She disliked leaving her bags,even more she disliked leaving the weapons and most especially steve's shield behind. But sighing when she realized they wouldnt let them near tony armed anyways."after you then."she said moving off the bed to follow bruce features set into bemused amusement that tony had sent his own bodyguard after them.

"Of course fury's behind it. And you wouldn't listen to me even if I told you to kill them both....and woman may be useful. Shield agents have a habit of interesting habits."james said about as far as he was willing to be interested in the woman."i dont worry."he said staring at the other man before nodding."a few days then"he said willing to do anything for tony since tony had given him his life back,given him himself back. Grinning as tony got back to shower cutting his hair before smiling tugging on the strands playfully when he was done."theyre here."he said as his phone beeped with a alert."we better head for your office tony."
he nodded. "me too. or worse. him kill us." he agreed before chuckling. "people are Lazy." he muttered. "so very lazy." he admitted before glancing at her when Bruce demanded they follow. he knew exactly what she was thinking, but he wasn't worried. Tony Stark was an egotistical man. he wouldn't think them a threat. "so he sent his personal bodyguard to get us?" Steve asked as they walked down the stairs. "he thought you'd fight back. i'm a little disappointed that you didn't." Bruce admitted. "besides, i'm not his personal bodyguard. that's the Soldier's job now." Bruce admitted as they stepped out into the sunlight. all the people on the streets quickly got out of the way when they saw it was Bruce. he led them down the street, the five armed guards following behind, making sure they didn't try anything stupid, right into the Stark Tower and up to the very top floor where Tony's office was. "Sit. make yourselves comfortable." Bruce ordered.

"you would kill Steve Rogers!?" Tony demanded, grinning because he knew James had been best friends with Steve, suspected more as well actually. "but yeah they do have interesting habits. Jarvis? background check on the woman. i want to know if she's ever done anything on the 'naughty' list." a lot of Shield agents where on the naughty list. they killed kids, raped women or did other things that Tony found disgusting. it was this that he based his 'keep or kill' decisions on. "they can sit and stew, i want my suit." he admitted. knowing James would know it wasn't the Iron Man suit, but the black and white fancy dress shit Tony favored when he wasn't in the shop. "and i want Coffee." he admitted. "is there any food?" he asked as he headed up for the attached bedroom so he could get 'fancy'. "hey! James!" Tony poked his head out to stare at the man. "i almost forgot. i made you a new mask. the old one was crap." he admitted. "it has a sophisticated air filtration system now. and it looks cooler. plus it's air conditioned so you won't feel like your suffocating." he admitted. "there's other things too but i forget what." he admitted as he tossed James a leather half mask that covered nose to neck and was everything Tony promised, and also more comfortable. it even came with the black goggles, also enhanced with a targeting system and other high tech stuff that Tony hadn't bothered to tell James about because he as too busy being a fairy over his own appearance.
"Do you want us to fight back?im sure i could be appropriately amusing in a fight if youre really that bored."farian snickered a little looking amused features settled into a quiet bemusement as they settled to wait looking around thr office as they waited.

"I would consider it. Maybe."james said after a moment even if he was fairly certain he'd never be able to kill the good captain"we have your suit. And coffee. And food. Stop being a demanding bitch. I know what you want."james said gesturing to the coffee pot he'dgotten while tony was in the shower,looking over the file jarvis had compiled."her name is farian frost. She's not shield. She works as a mercenary,mostly overseas. Nothing to outstanding,general same wetjobs of taking care of mob business. Only men are listed as her known kills. She prefers cold wather hunts. At least that seems where she ends up the most. Nothing like killian's record or any of the others."james said as he waited for tony to finish his food and stop being a fairy. Unwilling to send tony into a room with a unknown woman without knowing something about her. "..thanks tony. Definitely better then the other mask."james said relief flickering over his face. This mask wouldnt be so bad to wear for the next few days while he'd been dreading wearing the old one.
Bruce grinned sharply at them. "i would eat you alive." he admitted before ushering them up to the Office and leaving them there. if they caused problems, Jarvis would just gas them. Steve shrugged and moved over to the couch and grabbed a magazine, settling in to wait. no wonder all the Agents at Shield hated him. he was way too laid back.

he chuckled. "relax. i'd never make you kill them." he promised. "if we have to cross them off i'll make one of the more psychotic of our crew do it." he admitted. he had several people who he sent out to do the 'gore' work. "i will be a demanding bitch. your the one that decided you where my mother you cunt." Tony complained as he poured himself a pot and started to gulp it down even as he headed over for a massive plate of food that he more or less picked at. he had a figure to maintain after all. even if he did eat a hell of a lot more than he used to with both Bruce and James insisting. he only ate a little, but as often as they fed him that didn't matter. "oh? interesting." Tony muttered, amused. "Cold weather hmm? so she's an Icy bitch." he muttered, taking another coffee and swallowing it down before finally getting dressed, having been, this whole time, walking about completely starkers. "your very welcome." he chirped, yanking Jame's down for a kiss on the lips. rather chaste really, considering it was Tony. he kissed James all the time though, and Bruce. they'd both gotten well used to it and Tony's complete and total lack of modesty. "okay. lets go." he ordered as he finished tying his tie and had himself perfect.
" wonder no one wants to work with you. Way way laid back cap."farian teased as she settled in with her own magazine looking equally relaxed with this. Well at least natasha had guessed right and picked two people who'd work well together.

"Good."james said quietly relaxing at the promise. Tony might be psychotic but he kept his promises. And not making james kill steve was a mercy."well if you'd do a better job of taking care of yourself I wouldnt have to mother you."james said rolling his eyes a little. To used to tony walking around naked to make a big deal of it."dare you to call her a frigid bitch just to see what she does."james smirked because it was a rare day when tony resisted a dare. Moaning quietly as he was kissed he sighed as he straightened smirking a little as he settled the mask into place."I'm so glsd the body armour's tight enough to hide a erection.that was just mean tony."he teased his voice coming out that slightly altered deeper version of his own voice that it always sounded like through the mask smirking as he followed tony to his office. Stepping inside with the billionaire his eyebrows rose at the sight of the two simply reading while they waited
he shrugged. "when you live the kind of life i've lived, then you can do what i do." he teased. "being laid back and being prepared are not the same thing." he admitted as he flipped through the magazine. "why is it that everyone in magazines are nearly naked?" he paused. "...this is a porn magazine..." he muttered as he came across an actual picture of a completely naked. "....good lord those actually exist?" he asked Farian showing her the picture of a busty girl with a massive cock.

Tony smiled at him. "i doubt it will come to such a thing." he promised. "once Captain Rogers realizes i'm not all THAT evil, he'll feel bad about killing me. so he won't. i doubt we'll have to hurt him." he admitted. "the girl on the other hand will probably have to die unless we can get her loyal to us somehow." he mused, smirking. "i wouldn't mind having her as a bed warmer." he admitted before he grinned viciously at James. "you think i won't?" he asked, completely ignoring the 'take care of yourself' comment. he took care of himself just fine! "i'm not." Tony grumbled, examining the crotch area. "i'll give you a blowjob later." he promised. "hows the mask feel? the goggles fit okay?" Tony demanded, examining them to make sure James would indeed feel comfortable. the air inside the mask was cool, just as promised. making it a lot less claustrophobic. "how boring." he complained as he examined them. "so. we have a Frigid bitch-" he cast a glance at James, eyes glittering with amusement. "-And a Golden Boy Scout." he mused, examining them. "why do you have porno mags up here?" Steve asked, blinking at Tony. "in fact. the only magazines up here at all are Porno." he admitted, making Tony smirk. "enjoying them?" "didn't know things like this existed actually." Steve admitted.
"No thanks. Spending nearly a century on ice isnt for me."farian rolled her ryes a little glad they were getting along before pausing as she realized what she was looking at."...its all porn...why doesnt it surprise me he has porn in here..."she muttered before laughing at steve's shock nodding a little.they do. You have to remember. Stark's well knwon for indulging himself in whatever he wants. Sex is just the beginning."

"Yea you're right. He was always a soft hearted idiot."james said though it was a insult the smile on his face was indulgent."she's a merc. Buy her out. She's cap's partner to. If she's any good, she wont like leaving him her defenseless. She'll be loyal as long as he's okay."james shrugged a little before laughing."though if you seduce her,you might have all the loyalty you need there. Women have a weird habit of growing attached to you....and I know 6ou will. I just want to see what she does."james snickered before smiling behind the mask."its perfect. Definitely less claustrophobic."he said taking a deep breath as he put the goggles on to and let tony make sure they were okay. "Frigid bitch and boy scout?thats the best you can come up with? I thought you were intelligent stark."farian said as she continued flipping through the magzine,the half smile on her lils showing she found him amusing at least."which means that yes,he's been enjoying looking at them and discovering new things."farian said smiling a little."the corruption of the golden boy has started."she teased just to see how serious tony would be about getting steve to see his way of things
he snorted. "i imagine being hungry constantly, getting your ass kicked daily and then being part of one of the worlds most viscous wars isn't you're cup of coffee either." he admitted with a smirk. "you know. i'm not all that surprised." he admitted as he examined the porn. "too much breast." Steve admitted.

Tony chuckled a little. "like you aren't?" he asked, smirking. "we're all soft hearted bastards in the end." he admitted. "i have a feeling she's not like other Mercs." he admitted. "good point." he agreed. "and since we don't want t actually hurt Rogers..." he paused. "well. maybe i want to hurt him a little. but nothing permanent." he admitted. "at least, nothing that his superior body won't heal in a matter of a few days." he admitted. "i do want to seduce her, yes. granted, i'd seduce Captain Rogers too, but i think you'd have something to say about that." he admitted with a snicker as he headed off. "good. you can take it off once your out of Rogers sight. JArvis will warn you when he's coming." he admitted before grinning impishly at Farian. "i'm attempting to be nice. besides, i doubt people of your intelligence would understand if i used bigger words." he admitted. "so. Farian is it? interesting name that. i hear you like it cold. ever fucked in a walk in freezer? i have one, if your interested." he leered before glancing at Steve, who was practically ignoring them. interesting. he considered her for a good long moment after her interesting comment. yes. it would be fun to corrupt Steve Rogers, wouldn't it? make him perverse, part of his world, part of his 'Hive'. his to own. his to use. his to protect. yes, that was a very, very nice thought. Steve huffed. "I am a superhero. i am incorruptible." Tony snorted. "you are human. full of human weakness."
“No, no it really isn’t my cup of coffee.”She smirked a little.

“I’m not. And you definitely aren’t. Us hard hearted bastards just got to stick together.”James made a face before smirking. “Well, I doubt she’d not care as long as its nothing permanant. Take care of him, seduce her, it’s probably the best way of dealing with her.”James said before rolling his eyes as the mask and goggles settled into place, glad tony couldn’t see his expression when he answered. “I would not. I don’t care who you sleep with, you know that.”

“Are you usually this much of a chauvinistic asshole, or do you just not like less smart people?”Farian said tilting her head a little. “It is.”She said before her eyes went wide, the blue in her eyes almost frosting over as she looked at tony, as if she really was freezing at the idea of a walk in freezer. Responding to the idea even if she didn’t want to.”...I have not. Though the idea seems interesting. Are you offering to let me and the good captain burrow it, or are you offering yourself to freeze, cause gotta tell you, you and a freezer would be a tempting way to kill you.”She said, not even bothering to pretend that killing him hadn’t been given to them as a option, knowing he’d known it would be one, ignoring the growl from his bodyguard at the suggestion. “Definitely human weak. Maybe even more so, since he’s been out of the game so long.”James said sounding amused shaking his head a little, dark hair falling around his face. “Also, Sir, I’m changing my mind on you seducing the mercenary. She might really kill you.”
he smirked a little. "that we do." he agreed before shrugging. "we'll either keep them, kill them, or send them on their way. i'm not too fussy about what we decide." he admitted. "we'll do our best not to kill the good Captain." he promised before he smirked at James. "you need to work on your poker face."

"oh. i'm always an asshole, aren't i Soldier?" Tony asked James, using his 'codename' in front of the 'strangers'. "and stupid people are both boring and annoying." he admitted. "that's why i have a building full of smart people. none of them are as smart as me, of course, but they know enough to not go glassy eyed when i speak. drink?" he offered, pouring himself a snifter of brandy. of course the Snifter cost more than the brandy did, and that was saying something. "oh, i kno better than that, naughty girl. Captain America is so totally gay." he chirped, smirking. "i wouldn't mind having a good chill." he admitted, taking a sip of his drink before smirking as Steve shrugged. "i'm not out of the game at all. being frozen and being 'out of action' is not the same thing." Steve stated simply, rolling his eyes as Tony grinned. "what's the point of living if i don't feel the occasional bit of fear? besides, Jarvis runs the freezers. if she tried to freeze me to death, he'd kick the heat on and then gas her." he pointed out. "it's not often i find someone so pretty and so capable." he admitted, smirking. "i want her." he admitted, his eyes fixed on her. Steve suddenly felt a bit worried. this was not going as planned. Tony was supposed to fixate on him, not her. he wasn't sure what to do, he'd have to follow her ques.
“You’re never fussy, about anything. Unless it’s how you look, you fairy.”James said rolling his eyes a little. “No I don’t.I’m perfect, and when I’m not, I have a mask for that.”

“Very much so, sir.”James said his voice cool and amused even as he watched them. “Well, I promise. We are neither. Though, you might find us annoying by the end of whatever you’re going to do with us.” “You’re right. They’re amusing. We should keep them.”James mused. “A drink would be nice, thank you.”Farian said smiling a little as she got up to take a snifter of brandy from him, sipping it slowly before raising her eyebrows. Turning to look at Steve, she cocked a eyebrow. “...are you serious?How did THAT never get in any history book?”She sulked, looking cutely sulky, though the wicked amused laughter in her eyes gave the act away, that she’d known all along that no one would ever believe she was screwing the captain, because it was known he was gay to certain circles. Blushing slightly as she realized that the rumors were true, tony stark really would sleep with anyone he found interesting. And while she hadn’t planed on being the focus of his attention, it was also something they could use if he really did want to. “Fine. If you want to freeze your naughty bits off to have sex, it’s not my concern since frostbite on your dick wouldn’t be life threatening.”James said rolling his eyes, glad for the mask so that no one would realize he was moments away from dying from laughter. Cause really, this was just to amusing. “You do, do you?”Farian said raising her eyes at tony’s declaration of want, trying not to feel disturbed at it. She could handle this.
Tony smirked a little. "i have to be perfect for my meeting with Captain America." he admitted before he smiled at James. "you can have him back soon James." he promised softly. "you won't have to hide for long. i promise." and Tony always kept his promises.

"why thank you Soldier, i love you too." Tony chirped happily. "he's just trying to butter me up so i'll suck his cock later." Steve snorted and then tried to hide that he had. he never expected to be amused by Tony Stark. "i don't know. i'm kind of stupid." Steve admitted. "Ignorance, dear Captain, and Stupidity are not the same thing. ignorance, after all, can be fixed." Tony admitted with a smirk. "i hear that you've been learning at a rather rapid pace. you can even use a computer now." "i can. even if i need a bit of help from time to time." Steve agreed, trying to pull Tony's attention back onto himself. "no drink for me, thanks." Steve stated. "i'm not allowed to drink." "really? why?" "it's an insult to my taste buds." Tony snorted now. James often said the same thing. apparently back in the 1930's and 40's alcohol tasted a lot different. of course it was the prohibition so most of the alcohol was hand crafted in hidden rooms, giving it a much more... intense taste.

"oh, being gay was a heavy crime back then. they altered my history to suit their desires." Steve admitted. "people still don't want homosexuals to have good press so they are still repressing that information." he admitted. "it was hilarious watching Natasha try to set me up on dates though." he admitted, Tony chuckling. "ah, Natasha. i like her." he admitted. "i had to improve her weapons though, the stuff she was using was crap." he admitted. "it's kind of odd. you giving advanced weapons to people who want to kill you." "like i said. what's life without a little fear?" Tony asked, looking smug as he offered Steve a juice bottle. "besides, she does the most interesting things with her legs." Tony admitted with a grin. "besides, my dick would be buried in a nice warm body. it's my balls that would get frostbitten." he stated to James before smiling at her. an honest to god smile as he reached out and brushed his thumb against her cheek. "yes. but i'm not one to get into Rape." he admitted. "if i have you, it will be willingly." he admitted before snapping his fingers. "Bruce! get them settled!" he ordered, the Astrophysicist suddenly there. "they'll be long term guests so make sure they're comfortable." Yes Sir." Bruce agreed, grinning at them. "this way. your stuff has been delivered. there's one suitcase we couldn't get into." "probably the weapons. just leave it in the lab." "Yes sir." "it's my suit. and shield." Steve admitted. "her weapons are hidden." "oh. we found those already." Tony admitted, brushing off the concern. "enjoy your stay." Tony chirped pleasantly as he sipped on his booze, watching them both with calculating eyes.
“You don’t need to be buttered up to go to your knees. You enjoy it to much.”James said rolling his eyes behind his mask, finding tony to amused to even pretend that he didn’t. “...Really?What’s wrong with it?I mean, is it really that different?”Farian said as she sipped her drink, tilting her head a little as she listened to the man talking.

“I’m sure it was. Since Natasha tries to set up everyone with who she thinks would be good.”Farian snickered a little laughing a little, it was a odd outlook for a man who was king of everything he saw. To spice things up with a little fear. “...Did you sleep with everyone you let go?”Farian said raising her eyebrows, looking interested. “I don’t think I feel nearly as interested now, if I’m just the next person in line.”Farian said looking amused. “I’m sure you can come up with someway to combat frostbite.”James laughed softly smirking as farian jumped out of her skin at the touch, looking up at the billionaire with wide eyes. “?Good to know.”Farian said swallowing thickly, well at least she didn’t have to worry about rape, it was just everthing else she’d worry about. “We’ll try.”Farian said looking at the man just as calculating, tilting her head as she followed bruce, feeling utterly out of sync, tony had definitely not been what she expected.
Tony pondered that and then. "good point." he agreed. "but buttering me up certainly helps us get past that level." he admitted with a grin. "it tastes wrong." Steve admitted. "back in the Prohibition." Tony made a sound that Steve ignored. Tony felt that the prohibition was a sin and had vowed that it would never happen again. "alcohol was made by singular individuals. it had more, i dunno. life to it. it tasted like alcohol. it tasted like whiskey. it's..." he paused and then. "you know those Cupcakes you like so much? the chocolate ones that we picked up before we got here? those are Prohibition whiskey. on the other hand you have the generic box mix chocolate cupcakes, which never come out right and always taste like chalk." Tony snickered and shook his head.

"Natasha is a pest." Steve huffed. "hmmm? no unfortunately they all turned me down." he admitted. "i was this close to getting in Hill's pants though." he admitted, holding his fingers close together. "she was starting to appreciate my witty intelligence." he sulked. "and then that damn Coulson paid up and she left..." he grumbled. "i was so sure he'd refuse. i mean, a limited edition, original Captain America War Bond's Poster!" Tony admitted, eyes glittering. "signed! and Coulson paid up!" here he sulked. "i lost five hundred dollars on that bet..." he grumbled. "...well that explains why Phil hates you..." "ah. no. his first name is Agent!" Tony corrected, making Steve roll his eyes. "hmm... you know. i bet i could. and if i can't Bruce could... i'll get him on that." he decided before smiling at Farian. "i'm a really good lover." he assured her with a chuckle as Steve and her followed Bruce.

"is he...." "always like that? Yes." Bruce admitted. "you will be able to leave your rooms, any areas your not allowed to access... including the lower fifty six floors, will warn you off before you can even try to get in." Bruce informed them. "if you persist in attempting to get to levels your not allowed in, Jarvis will make you wish you'd never been born." Bruce warned. "and then i'll get to play with you. and a Super Soldier body would be just the thing to test a few of my ideas on, so please, do try at least once." Bruce suggested, making Steve withhold a shudder. he'd played lab rat for Howard, he was never, ever going to do it again. "these are your rooms. if, you cannot cook for yourself Dinner is every night between Five and Six. others join us and you will be polite to them." Bruce ordered before motioning for them to make themselves at home. it looked just like a two bedroom apartment, only more space, and their things where, as promised, there. aside from the weapons and the Suit and shield. " okay?" Steve asked her once Bruce was gone. "i didn't expect Tony to focus on you like that..."
“”Hm, so it does.”James snickered a little. “Huh. I sorta want to try some now...sad its not available. I mean, prohibition whiskey.”Farian said looking thoughtful, before tilting her head, nodding. “Yea...Oh!I see what you mean. It’s still the same thing, but the individual cupcakes compared to the ones just boxed up.”Farian snickered looking thoughtful.

“Well, I’m sure she appreciated something. Maybe the silence she expected if she did sleep with you. Probably would have shut you up for a bit.”Farian snickered amused at the billionaire’s sulking before her eyes widened “Bloody hell. I knew he hated you, but really?his collection?” “you should have known Fury would make Coulson pay up. It’s your own fault for losing that one.”James snickered looking amused. “No, it’s phil.”Farian said snickering a little at tony’s refusal to call him phil. “I’m sure you think you are.”Farian said over her shoulder as she left. “...They’re interesting.”James said watching the other’s leave, glancing at tony, wondering just what he was thinking.

“Really?”farian said looking startled a tthe idea of tony being like that so much. “...”She stared at the astrophysicist before shuddering. “I think not. Not even exploring this place is worth playing geniua pig.”She said smilign slightly defending steve, bvecause she knew what howard had done, knew how utterly horrible itwas. “...It just looks like a apartment....nicest place I’ve stayed in for awhile.”She said looking around them, before waiting till bruce was gone. Going quietly as she sat down, she rubbed a hand over her face. “I’m...fine. Well....not really .It’s...disturbing. Weird. He’s not...unattractive. But its flirt and actually consider it. For a few minutes there, I forgot why we were here....just thought about him and that damned freezer.”She grumbled shuddering at the idea.
Steve grinned. "i'll make you some. me and my friend, Bucky, we made it by the tub." he admitted with a snicker. "of course, we couldn't take maths while we where making it, but we made enough money from a tub-load to keep the roof over our heads for a month." he admitted. "exactly. then you have the pre-made cupcake you get at grocery stores. those are like the generic brand whiskey. which is just point blank nasty." Tony had to agree, and he was fairly curious about bootleg booze now too. he'd have to make sure Steve got everything he needed, he wanted to try some too.

"you are, in fact, wrong! i never shut up." Tony stated proudly. "the world needs to hear my angelic, dulcet tones all the time, or they shall cry from the loss of such magnificence." "and he's modest too." "why thank you!" "i was being sarcastic." "never heard of it." Tony lied before pouting at James. "Phil could have put up some sort of resistance! bartered or something! at least then it would have been fun holding Hill captive for three weeks, but he didn't even try to negotiate." Tony whined. "still... it does look glorious doesn't it?" he asked, turning to examine the War Bonds poster, framed and hanging on the wall of the office, which made Steve blush bright red. "everyone i sleep with agrees!" Tony called back before smirking at James. "veyr interesting." he murmured. "yes, very interesting indeed. i wonder how he'll handle having you back all of a sudden..." he murmured. "by the way. do you know a Grant Ward?"

Bruce nodded. "he was a little more hyper today." he admitted. "but most people are when meeting the very first superhero ever created." he admitted. "pity." Bruce stated with a smirk. "you won't be allowed to leave." he admitted. "but we have everything you will need within he balloted rooms your allowed in." he stated calmly. "if you need something, just ask Jarvis." he stated calmly. "it is fairly nice." Steve agreed, looking around before sitting next to her. "it's not that disturbing. i'm attracted to him too." he admitted. "he sort of gives off this weird allure." he admitted. "i haven't wanted to fuck anything or anyone since Bucky died, you know? yet i was seriously considering how fast i could get Stark on his knees..." he paused. " know. i really shouldn't have said that considering he's probably listening to us..." he admitted, making a face. "still. if you want him, have him." he suggested. "might do us both some good if you got laid." he teased with a smile. "besides, there's no real mission, we're going on our guts here... tell me. do you think he's Evil? because i don't. hes misguided certainly. but by no means is he cruel. not yet."
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