Baka and Test: New Semester! (Jugger82 x FemShep)

Nathan laughed and nuzzled her legs some more. "Ah don't let him get to you...he's pissing me off more but think of it like this...If you're really a slacker and barely put in any work...kick his ass in the avatar battles. Study hard and become better than the other Classes...hell...I'm sure soon enough...if we're very very lucky...we'll have a class that looks like it could at least be Class C!" He joked, still having not noticed the cat girl watching them all the while.
She smiled softly feeling Nathan nuzzle her legs then softly stroked his hair after giving a soft chuckle. "Yeah you're right, maybe now I'll have more reason to study and work hard. Honestly I'll love to see that smirk wiped off his face when we kick his ass someday. I guess that means you and me will be...studying together, right?" She teased giving him a wink. Iris looked away from them thinking. She didn't need to study, hell she'll kick that student's ass in athletics. A smarty pants like him wouldn't be too skilled or knowledgeable in that subject.
He blushed and nodded..."Of course I'll study with you. Maybe we could create interesting ways to study with one another as well~?" He teased back, only to sit up as the teacher finally entered the room and began to explain to the class their duties and whatnot...before moving on to another pressing matter. "Now then class...Its time for you to elect a class president to represent the class. Classes A, C, and E have already chosen their representatives and they are waiting on B and F to submit their choice as well. Does anyone volunteer for the job?"
Emilee grinned softly and gave a nod to him. "Of course we can, after all if you're gonna be staring at me I might as well give you something to study." She winked at him with a playful chuckle. When the teacher came in, Emilee sat up, stretching for a minute before listening to the teacher. Though after hearing the news, she leaned over to Nathan whispering. "You should volunteer for that, you have the spirit after all." She suggested.
Nathan shook his head. "No...I'm not one for being class Rep. You should do it. You've got the highest score in the class anyway...only five points away from being put into Class E." He smiled and sat upright and patted her back. "Go on, go and try out for class rep. I'm sure you want to stick it to that Class A representative right?" He grinned and kissed her cheek. "Why not do it as the representative? I'm sure you'll get your chance soon enough."
After listening to Nathan she thought about it for a second. He did have a point, it would be interesting to take on Class A with her as the representative; it'll make victory that much sweeter too. That and she probably was the smartest in this class, no offense to anyone else. She smiled at him and teased him with a quick kiss on his neck and whispering. "Good idea, Nate." Then she raised her hand saying. "I'll volunteer, sir." Iris looked towards the girl she was previously watching with interest. She wondered if she'll actually be good enough to be class representative, though she wasn't too fond of being it herself so she'll just let it all play out.
The teacher would begin to start flipping through a book, looking for Emilee in her class roster and raised an eyebrow. "Ah...Yes...Miss Emilee...highest class score of 146 and only not in Class E due to Class E already having a great number of students...interesting." He smiled. "Unless anyone else wants to apply, Miss Emilee will get the job....No? No one?" He smiled. "Then I'll submit your paperwork, Miss Emilee. Congrats on being Class Representative...Lead your students to glory." He joked as he left once more...
Emilee wasn't too surprised that no one else spoke up to be representative, but still it was a bit surprising how easy it was to become one. Though it didn't seem like their teacher had much hope for them after all they were the worst of the worst, but it was perfect because no one expects them to be good; so they'll just have to surprise the other classes. When the teacher left she looked towards Nathan and shrugged. "Well that was easy. You know what, I think I will lead us to glory."
He laughed and patted her shoulder. "If you don't slack off anyway. I'm sure if you actually put work into studying, you'd be in Class C considering your grades when you were just slacking." He smiled and rested down on her lap once more, sighing. "So...Miss Rep, whats the first order of business for Class F? Shall we get our grades up first or immediately go into a battle with Class E?"
Emilee stroke his hair softly almost like he was a cat resting on her lap taking a moment to think. Looking around the classroom she didn't think it would be wise to attack Class E yet. They need to be stronger before even thinking about it. After all she needed everyone else to be strong too because she didn't want to be surrounded by Class E students without anyone to help her. "Hmm...I think we should get stronger first, after all I don't want to be surrounded or out numbered by about me and tonight?" She smiled giving him a wink.
He nodded eagerly. "Of course! I wouldn't mind that." He said with a grin, and patted her on the shoulder. "Maybe you should stand up and give a speech or something? Something to inspire Class F to work hard for you and for each other so that we can kick the other classes' asses and take all of their stuff? Maybe even make Class F the envy of the others!"
Emilee gave a smile seeing his eager nodding he must have understood what she meant by "studying", but more importantly he did have a point about going up and giving a speech. The others would need to get motivated if they were going to do any work or studying and she thought of exactly what she could say too. "Great, you'll take me to your place tonight then." She winked teasingly then gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "But you're right...I guess I could say a few words." And with that, Emilee pulled herself up off the floor, flipping the back of her skirt up a bit so Nathan could get a quick glance at her panties again, then made her way up to the broken podium.

Just when Iris was wanting to take a nap, her cat ears perked up at the sight of the new representative making her way to the podium to deliver a speech which actually caught her interest. Once Emilee got up to the podium, she cleared her throat to get everyone's attention before beginning to speak. "I'm Emilee, Class F's new representative. Now I know you all think we don't stand a chance in winning against the other classes, but I say that's wrong! I think if we actually tried and worked to make ourselves stronger, then we can show even Class A that we're worth something. It's time the other classes show us some respect and teach them a lesson."
He blushed as he suddenly saw her flip her skirt so he could see her panties...and sat in a way that hid his erection as he watched her step up to the podium and give her speech. She seemed to be a natural at this...and it was truly inspiring. He could hear the murmurs of the other students begin to slowly agree with her, and feel confident in themselves as their class president began to egg them on about how they could become stronger than that Class A douche.
Emilee smiled seeing that some of the students were starting to agree with what she had to say. Really it was starting to feel natural to stand up like this in front of the class like a leader, it felt...good. So she decided to push her point further in hopes of inspiring them on a much deeper level. "Today, the top student came to welcome us, but to me it seemed like he was simply trying to push us down and stomp us to the ground. That's because he's afraid that if we start becoming stronger that one day one of us will defeat him and take his place. He's a cowardly dog picking on the seemingly weak, but we'll prove him wrong! We're not the runt of the litter, we're just as good as any other Class A student! So I say, let's send them running with their tails between their legs!"
The crowd of the class began to get more and more riled up as Emilee spoke on with her speech. They began to agree, murmuring louder and showing agreement before they all started to yell and cheer in approval, even chanting her name and fist pumping the air in victory. Nathan it seemed she succeeded in rallying the class and urging them to try their best to defeat all the other classes and rise through the ranks as the best class in the school rather than the worst. He just wondered if Emilee had any plans on how to win any wars anytime soon.
Even Iris, who could have been considered the laziest person when it came to book studies, was standing up cheering on Emilee's speech. She could see that with the hard work Emilee was talking about it would be possible to become the best. Class F wasn't doomed for failure, but success. Hell, that speech might have been enough to get her to study even.

A spark flickered in Emilee's eyes seeing how the her fellow students were behaving because of her speech. She felt a joy seeing how she sparked motivation and inspiration in these students. The bright smile on her face wouldn't die down until their cheers and chants started to cease. "Alright, let's do this!" She shouted before deciding to return to her spot beside Nathan. Already, an idea came into her mind of what she wanted to happen. Class A wasn't just going to fall, they were going to fall far.
Nathan grinned as he saw the class get so hyped up over the speech...and watched Emilee as she seemed to be a natural born leader. "Good job." He said with a grin as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into him. "I'm sure the other classes will be shakin' in their boots soon enough now that we got a President like you helpin us out!" He said with a laugh. "So now we study and do well on exams, then we go forth and start a class war, eh?"
Emilee couldn't keep herself from smiling when he pulled her into him, making her hands land on his chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck saying. "Exactly, all we have to do is become stronger and the other classes will be on their knees, but something tells me you're going to have me on my knees before that happens." She teased him with a grin, feeling excited and ready after giving a strong speech like that.
He grinned and nodded. "Hell yeah I am...especially tonight when we study." He snickered and kissed her cheek lightly as the class still continued to cheer and celebrate, aiming for a good year. "So...Should we calm them down or should we make for a silent retreat so we can get somewhere...private and know each other better? How does that sound?" He said with a grin as he rubbed her leg gently with his free hand.
Normally, Emilee wouldn't want to abandon class for such dirty things like this, but after pumping herself up it was hard to resist the offer. She looked around the class to see them all excited and worked up, a few already starting to study even, then she looked back at Nathan feeling his hand rubbing against her leg. Gently her hand placed itself on top of his and slide his hand down to her inner thighs underneath her skirt, her lips grew real close as she whispered. "I think we should get to know each other, especially if we're going to be studying together often." She winked and gently kissed his lips.
He nodded and stood up after feeling her panty-covered pussy...and began to lead her outside and up to the roof where they could have some privacy in the fresh open air. He grinned...pulling her into his body as he looked her in the eyes. "Mm...So tell me Emilee...What made you fall for me practically the moment we spoke? You seem awfully interested...I can't help but be curious~" He said with a smile and made sure they were the only ones on the roof...and indeed they were.
It felt so wrong to sneak away from class to do something naughty on the rooftop of the school, the teachers didn't even notice, hell no one will notice really unless someone decided to come up for fresh air which she doubted would happen at this time of day. Feeling Nathan pulling her into his body, Emilee giggled softly and wrapped her arms around his neck with her eyes starting directly into his. His question brought a giggle out of her then she decided to answer. "Hmm, I guess it has to be with how interesting you are. You're a pervert, but has hope and spirit in his fellow failures, besides I tried that pocky game on several boys before, none of them were brave enough to kiss me on the first try on the first day of school."
He raised an eyebrow. "You did it with other boys in the class...?" He murmured and crossed his arms after removing them from around her. " the only reason you are interested in me is because I was the only one with the gawls to actually kiss you huh? Meh...I guess I'll take that." He said with a shrug and looked to the scenery before them. "So...What should we do? I'd love to get to know you more intimately if you wouldn't mind..." He said with a grin, hoping no one would come in and see them do this.
She giggled softly seeing how quickly he removed his arms off of her and she did the same, looking towards the scenery as he spoke. "Well, boys flirt with me all the time so I like to see which ones have both bark and bite, but you're the only one who does. All the others backed off too quickly from embarrassment." When he asked what they should do, Emilee turned to him and grinned. " can start by touching me." She grinned softly grabbing his hand and letting it slip under her shirt up towards her bra. "You've done these sort of things before right?"
He shook his head. "Nope. Just seen porn of it." He murmured honestly with a shrug. "And the only reason I did it is because I don't know anyone here. So why worry about my 'already set' image and just do what I want and whoever sticks, you." He said with a grin as he began to start massaging one of her breasts through her bra...blushing lightly as he soon slipped his hand underneath to start touching her bare breast. " soft..." He murmured, his fingertips brushing along her nipples as he felt himself getting more and more aroused.
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