Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

Nov 30, 2010
Everyone knew that Tony stark was a insufferable ass, who tolerated people about as well as a rabid dog tolerated a squirrel. The fact that he allowed Loki, a man as annoying and arrogant as tony himself into his space, was frankly amazing, despite the two having it it off like a house on fire. Sarcasm reigned supreme in the tower these days, and anyone who saw them, had no question that despite the harsh words usually exchanged, they were friends.

So when Fury ordered Tony to let the avengers move into the tower, no one was really surprised when he nearly blew a gasket. “But-what the fuck!?No. I don’t have to. It’s my tower.”The billionaire was sulking as he leaned back in his chair, as sulking as a two year old. Which just made Natasha roll her eyes. She’d known he was going to be horrible about this, but this was ridiculous. Not realizing that it wasn’t the fact that they were moving in, but that Tony hadn’t had a chance to finish their floors, the genius pissed that he’d have to rush the final touches he’d been doing instead of the slow design he’d been working on.”Fuck that.”

“Stark, I’m tired of the press camped out on my base. They’re better off in the tower, where your systems can keep out the reporters, and it’s a good thing to have all the avengers in a centralized area.”Fury said scowling at the consultant, not that they ever called him that to his face, but they didn’t say he was a avenger either, because he was well aware of just how much Tony would freak out if he knew that technically, his name was still not on the rooster of avengers.

“....”Tony frowned looking around the room before huffing. “Fine. For fuck’s sake, fine. Two days. Then you can come.”Tony scowled as he walked out.

Which was how, two days later the avengers found tony stark and loki laufeyson waiting for them in the penthouse, each carrying a duffel bag, because despite everything they didn’t have much, and faced with just how rich tony stark was, they were feeling out of step to see just how much more he had, along with the arrogance to go with it.

“Welcome, to Avengers tower, where you’re every whim will be met and catered to and-”Tony paused sliding a glance towards Loki.”To much?I think it’s to much. And-”Tony stopped staring at clint, bruce, natasha and steve. Staring at their duffel bags. “Is that all?I mean, do I need to send trucks to get the rest?Cause I can totally do that.”he said looking slightly upset at the idea, realizing that he was going to have to go shopping if that was really all they had. HE couldn’t let his team have just that much stuff.
Steve Rogers had been perfectly happy in his tiny one room 'apartment' on the 'shit side' of Brooklyn. it made him think of home and a time when he belonged. plus he lived alone so he rarely had to deal with people who spoke words that where not words. whatever the hell a Yolo was, he didn't care, he just wanted people to stop sexting and surfing the eeternet and dropping a line when he was there because he didn't understand and didn't want to understand. Clint didn't care where he lived, he just didn't want to live with Tony and fucking Loki fucking Odinson, the fucking little bitch. no, Clint was not going to go happily. he'd go, because he knew Natasha would make him, but he sure as hell wouldn't like it and planned on stabbing Loki the first chance he had. Both Steve and Clint where scowling as they stepped into the Tower. Clint because Loki was right....there. and Steve because it was a technology wonderland which just made him feel all the more like breaking something and demanding people stop acting like it was the twenty first century.

"there is no more stuff." Clint growled. "don't need anything else. "....all of my shit is in a museum and they won't let me have it back." Steve grumbled, scowling unhappily. "my apartment came with the furniture so i had to leave it all there." that was a lie. he hadn't bothered to get any. he'd had a mattress and a camp stove and that was all he'd needed or wanted. "i have what i need." he grumbled. "just take me to my room before i find a way to accidentally slit a certain someone's throat." he ordered, glaring even more furiously at Loki who immidiatly stepped further out of Clint's range, not that Loki was afraid but he was not about to give Clint a chance to attack him. "i'd like my room now too please. i'm tired." Steve ordered, a bit grouchy. he was, tired, he felt like shit, and he hadn't been able to 'relax' for days because he was a bit worried Bruce would insist on physicals or blood tests for everyone. so he'd gone cold turkey and now he was suffering a bit for it. he was extremely, extremely unhappy, and very tired, and he was pretty sure Jarvis was watching him and was going to tell the rest of the Avengers that he was being naughty. he was going to have to find a way to keep the others out of his room somehow... yeah.

"...right then. Tony, i'll take the ones who don't want to kill me up to their rooms and you take the rest." Loki chirped, smiling at Tony almost sweetly and then. "okay, they all want to kill me, have fun!" he chirped as he headed off, Steve snorting as he turned and followed Loki, startling the godling. "i was up all night. i want a nap. shut up and show me to my room." Loki blinked shrugged, and headed off with Steve in tow.
“....You all depress me. Remind me later, I’ll get stuff.”Tony chirped before frowning at Steve, staring at him for a long moment. “Oh.Yes.Well. I hadn’t considered that and-I’ll see if I can get it back. I mean, I donated it-well, dad did but still it’s-”Tony bit down on his tongue to stop the rambling, because it showed just how nervous he was to actually have the avengers living in his house. He wanted them to like it here, he really did. “Leave him alone, Barton.I’m serious.”Tony snapped at clint, wincing as natasha stepped towards him, holding his hands up defensively. “Stark-” “No. Loki’s staying and if you don’t like it YOU can explain to the pirate why you don’t want to.”Tony said before sighing, studying them. “Come on then.”he said studying them all.

“...They all want you dead.”Tony deadpanned staring at his best friend for a long moment, before huffing.”Hey!No. He doesn’t get to show you. I mean, it’s my tower!I get to show everything off.Come on you three. We’re going to go get your rooms.”Tony said herding the rest of the avengers into the elevator, sharing a look with loki, and knowing only the demi-god could see how nervous he was. “First stop, the star spangled room.”Tony grinned, sarcastic and biting because he was nervous grinning widely, hiding the insecurity under a lifetime of bluffing as they stopped on Steve’s floor, opening the room, and stepped into something out of the 40s. Actually....it looked like the apartment Steve had shared with bucky, shifting nervously, and it was obvious that despite it being in the tower, tony had purposefully left all the tech out of it, having actually found stuff from the 40s instead of giving steve stuff he didn’t want. “...I know there’s nothing in here that’s like...techy...but if you want it, I can get it. I just didn’t think you would. And you have a personal gym, punching bag and all, but there’s a bigger gym down a few levels if you want to use that to.”Tony said showing that despite his protests of them moving in, he’d been planning this longer then the two days he’d had to plan it. "And while the privacy in the tower is set so Jarvis will know if you like need help, he wont actively pay attention unless you talk to him. At least when your on your floor, or any of the others."Tony talked, rambling really as he watched the others look around the floor he'd put so much effort into doing, and while he liked steve's rooms, it was clint and natasha's he was excited to show off
Clint huffed. "i don't need anything else." "...Howard donated my things... i knew i hated him for a reason." Steve grumbled as Loki's fingers brushed Tony's, silent comfort and reassurance. "i have to stay here. it's part of my Parole." Loki stated simply. "Thor seams to think Tony can control me." he shrugged, it didn't look like he was lying at all. even Natasha would think he was telling the truth. "and Fury doesn't like the idea of me wandering about as i please so he wants me here too." he shrugged again. "Tony. i tried to kill them all. of course they want me dead." Loki scoffed. "so long as they don't actually kill me i don't really care." Clint bared his teeth, his eyes flashing in rage before they followed along behind them like ugly ducklings. Loki offered Tony a small smile, silently promising him that everything was going to be okay.

"...if you painted my room red, white and blue, i'm going to kill you Tony." Steve warned, shaking his head before he froze in the doorway, his eyes wide as he looked around, stunned by the detail that had gone into his room. Clint whistled, impressed as he looked around. "damn. that's impressive! you did this in two days? shit." Steve just dropped his bag and moved into the room, silent as he moved over to the 1940's radio and flicked it on, smiling when he realized it played only his favorite music, Jazz Music and swing music floated through the air and he swallowed thickly as he looked at the bookshelf, filled with his favorite books, from the 1930's and 40's, to the new series he'd gotten into. "...Thank you Tony." Steve stated after a long moment, looking up at the other, his eyes suspiciously wet. "this is... perfect." he whispered the last part, almost as if he was in shock as he kicked his shoes off and rubbed his socked toes into the soft carpet, smiling a little. "come on. lets give him some peace, he looks tired." Loki ordered, herding the others away from Steve's rooms so that they wouldn't witness him crying, which he looked suspiciously close to doing. Steve just couldn't beleive someone would go to such effort to make him feel welcome. especially a jackass like Tony. he slid into bed and closed his eyes, all too ready for a nap and already hoping for a chance to get high. he couldn't handle life right now, he just couldn't.

"Bruce's rooms are next aren't they?" Loki asked. well aware that it was. he'd helped Tony finish them all in time after all. using magic had no doubt felt like cheating to Tony but Loki had still done it because he wanted the other Avengers to like Tony too. which meant impressing the hell out of them.
“Don’t worry, we all hated him for a reason.”Tony huffed a little shrugging as his shoulders tightened as loki brushed against him, before smirking at the godling.”He thinks I’m jumping your bones, godling, and controlling you that way. Did I tell you about the time I was subjected to a talk on jotun sex?”Tony whined a little, the mask slipping a little, the genuine friendship he felt for loki showing behind the utter nervousness of having them here.

“Hm, no. Just one painting, and it’s not even that big I promise.”Tony huffed because it was true, the only deviant from the 40s room was the painting over the couch, one of bucky and steve in brooklyn, painted from a picture that peggy had had. Having taken the time to track someone down to paint it since the picture had been nearly ruined. Shifting nervously Tony smirked. “Of course I did. I’m amazing like that.” Liar, liar, pants on fire. Not that he was about to admit how many months he’d spent fussing and working on this. “This is fairly impressive, tony.”Natasha agreed laughing quietly as she looked over the room, pausing as she looked at steve, worry tightening her features for a moment. “You’re welcome. And I know you prefer books, so there’s a library in the spare bedroom, and my own personal library is in the penthouse, so if you want something and don’t have it, go look. I mean, I tried to remember what dad said you read but...”He shrugged looking around before nodding. “Let’s go then. The zen garden next.” “I don’t know if I should take you serious or not, tony.”Bruce said studying the man as they went down level, staring at what really was like a zen garden/ lab all rolled into one.

“While this is is a small lab, down by my workshop you have your own lab. And I know you were worried about being here, and breaking shit if you hulk out, but Loki reinforced everything with magic, so feel free to throw it around, you wont break it. And there’s a panic room back there by the bedroom, and all your tea shit is in the kitchen and-” “Tony. Thanks.”Bruce said stopping the ramble, looking bemused. “Yea Okay, moving on. Assassin twins, lets go.”Tony said before grinning as he went to his favorite floor, stepping into what looked like a archery range except...it was a apartment. A nest up high for clint along with a gym and all.”Wasn’t sure what kind of weapons you liked, so here, go buy the shit you want, and let me know if you want something better. Something techy.”Tony said shoving a credit card into clint’s hands before shoving one into natasha’s, ignoring the look he was getting. “No, I’ll pay. I have money, you guys need stuff, I’ll have to remember to get the others cards to but-as I was saying. Your gym, like cap’s is fully equiped, also because of where the gyms are, instead of having to go to the elevator and stuff, there’s stairs linking all three gyms together, so you can talk or whatever while working out. And it connects to the lab, so if you want me to you can come find me for weapons and shit-”Tony stopped glancing at loki.”And I missing anything?”
Loki shrugged. "i'm not unrepentant." he stated simply, making most of the Avengers blink, not entirely certain how that worked. wait a minute, had he, sort of, in a way, apologized? "...he thinks... oh, i'm sorry Tony, but gross." Loki complained, looking rather mortified. "...Jotun sex!? what in the hell does he know about Jotuns in the first place!?" Loki demanded, looking quite annoyed. "what's a Jotun?" "they're filthy beasts according to anyone you ever ask." Loki snapped, voice hard and harsh and both Clint and Steve stepped back, wary of being attacked. clearly Loki still had issues. there was a pause and Loki shook his head. "never mind. i shouldn't have snapped at you. you're just humans. you don't know any better..." another apology?... kind of.

"...Tony, seriously, i will hurt you." Steve warned, wondering what kind of painting he had in his room before he was stunned by the amazing detail of his room. "..." he was stunned by the picture of him and Bucky and felt something warm in his chest. and something that felt horrifically like guilt. Bucky wouldn't like him doing what he was doing. he wasn't going to stop though, he wasn't sure he could... he was too tired to care anyway, just too tired. he stared at Tony for a long moment as he rambled on about the libraries and felt as if he was being choked. so much effort for him, even though he was disgusting and didn't belong in that time or in the tower. he didn't deserve any of this.

"you lab is totally epic." Loki admitted to Bruce. Loki had a Lab too. though it was always locked. Magic was a very dangerous, volatile thing and humans couldn't defend themselves if they touched the wrong thing. "Bruce, seriously though, Hulk's not getting through those walls and there are emergency Runes carved into every room. if you Hulk Out in here, you will easily be contained." Loki promised the Scientist. "Tony might not like relying on Magic but sometimes Magic is what works best... admittedly. Earth Technology is a bit superior to Magic..." and it almost looked as if admitting that hurt. "fuck." Clint muttered, looking rather excited as he raced into the 'assassin candy-land'. "...i don't..." he paused, examining the look on Tony's face and just slipped the card into his pocket. he wasn't going to use it, probobly ever, but it was nice to have he supposed. "if Tony's working on something volatile the door into his lab will be locked." Loki explained. "there is a communal kitchen where someone..." Loki "Will make food for you people who can't cook." which was everyone but Steve. "there is a notepad on the communal fridge. if you use something up, please write it on the pad so those of us who do the shopping" Loki again. "know when they need to pick something up. there's a communal 'living room' and a communal games room with a pool, a bowling alley... i'm not sure how to use that but i'm told it's fun... there's other things too. table hockey and the ball of foos... what is a foos anyway? Tony just laughs when i ask him." Loki admitted. "there's stuff there for when you want to hang out together." Loki admitted with a shrug. "that's about it. oh. and don't bother the people in the lower levels who are working, they get grumpy."
“Thanks Reindeer. I think my ego can handle the blow of you not wanting me. I mean, I’m injured, but I shall persevere.”Tony said rolling his eyes before grinning, “Apparently enough to scar me for life, and that’s from a guy who’s watched a eneromous amount of porn. And if you insult humans intelligence again, I’m going to make you watch harry potter with me again, and tell you that Draco’s always going to be a better sorcerer then your lame ass.”Tony said, proving that despite the volatile emotions from the jotun, that it was possible to live with him, even if it was because tony was just as narcissistic and sarcastic.

“I know, I know, capsicle.”Tony rolled his eyes at the warning before grinning as the left steve to his own devices, more then pleased steve was enjoying his rooms.

“Not as epic as mine, but good.”Tony agreed. “really?”Bruce tilted his head looking thoughtful before grinning.”Cool.” “Magic is a fucking pain my ass, which someday is going to conform to the laws of physics simply because I’m going to make magic my bitch.” “....I don’t know if I should be disturbed or amused by this conversation.”Natasha muttered to clint, smiling as she looked around the assassin candy land. “And by someone, he means Loki. Loki is my live in slave, who bows to my every whim because apparently I can’t be trusted to feed myself on a regular basis.”Tony huffed before smirking. ‘Did you piss off my receptionist again?I told you to stop bothering her.”
Loki snorted. "you're just too high maintenance for me. after all, a high maintenance man should never fuck another high maintenance man." "okay. gross." Clint complained. "....Harry Potter is a sin, and should be burned. books, and movies, as well as those disgusting fanfictions. and you can throw that Stephanie Meyer crap in the fire too." Loki complained. "and Malfoy will NEVER be a better Mage than me! and i'm prettier than he is!" Loki complained, clearly this was an old topic. "Magic is superior to your feeble, tiny mind and will never become your bitch." Loki scoffed. "for it is better than you, thus anyone capable of harnessing it's power is superior to you, ergo, i am superior to you." "i'm going with amused." Clint decided. "it's weird seeing this... i would have thought they'd have been throwing punches." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i bow to no one... although if they are cute enough, i might consider kneeling." "okay, Gross!" Clint protested. "your 'receptionist' is a Scarlet whore who is infested with disgusting diseases. i fear i might be infected if she remains in the building any longer. i will consider it my bound duty to see her quit before the week is out, and if she doesn't, i will consider having her admitted to an insane asylum because really, only a crazy person puts up with me so willingly." he smiled sweetly at Tony as if he hadn't just insulted the man. "now. if you'll excuse me. i must stopper death and bottle glory."
“Hm, your not that high maintenance. I mean, I put out food occassionally and you eat. It’s sort of like having a pet....and don’t lie, you know you like Edward. I’m sure you’ve had plenty of awkward moments like that, tall dark and deadly, I mean, you are sorta of stalkerish yourself.”Tony grinned before laughing. “Only when your on your knees, and even then it’s debatable if your better at sex.”Tony said shaking his head. Natasha looked vaguely disgusted before nodding. “I would have to.”She muttered wondering if this was a act, or if the two were like children all the time. “Then by all rights, you should be kneeling all the time around Capsicle.”Tony said slanting a look towards loki that said they’d covered the pros and cons of the amazingly fit captain who hated tony’s guts a few times, and while he didn’t like it, tony had learned to deal with the emotions it brought up simply by deflecting it, and turning it all into a joke. “...If you make her quit, I’ll hate you. She’s like pepper 2.0.”Tony whined before rolling his eyes, looking at the assassins.”Okay. Well have fun. I have to get some work done, we usually have dinner about 5 if you guys want to join us. Bye.”Tony said as he left the room, leaving natasha staring after him.”....I have no idea what just happened.”
Loki snorted. "i am very high maintenance Tony. it takes three hours to do my makeup in the mornings." Clint choked on his tongue. Loki wore Makeup!? "and it takes at least an hour to do my hair. and i have to try on at least three different shirts to make sure they look right for the day and mood." he admitted with a smirk. "face it, i'm ten times the Diva Bitch you are." "...i went from amused to frightened." Clint admitted to Natasha. "Tony i have three thousand years on you, of course i'm better at sex than you are." he pointed out before smirking a little. "Sorry Tony, but i think it would make the good Captain nervous to see me kneeling before him." he pointed out, remembering how the man had reacted in Germany. "seriously. this is weird. are we on one of those reality TV shows? you know, the ones that prank you?" he asked, eyes flicking around for hidden cameras. forgetting that this was Tony stark, cameras where everywhere. "she is disgusting and i hate her. i do a better job than she does!" he complained with a huff before he headed off, Clint blinking as he looked at her. "...honestly, i have no clue." he admitted, shaking his head. "i really don't want to live here." he admitted, looking around. "but this really is a kickass room... Tony didn't do this in two days. there's no way in hell... he was going to invite us all here on his own. Fury just beat him to it." there was a pause. "was it just me, or did you think Cap was acting a little strange?" he asked, glancing at Nat.
“True.”Tony snickere a little shaking his head at the idea of what loki did to get ready in the morning before laughing, “He would, but you said they just had to be cute if you were going to kneel.”Tony smirked a little. “...No,hopefully not.”Natasha shuddered a little looking a little weirded out. “Me either, but you’re right. He didn’t do this in a single night.”Natasha frowned wondering what had possessed tony to want them to live with him, before frowning.”He was acting a little strange. But you know he doesn’t like Stark, of course he’s acting strange.”

By the time dinner rolled around Tony was nervous and tired, settlign into the chair as he watched loki cook, sighing quietly. “....You think they’ll stay?”He said watching loki’s back, because despite the orders, he was insecure enough to know that none of them wanted to be at the tower, he wanted to know if they would stay, because he so wanted them to. But he knew himself, he wouldn’t want to stay with him either. “...Why do you stay? I know you really don’t have to.”Tony muttered looking at the other, wanting to know so that he could keep doing whatever it was, and maybe convince the others to stay. Wincing a little, realizing he forgot something,”J, will you tel Cap and Bruce we’re eating soon if they want to join us?”He said remembering they hadn’t been there for the conversation. "Of course Sir."
Loki smirked a little. he did wear makeup of course but not in the sense that most humans knew it anyway. it was mostly moisturizers and eye changing drops and other such things. "yeah, that's true and he did say he was up all night. i wonder why? he looks terrible you know? i wonder if he's slept at all in the last couple of days. you don't think the stress of having to live with Tony made him sick or something do you?"

Loki smiled a little. "i think they probobly will." he admitted as he walked around, wearing an Apron that said 'Kiss the Cook'. "why do i stay? you mean other than the fact that you took me in despite the fact that i tried to kill you? oh, and lets not forget how you saved me from being raped." he pointed out. he had landed on earth, in a bad part of new york and had run afoul of some thugs. being disoriented, Loki hadn't been able to fight them off and they'd nearly had him naked when Tony appeared, repulsors blazing. "i stay because i like it here." Loki admitted. "i stay because you're a good person for me to be around. i like being sarcastic with you, and fighting with you about the most inane of things. i feel at home here in a way Asgard never did." he admitted as he pulled the twenty pound lasagna, or rather two twenty pound lasagna's out of the Oven. Loki was pretty sure Clint and Steve could eat a lot, and he was certain Bruce would too. he ate a ton as well, and this way there would be leftovers for lunches. ten minutes later a wary Steve came into the kitchen, looking around for the others. you could practically see him mentally cringing when he realized he was alone with both Tony and Loki. ugh. "come in, have a seat. i'm almost done. water, milk, wine, or soda?" he asked, Steve blinking. "uh, milk. thanks..." Steve looked better at least, and appeared to be a lot less grumpy. "are you wearing an apron?" "yes, i am. i don't want my silk shirt to get ruined by grease or food." he admitted. "these things are expensive you know." Steve blinked again and then. "i think i'm going to go back to bed. i'm still dreaming." he decided. Clint snickering as he walked in. "oh you don't know the half of it. apparently he wears makeup and is more feminine than Natasha is." "that's not saying much." Loki stated right back, Clint huffing. "you're just jealous she's prettier than you." "she has breasts, of course she's prettier than me."
“Maybe. I know I’m a little sick at the idea of living with him.”Natasha pointed out snidely, sighing quietly.

“Good.”Tony made a face before smirking. “Yea, other then that.”he said looking bemused before frowning a little, annoyed that made his friendship was just a debt to be paid, before realizing that okay, maybe he really could make friends. If loki liked him, maybe he really could do this. “You do argue about the most inane things. I mean really, everyone knows Malfoy’s better then you. Not to mention Gandalf and everyone else.”Tony said because in the last six months that loki had lived with him, he had subjected loki to every sorcerer/magic related movie he could think of. Tipping back his chair onto two legs he played on the cell phone in his hands, looking thoughtful, glancing up when Steve walked into the kitchen, his shoulders tightening as he realized steve was cringing at being alone with the,. “...Don’t worry. You get used to him being a prima donna. And don’t even get him started on his hair, I’ve already been subjected to one talk about more haircare then I ever wanted, I don’t want listen to it again.”Tony snickered a little. “I’m prettier then all of you.”Natasha pointed out as she walked into the room and settled at the table. “That’s not a fair argument, Reindeer. I’ve seen you as a girl, you make a fairly good one....you know, they might like you better if you’re all soft and curvy. God knows I’d rathe stare at you that way.”Tony said giving loki that lecherous look, living up to his playboy reputation by flirting simply because he was feeling defensive, and well, they expected it of him.
Loki chuckled a little at Tony and shook his head. "Tony. you're a great guy. your only problem is, is that you pull into your shell anytime you get nervous around other people. being a jerk isn't going to help you know." he pointed out. "just relax, let them see who you really are. a funny man with way too many issues whose just trying to make the world right." he admitted before glaring. "Malfoy is a piss-ant and Gandalf is a hedgwizard with a pointy hat!" he protested. "i will never forgive you for all those crappy ass movies Tony! never!" he would never, ever admit that he watched the Hobbit and the lord of the Rings when he knew he wasn't going to be disturbed. "no one gets used to me. i am the God of Chaos." Loki stated simply. "you only think you are used to me because i allow you to." Loki stated, smirking at Tony. "i make a terrible girl, the breasts throw my balance off." he admitted. "very odd." he admitted as he shook his head. "and i am not being a girl just because they might like me better. i don't care what they think of me." Loki stated with a shrug. it was a lie of course, and Tony knew it. but Loki liked to pretend he didn't care about midgardians. never mind that he volunteered at the children's hospital twice a week, walked the dogs at the local shelter three times a week, and fed the pigeons at the pond on his way to his 'menial tasks'. "besides, you wouldn't fuck me if i was the last creature on earth and you know it. go flirt with someone who actually lusts after you." Loki ordered, Clint pretending to gag as he accepted a plate of food. lasagna, garlic bread and a bright salad with pieces of apple, strawberry and some sort of sliced nut. "...you made this?" "of course i did.... oh, you're referring to the fact that it's not burnt." Loki scoffed. "while my early attempts at cooking where..." there was a pause and then. "...inedible. and possibly alive... and may have tried to eat me... i have since then improved." now the the men looked quite concerned at their food. "...it can't be that bad. Tony's been eating it for a while now and he's not dead." "...he ate Shwarma." "...good point."
“Well, as you might have noticed, other people don’t like me.”Tony pointed out before huffing a little. “I don’t have issues.”He grumbled before grinning, “Don’t forget about Charmed.”Tony smirked amused before shaking his head. “I’m used to it. I’m enjoy Chaos.”Tony pointed out before pouting. “You’re practically a girl already. Just in a guy’s body.”he teased. “Food looks amazing.”Bruce said as he settled into his chair, starting to eat and nearly choking on his food at loki’s words. “You’d have to be the last person on any earth.”Tony made a face snickering at the other’s amazement loki cooked. “He had to. I suck at cooking, and he refused to go out every night for food...though he did nearly burn down the tower a few times, Pep-”Tony stuttered to a stop, before swallowing, “Pepper nearly killed him for the one.”he said neatly stepping aside the mention better, the thing with killian having happened a few weeks after Loki’d arrived, and he was still not talking about her for the most part. The man having avoided any mention or thought of the woman, though he was glad pepper had approved of his friendship with the jotun. She thought he’d be good for him. “Hey, shwarma is a perfectly good acceptable form of food.” “No it’s not.”Bruce said shaking his head. “Oh, just eat. If he wanted you dead for real, it’d be some overly dramatic insane plot and showy thing, not posioned.”Tony said in way of reassuring them that it was really okay, looking bemused as natasha and bruce indeed ate some.
Loki snorted. "people don't like you, because they expect to not like you. don't be what they expect Tony. just relax, don't be afraid of rejection. it hurts, yes. but sometimes being hurt is needed, to find new ways to be happy." he admitted. "....i like Pru." he admitted after a long moment. "Page is nothing more than a silly girl who doesn't belong." he stated with a sniff. "i hope she dies." he scoffed. "i am afraid your wrong Tony. because girly or not, i can, and will kick your ass." he pointed out. "the food in restaurants is disgusting and does not cater to m,y dietary needs." Loki informed them. he knew he was about to shock them to death again before he turned when Tony mentioned Pepper. shock number two then. he moved over and gently settled his hands on Tony's shoulders. he knew the other wouldn't accept a hug. this was all the comfort Loki could give him. Steve was honestly a bit shocked that Loki and Tony could have such human emotions. maybe he'd have to reconsider Tony's actions. later. after he 'relaxed'. "Shwarma is disgusting. even Thor can't eat it." Loki scoffed as he picked up a bowl of salad twice as big as the others. "...hey, my Lasagna doesn't have any meat in it!" Clint suddenly protested.

"oh, sorry that ones mine." Loki stated, swapping Clint's out for one stuffed full of meat. and Steve couldn't resist asking. "why are you eating Lasagna without meat in it?" "i'm a vegetarian." this was met with incredulous silence. really though, if you thought about it, it made sense. Loki was a shape-shifter. he had probobly become the animals people ate. according tot he rumors, he'd been been hunted as an animal, and he'd admitted to Tony that sometimes the older Aeser had made him transform and chased him through the woods like he was a wild beast. they'd even shot him a time or two. yeah, Loki wasn't about to eat meat when he knew the suffering they went through to get to the plate. "indeed. if i wished to kill you, i would warn you first." he promised. "it's no fun, extracting revenge if you don't know it's happening. i'd much rather turn you into slugs and flush you down the toilet. much more amusing." he admitted as he took another dainty bite of his salad.
“...You sound like someone I used to know.Stop it.”Tony ordered, because loki’s words were close to what pepper would ahve told him, the fact that her death was the reason he was currently sharing a fully decked out tower with his team because he couldn’t stand the idea of not having them all somewhere he could protect had driven him insane, to the point that he’d willingly risked rejection to get them here. “You keep telling me that, and you still don’t do it. I should put on the suit, go a few rounds.”Tony said side stepping his mention of Pepper by qouting the good captain at loki, squirming out from under loki’s hands as he stood to get something to drink. “Thor does to, he just doesn’t want to offend you by telling you he wants to eat what’s basically a whole cow between two slices of bread.”

Tony snickered though as the other’s stared at loki, not about to expose loki’s reasons for being a vegetarian. “...He’s living in my house, his brother thinks we’re defiling every surface in the tower,and I’ve taught him to dismantle a suit, he gets to talk about she-who-must-not-be-named if he wants, and him being a vegetarian is what shocks you guys?I think I need to get far away from you people.”Tony grumbled, but it was obvious he was just kidding, and not trying to be mean about it. He really was trying to not be the sarcastic ass he coudl be when he was uncomfortable, he was simply trying to relax, and it was so hard for him, to do so when he knew the Captain would probably rather throw him out a window rather then to spend time with him, more then the others, it was cap’s approval and friendship he wanted, and knew he had failed in getting.And that hurt. So he was having a hard time relaxing.”....I worry for your sanity, Reindeer.”He muttered rolling his eyes.
Loki smiled a little at Tony. "where do you think i got the words from?" he asked softly. because Pepper had told Tony that so many times. Tony and Loki both. "well i did kick your ass the last time you wore the suit." Loki pointed out. he could joke about the whole 'i invaded your planet' because Tony knew the reasons why. Tony understood why Loki had gone to such extremes. "of course, then i got my ass beat by a green neanderthal..." Loki muttered. "so, perhaps not a fair assessment." he mused as he took another dainty little bite. "Thor doesn't like Midgardian meat." Loki corrected. "even if he does adore your sweets. he's going to get cavities you know, if you keep letting him eat whatever he wants. and i'm not going to be the one doing his dental work." Loki warned as he daintily nibbled on an apple slice. "i still don't understand how Thor came to that conclusion. he HAS seen us interacting." he pointed out. "how he thinks we have any feelings for each other beyond hatred baffles me." Loki admitted with a scoff before smiling as tony went on a tirade.

"Tony. bad guys are not supposed to be vegetarians. they thought i was eating puppies and kittens and perhaps devouring a human baby or two for variety." he pointed out, making most of the people go green. "it's just a stereotype." he admitted with a shrug. "and even knowing my reasons for being a vegetarian, Thor still can't beleive i won't touch meat." he pointed out. "he keeps trying to get me to eat it, and then sulks when i refuse." he rolled his eyes. "honestly, how you can stand the dull witted cretin is beyond me." Loki admitted as he polished off the last of his salad and moved on to his massive slice of lasagna. "oh Tony, how could you say such a silly thing? you o all people should know that i have no sanity." Loki stated with a smirk. "so. how are you all finding your rooms?" Loki asked curiously. "and before you get all upset, i assure you i had nothing to do with their construction." that was a lie, but they didn't need to know that. "it's pretty damn kick ass." "must you curse every time you open your mouth?" Steve complained with a sigh as Clint shrugged. "sorry Cap." Clint stated. "i keep forgetting you have virgin ears." "....i'm going to hurt you." Steve warned, Clint wisely shutting up. the last time, he had thought the Cap was bluffing and kept on, only to wind up with a cracked rib and a broken nose and a mass of bruises over a good portion of his body because he'd been chucked down a flight of stairs.
“No, you threw me out a window not wearing the suit. Totally different.”Tony sulked a little before grinning. “I know. I have the recording. Watch it sometimes when you get to annoying.” “...I’ve stepped into a alternate reality, and I’m not sure what to do with these two...”Bruce muttered staring at the billionaire and demi-god. “Uh, how am I supposed to stop him from eating them?You’ve noticed he’s like...four times my size right?”tony rolled his eyes as he ate, before smirking. “Apparently to him, that’s flirting.”

“Lies. I know you ate my puppy...”Tony sputtered at that, even if he knew loki had taken the dog back to a shelter after pepper was killed because it had been her dog, not his. And tony had been in no condition to deal with it. “He’s amusing. And have you seen him? No bisexual man would ever turn down his company given the choice. Granted, I prefer if he’s silent while keeping me company, but still.”Tony rolled his eyes a little because it was true, for the most part. He did enjoy thor’s company for more then just staring at him, but at times it was easier if he stopped talking. Looking up at loki’s question he watched the other’s, a quiet vulnerability to his features as he watched, wanting to know, even if it would only be loki who realized just how much he wanted them to like their places. “They are pretty good for us. You did this in two days tony?”Bruce said frowning at the billionaire. “Uh,yes.When you have as much money as I do, it’s easy to build things quickly.”Tony said deflecting, because he so didn’t want to admit that he’d been working nearly non-stop(even ignoring his own projects) for the last six months to get the rooms just right. “Hey, no fighting at the dinner table.It’s like a rule or something.”
Loki smirked. "i still kicked your ass." he stated simply before his eye twitched. "you told me you deleted that recording." he complained, narrowing his eyes at Tony. "you leaked it to You-Tube didn't you?" he demanded, more amused than annoyed. "...i'm just going to ignore them. i figure they're like hallucinations, ignore them long enough and they'll eventually go away." "...when have you had hallucinations?" Clint asked, blinking at Steve who shrugged. "i was a sickly child. i had all kinds of fun medicine." Steve admitted. "it's easy. you say 'Thor don't eat that' or more simply, smack his hand and say 'no'. he'll get the picture." Loki informed Tony with a smirk before he huffed. "gross. flirting with you. ugh. you're young enough to be my great, great, great, great, great, great...." "we get it Loki!" Steve snapped, unable to ignore how annoying that was. "great great grandson. talk about robbing the cradle." "...gross man, just gross." Clint complained.

"i did eat your puppy, and i followed up with your goldfish." Loki stated with a roll of his eyes even as he looked a bit ill at the thought of eating fish and puppies. "...Tony, it's my brother, i don't want to hear you say things like that. ewe." he complained, rolling his eyes. "just gross. ugh. he's not even handsome. and he's as dumb as a box of rocks. i mean honestly." he complained before smiling at Tony's vulnerability, knowing Tony hadn't been able to ask himself, but had been fretting about it. "i like my room." Steve admitted, looking like he didn't want to, but he wouldn't lie. not even when he wanted to. "it's a little creepy that Jarvis can check in on me at any time though..." he admitted. "what if i'm in the bathroom, or changing or something?" he asked, completely unaware that you couldn't build a room like that in two days, ever. even the radio had been specially made to only play Steve's favorite music. and more could be added to it. like an MP3 player. "is it?" Clint asked, Loki nodding. "indeed it is. i worked hard on this meal. it's not easy being a cook. if you ruin my food with ballroom brawling i will turn you into canaries and give you up to the local pet shelter for adoption." he warned as he polished off the last of his own lasagna. "now. Tony and i are going to be watching..." he paused, pulling a blank. "something that i'm probobly going to hate. if you want to join us, your more than welcome to... oh! Banner, you wanted to get some animals right? what kind? i have to go shopping tomorrow, i'll pick them up."
“I did.I just didn’t delete al the copies.”Tony squirmed a little. “Nooooo. I would never do that. It’s not my fault that for once, my systems got hacked, and they conviently found you getting smacked around like a rag doll.”Tony huffed. “Do you still?I mean, even without getting sick, can you still hallucinate?”Bruce said looking thoughtful because while he was more included then tony was, he had spent most of the last two years in india, so he really hadn’t been around to bond with the avengers, at least not as closely as clint, natasha, and steve had. “You get used to it. He says alot of gross things.”Tony snickered.

“...”Tony stared at him before grinning. “I know, but he doesn’t h-” “Stop stark. I might get sick.”Natasha ordered before nodding. “I like mine to. The two walk in closets were a little much but it was nice.”Natasha agreed even though she knew it had been in the works longer then to days. “No its not. I mean.I’ve lived with a woman before, I’m perfectly aware of how much shit women collect,even if you claim you don’t.”Tony huffed though he did look pleased that the other’s were liking their rooms before huffing out a sigh.”There are no monitors in the bedrooms, or the bathroom, and he’s only keeping track in the public rooms because well, we’re avengers, things go boom around us alot. Oh, and speaking of jarvis. Your radio, if you ask him, he can put more music on it, and whatever you want. Personally, mine has all the nobel prize speeches from the last 50 years, but meh.”Tony shrugged a little relaxing as he realized it was okay.That they weren’t happy,but they liked their rooms. He could live with that.Bruce looked a little startled before nodding. “Some rats, and a few canaries.”bruce said at a loss for what to say as tony stood.

“I’m going to go find a movie.”he said before pausing in the doorway, turning to look at the other’s, shifting on his feet. “hey legolas, hunger games or robin hood?”He said for once, it wasn’t going to be loki he was annoying, but he was hoping that if he chose a movie that had archery, the others would join. Not realizing they’d think he was going out of his way to be annoying, instead of what he thought he was doing and choosing a movie he thought they’d all like.
Loki glared at Tony a little. "jerk. as if anyone could hack Jarvis." he scoffed. "no i don't hallucinate anymore." but that was a lie. not that Bruce would be able to tell, but Natasha might be able to if she was paying close enough attention. "then again, i don't need to take medication anymore either." he admitted. "and even if i did, i think medicine has advanced well beyond what was capable when i was a child." he admitted before making a face at the idea of 'getting used to Loki'.

"considering you now have access to the Stark Stockpiles of money, i'm sure you'll be able to fill those closets." Loki assured her with a shake of his head. "i came from another planet and i still have more stuff than you people do combined." he admitted, looking mortified by the idea of not having anything. "...oh. well, as long as he's not watching me." Steve decided, shaking his head. "yeah, it would suck if he was watching me masturbate." Clint commented, smirking as Steve groaned and shook his head. trying to control Clint was just impossible. personally he was just glad that Jarvis wouldn't tattle on him. "really?" he asked, looking surprised by the Radio. he didn't mind some of the more modern jazz. he'd see if he could intersperse it into the old fashioned Jazz too. "...you listen to Nobel peace price acceptance speeches" "so he can practice his own and not repeat something someone else said." Loki stated, looking extremely amused. "they inspire him sometimes." Loki admitted. "Rats, Canries and mice. you got it." Loki agreed, watching Tony. Clint's eye twitched a little at the movie options. "i think i'm just going to go to bed." Clint stated simply, making Loki grimace. "Tony, go put on that Red movie, the one with the bald guy and the gun fights and stuff." Loki ordered. "i only got to see the last few minutes of it. i want to see the beginning." he shooed Tony out and then glanced at the Avengers. "he's trying. he really is." he stated, wondering how to tell them without telling them. "he's not good with people, but if you give him a chance, he'll really surprise you. just give him a chance?" he asked before he started up a massive amount of popcorn. Steve doubted he'd ever like Tony, and turned to Bruce. "are you going to do any medical stuff?" he asked the man. "being a doctor and all i mean." he hoped not, or at least hoped he could go first so he could get high and calm down a little bit.
“I’m sure there’s someone out there that could.”Tony snickered a little. Natasha tilted her head studying the super soldier before smiling a little. “Probably. I mean, we’re not in the stone age anymore,cap.”She teased a little.

“You were also a prince. It comes with lots of baggage.”Tony pointed out, not about to mention most of it was emotional, not physical baggage. Natasha nodded a little,”I’m sure I will.”she said, even if she had no intention of ever touching stark’s money. “...As if I’d ever create a system that could watch people masterbate. I’d never be able to do anything then.”Tony pointed out, really, he was just as bad as clint, and the slight smirk that quirked his lips said that maybe, he could get along with the other man, even if it was just the perverse desire to watch steve freak out that amused them. “Uh, yea. As if I’d ever give something that you couldn’t change. Just tell jarvis what kind of music you want, or a certain artist or whatever, he’ll find them.” “...Why listen to the speeches?” “I do not. I usually end up going on a manic spree when I listen to them. It’s helpful when I get tired of doing shit.”Tony shrugged a little twitching a little under the personal questions. Because it hadn’t been his own choice that had him listening to them, it was Pepper who’d given him the playlist to listen to, and he couldn’t bring himself to turn it off. Tilting his head a little at Clint’s words his shoulders drew tight, nodding.”Well, sleep well then, goodnight.in that case, we’re watching movies upstairs, reindeer.”Tony said before disappearing upstairs to the penthouse, knowing better then to think any of the other’s would think to come after clint made it clear he wasn’t going to.

Natasha raised her eyebrows at loki’s words, as if not believing what she was hearing. After all, she’d spent the longest time with tony, and he hadn’t really changed that much. “Fine.”she said simply watching loki cook. “No, not right now. Maybe in a few days, after we settle in, and I can go see this lab tony set up.”He muttered.”I think we all need physicals, but not tonight.”
Loki rolled his eyes. "not without you knowing about it." he stated simply. "yes, a lot of baggage." Loki agreed. "plus i had all that stuff i needed for my Lab." he agreed. "i have more books than you have mechanical tools." he teased with a smirk. "and you would totally make a machine that got off on watching people yank off." he stated, Steve shaking his head. "i bet Jarvis gives you sex advice." he pointed out. "...thanks." Steve muttered, smiling a little at the idea of something so amazing. it was something he could use without issue despite it being new age. hell, he still wasn't used to the idea of everyone having a phone. growing up, they had phone booths, calls had cost a nickle and only the Drugstore down the street had a permanent phone. he had a phone now too. Fury insisted. Steve didn't even know how to use the flat shiny thing. actually. he was pretty sure it was broken because it wasn't glowing anymore.

"he listens to them because he annoyed me and i charmed the Radio so that's all it would play." Loki lied, covering for Tony. "he can have his radio back in another two weeks." he stated simply, making Clint snort before he narrowed his eyes at Tony's 'joke'. "i'll be up as soon as i make popcorn!" he promised Tony before turning to examine the Avenger. "you of all people, Spy, should recognize a mask when you see one." Loki stated, sneering at her as he gathered up the finished popcorn. "and that's all i'm prepared to say on the matter." he stated as he picked up the bowl, Clint looking stunned. "...Loki clearly hates us." he muttered to Nat. "but he seams quite... interested in making us like Tony. i wonder if somethings wrong?" "of course somethings wrong. you know how close Tony was to Pepper." Steve commented. he could understand hiding pain at the very least. he did it every day. "he's probobly not handling it very well." Steve pointed out. "why else would he let Loki stay here? Tony's probobly too desperate for company to kick the little bastard out." Steve pointed out as he glanced at Bruce. "well... will there be needles? because i don't like needles..." he lied, pretending to be anxious wasn't hard when he was anxious.
“You do, and you don’t share well.It’s depressing.”Tony snickered a little before lpausing, staring at steve for a long moment. “...I’m not the one who needs sex advice in this room, capsicle.”Tony teased a little, a quiet eagerness in his features, maybe he really could make friends. He seemed to be doing okay?Right?Right. “Welcome.”Tony shrugged in response because he had made sure the radio was user friendly, keeping in mind steve wouldn’t know how to use it.

“You horrible, horrible person. You told me two days!”Tony whined, easily following the cover story, even as his shoulders tensed as clint stared at him before retreating out of the room. “...More then he did before.”Natasha agreed looking thoughtful and considering the billionaire and loki before wincing a little. “No, he wouldn’t. He never did handle things well. I’m actually surprised he’s sober really.”Natasha muttered thoughtfully. “No, there wont be.”Bruce said yawning as he stood. “I think I’m going to go get some rest to.” “...Want to watch a movie?”Natasha said after a moment, looking at steve, tilting her head. While she didn’t want to join loki and tony, she wasn’t ready to be aloen in the tower either. If anything, the personal touches and obvious care tony had taken to make it home, was a little creepy.
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