No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)


Jun 3, 2013
Blinding lights were the first thing the new life form remembered, that and a looking figure over her. But she simply stared up at him, large yellow eyes blank as she waited for her vision to come around, and when it did she saw his lips were moving. Sound entered her ears and she looked curious. The young girl was about fourteen and was quite pale. Her head was closely shaved and a thick scar ran around the circumference of her skull. The only thing that covered her emaciated-like body was a cotton gown that tied at the sides that stopped just above the knees and simple cotton undergarments. She blinked her eyes and this time sat up, looking around at her surroundings, sniffing the air like a dog would when searching for something.
The girl listened to him, comprehending his words, but not saying anything. She pulled at her clothes a bit, examining them before looking to his clothes. Then she noticed the shiney silver object he had in his hand, and she stared for a moment before reaching out and simply taking it from his grasp. She crouched on the metal table, looking over the smooth tool, touching the tip to her finger. A red dot appeared on her skin and she stared at her finger for quite a while, having seemingly forgotten the man was even in the room with her.
The girl frowned softly at the scolding, shrinking down a bit and looking at her finger, licking the small drop of blood from her finger, grimacing at the taste.
The girl shifted, looking at her hands, then her legs, wiggling her toes and rolling her ankles before swinging her legs over the side of the table and standing. She nearly fell, but caught herself with the table, steadying herself before looking around and making her way toward the door, pressing her palms against the cool stone and pressing. "Ah.." She frowned.
She turned her head, staring for a moment before returning to the table. She sat on the edge, chewing on her fingernail. "What is... This ones name..?" She spoke slowly.
Though it was simply a code, the girl looked pleased with her name. 38x2 felt her head, tracing the thick scar along her head as she sat, chewing on her lip. "Petty names..." She repeated, only reciting the words he he said last; a way her brain could process words and sentences easier.
"Name..?" She pointed at Szayel, though her eyes were traveling the lab, soaking in all of the scenes of jarred body parts and tools.
"Granz." She murmured, though now she seemed tired, as if simply talking for a mere moment drained her of all her energy. "Rest now?"
38x2 laid her head down, closing her eyes and nearly instantly falling asleep.

((Oh wow, I got really stuck, wanna just move ahead a bit to where she's helping him in the lab or having everything checked out?))
The next couple of days were simply observation and note-taking and she had been moved into a large cage next to the wall, where she was locked in when she was not needed. Today while Szayel did a check up to make sure her organs and muscles were all growing nicely, her stomach growled loudly, making her whine quietly. Lately she was growing more and more fidgety, often bumping into things or knocking them over, sometimes on purpose.

((She grows restless~))
"Munchy munchy.." She muttered, her word for food she fidgeted and slid off the table, moving over to the door and sniffing the air once again before pushing against the door. "Munchy munchy." She pointed to the door and looked at Szayel, trying once again to push open the door.
She made a sour face, pacing back and forth slightly. "Bad." She murmured, chewing on her short fingernails. "Bad, bad." She didn't like the taste, it was bitter and looked like over-cooked oatmeal, plus she could smell other things beyond the door, things that smelled much better.
38x2 balled her fists and stomped her foot, tears forming in her eyes. "Eat munchy munchy! Not bad!" She retorted, and though her sentences weren't completely full, they were getting there.
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