Baka and Test: New Semester! (Jugger82 x FemShep)

Nathan smiled as he looked to Emilee and moved to lay his head on her lap, relaxing in content as he sighed peacefully, especially after what all the two of them had just done together on the roof. He was just about to nod off and relax on her leg when he heard the cat girl, Iris, approach them and introduce herself to them. Blinking sleepily, he looked to the girl who would dress like a cat and smiled as he stretched a bit, some joints feeling stiff. "I'm Nathan...Nice to meet you Iris. So...Gonna go ahead ask this now but...whats with the cat details you got going on there?"
With Nathan laying his head on her lap, Emilee smiled gently at him and stroked his hair gently thinking he was going to take a nap on her lap, but it seemed Iris was going to prevent that. Iris was use to people asking her questions about her cat like features so it wasn't something she didn't mind answer. "Oh these old things?" She asked twitching her ears and smiling. "Actually I was born with these; no one knows why. The doctors said it was some sort of birth defect, but whatever." She shrugged
He blinked as he heard her say she was born with a deformity...or at least he thought it was. 'Cat ears at birth...God I don't want to know what her parents are...' He thought in his head with a shrug and sat upright so he could look at the cat girl curiously. "So Iris...Curious but how much did you make on your entrance exam? Emilee got 146 and I got 120ish...I don't remember the exact number." He said with a shrug, and was wondering if this girl was another delinquent or an intelligent in disguise like Nathan and Emilee were.
Emilee took her hand off Nathan's head listening to the cat girl with interest. When she found out Iris' cat like ears and tail were from a defect it wasn't all that surprising. "Huh, interesting. I heard about that actually, how some people are just randomly born with them, but doctors don't know how to explain it yet." She said looking at Iris who gave her a smile back. "Exactly! I'm a mystery." Iris giggled then looked towards Nathan. She put her finger on her tips trying to think as her tail swished around behind her. " be honest, I don't really remember. I never care for tests so I never study for them so I think I got like a...110 maybe less. Really I'm only interested in athletic stuff."
"Seems like Class F really is a class full of freaks..." He murmured silently to himself as he looked to the girl's cat ears and remembered her saying that the doctors couldn't quite explain the reason behind it. 'I'm wondering if you have a cat tail as well too...' He thought to himself as he looked to Mystery Iris, only to finally see her tail behind her...and blinked in confusion at the answer to his mental question. "And a 110? Thats not bad for Class F...Most people don't even make it to the seventy mark on grades. And you didn't even study...So you're another hidden intelligent like us, eh?"
Iris shrugged a little saying. "I wouldn't call myself a hidden intelligence, but I have to have some intelligence otherwise they would kick me off my sports teams. Since I'm their best player they allow me to fail at to certain extent so that's ready my only motive." She stretched out her arms though it was pretty amusing to see Nathan's reactions to her cat features unlike Emilee who seemed completely calm and understanding of it
He laughed. "A sports girl huh?" He said with a smile as he stretched some more, and looked to the cat girl. He thought it was rather odd that she was born this way...perhaps her mother had a fling with a cat or something? He snickered a bit at the thought. "Well its good to meet you, Iris...Emilee and I are lucky to have someone as smart as you on the team. I believe that makes you the third smartest person in the class, according to current grades anyway. So congratulations."
Iris could tell he was probably thinking about her parents, but really she had normal parents. Really she was use to people thinking her mom slept with a cat, but really it wasn't remotely true. "Well I'm good with teams if it counts as anything. Though I really prefer kicking around a ball then battling." She shrugged. Emilee smiled at her and added. "You'll still be a valued member of the class none the less." Iris gave her a slight smile and replied. "I wouldn't put too much hope in me."
Nathan stood up and grinned as he looked to Emilee and Iris. "Well...If the teacher hasn't returned, then I'm gonna head off early. I'll catch you later Emilee." He gave her a wink before slipping out of class...but not before grabbing a burger from the food that the others had somehow brought and began to eat it as he began to head down the hall to leave and so he could go to the dorms. "Heh...I wonder how far Emilee is going to take Class F this year...Interesting...Interesting..." He said with a snicker as he finished eating the burger and tossed the garbage into the trash.
Emilee gave him a smirk and playfully pretended to be disappointed seeing him leave. "Awww you're not taking me home today, okay then...see ya." She giggled and waved goodbye. Though after a few minutes Iris and Emilee decided to stay in touch and got each others phone numbers, but really they didn't want to be in the classroom anymore either. Since today was the first day, Emilee decided it would be fine to leave the class behind on their own, besides she actually wanted to go study, but needed to be outside in the quiet to focus. Iris just wanted to practice for her game that was coming up soon so the two decided to go their separate ways until tomorrow. Emilee walked through the halls passing all the classes and seeing them in different degrees in work. Naturally Class A were the hardest working, but the most jerky group of people too. So, she decided not to bother looking at them while she decided to go outside to study outside on one of the benches until it was time for her to go home.
A set of eyes would be peering across the schoolyard, watching Emilee. A small grin appeared on the face and a brown haired boy would approached the girl, a hand in his pocket as he looked down to the girl as she studied. "Why hello there, newcomer." He said with a grin as he looked to the material she was studying, and plopped down right beside her. "Hello there...Name's Tristan. And I have to say...I know about you Emilee. Supposed class F President who is going to bring down the other classes, am I right?"
For a moment Emilee did feel like someone was staring at her, but it couldn't be anything that needed her attention at the moment. She crossed her legs using them as a desk for her book as she studied rather intensely, but when she heard the sound of a man's voice she looked up from her book to see the burnett boy deciding to sit next to her. What is this? What does he want and what he was saying was rather creepy, but she should expect that news about her are around the school now. She didn't close the book, but he definitely had her attention. " are. Is there something I can help you with?" She asked with a cautious tone.
He grinned as he heard her cautious tone and held his hands up peacefully. "Easy now...easy...I'm just here to offer you a bit of friendly help." He grinned and leaned back against the bench and looked to the sky. "Class F is full of Failures...thats why it has F. Failure." He snickered and turned to look at Emilee. "I'm here to offer...a truce. Perhaps an alliance? Class C representative, Tristan, is offering his allegiance to Class F in their plight to fight against the other classes. What do you say?"
Emilee didn't feel right by that grin of his and even though he seemed no harm, how could she trust him. If he really was a Class C representative then how could she really believe that he was wanting to help and not stab her in the back. "Really?" She asked with suspicion and closed the book that laid on her legs. "Why would Class C want to help out Class F and how do I know you won't betray us when we least expect it? I may represent Class F, but it doesn't mean all of us are failures." She glared at him questioning him since she didn't trust him in the slightest.
He simply chuckled as he turned to look at her, his back leaning against the armrest of the bench as he looked over to her. "Its simple really. In a war, you are by yourself until you make allies...form alliances and you can become practically unbeatable as an alliance. And after hearing how worked up Class F got...I'm certain to think you lot will become powerful allies. All I ask is for you to watch our backs, and we'll watch your backs during wars~" He held his hand out for her to shake if she accepted. "All you have to do is shake my hand and agree..." And if she would not accept, he would wage war with Class F to show her the error of refusing his offer.
Even though Emilee didn't like this boy, he seemed to untrustworthy, but he had a point. He seemed to think Class F had some chance after how she got them rallied up and it was wise to gain allies. Class C was a step up on the competition, she didn't know what the outcome of this would be, but she didn't want to risk going straight into war with them because she refused. They would be a great ally in the end. She sighed softly and looked at him. "Alright, fair enough." She took his hand and shook it to agree with the alliance. "I'll be keeping a close eye on you though. I don't want to be surprised if you try to pull anything." She added as a warning.
He grinned and stood up, bowing respectfully and royally to the girl...perhaps he had a hint of rich background in him? "You won't regret this decision...Class C is yours to command. Call on us when you need us...because we will certainly call on you when we need you most." With that, he turned and left...having said nothing else to the girl. He simply headed back home...and soon the sun would begin to set, signalling that curfew was sure to come soon enough.
Emilee watched Tristan bow to her in respect with seemed odd, but perhaps he came from a rich lifestyle. "I hope not." She replied softly then added. "I'll inform my class tomorrow and hopefully we can come up with strategies for our classes then." Emilee watched him leave, but seeing the sun was setting she decided to pack up her book and head home before it got too late. It wouldn't be wise for her to wonder the streets alone at night.
Nathan was alone in his room, sighing as he was wearing nothing but his underwear and a tanktop. He looked to the ceiling, arms crossed behind his head as he began to remember everything that he and Emilee had done earlier that day and then he remembered the speech she gave. He wondered if Class F would be able to pull their scores high to be a force to be reckoned with. He knew of three of the smartest people in the class...himself...Emilee....and Iris. He knew they were slacking, and wondered just how high all of them would score if they actually tried on their tests. He sighed...not being able to quite sleep yet and wondered what Emilee was doing.
When Emilee got home, she walked into her apartment, dropping her bag down by the door. She sighed softly and ruffled up her hair trying to think. That boy seemed off, then again it could be just his personality. It'll probably be best to ask Nathan what he thought of the situation, but the cum that soaked her panties had became bothersome. So, she took her cell phone and walked into the bathroom to run a bath. When the tub was filled with water, Emilee undressed then called Nathan. As the phone rang she laid back in the tub feeling the warm water taking her stress away already.
Hearing his cell phone, he reached over onto his nightstand and saw that it was Emilee who was calling him. He smiled, and answered the call before sitting upright on the bed. "Hey Class President...whats up?" He said with a smile and yawned lightly. "Haha...I'm still trying to push those thoughts out by the having fun on the roof like was amazing...Heh. So what did you call for, babe?" He stood up and began to pace around the room, never being able to stand or sit in one place whilst on the phone.
Emilee grinned hearing what Nathan had to say, she even gave a little giggle and asked with a seductive tone. "Oh really? Well then...maybe we should do it again real soon. I've grown to really enjoy that cock of yours." She gave a soft chuckle and crossed her legs in the water causing it to make a sloshing sound due to the water warming her body. "Actually, I wanted to call because something interesting happened. After you left I went outside to study and met the Class C student representative. He offered to help us if we help him. I agreed..."
He frowned as he heard this news...and stayed silent for some moments, contemplating the news. "I don't know what to think about that. We gained an ally but can we really trust him? You just met him...What did he seem like?" He murmured and sighed. "What was he like when the two of you spoke? Was he trustworthy seeming?" Nathan was very...unclear as to how he should feel about the whole thing...but if they gained an ally in Class C, that might help them out but also could stab them in the back.
"Trust me, I'm just as suspicious about this as I am. He didn't seem trustworthy, too calm and confident, but he seemed respectable. He was grinning the whole time, but honestly I saw more benefits in this. Class C is a very valuable ally if we want to beat Class A, but I also knew I risked being betrayed verses being assaulted and forced into a war with them which we both know we can't risk right now. I'll be keeping a very close eye on him and I want you to do so too just in case. You, me, and Iris are the most intelligent so I think it'll be best for the three of us to work together to cooperate with Class C, but be ready in case they decide to betray us. We can't let them surprise us." She explained trying to help him see the reason behind her decision and let him know what she thought of the situation.
Nathan nodded. "Yes...You're right...We can't be too careful when it comes to that Class C Rep...Lets just see where this all takes us. Call Iris if you have her number to let her know as well." He crossed his arms for a moment before putting the phone back to his ear. "I think after the next two weeks we need to wage a war...Not on Class E but on Class D. Show that we mean business...but have Class C at the ready if we ever need backup. Do you think that'll be good to show that Class F isn't a bunch of weaklings?"
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