The 13th and his Ashikabi (Sirix and Wiki)


Aug 24, 2013
Akio walks towards the only high school in the city. His school uniform hides a rather fit body with defined muscles and chiseled features. He stands at an even 6 feet tall, with black hair and grey eyes. His face was rather handsome as well, he could easily be called one of the most attractive guys in school, but he gave off an aura that seemed to say "stay away from me." He looks around as he walks up to the building. It was a relatively calm place, especially compared to the rest of the city. Ever since the start of the Sekirei plan, sickily called a game by it's "Game Master", the city had been turned into all but a war zone. He was the only one in the school who knew this of course, but that didn't make it any less true.

Akio went through his little morning routine to get ready for class. Drop the stuff off at his locker that he didn't need immediately and change into his school shoes, something he didn't understand really but did anyway. He grabs his bag as he shuts his locker, and heads to his new classroom. He was only at this school for one reason. MBI had found him his ashikabi at this school, though they didn't, or couldn't, tell him who she was. All they said was he would know when he saw her.

He looked around for the girl but she wasn't here yet. Not that he was surprised, he tried to be early to school so he could get to his seat and get started on the work that he would need to get caught up in class. He strolled to his class and took a seat next to the window in the back row, and looked for the teacher. The room was empty at the moment, but other students were starting to file in so Akio just looked out of the window at the city, a bored look on his face.
RE: 13 and his Ashikabi

Rosaline was a girl that was in the middle of being short. She was 5"6 girl who short blonde hair a and wearing her uniform as a gray skirt, black shoes and a blue buttoned shirt. Rosaline also had a matching bow on her head that was the same color as her hair, a bright yellow. She arrived to school and went to her locker, going over to get all the books and things she needed. Nothing new was happening besides hearing a new student was here but that's it.

She closed the locker and dighed decided to head to her class now. It would be better to say there since she really didn't have to walk alot now if she just stayed there and waited. Rosaline turned and walked out into the hallway seeing people just hanging around in the hallway and taking to each other about stuff. After a while the classroom door opened and she walked in seeing a few people already done the same, but she just ignores them and walks to her seat on the right side of class next to a window, near the back.
RE: 13 and his Ashikabi

Feeling a sort of pressure enter the into the room and hearing the door open, Akio turns to look at the new arrival. She might have seemed averaged to any other person, but to Akio, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He felt his stomach tighten as she walked towards him, her seat probably on or near the row he had taken. Akio gets even more excited seeing that her seat was near his own, though his face didn't show this excitement. He whispers softly to himself, "I hope she is my Ashikabi."

Just as he is about to talk to her, someone takes the seat between them as the bells rings. Soon class starts and the teacher walks into the room. "So as most of you have heard, we have a new transfer student in our school. Well he also happens to be in your class. Dear, would you care to introduce yourself." The teacher asks, motioning her hand towards Akio.

"Yes, ma'am" Akio's deep voice rings out as he stands. "My name is Akio Himora. It's nice to meet you all." He gives a slight bow as he looks around the room, his eye's lingering on Rosaline before he sits back down.
RE: 13 and his Ashikabi

Rosaline sighed, sitting down and taking everything she need for now. She was rather smarter than most people, but it was weird sometimes that they didn't bother to ask her questions and end up asking someone else who didn't even pay attention..well it was their choice and not hers so she didn't care.. When the teacher came she put her head on her desk waiting to start already.

She looked up at him when he introduced himself and put her head up, quielty deciding to wait already. "Well nice to meet you too." She told him with a small nod
RE: 13 and his Ashikabi

Smiling back, he settles into his seat and looks up at the teacher as she starts to teach. He didn't concentrate on class much, having his perspective soul mate so close to him was too distracting. He spent most of the time trying out a good way to get them to talk after class that didn't make it obvious he was chasing her.

Time pasted quickly enough. Even though Akio tried to eat alone at lunch, other students came over and talked to him, asking about him and introducing themselves since they hadn't had the chance earlier. He answered the general questions, "Where are you from," "What is it like there" "What do you like to do" and so on as vaguely as possible, trying to pass on the idea he wanted to be alone for the most part.
RE: 13 and his Ashikabi

Rosaline turned and went back to herself and Doing her own thing. She leaned back and focuses then went out to lunch after the class was over. She didn't really care or think about him, but she would be fine either way then. Rosaline got her lunch and sat alone at one of the tables just relaxing and eating quietly, she just wanted for it to be the next class already so she could go home then when it was done after, feeling already bored and tired.

After she ate, Rosaline looked around and laid her hands in her pocket deciding to put some things in her locker, not really caring for friends much for herself.
RE: 13 and his Ashikabi

Lunch soon ended the classes re-began. Akio still had some trouble focusing but when he was called on, he was never wrong about any of the questions ask. School seemed to end quickly to Akio, and he got the last few introductions of some of his other class mates. The only person who hadn't talked to him was the only one he actually cared about, the blonde girl in the ribbon. She had already left the room but he was able to catch her at the lockers.

Clearing his throat a little, and a little nervous he starts. "Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but i never got your name today, and I hate to ask anyone else." He stumbles about, trying not to sound like he was trying to pick her up, but still get his point a crossed.
RE: 13 and his Ashikabi

Rosaline opened her locker and puts her books in, closing the locker and turning to go when she sees him. Well she guessed no one really knew her either but she wasn't really knew.. " well...the name is Rosaline." She said pulling her backpack a bit and zipping everything up. "Well do you need anything else?" She asked knowing it would be no. "Well if you wanted my name only then I guess I'll just see you then..." She said turning to walk.
RE: 13 and his Ashikabi

"No, your name is enough for now." Akio says coolly before leaving himself. They had to go in roughly the same direction buy he walked faster then her. It wasn't long after he left that he reached the edge of the school ground. As he reached the edge, he held his arm out and and a hawk landed on his arm as he walked towards the MBI building.
RE: 13 and his Ashikabi

She went outside and sighed turning to just walk home now since there wasn't anything now. Rosaline quielty continues to walk not really expecting anything and heading inside. She put her bag down and went up to her room just deciding to relax and do her homework later
RE: 13 and his Ashikabi

Akio showed up early to school the next morning again. He was the first one in the classroom and was sitting at his desk long before anyone else even arrived at the school. He looked a little uncomfortable as he sat there, staring out the window not really looking at anything. He enjoyed the quiet of the room for as long as it lasted. He didn't really move until someone tried talking to him.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

When it was time to school again, she dressed into her usually clothes, got ready and went out. She still felt a bit tired but at least someyimes when she came early she could even rest a bit more at school or in class if it was even open which she doubted anyway. Rosaline finally arrived and went to her locker, taking the book and closing then heading out and into another hallway where her class was close, just at the end of the hallway though she didn't really feeling like going in. She sat down and leaned back against the wall putting her bag and book down beside her crossing her arms and waiting.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Akio checks the time after coming out of his self induced trance. He still had about 15 minutes before class started and he was starting to get thirsty. He gets up and walks out of the room heading towards the vending machines and almost trips over Rosaline. "Whoa. I need to be more careful. Why are you sitting out here." He starts to feel his body get slightly hotter, though not enough for it to radiate around him yet.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

She looked up at him when he noticed her, "yeah you do, and there's no point to go in there if class didn't even start yet." She sighed and sat up a bit running a hand through her hair, "so what are you doing then?" Rosaline eyes gave a red twinkle for a moment before they turned back to normal. "No one must know what I am yet..." She said to herself, so he couldn't hear her. "The time will come though...maybe find my user..." She shook her head to snap out of it then stood up and picked up her backpack, "I'm just gonna go put my stuff..." Rosaline told him walking into the classroom
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"Just going to get a drink from the machines, nothing special." Akio says as he moves out of her way. He looks around to see who else was here, a little surprised the place wasn't full of students yet. A few dotted the halls but that was really it. "Ok, well, do you want a drink of the machines since I'm heading that way?" He asks her as she walks into the room.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Just before she goes completely through the door, Rosaline turned to him, " if your buying...cause that's what it sounds like..." She said waiting for a bit before putting her backpack inside and walking out back into the hallway leaning against the wall and wondering then want he meant
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"Yea, I'm buying." Akio says says, thinking that this might get them started as friends. "Come on, the machines aren't too far away unless you already know what you want." Akio says as he turns towards the vending machines just down the hall.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline shrugged, "well I'm fine with it then..." She said walking toward him then following to the machines with a bored sigh. He was new and it felt weird how he was treating her nice like this... It seemed he ignored everyone not paying attention to them much accept her, but Rosaline just figured it anyway. She fixed the bow on her head a bit and continued to follow
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Akio walks straight towards the machines, giving small greetings when other greet him. It takes less then a minute for them to reach the machines. He notices it is one that accepts cards and slides his MBI card and looks at Rosaline. "Ladies first" He motions towards the machine, and takes a step back so she can get to the pad easily. After she makes her selection, he gets his, a cold coffee to help wake him up mostly.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline sighed and shrugged again, not really caring picking her coffee then letting him choose his, " umm thanks I guess, if you don't need anything then I guess I'll go..." She said waiting to see if he wanted to tell her anything or not
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"What, we can't talk awhile before class? You seem to have a desire to be alone more then I do." Akio points out then takes a small drink. "Why is that? Everyone just to boring for you?" Akio asks, completely expecting her to blow him off. Otherwise he wouldn't ask not wanting to upset his Ashikabi, but he was really curious and who knows, he just might get an answer.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"Well if you want to be alone then why talk to me? Noticing that he felt the same way about wanting to be alone too. " well yeah..kinda...I want something to do that's fun or meet someone that isn't normal though that doesn't really happen everyday. Besides I don't really hang out with anyone and I don't have a best friend either....and why would you care about me anyway..." She asked wondering about that last part in particular.. "I'm not normally as mean if you take a bit to get to know me better..." Rosaline sipped on her coffee and crossd her arms...
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"Lets just say, I can tell your special." Akio chuckles as he takes a drink again. "I never said you were mean, just.....distant. Why your so distant from others, I can't tell. Why I am distant, you may find out in time." He checks his watch and looks back at the class room, the hallways were starting to empty into the classrooms. "We should head back or we are going to be late for class." Akio says seriously, finishing his drink but waiting for Rosaline.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline finishes too and throws it away, walking past him and into the class. She rolls her eyes when he calls her special and turns to walk through the door and to her seat not really saying anything to him right now. She then quietly does what she needs to do right now until the class is over
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Chuckling at her rolling eyes, Akio is in his seat seconds before the bell rings and the teacher walks in. He goes through the day much the same as yesterday, spending the day mostly alone and doing his work. He made small talk where he needed not to come off as rude, but that really was the extent of his contact with his classmates.
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