A Virtual Relationship (EverUndine&Oritigo na ilo)

She grinned and nodded, "I'd like it very much if you did."

She yawned, suddenly hit with how exhausted she was, and closed her eyes. She let her body lean into Zarak's and sighed.

"I want to sleep in your arms," she mumbled sleepily.
Zarak smiled and held her close so that she could use his chest as a pillow. He leaned back, laying down on the couch as he gently stroked Rhiya's hair, trying to make her as comfortable as possible.
"Rhiya. I promise I'll be here when you wake up."
He then closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep, and imagining his future with Rhiya.
She woke up with her head on his chest. She looked up at him, he was still asleep and he looked so peaceful. She pressed feather-light kisses across his face, waking him up with sweet kisses on his cheeks and lips and his nose.

"Good morning," she smiled at him.
Zarak awoke to the pleasant sensation of kisses on his face. He slowly opened his eyes to see Rhiya, still atop him.
"Good morning, Rhiya."
He smiled at her and kissed her softly, planting a tender, light kiss upon her lips.
"Did you sleep well?"
"Very well, did you sleep well?"

His smile lit up her world and she smiled back at his as she sat up to stretch her arms and yawn. She felt the need to take a bath or a shower, it always relaxed her after a big fight, and almost dying yesterday qualified as big in her book.

"Zarak, do you have a shower?" She asked, pressing another kiss against his lips in sheer happiness.

She didn't know falling in love could feel so good.
Zarak felt his heart flutter when Rhiya spoke.
"I slept very well, Rhiya."
When she yawned, he felt the need to give her a small kiss on the lips.
At the question of a shower, he nodded and showed her to the bathroom.
"Take as long as you need. If you need anything, just yell."
She practically skipped to the bathroom and once she found it she stripped herself and took the fastest shower of her life. She'd never been so eager to be out of the shower before but being around Zarak was intoxicating and she felt his absence even here in the shower.

When she got out she wrapped a towel around herself and went out to see Zarak.

"Um, do you have something I can wear while my clothes are being cleaned? It takes the system an hour or so to do it and I don't have anything else right now." She blushed, feeling his gaze on her nearly naked body.
Zarak blushed at seeing Rhiya as she was.
"Ah... Sorry... I don't..."
He averted his eyes from her body after a quick scan.
"I... Think I'll take a shower as well...."
He walked to the bathroom, his face bright red.
When he left for his own shower she decided to leave her towel on the bathroom door, she went to his bed and nestled under the covers in order to stay covered for a little while. She thought of the way he blushed and smiled. He was so cute! She could hardly believe he was her boyfriend now. It must have been the warmth of the blankets on her because she srifted off into a little cat nap as he was showering she dreamt of Zarak lips placing soft kisses along her shoulders and down her back.
After a few minutes, Zarak came out of the shower and, after drying himself off, he changed into a spare set of clothes and went into his bedroom, then gasped at seeing Rhiya under his covers.
He smiled at her sleeping form, thencrawled into bed, being careful not to wake her.
He wrapped one arm around her waist and placed several light kisses on her shoulders, trying not to wake her up.
Her eyes fluttered open at his touch and she blushed realizing she was still naked beneath the blankets.

"Zarak?" She groaned, waking from her short nap.

She rolled over to see him in bed with her, and feeling his hand at her waist gave her butterflies.
Zarak smiled and nodded at her, using a light touch to hold her close to him.
"Awwww. You woke up. And you were so cute while you were asleep, too."
He held her gently in his arms.
Rhiya blushed and smiled at him, slightly embarrassed she had fallen asleep and that she was naked. But the light touch on his hand on her skin felt nice. She brought her hand to rest on his cheek and kissed his lips, the movement exposing her breasts to the cool air. She shivered slightly, blushing again knowing that he could see her, he could remove the blankets entirely if he wanted to.
Zarak smiled happily into the kiss, enjoying the feeling of Rhiya's lips on his own. When the kiss ended, he noticed her exposed breasts and smiled.
"Rhiya. You are so beautiful."
He kissed her again, holding her body next to his.
The way he held her close to him was making her dizzy, in a good way. She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her hands beneath his shirt to feel the warm, smooth skin of his back. Something about his touch made her see stars. She deepened the kiss, letting her tongue swipe lightly over his bottom lip as she drew it between her teeth, lightly nibbling before releasing it.
Zarak smiled into the kiss, holding Rhiya next to him as his tongue traced circles on her lips. When she nibbled his bottom lip, he returned the gesture on her upper lip.
Her body, her scent, the way she felt against him, were all intoxicating. Zarak was falling more in love with Rhiya by the second.
"Zarak," she moaned breathlessly against his lips, desperate for more contact. The warmth of his body against hers was driving her crazy and she couldn't help the wanton sigh that escaped her lips. Her cheeks turned red with embarrassment. She wasn't normally like this, not nearly so forward, but something about her new boyfriend made her feel comfortable with him.
Zarak smiled while in the kiss. Rhiya was just so damn easy to love!
"Rhiya. You know, I really don't like you teasing me like this," he whispered, gently touching her hips, coming dangerously close to her butt. He wanted her. To take her right there and then, but he knew he had to restrain himself, hold back. He wanted her to give him the okay to go farther.
Rhiya gasped as his hands wandered over her body. She moaned and placed a hand over one of his, guiding it to her hot, wet center.

"I'm not teasing, I'm yours."

She pressed her lips to his again, this time much gentler. She wanted him so badly, she was ready to do anything for him.
Zarak smiled as his hand touched her womanhood.
"Are you sure, Rhiya?" He asked her softly, his hands stopping their motion.
At those three words, Zarak felt like his heart would burst. He had found someone he could love. Someone he could call his own.
"Rhiya. I love you so much."
He kissed her softly, lovingly, before opening a menu and taking off his clothes.
"I want you, too"
His tongue slipped into Rhiya's mouth, gently licking around her mouth while his hand teased her clitoris.
He loved her? Rhiya was so happy to hear those words come from Zarak. He really was her knight in shining armor and to hear that he loved her made everything so much better. She reveled in the feeling of his tongue in her mouth, his hand on her clitoris. She moaned into the kiss.

"Zarak, I love you too," she cried as her hands traced over his naked flesh.

She stroked his member, it was already hard and it felt good in her hand. It was firm and warm and she wanted it inside her now. Rhiya wriggled her hips so that she was closer to him.
Zarak smiled at Rhiya's response. Her hand felt so good on him, but he wanted to enjoy teasing her for a little while longer before taking her.
He deepened the kiss, silencing both of them with his tongue
He silenced her with his kiss and she let out a muffled sigh. She tangled her free hand in his hair and continued to stroke his cock with her other. She wanted him now, she was so wet for him and her body was trembling.
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