MLP: New Ponyville Stories (Jugger x Vampire)

Jumping as he made himself known to her. Looking at him as he still wore his armor. "I really hadn't thought about it since well....I haven't been around foals before. So I haven't thought about it..." She said softly as she ran her fingers over the harden case. "I'm surprised you stuck around." She shouldered the case before walking out into public with him.

"But you heard I haven't decided if I was going to stay or not. If I did then I don't want to stay with Rarity." She said with her walking beside him.
He turned to leave with her, walking out into the public as the two ponies spoke to one another. "I stuck around cause it was an amazing song being played by an amazing violinist. Of course I'd stay. Especially if that violinist is a friend of mine." He gave a small, playful wink as he walked with her along the road. "You don't want to stay with Rarity? Haha...She can be a bit of a handful I'm assuming. Though, do you have anyone else you could stay with here in Ponyville?" He wondered something...and spoke up about it before really even thinking too hard into it. "Maybe, if you could stay with me at my place until you can get a house of your own here in Ponyville? If you decide to stay I mean"
Stopping in the middle of the road as he offered her to stay with him. "Nathan...Are you hitting on me?" Laughing as she was joking about it but it seemed whenever she was out in public he was nearby or they ran into one another. So far she chalked it up to it being a small town.

"Thanks but no. I don't want to be the one mooching off of any Pony. I am starting to like this town which is why I am considering on staying." She said as Rarity ran up to the two of them.

"There you are darling! I was talking to Applejack and she said she needs an extra farm hand. She's willing to hire you if you need extra bits." Rarity said as she stood waiting for Lillian's reply.

"Let me sleep on it." She said parted from the two leaving Rarity standing with Nathan.
He laughed but gave no response to her question about him hitting on her. He would let that sink in itself and let her decide on whether or not he was or not. "Well I'm glad you like our small town. Everyone here knows each other and we all help out when we can." Speaking of helping out...Rarity would come running up to the two of them, offering Lillian a small job as Applejack's part-time farm hand for some extra coin if she needed it. Once Lillian gave her response and left, Nathan would look to Rarity with a smile. "She's awfully nice and talented, that cousin of yours." He said with a smile as he watched Lillian walk off. "She seems to be falling in love with this little town of ours it seems, don't you think?"
Rarity laughed softly. "Sounds like some pony has gotten attached to her." She shifted her stance slightly as she looked at him. "But from what I know of her love life...She's a heart breaker."
He blinked as he heard this and crossed his arms, looking at Lillian as she continued to walk off, and turned back to look at Rarity with a frown. "What do you mean she's a heart breaker? She's been known to leave men she isn't interested in you mean or...?"
"I mean there is a charm to her...Like me. Men find us desirable but yet we have a hard time falling in love. If I remember right one of her lovers broke her heart and she turned around and broke his. He still begs her to come back but she won't." Rarity said but thought about it. "As a matter of fact that was her childhood crush not lover! I don't know if she took on a lover. We were never that close you know?" She said as she walked with him abit as Lillian was back at her place. "I hope you know I was just teasing about you falling for her. You just naturally kind to ponies besides I know you don't have a Marefriend."
He began to wonder what happened to Lillian in the past if she's never been able to fall in love. He felt bad for the girl, and wanted to help her out. "Well, I will say that she's quite interesting and she has piqued my curiosity a bit, so you could say I'm taking an interest in her." He said with a smile as he looked to Rarity. "And no. Haven't been one for a Marefriend really. Never had the time to have one nor would I look. Though Ponyville isn't like my hometown...its much quieter, slower, and better. I have time for this sort of thing so...she'd be an interesting first, don't you think?" He said with a small laugh as he escorted Rarity back to her home. "Tell Lillian I said 'Good night', would you? I'll speak with you later Rarity. Sleep well." With that, he bowed to her, humoring her excellency before turning to begin his night patrols on the town...all the while Lillian was running through his mind the whole time, as well as his wishes for her to stay in Ponyville.
Rarity went inside as she commented to Lillian that Nathan bided her a good night. Lillian was in bed when Rarity told her. She sat there on the bed thinking of Nathan wondering what he was doing. Sighing as she laid back on the pillows in her panties and tank top. Curling up as she fell to sleep but it was an uneasy sleep. Though when morning came she was at the train station with her bags waiting for the train. She had hoped Nathan would show up but in a way didn't want him there.

After awhile she got up and walked off with her things heading to the Apple family farm. That where she was, harvesting apples and helping with the Apple Cider season. Using her magic she picked apples and tossed the bad ones aside yet she walked with Applejack to the market. "Fresh organic Apples for sale!" Lillian cried out as she used her magic to juggle the apples in hopes to lure shoppers. Nothing worked until she started playing her violin as a fiddle.
Nathan had no idea what day Lillian was going to leave, so he wasn't at the train station at all. He was out and about in the market, looking for something to eat...something sweet and juicy, and heard a familiar voice call out saying that some Apples were for sale. Turning, he saw Applejack and Lillian in the market, and began to walk over to the girls as Lillian performed spectacles with her magic to bring more shoppers to their food stand. By the time he would arrive, she was already playing her violin and more customers began to show up. When he finally managed to get to the front, he smiled and waved to AJ and Lillian. "Hey there...I see you took up Applejack's offer, Lillian. Haha. How much for an apple?"
"5 bits, Nathan." Aj commented as she held an apple out as Lillian couldn't talk. "Looks like we got a music teacher here in Ponyville." She smiled as the blonde farmer looked to Lillian as people were paying for apples to the point they were out. "Lillian why don't you take a break..You look worn out."

Lillian looked ill. Her ears were low as she was sweating abit with her pushing her magic to the limit. She felt like hell! Nodding to Apple Jack as she looked to Nathan. "Yup, I decided to stay. I'm tired of city life..." She said as she moved sitting on a bench as her head was throbbing somewhat.
"Is that so?" He said in regards to Applejack stating that Ponyville had a new music teacher, which brought a smile to his face. "Thats fantastic!" After paying for his apple, or rather two of them...he looked to Lillian and could see she was indeed tired, and moved to go sit with her on the bench, offering her the second apple that he had bought. "You okay? this. Maybe it'll help you out a know. Give you back your strength and all that." He smiled as he continued to munch on the one he had already began to eat. "So you decided to stay huh? Thats fantastic. I'm sure Rarity and Sweetie Bell are excited to have their cousin staying in Ponyville now, huh?"
Taking the apple as she looked at the red skin fruit. Sighing as she leaned in against him with her closing her eyes. "I just don't feel like eating. Also those two don't know I'm still here. They still think I left...." She laid there against his shoulder with her nuzzling against him. Though she still held the apple in her hand as she felt her hair falling over part of her face. "I'm staying with the Apple family." Her voice was weak as she told him where she was staying for now.
He frowned as he heard this...wondering why she hadn't told Rarity or Sweetie Bell that she decided to stay rather than leave. He draped an arm over her shoulder, and held her against him as she nuzzled him. "Its nice that the Apple family took you in and all but...don't you think you should tell Rarity and Sweetie Bell you're staying here? This is a small town...they're going to find out sooner or later...and it'll hurt them if they found you here and without you telling them. Though...I'm sure you have your reasons, Lillian." He smiled and patted her shoulder, letting her rest against him. Looking down, he moved some strands of her hair from her face and behind her ear so he could see the mare's beautiful, tired face. "You gonna be alright?"
Laughing weakly as she looked up as he brushed her hair away from her face. "I left this morning and made up my mind about staying while I was at the train station. Went right to Applejack..." She blushed as he seemed to be staring at her. "I think I'll be alright just worn out. Ever felt like you pushed yourself to the limit then pushed beyond it?" Her body ached as she got a chill under the warm sun. It seemed she caught the flu and was working her pretty round ass off while sick.
"Well...You're unused to working this hard I'm assuming. City life sounds easy from the tales of woe and awe that I've heard from ponies who've been there. Out here...we're very hard working ponies." He laughed and kept her as warm as he could as he held her close to him. He was wearing the usual casual clothes, though this time it would be a blue shirt that made his hair pop out more with black pants and white sneakers. "Just don't work yourself to death too hard okay? You'll get used to it haha. look like you could use some bedrest after today. Need me to help you back to AJ's farm?"
"I may need some help getting there." Smiling as she got up with him and stayed within his arm while he took her back to Aj's farm. Lillian was staying in the barn where it was cooler on days like this or warm on cool days. "They agreed to let me stay here until I got enough to pay for my own place." She turned to face him as Big Mac walked by without his shirt. Lillian couldn't help but look at Big Mac, his orange hair glistened against his red strong form. She looked back to Nathan realizing she may have a thing for Earth Ponies as they possessed strength and determination.

"Come on by anytime to check up on me." Her arms slipped around Nathan's neck as she hugged him before heading to the spare room they had for her.
Nathan would help Lillian up and made sure she was able to stand steady as he wrapped an arm around her to help her stay up as they walked to Applejack's farm. Upon arriving, he would be directed to the barn, where he led Lillian to and heard her explain how they would allow her to stay in the barn until she had enough money for her own place to live. He didn't notice Lillian eyeing Big Mac as he was just trying to make sure she was standing steadily. "Well hopefully that time comes soon so you can have an actual place for you to live rather than a barn." He laughed. "And I'll definitely be back sometime to check on you." He hugged her back before she left, and smiled...wondering if he could help her out in any way, shape, or form. He was thinking about it the entire time on the way home, and wondered if Apple Jack would accept a small donation to be given to Lillian as a 'bonus' for her hard work. He figured Lillian wouldn't accept his money for free so he would try to disguise it as a bonus.
When she was alone she was stripped down naked and slipped into her bed. The darkness and the coolness of the room felt wonderful. At this point she didn't care if Nathan saw her naked when he came by to check up on her. After awhile she did fall to sleep as she was able to get into a really deep sleep where she wasn't aware of the movement outside the room. Groaning softly as she turned over as the blanket wrapped over her hip as her back was to the door.
He would indeed return later that night to check in on her, though through the darkness of the barn, he could only see her sleeping and wasn't able to tell that she was naked at all. He simply left her be, letting her get her rest. He would step outside and look to the sky, smiling as the moon was nice and bright, lighting up all of Ponyville with enough light to have any night traveler able to get by. He wondered what Luna was doing, and if she was ever looking down upon him for he was active both day and night, unlike most Ponies. With a shrug, he would resume his patrols, all the while thinking of Lillian and the time they had spent together.
A few days later Lillian was feeling better as she was still working hard at the farm and Aj then gave her a bonus. Surprised by this act as she hadn't been working long. "How?" She asked as Aj didn't answer but after working bit more Lillian got a basket together and took off for town to Nathan's place. Knocking on his down as she wore her shorts and a tank top. "Nathan!"
He would awaken when he heard the knocking at his door, and yawned as he stood up, wearing nothing but some gym shorts. Walking to the door, he opened it...and she'd be able to see his bare chest and muscles, abs on his body and well-built body. He blinked, still looking tired as he saw Lillian but it soon grew into a friendly and peaceful smile. "Welcome Lillian...what brings you here?" He wondered if Applejack had given her the 'bonus' that Nathan gave her. It was some of his savings throughout the years he worked as a Guard for Ponyville and it was just enough to spare without him feeling worried he might be in trouble if something were to happen. "Would you like to come in for a bit? Are you feeling better?"
"I came by to see if you wanted to go on a picnic. I was told you came by to see how I've been when I was ill. Thought I'd treat you t breakfast by the lake." She held the basket up showing him she packed things for them. "How about it?" When he agreed she waited until he got dressed. Letting him lead her to the lake but she managed to find a spot where it was the two of them.

With a blanket spread out she sat down while taking out the pancakes that tasted of oranges, strawberries came out with fresh milk. The birds were singing nearby as they sat in the shade of the trees. "This is wonderful..." She looked at him.
He nodded to her. "Of course I'll go to the lake with you." He said with a smile. "Just give me a moment to go change." With that, he went to grab a shirt to throw on, put some pants on, and fitted his feet with socks and shoes before joining Lillian, and following her out to the lake where they had finally found a secluded spot for just the two of them to be. He sat down on the blanket beside her, smiling as he smelled the aroma of pancakes and it made him hungry. "Wow outdid yourself. This looks amazing and it smells grand." He said with a smile as he laid on his side, propping himself up with his arm as he faced her and looked to the pancakes. "So how are you enjoying your new life here in Ponyville?"
"Its not bad. Not so much pressure to be perfect." She said as she let him grab whatever he wanted. "Granny Smith allowed me to make breakfast but made extra for us." She informed him as she grabbed a pancake with her fingers and ate it that way. Her hands were clean but as she looked out at the lake there was flour in her hair. Nibbling on her pancake as she sipped on her bottle of fresh milk.

"Ever gone swimming in the lake?" Looking over at him as she finished her share of the meal.
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