MLP: New Ponyville Stories (Jugger x Vampire)


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
Ponyville's night. A quiet time. Peaceful, dark, and moonlight by the large moon that hangs above the town of ponies. It was a night like any other night, yet tonight held something new in store for two particular ponies that would change their lives as they knew it...even if they didn't know it at first. Down on one of Ponyville's empty streets walked a lone Guard, doing patrols to make sure nothing nasty and dangerous would wander into the city and hurt the people within Ponyville.

Nathan was born to the earth, his hair colored a dark red and a tail of gray with a blue hinge on the very tip of it. He was a guard, protecting Ponyville and keeping it safe. He knew that guard duty was his destiny, as he had always wanted to protect others...and when his cutie mark showed a shield, he knew his profession was set in motion and he would live the job he had always wanted. For a long time he was a guard for Ponyville but he had always been...reserved to himself. He hardly knew anyone but a lot of people knew him oddly enough. He was known to have a kind heart, a quiet personality, but willing to put everything on the line to save someone from danger.

Tonight, Nathan would walk the streets of Ponyville once more. Things were the same as usual...everyone was asleep, the streets were illuminated by moonlight, and nothing eventful would happen. He sighed silently, but also smiled lightly as he did enjoy the peace of the city he protects. However, up in the odd sight was before him. Another pony? Out this late at night? How odd. Usually everyone was asleep...So he decided to go see if this Pony needed help with anything if she was awake at this time of night.
The train malfunctioned a few stops back so it arrived later than usual. Lillian was a curvy unicorn with long black hair and tail. Her golden coat glistened as she stood there with her bags looking around. She stood there in a pair of jeans and a white blouse and over her shoulder was a violin case. Her green eyes looked about seeing her cousins weren't there.

Sighing as she moved looking at the map of Ponyville on the board. Looking at it as she was trying to find her cousins home. "Great....To out of date." She said softly but turned to see a guard in the distance. Waving over to him as she wanted him to acknowledge that she seen them.
The girl seemed to be flustered and in trouble...something about the map made her sigh, just barely hearing her say that it was an out of date map. She had waved him over, and approached the girl. "Hello there." He said with a gentle, friendly smile as he approached the girl, his arms crossed as he looked at the map and it was indeed...and outdated one. "Seems like that map of yours won't do you any good, miss..." He eyed her for a bit, and looked to the train that she arrived on. She was new in town it seemed. "So...You're new to Ponyville it seems, miss? Haha. Do you need help with anything? That map won't do you any good since a lot has changed since it was printed. Anywhere in particular you need to be?"
Laughing softly as she nodded to him. "Yes, I'm from Manehattan and I'm here to see my cousin Rarity. But my train had to do some repairs and well got here late." Sighing as she adjusted the straps of her case. "Do you know Rarity? She has a little sister names Sweetie Bell...They are my cousins." She said as she thought of something else that could help. "Rarity is a fashion designer and lives in a fair themed ride."

At this point she was tired and just wanted sleep. Reaching up she pushed her hair from her golden horn with her looking up at him.
He nodded in response to her speaking about Rarity, and indeed he knew her and where she lived. "Of course I know where Rarity lives...when you live in a house like that, how can you not make note of it to remember? Haha. I know the way there but...its rather dangerous at night to go alone. How about I escort you ma'am? It'll be safer and you'll get there for sure...especially since I'm not the best pony with directions." He said with a laugh and held his hand out for a handshake. "My name is Nathan...and I am a guard for Ponyville. I'll happily escort you to Rarity's if you'll allow me, miss."
Reaching out as she took his hand. "Lillian." Nodding as she allowed him to grab one bag as she followed him. "Thanks but how could this be dangerous? A small town like this? Manehattan is more dangerous at than this place." She said with a smirk while she followed him through the darkness. Like his cutie mark is a shield, her is a sheet music. Since she was a filly she loved music and when she picked up the violin well every door seemed to open up for her. She played for plays, festivals and even parties back in the city but she was stretched so thin that she needed a vacation. So she decided to visit Rarity.
He picked up one of her luggage bags and smiled at the girl. "You never know what is lurking in the darkness, miss. And a young mare like yourself being out alone? It'd be awfully dangerous haha. It's probably just safer to be escorted by a guard rather than to walk alone." He winked playfully at her before starting to walk off, leading her toward Rarity's house. Along the way, he noticed the cutie mark the girl had and looked up at her. "Are you into music?" He said with a smile as they walked on...wondering if she was a musician of sorts based on her cutie mark. "What instrument do you play?"
"Violinist." She said as she looked at him then followed his eyes to her hip seeing where he got the idea. "I've been playing since I was a filly and when you're being constantly hired to do work...You get stretched bit thin." Laughing softly as her hips swayed with every step. The stars were bright in this tiny town so once in awhile she'd look up and admire them. Shortly they arrived at her cousins and she knocked.

A snow white unicorn little filly appeared with curly pink and purple locks. "Cousin Lily!" She cried out and hugged Lillian's waist. Lillian smiled at Sweetie Bell as she put her bags inside then turned taking the last one from Nathan. "Thank Nathan for escorting me here."
"A filly huh?" He said with a smile. "Wow...You must be an amazing Violinist if you've been playing ever since you were that young. Its no wonder you got that cutie mark." He said with a small laugh as they continued on. As she looked up to the stars, Nathan would also look up to watch them twinkle in the cloudless sky and began to think about how well the pegasi were at moving the clouds. He smiled as the sky was bright with moon and starlight and then he heard a small voice in the distance say 'Cousin Lily!'. Turning, he saw the unicorn suddenly come and hug Lillian's waist, which brought a smile to his face. "No problem Lillian. Haha. You came into town at the perfect time. We're having a festival coming up soon. Maybe I'll see you there?"
"Perhaps." She said as she had a tiny filly hanging off of her by now.

"Lillian! Sweetie Bell let go of her!" Rarity was walking down stairs in striped slacks and her famous red rimmed glases. The purple haired unicorn took them off as she hugged Lillian. It was hard to believe they were related since the sisters were snow white while Lillian had a golden coat. Rarity looked to Nathan with a smile. "Thank you for escorting her here, Nathan. Care for some hot tea before you head on out?" She smiled as she swatted Sweetie Bell to help Lillian to settle in the guest bedroom.

Lillian gave Nathan one last smile before following her little cousin to her bedroom. It was there Sweetie Bell was asking for music lessons in hopes her cutie mark will be something with music. All Lillian could do was smile as she knew Sweetie Bell's talent dealt with singing but she had to figure out that herself. "I'll talk your sister about it but I can't teach you the violin since its very tricky and...Well its custom made. But my suggestion is when it comes to finding your cutie mark...Do what comes naturally."

Sweetie Bell pouted and walked off. To Lillian it was clear the young filly this is one lesson she will have to learn the hard way. With it being late Lillian stripped down to her simple white panties and crawled into bed. When morning came she was out on the town with Rarity to get an idea where everything was but noticed this small town was setting up for the festival that was days away. Slowly Lillian was falling in love with this town and was playing with the idea of moving there for good.
Nathan blinked as he suddenly saw Rarity make an entrance wearing her usual glamorous attire. He laughed lightly, amused at the usual Rarity that he knew, and began to wonder if the three girls were truly related due to their vastly different colors. They seemed to know one he would just go with what Lillian already told him. "No problem, Rarity. It was my just my job and...I'm terrible with giving directions haha. I thought it would be best if I brought her here myself." When offered, he nodded and smiled. "Tea sounds grand, Rarity. Thank you. Though I can only stay for a moment before I resume patrols." With that, he would head into the household and followed Rarity and Lillian.

Upon entering the room, he saw Sweetie Bell practically beg Lillian to learn how to play music, only to hear that the girl's violin was custom made. "Custom made?" He said with a smile, standing there in his golden-plated armor that covered his broad chest and arms, his legs standing straight constantly in a disciplined manner as he looked down to the girls. This would make him look rather tall compared to most other ponies, and he looked powerful and capable of protecting others, all the while giving a sense of security with his very presence. "A custom made violin huh? It sounds rather unique. If its made just for you...I bet you know how to play it perfectly." He said with a small smile as he turned to watch Sweetie Bell walk off.

Once tea time was over, Nathan would wave his goodbyes and leave...wondering what Lillian was like. She was new here...and apparently from Manehattan, the big city. 'She's an interesting one indeed...' He said with a smile plastered on his face as he resumed his patrols, the moonlight shimmering off his armor as he was like a beacon within the darkness to all those who needed light. When morning would come around, he would still be patrolling the city, though on a more...leisurely manner. He wore an orange shirt to go with his red hair and gray tail and a pair of blue pants with white sneakers. He was casually walking around, his night shift over with so now he had time to himself...and he would spot a familiar face in the village. "Lillian?" He said silently as he began to approach her and Rarity with a smile. "Hey there, Lillian. How was your first night in a peaceful town like this?" He seemed a bit smaller without his armor, just a bit taller than Lillian herself, and he still wore a friendly smile upon his face. "Seems like the town is getting hyped up for the festival coming up."
The girls turned when Nathan came up and it seemed he inserted himself between them. Almost on cue the cousins wrapped their arms around his own. The girls may look different but both agreed when a man is out with a mare he should act like a gentlemen or gentlepony. "I noticed it...I guess it takes a few days for it to come together?" Lillian looked up at him as she was wearing a frilly skirt with high heeled boots. Her long black hair was up in a bun as she walked with Nathan.

Once more Sweetie Bell and her friends rushed by them to offer help to others. Lillian already figured out the girls did things half hearted. Which is why she wasn't going to give Sweetie Bell lessons on music. The cousins walked with Nathan to see the town but Pinkie Pie turned and saw Lillian and gasped. In moments she was gone.

"What was that?" Lillian asked as she held on to Nathan as if ready to use him like a shield but Rarity rolled her eyes.

"She's the type who loves parties. She'll fashion one up for no reason...But one thing I do like is her doing a "Welcoming" Party." Rarity informed Lillian what to expect.

"How long does she take-" That was all she said as flash of pink yanked Lillian away to Sugar Cube Corner.

"That long..." Rarity smiled as she followed Nathan along to the small welcoming party held for Lillian where Pinkie was dragging her about to introducing her to every pony there.
He hadn't expected them to suddenly wrap around him. 'Well this was unexpected.' He thought in his head, but didn't fight them off or move away. He simply stood there and crooked his arms so he was wrapped around them as well to play along, and began to walk with Lillian. "You look amazing today if I might comment about that, Lillian." He said with a smile. "Did your cousin design that for you?" And upon seeing Pinkie Pie, he blinked silently as her reaction and simply laughed. "Thats Pinkie Pie for ya...Its like Rarity says. Expect some sort of 'Welcome' party later with most, if not everyone, from Ponyville there. I'd say she's got one ready in-" Before he could finish speaking...a pink flash would suddenly fly by them, and Lillian would've been whisked away. "Well then...she beat my expectation by three hours..."

Upon arriving at Sugar Cube Corner, Nathan simply stood back, crossing his arms with a small laugh as Pinkie went about introducing everyone to Lillian. "I remember when Pinkie gave me my first Welcome Party...haha. I was just a scare pony who had just arrived as part the new guard and I guess I made friends with everyone that day." The red haired pony laughed lightly as he recalled the days of past when he was getting to know everyone, and they to him.

Later on he would appear behind Lillian, tapping her with his fingertips on her shoulder to get her attention, for he was holding two small plates of cake in one hand, each plate holding a fork. "Cake? It is your party after all. Figured you'd like the first slice." He held one of the plates out toward her and waited for her to take one if she wanted some cake. "First day of Ponyville is exciting huh? Especially when you've got Pinkie around."
Her head was spinning with new names and faces with occupations. Finally when she got some time to herself she felt someone behind her. Turning to see Nathan standing there with a plate with some sugar inducing coma. Laughing as she took the plate from him. "Thanks...This is overwhelming even for a Pony from the city." Lillian ate the 'meat' of the cake as she left the frosting off of it or ate very little of it.

"But to your questions about last night and today. Yes, the violin was a custom build from my parents for my birthday when I graduated from school. The outfit...Rarity didn't design it. Its off the rack sort of fashion. You know she designs high end things that is meant to be worn once then put on display. Me...I like to keep wearing mine so I make sure what I get is well made and is durable."
He began to eat his own cake as well, loving the taste of it. Pinkie Pie's cakes were usually really good for him and he would listen to Lillian as she spoke about her violin and dress. "Well...I just know that you look really good in it, Lillian." He said with a smile as he continued to eat his cake. "Its good that you aren't like your cousin like that haha...I wonder how many clothes she throws off once she wears them once. Its nice seeing an old outfit that you can reuse. So thats admirable of ya." He winked playfully to hear before finishing off the last of his cake. "So that Violin is a birthday present? I'd love to hear you play it sometime. If you've been playing since you were a filly...I bet you're really good."

He smiled, looking off into the crowd as they conversed and enjoyed Pinkie Pie's many party games and would look back to Lillian. "So whats city life like? Manehattan...I've never been there before. I just know its a large city full of rich people...or so the rumors tell. As I said, I haven't been there before haha. I've always lived around in the countryside and rarely went to the city for...leisure visits moreover than business with guarding something." Suddenly he'd hear a crashing sound and look over, seeing the bob-for-apples bowl flipped over on top of a random pony who had accidentally toppled it after getting surprised by something Pinkie put in the water. It looked like a fish, as it was flopping around on the floor and he chuckled a bit before looking over to Lillian, giving her his full attention once more.
Before she could answer him she turned seeing the crash but some of the water landed on her. Rarity gasped in shock but Lillian was laughing as she was soaked. There was nothing she can do but wring the water out of her skirt. "Accidents happen!" She reassured her cousin who gave her a fussing look.

"Think of this party but larger on a nightly basis..." She said to Nathan. "Its loud, the personalities constantly clash with other ponies' personalities, plus its a show off of who has the latest clothing or item." She said as she looked up at him. "I've been to every party because of my talents. I came here to get away from it all to you know relax and recover." She said as she looked at the icing on her plate but to stay in the spirit of things she smeared some of it on the tip of his nose.

Those who were watching busted out laughing and soon a icing fight broke out but Rarity was quick to run out before any icing got on her.
He nodded, closing his eyes and imagining the big bustling city based on Lillian's description. He imagined all kinds of ponies and different kind of outlandish clothing that he had never seen...then thought that was rather silly and began to start imagining ponies in clothing and fashion that Rarity had designed over the years since he himself lived in Ponyville. "Wow...Such an...odd place...yet it sounds fun..." He didn't open his eyes until he felt the smearing of icing upon his nose, and blinked as he looked to see it on the tip of it. He laughed with the crowd, before suddenly icing began to start get thrown around left and right. Nathan would only laugh as he took some of the icing that landed on the table next to him and smeared some of it on Lillian's cheeks to tease her before throwing the rest of his handful at a random pony who was aiming for Lillian. "Heh...Think we should get out of here while we have the chance to find a nice and quiet spot to chat...?"
"Ah!" She stood there laughing as he got her cheek but Sweetie Bell turned to get Nathan but Lillian had two handfuls and just slapped it on the filly's face and smeared it in her hair.

"LILLLIAN!" Sweetie Bell shouted but watched as Nathan pulled her cousin out of the fight she started.

Laughing as she walked off with him followed. Using her magic as the icing was cleaned off of them. "You couldn't start a playful fight like that in the city. If you did you'd be arrested and be black listed. So something like Pinkie Pie's party....No one would be caught dead at." She said as she walked with him to the town square where the water fountain was. She looked at it closely seeing it was brand new with a star burst at the top.
Upon hearing this, he immediately hated the city. "No way no how then...everyone sounds too stuck up if we can't have a little fun with our food. Especially at a party like Pinkie's. Its like...its like tradition!" He said with a small laugh as he followed her, seeing her magic lift off and clean their bodies of the cake icing from the food fight. Upon arriving to the fountain, Nathan would begin to think about Lillian as she looked at the Fountain. She was a violinist, beautiful, and knew magic. She was also kinda and smart...and she was quite the pony. He smiled and moved to sit on a nearby bench that was only a few feet away from them and faced the fountain, beckoning for her to come over and sit beside him. He would relax against the bench, an arm on the armrest with the other one draping over the backrest behind her if she would sit down beside him. "Country life out here in Ponyville may be different than the City but I assure'll have fun. Especially if you enjoyed that party Pinkie Pie pulled and want some peace and relaxation."
Sitting down beside him as she looked at the water. It sprayed from the star burst in different colors but the colors faded to normal when the reach the collected water below.

"Well I'm here for about a week then I'll be heading out to Canterlot for an audition." She said as she was starting to enjoy this slow paced town. Though she was the type of pony who didn't like to mooch off of others so if she was going to stay here longer than intended then she'd have to find work. Sighing softly as she rubbed her face wondering what she could do as a job here. It seemed everyone had their roles in the town.
Hearing this, he smiled as he looked to the sky. "Wow...Canterlot huh? I imagine someone if your skills of a violinist would definitely make that audition." He looked back to her, his amber brown eyes staring into hers gently as he spoke. "If you'd like...for the week that you're here, I'd love to show you around Ponyville and help you get a taste of what country life is like. Though...I wonder if Rarity ever envies you haha. Going to Canterlot was one of her dreams and now you're going there to audition. You seem to have a bright future ahead of you, Lillian." Stretching a bit, Nathan would stand to his feet and hold his hand out for the girl. "Shall I escort you home madam? Or would you like to come to dinner with me?"
She went silent as she hadn't really decided if she was going to Canterlot since her mind was elsewhere. Looking up as he got to his feet and him offering his hand out to her and inviting her out to dinner. Blushing as she laid her ears back. Was this guard asking her out on a dinner date? Taking up on his offer on dinner as it went without a hitch of a simple salad of fruit by the edge of the night she was at Rarity's place who was drilling her with questions about her time with Nathan.

"Nothing happened, Rarity. Besides I'm not looking for romance since I'm not going to be here long." Lillian bluntly told her cousin as she sat at the table drinking tea with her.

"Good, that stallion doesn't need his heart broken. It runs on the women side of us being heart breakers." Rarity giggled softly. 3 days passed as the festival soon came upon them. Every pony was out doing party games of dunking the Mayor, face painting and the like. Though there was no entertainment and Rarity talked Lillian into doing it.

Up on the stage with the spot light on her as she wore a country pattern dress with cowboy boots on. She ran the bow over her strings giving a light faint tune then suddenly the music blasted from every corner of the town with her music being lively and seemed to influence the Ponies of this town to suddenly dance in the streets. There were cheers as Lillian's fingers flew across the neck of her violin as her body moved with her own music.
The dinner date what amazing and he had a fun time just hanging out and getting to know Lillian as they ate their fruit salad. Once all was said and done, the stallion would escort her back to Rarity's before saying his goodbyes, and turned to leave and begin his duties as the nightwatch guard. He changed into his shimmering golden armor and he began to roam around Ponyville's streets, making sure it was void of those with sinister intents. Days would soon pass, and the day of the festival had came. He hadn't yet met Lillian that day, as he walked around the festival enjoying the atmosphere that it held and all the other ponies that enjoyed themselves.

It was then that he would catch a familiar sight and would see Lillian upon the stage, violin at the ready and her wearing country attire that made him stare in awe....and then, a sudden burst of music filled his and every other pony's ears, inducing dance and joy throughout the entire festival. Nathan did nothing but stare in awe, and eventually came to his senses and smiled, and watched the girl play her violin like a true artisan of musical talent. He even began to lightly tap his foot to the rhythm and everything about her song and dance just made her all the more intriguing to him. Eventually...even he would begin to start dancing and cheering, enjoying the sounds of music that Lillian expertly sewed into Ponyville.
Lillian's long black hair was in wave as she spun around with Pegasus dancing around her then the children were having fun. She played for a few hours and when she was done the moon was rising and she was back stage putting her violin away. Some parents were asking if she was staying in town much longer.

"I...I haven't decided." Looking down at the dark wooden instrument before closing the case. The parents looked disappointed and yet hopeful.

"Well if you decide to stay we want you to teach our children music." One earth pony said as she walked off though Lillian stood in silence. Lillian had grown to love this place.
Once her grand performance was over with, Nathan thought he should go and greet Lillian backstage as everyone was preparing to end the festivities for the night. As he approached backstage, he heard the parents asking Lillian if she would of them requesting that sh teach her children music. It brought a smile to his face...and he began to imagine Ponyville filled with the sounds of beautiful music played by Lillian and her students. Once the crowd cleared, he would step out from his corner and moved over to Lillian, smiling peacefully toward her. "That was an amazing performance, Lillian. You had me awe struck the moment you set hoof on the stage." He said with a small laugh. "You're really talented and I've never heard the violin played so really do it wonders. Though...that offer sounded kinda tempting don't you think? Have you ever thought of becoming a musical teacher?"
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