In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

Nov 30, 2010
Jemma sighed quietly as she leaned back in her chair, looking up at the director, the strain of being undercover plain on her face, and while she’d gotten stronger since Grant’s betrayal, it had also weakened her, in that she wasn’t prepared for dealing with the strain of being undercover with hydra. “I am sorry, Coulson. I can’t...”She sighed looking down, having so wanted to help, but it was to much.

“Jem, it’s fine. It’s a good thing Hydra needs their own hackers. They’re always looking for ‘former’ shield agents. Not to mention, we have our own asset to dealing with them.”Skye twitched a little at the idea of going to go talk to Grant, but for this, to get Simmons out of trouble, she was willing to play nice with Grant, even if it meant letting the monster out of his cage.


“....Tony...if you give us much more gadgetry. We’re not going to be able to walk.” “Well, you’re not going in with your bow. Sorta requires hidden stuff.”Tony huffed making a face, before looking at steve. “Anything else before we sending the ducklings out into the brave world, cap?”he said already ducking the half hearted slap Natasha sent his way.
Phil set his hand on her shoulder. "don't feel so badly." he ordered gently. "you did more than you could ever imagine." he promised her. "you did a very good job. that's all that we asked." he promised, smiling. "you need the break. it's Skye's turn now and Fitz could use the help." he admitted. "he's recovered a great deal but he still has his moments." Phil admitted, looking up as Tripp and Hunter led a now clean shaven and well dressed Grant out into the Bus, still handcuffed, and gagged too to save Skye the pain of having to listen to him talk until she had to. "now. are you sure about this?" he asked Skye. "you can still say no. we have other operatives within Hydra. they can take up the load i'm sure." he promised her, looking worried. Grant just stood there, completely uncaring that he was there at all.


Steve chuckled a little as he watched from the doorway, shaking his head as he examined them. "just let Tony do this. you know how he frets." he ordered. "some of those things could save your life someday you know." he admitted. "and, with the digital audio feed we have inserted in your ears means we can listen in on any conversation. meaning we don't have to make you send any messages. which means you won't be caught sending messages." he admitted. "you have a visual feed as well in the contact lenses. you can turn both off." he promised them. "the earrings in your left ear will turn the feed on and off. and might i say Clint, you look fetching." he teased with a grin. Clint had bitched for weeks about having to get his ear pierced. "the Contacts you just remove." he admitted, knowing Tony would forget to tell them how the things worked. "Jarvis will be collecting every last bit of information you gather, whether you notice it or not." he admitted. "this includes names and faces of more trusted Hydra Agents that we can later pick up and interrogate." he admitted, watching them intently. "are you sure you're going to be okay?"
“I know. It’s just...I wish I could help more.”Jemma sighed quietly, looking at Skye worriedly, knowing that no matter how sure the woman was about going in, that being with Grant, was going to be hard. “I’ll enjoy working with him again.”She said smiling a little twitching as Grant stepped back, wanting to yell at him, but knowing better. Looking up at Phil, Skye sighed softly, running her fingers through her hair as she watched Grant, shoving away the feelings that the sight of a clean shaven Grant brought up, nodding tightly.”I’m sure. You said it yourself, none of your operatives would be as well accepted as Ward returning after 2 months of being missing. It’s worth putting up with him just to see what shakes loose.”


“I know, but some of this is insane.”Clint said snickering a little even as he looked at the watch, while it wasn’t the bow and arrow he preferred, the portable, collapsible version of a repulsor would be a nice discreet weapon. “Thanks. It’s nice to know how it works.”Natasha smiled a little because while she would have figured it out eventually, it was nice knowing how to work the tech. “I look like Loki, that one time Tony convinced him to go get drunk and tattooed. Totally gay.”Clint grumbled rolling his eyes a little before sighing, nodding a little. “We’ll be fine. It wont be our first undercover op, you know.”
he smiled. "you've given us more than enough." he admitted. "thanks to you we managed to save more than fifteen Metahumans and stopped Hydra from collecting another three." he admitted. "you've done perfectly well." he promised before giving Skye a look that said he didn't believe her in the least. Grant, for hs part, made no motion at all that he had even noticed her. "we have him a bit doped up." Tripp explained. "thought it would be better if he was more compliant during the journey." he admitted. "he knows what he's to do." he promised. "and if he doesn't, well, you have ways to keep him in line." Hunter promised with a smirk. "and i'm sure plenty of stuff will shake loose." Hunter admitted. "yes. well, i was able to get my hands on some new Stark Tech." Phil admitted, holding out a case to her. "this will allow us to see and hear everything you do without having to see any messages. we have Tripp and Fitz working on the intake." he promised. "we're going to have Simmons assist and i'll... touch nothing." Phil admitted as he set his hands on her shoulders. "just be careful, okay?"


Steve smirked a little, though it was a bit strained. "yes. well. having a red fox on his ass will hopefully stop him from showing up for a while." he growled. he was extremely possessive of Tony, who was nothing more than a 'fuck buddy', or so he told himself. "besides, you ARE Gay." he pointed out. "i know. but this one holds a hell of a lot more risk than the others." he pointed out. "just be careful." he ordered, kissing her cheek before watching her and Clint head off, swallowing thickly. " you think they can pull it off?" he asked Tony.
“Thanks. That will make the trip a little easier when I have to take the gag out.”Skye said smiling a little at hunter, looking amused though it looked strained before smirking at Phil. “Just how did you get this?”She asked curious as she took the case, looking eager as she slid the ear piece in, and the contacts, blinking slowly to adjust before smirking. “Yea. Stay away from the tech, phil. I don’t want my computers to blow up or something.”She teased covering his hands with hers, squeezing a little. “I promise. I’ll be careful.”She said before stepping back, sliding into the car they’d provided, and waited just long enough for them to get grant into the car before pulling out. Knowing that whatever less this mission was, it was going to be interesting.

When they got to the parking garage phil had directed her to leave the car in, she undid the gag, pausing to look at Grant. “How do you want to do this?They know you. I’ll follow your lead on this.”she said, despite her anger and hatred she felt towards the man, she was willing to follow his lead in this, because he was more experienced.


Clint smirked a little, because it was slightly amusing to watch these two trying to dance around each other and convince themselves it was just sex. He really did wish Phil was around to laugh over this about. “Ah, don’t be like that. It was amusing, and kept me from bothering you for a night. You should be grateful for that.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little. “I am, but the earring is a little to much.”Clint said rolling his eyes before nodding. “We’re always careful.”He said as they left. “I think if anyone can get in and out, and see what hydra’s doing, its those two.”Tony said watching them go, looking worried still.
Hunter nodded. "my thoughts exactly. and for future reference, he responds very well to a good tazing." Ward twitched at the mention of getting tazed, only lending credence to what Hunter was saying. "that's my secrete." Phil admitted with a smirk before pouting at her. "i can handle technology just fine. just not your technology." he admitted simply. "good. remember. we don't have an extraction plan in place for an emergency so please... even if you have to leave in the middle of the mission. if you think your life is in danger, just leave." he ordered firmly.

Grant blinked at her and then cracked his neck and lifted his handcuffs for her to uncuff as well. "we'll go with the truth. or close to it." he admitted. "i was captured by Shield and tortured for information after Garrets death." he stated simply. "here's the lie. you broke me out and are now on the run from Shield due to your heartfelt, but foolish infatuation with me. you are uncertain you want to trade one controlling organization for another, but are willing to follow me in because you are silly enough to think your in love with me. simple enough. Hydra laps up weakness like that. they'll bring you in simply because they think i am loyal and can control and contain you."


"it asn't amusing. he's the enemy Tony. we should be arresting him, not getting him drunk and fucking him." he chastised, scowling a little because even Clint had sort of just accepted Loki's periodic attendance. probably because Loki had handed Clint a short fat bat and allowed him to beat the stuffing out of the would be god. multiple times. "it makes you look a bit like a punk. it's good for your cover." Steve ordered, looking amused before glancing at Tony and nodding. "true. and Hydra is always eager to have Shield Agents. they have the perfect excuse too. Natasha can claim she was in deep cover under the orders of her old Hydra Handler and Clint can claim that Loki changed him... seriously though!? why do you let that fucker in here?!"
“Oh good. I do have a Stark created Tazer. It even says it works on Hulk.”Skye said with that breezy amusement that said she was hoping, just hoping that she’d have a excuse to use it. “”We will. If we need to, we’ll walk.”She promised.

Skye sighed quietly as she undid his handcuffs, snorting a little. “Oh good, well at least you’re aware that a lie these days.”Skye said rolling her eyes a little as she considered just how stupidly infraturated she was going to have to act, before nodding. “Simple enough. Let’s go then.”Skye said nervous and worried about how this was going to go, worried that Grant would sell her out, but trying to stay together. Easing out of the car she waited for him, knowing it was better to show up together, and let him lead, rather then just go charging around.


“We did arrest him, after I got him drunk. We called thor.”Tony said making a face at being scolded. “Exactly. And it helps that she was Hydra, I mean...Winter....did train her. Easily enough to pass them both off as hydra.”he said for a moment looking worried at the mention of James Barnes before twitching as he glanced over at steve, sighing softly. “Because he amuses me, and he’s not trying to cause world chaos. He just ends up here to be annoying.”
Ward twitched again. he made sure in his own head that he would give her no excuse to use that. "it was always a lie." he admitted. "that doesn't stop you from being physically attracted to me." he admitted. "i am using this lie, because you will make it true by your own minor reactions to me." he admitted simply. "as far as Hydra will be concerned, you are trying to hide your attraction to me. which makes it a weakness that they can use against you. or so they will think." he admitted simply as he cracked both wrists and then his fingers before he stepped out of the car and headed for the door, completely unconcerned. "Hey! open the fucking door!" he demanded, pounding on said door. "...Ward!? Grant Ward!?" the man on the other side of the door demanded. "Fuck! get in here! where the hell have you been and who the hell is this Slu..." "finish that word. and i'll rip out your tongue, followed by your voice box. i don't answer to you." Grant snarled, making the doorman whimper and get out of the way.


he rolled his eyes. "yes. and then he was gone by the time Thor got there." he scoffed, shaking his head before falling silent at the mention of Bucky. a man who had been as good as his brother who had only recently tried to kill him. ever since that day no one had seen, nor heard from the Winter Soldier. he had all but vanished off the face of the map. "he nearly killed all of Manhattan Tony. he destroyed thousands of lives for petty vengeance against his brother. he killed Phil, he nearly killed you, he did things to Clint's brain. excuse me if i'm less inclined to forgive him." he grumbled, frustrated with the worlds lack of common sense. "forgive me if i don't think a bastard like that will become a 'good guy'. he's evil. and he'll always be evil."
“...You’re not that good looking.”Skye rolled her eyes even if it was true. Even knowing what a bastard he was, didn’t stop her from being attracted to him. Following after him she tensed, swallowing hard to hide the instinctive reaction to lash out at the doorman. “..No. But you do answer to me, Ward.”The dark haired woman leaning against the wall smirked a little, raising her eyebrows as she watched him and the girl. Kyra Cruel was everything natasha was, tall dark and beautiful enough that no matter where she went, she was noticed. It seemed Hydra had a type they liked for their agents, utterly beautiful, utterly cold. And Kyra had a reputation for matching her name, a name that no one was sure was her real last name, but she’d made it suit her. She had long been in charge of hydra’s security, living more in the shadows then most, nearly as much as a rumor, a ghost story as the winter soldier. “Come.I want to hear about this, whatever this is.”Kyra said as she pushed open one of the conference halls to her back, walking inside. Barely waiting for them to follow her inside before turning to rest a hip against teh table, facing them door, raising her eyebrows as she watched the hydra agent and the girl he’d brought with him.


“Yes, back to his cell.”Tony pointed out sighing softly as he realized he’d messed up talking about barnes. “Yes, he did. But he also hasn’t tried again. And if he’s here, bugging us, he’s not off plotting petty vengence again. At least here I can keep a eye on him.”Tony said before sighing.”Jarvis, play the video. I want to see and hear what Clint and Natasha are up to.”He said going quiet as he looked around what was hydra’s offices. “Damn. It just looks like a office building. I’m sort of disappointed.”
Grant offered her a smile when he saw her, face softening into something that honestly looked like affection. not that he seamed to be aware of it. "Kyra." he greeted. "you need to work on the kind of men you employ as your doorman." he admitted. "i almost killed him for calling what is mine, names." he admitted, following the frightening woman, pulling a chair out for Skye and then pushing it in for her before sitting down himself. "for the last two months i've been in a plastic cell." he admitted with a sigh. "Shield caught me while Garret was going psychotic." he admitted. "they're squeamish. they wouldn't go into deep torture." he admitted. "they couldn't get anything out of me so they just kept me locked up. this girl here, Skye, broke me out." he admitted. "she's on the run from Shield and i offered her the chance to join us at Hydra. she's not used to taking orders though, mouthy, undisciplined." he flashed her a smirk. "but she's the best. literally. she's hacked Shield more than once. and Hydra twice for her group, The Rising Tide." he admitted. "she'd make a great Asset."


he huffed. "that doesn't make any sense! why, if he can escape at any time, does he keep going back to his fucking cell!? He's up to something i know it!" he grumbled before looking up as he watched Natasha handle the doorman. who, again, called her a slut. well he certainly wouldn't be doing it again, that was for sure.
Kyra slanted a glance at the doorman, “Maybe that’s why he is the doorman.”she said. Well, at least Kyra wasn’t shy about people she disliked. If she didn’t like you, she let you know it. Skye swallowed hard as she sat down, watching the two. “He was left mostly alone, simply because the director wouldn’t torture.”Skye said watching the woman, tilting her head a little, frowning. Disliking the description, but not protesting. “I already have a Asset. Except he’s gone missing to.”Kyra’s features twisted into a frown for a moment, before letting out a quiet sigh. “I’ll leave her in your care then, ward. See that she finds-”Kyra winced as she heard the body hitting the door, moving to get up from where she was leaning, opening it she looked at the crumpled body of the doorman, then the two standing in front of her. “A spider, a hawk, and a pain in my ass. I should lock you all up and deal with you later.”Kyra growled from between clenched teeth, “Move. All of you. Get upstairs. Now.”She ordered stepping out of the doorway to let Grant and Skye out of the room, gesturing towards the door that led to the upstairs lab. She had every intention of dealing with these four people in private.

“Whatever.”Tony sighed softly wincing as Natasha threw the doorman, “Jarvis?People?” “Kyra Cruel. Grant Ward....Skye.”Jarvis paused frowning, “There is very little else on them, Sir.”
he smirked. "he called you a Slut and your S.O wouldn't let you kill him?" he asked with a small grin before glancing at Skye. "yes. he is the soft sort, isn't he? it's a weakness. he'll get over it eventually. i'm just glad it wasn't on me." he admitted. "granted, i think he still believes me to be 'redeemable'. silly idiot." he scoffed before blinking. "your missing an Asset?" he asked, looking confused. "who? as far as i know, Shield has never managed to get anyone worth anything aside from me, and even i'm rather low compared to the other Assets." he admitted with a frown. "who the hell did Shield catch and do they even know who they have?" he asked, sounding a touch concerned. "i'd be glad to have care of her." he admitted with a smirk before blinking as he heard the body hit the floor and stepped out with her to see what had happened. "...that's... oh fuck." Grant muttered. "Natasha Romonoff. how... pleasant to see you." Grant stated with a strained smile, hoping to god Maria Hill had never told Natasha what he'd said. "your deep cover finally done?" he asked her, his head tilted. this was a 'safe' question. if she was here on Shield business, it would cement her cover. if she was on Hydra business, his would be cemented. win win. "Skye. come on." he ordered, gently guiding her away from striking distance of the two assassins. "people like this are not people you want to get too close to." he warned softly. "don't piss them off. they'll kill you in a heartbeat."
“Something like that.”Kyra said smirking slightly. “It is a fair weakness. Most people have weaker stomachs then you.”Skye said tilting her head a little. “...I am. And the only one good enough to hide from me. From all appearances, he’s gone missing on his own. If shield has him, they’re having more problems then its probably worth.”kyra said shaking her head a little, because there was only a few assets Kyra complimented on a regular basis, simply because she enjoyed working with the winter soldier, because their streaks of cruelty and utterly pragmatism kept them from growing to attatched to the world around them. And the fact that she was even vaguely worried about him missing, said that James Barnes had gotten under her skin in a way few people except Ward did, she’d always had a soft spot for Grant.

“It’s always a pleasure Ward. Though I must say, it seems this time your the one who has eye candy.”Natasha said tilting her head before nodding. “It is.Yours?” “....This is the man who accused you of being simple eye candy?”Clint asked tilting his head, because while his relationship with Phil was known to few people, his relationship with natasha, the on and off again sex relief the two partners went through was well known by everyone. “....She’s going to kick your ass, Ward. Get the girl upstairs.”Kyra ordered shaking her head as she split up the fight before it could start.”Your rooms are still free. I’ll get these two settled.”Kyra said as she walked away with the two avengers, leaving Grant in charge of getting skye settled.

“...Got it.”Skye muttered looking a little shaken, glancing at Ward.”The asset...who was she talking about?”She muttered wanting to know.
Grant smirked. "you don't have a stomach like i do." he pointed out before blinking. "...the Soldier." he whispered, sounding awestruck. "he's missing. the Soldier. god help us." he whispered. because if the Winter Soldier was free of them, there would be payback on the menu, and he wouldn't care if someone was undercover or not. he'd just kill them. "i'm sure he'll turn up soon. and hopefully he'll be stable." he admitted before he grimaced at Natasha.

"...yes. well... in my defense, you are much more hot than Maria Hill." he admitted. "and much less a slut. yeah. my deep cover was blown when Garret lost his mind." he admitted. "had to scratch off most of the people i was put in with, but one got away and tattled and next thing i know i was in a plastic square." he admitted with a shrug. "Yes Ma'am." he chirped to Kyra, flashing her a wink before focusing on Skye. "...they call him the Winter Soldier." he explained. "he is literally the deadliest person known on earth. he basically trained the best. Natasha, Kyra. the Winter Soldier makes them look children." he admitted. "unfortunately, he's only ours because we repeatedly brainwash him and force him to comply. if he's loose. he's going to kill us all." he admitted. "those two down there. was Natasha Romonoff. the rumor is, she was the Winter Soldiers protege until she was captured during a mission. she was apparently abandoned while they extracted the Soldier. some think she was left on purpose for an extremely deep cover mission but no one is sure. the man was Clint Barton. the Hawkeye. they say that he used to have a relationship with Phil Coulson before that crazy man Loki killed him." that was enough of a hint for Skye to know that she shouldn't bring up that Phil was alive. except for a few, no one knew Phil was still alive. "what he's doing here, i have no idea. following Natasha no doubt. he's been having on/off relationships with her for a good few years now. here. these are our rooms."

he led her inside a massive apartment with two bedrooms and two baths. "this will be your room." he explained, opening the door. "you'll be fitted for a new wardrobe tomorrow sometime and then you'll be assessed. you'll no doubt end up in the computers lab." he admitted. "you'll love it." he assured her, brushing a finger against his ear, warning that their conversations where being listened to, and rubbed his eyes, telling her that they where also being watched. "now i'm tired as hell and a bit worried that Romonoff is going to come in here and kill me. so go to sleep and i'll take you down for breakfast in the morning. at six!" he warned. "so don't stay up all night reading." he warned.
“No. God help whoever’s dealing with him.”Kyra snorted a little, knowing better then anyone, if someone had him, they were having more problems dealing with a rebelling, angry asset then any of them ever wanted to consider.

“...You have the vague creepy sexual thing down pat. No need to practice.”Clint said snickering a little shaking his head a little as he watched the other’s leave. “..He’s just a ghost story. Something to scare assassins into line.”Skye muttered not wanting to believe it before frowning a little listening, wondering just what clint and natasha was doing here, nodding slightly. Oh, she was wondering just how phil was reacting to the sight of clitn in here. Looking around the aparrtment she smirked a little amazed at the rooms before nodding a little, listening to the warnings before sighing. “So early....”She grumbled even as she settled in to get some sleep. Nervous about just how they were going to do this.

“Phil?”May said as she stepped into his office, pausing at the sight of the man, glancing towards the screen. “Do you want to pull them out?Natasha and Clint there, changes the game. If they’re there, you better then anyone know that Tony Stark is watching from somewhere.”She muttered staring at the screen, and while some would believe natasha simply returning to hydra and bringing clint with her. Phil knew better. If they were there, it was at the request of Steve Rogers, so this was going to get even more complicataed for skye and grant, even more so because Kyra was the one in charge of this office, instead of a simple minded S.O. That they could fool even easier.
he smirked. "good point." he agreed with her. "could be he's just holed up and nursing his wounds." he admitted before sniffing at Clint. he shook his head at Skye. "he's no ghost Story. i've met him." he admitted. "i was eighteen at the time, he was just..." his voice took on an awestruck quality. "i was assigned to his detail. my job was to keep him happy. make him food, help him oil his arm. shit like that. he moved so effortlessly. like a cat. and the things he could do." he breathed. it was odd to see him so hero struck. "it was the Winter Soldier who pretty much destroyed D.C." he admitted. "him and Captain America." he admitted.

"No. let them stay." he ordered softly, staring at a screen that had been frozen, Clint hovering there, talking to Natasha, features smooth and calm. "the Avengers can offer them a bit more support. Ward won't trust them of course, but i do." he admitted. "Natasha would never be there unless Steve asked it of them." he admitted, sighing as he rubbed his face. "Grant has an old... thing, with Kyra." he admitted. "they where never together, but we where able to find out that Grant's been panting after her for some time. trying to hide it of course. it should be enough of a distraction." he admitted. "i just can't believe they're missing the Winter Soldier. we certainly don't have him. i know the Avengers don't have him." he admitted. "which means we have a class ten Meta with a mechanical arm running around unchecked. do what you can to find, and contain him before he gets to Hydra, or worse, tries to take revenge on Hydra."

the next morning, Grant was kicking Skye's bed. "up and at em Sunshine. Orientation today." he stated. "take a shower, get dressed and we'll go get food." he stated as he left her bedroom to follow his own advice. it wasn't even light out yet. it was five in the morning. plenty of time to get food and such before they needed to be wherever they needed to be at Six.
Skye stared at the man looking thoughtful at the idea of grant awestruck. Considering how hed acted around kyra,just how much more did the winter soldier have to be to get that kind of awe?"well hopefully he doesnt show up."skye muttered as they headed for bed.

"Ward wont trust them. Are you sure they can trust them?"may said because while she trusted the avengers, she wasnt sure this wasnt going to blow up in their face. Eyes widening slightly she shook her head."does he want to sleep with everyone could kill him?"may said rolling her eyes "I'll try and find him. But he's well trained,better then kyra. I doubt we're going to find him without his consent."may said because she knew that kyra was amazing at the disappearing act. Knew the winter solder was even better. This was just going to be insane.

Skye groaned whining a little as he kicked the bed,climbing out afer a few minutes a quick shower and dressed she stepped in5o the hallway smiling slightly at grant as he walked out to."what should I expect from today?"he muttered as they headed for the mess hall, taking in the sight of everyone,there was just so many people who'd joined hydra. "Grant."krya called from her table looking like a queen overseeing her kingdom, waving to the seats across from her.
he huffed. "he will. The Soldier is just holed up somewhere nursing his wounds." he admitted. "or he's lost. he has a terrible sense of direction." he admitted.

"yes. i personally trained Clint and Clint personally trained Natasha. i know them both very well. they would never be in Hydra for anything less than Steve Rogers." he paused. "i'm not sure they'd even be there for me." he admitted. "pretty much. he's a slut." Phil admitted with a chuckle. "a Slut with high tastes, but a slut nonetheless." he nodded. "yeah. it's going to be hard to find him, but we have to try."

"not much. you're not a battle trained so there won't be any fighting or pain or anything." he admitted. "mostly you'll be tested on your computer skills and questioned on your loyalty and things. they already know you're not really loyal to Hydra, that you are 'loyal to me' will be enough." he promised her, heading over to Kyra once he had gotten their food, grimacing as he realized both Natasha Romonoff and Clint Barton where also there. Kyra must have accepted them into the fold. "morning Kyra, my sweet." he purred at her as he pulled Skye's seat out and then nudged it back in before sitting down himself. "which room are we in today? Thirteen D or Fifteen D?" he asked, indicating Skye. those where the computer training rooms, they would use those rooms to get a handle on how skilled Skye really was before finding out where she would be used best.
“Does it mean anything to be loyal to a traitorous bastard?”She muttered slanting a glance at him as they got food, swallowing thickly at the sight of the avengers. After Grant’s warning about them, she wasn’t so sure about this. “....What do you want, Grant?”Kyra said her eye twitching a little at ‘my sweet’ knowing he only did it to annoy her when he knew she didn’t like it, watching in bemusement as he pulled out skye’s chair. “Good morning.”Skye said smiling a little looking a little nervous as she started to eat. “Fifteen. Well. She is. You’re going to the gym, I have a feeling your gone soft in your tenure as a shield prisoner.”Kyra said, mostly because she had every intention of seperating the two and seeing how it went.
he glanced at her. "just because i was loyal to someone other than you, doesn't make me a traitor. it just means i wasn't loyal to you." he admitted simply before examining Natasha and Clint intently. "i want her protected. she's a softie." he explained. "and there are people here who would like to break her, simply to see her break." he admitted, voice and face unusually serious. "i haven't gone soft." he scoffed. "You. are always Soft." a voice declared and Ward went completely stiff and his face went completely blank. "Thomas." Grant greeted' and the young man behind him smiled. he looked an unusually lot like Grant did. "Stand up." the man, Thomas Ward, ordered. he was way up on the Totem pole, no one disobeyed him, not here. he was in charge of the entire compound. "It is good to have you back, Little Brother." Thomas stated with a smirk, stroking Grant's cheek. "and you brought back such a pretty thing too..." Thomas reached out to stroke Skye when Ward's hand shot out and gripped those slender fingers so hard the bones creaked. "You will not touch what is mine." Grant hissed, Thomas snapping his hand out of Grant's grip, looking furious.

"Kneel." Thomas demanded, pulling out what looked like a short, fat bat. Skye was gently restrained by a person on the side of her. "don't interfere. it will only see you getting him punished thrice over." the stranger whispered to Skye. Kyra couldn't interfere. she had no rank compared to Thomas's. she would only see herself getting punished if she interfered. Grant was now kneeling on the stone floor, and was being beaten, literally. Thomas was beating the shit out of Grant. who didn't twitch, made no indication that he felt the blows, made no noise. Thomas finished off with shattering Grants nose, which pulled a strangled noise from the man's throat, nothing else. "Fucking Piss Ant." Thomas hissed, dropping the bat, looking more bored than anything else as he ambled off, Grant sucking in a deep breath only once the man was out of the room and curling up to cradle cracked ribs and set a hand on his shattered nose, taking a moment to compose himself before he slowly stood up and sat back down. "never. ever let yourself be alone in the same room as him. he'll rape you." he warned Skye, swallowing around the pain. "he's a sick bastard so make sure you two newbs don't get caught alone either. he don't give a shit if your male or female, he just takes what he wants."
Natasha raised a eyebrow slightly, just enough to show that the question was hovering there behind his eyes, wondering if he’d guessed that it wasn’t hydra that had drawn them back, but a request from Steve. “She’ll be protected. I get to go to tech today to. Show what I learned from Stark.”Natasha said blandly, bracing herself for what she knew Thomas was going to do. “Do-”Skye started moving away from the hand reaching for her, even as her eyes widened at what followed.

Skye swallowed thickly, glancing at the stranger, before focusing on the others at the table, realizing that even two avengers and Kyra didn’t dare interfere. Though it was obvious Kyra was heartbeats away from doing so, but holding herself back. Nodding as she looked at Grant she nodded, “ I wont.” “I’ll see to it she’s always with one of us, Grant.”Kyra muttered, she might not be able to interfere with a beating, but she knew Thomas enjoyed trying to break her more then the others, simply because she’d refused to break, and he knew that hurting her, would hurt Grant. Even if it had been nearly 2 years since she’d seen grant, she knew thomas kept a eye on him. “Natasha, see to it that Skye gets down to the tech labs. We’ll meet up with you there.”Kyra said easing out of her chair. “Grant. Come on.”She said not waiting for a answer as she headed for the door.
he offered Natasha the tiniest of smiles. all the answer she needed. which meant that he wasn't loyal to Hydra either, or he would have been raising the Alarm. "thank you." Grant muttered to Kyra. "i might be used to his... tendencies but i'll be damned if i make Kyra suffer through that. Garret used to protect me. he's not around anymore so i'm just going to have to put up with it." he admitted. "i'll kill him myself before i let him lay a finger on Skye." well. no wonder he was so loyal to Garret then. not only did Garret save him from a lifetime of abuse, neglect and pain, but he'd also protected him when his older, rapist brother joined Hydra as well. Garret had played to all of Grant's weaknesses and used them to twist the man into the perfect, loyal soldier. he patted Skye's hand. "follow the Assassin. they can be trusted." he promised her. "no one, not even Thomas will fuck with The Black Widow." he promised her. "keep your head down anyway. be nonexistent." he ordered, completely unaware that Fitz and Simmons where currently being horrified that someone they had once considered a friend had just been beaten in front of their eyes. he turned and followed Kyra, being very careful to show no more pain than he already had. he had to maintain his image or everyone would be trying to walk all over him.
“Hm, I’m sure I’ll think of something you can do for me later, as repayment.”Kyra muttered though he better then anyone, knew Kyra rarely collected debts. Well. That was a lie. She collected debts from people, but never from the people who mattered to her, the few people that had managed to touch the ice queen’s heart. “O-okay.”Skye said not looking sure about this, but willign to follow orders as she followed natasha and clint out of the room, glancing behind her as she watched grant leave through the other doors.

“Well, at least she follows orders.”Kyra mused for a moment before sighing as she stepped into the med lab, jerking her head at the doctor. “Out.”She ordered, making sure they were alone, because the med lab was one of the few sections in the whole place, that wasn’t video recorded. Pointing to the bed she sighed.”Sit.”She ordered bracing herself, knowing this was going to be hard on her, waiting for him to sit before moving to stand in front of him, raising her hand, resting her fingertips on the bridge of his nose, swallowing hard as she knitted the bone together. Focusing on taking care of the major breaks, and leaving the bruises. Well, that explained why she had risen in the ranks, she could heal on command, at least enough to keep anyone from dying on her. While it wasn’t the total of her skills, it was the major one. And developed after she and grant had walked away from each other. While she’d always been able to heal some, to mend scratches and keep others from bleeding out-she couldn’t heal herself- it had gotten better since.
he smiled at her. "i'm sure there is." he leered playfully. "you could never get enough of me." he admitted with a smirk before glancing at Skye. "remember. i promised you. i'll never let anyone hurt you." he promised her, watching her leave before following Kyra.

"she follows some Orders. once she's less terrified out of her skull she'll start testing boundaries." he admitted as he settled onto a bed with a wince, letting his strong masks come down now that he knew it was just him and Kyra. "seriously. how are you doing?" he asked her, groaning as she knitted his bones together. "now that no one's listening in and all...hold on..." he paused as he realized what she was doing. "i didn't know you could do that." he complained. "i'm sorry. by the way. about... leaving you." he admitted. "i followed the wrong person. i stupidly thought i needed... i thought..." he sighed a little. "i was stupid to leave you. i never should have trusted Garret. he was just using me." he admitted softly. "i should have stayed with you." he admitted, taking her hand and closing his eyes, just resting while she did whatever she wanted to him. "has Thomas hurt you?"
“Hm, I’m used to people testing boundaries. As long as she knows when to listen to a order without question, we’ll be good.”Kyra said closing her eyes as she worked, “I’m fine, Ward.”She muttered cracking a eye as he spoke, “You were gone to long. I’ve gained a few new talents in the meantime.”She said swallowing thickly as she stepped away, resting her hands on the edge of the bed to brace herself, tired and nearly falling, because it drained her, but healing him helped her to, she’d healed the breaks and knitted them together enough he wouldn’t be bothered by them, but he’d be stiff for a few days as the bruises healed to. Glancing away at him she sighed. “It’s done. And I told you at the time, following Garret was going to get you in trouble.”She pointed out jumping a little as he took her hand, swallowing thickly as she wavered a little on her feet, this was the only time, and probably the only person she would allow see this weakness, see her vulnerable until she recovered from healing. “....He’s higher ranking then me, and visits alot.”She said mostly avoiding the question, rubbing a hand over her face tiredly. “Don’t poke the ribs, they’re healed but you’re still going to be sore.”She warned moments before he had raised a hand to do just that, a odd quirk she’d always had, with everyone. Predicting what they’d been about to do.
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