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Furry Fun (Open)

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The panthress grabbed the other dessert menu and started looking it over. "I could totally go for something sweet and terrible health-wise." Her gaze lingered for a bit on a colossal fudge brownie á la mode, which claimed to be big enough for up to three people. I think I'll have that," she said, pointing at the listing. "It sounds amazing!"
Lyz lay down next to Kiko and cuddled with her. She felt how the bunny girl tried to move away, but the knot was stuck in her. "Yes...sorry, you felt so good...I could not ressist..." Lyz knew that her potent cum was now stuck in Kiko's womb. She hoped that the young bunny girl did not have an egg in her that waited to be fertilised so she would not get pregnant. Lyz fell asleep between Soran and Kiko after a while of cuddling with them both. Maybe they could find a day-after pill somewhere on this island so Kiko would not get pregnant.
Soran gently pulled out of Lyz with a wet pop sound. He laid himself down beside her on the bed, and, after a few moments, fell asleep.
After eating two full orders of the three person brownie a la mode, Laine needed a nap. "Too...much...nom..." he slurred in a haze of post-brownie euphoria. His normally flat stomach bulged visibly above his bikini bottom and there was chocolate icing smeared across his face and most of the table. "How you feelin' after all that?"


Kiko was a bit of a nervous wreck. On the one hand, she was on the pill. On the other hand, bunny. Her body might spontaneously ovulate in the presence of semen, pill or no pill. On top of that, she was knotted and pinned under a sleeping chimera, which was nowhere near as comfortable as it sounded. After fretting for about an hour amid a chorus of soft snoring from both her partners, she tried her best to relax and let the post-sex hormones eventually carry her to sleep.
Lyz woke up after a while and pulled her now flacid cock out of Kiko's still with cum filled pussy. "How long did we sleep? Ow, my head..." She looked around and noticed that she lay in a bed with Soran and Kiko...and all of them were naked! "Looks like we had some fun...I hope you two had some fun too..." Lyz got up and went to the bathroom to empty her bladder. She went back to the bed and lay down to the right side of the young bunny girl. "Hey, how abt we three take a shower together? Or just two of us? Before you answer my question, I have to do something first..." Lyz placed her head between Kiko's legs and began to suck and lick her cum out of the young bunny girls pussy while her fingers traveled up to tickle her nipples. She wiggled with her rear in a sexy way and hoped that Soran would lick her pussy too.
Kiko had never been licked down there before, and the sudden intrusion of Lyz's tongue between her fuzzy pink folds woke her up with a start. "Who-ho-hooo..." She shivered and bit her lower lip trying not to make any embarrassing noises. She could smell the lingering aroma of sex in the air and feel the thick, sticky cream dripping out of her. Her hand reached underneath the chimera's body and she scooped two fingers between the girl's pussy lips, harvesting a small helping of Soran's seed and bringing it up to her nose. It certainly smelled good, and she ate it with a hopeful expression, soon discovering that it indeed tasted as good as she'd heard. "T-thanks for everything," she said, looking down to see Lyz lapping away, a few ribbons of red mixed with the white from her spent virginity.
Talia leaned back in her chair, putting a hand on her swollen belly. She'd eaten nearly double the amount Lain had.

"Ooh... that was soo good!" she purred. "I couldn't eat any more, though..." She looked over at the bunny and started giggling.

"Lain, look at your stomach!" The panthress reached out and poked him in the belly.


Soran slowly awoke, feeling like his head was being split in half. "What the hell's going on here?" he asked. He then saw Kiko and Lyz going at it orally.

A queasy feeling swept over him. He shot up, off of the bed, and ran to the bathroom. A retching sound could be heard from the hybrid as the remnants of the fruit drinks exited his body.
Lyz moaned when Kiko put two fingers into her pussy and scooped some of Soran's cum out. She stopped to lick the young bunny girl and looked up at her. "You're welcome." Lyz had a sudden idea and blushed a littke bit when she thought about it. "How about we lick each others pussies in a sixty-nine?" She noticed that Soran got out of the bed and hear him barfing in the bathroom. "Soran, do you feel ok?" Lyz realised how silly her question sounded and tried rephrase it. "Is there a way how I can make you feel better?"
The wolf/cat finally stumbled from the bathroom, still feeling out of sorts. "That was one helluva wake-up call..." he muttered, sitting on the bed. He looked around on the nightstand for a bottle of Advil to ease his headache, but couldn't find it.

"Do you see a little bottle of Advil anywhere? I really could use some right now..."
Ryger looked at her.
"Oh, yeah. I guess I never got around to telling you about my origins."
He set the menu down and folded his hands.
"I wasn't born like this. My birth name is Ronald, and I used to be a soldier in the U.S. Army, and a damn good one at that."

He sighed.
"Turns out, I was too good. I was selected for a gene experimentation program, and threatened with a dishonorable discharge if I refused. I didn't feel I had any choice but to say yes, so I did. The experiment fused my genes with those of a tiger, producing this body that you see now. I'm not a true furry, but a hybrid of man and animal, a manimal, you might say."

He smiled.
"At first, I was devastated. This form closed a lot of doors for me, but I resolved to live on. I changed my name to Ryger, a fusion of my name and the animal that had given his genes to me. I feel a need to honor him, as he was never the same, either. I got an honorable discharge from the army a few years later, my file was redacted, and I no longer officially exist to them."

He chuckled.
"I was also given a list of places I could go and not go. My own country rejected me after everything I did for them. I'm an exile, and for a long time, it angered me more than you could imagine."
He shrugged.
"But then I got over it and decided that I was going to live my life the way I wanted to, and enjoy my newfound power."

He smiled.
"I look on the bright side of things now. I'm actually happy with the way things turned out now."
He picked up the menu.
"After all, I got the chance to be with you because of it. Being a hybrid is the life for me now."
The little advil bottle was on the nightstand in easy reach, and Kiko snatched it up. "From down town!" she yelled, and hooked the bottle through the air right into the crack of the bathroom door, bouncing it off the tiles and landing it right side up on the tank of the toilet. "She shoots she scores!" She couldn't help giggling at that. Like her older brother, she had access to tremendous skill and power, provided the outcome would be hilarious. "So, um, I've never licked...uh, vagina before. Is that okay? I promise I'll try to be good at it."
Maureen looked over at him putting her menu down curious to his response not having understood his terminology. Listening to him say that he was once a soldier, in the army, her eyes widened hearing him say that he was a human a normal human until he was fused with a Tiger. He was absolutely fascinating, she felt a little boring being born and raised the way she was. Even if a few darker things happened in her past she often over looked them. He had more adventures behind him then she could keep up with."...You were once a human...and through science you are now like this?" She asked clarifying his statement. "I'm so sorry to hear that all of this happened to you..." Maureen said feeling bad for him. She smiled as he mentioned he had a chance to be with her, not thinking she was anything too special yet he seemed to enjoy her company.
Soran picked up the bottle and took a few of the pills, swallowing them dry. "Thanks, Kiko," he said, emerging from the bathroom, pill bottle in hand. He set the bottle down in its place on the nightstand and flopped down onto the bed. "Man... I feel like crap..." he muttered.
Ryger listened as Maureen attempted to decipher his statement.
"That's the short version, yes. Sorry, when I tell that story, I still feel like part of me is in the Army. I forget that civvies don't use terms like 'redacted', which means 'sealed', 'covered up', or 'destroyed', so take your pick."
He nodded.
"I appreciate that, Maureen."

The waitress came back, and they placed their orders before she took their menus.
"I'm far from the only person they ever did this to. The Mothman in Point Pleasant, West Virginia? He was one of the first. Only reason he didn't get this kind of treatment was that he can fly. They never caught him, and I hope they never do."

He chuckled.
"Sheepsquatch in Appalachia, which is the Tennessee-Kentucky area? He was just too big to stop. There's a Wolfman and a Dogman in Michigan, too, and he has the same story. I heard there was a Goatman in Michigan, too, but I'm not sure he really exists. Unlike the rest of them, I never saw him."

Coffee was brought, and Ryger took a sip.
"It's not in any file, and no government employee will ever admit to it, but the U.S. government has a long history of fusing man with animals. They throw up smokescreens about settlers in the 1800s seeing these things, but that's all lies. These things weren't credibly glimpsed until early in the 20th century, and that's telling in and of itself. A few early attempts were made in the '20s, with nasty results. It wasn't until nuclear technology was developed that these fusions started going off without a hitch, at least as far as making them goes."

He gestured to himself.
"Out of all of them, I'm the most advanced. I retained my higher human functions and my sense of humanity. My animal instincts get strong at certain times of the year, but I'm still almost completely in control. They did me a favor by exiling me. If I had been allowed to stay, I'd be on some 'urban myths' show and dumbasses would be trying to hunt me down and get pictures of me like Bigfoot, who I don't believe is a government experiment by the way."

He chuckled, enjoying his inside joke.
"So, there you have it. That's my story, at least the dark first part of it. I didn't get to decide its beginning, but at least I can decide its middle and ending."
Lyz noticed that Soran did not feel so well and stopped to lick Kiko's pussy so she could get up and look at him. "I could help you feeling better...but first I'm going to teach Kiko how to lick a pussy." She turned back to the cute bunny girl and continued to lick her wet snatch. "Watch what I'm doing, Kiko and try to mimic it later after I made you cum, then it is your turn to lick me while I suck Soran's cock to make him feel better a little bit...and when we are about getting some breakfast afterwards?"
Kiko giggled, licking some more cum off her fingers. "I thought we were already having breakfast--ooh! That tickles." Lyz's tongue danced all over the delicate parts between the bunny's legs, and she had trouble watching the chimera girl's technique because her eyes kept rolling back. It got very distracting after a while, but very soon her pussy clenched and she sat up, screaming silently as all her muscles contracted in a truly amazing orgasm, a hot flood of Lyz's sperm gushing out of her onto the chimera girl's tongue. "Wow. I, uh, I think I might be able to swing that. With practice."
Soran tried to watch the girls, but his headache made it hard to concentrate. He ended up falling asleep whilst trying to pay attention, but when Kiko tensed up, he woke with a start, then remembered where he was and some of the previous night's events.
Lyz licked their mixed juices up and lay on the bed with spread legs. She looked at Kiko like she was patiently waiting to get licked. "You can practice on my pussy as long and as much as you want..." Lyz could not wait to teach Kiko everything she knew about sex. The young bunny girl was like the younger sister she never had and wanted to share her knowledge with her.
Maureen nodded her head as he explained his files we're destroyed not understanding the first word he used redacted, glad for the clarification. Placing her order with the waitress before turning he attention back to Ryger. "Interesting...I've never heard of any of the others but I guess it's normal for us I mean I've met wolves...and dogs... but no moths or sheep, the only goat men I know are Satyrs..." She said before sipping her coffee, "Poor creatures...I'm sorry to say but the Army disgusts me with some of the things they do.." Maureen said not wanting to offend him but speaking her mind. When he mentioned Bigfoot she looked at him, "I've never seen him but other's say hears nice, while others say he's the start of our the time before time...But I think that's rubbish." She stated taking a sip of coffee.
Ryger nodded his head, listening intently to what she had to say.
"Interesting..." he replied when she mentioned all of the creatures that she had met.
She then voiced her opinion of the Army, an opinion that he understood but was limited.
"It's all in the name 'military-industrial complex'. The military is subservient to the government, which is subservient to the corporations. Thus, big business owns the military."

The food arrived, and he dug in a bit before wiping his mouth and speaking further.
"I met men of all kinds while I was in the military. Some were ordinary family men that I liked having a beer with, and some were jerks where that beer would have been better served by being tossed in their face. Military installations are where these experiments take place, but it's the amoral corporations that decide what experiment will be done and when it will be done. Don't waste your time hating the military, the puppets. Hate the string-pullers, the corporations."

He listened as she gave her opinion on Big Foot.
"To me, it could go either way. I'm not really knowledgeable enough about it to say one way or the other. I do sympathize with him, though."
He began to eat more, enjoying his food. He stopped to take a drink, then looked at Maureen, taking in her full presence.

"If you don't mind, I would like to switch the topic. I would like to talk about us."
He folded his hands.
"I just want to start off by saying that I'm not putting any pressure on you. I'm not even sure what to call use. I do know that from here, we can take one of two paths."

He held up one finger.
"We can call it a one-night stand and part ways. Or..."
He held up a second finger.
"We can enter into a dating phase and see where things go from here. I personally felt that there was more between us than a one-night stand, and I pick the second option."

He lowered his hand and shrugged.
"But, I leave the choice up to you. If you're not looking for anything serious, I'll completely understand. There are other things and people to do on this island, if you so wish. I won't hold it against you if you choose to part ways here."
He smiled and resumed eating.
Maureen knew more animal-people than she knew humans. Nodding her head to his words about big business owning the military fully agreeing to that. Still didn't change her opinion about them, disliking most of their tactics. Maureen thanked the waiter as he brought the food out to them, taking her fork and knife cutting it into smaller pieces. Beginning to eat her meal, savoring the various tastes. Continuing to listen she was sure they weren't all back, after all she was hanging out with Ryger who was in the military, so of course there had to be good ones out there. continuing to eat as he spoke, he had a point it wasn't the soldiers fault. Taking another sip of coffee, hearing him bring Bigfoot up again, "Either do I...I wish they'd just leave him alone, he didn't harm anyone." Not knowing him but like the rest of them many wanted to be left alone. Swallowing her food washing it down with her drink as he wanted to talk about them, tilting her head curious to what he wanted to talk about. Her ears twitched slightly as he spoke giving him her full attention. Wondering where he was going with this saying they could go two ways at this point in the game. Maureen stayed silent as he went on explain what he meant, she wasn't one for a one night stand and if she was she would have already been gone. "I'd rather us not part ways...and I do not believe in a one night stand." She said seriously and then smiled at him.
Kiko started out rather shaky with the whole pussy licking thing. Maybe it would have been easier without having to mind the balls as well, but when your first lover was a hermaphrodite, you just had to suck it up and keep those balls lifted like Simba in the fucking Lion King. In fact, Kiko struggled to keep from busting out with that whole circle of life song right then and there. It would have been really inappropriate to start yodeling into Lyz's vagina. But on the subject of said vagina, it was a pretty neat first experience, all things considered. She tried a few dainty licks at first but could tell it wasn't having any real effect, so she resolved to try diving into the metaphorical muff face first, which in this case was also literal and had her nose buried way up in Lyz's business as she gave herself a reverse-gonzo.



((just great, now the next time I'm eating pussy I'm gonna start yodeling through a mouthful of snatch))
Soran could see the look on Kiko's face and started laughing, but wondered just what she was thinking about.

"Well, I don't know about you two, but I think that a hot shower and a few cups of coffee sound really good right now," he said, standing up and putting some clothes on.

((Nice, Squishy. Well done... :p))
"I don't know how well cum and coffee pair together as flavors," Kiko said. "But yeah, I could go for some bacon." She stared out blindly for a moment, Lyz's testicles obscuring her eyes completely. "Just no hard boiled eggs. Or really anything that resembles balls. I'm not sure I can handle any more right now."
Lyz got up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom. "Yes, a showe and breakfast sound good. How about we shower together? Only when the shower is big enough for the three of us, of course." She knew that the showers in this hotel were large enough to fit two people easily inside it, but she did not know if three people could fit into it.
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