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Abandoned Asylum, 1 survivor, female, 17 years old

he helps her onto his lap and starts moving the toast to her mouth, smiling as she eats "ya know i think i deserve a kiss for all the stuff i do for you" he says this but doesn't mean it because he was joking around.
he didn't expect it but didn't mind, her lips were very sweet and soft "thank you, now be a good girl and eat up... btw we will be going to the pool in about 45 min after we've finished eating" he picks up a peace of egg and puts it in her mouth not noticing it was his.
"no need to swim just walk..." he brushes her hair and feeds her more realizing it's from his plate and gives her some off her own plate and eats more off his.
She eats until her plate is gone and burps slightly, then hugs him "SWIMMING, SWIMMING~!" She was singing it.
he smiles at her and pats her head "let me finish okay?" he eats a bit for showing how much food he has to eat "just a bit more" he quickly eats the rest and sits up holding onto her by her butt "okay Misa lets go to the pool for some strength training..."
he holds her up and plans to take a bit of a long way to his pool, "ya know Misa, i don't have any swim suits..." he says this trying to sound like he doesn't want to see her naked.
he helps her down into the pool. "okay Misa, today we'll just swim around for an hour or so" he takes his cloths off as well, as he watches her naked "then maybe we can lay back... and find out more of the shit they did to you"
She nods and swims underwater to the deep end and then pops her head up, treading water there. She was a very graceful swimmer, if only her knees weren't so messed up, she could walk and run like a champ.
He watches her swim for a bit and jumps in after her, reaching surface close enough to kiss her body all the way up "once we've gotten you up to a good weight i'll preform a surgery for your legs." he doesn't mention that she will be in the hands of one of the worlds best surgeons, nor that the only reason he wasn't working now was because they needed to upgrade his hospital.
"yeah, it's where i make you go to sleep, then i go in and fix you up, once i'm finished you'll be able to walk properly, and i'll be able to help you more." he looks down and realizes they'd moved closer to the shallow end so he picks her up and carries her back out. "nothing for you to worry about, i'll make it so you can run around and play all you want... and maybe we can even have some fun along the way..." his mind now wonders to making this girl happy in a way she fully enjoys... he might even ask her to explain on some of her more shaded past.
he wills her into the deeper water and splashes her playfully "then swim beautiful" he reaches back and pats her butt as he dives down, when he swims back up he says "lets play a version of tag.. winner picks the type of sex today brings and the location..." he adds the rules kind of last minutes thinking that's the kind of rules she'd like.
he just gets out of her reach again as she fallows him, he swims back a foot and lets her get him the first time, then gets out of reach "that;s one : one
She was like an Olympic swimmer she was so good at this. She hops from the water and tags his shoulder
he smiles and grabs her by the waist "that makes it 2:1 your side" he pokes her side and gets away again "make that 2:2 hehe.. lets say first to 5 wins, then we do 5 laps around here so you can think about what you or i want" he hides a smile, he's going to let Misa win it so she gets what she wants.
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