MLP: New Ponyville Stories (Jugger x Vampire)

Eyeing her hair, he noticed the flower and chuckled lightly, but said nothing to her...for she had brought up swimming in the lake. He figured if they'd go swimming, that flour would wash from her hair so he didn't want to worry her. "I've done it a few times on days that I am just relaxing. Its usually nice and cool." He smiled as he began to eat some of the pancakes, loving the taste of the pancakes that she and the Apple family had made for them. Drinking some milk, he smiled as he wiped away a milk mustache and looked out to the waters that reflected beautifully thanks to the sun's rays. "Why? Would you like to go swimming?"
Smirking as she didn't say a word as she looked at him. Getting up as she unbuttoned her shorts, slipped her shoes off with her shirt. In her bra and panties she took off for the water. Once her toes touched the cold water she dived right into the cold water. Kicking and paddling to the bottom but kicked hard against the floor of the clear lake. Surfacing she broke through the water and turned to look to the shore line.

"Well I guess I should ask if you went skinny dipping." Laughing as of course she wasn't naked but she was close to it as she swam.
He blinked suddenly, nearly choking on a pancake as she began to strip down before him and started to go into the water in nothing but her underwear. He drank some milk to help wash down the pancake and blushed lightly as he looked at the girl. "Well skinny dipping? At night, yes. When everyone is asleep and when it was a night off for me to relax and enjoy the moonlight Luna provides for us." He said with a smile as he began to start taking his shirt off as well, tossing it to the side and began to work on removing his footwear and pants...leaving him in nothing but boxer shorts as he ran forward and jumped into the water, cannonballing and going underneath before coming up to get a gasp of air. "C-Cold...haha..." Nathan grinned and began to splash Lillian lightly with water.
"Ah!" She laughed as she grabbed hold of his wrist and climbed onto his back. "HA!" Holding on to his shoulders but pushed off of him and swam around him. With them both in their underwear and under the sun but she blushed as she was starting to like him. Deciding to take a chance she grabbed his hand and moved closer to him with her kissing him.
He laughed as she began to crawl atop of him and push off, and began to swim around with her, smiling and enjoying her company greatly. He had grown close to her in the small time that she had been in Ponyville and he was glad to have had met her that fateful night two weeks ago. He sighed in content...closing his eyes to relax when suddenly he felt her grab his hand and start to kiss him on the lips, his eyes suddenly opening and widening as he felt her lips upon his...and he embraced her. He wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her close, kissing her back with lots of care and passion as he closed his eyes, thinking of nothing but Lillian and their time together right then and there.
Within his embrace she felt her heart racing as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Breaking the kiss as she moved her lips to his ear and gave him a playful nibble. She was happy she took the risk on kissing him as he had returned the kiss but with more passion. The water was cool as she still held on to him. "I'm glad you feel the same way about me..." A weak laugh left her lips as she cupped his cheek while she kissed him once more.
He felt at peace with her, his heart was fluttering and he had butterflies in his stomach as he spent this moment with her. He smiled gently and kissed her once she cupped his cheek and told him that she was glad how he felt about her, and resumed the passionate kiss he gave her. Nothing would ruin this moment. Nothing at all...He was happy to have won her over and it was as Rarity said...he was falling for her. Soon he pulled away from the kiss, putting his forehead against her horn as he looked into her eyes with a small laugh. "I'm glad we met that night...otherwise none of this might be a reality."
Moaning softly in the second kiss. Her fingers dug into his shoulders with her breasts pressed against his chest. With soft eyes as she looked back into his own while he commented about that night. "I'm happy you kept coming around..." Smiling as she nuzzled against him but slipped from his arms to swim little more before walking to shore. The water dripped down the curves of her strong thighs and down over the swell of her breasts. Her long black hair had gotten so long that it hung to her small of her back.
"Of course I'd come back around...especially for a pony like you." He said with a smile as he watched her swim around, and proceeded to just relax by floating until she began to walk ashore, and he saw her body give off an amazing view for him when it was paired with the water. "Man you are beautiful..." He murmured as he would join her on the shore, and stepped off...letting his body lightly shine due to the water that clung to him as it rolled off his skin. He made his way over to the towel she laid out, and laid down on it, smiling at the girl. "I can tell life here in Ponyville is going to be a lot more interesting for the two of us huh? Haha."
Laying out on the large towel with him as she nuzzled up to him. Her hand gently ran over his chiseled chest. "It should be interesting." Smiling as she closed her eyes awhile she laid there under the sun with him. Though them getting sexual may not be for awhile.
He sighed in content, wrapping her in his arms and laying there with her to relax as the sun dried off their bodies as they lay there...relaxing for a bit. He had fallen asleep due to how tired he was from earlier and how relaxed he was when he held her in his arms. Soon enough a cricket would jump on his forehead before making the sounds of its people, before jumping of of him that wakeup call. He yawned for a bit and stretched, and looked to Lillian with a smile before kissing the top of her head gently. "Hey...we should probably pack up and go before it gets late, Lillian. Though if you want to stay a bit for some night swimming...I'm sure I can protect you from any creepy crawlies lurking in the dark."
Just like him she was asleep in his arms. Though when he woke her up she noticed the sun was going down as the moon was rising. "I should get back. Applejack gave me a bonus and won't say what for. I done my screw ups..." She said as she moved getting dressed then with his help got the basket back together. "I didn't think we'd be sleeping that long." Laughing as she let him carry the basket as she linked her arm with his own.

Smiling as she twirled her tail around his own as she walked with him to the Apple Family farm. Before parting she kissed him softly before heading inside to wash the dishes and get to dinner. But after doing her chores she went to her room to see Big Mac still working there. "Big Mac...Get!" Playfully swatting him away before getting to her room where she locked her door. It seemed rather odd Big Mac was still working where her room was.
Nathan smiled and nodded as he awakened to Lillian's words and stretched a bit. "'re right haha. I was just soooo comfortable...I didn't know I'd be asleep that long." He said with a small smile and stood up, and began to start putting his clothes on. Once the two of them were nice and dressed once more, he grabbed the picnic basket and escorted the pony home...arm in arm and kissed her back as she kissed him. With that, he said his goodbyes and good nights and went home as well, this night being one of few he usually had the night off on. He was going to get some real rest to get his body ready for tomorrow. Upon arriving home, he would strip down nude, and put on a clean pair of boxer shorts before climbing into bed, slumbering away after a peaceful evening with Lillian.
Lillian laid in bed but as the night went on her ears were ringing softly then suddenly her hearing was gone. When morning came she didn't hear Applejack yelling for her but she was woken up in a rough way.

"What in the Celestia!" Lillian shouted as she sat up to see Applejack looked mad but there was no words coming out of her mouth. "Ha ha nice joke...." Lillian said as Applejack looked at her with an odd look. Lillian looked to her boss who tried to speak but Lillian really couldn't hear anything. Applejack swept her off to the hospital seeing there were other ponies there who lost their hearing, some their sight.
Having heard of the incidents suddenly happening overnight, Nathan felt it was his duty to head toward the hospital to see what was happening with the Ponies and their senses. Though, he caught a familiar sight...Applejack. He ran over to her, hoping that she wasn't one of the patients that needed help and tapped her on the shoulder. "Applejack...please tell me you can hear me or even feel my touch on your shoulder." He murmured as he looked away toward the others who were having problems. "What exactly is going on here in Ponyville? Whats happened to these Ponies' senses?"
"I don't know, Nathan....Lillian missed work and well..." She nodded as Lillian was among the deaf ones. Her own cutie mark of music was fading slowly to the point it was gone. "Some pony is stealing the senses but not just that..." She trembled as one earth pony she's know in the next town over looked so weak. His once toned body was weak and feeble; he didn't possess the body of a muscle builder. Not only the five basic senses were going but what made ponies who they were was being taken away.

"Nathan....Lillian's deaf, Donto is weaker than paper...Even Spike lost his energetic personality..." Applejack was worried but soon Big Mac was brought in as he was losing his color with his muscle tone. Even his quiet personality was gone as he was screaming at the top of his lungs.
He blinked as he heard all of this...and crossed his arms. "From what you tell me...It sounds just like the Ponies are exact opposites of what they are...Especially er...Big Mac..." He murmured as he rubbed his ears to his constant yelling as he was brought by. "Applejack we need to figure out whats happening and get to the bottom of this mess...Has Twilight said anything regarding this? Or...Let me guess....she's one of the patients here and she's not interested in her books or figuring out whats wrong..."
"I haven't seen her since the festival...More than likely she's in a magic bubble to study...As always." She said as she lead him out and down the road to the castle. It seemed the main 6 weren't affected and the foals were starting to become infected by this. Entering the purplish castle to see a familiar misshapen figure floating with Fluttershy.

"Why hello Applejack!" Discord popped around the two. "Decided to mount Nathan afterall and came for some magic help?"

Applejack blushed as she took a swing at him. "No! Wheres Twilight?"

"In her study as always." Discord sighed. Seeing Applejack running off.
He blinked...and was confused. What was this...creature? And why was Fluttershy with him? Applejack seemed distressed by his appearance, and didn't know what to think. He ran after Applejack to see if Twilight was safe, and to figure out what the hell was going on in Ponyville. "Applejack slow down!" He called as his feet took him as fast as he could to catch up with the girl. "What was that thing? Who was that?" He called out, not knowing of Discord's previous attempts on Ponyville and its chaos.
"Discord...He's a symbol of Chaos. Before you came to work here he was close to destroying Ponyville so something like this...Ponies getting their senses taken away from them is well...Right up his alley. But since Fluttershy became his only friend he "turned good". I still don't trust him." She informed Nathan as they pushed the doors open to a large library to see Twilight sitting on the floor reading and making notes.

"Twilight!" Applejack hit the magic bubble only to scare the Princess.


"The ponies in Ponyville are having things taken from them. Hearing, sight, their quiet manner....Even Spike is among the victims." Applejack informed Twilight who looked shocked only to find out Twilight has been studying for a week straight. Twilight went through her books as if reading about something like this before.

"Nathan....Applejack, I think there is a pony out there whose stealing these things. I mean actually stealing and may grow powerful enough to over come the Princesses. We have a common but yet strong thief on our hands." Twilight looked to Nathan. "On this scale....They are planning something big."
"Could this really be a thing...!?" Nathan said in surprise as he listened to Twilight speak regarding the events happening about how Ponies were losing their senses and their personalities. "More powerful than the princesses...we've gotta do something! Its my job to protect Ponyville! But..." He looked around toward Applejack and then to Twilight, then to his own hands as he looked curiously at them. "Why haven't we been affected?" He murmured as he crossed his arms and frowned. "Do you think that...Chimera looking guy...Discord...Had something to do with this? Fluttershy and Discord seemed awfully calm about everything that was happening in Ponyville..."
Twilight shook her head. "If he was doing this then it would be a selected few like Applejack. Since he loves to teas-" There was a sudden crash as Rainbow Dash was affected by this. Her speed was gone and soon there was a sudden scream, Rarity was affected then Pinkie Pie was down then Discord screamed as Fluttershy was hit.

Twilight dragged the two out as Applejack was zapped. The orange mare stood there as it looked like her essence was being drained then Applejack fell to the ground, out cold. Twilight herself was starting to get scared but her ears perked. There was a lone violin and the music sounded so sickly like it was trying. "Nathan....Do you hear that?"
Everything seemed to go crashing around them all at once from what all that just happened. He heard Rainbow Dash crash and Rarity and Pinkie Pie, even Applejack and Fluttershy were shot down and afflicted by this curse it seemed. It was just Nathan and Twilight left, and upon hearing the violin that sounded through the air, he put his hands to his ears and stayed between Twilight and the source of where the music was coming from. "Tch...Gah...Yeah...I wish I didn't hear it but...I do. It sounds like a violin...Cmon...lets go see whats up, Twilight." He murmured. "Stay behind me. I'll be sure to keep you safe." With that, he began to head onward toward the source of the violin's music...the closer he got, the louder it got for him and it was hurting his ears with how horrid the music was. "What do you...tch...think it is...?"
Twilight casted a spell on the two where the music wasn't affecting them. "I don't know but its coming from the hospital..." She pointed as the rushed in to hear it was adjusting. Soon she approached seeing it was Lillian trying to play. Tilting her head as Lillian soon found the right tone and began to play like she had down before the curse hit them all.

"Odd....She can't hear but she's playing music as if she isn't affected...." She said as she looked to the other ponies who were listening to see their spirits were being lifted.
Upon seeing this...he blinked...realizing just how amazing of a violinist that Lillian was. He looked to the other ponies who began to have their spirits lifted thanks to Lillian's violin playing and then looked to Twilight. "She...She's so good at her custom violin that she can play anything she's used to without even needing to hear the music itself...Look at the other ponies. They're looking more alive and happy." He said as he crossed his arms and stayed vigilant as he observed the other ponies. "At least their spirits are being uplifted...Lillian might be able to keep them sane and happy until we figure out whats causing this mess. Discord seems unaffected by all of you think maybe he knows whats happening?" He wondered if Discord would really help them. According to Applejack, he wasn't to be trusted...but he saw his 'one friend' get blasted and cursed as well. If he was true to being her friend, he wondered if he'd give some advice or help.
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