Baka and Test: New Semester! (Jugger82 x FemShep)

"Of course, I got her number before leaving and I planned on calling her after you, but two weeks should be plenty of time for us to work our asses off and raise our power to surprise them. If we have to we'll surprise them with Class C coming in later, but I'd rather wait before needing to use them so it'll be a more effective surprise. Class D sounds perfect, starting with Class E would be safer, but it'll show the other classes we mean business. Until then we need to focus on studying and getting stronger."
"Right. Well...I'm going to head to bed, Emilee...I'm still tired after all that happened so I'm going to get some sleep. Good night, and see you tomorrow babe." With that, he hung up and sighed as he fell back on the bed and sighed in content as he tried to sleep...but tried to think of strategies on how to make Class F a higher and much more powerful class in the eyes of others. He would eventually fall asleep...having grown tired finally due to everything that had happened today. He slept great for the first time in a good while.
"Right, see ya tomorrow." Emilee smiled then hung up the phone. She sighed softly resting in the bathtub for a awhile before she found herself falling asleep in her warm bath. It wouldn't be good if she fell asleep here, so Emilee managed to pull herself out of the tub and dried off her body. She wrapped the short towel around her body and head to her bedroom. Just before getting dressed, Emilee used her phone to take a picture of herself with the short towel giving off a good amount of her cleavage and her sex just barely covered with her thick thighs pressed together; that was for Nathan tomorrow. With that, Emilee changed into a tank top and a pair of panties then laid down in her bed for a good night's rest.
At home, Nathan was just relaxing in bed when he felt his phone go off at the receiving of a new text message. After pulling it out and looking to see who it was, he opened the message...only to see a lewd picture of Emilee with the towel wrapped around her in such a naughty fashion that he was immediately turned on. He bit his lip...saving the image to his phone before texting back 'Damn you look good Emilee...I may have seen you naked but that image leaves a lot to the imagination and is sexy as hell.'
In the warmth of her bed, Emilee heard her phone go off with Nathan's message. She yawned softly and opened it to read his message then immediately smiled reading what he said. Then she decided to text back, 'I thought you would like it. There's plenty more for you later too ;)' It's been a very long time since Emilee had this kind of relationship, but something about it was so fun and exciting that she just wanted more. Quickly she added on, 'Don't be afraid of sending me anything either cutie~"
Upon receiving this last text message, Nathan grinned...and actually pondered for a moment. He didn't exactly know what to do! All he could really do was send pictures of his dick to her but was that really as exciting as things she could do for him? So...he texted back 'Any requests that you'd like to see of me~?"
Hearing her phone go off, Emilee stretched in her bed and opened her phone. She grinned softly seeing what he messaged her with, and a devious idea popped into her mind. Perhaps next time they have some fun together then they should take pictures together of all their dirty and hot acts. She decided to text him, 'How about a pic of you completely naked and playing with yourself, maybe even a vid?~' She asked and eagerly awaited his answer.
Upon receiving this text, he blinked...and looked around. He didn't necessarily have a camera on hand to set up onto a tripod, and just figured his phone camera would do. She wouldn't be able to see him completely naked, only parts of him since he'd have to hold his phone...and began to strip down to his bare body, no clothing on at all. His dick erect at the thought of her watching and masturbating to a video of him masturbating. Grabbing his dick...he started to record himself jerking off for about two minutes before stopping, and sending her the file.
Emilee didn't expect to see his entire body naked since she figured he only had a camera phone, but when she heard her phone go off, she smiled seeing there was a video file. When she opened it, Emilee grinned seeing Nathan's hard cock standing straight as his hand starting to stroke his cock for her. She bit her lip enjoying the sight of his thick throbbing cock and soon found herself reaching into her panties to rub her pussy to the video. Her sex grew soaking wet in no time and decided to give him a little gift. Emilee using her camera phone to focus on her wet pussy as she rubbed and squeezed her clit for him. She used two fingers to push inside of her, making sure the camera caught it all in a clear view for him. Once she was finished, Emilee showed her wet fingers pulling out of herself with strings of her juice connecting them to her pussy then lifted them up to lick them clean. She grinned and sent the video to him with text saying, 'Look at what you did to me with that vid.'
Upon receiving the video file, he opened it...and to his surprise she had sent him a masturbation file right back...and watched her as she began to stroke her womanhood with her fingers before licking them. He was seriously turned on now...and sent her another text message. "God dammit I want to fuck you again Emilee...I can't sleep right now cause all I'm doing is thinking about you and your body...If I could I would sneak over there tonight and ravish you...but I can always just wait until tomorrow unless you want to meet somewhere tonight."
A grin grew on Emilee's lips reading the next message Nathan sent her. It turned her on even more to see Nathan so horny for her after a video of her masturbating to him. Who was she to keep him from sleeping, especially since he was so needy of her, after all, she was the one who turned him on the begin with. 'I wish you could come here right now and fuck me...that video made my pussy hungry for your about we meet some place...say...the park? There shouldn't be too many people there right now, I want you Nathan...I want you now.'
Upon seeing this message...he immediately replied back 'YES!' and went to throw on some clothes, excited for the fun that he and Emilee would have alone in the park. Once his clothes were on, he made sure the coast was clear...peering out the hallways. It was empty, so he darted out and headed out toward the park, a large grin on his face...and he hoped he wouldn't be followed. He wanted this alone time with Emilee all for himself without any interruptions.
Reading the next text, Emilee smiled brightly and got up from her bed to quickly get dressed. This was the first time she actually had to sneak out to do something like this and it had her all excited and ready. When she was ready, Emilee looked out of her room to see that no one else was up so she quietly made her way through the house and out of the door, barely making a sound. Luckily for her the park wasn't too far away, she managed to walk to the park within minutes using the streetlights as her guide. No one else seemed to be in the park this time at night, meaning they could have the park all to themselves. Emilee sat down on the park bench by the entrance and pulled out her phone to text, "Hey, Nathan. Waiting for you at the first bench. See you soon ;)"
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