A Virtual Relationship (EverUndine&Oritigo na ilo)

Zarak smiled and chuckled.
"Well, I can't draw anything more than stick figures, so I envy you."
He held her close and kissed the top of her head.
"You have a very cute laugh."
"Thanks, you have a cute face," Rhiya froze. Oh god... did she say that out loud? Damn her no-filter mouth.

"I mean... That helmet! Super cute, right? So... where are we going to stay tonight?"
Zarak chuckled and cupped Rhiya's face in her hands.
"Well, I think your face is cute, as well."
He kisses her forehead gently.
When she asked where they would stay, he thought for a minute.
"Well, I have a little place on the 24th floor, if you want to come with."
He smiled warmly at her.
Her face burned as Zarak pressed a kiss against her forehead, "I uh- Um. Yeah the 24th floor. That sounds nice. Let's go!"

She slipped her hand in his and looked up at him. He was so handsome and it was hard to believe she had just met him a few hours ago. It seemed like they had known each other for days already. She found she trusted him more than she had ever trusted anyone else.
Zarak smiled and let his hand grasp hers, leading her to the town's teleporter, letting them warp to floor 24, then walk to his house.
When they arrived, he opened the door to his house, more of a cottage, really, and showed her around. The place only had one bedroom, though.
"I hope you don't mind. I can sleep on the couch if you want."
The cottage was nice, a cozy little place that reminded her of the real world. Zarak kept surprising her in the best way possible.

"Um, no. It's okay. I don't want to kick you out of your bed."
Zarak smiled and unequipped his armor, revealing a loose white t shirt and shorts.
"God, that armor may not be real, but it sure is heavy!"
He ran his fingers back through his hair, brushing his hair behind his head, then looked at Rhiya.
"Well? Make yourself comfortable."
Rhiya flicked open her menu and unequipped her shoes, leggings, and weapons leaving her in her blue dress. She was glad to have less on, if this was her own house she would be in her underwear, but she wasn't. She flopped down onto a chair and put her legs up. She was so tired she could fall asleep here and now. She sighed with content and began to study Zarak without his armor on. He was even more handsome, if that was at all possible. She decided she might even prefer him this way! She was half tempted to sit on his lap, let herself touch his bare arms. And he was incredibly beautiful with his blond hair and his green eyes.

"You look so different without your armor. A good kind of different," she smiled her eyes still on his.
Zarak smiled and sat on the couch next to Rhiya, then opened his inventory and pulled out a bottle of red wine and two glasses.
"Will you partake?"
Zarak asks Rhiya, offering her a glass, still empty.
"Oh! Yes please!"

Again, another surprise from Zarak, she hadn't had a glass of wine since the real world and she was missing it something fierce.

"Red is my favorite, how did you know?"

For some reason when he sat down next to her it was different than earlier today. There wasn't cold metal beside her, there was warm flesh. She could feel the heat radiating off of his body and it took all she had not to scoot closer to him, to press her body against him. It'd been so long since she had contact with a person like this. In game she was tough, a loner. No hugging or hand holding. Not until she met Zarak. She wanted to feel his skin beneath her fingertips and the way he looked now in his white shirt and shorts. He just looked so...human, beautiful and touchable and incredibly strong but still so human.
Zarak saw Rhiya looking at him and smiled, laughing internally. She looked like a lioness ready to punce on her prey!
Instead, he handed her the glass and filled it with wine, doing the same for his own.
"Call it a lucky guess."
The same urges that Rhiya was feeling were also experienced by Zarak. He wanted to sweep her into his arms, to hold her tightly and keep her safe. He hadn't felt this way about a girl for quite a while.
"Well, a toast!"
He raised his glass.
"To new alliances!"
"To new alliances!" She happily 'clinked' her glass against his, grinning from ear to ear, and took a sip.

The wine was sweet and strong and god did it taste good. This was the most perfect first date she'd ever had. A cute guy who was a strong, kind gentleman. Who bought her delicious food and shared red wine with her in his little cottage. He was...well he was a dream. This was her dream guy. Down to a 't'. Plus he was smart, he was a chemical engineer!

"Thank you for saving me today. I thought I was going to die and then you come in with your black armor and your good looks," she laughed, "It was like a dream."
Zarak smiled and sipped his wine.
When she mentioned him being like a dream, he chuckled.
"Most girls dream of knights in shining armor, I thought."
He looked her in the eyes.
"Or does Rhiya dream of a dark knight, coming to take her away from her troubles, hmmmm?"
His eyes sparkled slightly.
She smiled into her glass as she drank her wine.

"Rhiya has lot's of dreams. And what about Zarak? What does he dream about?" She asked coyly.

Looking into his eyes was like staring into emeralds and her eyes wandered over his face and body. Looking from his eyes to his lips to his shoulders and then back to his lips. And as the amount of wine in her glass dwindled the more she thought about kissing him. Maybe some of this liquid courage would help her with that.
Zarak smiled at her.
"I also dream about many things. One being finding a girl to call my own."
His eyes widened at his own statement.
"My God, I've never been able to handle alcohol well."
He shook his head, regaining his composure.
"Ah well. Since we're already there, might as well indulge, eh?"
He lifted the wine bottle, offering Rhiya another glass.
She gladly accepted his offer of a second glass, still reeling slightly from what he had said. He wanted someone to call his own, just like she did. She was sick of being alone in this game. Maybe that was why she had accepted his offer of becoming a party so fast. Her second glass went down faster than her first, and she was having a hard time trying to not touch Zarak so she decided not to try anymore. She'd been wanting to touch his hair since he had first taken off his helmet, her small hand reached up and she ran her fingers through it. It was soft and felt so nice running between her fingers, it was like silk.

Then she realized what she was doing and blushed, "I'm sorry. It just looked so soft."
Zarak lightly grabbed her wrist, keeping her hand from moving away, then smiled.
"It's fine. You don't have to stop."
He moved his free hand behind her and slowly pulled her closer, wrapping his arm around her as he did, his eyes never breaking contact.
The feeling of his warm body made her heart ache. This was what she had missed from the real world. Companionship, the warmth of a person. And the fact that it was Zarak who was providing these thing for her made him that much more special, more important to her. Not only had he already saved her life today but he was now saving her sanity. She threw her arms around him, her face in his chest. He smelled good and she wanted to be in his arms forever.

She sighed, this was a dream she was sure of it. She would wake up and he would be gone, a figment of her over active imagination.
Zarak gently tilted Rhiya's face up towards his.
"Such beautiful eyes should not be hidden."
He put his other arm behind her, pulling her into an embrace.
His eyes locked with hers.
"Such a sweet girl should not be alone as you are."
His face drew closer to hers.
"Rhiya. I know it has only been one day, but I feel a strong connection with you.
Will you be my girlfriend?"
It was so sudden, such a weighty question, but for some reason in her heart she was overjoyed he had asked her. She felt the same pull that he did and she wanted to share whatever life she had left with him.

"Zarak, I-... Yes! I would love to! I would like that very much!"

He was so gentle with her, the way he held her was as if she were made of porcelain and she love the way he spoke to her, he was like a poet, spouting sweet things at her.
Zarak smiled at Rhiya widely.
His embrace tightened, pulling her head next to his.
"Rhiya. I swear that I shall never let any harm come to you. I shall be your stalwart shield, never failing."
He gently kissed her cheek, admiring how soft and smooth her skin was.
He really was her knight in shining armor. She felt his lips against her cheeks and she turned to place a kiss at the corner of his lips.

"And I promise I'll never let you fall. I'll always be right behind you, Zarak."

She kissed him again, this time softly pressing her lips to his.
Zarak smiled at her promise. She was absolutely perfect!
That was as far as he got before she kissed his lips.
After having his thoughts scattered, he surrendered to what he felt at the moment, tightening his arms around Rhiya, pulling her closer to him as he kissed her back lovingly and gently, his lips meeting hers repeatedly in soft, small kisses.
She didn't know how long it took someone to fall in love but she swore she was doing it in record time. Zarak was just so perfect for her, in every way. She lost herself in the feeling of his lips on hers, in the myriad of kisses he was placing on her lips. And when they stopped she felt the absence of his lips so keenly she though she would die.

"Don't ever leave me alone, Zarak. Not in this world or any other. Promise me," she looked up at him, love in her eyes.
Zarak smiled down at her, just as much love in his.
"I swear that I shall never abandon you.
Looks like I'm gonna have to find you when we get out of here, huh?"
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