A Virtual Relationship (EverUndine&Oritigo na ilo)


Aug 4, 2013
All of time and space.
This was a mistake. A huge mistake. She shouldn't have come out here, not alone at least. Rhiya Feidhelm was using her speed and agility skills to the best of her skill and even though she was almost an expert level with them, the creature behind her was still catching up with her. It was monstrously large and snake like with a much higher level than it should have on only floor 36. Four health bars... didn't that make it some sort of boss? None of it made any sense, it wasn't in the boss room it had just been in some cave in the forest. Rhiya had thought there might be a rare item in there but instead she had found this...creature.

Rhiya shot a wordless fire spell back at it, risking a look back at it's health bars she saw her attack had depleted only a third of the first health bar. There was no way she could take this on her own, but if she was going to die she may as well die fighting. She stopped, her lilac eyes trained on the creature, and spun her dual daggers. She stepped into a fighting stance and her eyes turned gold with wordless magic, casting durability spells on her weapons. She ran towards it's tail, slicing where she could. Still three full bars of health on it! The monster rose its tail and brought it barreling into her chest, sending her flying into a tree.

She opened her eyes, half her health was drained! She used a wordless healing spell, raising her HP to three quarters full. She stood, wobbling slightly, it seemed her ankle was injured and all she could do right now was to hit it with the strongest offensive spells she had. She sent her fire spell at it along with a lightning and ice spell. She was out of potions and her healing magic was good but it only raised her HP, it didn't fix strains or broken bones. Oh God, was this the way she was going to die? She took another look at the Creature's HP. Two full bars... Rhiya closed her eyes. This must be the end.
Zarak lept into the arena, bringing down his long sword on the creature, shaving off half a bar of health.
He landed on his feet, covering the girl and protecting her behind him.
He sheathed his sword and tossed her a healing potion.
"Are you all right?"
Zarak had the appearance of a paladin, but had pitch black armor rather than light.
He was a newly released class, Blackguard.
"I've no magic to heal you, so stay behind me.
Ready to go?"
His shield was raised, a tower shield coming up to his chin, ready to block direct assaults.
She was stunned momentarily by the arrival of this stranger. Catching the potion in the air she gulped it down and tested her ankle, perfect! It was just what she needed!

"I- I'm okay. Don't worry about magic, I have enough for the both of us! I have a spell that'll finish it off but it takes a whole minute to charge up! If you can shield me for that long we can share the loot!"

She watched as his large shield came up to his chin, this guy seemed to be able to hold his own. Plus he was one of those new classes and she had heard from other players that you had to be really good to be one. Rhiya closed her lilac eyes and focused on her spell, she touched two fingers to her lips and her body began to glow, her fingers the brightest.

God she hoped this guy could hold this thing back for that long.
Zarak nodded and lifted his shield, fending off the beast's attacks at the cost of some health and durability.
He couldn't draw his weapon. If he did, his shield would get weaker due to his skill set.
He kept his guard up, warding attacks away, provoking the creature into attacking himself, doing everything he could to protect this girl.
Rhiya made a fist, her hand was glowing as if she was holding a star clenched in her fist and it felt like she was. It was hot and full of energy and she flew past the Blackguard at lightening speed, pulling back her fist before letting it connect with the monster. It cried out as it's last health bar depleted but before it died it managed to flick it's tail at her, sending her flying backward and straight into the player who had helped her. She groaned, her HP was in the yellow again but she cast her wordless healing spell on both herself and the Blackguard she was lying against. She panted, the spell she had just used always took up a lot of her energy and she was so exhausted now.

"Thanks for saving me. I'm Rhiya, Rhiya Feidhelm."
As the girl flew towards Zarak, he quickly opened his arms and caught her, grunting a bit and sliding back from the force with which she was thrown.
"Good job."
As the girl introduced herself as Rhiya, Zarak nodded and smiled down at her, still in his arms.
"My name is Zarak. Zarak Drasil."
He then realized he was still holding onto her and quickly let go.
"Ah..... Sorry..."
He felt the healing spell wash over him. He hadn't truly needed it. His health never dropped into yellow.
But still, the gesture was appreciated.
"Thank you, Rhiya. Sadly, my armor is black, not white, or if make a 'knight in shining armor' joke."
He removed his helmet, revealing flowing blonde hair and sharp green eyes.
"Well, Rhiya, shall we join forces to finish this?"
When he removed his helmet she stared just a little too long, he was more handsome than any other player she had seen before and she blushed deeply when he asked to team up with her.

"We do seem to make a good team," she smiled at him, brushing a strand of long black hair behind her ears.

"Okay, yeah! Let's do it, Zarak!" She opened her menu with a flick of her wrist and sent him a party invite.
Zarak smiled and accepted the party invite from this undeniably beautiful woman.
"Well then, Rhiya. I shall be your shield and sword."
He gave a very knightly bow, and smiled at her, his eyes shimmering brightly with mirth.
"Then, allow me to take the lead."
He walked in front of Rhiya, his shield and sword out and at the ready after replacing his helmet upon his head.
"I shall not allow you to be harmed. Stay close."
His passive skillset let those nearby become invisible and even redirect attacks to himself.
When they attacked, this benefit vanished, however, and he made sure to inform Rhiya of this.
Rhiya smiled up at her new party member. In all the time she'd been playing here, this was the nicest man she had ever met.
"My shield and sword? Then I'll be your personal Mage."
She walked with Zarak and threaded her arm in his and laughed.
"So tell me about yourself, Zarak. How are you Blackguard?"
Zarak smiled and returned her gesture as best as he could with his armor.
"I am well this day.
Many days have been worse than this. Meeting a beautiful girl such as yourself would make anyone's day."
He kept an eye out, shifting his shield to his free hand.
Rhiya blushed when Zarak called her beautiful, no one had ever called her that before.

"Um, maybe we should go to the nearest city, find someplace to rest and eat."

Her stomach was growling and she could use a nice nap on a comfy bed.
Zarak smiled and nodded, holding her close as he pulled out a blue stone and crushing it.
With that, they both vanishes in a cloud of blue light, reappearing in the nearest town.
Rhiya was surprised that Zarak was so agreeable, it was nice not having to fight with anyone about where they were going and what they were going to do. The town they warped to was small but there were delicious smells wafting through the air and a small inn on the street corner that looked safe and affordable.

"How about we eat something first, I'm starved so you've got to be hungry too," she laughed and grabbed him by the hand leading him toward the street vendors.
Zarak smiled warmly and let himself be led.
"Okay, okay. But, on one condition."
He looked Rhiya in the eyes.
"You let me take you on a date."
A...a date? Rhiya was surprised to say the least but Zarak was handsome. And he'd saved her life! And they were in a party now... Rhiya stood on her tip-toes to place a kiss to his cheek.

"Alright. It's a date then. Why don't you decide where we go?"

She smiled, keeping her hand in his.
Zarak felt a pleasant shiver run through his body at her affection towards him.
Rhiya was just so adorable! He smiled down at her and laced his fingers with hers, squeezing her hand gently.
"Then, let's get some food first."
He walked them over to a vendor offering all kinds of food, cooked at max cooking level, so he claimed.
"Whatever you like, Rhiya."
He gave her a warm smile.
Wow, there was so much to choose from and it all looked delicious! After a few minutes of deliberation Rhiya decided on something that looked like some different sorts of sushi with a green tea to drink. When Zarak had picked his meal he had asked her where she wanted to sit, she spotted a nice soft patch of grass near a pretty garden with a fountain and they decided to eat there. The sushi was delicious, it was some sort of fish designed for the game, she had no idea what it was, but it tasted heavenly.

"I'd like to go to a potions shop around here," she said after taking a gulp of her tea, "I want to buy you another potion, to replace the one you gave me. I usually don't need them since I can heal my own HP but spells don't do much for broken bones or twisted ankles and the like."

She smiled and him, "And... I owe you my life today, you know."
Zarak sat down next to Rhiya and, at the request to buy him a replacement potion, shook his head, then placed one arm around her, holding her close to him.
"No. I don't need a replacement potion. Don't worry about it."
He smiled at her, gently rubbing her arm, silently admiring how soft her skin was.
"Rhiya. You don't owe me anything. This date is repayment enough."
Once they had both finished their food, Zarak smiled at her and held her close, so that she could rest her head on his shoulder, should she so desire.
"Now, tell me a bit about yourself, Rhiya. I would like to learn more about you."
Rhiya liked the feeling he gave her as he held her close, she felt safe and no one had ever made her feel like that before. The way he rubbed her arm made her press into him more, wanting more contact like that. She couldn't let him go without potions so she decided she would get them both some before they left in the morning no matter what Zarak said. They were a team now and they had to look out for each other.

"More about me? You mean... in the game? Or out of it?"
Zarak smiled and kissed the top of Rhiya's head.
"Whatever you feel comfortable telling me."
He held her close, shifting his hand up to her head, gently pulling her head onto his shoulder.
"I just want to get to know you."
He then gently stroked her hair, letting his fingers run through her locks in a comforting and soothing manner.
Rhiya smiled as Zarak stroked her hair, such a simple gesture but it felt so nice.

"Well my eyes aren't really lilac, they're blue. But everything else about my avatar looks just like me. What about you?"
Zarak smiled and shrugged.
"What you see is what you get."
He continued his little gestures of affection, stroking Rhiya's hair and holding her close.
"What do you do in the real world?"
Rhiya couldn't stop herself from eyeing Zarak up and down. She definitely liked what she saw. She blushed and looked up at the sky.

"I'm an artist, a painter. And you? What do you do, Zarak?"
Zarak noticed Rhiya looking him over and smiled at her.
"I am actually studying for my master's in Chemical Engineering."
He couldn't deny that Rhiya was very beautiful, and his mind drifted slightly to what she looked like underneath her....
No. Not on the first date. Too soon to be thinking like that.
"Chemical engineering? Wow, you must be really smart. All I do is paint pretty pictures," she laughed sheepishly and blushed when she noticed he was looking at her too.

"So what are you doing on a VRMMO?"
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