MLP: New Ponyville Stories (Jugger x Vampire)

Discord appeared in a nurse's uniform wincing at Lillian's playing. "I don't know whats going on perhaps someone is trying to make the perfect pony. Besides Twilight is soooooooo Miss Perfect." He rolled his eyes but Lillian stabbed him with her bow as if she knew what he said. "Ah! How?!"

"I can read lips." Lillian said as she continued to play in hopes to keep the other ponies happy and relaxed so they didn't worry about all of this. "Yes, Nathan I saw what you said." Smirking as she kept playing as Twilight walked outside with Nathan while Discord appeared beside them.

"What Discord said makes sense...Someone is either making an ultra pony or practicing their skills to make ponies useless."
He began to frown as he took in all this information, especially with how gifted Lillian was. As the three of them appeared outside, Nathan began to ponder what could be happening. "I would imagine both honestly...and perhaps..." He frowned and crossed his arms. "It may not even be a pony. There are other species of the world like Zacora and the Griffons. Who knows whats behind all of this." Then he blinked, realizing something. "Wait...Whats the highest point in Ponyville's area? Maybe we can see whats happening from a bird's eye view...maybe even see something like where all of the pony skills are going toward." He clenched his fists, knowing he had to do whatever it took to protect this town. "When I find out who did this...they're going to wish they were never born!"
"Ohhh something tells me that this fire is because his dear Lillian is affected." Discord floated about Nathan and played with his ears.

Twilight sighed as she pointed to the mountains. "Discord go with him. I can't go or I'll be next. I need to do damage control."
Nathan didn't know how to feel about the fact that he'd be alone with Discord...but knew he had no choice. Twilight had a good reason to stay behind, and nodded to her. Turning toward the chimera-like being, he frowned and crossed his arms. "Think you could fly me up to those mountains? It'd make the trip much quicker and easier." For Nathan anyway.
"I can do you one better." He snapped his fingers as the pair appeared at the very top of the mountains that over looked Ponyville.
He shuddered as he suddenly appeared at the top of the Mountains, curious as to how Discord had done that. Standing over the ledge...he overlooked Ponyville, his eyes narrowing as he focused on everything that was happening. He saw ponies trudging along, lifeless and weak...some of them going crazy or causing small havoc as time went on. "Sounds like your kinda town Discord..." Nathan murmured. "Wait...whats that...?" He said as he saw the sight of a lone, hooded figure that seemed to disappear into a random household near the edge of Ponyville. "I've never seen that house there fact...I'm sure that used to be an orphanage..." He crossed his arms and looked to Discord. "Can you bring me there?" Nathan would point toward the house that he saw the lone figure leave into. "Just bring me outside of it. I saw someone go in there in an awfully fast hurry..."
Rolling his eyes as he snapped his fingers having Nathan appear a few blocks away from the building. Discord moved behind him. "So what are we going to do? Kick their butts and we tag team your sweet marefriend?" He made kissing sounds as he transformed into Lillian in see through night gown.
Nathan elbowed Discord hard in the gut. "Knock it off you...whatever the hell you are!" He said in annoyance as he walked toward the house and began to look through the windows...He saw nothing. In fact, it looked like the house had been abandoned. The interior was nothing but wooden boards, cobwebs, and moldy wallpaper that was slowly tearing off the sides. "It looks like the Orphanage hasn't been used in years...but that can't be right..." He murmured before going to the door, trying it. It was locked. He kept trying to open it, even resorting to tackling the door. But still it would not budge. He grew more and more annoyed and ran back aways, before jump kicking the door, which finally flung reveal not a house, but the entrance to a long, dark, underground tunnel. "What in Equestria...happened to the orphanage...? An illusion spell on the mirrors...?" He murmured and looked to Discord. "Cmon...lets see where this leads." With that, Nathan would begin to start walking through the long, dark tunnel. It was cold, murky, and the ceiling of it would drip lightly with few water drops. "Where does this lead...?"
"Who says I have to follow you?" He gave the pouting Lillian image but transformed back only to follow him inside and down the cold tunnels. "I never knew this existed."
He growled at Discord but would head further into the tunnels. "It doesn't exist. Or at least it shouldn't exist...This was an orphanage only a few days ago but now it looks like a portal to...someplace..." As Nathan and Discord neared the end of the tunnel, the sounds of machines running, gears turning, and just electronic noises began to fill their ears before coming into a room that looked to be of the future. In the far end of it, a large machine stood with a single Pony standing in the middle of it. He was encased in colored glass, which only showed a silhouette of his body rather than any features. Upon seeing Discord and Nathan...he raised his hands, and metallic screeches began to fill the room as an army of metallic spiders began to come out of every nook and cranny in the room and began to head straight for Discord and Nathan. "Look out!" He said before kicking Discord away, as one had snuck up behind him and tried to mount him from behind. The spider was already in a grabbing position as it missed, and it began to beep before exploding. "What the hell are these things...!?" Nathan said before he began to start punching and kicking the swarm, tearing into their metallic bodies with his fists as they tried to overrun the two of them.
"What the Celestia!? What does this have to do with the other ponies?!" He shouted as he grabbed Nathan as several went to grab for him but the two disappeared from the room. Discord and him appeared in the castle where Twilight was tending to her friends.

"Princess..." Discord announced to her and told her what they saw.
As the two of them would get overrun, Discord had transported the two of them toward the castle, and would immediately see Twilight and her friends. "Twilight..." He murmured as he walked over to the girls and frowned. "Its...I don't know what it was. Metal bugs and...machines." He murmured and crossed his arms. "I've never seen anything like it...but its the old Ponyville Orphanage...thats where they are. We found a tunnel that led into a room unknown pony. He seemed to be siphoning out the skills of all ponies in Ponyville...What should we do?"
She shook her head. "I don't know I just don't know..." She turned as the spiders soon appeared and crashed through the windows and one attached to Twilight and drained her of her life then moved to her friends to drain what was left of them.
"Twilight!" He called out as he suddenly saw one of the spiders begin to attack Twilight and her friends. He grabbed Discord and jumped out a window to get away from the spiders, only to land into a bushel of bushes underneath. "We need to hurry! Lets get back to that orphanage and stop whatever it was that is causing all of this!" He immediately got up, and began to start running through the streets as he headed for the orphanage once more...and upon arriving, followed the long tunnel, not caring if Discord would follow or not. Upon arriving at the end of the tunnel...He would see the figure once more. It was...a unicorn, the horn a metal rather than the natural one it was born with...and it greeted Nathan.

" Ponyville Orphanage. Are you here to make an adoption?" The man said with a grin as his piercing amber eyes stared toward Nathan's general direction. The Pony had a long, flowing mane of jet black hair and the cutie mark upon his hip was that of a wrench and screwdriver combo. "What have you done to Ponyville!?" Nathan called out in anger as the man approached, and raised his hands toward the room around him. It would then be that Nathan could see the skills of all ponies being siphoned into...another room in the back behind the unknown man. "My name is Tinker...and I am a Techromancer. A pleasure to meet you, dear Stone. Now then...Are you here to make an adoption?" He snapped his fingers and a small monitor would display before Nathan showing all the children up for adoption in the back room, and could see them happily having fun and enjoying each other's company.

"What is all of this...?! What are you doing to the Ponies of Ponyville?" Nathan demanded and answer to his question, and the man would blink before the monitor came back to Tinker's hands. "I came upon Ponyville one night a week ago...and found these darlings so sad and one wanted them and they had such low self-esteem...So I thought...Why not make everyone else dull and boring, and make them the cream of the crop? I'm sure that they'll turn those lovely frowns upside down.~" It seemed it was a villain with a desire for something good...even if it meant others were harmed in the process. "I built a machine to suck out the skills of other ponies and place it into my lovely Orphans to make them happy and loved~."
Twilight was hanging on as her magic was transferred to the orphaned foals. Discord fought to get loose from Nathan as he returned to his friends to protect them.
The techromancer grinned toward Nathan as he snapped his fingers, and a spider would latch onto Nathan from behind, pinning him to the ground. The guard looked up toward Tinker and growled as he struggled to get free. "Don't do this! There are better ways!" He cried out as he continued to struggle in the grasp of the bug...only to feel himself slowly losing the powerful strength he had in him slowly and surely as Tinker stepped toward Nathan and rubbed his chin. "Oh but I can. I'm going to make sure that these kids have a loving home if its the last thing I do."

"U-Um...excuse me...Mister Tinker..." A small, frail voice rang from behind Tinker as a pull on his tail caused him to turn around and look toward a small filly that looked up at him with wide eyes. Behind her were several of the other orphans who began to come out due to the noise that was being made outside. "Mister Tinker..." The young child said as he looked at him with big, wide eyes. "But...We don't want to go to anyone else...We like being here with you..." The other young mares and fillies began to murmur in agreement as they all began to start group hugging Tinker, who was...curious to say the least.

"D-Don't you get it..." A weakened Nathan managed to get out as he looked to Tinker with a frown. "You...You love them and take care of them...willing to do anything for their happiness...You did all of...this for them...If anyone deserves these kids...its you Tinker..." Nathan said before passing out due to his strength having been stolen from him. Tinker simply blinked as he looked to the kids and to Nathan...feeling something change inside of him. Nathan's words struck true...and he agreed. If anyone wanted these kids and would care for them, it was Tinker...So...With that, he snapped his fingers and the machine siphoning out the skills of all ponies began to work in reverse, giving everyone in Ponyville back their abilities and powers...and slowly and surely the orphanage would begin to turn back to its normal state as he dismantled his entire lair.

When Nathan would come to, he would be in the hospital. He had no recollection of what had happened past passing out...and looked outside to see repairs being done and the other ponies laughing and enjoying their bright day. "What...happened...?" He murmured. A note had been sent to Twilight, stating the reasons why Tinker had done his actions and would take responsibility for the kids he had done all of this for. Everyone in Ponyville would be back to ship shape and the Orphanage would be back to its normal self...minus the fact it was now a Foster Home run by Tinker himself.
Lillian herself was feeling ill herself as her head was throbbing and she went to his side. "Hey, I heard whats been going on...Well was told." Leaning in as she kissed his cheek. "What you did was wonderful...Though I managed to kill a few of the malfunctioning spiders and sold them as scrap." Smiling as she kissed him softly knowing it'll be awhile before he got his strength back. Walking out of the hospital seeing the perfectly working spiders were doing repairs and renovating the orphanage.

Her on the other hand managed to get a fixer upper type of home and one of the Spiders seemed to gotten him signals mixed up and fix her place. Out of recycled materials and such the house was in perfect living condition. Thanks to Rarity Lillian madeher living through artwork and making colorful blankets.
He chuckled at the sound of her saying she had heard what was going on, finding it amusing, but had said nothing. He smiled at the kiss on his cheek and relaxed in his hospital bed, slowly feeling the strength returning to him all the while. "I'm glad to know everything worked out in the end...All it took was a good heart to be shown the error of his ways and some children to show their love for him." He said with a smile. Once he was well and good, he walked out of the hospital with Lillian and would see Tinker's spiders beginning to work on renovations of the orphanage to make it more...hospitable for the kids he would now look after. Even adding more floors to it to house more kids. Upon arriving he looked to see Lillian's new house and his eyes went wide. "Woah...You've got a place of your own...? This looks amazing...! long was I out for...?"
Smiling as she walked into her one bedroom home. "For awhile. But those spiders do work fast though....I managed to take a few out when they were destroying fixed homes." She said as she was wearing her skirt and blouse. In the back was a screened porch where her art pieces were drying as another room, living room was her crafts room where she was sewing blankets together for the orphanage.
Upon entering, he was mesmerized by the amazing interior that her house had. "Woah...this place isn't too shabby at all." He peered into the art room, and could see the wet artwork drying on the walls. The room looked gorgeous, and upon seeing the blankets in the living room, he smiled as he lightly gripped the corner of one and felt how it felt to the skin. "You're really outdoing yourself here...This whole place looks amazing, Lillian." He smiled and looked to the girl, eyes scanning hers lovingly as he seemed to just love looking into her beautiful eyes. "I'm glad you're feeling better by the way...I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing you were hospitalized like that."
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