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Abandoned Asylum, 1 survivor, female, 17 years old

he doesn't hear her, but goes over and brings her to the kitchen table(didn't hear her but figured she'd be awake) "it's okay Mika, lobster and steak will be ready in a few more seconds"
She nods slowly, and her emerald green eyes were clouded over, she can barely sit up straight she is so messed up from the sedation. "Nnnnnnnnn..... Lob.....ster?"
"lobsters ready in a second, okay Misa?" he pulls them out so she sees them and the steaks sizzling in the kitchen smelling amazing.
She nods slowly and hugs herself, she sniffs the air and drools slightly, her damn black hair resting on her lower back
he doesn't show it but he actually thinks sees cute sitting like this "okay... almost..." he puts her lobster on a plate after breaking it up for her and the steak beside it. "ready Misa..." he smiles hoping she likes it... after all he should be able to repay her for relieving his cock.
She begins eating and she brighten up "YUMMY!!!!" She eats quickly, nomming on lobster, but she doesn't touch the uncut steak, noy actually knowing what to do with it
he notices and kind of uses her hands as he cuts the steak standing behind her so she leans against him, "all better?" he grabs his own plate and sits beside her and starts eating, cutting small pieces off his own so she can sneak them
She nod-nods and eats more, and then slowly sneaks a piece off his plate and noms it. She giggles and cuddles him
he doesn't mind and smiles holding her softly "good?" he asks knowing her answer but still wanting to hear it, he cracks his lobster open as she eats more of hers.
She nods "The best ever!" She seems to love the steak and lobster, but the lobster the best, and she picks the whole shell clean of the soft meat, then works on her steak
he watches smiling then lightly kisses the top of her head before going back to eating his food, letting her nipple off his plate
She sneaks a piece of lobster off his plate and pops it into her mouth, then takes the two pincers from her lobster, sticks her fingers in them and making them click together "I'm a lobster!"
his smile brightens and his hand moves up and down her back, marveling at how smooth her skin is as she plays "after this i think we could take a shower... then bed time" he smiles knowing she will be very tired... he'll even get some warm milk for her before hand... as he usually does for himself.
he can't help but giggle as he watches her eat, offering a few pieces of his before he eats the rest of it.
he doesn't mind the pincers as he picks her up and takes her to the shower "this time a real shower... then some warm milk and then bed, k?" he says cheery maybe from being relieved so well.
he leans down and sets them on the counter, knowing she was still going to have fun before bed time "so will Mr.Z be joining you for bed tonight? or would you rather sleep in a bed with me as your gaurdian?" he doesn't care either way knowing tomorrow... or next week he'd start the physical therapy to at least give her, her legs back.
"oh okay Misa" he takes her upstairs gives them both a quick rinse and shampoo, cleaning her pussy and his cock fully well they go, he then carries her down stairs for the warm milk that carries them both to his room for a good night.
as she falls asleep he gets a nose full of her hair, cuddling happily. closing his eyes trying to fall asleep himself.
After awhile, she would begin to whimper and cry in her sleep "No, noooo.... stop it.... noo, it hurts, owww!"
Misa's whimpering wakes Ross so he hears her crying and talking, he wraps his arms around her, showing her unconscious body he's still there "it's okay Misa... i'm here for you. it's me Ross... i wont let anything hurt you ever again.
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